Oberons Veil
Radiant Bard
Name: Satine
Age: Unknown (Many Thousands of Years)
Race: The Gods
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Goddess

Name: Satine
Age: Unknown (Many Thousands of Years)
Race: The Gods
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Goddess
- Appearance
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 140lbs.
Hair: Blonde, that is long and wavy. The style varies depending on the community outside her realm she wishes to visit, as she typically changes it to fit the cultural and the popular styles at the time.
Eyes: Pale Grey
Body: Slim
Attire: In her realm, various robes with earthen tones or tones of the precious gems will be what she wears. Usually made out of a Mithril fabric so as to give her protection against any physical objects.
General Appearance
Varies greatly with the places and things she is doing. Her armor is a white color with golden trim bearing her own insignia of a tree on the front. If she is going outside her realm to just visit the Kingdoms and Republics of the world she will wear clothing for that area or culture so as to blend in. If she is staying in her realm, various robes with earthen tones or tones of the precious gems will be what she wears. Usually made out of a Mithril fabric so as to give her protection against any physical objects.
Favored Humanoid Form Description: Addarra absolutely loves to take on the human appearance of a woman near the age of twenty-five, with long golden blonde hair and sapphire colored eyes. Her skin is fair without a blemish to be seen. She will wear whatever is in fashion for the time unless she would prefer to wear one of her dresses.
Favored Animal Form Description: Addarra takes the form of a mythical white dragon with blue spinal scales. Though it is rare for her to take this form.
True Form Description: Humanoid in appearance she is in essence light, a soft white color with two multicolored orbs for her eyes. Her hair is a golden color in this form. Myths say she is at the height of her power in this form, though those are truly juts myths.
Below is an Example of the type of Gown she might wear in her Realm:
Below is an Example of Her Armor:
- Personality
Satine is a compassionate, warmhearted and has good intentions. Believing that there is good in all people, Satine refuses to give up on others. This can both be a good thing, as she will do the most she can for others, but at the same point this all means she refuses to acknowledge when to give. Ultimately loyal to the way of the universe, the ebb and flow of life and death, Satine will do what she believes is right and in line with the natural order of things. Rarely does she show her anger or sorrow, though a torrent can be unleashed if she is cornered and sees absolutely no alternative to letting the emotions flare up.
- History
Satine like the other Gods and Goddesses was brought to life by an unknown force. Not knowing if they were related to one another or not, she took to calling most of them sister or brother relatively early. Some appreciated the names while others hated them. Satine took an intense fascination with the God of Death, Ferrak for he was the God who ruled over her opposite. He was Death incarnate while she was Life. Opposites attract does not describe how her feelings have evolved over the thousands of years, her emotions always seem to get the best of her when she is around him in the Council Hall of the Gods or just out in the world and she passes by one of his rare temples. She has been lighthearted and open minded with the world helping to give tutelage to Kings, Queens and other Leaders throughout Mundus when she deemed them worthy and naturally good. On a couple of occasions she has made herself known as a Goddess using her powers to show as proof as no others can create life itself, though that has not happened in many centuries as she prefers her privacy for the most part.
With the death of the God of Magic, Aeros, Satine has withdrawn to her realm of Vitae to ponder on the matter. She is the Goddess of Life and it is through her that she suspects the Gods draw their immortality. Yet, one was killed and never before had that happened. With the lines being drawn and the Gods pointing fingers at one another blaming each other for Aeros' death Satine mourns for the peace that has been lost. Soon she plans a visit to the Realm of Ferrak, God of Death to inquire as to his opinions on the Death of Aeros considering Ferrak rules over Death itself. A matter that must be solved if order is to be restored to the Realms of the Gods and thus to the Plane of Mundus.
- Magic/Spells
- Orb of Light -- Satine can summon an Orb of Light that floats alongside her and appears to be rather sentient and makes little noises from time to time to draw attention to something it believes the Goddess would find important. It is immune to physical attacks though those of Magical Origin can snuff it out. The Orb is capable of becoming brighter to the point of blinding those in the surrounding area.
- Life Siphon -- Giving up some of her own Life Essence (which as the Goddess of Life she can at will replenish with time) she can create life itself in any object or resurrect those who have fallen and have yet to cross into the Halls of the Dead, the Realm of the God of Death. Depending on how many and of what type she is attempting to siphon life into, this can leave her in a coma for periods of time, centuries even. It was an act like this that was necessary to create the Mortal Races, though while the other Deities designed those races it was ultimately Satine who gave them life.
- Ward of Light -- Summoning the Light, Satine can create a nearly impenetrable barrier around her with little effort. However expanding that barrier to encompass others nearby will begin to drain her energy. Protecting say a city would drain large quantities of her energy rather quickly. The only weakness is tiring her out, attacks on the war will do that though it will require darker magics to break the barrier.
- Purity -- Due to being the Goddess of Life, Creation and the Beginning, Satine can induce Purity into someone's soul. It does not work on Immortals like herself, but on Demi-Gods and other Mortal Beings she is able to purify their souls, cleansing any evil or ill will that resides within. If the individual resists there is a chance that the process can kill them. This does not work on the Undead or on Liches.
- Lux Aeterna -- Or Eternal Light, brings forth a host of her greatest allies from within her Domain. They are able to use magic, they have wings and are expert fighters, the Viingaal. This host numbers well into the tens of thousands fighting for the Goddess on call. She is able to sustain their lives at the cost of her own. Using this ability will cause Satine to fade and her life essence will drain quicker than she can restore. It would take a small army of healers and several other deities to siphon some of their own life essence to her in order to prevent her death. Though this is a trump card of sorts.
- Orb of Light -- Satine can summon an Orb of Light that floats alongside her and appears to be rather sentient and makes little noises from time to time to draw attention to something it believes the Goddess would find important. It is immune to physical attacks though those of Magical Origin can snuff it out. The Orb is capable of becoming brighter to the point of blinding those in the surrounding area.
- Equipment
Carrying a bow of Elderwood and sheathe of Elderwood arrows tipped with moon glass (a substance that predates the creation of the Mundus Plane but not the Goddess herself. Imbued with ancient magics long since lost.) Also carrying two twin daggers that are made of Glass.
- Her Realm
Her Realm: Vitae
Among the Clouds of the Domain of Satine called Vitae, is the Castle of Aeterna the home and seat Satine's power. Light shines brightly throughout until night falls when clear starlight sky is above. Never are there storms or cataclysms here. Her people, the Viingaal, also known as Angels on Mundus. All the buildings are made of a white stone with beautifully gilded golden roofs that shimmer in the sun's light. A simple realm in comparison to most there is not much the Goddess needs or desires to have in her realm other than her home, her people and all that they would need.
Servant Description: The Viingaal, are human in appearance with the difference that they have white wings on their backs so long as they are working in the general areas of the realm. Those given the honor to serve the Goddess as security have golden wings. Those in the justice and law enforcement of her realm have blue wings. Those that farm for the people, hunt or otherwise tend to the land (what little there is) have brown hued wings. Those that have yet to enter into any profession have a light grey wing color. They are quite proficient in their use of both bows and swords. Some are trained to use shields and spears but they are usually only the most elite out of all the Viingaal.
Exarchs (Dedicated Priest): Satine does not have an Exarch.
Favorite Color, Treasure Item and Precious Gem: Favorite Color would have to be a golden color. Much like that of the rising or setting sun. Treasure item that must be on all her alters would be a white rose. Her precious gem is that of a Diamond.
A picture of her Realm: