SAO - Rise of Blood - Earldom [Inactive]


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Jinxlynx submitted a new role play:

SAO - Rise of Blood - Earldom - No pain no gain

When the Seed was released in a public version there was millions of downloads, hundreds of Virtual worlds where created, rapidly expanding the world of VRMMO gaming. For the longest time ALfhiem Online and Gun Gale Online were the two most popular games on the market until the release of a new game called Blood Earldom Online.
Practically over night it became the biggest thing in the MMO gaming world, a virtual reality game where you actually felt the pain of your avatar in combat. this turned...
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The Market square of Welinger was packed full of players, some had even set up small private merchant stalls to sell goods and take advantage of the large influx of people. The reason for the gathering was of course the 2nd annual Colosseum tournament that was held in the city. When the game was first released it opened with this massive tournament where players were pitted against each other in one one fights or group battles to the death with a grand prize for the winners. This year had an added addition, Guild trials. Full Mercenary Guilds could enter into the tournament this year, not to fight against other players but to be put in to randomly generated dungeons and given 5 hours to complete the run, it would have been a minor even since it was PvE but there was rumor of what the grand prize would be. It was said to be a map, a map to the location of a dungeon that contained one of the Magic Blades, one of the most powerful weapons in the game. This of course attracted thousands of people to the city, almost packing it to over capacity with Guilds and people making Guilds last minute, and the large number of people made the environment perfect for a thief like Aalis.

The warrior wearing a black cloak smiled to herself as she stood off to the side and counted the gold she had picked up off of some of the players around her, with the press of bodies from so many people it was too easy to steal gold, already she had collected more than 200, enough to maybe buy some new gear so she could get noticed and find a guild a join for the tournament. She had ambitious plans for this years tournament, her name was one that was already known as one of the top 30 players from last years event and also as a PvP player who robbed others outside of the safe zones. Of course that did not stop a thief players like her from stealing your gold inside of a town too, she just borrowed hidden skills from other games by switching her character back and forth between different MMOs using the seed system and she gained a pickpocket skill, a risky move since she could permanently lose this character in Earldom but worth it for the amount of gold she raked in.

Packed full of players indeed, one of those being a user named Primo. He was relatively well-known in Sword Art Online, within the top ten leaderboards for player kills before he decided to change the route of his own experience. A lot had changed since then, since switching to Blood Earldom Online. With a rather impressive monster kill count and an assist count that was high enough to land him in the top three, Primo was a threat to enemies within team settings, where he performed the best. As for the amount of times he died, like any skilled player, it was quite low; though, on the leaderboards he had only ranked at eighteen.

Having traveled to Welinger in hopes of performing in the second Colosseum tournament, he was not surprised to see the extreme surplus of people traveling within the town's center radius. As for himself, he had been sitting by an open bar with a drink in his hand. As he was looking about, he was quick to notice a figure within a black cloak bumping into a couple of people. Applying logic, it was easy to see just what she was doing. A further examination of some basic information found that her username was Aalis, and she was a warrior. Of course, the young man wasn't going to confront her about what she was doing, considering it was a video game and he could care less - so long as her hands weren't in his pockets. It was around this time that Primo was confronted by a couple of gentlemen.

Placing his cup on the side, his eyes turned to one man in particular who stood out. He was the one who began speaking, originally asking if they could have a duel. Primo was used to receiving challenges all the time, and more often than not he accepted. However, he did not duel others without one of his own rules.
"If you know of me, then you know I don't turn my sword against players. Unequip your weapon and fight me with your hands." Despite not being able to use his weapon, the man accepted. There was something about pride that made challengers so interesting - no men ever had turned down his exception for dueling. So, Primo found himself rising from his seat and walking a couple of paces from the bartop, to a small portion of open area. Standing fifteen feet from the challenger, he accepted the duel. It was almost immediately that his opponent ran toward him. As he neared Primo, he cocked his fist back as far as he could and threw a wild haymaker to his face.

Primo saw the attack coming as if the man had began charging it up from a mile away. Shifting his feet slightly, his left arm would slide across his opponent's inner-forearm and push it out toward the appropriate side. As the man's arm slipped past his left cheek, Primo delived a hard, quick jab under his arm, between where his pectoral muscle and shoulder met. Immediately and temporarily incapacitating his opponent this way, with the same arm, he threw an elbow to the soloplex. This caused his opponent to back up, stumbling for two or three feet. Primo's right arm moved back in front of his face, along with his left, setting up his next chain of attacks.

Without giving him room to breathe, Primo slid forward, jabbing the man in the face with his left hand before following with a hard, right hook. As his momentum pushed left, he allowed it to take him; his whole body would continue to spin in a circle after that punch, ending after three hundred and sixty degrees with his left foot violently rising up to heel his opponent in the left side of his face. The man fell to the ground, without any HP left to spare. Like any good sport would, Primo knelt by his side and helped him up, considering the after effects of a duel usually meant that the loser had to wait a couple of seconds to stand.

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Aedon sat in his room, looking at the new NerveGear he had just obtained. He always got the latest gaming stuff… later than everyone else. It's simply because his parents were always skeptical about new games. Finally he was able to get his hands on a NerveGear and join the game of Blood Earldom Online. It was fairly new, so Aedon thought he'd at least have a chance in this world. He sat for a moment, wondering if the transfer would hurt. He didn't like getting hurt. Which shows just how much he actually knew about the game he was joining. Slowly, Aedon slipped on his NerveGear. "Um… Link Start."

In a blast, Aedon suddenly felt his consciousness being dragged into a virtual reality. He flew through the different menus for character and account creation. Then, finally his eyes opened again. He frowned for a second. "Aw dang. Must've crashed. I knew I shouldn't have gotten a used console. Wait… how did I get outside? And why are all these people dressed like… OH." There was a huge rush of people heading in the direction of a town, so Aedon, now known as Midorikawa Chiaki, decided to follow and see what the commotion was about. As he entered the city, he was suddenly pressed upon by multiple people. He could tell that some people were probably going to try and pickpocket him, but this just made him laugh. I'm a 'noob' with nothing to my name, go right ahead and pickpocket nothing. As he looked around, he picked out a fight. This intrigued him. In the game he probably would suck in a fight, but in real life, he had been quite obsessed with martial arts. It was his one release from the monotony of everyday life. One guy looked like he was plain out of luck, while the other, Primo, seemed to have control of the situation. Is that Aikido? No, too offensive. Tai Chi? Eh, don't think so. Muay Thai? Maybe, but not quite offensive enough. He couldn't quite figure it out, so after the battle, he walked up and asked the man. "Wow, what martial art are you trained in?"
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The square was alive, and Jake, or by his SAO name, Dancing Wind was observing the crowd, it made him feel uneasy; there were so many people, too many in fact as he stood, and watched. He didn't like it, but he'd have to deal with it, after all the game has become so popular. Jake ventured a little bit forward into the square, afraid that someone would bump into him, and than something would happen, he didn't know exactly what, although he was frightened.

Jake noticed a fight going on, Primo, and some other guy who looked like he messed with the wrong guy, this made Jake shiver down to the bone, he hadn't seen a lot of fist fights in real life, but all of a sudden there was one unfolding right in front of him? He'd prefer it if they were just hacking swords at each other. He shrugged, trying to seem calm so someone doesn't pick a fight. Hoping someone doesn't, that's one of the reason why he wanted to be a wizard, no up-close fighting.
Shun walked into his house after a long day of work well saying it was a house was not the right word it was more of a shipping container that we set up like a house. "Finally" he said talking to himself as he took a seat on his small chair that was next to his NerveGear which he still owned even after the SAO incident with him not being able to afford a Amusphere but this didn't bother him. His face lit up with a childish smile on it as he reached for his NerveGear placing it on his head "Link start". He was sent to the main menu but nothing on here interested him except the character selection screen. He picked his profile Shadow Carrier which he brought over from GGO using the seed system a few days before. He was still a very active player kill making a lot of enemy's and not many allies during his time playing Blood earldom online.

After a few moments of waiting he was inside the game. He took a look around trying to find out where he was "ah Welinger" he said to himself glad he got his bearings. Shadow Carrier headed towards the very large group of players around the area 'the event seems to be that way' he thought to himself having a look at all the little stand and stalls set up around knowing most of them will be overpriced as common at events such as these.
It took time to walk from Zia all the way to here but she made it, a cloaked stranger; with a name above her head saying "Yui" in bold white colors so everyone could know who she was, walking into the sea of people all dressed in many different styles. Chattering filled the small market square of Welinger, her destination where she would attend the 2nd Colosseum Tournament and the feeling of bodies being pressed against one another was uncomfortable but the girl didn't mind as long as no hands tried and go into her pockets, trying to steal her golds or such but using her intelligence from other experience in SAO, she learned that bringing little money is safer than bringing all of it like some people.

She was an old player of SAO but ever since the incident of the game and the many deaths plus the deaths being one of her close friends, she stopped playing games entirely and shut off all connection with her friends with gaming since it pained her to remember that games were the reason her friends died and she took the blame on herself for it since she pulled them into the mess but her other friends came back to her with the new game that was just released, Blood Earldom Online which they got their hands on just for her to play.

For her friends who she cut ties with to come back to her when she did such things touched her heart and Koharu, the person behind Yui, couldn't deny their offer and joined in on the fun and finally returning back to her gamer, fun self. She only played on BEO for a while now, for about a month she has been playing this game and she had leveled up quite a lot in such a short time. Though she rarely ever do PvP or fight with another user, she has been going on quests after quests fighting off monsters. She never liked the idea of stabbing a person even if it was just a game because of SAO, it caused her to have a fear of it happening again to BEO so she hesitates when it comes to PvP with another person, the fear of them maybe dying in the real world just like SAO but her friends promised her that this game was different and it wouldn't happen but she still had her doubts, keeping a good watch out for anything out of the ordinary.

Squeezing through the many bodies, the sound of swords clashing with one another could be heard, glancing behind her to see a man with raven black hair and classy clothing making him seem like in those Victorian times with a hint of Japan's culture. Above his head had his name in white bold colors, Primo, the name so familiar to Yui but she couldn't quite tell where she saw him since there were a lot of people she had met before that she find familiar, maybe he was from a game she played but she couldn't quite tell and ignore the fight, continuing strolling through the crowd until she saw a familiar blonde haired boy with his user name floating over his head "Dancing Wind" among the crowd and with a grin, a wonderful plan came into mind as she sneak up to the boy in silent.

Once she saw an opening, she leaped into the air and wrapped her arms around the boy's neck, her hood falling along the process and her long white locks flowed in the light, sparkling in brilliant pure white. Giggling, Yui quickly released him from her grip and smiled up to him, her pale cheeks bright with cheery pink hue and her night purple eyes shined in delight,"
Hello my fellow comrade, how are you doing?" Yui chimed happily, her guard pulled down a bit since she was with a friend now. Dancing Wind was part of her guild, the guild she created being called the "Kawaii Pandatoes" which she made based off of her love for cute things and pandas plus she got the potato idea from him since he suggested something about them which she used to create their guild.

-sorry this is long >.<;-
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As the man whom had lost rose to his feet, Primo gave him a pat on the back and he was off. This was around the same time that a player with the username Midorikawa Chiaki made his presence known. Light hues turned along with his head in the direction of the male who had asked what his fighting style was. Readjusting his posture so that his back was straight, Primo parted his lips to speak as his body turned to face Midorikawa.

"I'm well-versed in Muy Thai and Judo. My father's been training me in mixed martial arts my entire life, so I know a little something." He shrugged, the corners of his lips curling up into a small smile. He brought up that box of free information that all players were available to examine, his vision pushing it to the side so that Midorikawa's face sat next to it. This told Primo that the man was brand new, which was exactly the information he was looking for.

"So you have no idea what's going on here, do you?" Primo asked, as his feet began taking him off in the particular direction of the large gathering of people. While he began walking away, his hand beckoned the man to follow him - in the process, they passed both Dancing Wind and Yui, unbeknownst to Primo at the time, of course. Not that he knew who they were to even start off with. Eventually, the young man would stop while overlooking the crowd. Figuring this was as good of a place as any without being pulled into the mob-mentality from the get go, Primo decided it was best to explain some things.

"This town is called Welinger. It's obviously popular, one of the more main cities in this game. Everyone's gathered up today because of a tournament. You know, PVP or PVE. I'll probably hop into a party with some other PVE members and play, myself. I'm sure you can tag along and get some good XP, here..." He stopped, looking back over to the player beside him. "The Coloseum Tournament. This is only the second year in a row that BEO [ Primo sounded it out as b-ee-oh ] has held the tournament, so people are beside themselves, rushing about and trying to gather everything together." He kept quiet for a moment, turning his back from the large crowd, back over to where they passed.

"Do you see anyone who's interesting enough to party up with us?" Of course, Primo wasn't sure that too many people would love the idea that came with teaming up with someone new for a tournament, but Primo was almost positive he could pick up the new guy's slack. Besides, it would be sure to start him off with great experience, both in playing the game and for his character.

Jake was caught off guard as he felt her arms wrapped around him, he squealed a bit, but not too loud, once he saw her name "Yui" shining above her head, he let out a relieved sigh, "Ooh it's just you....I thought it was some fan girl attacking me."

As she let go, he smilied down at her, "I'm doing...uh....great I guess." He spoke as he took both of his hands together, rubbing them nervously, "I'm just a bit nervous about this game, the last one wasn't really...enjoyable y'know? What if the same thing happens? And we're stuck here?" His voice trailed off, he didn't know why he was so antsy today, maybe it's just because all the stories he heard about SAO, and all the deaths, it didn't help that the game was banned, but he tried not to think of it, and keep to the positives.

"So on a lighter're gonna have to show me some things about these games, like tricks, and guides, I don't know a lot about these games.." He confessed, but he was sure she could tell from how he was acting.
Midori listened to the fighter intently. He seemed like a pretty good guy. "Muay Thai, Judo? That's a pretty good combination I think. I've done some mixed martial arts myself. Been obsessed since I was fifteen. Anyway, thanks for the info. I get the gist of what's going on, I used to play a lot of PC and console MMORPGs. But this is my first time in the Virtual World. So I'll put the tips to good use." He continued to follow Primo until the player decided to stop in a fairly clear area. "Eh, what I've learned is that you can't always judge a character by what they're wearing in these games. You just have to walk up and say hi."
((Sorry for not posting earlier, I didn't know it had started.))

"I have to go now!" Ara shouted as she flicked her light blue hair off her shoulders as she exited the stall where she and her real life friend were selling merchandise, taking advantage of the amount of players flooding in today for the tournament. Making her way down the crowded cobble stone street, she arrived at the arena. Waiting patiently, she nearly jumped at the sound of her name being called. Quickly and efficiently, she walked down into the arena, where she saw her opponent. The man's avatar was much bigger than her own, and much buffer. He towered over her and therefore would have a slight height advantage, but Ara would have the help of system assists. The light haired man sneered at her, "Is this a joke? This will be over in no time." Since Ara had just joined and this was her first VRMMO, she wasn't well known, and her stats were in the early hundreds, the man did have a right to think that she was a weakling, helpless.

"I'd think twice about that." She said as she took on a fighting stance, lowering her hip slightly, almost like she was in a sprinting position. Her crystal sword appeared in her right hand while her left was raised to her face to protect it from any harm. Her black sword was still strapped to her back, and although
Duel Wielding wasn't well known, she did happen to know two other players who were gifted with it. This skill had first appeared on Kirito, who cleared the SAO or Death Game as it was so called. A timer counted down from 60 seconds, and the man sneered, overconfident.

"Prepare to lose little girl." This man was really starting to get on her nerves.
Beep! The timer reached zero, and the man launched himself at her. That's a mistake. He left his abdomen area completely open. Ara thought to herself as she evaded, and to the man's surprise, counterattacked with a side kick that hit right below the last rib causing him to stumble and lose his balance. With his right side completely open, she snuck a round kick in, feeling satisfaction course through her as the top of her foot collided with the man's avatar, who was already off balance, landed hard into the dusty floor of the Colosseum.

Haru Wins! The see through screen announced. The duel had taken a total of thirty seconds. Holding out a small pale hand, she reached for her opponent to help him get up. Once he was up, she stared at her. "I won't lose that easily the next time we meet."

Nodding her head, "I won't lose easily." Then the two exited the Colosseum, as the crowd cheered on the next group.

That was when he heard an announcement - 'Haru Wins!'

Almost kicking himself for pissing even a second of the preliminary rounds, he would turn to his new found partner. "Mido." He stated, patting his arm on the man's shoulder and looking forward. "You see those two there? The one with her arms around the wizard?" Primo asked as he popped their information up. "... Ask them to join our group. If they say anything about your name, mention it was 'Primo's' request and tell them to look at the leaderboards. That'll solve any problems you might have."

When he got to the preliminary arena, which was really just a much smaller arena within the same mile radius as the real one, Primo walked up just in time to see the small frame of a female, Haru, pick up a much larger gentleman who had just lost in their duel. He clapped along with the audience, standing against the side of the doorframe which she undoubtedly passed to exit the arena. As she did, Primo made sure to stop her.

"Haru, can I have a word?" The man whom she was walking alongside had recognized Primo immediately - apparently someone who knew of Primo in Sword Art Online. He nodded, but asked to have a moment with the woman beside him before they finished their conversation. After a shake of the hand, the helpless NPC moseyed on out of their way. Primo watched him go, light blue hues following his path until he vanished among the sea of faces.

"I'm impressed you took someone of that size! I shouldn't have doubted it though, stranger things have happened..." He brought a hand to his lips, cradling his chin in his palm momentarily. "Anyway, i'm getting a group of people together to run through these Colosseum levels, when the tournament starts. I was wondering if you wanted to join up. I've got one other, and possibly two more joining."

Primo brought the hand from his mouth back down to his side.

Yui pouted when Dancing Wind said he thought she was some fangirl of his, her cheeks puffed like a chipmunk,"I'm Yui, the captain of the Kawaii Pandatoes, not your fan girl." Yui said jokingly, giggling softly as she tried to seem mad but she wasn't mad or upset at him. Dancing Wind was a great friend to her, they met before during some event, their friendship through gaming was precious to Yui. Dancing Wind was classified as a close friend to her and the only person so far that she trusted besides her other friends. He was nice, cute, thoughtful, Yui could go on about him for days, bragging about how he was just a great friend to her.

Looking up at him, she noticed he was quite nervous, rubbing his hands together and his eyes glint with concern. His voice also gave it away as he spoke about the game, SAO, painful memories coming into mind but she fought back, pushing them back deep into her mind so she wouldn't have to breakdown in public,"
Don't think like that now. You're being so negative Wind, try and be positive." Yui teasingly said, patting him on the back but then he tried to lighten the topic up, stating that she could help him improve on his stats, a grin appeared on her lips,"Sure thing! We can learn together along the way." Yui said, her smile never leaving her lips.

-Sorry it took me so long ;-;-

@Majestic Rose
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Jake didn't mind a little help, especially when it came from a close ally like Yui, although they've been partners in crime many times before, he always felt a slight pang of guilt when they played a game together, he'd always come to her for help as she was like an older sister to him, they were both close, like family. At least he thought of her as a sister. Jake sighed, looking at Yui, "Thanks Yui, I feel kinda bad about asking you for help." He confessed, he didn't like it, but he needed help.

"So, where to first? We both look like absolute thugs in our Mage coats, I mean we might as well start mugging people up in here..."

He looked around to see if anyone else was wearing Mage coats, he didn't see much, they looked like fish out of water for gods sake. Although it's an advantage, and a disadvantage. "I think our first step should be to go too the nearest market, and buy the largest sack of potatoes...because we can, and partially because it fits our guild, but mostly because I want some potatoes Yui!" He pouted like a new born, and crossed his arms, he was glad that he was starting to loosen up.
Midori nodded to Primo and headed off in the direction of the mages. As he got closer he called out, "Hey, I'm new to this game, but I'm not seeing many mages around here. You guys must be a commodity. Huh? Care to join my friend and I in a Colosseum run?" He asked, afraid that they might ignore him. Aedon never trusted people irl and as such, always kept to himself. But as this was only a game, he was trying to branch out more. Call it an experiment if you will. Deep down, Aedon just needed friends. He looked to see where Primo was so he could be ready to point at him, but the guy was nowhere in sight. Just great. Now what am I gonna do if they don't take me seriously? he thought.

As the pair made there way from the open air arena and the next pair walked in, a man stopped them. The guy's avatar had darkish red brown hair along with clear blue green grayish eyes. Haru felt the breath hitch in her throat. Just leave it to her to make things awkward between strangers who haven't even talked yet. The man beside her stopped, his gaze fixated on him. "You're the guy from SAO!" He cried, a look of awe written on his face, he looked like he was about to drop to his knees and begin to worship the other player. Quickly and politely, the declined, and instead asked to have a word with Haru herself. Embarrassed, the man left.

"Are you sure you would want me in your guild? I'm not that great at anything.. I might just slow you guys down.. This is my first VRMMO, and I've been a Solo player this whole time.. Are you sure?" The light haired girl stammered at Primo. "Wait.. Since you're from SAO... My brother was stuck in that
Death Game." Haru whispered the last part. She and her brother had been extremely close, and when he left, the next few years had been incredibly hard. She had been bullied constantly, ignored by her parents who hardly believed in her existence, and frequently tortured by reoccurring illnesses. Despite remembering this, she beamed, happy to be accepted by someone.

"Thank you so much, you don't understand how much this means to me,
Dōmo arigatōgozaimashita." She bowed as she was costumed to in Japan, catching herself at the last minute, forgetting that this was a virtual world, and that Primo probably thought she was not mentally sane in the head. Awkwardly, she stood, bent over at the waist for a second, before blushing a deep crimson red. "I am so sorry!" Exclaimed the deeply embarrassed Haru, and she apologized over and over.
Yui glared at him playfully and crossed her arms as if trying to be tough, her chest raised high and mighty,"Hey, what did I say about your negative side, we're friends, of course I'll help a friend out and you've would have done the same for me when I need your help." Yui said but then giggled when Wind described them as some thug mages, Yui finding it funny and cool if they were,"We should have call ourselves the Thug Mage instead but Kawaii Pandatoes work too!" Yui mumbled softly,"Well I wanted to join in on the Second Colosseum Tournament but we could go have some fun while we're here." Yui suggested but Wind took the lead as he made out his plans, Yui laughing some more at how silly he was,"Sure! I got some spare golds on me to buy some sacks, let's make some mashed potatoes while we're at it." Yui joked, her laughter growing more until a voice disturbed their fun, turning to see a tall warrior standing there beside them.

The warrior was tall, taller than her of course and his hair blazed with burning red hue that shined brightly in the sun. His deep-blue eyes glint of concern and worry as Yui was confused why he was so worry but he was new to BEO so it must be that nervous feeling that many beginners get, Yui been there before too when she first played on SAO, a smile appeared on her face as she turned to the man fully, above his head, a very long name appeared, Yui giggled at how long his name was,"
Hello Mr. Midorikawa Chiaki, we wouldn't mind joining in on your group but who is this friend of yours?" Yui asked looking around the boy seeing no person behind him or next to him that could be considered his friend.

-I'm not sure if his eyes are dark brown but I'll edit it if they're not ^^;-
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Midori watched as the girl smiled at him. That was a good sign. Another friendly person. "Uh. You can just call me Midori," he began, blushing a little. Then she asked about Primo. This made him a little nervous, but he didn't dare show it. Midori wasn't quite sure why he was here yet, but he new he didn't want to be perceived as a coward. "Oh… his name's Primo. I don't know where he ran off to, but I'm sure he'll be back soon."

Midori extended a welcoming hand. "Like I said, my name's Midori. What's yours?" There was something about asking for someone's name rather than sneaking a peak at it. It was something Midori wanted to try and do more of. Just the principle of privacy in his mind. It was silly, but then again, who doesn't have their quirks?
There was some commotion over by a street side tavern but Aalis paid no attention to it as she slipped away into an alley to head over to he next street.

"Hey you!"

she paused, hearing someone yell from the alley entrance, turning around she saw a women and two guys blocking the path, turning back around she spotted two more people blocking the other end of the alley. "Me?" she asked innocently, pointing a finger at her chest.

"Yeah, I think you have something of mine, I am positive I have a pocket full of 50 gold just 4 minutes ago."

The women looked angry, Aalis was fairly positive that one of her goons must have spotted her but she was going to try and play it dumb. "Oh that could not have been me, I was just on my way to make a purchase." She gave them a wry smile,

"Oh shut it, I am going to teach why you don't cross an officer of the Crimson Spear clan! Duel me or we'll just drag you out of the town and beat you till you pay up."

'well crap' the thief thought to herself as she weighed her options, there was enough of them that they could just drag her out of the city with easy, just because she was safe from blades it did not mean physical contact was restricted, and with them blocking her only two routes of escape she was only the one option, "Alright but lets move out onto the next street alright? Also I want that fancy sword if I win, I'll give you double the gold if I lose."

"Hey you can't go making negations we have your cornered remember!"

"Fine I will just log off then." Aalis crossed her arms, opening her menu,

"Alright fine, move out onto the street."

Aalis smiled as she led the way and the women's thugs clears some room for the two of them to duel. Drawing her sword and shield Aalis took a readied stance while the women drew a sword and dagger. Accepting the duel request a ring appeared around them and a counter over head, a crowd gathering to watch. "I'll let you go first." Aalis taunted as the counter reached zero and a electronic tinny sounded to start the duel. She stood and watched as the armored women charged, running forward she sung her sword in and over hand to reach over the kite shield, Aalis side stepping out of the way bumped her with the metal kite and used the moment to keep her distance. Aalis had done a lot of PvP fighting and she knew that players had random attack patterns unlike NPC enemies, how ever most carried a routine and she was good at finding these while blocking or dodging their first few attacks. Another low handed sweep followed by a parried jab of the dagger her opponent was looking a bit frustrated.

"Your lasting longer than I thought but I'll end this quick." She raised her sword arm, blade in hand and the armored women activated her Blood Switch "Earth is my strength!" She flashed a grin and dropped the sword and dagger, her guild mate tossing a large warhammer into the ring she caught it and faces Aalis running forward the Blood switch hardened her skin and boosted her strength, letting her swing the hammer with ease and bring it down on the thief as she raised her shield, the hammer coming down with a heavy smash onto the steel plated wood, normally it would have broken an arm but Aalis pushed her off with a heavy shove. "Steel in my veins." She whispered, a red aura covering her body, her opponent stepped back, rarely a simple duel saw too players activate their blood switch, the crowd of spectators growing as the fight got more intense.

It was Aalis' turn to attack, raising her shield she charged forward, she used a sword, useless against someone who used Earth Blood but she knew their vulnerability was blunt attacks, so she hit the women square in the chest with the shield, knocking them both over into the ground she stayed close so her opponent could not swing her hammer, taking the weaken hits on her arms and back from the hammer Aalis used her weight to keep them on the ground and pressed her shield downwards, her own Blood Switch steel numbed almost all pain and let her push herself past physical limits, bringing the pummel of her sword down in vicious strikes with the force of a pick axe on rock, chipping away at her armor until the game announced the duel over, Aalis had knocked the women out after leave her face bloodied and bruised. Turning off her blood switch she stood up, sheathing her bloodied sword and wiping her glove off on her clock she left the women's guildmates in shock as she picked up the discarded sword she had won and walked through a parting crowd to a nearby stall, she had a purchase to make.

With a newly purchased guild flag and second sword on her hip Aalis knew it was time to start recruiting members to build a guild, she wanted to find some players to join the PvE event, having no interest in the PvP fights this year because the prize was not the same caliber of what was potentially offered in the PvE fight. She just had to find some player who could handle themselves, or were dumb enough to join. Hopefully she could find some people that did not see the fight she just had 15 minutes ago.

He bent over slightly so that his face was closer to hers, brilliant hues staring right into the eyes of the smaller female before him. As Primo spoke, he tilted his head slightly to the side, that lush hair falling to the appropriate direction as he did. "I was one of the top player killers in Sword Art Online, until we got locked in. Then I started helping people." He wasn't going to go on about how he saved lives, as much as he could have gushed about himself, bragging wasn't exactly his style. While he might have been a bit egotistical, it was always in a different sense; pride was mostly used as his medium. When Haru bowed before him, then apologized, he instinctively and immediately bowed before her. Primo had been slightly accustomed to such acts, mostly because of his background as a martial artist.

"Thank you for your help." Primo brought his head back straight and turned from the female, beckoning her to follow without use of any sort of signal, but rather common sense. As they assumingly moved forward, the two slipped between the bodies that littered too much of the center belonging to Welinger. With the amount of players that joined BEO from the previous year to now, it was a disgustingly small area for so many people to be gathered around. One would think that the original creater and updater would fix this, but it was yet to surface.

Two hilts patted against the leather strap holding them to his left side as he continued on, walking at a steady pace with the girl slightly behind him at times, but at his side for the most part. When Primo had finally spotted Midori out, he realized that the young man had went ahead and contacted the two players that he was requested to. Happy that his instructions were followed, Primo brought the female over to the rest of the group and stopped a couple of extra feet away, before he turned to look down at Haru.
"I'll watch over you. Don't worry about a thing."


The small light haired girl smiled at the guy, "At least you changed. I admire you for that. It could have been easier for you to join a red guild like Laughing Coffin, yet you chose to help others that were weaker." Primo bowed, and she recognized this bow from her years of martial arts training. "Do you by any chance take martial arts?" She asked as she followed the dark featured avatar of Primo.

Primo expertly shoved aside people in the crowded conditions of Wellington, as Haru fell behind, trying to keep up. Her arms, adorned in white sleeves lined with blue fingered her dual swords as Primo her to two other players. "Hello, I'm Haru, or Ara.. You can call me whatever you like.." Haru said as she painfully shy as she literally hid her self behind Primo's avatar, who towered over her.
Jake stood there, not really good with dealing with a random encounter, he usually let Yui handle it, "So....uh, this is your friend I presume?" He spoke as he looked at Primo, who was very daunting to look at, so he quickly switched his eyes back to Yui, "So Midori, have you had any previous experience? With these types of games?"

He thought he asked it like he was the best of the best, but there was no way he could take back his word, or the tone he put it in.
"Midori? What a cute name." Yui comment but blushed at what she said and shook her head feeling bad to call a guy's name like his cute, she felt that she was treating him like a girl instead as she tried to fix her sentence,"I-i mean, what a charming name, that's what I meant." Yui said, failing to fix the problem and making it worse as she tried to think of another topic they could talk about but then Midori spoke of the name of the guy who was fighting before, Yui's eyes lit up at the name,"Primo... that name... where have I heard it?" Yui mumbled trying to recall where she have seen the user but she couldn't tell who he was or what was her problem with him. It wasn't love or anything but for some reason he just seemed to caught Yui's attention, rubbing her temple to think clearly until she was then asked of her name, Yui finding it funny that he would ask such a thing when he could clearly see it above her head but he was being polite and she find it adorable of him, Yui giving him a beaming smile,"Forgive my rudeness! I'm Yui and this guy here is my lovely friend, Dancing Wind or Wind for short, nice to meet you Midori" Yui said introducing Wind to him.

"So....uh, this is your friend I presume?"

Looking behind Midori, a man appeared along with a girl with light blue hair and emerald green orbs trying to catch up behind him. Staring up at the man from before, Yui still couldn't tell where she had seen the user and sighed, mentally facepalming herself for trying so hard just to remember where she seen him,"He's just some guy, he can't be anything that special now, can he?" Yui thought to herself as the blue-haired girl came up and introduced herself as Haru but preferred Ara,"Hello Haru, it's nice to meet you, I'm Yui. A pretty easy name to say right?" Yui said giving the girl a smile to reassured her that Yui was a nice person, giggling softly at how cute she was being to hide behind the towering figure of Primo,"What a sweet girl." Yui thought amused by this.

"Muy Thai, and Judo. But that's for another time." Primo replied softly, as the woman shuffled to find coverage behind him. Hues moved from the side, over to the frame of Yui, in front of him. Nodding his head down slightly, he spoke. "My name is Primo. It's my pleasure, the both of you." With that, he looked over to Jake, before parting his lips. "He's coming along for the ride." Primo pulled up his menu, accessing the team options. It was within a couple of seconds of his silence that all four would recieve party invitations, as well as friend requests from him.

"I've gathered the four of you, because of the second colosseum." He lifted one of his arms up, pointing his thumb in the direction of the crowd behind him. Iris turned from Jake, back to Yui, who he found vastly more appealing to look at. "I came alone, hoping to join up with a group, but after meeting Mido, I felt it was best to just find people who will participate." The corners of his lips twisted into a smile, waiting for the inevitable reaction. "I plan on placing first." Primo brought one of his hands from his side, up to his hair - moving the bangs which were slightly hampering his vision to the side.

"All we need is one more member to meet the minimum requirement of six."


Haru smiled at the girl who introduced herself as Yui. The small girl seemed sweet, and she figured that they would get along swimmingly. Yes, swimmingly. Of course, Primo had set his high expectations on them, yet Haru was happy to oblige, as it gave her something to do, and to get her out of her family problems. Many thought it was cowardly that she would escape to a virtual world from personal problems, yet it was the only way that her parents wouldn't intrude. She blushed as she saw Primo flick his hair with an expert shake of his head, which uncovered his startling, bright, clear blue eyes. He's really cute.. I wonder what he looks like in real life... She found herself thinking, causing the light featured avatar to blush even deeper, reaching a staining crimson red.

"Hi Yui." Haru said shyly, slightly moving away from Primo, and into the open so that she could observe the other three players better. "Are any of you guys in the tournament? " She asked, not sure of how else to make conversation. "Oh yeah, it's nice to meet all you guys." The small girl bowed, forgetting once again that she was in a virtual world.
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