A Servant of King and Country
Pleris Station
Ves'mar hadn't been drinking with his new acquaintance long, but he knew the man's name now (Os'lar An) and had beaten him and lost to him in a round of rumrull, Deun'tleh dominoes. After the first hour, the topic of conversation turned from gaming and drinking to women.
"I've got a woman, beautiful woman, waiting for me in Mor'i'tas," the spacer said, racking the dominoes and stowing them away in their wooden carrying case. "She's got flowers of the most beautiful variety, all grown like a crown around her head."
"What color?" Ves'mar asked, doing the Deun'tleh equivalent of grinning which was a kind of projecting a feeling of goodwill.
"The prettiest reds and blues you ever saw, yes, that's my An'lessa."
All this talk was cut short by a Mohain captain, his blue wetsuit marked up all with signifiers of rank and commendation, entered the portion of the bar that was reserved for aliens. He fixed his voice modulator to his helmet and stood with his foot planted on an empty bench. "Visitors to the Mohain Federation," he began, directing his talk primarily to the Deun'tleh and Human spacers to the exclusion of the two Qirnians smoking in the corner and the lone Drenian sitting melancholic by the window. "As you might have gathered, Pleris II is under attack. It seems that there is some sort of virus or perhaps a powerful telepath that has turned the planet's flora in open rebellion against us."
Everyone looked on with rapt attention.
"Whoever lends his gun arm to the service of the Federation will receive commendation on behalf of Admiral Yurin and President Lorin. You will also---"
"What about credits?" A human spacer piped up.
"Sign on bonus is 10,000 credits, an additional 10,000 if you survive."
"Now that's what I'm talking about! Sign me up, fishman." The spacer said, walking out and going to the bar to replenish his drink. The captain looked on annoyed but said nothing else. He turned to scan the room again, "Any other volunteers?"
Ves'mar glanced at Os'lar, then they both stood up. "We'll help you, captain." A couple of the other Deun'tleh, more out of a desire to not be shown up by two of their kind rather than out of any kind of altruism, stood and offered their services as well.
Urgent Communique
From: President Os Lorin
To: Delegates of the Tempus Order
In response to your inquiry for further information, I will provide you with what information we have and the situation as it stands now. On Stardate 1.1.2555, an attack was registered on Pleris II after a medical research team failed to return to base camp. In the next several days, forty different settlements and facilities were reported destroyed or abandoned. A full-scale evacuation was put into effect 1.28.2555 and as far as we know the planet is no longer inhabited by Mohain or otherwise. Current military operations are to retake the planet from a strain of sentient flora who have, as of right now, frustrated our attempts to regain control of the planet. In aid, we humbly request ground forces that can be spared specialized for combat against non-humanoid wildlife, specifically units armed with flame-weapons. Our current objectives are to prevent the strain from reactivating the planetary shields and thus rendering a counterattack impossible and to locate the source of the plants' odd behaviors which we believe to be responsible via the study of a human scientist, Mbowli Morgan, who was reported missing 1.2.2555. Secondary objectives also include location of the rare manivas plant, which was the goal of the majority of the research teams on the planet. Respond urgent.
-Cordially, President Os Lorin