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Fantasy Satan Shrugged [Out-Of-Character]

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  • Basic Information

    Generally speaking, if you've read or seen anything at least remotely related or similar to Tolkien, Dungeons & Dragons, or Conan the Barbarian, you probably know what to expect of the journey ahead of you. There are some stark differences, but they can be covered later. For now, let's go over characters.

    Your character is supposed to be - at the start of the story - a milquetoast, conveyor-belt-assembled human person. No super-ninja assassins, no laser vision or super-strength, and no sociopath-tier hypercompetent problem-solving ability in almost any situation, no matter how precarious or unlikely.

    You could be Jeremy Stewarts, ex-military, a veteran with twelve years of service, sure - but that should only grant you a marginal advantage over the rest of the players, at least in the beginning. If two or three dark minions in armor plating with shields and maces decide to fight you, and you don't have weapons, pre-planned exit strategy, or environmental advantage to tip the scales, you're going to be beaten black and purple, with broken teeth and a hairline fracture on your left cheekbone, then handcuffed and stowed away in the dark lord's dungeon.

    Generally, this story will be on the more serious side of things. That said, comedy explicitly isn't frowned upon, but it should stem from situational circumstances, rather than characters. If you make someone for the sake of memery, I'm not going to accept them. If you make someone at least principally realistic and then engage in an act of memery that's relatively plausible, I'm going to laugh with you and give you a golden star.

    The characters in the roleplay will advance over time. At first, in the form of skills or learning magics and arcane abilities, but later, they will gradually evolve and begin to turn into something beyond human.

    Power Information

    Ornias, rechristened as the Adversary, is your summoner into the strange world of Alheria. You come from a different world, not bound by fate or the cycles of the Divinities, and therefore are the ideal vessel to be shaped into a blade against them.

    Before the story begins, you may bargain with him to be granted some of the powers at his disposal. Some will be easier to obtain, some harder - mostly because he has a set of portfolios and finds going outside them costly or onerous. Ornias is the one who set the stars into motion and is also a universal 'sun god' and 'magic god' on Alheria, which means he can offer some related perks.

    On the more passive side, he could grant you armor woven of metal-sunlight, which glistens like gold and protects from all but the most fell of wounds. Or he may grant you the ability to be a fucking quasi-Kryptonian and metabolize sunlight over time, growing stronger little by little each day.

    On the more active side are abilities such as preternatural talent in magecraft and thaumaturgy, a general ability to manipulate electromagnetism (which is the medium for photons, with magnetism being the main defense against the sun in a purely heuristic sense), or similar abilities.

    Other blessings can be granted, but the more taxing the blessing is to obtain for him, the larger the cost he will impose. Make no mistake - Ornias is depressed by existence and has already committed himself to the idea that he will essentially commit suicide by plotting to achieve his goal of murdering his fellow Divinities and mucking up their vagaries in the world, but he wishes to do so smartly, and losing the power that could be spent on throwing them off elsewhere is stupidity.

    What do you get out of this? Whatever you desire. Once the quest to cast down the gods from their ivory towers is completed, Ornias claims, you will be among the most powerful beings left around. Use this power to your liking to reshape what's left, or go back to the worlds of your origin - he cares not, and indeed, may not be there to care when the deed is done.
So we have a thief, a suicide victim, a witch hunt victim,, a serial killer, and a convict out for vengeance

Definitely the people needed to kill the divine in a foreign world
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So we have a thief, a suicide victim, a witch hunt victim,, a serial killer, and a convict out for vengeance

Definitely the people needed to kill the divine in a foreign world
The serial killer will probably gain alchemical knowledge and then make a nuke.

Then we will bathe in the boiling, possibly irradiated ichor of dead divinities until we ourselves become the Gods that govern this world.

Then we all wake up, with several strips of LSD and a dozen more syringes sticking our from out arms, puking rainbow, sparkly and probably toxic mystery barf, before realizing exams are in an hour.
The serial killer will probably gain alchemical knowledge and then make a nuke.

Then we will bathe in the boiling, possibly irradiated ichor of dead divinities until we ourselves become the Gods that govern this world.

Then we all wake up, with several strips of LSD and a dozen more syringes sticking our from out arms, puking rainbow, sparkly and probably toxic mystery barf, before realizing exams are in an hour.

Melora could like to have a word with you about the ethics of mass genocide
The serial killer will probably gain alchemical knowledge and then make a nuke.

Then we will bathe in the boiling, possibly irradiated ichor of dead divinities until we ourselves become the Gods that govern this world.

Then we all wake up, with several strips of LSD and a dozen more syringes sticking our from out arms, puking rainbow, sparkly and probably toxic mystery barf, before realizing exams are in an hour.
Alchemy is my shtick >.> I thought I was supposed to be the thief! xp
fk me I realized how my brain conceived that convoluted, mentally disabled fucking mess of a man

hes literally chinese knockoff Jhin.

All in due time >:3
good good, after learning how to make raw materials we move on to transmuting material in more precise and delicate shapes and we'll have AR15's and tanks on mass production in no time. or alternatively just transmute cans a ton of random chemicals and then make coke and rake in fat profits
Lol, sounds like slavery for Risk and we haven't even started the RP yet xD
What proposterous nonsense! I'll have you know, I am a fervent advocate for working rights!

Who else, but I, The Demon Lord of The Diabolical Spuds, would stand against the tyranny of Santa, who treats his elves like sweatshop workers! I'm just jealous because I don't get presents :(

Unfortately, can't say for Henry

Melora: There's that, and then there's nukes. Our assignment is to kill the Divine, not bring the world to ruin killing everyone else as collateral
Henry: My dear, while I highly question how you, of a medieval world, can even comprehend what a Nuclear Bomb even is, I will commend your exceptional lack of reasoning! One, even two nukes won't put a consequential dent in the world! Just think of it as enormous, radioactive fireworks. Besides, as a medical professional, saving the majority by sacrificing the minority is perfectly justified!

HH: ( ⊙ω⊙)ノ⌒●~*
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Henry: My dear, while I highly question how you, of a medieval world, can even comprehend what a Nuclear Bomb even is, I will commend your exceptional lack of reasoning! One, even two nukes won't put a consequential dent in the world! Just think of it as enormous, radioactive fireworks. Besides, as a medical professional, saving the majority by sacrificing the minority is perfectly justified!

: First of all, you know NOTHING of the world I come from, so don't pretend to know anything about me that I haven't told you. Secondly, I am NOT "your dear" and I will not be condescended to. Thirdly, I don't know what world you come from that emphasizes who you'd sacrifice, but it must be a barbaric chaotic world if medical professionals aren't taught to preserve ALL life as much as possible. Needless actions that cause mass death do little more than empower the subjects you rule to strike back. If you're willing to cause mass death as a FIRST resort to fighting the Divinities, I loathe to know what you're willing to do for your trump card

An ethics issue would be a nice little point of contention with Melora
Melora: First of all, you know NOTHING of the world I come from, so don't pretend to know anything about me that I haven't told you. Secondly, I am NOT "your dear" and I will not be condescended to. Thirdly, I don't know what world you come from that emphasizes who you'd sacrifice, but it must be a barbaric chaotic world if medical professionals aren't taught to preserve ALL life as much as possible. Needless actions that cause mass death do little more than empower the subjects you rule to strike back. If you're willing to cause mass death as a FIRST resort to fighting the Divinities, I loathe to know what you're willing to do for your trump card

An ethics issue would be a nice little point of contention with Melora
lol Henry sticks out like me taking a nap in the ball pit at the kiddie's area at the mall a sore thumb xP at least everyone else at least seem like decent people.

And let's ignore the fact that even Risk could probably break all his limbs.
Are the Americans here ready for WW3? Shit is going down and, if I'm getting deployed (because I'm actually in the military), I'll be on a forced hiatus for 6-12 months

How fun
Are the Americans here ready for WW3? Shit is going down and, if I'm getting deployed (because I'm actually in the military), I'll be on a forced hiatus for 6-12 months

How fun
Seems like everything's going to shit everywhere, huh? Not too sure how China's doing in regarding that since I'm on mainland and I'm taking a guess that there ain't much news here, and I might deadass return to find the charred remnants of my house, since I live in Sydney. xD I hear the news blaring about America, and about how hard Australia's getting fked every morning.

We're headed for the apocalypse, my dude.
Seems like everything's going to shit everywhere, huh? Not too sure how China's doing in regarding that since I'm on mainland and I'm taking a guess that there ain't much news here, and I might deadass return to find the charred remnants of my house, since I live in Sydney. xD I hear the news blaring about America, and about how hard Australia's getting fked every morning.

We're headed for the apocalypse, my dude.
Shit's glorious. While we should've been sending as much relief to the Down Under as possible, instead we're headed for war with all the words being shot out on Twitter instead of negotiation at Capital Hill (or the non-US equivalents to Capital Hill).

Dying as a useless pawn for politicians is my fetish

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