SAO Rise of Blood Earldom Online


New Member
An idea for a Sword Art Online roleplay this will have nothing to do with the cannon, infact I would prefer to leave out cannon characters and focus on our own OC development.

The idea is that after Alincrad was brought into the world of Alfiem Online a new VRMMO entered the world of virtual reality games like a storm, the game was called Blood Earldom Online. It was like any other fantasy games, it had different mechanics for magic that interested players but the community of players would have remained small if not for the distinct difference of this game compared to others... real pain.

Ultra violent the game had gore with realistic combat mechanics fighters actually felt the cuts and bruises they gave each other, coupled with you only having one character because on death you loose your avatar and all your gear this became one of the most hardcore games on the market and one of the most sought after even after being banned in several countries.

Almost blurring the lines between reality an virtual reality.

My idea is to play a small group of players who band together to make their own guild and survive the harsh game they have entered, sure one could always logout but the realism is almost addicting.
well since you guys are interested let me reveal some of the details.

So the basic plot of the game is that there was an evil overlord who ruled the continent of Earldom under one flag until a rebellion lead by 9 heroes defeated him and locked him away behind a summoned Hellgate, using the nine magic swords they wielded to lock it away. With the war over the heroes dispersed, 5 of whom divided the land into 5 kingdoms, the other 4 disappearing to their own devices.

Though the main objective of the game is to fight other mercenary guilds comprised of other players it is rumored that the magic swords can be found in game, hidden away in high level dungeons, the swords are not the best weapons in the game however, if one can bring all of the swords to the center of Earldom and place them in the Hellgate they can open it to fight the Crazed King himself and earn the right to wield the Reaper's Blade, the most powerful weapon in the game.

With the exception of the magic swords there is a definitive line between warriors and wizards, and when one starts the game they must chose what path they will take, there is no switching back and forth once you chose. A warrior is a physical fighter, they use swords, daggers, hammers, axes, anything that can be used to back or slash your enemy. A warrior has a special ability called Blood Switch however, limited to just a few uses a day it puts their body into an overdrive, heightening their physical prowess to the perfect fighting condition.

Wizards on the other hand use weapons called Medians, they are what are used to cast their magic. A Median looks like a gun, the barrel is comprised of focused lenses that direct the wizards magic into a concentrated form, without a Median they have no way of using their magic. Aiming it and reciting the spell before pulling the trigger is all that is needed to fire the weapon. They come in three forms, Shotgonne (Shotguns), Scoped (Sniper Rifle), and Wheellock (Pistol).
I'm totally in! I was actually working on an SAO idea of my own too. So maybe if your interested I could offer it up to add it as part of this one as a side thing.
SekiryuuteiDxD said:
I like it
Can warriors have weapons imbued with special powers
Oh no the special powers are withing the warrior them selves, they get the ability to enhance their body to a top physical form for a short duration using Blood Switch

The blood forms are as follows:

Steel - Numb the body to pain and allow yourself to push past physical limits

Lightning - Increase speed and reaction time, the game gives you a bit of an aid in deflecting attacks.

Earth - Your skin becomes as hard as a rock, while brittle slicing and stabbing attacks have no effect on you.

Light/Life - instantly heal all wounds and have a health regen for a short time.

Shadow/Death - Sap energy from the foes you strike, enhancing your own abilities why reducing those of your opponent.

A warrior can only use one type of Blood Switch at a time and if you want to change from the one you pick at the beginning you need to buy an expensive scroll that can only be used once to learn a new Blood form, however you lose the ability to use your old one. Your are limited to 3-5 uses a day depending on endurance stat.
I meant like sword that deals fire damage. Like flames cloak the blade and besides standard stuff could maybe immolate opponents with a burst of flames on contact. But, the blade wouldn't necessarily blast off a fireball.
Jinxlynx said:
Oh no the special powers are withing the warrior them selves, they get the ability to enhance their body to a top physical form for a short duration using Blood Switch
The blood forms are as follows:

Steel - Numb the body to pain and allow yourself to push past physical limits

Lightning - Increase speed and reaction time, the game gives you a bit of an aid in deflecting attacks.

Earth - Your skin becomes as hard as a rock, while brittle slicing and stabbing attacks have no effect on you.

Light/Life - instantly heal all wounds and have a health regen for a short time.

Shadow/Death - Sap energy from the foes you strike, enhancing your own abilities why reducing those of your opponent.

A warrior can only use one type of Blood Switch at a time and if you want to change from the one you pick at the beginning you need to buy an expensive scroll that can only be used once to learn a new Blood form, however you lose the ability to use your old one. Your are limited to 3-5 uses a day depending on endurance stat.

Please make this and keep up with it, the potential could be amazing !
SekiryuuteiDxD said:
I meant like sword that deals fire damage. Like flames cloak the blade and besides standard stuff could maybe immolate opponents with a burst of flames on contact. But, the blade wouldn't necessarily blast off a fireball.
No there is supposed to be a definitive line between warriors and wizards, a warrior relies on their body for magic power while a wizard relies on their weapon. The only exception is the Magic Swords but there is only nine of those and so far no players have reported finding any yet.
Roleplay Thread is up.

Well I put it all together, I believe it is still missing some things and as a result is a work in progress still but I have enough to get it started and an idea for the main plot line, if you have questions, comments, or want to point out some of the mistakes I made don't be afraid to tell me.

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