SAO - Rise of Blood - Earldom [Inactive]

"I think we could already tell from what Midori said but thanks for reminding us Primo." Yui jokingly said,"We're also joining in on the event so we're all on board with you guys if you don't mind us mages." Yui said taking hold of Wind's arm and locking it with hers like they were the best of buddies which they were. Looking towards Haru, she gave her a grin,"Yes, we are. We'll fight along side you guys as long as you guys got our backs." Yui said teasingly but she was telling the truth. If they didn't got their backs then Yui and Wind would leave them for good but still keep in touch... just not fight along their side if they can't seem to trust them.

Then Haru suddenly started to bow towards them Yui finding this interesting,"Oh, you follow the culture too? Then..." Yui also bowed towards her at a forty-five degree angle with her hands flat over the other laying in front of her body just like she does to her elders over in Japan,"Nice to meet you Haru-san. I look forward fighting along side you." Yui said standing up straight and her smile never leaving her lips. Looking towards Primo, Yui watched as he gently moved his bangs to the side to show his beautiful sky-blue eyes filled with an experience glance. It sent shivers down Yui's spine as she knew that this guy had experience and she was with some special guy,"He really is something." Yui thought and looked around them confused who could be the last addition to their little group as Yui opened up her menu and accepted the invite along with the friend request,"New friends are always the best." Yui giggled softly and continued to look around for a suitable fellow comrade to fight with them in the event.
Jake sighed, opening his menu, and accosted the request, "Yay, requests are the best." He tried to fake the excitement Yui had, "I don't think I share your excitement.." He mumbled to her, "So we all fight in a tournament, and hopefully win, what's the prize we get for winning anyway? Is it just straight up gold?" He asked particularly to no one, it had been his first ever time in a game like this, he didn't know if it was like a normal game, because it really did feel like real life,

It didn't feel like a game, it was made not too after all, "I mean if we really need one more player, we can get a potato, and say it's a valid player ID, now they may or may not believe us...but that's very unlikely if they don't. Or we could just grab someone randomly off the streets,and yell at them until they say yes. That works too,"

Primo legitimately had a frown on his face when those hurtful, passive-aggressive words passed the lips of Dancing Wind. Oh well... Can't please 'em all. After a couple of extra minutes searching, the young man found that none of the passerbys fit the criteria he was looking for. They had a vibe to fill, for this group, after all! Let's see; there was the new guy, Midori. He was a hunter whose skills were yet to be determined. Next up was Dancing Wind - a wizard, who was seemingly sarcastic and hesitant. Haru, the third member of the group, was soft-spoken yet hard-hitting warrior. Of course, finally, there was the beautiful and bubbly wizard, Yui.

What was the missing piece to fill the puzzle? Well, let's think of this in a strategic sense.

Wizards, for the most part, were distanced fighters and support specialists. There were two of those, to three hunters. Hunters, for the most part, enjoyed being up close and personal. Despite the fact that there were less wizards than hunters, the numbers of the ladder were hampered by a new player. This meant that it would be intelligent to focus putting emphasis on recruiting a hunter. In terms of gameplay in dungeons, it was always a better idea to have an extra hunter anyway. If it was a stern one, confident in their sword, that addition would be welcomed.

On top of all of this, as previously stated, Midori was still completely untested. If the group had any luck, he would turn out to be a sleeper-brawler. If Midori could show just an inkling of potential, anything from the get go, Primo knew that he would be able to tweak his gameplay experience and mold an amazing player in the process. Chances were, however, that Primo would end up having an influence on his training regardless. He planned on it.

There was only one thing he wouldn't teach Midori, and it was something that would essentially always cause a different between their fighting styles. And no, we're not talking about the blood switch. This was a reminder of Primo's past, something that the young man would never be rid of.

Midori's cheeks matched the hue of his menacingly red hair when Yui called his name cute. It wasn't his real name, but he was still flattered. "Y-Yui? Wind? Nice to meet you guys too!" Then he heard footsteps behind him and looked back. "Oh, here comes Primo now," he said with a sigh of relief. Then he noticed a girl trailing behind Primo. He quickly looked away, knowing he had absolutely no chance with a girl of her caliber.

Before he knew it, everyone was passing along names. They started to get jumbled in Midori's head. Okay, so their names are… Ari? Youa? Hind? Wait, who would call themselves Hind? He gave Dancing Wind a weird look, then noticed that Yui was bowing. Midori shot into attention stance, putting his hands stiffly to his sides and bending slightly at the waist. Then he looked around, quickly stood back up, and folded his arms. Midori looked away, trying to play it off cool. Oh gosh, my whole persona is falling to pieces. I don't know if I can handle this. Come on, get ahold of yourself Aedon… Midori.

Finally, he turned back to the group as Primo was announcing his plan of taking first. "Why would you plan on anything less?" he said with a smile. Yeah, synched it!

While Yui was bowing before, it seemed that Midori followed the culture, bowing back at her though she only did it towards Haru but Yui didn't mind, giggling softly at how polite he was,"Seems he must be confused." Yui thought noticing he was trying to act cool as if nothing had happened until she heard Wind mumbling something to her, Yui glancing at him and pout,"We have friends now and..." Getting a little closer,"We can make more fanfics on them." Yui whispered, giggling at their little fun.

Returning back to her calm composure, Yui was about to suggest something but Wind got to it first as usual. Suggesting the most hilarious ideas yet, Yui burst into laughter at his ideas. They were all just so brilliant and creative, Yui couldn't deny that Wind was just the best to make any situation positive even if he can be blunt with his words. Catching her breath, Yui let out a few giggles before opening her mouth to speak,"
I don't think the potato will work and though the other one seems good, I don't think we'll get someone to join by force now." Yui said and put in her own suggestion,"How about we just scout someone who seems worthy to join in." Yui said and tried to think of someone who could join their team but everyone around them didn't seem to fit in the picture that Yui had in mind until she saw a woman with short jet-black hair not far from them.

In an instant, Yui ran over to the stranger leaving the group behind, squeezing through the crowd until she was right in front of the lady. The woman had quite a scary atmosphere around her but she also had a fearsome look in her eyes that she was someone very well trained. Yui knew that this woman had to be a good fighter and gave her a friendly smile to show she meant no harm,"
Hello Aalis, sorry for randomly popping out of no where but I just wanted to see if you would like to join our group but if you already have a group then It's fine." Yui said hoping and crossing her fingers in hope that the woman would accept the offer.

-I wanted to wait but I kinda got tired so I'll make a move!-
Jake's rolled his eyes, trying to suppress the imminent laugh fest that would commence if he didn't try to hold it back, the fanfiction suggestion was pure marvelous, he had a small thought of them eating raw potatoes in the corner of an abandoned shed, writing down parings, and fighting over OTP's, the flor being coated in manga, and yaoi, because who didn't love yaoi (really, who doesn't? ._. ).

Yui kept things fresh, they might be some of the most immature people when they're together, but he knows they can both be serious if the time calls for it, it wasn't his fault they liked being in each other's company, he watched Yui run off after some woman in the distance.

"There she goes, off to pull a knife on someone...." He crossed his arms, finally someone was following his advice, than he noticed her talking to the woman, "Okay...that's not how you pull a knife on" He sighed, he felt like an Asian mothers and his daughter got a B+ on a test, highly unacceptable, and highly ungrateful, now she'll never be a doctor, good job, thanks.

Jake looked around at the "Team" slightly put off by everyone, maybe they wouldn't be a bad team, or maybe they'd suck more than Madonna's haircut, he really should stop reading Vogue magazine, but he didn't care, now wasn't the time to judge yourself!

She laughed as Haru heard Jake talking about Yui sticking a knife through someone. "Would you care to explain the Potato thing that Yui and the others keep mentioning?" The dark haired girl asked Primo, since he was the only one she knew other than Yui, who was busy "sticking a knife" through someone according to Jake.

She stared at the ground lost in thought as she waited for Primo to respond. I wonder what I would be doing at home right now... Most likely, Haru would be at home watching anime on her laptop, or day dreaming about Yaoi. Just dreaming about it made her get on the feels bus. Turning her attention back to the present, she stared at the rest of the guild members. "Do we have a name for this group, or did you guys say it already?"

Midori zoned out, unknowingly staring at Yui's hair. Burying his thoughts and worries within those beautiful locks. Then suddenly she jolted around and ran off. Midori blushed and peeked to see if anyone else was looking at him. Then he glanced back at Yui. Did she run off because of me? Damn you and your lack of concentration. Now you've probably ruined any chance of a friendship with her. Midori looked back to the group. They were talking about a group name! Midori put his hand up, he loved making up names for things. But just when he got everyone's attention, he put his hand back down. His nasty depression dragged away the confidence he had in the ideas. So instead he just hesitantly mumbled, "Maybe we could call ourselves the Rising Sun Clan, or something. You know what, never mind. I don't care as long as it's not stupid."

A couple of times, his eyelids met with the top of his cheeks as he blinked in bewilderment. In response to Haru's question toward him, he could simply shrug. "I'm sorry, I just... Have no idea." As for his suggestion for the name of their group, he felt himself having a hard time coming up with a suitable name himself. He kept his mouth quiet for a couple of moments as everyone continued talking amongst themselves, before he actually came up with an idea to toss onto the table.

"How about Lucem?"
Lucem was actually another word for 'light' in the latin language. As for how the young man came up with the name, it was simply something that popped up at the top of his head. "Regardless of what we end up picking, we're going to need to sign up sooner than later. I bet registration will be closing soon, depending on the time..." Primo turned to look for a clock in the process of the sentence leaving his parted lips.


"Those aren't bad ideas..... Lucem is light in Latin right? So kind of like we're bringing light?" She inquired, giant blue eyes squinted at the. Virtual sunlight bathing there avatars. "Um... So what about the whole potato business? Yui-San keeps referring to it. "

The wind swirled around the group of players, messing with there hair and blowing the fallen leaves around. Though the sun was still shining brightly, it was starting to get chilly. Fall was coming to the virtual world.

Jake crossed his arms to keep himself warm,

"Potatoes are just a symbol of everything Kawaii, and also it's the symbol of our yaoi fan club!"

His eyes sparkled, as he imagined Erei fanfiction, his hair blew in the wind, separating each lock, and blowing it majestically to the side.


He cleared his throat, he shouldn't go on about these things in front of everyone, it might be a bit too embarrassing for him to endure.

"Yui, and I are just the founders of it, but we decided it best to join with....all you,"

He released his right hand from his arm crossing, and made a little circle with his hand, as if to symbolize all of them, and than folded his hand back into him.

"And here we are..."

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