Sarah Dessen-esque


New Member
Sarah Dessen-esque Background and info

This is reminiscent of Sarah Dessen's world, wherein just about anything can happen.

There are parallels between each of her stories.. they usually happen in the same town, sometimes the same school. In her books she has covered bullying, parental abandonment, eating disorders, becoming comfortable with oneself, you name it. If a teenager has gone through it, she has probably written about it, or will write about it.

This is about any parallel you can think of. There are no 'canons,' but if you include a few different things or issues from different characters, include that so not everyone is running around with a friend who is pregnant with her dead-boyfriend's baby or has a sister who is recovering from anorexia or is moving again, or something of the like.

There are two schools mainly mentioned... I'd prefer if you stuck to one or the other, only to keep people from being too far spread.
Jackson High is the public high school and Perkins Day is the private, almost prep-school in the area.

That being said, there is not a huge character sheet, and what bit of info there is, is very easy to fill out.

[b]Character's Name:[/b]
[b]Character's Approximate Age:[/b]

Any other information you wish to know, just message me or look it up, she's out there on the web!


looks interesting. Here's my character sheet

Character's Name: Gailen Darkwood

Character's Approximate Age: 16

School: Jackson High

Gailen grew up an only child, to a single mother. His family was poor, and his mother had to hold two jobs. Gailen grew up without friends because he spent all his time helping his mother out. When he was 11, he was searching a local junkyard for scraps of things that he could sell or salvage when he came across an old computer, and put it back together from scraps. As time went on, the computer grew to be his passion, and he became absorbed in it. His mother found a stable, well paying job after all the years, so Gailen finally had time to himself. Because he had no friends, he began to obsess over the computer. He would even ditch school at times to stay home for it.

Gailen stands 5' 6", 114 lbs, and wears a bent pair of glasses. He wears a black trench-coat while at school, and has deep circles under his eyes. He can often be found sleeping in class. He has short, unkempt black hair, and it's obvious he doesn't take good care of himself. He's cold and often ignores others. He's also a little sensitive about his height.
Character's Name: Fiona Camden

Character's Approximate Age: 17

School: Jackson High

Description/Background: Fiona is a seemingly normal teenager. She is a budding artist and uses charcoal most, meaning most of her things are stained a slight tinge of grey from her perpetually sooty hands. Fee is also a huge soccer enthusiast, though she hasn't played in few years, since she was 13. Both of Fiona's parents are in the picture, though she wishes sometimes that the image was torn in half, as ripped apart as she feels things are.

Fee is less than average in height, at about 5'3, with heels on. Though she is short statured, she has a large personality, and a voice you can't ignore. Her hair, long, natural black and sort of wavy, demands attention whether you are merely sitting in class, or out on the soccer field as it tries to escape the elastic prison it was forced into. Her eyes, a wintery, kind of pale blue, are slightly almond shaped and nearly always lined with a thin line of kohl, making them pop even more against her fair skin, dotted with freckles. Fiona is slender, but not underweight; she has somewhat an athlete's body, even if she is small. Fiona has never weighed over 112 pounds in her life, and she doesn't have to work hard to stay that way, it's just who she is. Fee is moderately popular, having a few freinds from each circle, each clique, but no one especially close, as she is nearly always lost in her mind, thinking up the next image to sketch. Even though this is true, it does not bother her and sometimes she hardly notices it.
Character's Name: Andrea Dixen

Character's Approximate Age: 18

School: Perkins Day

Description/Background: Andrea looks like the kind of girl who would star in a toothpaste commercial. She has wavy black hair which frames her face and ice blue eyes that most people assume are actually contacts. Her face is free of freckles and blemishes, though she has a Marilyn Monroe-esque mole above her lip. At 5'9 with a lean, trim frame she only seems even taller when wearing high heels.

Since Andrea was around give years old she had been auditioning for commercials and stage shows, her first job being in a cereal commercial. She is a theater geek and at Perkins has gotten a leading role in the school play three consecutive years. In middle school she was a member of the Lakeview Models but gave up modeling in her junior year in high school. While she is not one to shy away from parties she isn't exactly in the "in crowd", mostly hanging out with the drama geeks and the hipsters. It is her mother's dream that Andrew will one day go to Julliard and become a famous actress especially with such a long and promising resume. Andrea is willing to play the part for her mother for the time being but underneath her movie star good looks Andrea has already lost interest in the world of acting quite some time ago.

Andrea comes from a broken family with her parents separating when she was 6. She lives primarily with her mother and actually wouldn't be able to attend Perkins Day were it not for her father. Her father remarried when she was 10 years old to a woman from the country with four sons, two of which were already driving and were regular drag racers. While Andrea doesn't have the greatest of memories in her childhood where her father is involved most of the time when she is stressed out she likes to think back to being a preteen and watching her step brothers fix up their cars in her father's garage. Her step brothers accepted her as if she were there blood sister and were quick to teach her how to change a tire and check her oil, refusing to have a sister who was brain dead about cars. It wasn't until Andrea started driving that she got her first taste of drag racing when after a driving lesson the oldest of her step brothers took over the wheel and showed her how much fun driving could be. For the past two years Andrea has been a regular on the drag strip, though neither her mother nor her friends know anything of this.

Yes'm! There is another page... in the normal.. rp.. place... *sighs* the place where all the rps go, where as this is the info part....

My desription terms suck atm.. -.-'
Character's Name: Charlton "Archer" Braxton

Character's Approximate Age: 18

School: Cary Reynolds High School

Description/Background: It all started when his father was killed. He was eleven, and his father created a special weapon. he witnessed as his father was killed, then before the murderer could get away with his father's last piece of work, an empowered crossbow, he stole it from him, and ran as hard, and as fast as he could. But, the being that killed his father caught up, and caught Archer. Using electro-shock treatments, Archer's grip on reality began to slip at a very young age, until he was able to escape with the bow, once again. Now, he is on the run, an unpredictable factor in the equation. The black mark over his eye would give him away, if his black and blue two-toned hair doesn't...

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