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Realistic or Modern Save Rock and Roll


eyebrow queen

Role Play Rating:

  • M - Mature (17+)

Role Play Status:

Open - Accepting

- ? -

"In a world full of the word 'Yes'

I'm here to scream. No, no!"

Portland, the big shinny city that attracts all these hipsters and punks of all walks of life

because they think it's cool to live here. Whatever. You're probably thinking that I live

there and I don't think that it's cool. Well you're wrong. I live in this crummy back water

town 20 minutes away from the real action. Sure it's cool knowing all your neighbors, and

that everyone is basically your family, but it's boring as hell. Nothing ever changes. I'm

99% sure the same 85 year old lady has been sitting on her front porch knitting the same

blanket. Time seems to stand still here. The best thing that's ever happened is my parents

opening up their own concert venue. Now you're probably thinking "Yeah that's cool for

you, but who else?" Let me tell you, it's not just cool for me, it's cool for all of the kids here

who want to get out of this town. Move on to bigger and better things.

"We are wild, we are like young volcanoes"

It's called The Grog Shop. Don't ask me how it got the name, because it beats me. It's

located in downtown Portland, right in the heart of all the fun. My brother and I are finally

able to appreciate the place. But we're not the only ones who get to appreciate it. I conned

my parents into letting my friends work there with us when we all turned 18. I told them

that there would be no one better then the two kids they raised and the four kids who were

practically family. The believed every word of it, but I must admit, we lived up to my word.

We have The Grog running like a well oiled machine.

"This is the road to ruin

And we're starting at the end"

For us, it's more than just a job. It's just about the greatest place on earth. It doesn't

matter what job we have there, we always get to meet the people playing. The six of us are

lucky enough to say that we have all met our idols at least once, if not twice. We get paid to

meet our idols, attend concerts, and hang out with our friends. How much better could it


- ? -

The Grog Shop


The bar


The stage


The restaurant


1. No god modding or bunnying or whatever you want to call it. No controlling other

peoples characters. That's why you made one for yourself.
2. Romance is fine, but we

don't want to know the details, so fade to black.
3. As Hannah Montana once said,

nobody is perfect. This goes for characters too. No Mary-Sues or Gary-Sues.
4. No auto

accepting, this is my rp. I will be the decider on whether you are accepted or not.
5. This

is a literate rp. Which means that I want at least one paragraph per post and minimal

spelling and grammatical errors. I get that sometimes it's late and slip ups happen. Just

don't make it a habit.
6. The password for this rp is a line from your charrie's theme song.

The one at the bottom is for the suckers who didn't read.
7. Swearing is fine, just don't

use it excessively. I'm a bit of a potty mouth myself so it won't bother me, just be mindful

of others.
8. Stay in character. If your character is quiet don't go flirting with everything

that moves.
9. And speaking of flirting, don't go crazy and fall in love on the first day. This

isn't an arranged marriage. Take your time, because no one falls in love the first day they

meet someone.
10. This is the most important one. Don't sign up if you are just going to

drop out two days later. I want you to stay active!

The password for the rp is

"Young volcanoes."

put this at the bottom of your CS.

Piper || 8:00pm

The soft murmur of the bands talking to one another and the small crowd of people at the front door filled Piper's ears. Door's opened at eight for the nine o'clock show. One of the bands she had always admired from afar was coming back to The Grog in what seemed like forever. Truthfully, it was only one year, but a year in the music world seems like forever. Taking a quick glance up from the glass she was cleaning she caught the eye of one of the members of Arkells, blushing slightly she ducked her head down. Now wasn't the time to be making googly eyes at the bands, no matter how much she wanted too.

She had four minutes to finish up cleaning before all the customers arrived. Thankfully there wasn't much more to do. In a matter of minutes the bar was about to be flooded with parents who were here only because of their minor children. She didn't miss those days one bit. Sure, her parents were total bad asses, but she hated having to rely of them for transportation on money. She was glad those days were over.

When the clock hit eight people started to file in, and the fun was about to start. Putting away the last glass she was cleaning she sauntered over to the end of the bar and looked up at Josh, their resident sound guy. "Try not to blow anyone's ear drums tonight." Piper joked lightly with him. Actually she joked with all her co-workers and friends. She always did because she knew that they could take it and know that she meant nothing personal. Josh shook his head at her and mumbled some come back she couldn't quite make out. Promptly sticking her tongue out at him, she sauntered off to behind the bar and rested her elbows on the counter and put a big smile on her face. As people walked by she nodded and gave them small hellos. It was show time.
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Aidan || 8:05pm

Cursing, Aidan slid through the back door and hurried behind the bar, spotting Piper. "Piper, sorry I was late." he told her, noticing that everything was ready. He winced slightly, knowing he was supposed to get there a bit earlier to help. Sighing, he figured he'd take care of cleaning tomorrow or something to make it up to her. "Nothing start yet, right?" he asked, leaning against the bar. Now that he was here, Aidan was able to slow down and look at everything. It was still pretty early, so he doubted something had happened yet, but he could never be sure.
Sawyer looked at the stage checking lighting and sound. Something was off but what? An odd sound coming the speakers. Great no duct tape and busted wires. "Now wheres my duct tape?" he sighed going tot he bar. "Did I leave duct tape back there? I can't find it" he went back stage before they could answer. Wrong back to the bar. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. "Any luck?"

Devon yawned as he spun around in the bar chair waiting for other people to come in since he already finished his job for today.He looked at his sister and thought of something before grabbing a piece of paper and throwing it at her then laughed a little;he can be a kid sometimes.The male started to wonder if she felt it so,this time he decided to hit the side of her face then turn around and look at something else so she wouldn't think it was him,at least he thought.Devon rubbed his eyes and tapped his fingers lightly on the table while looking up at the stage.He always dreamed that one day he could be up there.He knew he had the voice and the skills but,the courage...that was something else.
I'll just stick with singing along he thought with a small smile from the inside and slowly out.Devon didn't know what to do at that point so,he took his phone out and started to text everyone else who wasn't there,where they were.He knew some of his friends were heavy sleepers,he learned that the hard way, yet,sometimes he likes to think that they will actually show up on time...at least once.He had to since he was the once that needed to open up and set up before anyone else came in.Still,he waited to see when everyone else would come in.
Tegan, who changed in her waitress clothes, walked out of the employees room. She smiled to herself as customers started to come in, because she felt it was going to be a great night. She tightened her bowtie, which matched with her dark jeans, beanie and glasses. “Here we go.~” , she murmured as she went to the bar, grabbing a tray. Tegan then leaned on the bar, waiting for everyone to be comfortable, because she herself hated to be harassed by waiters the moment she walked in a restaurant. That’s when she saw Aidan come in, late, and chuckled. Looking around, she noticed Sawyer who seemed worried about something. Hence, she went to him. “Something’s wrong?” She asked him.
"Have you seen my duct tape?" he asked going behind the bar looking around. "The main cable is getting knarly" With a sigh he put his black beanie on. Wearing a Ramones shirt and a flannel, with his horribly mutilated vans. He duct taped the sole to the top. "Have you seen any?" he asked watching the band get set up a bit.
Tegan looked down, chewing on her lip as she tried to think of a place where they could have put some duct tape. “There might be some in the employees room. Or backstage, hidden under all the wires, boxes and mics. Don’t you usually have some in your bag? Wait a minute, I’ll go look.” She smiled, walking back to the employees room, where she hurriedly searched the tape, or something that could replace it, until she heard that the singer started to talk, introducing himself and his band. “Crap.” She muttered, when she finally found some. There wasn’t much, but it should do the job, she told herself. Tegan ran back to the bar, looking for Sawyer.
Piper smiled at Aidan as he came rushing in from the back, "Where's the fire?" She paused for a moment, laughing a bit to herself, "Don't worry, you didn't miss much." Piper's words were cut off by the feeling a small tap on her back, just as she was turning to see who it was she was hit in the face with a projectile paper ball. There was only one person near her who would do that, her brother. Reaching over she gave him a light tap on the back of the head, "Jerk." The two of them could go back and forth for days; he pranks her, she pranks him, it was a giant circle. But it was all just sibling love.
Grinning, Aidan chuckled watching as Piper fell for Devon's trick. "Well I'm glad I didn't miss anything, but I'll take care of cleaning tomorrow to make up for it today." he told her, unable to hide his grin. Looking around he could see the guy on stage introduce themselves and shrugged, moving on. He didn't see anyone else that he recognized in the area besides his co-workers. "Either of you know whose on stage? I wasn't listening." he said, glancing at Devon and Piper.

Devon whistled and smiled as more workers and costumers came into their place.Jumping down from the stool,Devon decided to switch it out for a comfy chair near a table,which head soft material on the cushions.He was about to take a little nap before feeling a soft tap on his head.He looked up and saw that his sister found out who it was then he stuck his tongue out at her when she called him a jerk "Pft,I know you are sis."he said in return before getting up out of his seat."So,is this everyone or are we waiting for more people to show up?"he asked while picking up the paper balls and tossing them into the trash can.He then looked at Aidan once asked the question then shrugged."I don't know,I wasn't paying attention when it was say but,i think Piper knows.She knows everything."he turned his tone into a whisper,"At least she thinks she does."he added.Devon laughed a little then patted Aidan on the back before going towards the door and watching more and more people fill in the empty seats.
Cheyanne slipped in through the back door and cursed herself. Freaking traffic she thought as she changed into her waitressing clothes. She ran out of the employees room and leaned against the bar next to Tegan. "Sorry I'm late. Traffic couldn't have been worse, and from the looks of it, this is exactly where it was headed," she said as she watched customers continuously pour into the building. She gave her friends an apologetic smile and started waiting on a few tables. A few sodas, and a few waters, but the majority alcohol. It wasn't surprising since there was, after all, a bar there.

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