Say Something: Love and Loss open to one more female


Omen of Death
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
@Gilmoregirl12, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
Adult cs


Age: 35+

Lost ones appearance and name: realistic please

Defense attorney/ ADA or partner in the Firm:






Eye color:

Appearance: realistic only





How old they were when they lost there loved one:


Appearance: realistic

Female Divorced- Shygirl3

Falls For: Male spouse died of Cancer

- Male Child ( 15 -17 ) taken

Male spouse died to (Cancer- Gilmore or whoever wants to take it.

Falls For: Divorced Female

-Male child ( 3 -15 ) kira

Female lost husband over seas- Gilmore

Falls for: male lost fiance in car crash

- Female child ( 3-15) Keira Winston

Male Lost fiance in car crash- Dippy Dash

Falls for: Female who lost husband over seas

-Female child ( 15 -17 ) open

Death to all betrayers
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Name: Morie Willows

Age: 8


Morie is very cheerful and kind. He is always smiling and tries to make others happy even when he's sad. He's naive and childish. He's curious and adventures often getting into trouble and loves to play games. He can be sneaky and selfish. He's very quirky.

How old they were when they lost there loved one: 5


He was young when his mother died and doesnt remember her much. Just her smile and dancing on the table. After he passed Mories father was sad. It made Morie mad and he was determined to see him happy. He's tried his best since then to keep him happy trying his best to stay out of trouble.


His eyes are sensitive to light so he wears orange tinted goggles.

Adult cs

Name: Casey Novak

Age: 39

Lost ones appearance and name: Charlie Novak

Defense attorney/ ADA or partner in the Firm: ADA Novak

Personality: WIP

Bio: At the age of 24 Casey was Married to Charlie and they Had a child on the way. He had been a solider ever since they met. She was okay with it, she knew he would serve there country. She never thought her never not come home to her. One day she got the worst news a soilders wife could get her Husband had been killed in the line of duty. She had fallen apart as an ADA and having a pre teen daughter was hars. She knew Brooklyn blamed her for his death. She blamed herself. She hated that her daughter always fought with her. She even let her stay in jail a few times, because she didn't want to deal with her.Casey needed her husband. It had been 5 year's to the day and she was still in pain. She carried a picture of him with her where ever she went. She was having a hard time dealing with her daughter. She hoped it get better, it wasn't her fault and her daughter had no right to treat her in such a way. Being ADA she had a lot on her plate so dealing with her daughter's attitude and cold stares were low on her list.

Height: 5'8


Hair: Blonde

Eye color: blue


Death to all betrayers
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Brooklyn "Brooke" Novak




Brooklyn is rebellious and wild. She's loud and confident. Brooke is daring and brave. She can be easily angered or annoyed. She's ignorant and can be rude. She's strong and is a thrill seeker. She's talented and artistic. She can also be quite fiesty and careless at times. Sometimes she could be quite 'bitchy'. She can also be flirtatious and hard-to-get at times. Brooke wasn't always like this though. Before her father died, she was shy, girly, sweet, and cheerful. That all changed one day.

How old they were when they lost there loved one:



Brooke was born to two loving parents. She was into ballet, painting, singing, and acting. She was sweet, cheerful, generous, joyous, and girly at once. It all changed when she turned 10. Her wonderful father was sent off to war. He never came back. Brooklyn was old enough to know what happened. It killed her inside. At that age, she was also had just entered puberty. With all the mood swings and hormones and her father dying, she just couldn't handle it. This experience changed her. She would at first lock herself in her room crying to herself. She would even starve herself. She had anorexia when she was a preteen (11-13). She was also bullied at school. This lead to Brooklyn cutting herself. Brooke would also scream and argue with her mother all day long. She blamed her for her father's death. At a time she despised her mother. She had one day realized that she didn't want to live like this anymore. She went to school at the age of 14 with a confident and fun attitude. When she came home, her life had changed rapidly. It made her what she is now. She was the opposite of what she was when she was a kid. She earned tons of friends and became quite popular. She stood up to a few bullies. She eventually found interest in

graffiti, rap, dubstep, and hiphop. Brooklyn became the captain of the Varsity Dance. She has a turn table that she uses to make music at home. Brooke still blames her mother for her father's death. She usually ignores her, now. She argues with her most of the time. The pain of losing her father still pains her. Brooke is now stereotyped as a badgirl or she-player. She sneaks out to party, drinks, smokes, and takes drugs. She does all those stuff to forget about her dead father. Sometimes she would lie awake thinking about him, or she may even fall asleep crying. Brooke also has a bad habit of crying silently in the bathroom for him. Guys find Brooke irresistible. She had never found a guy as perfect as her father. She knows the relationships would never work, but she takes the guys in and a week later, she breaks their heart. Brooke goes on dates behind her mother's back. She never bothered to ask her mother about her thoughts on dating at this age. She is currently looking for a boyfriend that is a lot like her. She wants a guy that loves her type of music and can keep up with her game. She usually falls for badboys. Brooke is also a pretty hard-to-get girl. Though she plays it in a flirtatious way.



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Adult cs

Name: Vick Freeman

Age: 40

Lost ones appearance and name:

Karen Freeman (below)

realistic please

Defense attorney/ ADA or partner in the Firm: Unaffiliated, detective


Vick can be fairly easygoing and charming to most that he meets leading many to wonder why he's single that don't know about the accident. It's almost as if he flips a switch for his work as a hard nosed detective, becoming much more abrasive, and to the point. Naturally his work is tough, and he tends to stay to it despite the stress, almost as if it takes his mind off of his sorrow.

Bio: Vick was born and raised in a rural Georgia town, as apparent by his occasional drawl. He comes from several generations of law enforcement, so he takes his job very seriously. He met Karen when he was 22 and married her shortly after, raising a family, and eventually moving due to the FBI job. Several years later Karen was struck head on by a sleeping driver and was killed immediately.


Weight: 185


Eye color:

Appearance: realistic only

Below<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.cf7178af29b6ff942d2171104a9c0306.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36031" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.cf7178af29b6ff942d2171104a9c0306.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.b963dac1237eca5a6fe406b2b65b5421.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36032" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.b963dac1237eca5a6fe406b2b65b5421.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Adult cs

Name: Roger Williams

Age: 39

Lost ones appearance and name:

Anna Williams


Died of cancer

Defense attorney/ ADA or partner in the Firm: He is Law Firm partner

Personality: WIP

Bio: Roger had a son with his wife Anna. He had loved her to death. He still loved her. His pain was almost to real it was very hard. He loved his son his son he could tell was trying to make him happy which made him smile most days. He how ever was still and missing his wife.

Height: 6'4



Eye color: Blue



Death to all betrayers
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Name: Allison Peters-Kavanagh

Age: 39

Lost ones appearance and name: Blake Kavanagh


Allison is a Defense attorney at the firm.

Personality: She has the tendency to be bitter, distant, and very temperamental. However, she is also very loyal, honest, and caring to those close to her. She is extremely independent which sometimes can be hurtful to her, because with this comes a great sense of pride. This pride prevents her from asking for help, even though she could sometimes use it. While she seems cold to most people she is full of affection, specifically for her son. Over time she has developed trust issues due to her past. The old Allison is in there somewhere, but the strong walls are keeping the real her out of harm's way.

Bio: She met her ex-husband, Blake, back in Law School. They fell in love, or so she thought, and eventually got married. Allison became pregnant with her son, giving birth to him in December. When her son was 7, Allison found out that Blake was having an affair. Furious and feeling betrayed, she filed for divorce. She left the custody agreement open, so when her son got older if he wanted visitations with his father he could. Allison does well for herself and tries to give her son everything he needs and wants. However, there are just some things a mother can't give her teenage son.

Height: 5'6


Hair: blonde

Eye color: blue

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/ada_alexandra_cabot.jpg.e8122ee661716ec7dd3cac502aa18ce1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36030" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/ada_alexandra_cabot.jpg.e8122ee661716ec7dd3cac502aa18ce1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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~ Name ~

Mason Tiberius Kavanagh

~ Age ~


~ Personality ~

Mason is a very cunning young man. He does what he feels needs to be done and that includes lots of lying, cheating, and scamming. Mason. you could say. is very rebellious and frankly overly promiscuous boy for his age. Partly because of his mother's ways and his own anger, and partly because he just thinks it's amusing. Though some people consider him a twisted jerk, some others, make that a few others, think of him as a decent, hard-working, caring person. Mason's biggest attribute is his ability to care and care very deeply. His ability to care too much at the wrong time, however, is definitely a downfall.

~ How old they were when they lost there loved one ~


~ Bio ~

Born on December 15th, Mason was immediately welcomed into the world by love by his parents. Living through his childhood was a breeze for Mason. His parents made enough money for them to live comfortably with the occasional luxuries and it suited Mason perfectly. Playing outside with friends, stealing cookies before dinner, playing board games with his parents; Mason loved it all as a young boy. His favorite past time, though, was fishing with his dad. That it until his parents divorced.

At seven years old, Mason mostly just missed the late night talks, fishing trips with his father, and the love in general he received. As he grew older, Mason began worrying less about his mommy being sad all the time and more about why his father had left when everything seemed fine. By the time he reached twelve, Mason was more frustrated with his mother than any other person he could think of. In his mind, it was his mother's fault for his father leaving; it had to be. Of course, Mason manages to be kind to her sometimes but on a daily basis, that can't exactly be said. Mason thinks of his mother as too strict and still blames her to this day, hence the acting out he's been known to do.

~ Appearance ~


I'm making it. I'll try to be quick


Justice Freeman




Justice is a well-mannered and feminine sweetheart. She isn't loud or quite. She'll talk to you if she doesn't know you well, but she'll open up to you once she gets to know you more. She's smart and clever. Justice is overall a good girl. She is trying to get into an Ivy League college. She hopes to be accepted into Stanford, Harvard, or Yale. She may come off as perfect or just a pretty face, but there is much more to her.

How old they were when they lost there loved one. Justice is also extremely artistic and loves painting or using her pastels.



Justice was born to a loving father and mother. She had always excelled in school and had gotten exceeding grades. She looked up to her parents and saw how successful they are. She knew if she worked hard in school, she would be just like them. She had participated in ballet and art when she was younger. Though she had the love of those hobbies, she had always wanted to be a lawyer. When her mother died, she was devastated. Yes, she was upset, but she eventually moved on. She still remembers her mother, but she mourns silently. The death of her mother had affected her and she became quite depressed for a few months. She soon got over it. She soon joined the student council and became the class president.



@Gilmoregirl12 accepted?
Name: Gretchen freeman

Age: 13

Personality: Gretchen is upfront and friendly. She is nice but equally sarcastic at times. She knows how to see right through the shell that hides your true self.

How old they were when they lost the loved one: 5

Bio: gretchens family was always a happy one. They did everything together all the time. Until the dreadful night when she got into a car reck.thier family was never the same again and her dad stayed working while she stayed bored and sad on the inside.


how is that?
LunchboxFuntime said:
are there any more male children open? if so, i would be interested in being one of them. \\
All the children are taken but I thought, I'm not 100% sure, that Gilmoregirl was also accepting friends of the family... I could be mistaken, though and I would wait for her response before posting a character. (:

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