Just some guy

Alright, so before we get to characters, a little about the Rp.
This game obviously takes place in a foster home.
School will be present throughout the RP, so expect to RP at school as well. I plan to have a lot of fun with this RP, and there will be plenty to do.
There will be gm notes and events that will happen within the Rp, so please be aware
[GM interaction will appear like this]
Now, onto the rules of the Rp.
1. No John Doe's or Mary Sue's make your characters fun and unique.
2. Bullying will not be tolerated (interactions between characters do not count as long as both parties are okay with it)
3. Please give your best effort to make posts at least one good paragraph if not more like two. (I am not one to always enforce this but if short posts start getting in the way of the rp flowing I may have to mention it to you.)
4. Most importantly, have fun!
Character requirements:
Age: ( 13-17)
Sexuality: (not a must but can be good to know)
Appearance: if using a face claims please keep them photorealistic (no anime face claims please)
likes: at least 3
dislikes: at lease 3
Bio: It doesn't have to be super long but share some info about your characters history with us. The more you want to write here the better.
feel free to add anything else you feel is important for your character.
alright I think that is it. lets have some fun!