Saviors of Aldania


Popcorn Connoisseur
(@FrostMischief @Ricia @Gabriel Ryker @Swyft)

Alethia walked through the woods, her footsteps silent on the leaves underfoot. She listened closely for any sign of movement, an arrow ready to be shot on her bow. She was hunting. The camp was in desperate need of food. With no nation supporting fully the cause, there wasn't enough of anything to go around. No weapons, armor, clean water, or food. They slept in makeshift tents if they were lucky enough to make one. When Alethia joined the small force, she thought things were better than they actually were. She couldn't leave now, though. Not after what had happened to her family. A breeze shook the branches on the trees. She noticed a stream a few yards away and made her way to it. She sat down on the bank, cupping her hands and bringing the cool water to her lips. She watched the fish swimming lazily downstream. She supposed she could attempt to fish but she had never been any good before. She stood, crossing the shallow stream and entering the thick woods on the other side.


Iris sat around a table with three other people, conversing over what their next move should be. Iris tuned them out. She really just wanted to get to the fighting part of all of this. She stood suddenly. "I'm going to go help with defenses," she said, bowing to the three of them and making her way over to the thin, wooden wall they had managed to erect. They were trying to fortify it. Really, it was just an annoyance to an attacker. There was no way that it would actually stop anything from getting in. Iris sat on a nearby tree stump, watching them work. It had been relatively quiet the last few days and Iris was concerned. There were usually two or three new people joining their force each day but they had stopped all together this week. Iris wondered if the king had increased security along the wall so that people couldn't fight against him. She just hoped that the conditions were alright inside the walls. Iris had been told she would be a big asset, having worked as a guard for the king. She knew his daily schedule and the inside of his castle quite well. She just hoped that they would get that far.


Remus was busy in his makeshift blacksmith shop. He had at least thirty orders to fill. Apparently, no one came prepared with a weapon and the fact that the camp had very little resources only served to make things even more difficult. He threw his hammer at the ground, startling his assistant. "Sorry," he muttered, picking it up. "Just frustrated," he sighed, setting the hammer down. "I'm going for a walk," he said, leaving the shop.

Just as Remus walked outside, he heard a booming voice ring through the camp. "Everyone, please report to the commander's tent. He has an announcement," the large man called. Remus made his way over to the tent where a small crowd was already growing, anxious to hear what the commander had to say. He glanced over as Iris appeared next to him. He recognized her from the city. He had made her sword for her, actually.

Therox Stormforge was on his way to the camp with a train of supplies and troops behind him. He had spoken to one of his comrades in the mountains that was a powerful merchant among the dwarves. He had requested a supply train of food for the camp. The merchant made no promises but he said he'd try. The dwarf highly disliked the human king for causing so many troubles - disturbing the peace. When he was summoned by his king, he knew well that something had gone terribly wrong. Sure enough, war had befallen the peoples of the nations. With his grim presence, he put on his armor and took up his axes once more in the name of his king. It had taken him and his following regiment of newly recruited dwarf soldiers nearly two weeks to reach the camp. And now, it was only another hundred yards away. When he arrived, he saw the lack of resources the rebels had. "Despicable. How can a nation send warriors with nothing to keep them alive?" he muttered to himself. "Blast... I'm gonna have to complain to, not only my king, but to the rulers of the other nations as well. And that'll be fun..." He shook his head in disappointment as he rode up into camp, looking for another dwarf officer.


Valaryn Silverwind was already in the rebel camp with a regiment of her rangers. On her hip was her sword as she walked in her leather armor around camp. Too many people are going without proper resources. Dwarves, elves, humans, and orcs alike seemed to be starving, or the warriors were no where near armored enough for battle. If the rebels expected to survive in the war, then they would need the support of the kingdoms. She thought about going the kings and queens herself but put the thought aside quickly, registering that she was better useful at the camp, organizing the defense force than performing politics. It was almost time for her to check watch post on the nearby ridge that faced Aldania. She checked around her and saw another ranger walking her way to follow her to the watch. They exchanged nods and began their trek to the post. It took them half an hour to get to the watch post. When there, her ranger companion took off to speak with some of the guards as Valaryn went to the small cliff edge to look over the land.


Gorthol Axeheart stood in his tent, his armor on and shield strapped to his arm. In his other hand was his family axe. After a moment of stillness, he broke into position, his shield in front of him and the axe behind him with the blade facing the back of the tent. He turned, the dagger-pommel plunging into the imaginary soldier before he spun again to cleave the head off with the axe blade. He brought the axe back and gripped it below the head as he bashed another imaginary soldier with his shield, only to then slice the invisible opponent with the edge of the axe. He was interrupted by the entry of a runner.
"Commander, a report." Gorthol signaled him in and told the messenger to read it. "Aldanian forces train and arm themselves at a garrison twenty miles east of here. Estimated three hundred soldiers there and they have enough supplies for us to guess that reinforcements are imminent. Your orders?" Gorthol blasted the humans in his mind. He ordered the messenger to rally the commanders of the dwarves, elves, and human refugees to meet at the designated command tent and the runner took off to find them.
Luka had spent most of her day talking with most of the troops around the camp. Things have been looking down since they were missing a good portion of supplies they really needed to get anything done. Day by day more people of all kinds showed up to help with the cause. Sadly there were more humans then most showing up with nothing to offer. She understood that they were trying to escape their tyrannical king, but they came, ate their food and barley could offer much in return. Numbers increasing quickly with runaways and the suppliers where not increasing with it.

The lack of supplies in the camp itself made Luka extremely nervous, she wished she could do more to help the situation, but she could do no more then the next person. Their king was hard pressed to send too much to the rebels because they their own people were fighting a war, although the same war. Luka sighed and slid one of her hands through her hair. The whole situation was frustration and through all her pleads she was not getting very much in the way of response from their king for supplies. Rubbing her temple with her fingers, a runner entered the tent asking her attendance in the command tent and that an announcement was to be made soon. With a long sigh, Luka thanked the runner and prepared to move on to where she was required.


Sage was very lost. A few nights ago Sage’s parents pushed him into escaping the city. The escape itself was very intense and hard to pull off, but like others he was sure tired before him, he escaped. Now he has been wondering in the directions his parents where dead set that the camp of the rebels would be located. Sage, although lost, remained his rather calm and collect, he had enough food to last him at least a week, and he has had enough luck about not finding any danger. He knew his plants well enough that he could find the ones he need to survive and the ones he needs to avoided. Finding he was in no immediate danger, he could concentrate on finding the camp at his own pace. Besides Sage was sure they will have very little need for a cook or waiter who can’t fight. Regardless, keeping a positive demeanor will assure his survival much longer then a negative one.


Kovalt spent the majority of his day doing as he is told by his commander, Gorthol, and guard duty around the camp. Sometimes he is asked to do odd jobs such as hunting or helping build up a small wall. Kovalt put little thought into his day to day activities and only did what was needed of him. If he was ever spared some free time he would find a place to practice in peace, or perhaps with his brethren.

Most day ran without incident or event, although Kovalt did notice it was slightly noisier in camp than normal. After a few minutes of listening, some humans began to speak about the commanders making an announcement. Thinking it would be best to investigate, Kovalt found his way to the tent. He was not the only one with such an idea, as the whole camp had already surrounded the tent. So in response, Kovalt found a less crowded corner around the ring of people and made himself comfortable.
Alethia stopped in her tracks, hearing something making its way through the underbrush. She pressed herself up against the nearest tree, hoping she would be able to bring some food back for the camp tonight. She pulled back the arrow resting on her bow and stepped out from behind the tree, taking aim at her target. Just before she let the arrow fly, what she was seeing registered: a well dressed man who seemed quite out of place here. She shifted the bow to the left, too late to stop the arrow. It hit a tree a foot from the man's head. "What in the world are you doing?" she asked, anger in her tone. She tried her best to keep her voice down. It wasn't safe. She marched over to her arrow, pulling it out of the tree. "Well?" she asked, turning to the man and looking him in the eye.


Iris watched as the commander exited his tent, looking around at all of them. "I'm splitting you all into squads. We need to be organized. The threat of attack is increasing. I've had the papers holding the names of the people in each squad posted along the wall behind my tent. I need to see," he said, glancing down at the paper in his hand Iris hadn't noticed before, "Iris, Remus, Luka, Kovalt, Alethia, and Valaryn." The crowd quickly cleared, looking to the wall to see who was in their squad. Everyone was to receive their assignments in the morning. Iris frowned, making her way to the commander. "Commander," she said, bowing slightly. She stood, waiting for the others to appear.


Remus eyes the commander warily, making his way to stand next to Iris. He looked over at her, giving her a small nod. He didn't know most of the people that were called. He assumed that they were being put in a squad together but apparently they were to be assigned to an important mission since the commander asked to see them in person. Remus stuck his hands in his pockets, contemplating what they would be doing while waiting for the other members of their squad to arrive.
Gorthol walked through the crowd, two orc bodyguards in front of him, clearing a path as he walked to the command tent, garbed in leather armor. He noticed the people around him. The people needed help, and the problem was only growing. If they didn't get help, and fast, the camp would be defenseless and people would die before the human king decided to attack. If there was one thing he despised more than the human king, it was playing politics, which he was most likely going to have to do. That was one of the things he was going to discuss with the representatives. They needed to go to the dwarf king and get a nation to back the rebel movement. He knew well that reforms needed to be made in Aldania but for that to happen, resources, weapons, all of that were needed to bring down the cause of so many problems. When Gorthol arrived at the command tent, none of his fellow fellow officers except Commander Ordon. The orc acknowledged Iris and Ordon. "Commander, I have a report of importance. I've already sent a runner sending for Luka and Valaryn, they should be here shortly." He slipped into the tent quickly behind the human commander.


Valaryn had been in deep thought, considering how they would handle their situation with the refugees. Her thoughts were interrupted by an orc messenger. "General Silverwind!" he called. She turned, her hood shadowing part of her face.

"What is it?"

"Forward-Commander Axeheart, has called for your attendance at the command tent."

She waved her hand.
"Very well." She looked back out to the horizon before striding down from the ridge to camp. She walked through the crowd that seemed to be moving forward toward the command tent. The human commander must have had an announcement. The Ranger-General strode through the crowd swiftly, maneuvering her way between the people of the camp to the tent. She heard chatter rising as she approached the tent; specifically the left side of the crowd. She looked over to see a male dwarf riding on a cart. The dwarf was armored in blue and silver steel with beautiful runes. Two axes were also holstered on his back and he looked grim, but regal. Little did she know it was Therox Stormforge as he approached the command tent.
(So sorry if this post sucks. I did not reread it or fix it or anything… just tried to post before I got on the 16 hour flight. I had a layover of 1 hour. Post when I can again! Please feel free to go on without me! I give permission to bunny my characters if needed.)

Luka frowned when she approached the tent and noticed the exceptionally large crowd. She had a headache as it was and now she had to fight people to get where she wanted. Nudging people to make a path way, Luka let several ‘move’ and ‘get out of my way’s escape her lips. For the most part people listened to her. When she got past a leg full of people she heard the butt end of the announcement. Mostly about who the commander wanted to see. Luka knew most of the names that were called, but a few among them were not.

“I am here.” She said moments after Ordon announce that he had fetched her. Both what the human commander wanted and what the orc commander had to share was gnawing at her chest. She felt like her headache grew with the thought of bad news. Luka heard the sound of something large, most likely a cart, approaching them. Though she would not admit it, her small stature would not allow her to see over the crowd to know what was approaching them.


When the arrow hit the tree next to Sage, he nearly jumped out of his skin. The Elf women emerged from the bushes with a very beautiful scowl of annoyance on her face. She moved with much grace, even while in the mists of angrily questioning his actions as she retrieved the arrow. Sage let out a long nervous laugh and put his hands in the air to show he meant no harm. “I am merely playing in the forest, you know, picking herbs and surviving, also trying to find the rebel camp.” He added on the trying to find the rebel camp part as sounding like it was a second thought. Taking a few steps back Sage clasped his hands together in front of him. He was not really frightened, just surprised. Now he had finished being surprised and had moved to being intrigued. This was the first time Sage had seen an elf.

“My name is Sage.” He said finally.


Kovalt stood a little straighter when his name was called. He was proud to have been put in this hodgepodge of people. This meant he most likely had been chosen to do something special. Kovelt moved to stand next to his commander. He did not speak, just silently stood there and waiting for the orders that were yet to come.
Alethia's anger quickly dissipated. "Nice to meet you. My name is Alethia," she said, a small smile appearing on her lips. She assessed the man's condition: he seemed to be surviving quite well, actually. "I'm working with the rebellion. I can take you to the camp if you would like," she offered. Normally she wouldn't be so accepting of strangers but this man seemed pretty harmless and it wasn't as if their camp was really a secret from the king. The only thing that had kept him from attacking, in her opinion, was the forest. Many had gotten lost in here and there were plenty of elf villages that dotted the landscape and the elves definitely weren't happy with the king. Alethia thought back to her own village and her parents, hoping they were alright. She shook her head and blinked a few times, bringing herself back to the present. "If you had continued in this direction, you would have found us eventually. I'm sorry for losing my temper. We're running low on food and I've been out hunting all day," she explained, beginning to walk back the way she had come from, looking over her shoulder to make sure Sage was following her.


Iris heard the noise of someone's approach. The commander looked confused for a moment but ignored it for now, turning his attention back to the group before him. "Where is Alethia?" he asked the young man standing a few feet away. Iris assumed he was an assistant of some sort. He seemed anxious at having been asked a question and his voice was shaky as he responded. "The guards at the gate reported that she went out this morning hunting and has yet to return," the young man managed to say. The commander just nodded. "Alright, well, we can go on without her for now. You're going to be assigned to missions of a delicate nature. I've chosen you all because you're the best of your race here in the camp. You will be going on a few diplomatic missions to get the rulers of each nation to pledge their support," he instructed.

Iris' heart fell. She was hoping for something that involved fighting. She felt more productive with that rather than with diplomacy.

"However," the commander continued, "I don't want you all to think this isn't dangerous. The only safe place for us is here at the moment. Dante's forces are everywhere and you have to be on guard. You'll have enemies to fight. I'm counting on you all. Forward-Commander Axeheart will be accompanying you. He has my orders and his word is my word. He has all your orders and will inform you as necessary," Ordon said, looking around at them all. Iris' spirits rose and her excitement returned. "If you wish to stay here, speak up," Ordon commanded.


Remus listened intently to the commander. He was unsure of how much use he would actually be in battle. Yes, he was a good swordsman but his real talents rested in his abilities as a blacksmith. Still, he chose not to argue. If Commander Ordon thought he could do it, then Remus resolved that he would try. At least the others, he knew, were excellent fighters. He stayed quiet as the commander looked at them all. Honestly, he was happy to go. He knew that he would feel much more productive travelling instead of staying here where the situation was worsening everyday.
Gorthol stood next to the human commander as Valaryn Silverwind joined them. When he heard the orders, he immediately knew that the Ranger-General would not like that at all. Gorthol didn't like it either. Politics was not a Forward-Commander's game, but he would do what must be done. He kept his composure, looking around for where the missing elf was and looking to find out what the jabbering was about as an armored dwarf dismounted a wagon. After a short bit, the crowd parted to reveal who it was.


Valaryn highly disliked the idea of going on a diplomatic mission when she was organizing defenses in the camp. However, she knew well that she had to go - she had a way of getting a point across to snide politicians. Her thoughts were taken away for a moment as an old dwarf stepped in among them. She recognized him, acknowledging him with a nod. She met the rune-armored dwarf before and she saw him as a wise and proven warrior. She respected him as he had earned her respect.
"When do we leave?" she asked in a somewhat dark tone.


Therox made his way through crowd, his armored form with his axes on his back appearing to the group. He returned the acknowledgement from the Ranger-General and then looked to the others.
"Greetings lads. I be Therox Stormforge." He put his fist to his chest in dwarven salute. He examined the others; the human commander, the orc, and the other dwarf. It was good to see another higher ranked member of his race among the rebels. "What are we meetin' about here?"
Luka frowned a bit, she was not bad with diplomacy missions, but she did not like them all that much. They were fragile missions and could easily be messed up. Regardless if this is what was needed of her, then she will leave and do her best.

It was moments after she had made the silent decision that Therox Stormforge appeared from the crowd. He was very revered to her people, but had long gone into retirement many years ago. Luka was not aware that he had taken up arms again to serve their king again. Luka approached Therox and returned his salute by putting her fist on her chest while bowing, a highly respectable gesture for dwarves. She doubted the Therox would know her family name, for she did not think her fame had reached such a peak among the dwarves yet.

“It is an honor Stormforge. I am one of the Dwarven Generals here in the Rebles camp. My name is Luka Tadal Stonehand. It is a pleasure to meet you. But forgive me, it is not my place to be sharing the details of this mission with you.” Luka said, hopping not to offend Therox, but he should understand.


Sage tilted his head to the side and nodded an understanding nod. “I see. Well I have a bit of food on me. I can donate it to you guys to someone who really needs it.” He said quietly following Alethia. He knew nothing of fighting, catching food or surviving. Except for an extensive knowledge of herbs, local rumors, and the ability to cook, Sage felt like he was going to be completely useless. Perhaps he will be able to learn, besides learning is what Sage did best. He learned things quickly and rarely forgot anything. He only hoped this would be enough to keep him alive out here.


Kovalt crossed his arms in obvious dismay to the mission. It reflected what most of the others assigned to the mission thought as well. He has no idea how he got chosen for such a mission. He was not known for his diplomacy skills or ability to make friends. Kovalt glanced at Gorthol for a moment and then retrained his attention on the human commander once more, until the noise of a new dwarf approaching graved his interest. The dawrven General Luka seem to hold high regards for the new dwarf.
Alethia smiled. "I'm sure there are quite a few people who need it. What is it that you can do, anyway?" she asked, glancing back at him. He didn't seem like a fighter, truthfully. Though, Alethia was small for an elf and she didn't look much like a fighter either. She waded through the river she had passed through earlier. "The camp isn't too far now," she said. In a matter of five minutes, they were walking back through the gate of the camp.

"Alethia, the commander was looking for you," one of the many humans who occupied the camp said as he walked by. She nodded her thanks. "Come," she said to Sage, walking towards the commander's tent. She stood aside, allowing Sage to walk through first and then following herself. She noticed most of the people crowded into the tent, though there was a dwarf who seemed to be of some importance standing there that she didn't recognize.


Iris watched in awe as the dwarf walked into the tent. Even she had heard of him. She was confused as to what he was doing here but he must be here to assist them and she was grateful for that. She looked to the commander, waiting for him to explain their mission. He bowed to the dwarf. "These soldiers have been chosen to recruit the support of the different nations," he explained, gesturing to all of them. He looked at Sage, confusion on his face before he looked to Alethia who gave a small nod, apparently meaning the boy was to go with them. Iris didn't understand why Alethia had so much influence here but she just let it go. It wasn't important anyways.

"This young man will be going with them as well. New recruit," the commander added, looking kindly at Sage.


Remus glanced over as Alethia and the boy entered. He ignored them, keeping his eyes focused on the commander.

"You will all be leaving tonight. I apologize for the short notice but we wanted to keep the information about your group as quiet as possible," he said seriously.

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