Sarah Dessen-esque


New Member

***This is merely how this will start, to give us some idea where to begin. It will not stay in this setting permanently.***

It is the last weekend before school. In this town, it means chaos. The chaos of parents dragging their children from store to store in a blur of clothes, notebooks, and temper tantrums. Children of all ages protest this rush of back to school shopping, they'd rather be at the community pool or with their friends or shut inside their room playing a game. Regardless, parents are frazzled, kids are tired, and teenagers are angsty -- just what you'd expect from each party.

Gailen is sitting in a dark room, frozen in front of the only source of light in the room. The source is a moniter, with a perfect slate of black covering the screen. This onyx void was only broken by the occasional fragments of deathly green. If one looked closely, they would be able to discern that it was characters and words, dotting the screen like dimples on a face, or rocks in a pond. The young boy laid back and sighed heavily. "Why?" he asked. "Why must school start? I've finally found a solid income, all thanks to this..." He gestures vaguely, then lets his eyes go blank as they try to stare at the ceiling, but can't focus because of the dark. In this pitch black room, Gailen began to ponder on the future, and that maybe he should just ditch school, or maybe even quit. "There are plenty of successful people that never finished school, right?" He says this questioningly, unsure of its truth, but hoping for a reason to not go to school.
A motorcycle's engine sounds as if it approaches a nearby window. Suddenly, it stops, as Archer's face stops in front of it. Looking in, and spotting Gailen, he says, "Well, it could be much, much worse! Name's Archer, I guess I'll be attending your school!" He keeps looking around, as he says, "Sweet place, what are ya? Royalty?"
Fiona bit her lower lip, nibbling on it absentmindedly as she stared at her drawing, trying to figure out what to draw next. This summer had been wonderful to her, giving her ample time to draw and shade with her charcoal on the off-white pages of her zillionth sketch book. She dropped the small piece of coal onto her workspace - a large table strewn with drawings in varying degrees of completion and a small tray at the bottom. The tray she had dropped her charcoal into was black and sooty now, but had once been bright white and shiny. She sighed and lifted the drawing away to clear the space for a less completed paper and simultaneously wiped her hair back from her eyes, smearing her almost-porcelain-like forehead with a grey smudge of charcoal.

Tonight was her last night to draw freely, for the next day she had to go school shopping. She didn't mind shopping with her mother, and she had been promised a trip to the art supply store ot entice her to go. Now
that she was excited for. She needed a new sketch pad or two, and she was thinking of trying a different brand of charcoal, as a lot of the art-related sites she was on recommended a certain brand of charcoal. With that thought in mind, Fee worked on the drawing in front of her, an image of a mother cradling an infant in her arms as she walked down a grocery store aisle. After working for who knows how long, Fiona sighed and stretched, then put the stub of charcoal down into the tray and stood up. Fee grabbed a dirty towel to wipe her hands on before leaving her room to get ready for bed. She returned to her room and crawled beneath the soft green cotton sheets, but could not sleep.
The house was quiet just like it always was whenever Andrea came home. A digital clock on the mantle reflected in neon green 1:59. Andrea yawned as she shrugged out of her beat up old hoodie and hung it in the closet. Before coming home her hands had been scrubbed vigorously and her hair and makeup had been redone but if anyone was paying close enough attention they could detect the scent of motor oil underneath the sugary scented perfume and bubble gum. It was her third day on the job and while her body was stiff from working all day Andrea felt invigorated.

Walking into the kitchen she switched on the light and looked around as if to check for her mother despite knowing that she wouldn't be home from the hospital for another two hours. Andrea grabbed the leftover Chinese food from the night before and poked at it with a fork for a few seconds before deciding to eat it cold. A notice for the Lakeview Models Back to School fashion show was hung on the fridge with an apple shaped magnet and Andrea absentmindedly picked it up and looked it over before crumbling it into a ball and tossing it over her shoulders. "Two points." she mumbled, turning to watch as it landed in the garbage can.
At the sound of another person's voice, Gailen winced. He leaned back and saw through a window a rugged individual, the kind of person that often enough put Gailen into he trash can. He studied to other person and let his eyes adjust before answering. "Em, my name is Gailen. I'm sorry but I'm a little busy now, I have deadlines to meet." Gailen looked back to his screen and muttered under his breath "uncivilized meat-head... antis will never appreciate true art..."

Gailen already had a job, but what he did to make a living would leave most people confused or upset. He was a spammer, someone who sent spam mail through e-mail in place of companies. Sure, he only got pennies on the dollar for dozens of mail sent, but when you mail out 1,000-2,000 mails a day, money is made. Gailen was also working on developing a bot, a program that would automatically send mail for him. This way, could take time to find more addresses, or find easier ways past spam filters. It was hard work, spamming for money, but somebody had to do it. Companies all across the world relied upon people like him to spread their messages. However, Gailen was also what was known as a script-kiddie. He was learning to code and break into websites and secure data, so that he could freelance for more money.

He needed funding to pay for the internet and electricity, as well as cost of living. His single mother was finally in a secure job, with good pay. However, it was barely enough for cost of living and the run-down house that they bought. Gailen pays his own way and helps with the house payments to keep things stable. The rest of his money he puts into computers. He still runs a DOS computer in a modern age, but aside from his operating system, most everything was fantastic. He planned on getting and learning Linux soon, as soon as funds weren't so tight. With this in mind, Gailen bemoaned school even more, and went about mailing, hoping the biker child would leave him to his peace.
Archer looks at the guy, and says, "I'll see you around. Ought to be a fun school year, this year..." He rides off, heading to his apartment...

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