Sanctuary Isle [Inactive]

Tock had climbed out of the tree and managed to wash himself off with the same bucket of water he had used to splash the succubus. Lyallee. It was a nice name. Despite the fact that its owner had just tricked him into falling in his own horse dung trap. Clever girl, too.

"Stop it, Tock!", Tock muttered as he clanked himself on the head with the bucket, groaning when he realized that it hurt more than he expected. He let the succubus get to him, see? It wasn't going to happen again, see? He was going to have to come up with a plan. A trick bigger than he had ever planned before, see?

The kitchen. Ha! There's always something you could use from the kitchen, see? Tock smiled and slung the bucket over his shoulder. His club still smelled distinctively equine but he slung that over his belt as well. He adjusted his tunic slightly, checked his hair and horn for any other signs of dung. Luckily, there was none left. Good. That horn was his honor, his emblem, his symbol, his very dignity, see? It would not do to have horse dung on his dignity.

Swinging his club back and forth, Tock made his way to the kitchen. A food fight, maybe. No, but then Tock was bound to get some on him, and this would have to be a clean revenge, see? No splash damage this time, he wasn't that desperate. There would be something elegant about utilizing horse dung again, but on the other hand, Tock realized that idea would be bad. And plus, there probably wasn't horse dung in the kitchen, see? They were trying to make the kitchen all human, so no signs of dung of any origin anywhere in that place. You were probably more likely to find a dragon or something, see?

Tock donned the gamtu, turning invisible. Hopefully, the chef wasn't paying too much attention to things. Maybe he could distract the chef. Ah, yes. Tock clicked his club on the floor. "Oh, wind-up car, come out, come out!" This proved to be difficult, because someone kept moving the damn toy, see, but Tock managed to finally grab hold of one. It appeared next to him. Tock smiled, and tied a golden coin to it. It was so worth the coin. He wound it six times and smirked.


Tock let the car go. The chef looked up and watched the coin drive by. Greedy little sucker went after it, see? Tock snuck forward as the wind-up car went random directions, driving the chef mad. Fish. That could be useful. Oooh, those pans tend to get very loud. A dragon might be useful for a prank-

Did Tock just see a dragon?

Tock managed to hold back his scream, and raised his club in defense. What in the name of Chun-ha was a dragon doing in the fluffing kitchen? Tock snarled silently, hoping the dragon couldn't see him. Didn't they have enhanced smell or something? Whatever. This looked like a baby dragon, see. Tock could take him.
Ulbo was a ShenShen, a member of a simian race that resembled a hairless chimpanzee. He stood over 7 feet tall, with wrinkled skin, a few wisps for hair, and phosphorescent eyes. While not built like an ape, he was more than strong enough to wreak a little damage. Normally he was gentle as a lamb - peaceful…

… but not with Tock around. Ulbo had banished the goblin from his kitchen FOREVER after the first prank. ShenShen were not known for tolerating humiliation. He didn’t have to see the goblin. He could smell him and hear him. And his brand of magic was unmistakable … and very, very visible. And a ShenShen could have cared less about a coin. So when Tock entered his kitchen he roared with anger, perhaps a bit more than intended.


Poor Growf. First one gigantic human, then another, and then the human Thing moving all over the floor. It looked like a miniature car. And the roar of Ulbo, plus the raised club of Tock did nothing to make him feel any less threatened. He was instinctively trying to camouflage himself, but with fish stuck to him, wearing a fish as a sort of hat, and all the flour, he wasn’t going to be able to hide. The only advantage he had was being able to hide under things.

“Tock! Stay put! No … move over there! Give him a way out.” Ulbo ordered, his voice taken down a few notches.

Growf decided he was safer hiding under the racks.

Pilot and Co Pilot of the sea plane

Helen and Kumiko glanced at one another. Kumiko was the one who said it first. “I think out new Librarian is drunk.”

Helen smiled. “Well, that should make finding books more of an adventure. The real question is where are all the students? They were supposed to be here to meet and greet the new Librarian and student. I suppose it is a mixed blessing. At least they won’t see Ms Rand embarrass herself.”

Janice closed her eyes for a moment and turned a little green. “Oh … I think I may have drank a few too many of those bottles. Clean up on aisle 7... Oh God. I am going to have to do sooo many Hail Mary’s later.” She swallowed hard. She wished the room would stop moving. She almost asked for an aspirin.

Inside the seaplane, the pilot and copilot were ushering the new student, a gargoyle. The poor thing looked sick. Janice glanced back up into the plane and her mouth opened in a simian grin. “Well at least all three of us made it here.”

“Three?” Kumiko asked.

“I was just counting passengers. He counts as two and a half. I would be the other half.” Janice stood at an angle that made it look like she might fall off the arms of the chair.

Helen waited until Daniel had made it ashore. “As your host I bid you welcome. My servant here can help with the luggage.” She looked at Kumiko with a bland expression.

Kumiko stared back, Then looked behind her. Then she looked back at her friend. Her eyes squinted down.. Then she leaned over and muttered under her breath. “I hope she throws up on you.”
Lyallee walked out of the large jungle of the island. She hummed a lullaby her mother sang to her as a kid. The jungle started to light up and was becoming less dense. Finally, she had made it to the beach. Lyallee walked over to the ocean and cleaned off her feet and hands. She noticed something different in the sand. She turned around to get a closer look. It was red splotches.

Lyallee walked up to the nearest red painted sand. Curious she bent down to get a closer look. It finally clicked to Lyallee. It was someones blood. She followed the blood trail to find a pale boy bleeding from opened stitches.

Lyallee ran up to the boy, worried. She held out her arm and held him reassuringly. "You're bleeding a lot, you need help now." she told the boy. (Zhan)
Zhan looked up at Lyallee. He looked a little embarrassed. “Sorry about that. I thought … well, the other guy was attacking you.” He winced a little, not so much because of the pain in his side, but the fact that Erin would never let him hear the end of it if she learned of this. “Look, can we keep this just between us .. and the Nurse … and that other guy? I’d rather my family didn’t find out about this. I kinda did the same thing with them. It is sort of how I got shot in the first place.” He paused, then added, “I think I tore my stitches … again. Ms Rheyana is going to lecture me for this.”

Well, it hadn’t been that long of a chase, so the walk back wasn’t too bad. But by the time they got back Zhan was getting rather light headed. The Nurse, Akiko Rheyana, looked severely at Lyallee for a moment. Akiko has gene in her similar to those of a succubus herself. Lyallee was more than old enough to know to be more careful around humans - and that she ought to be able to sense if a human was strong enough to feed on or roughhouse with. And … she sensed no guilt in Lyallee’s demeanor.

Akiko had assumed - wrongly - that Lyallee had tried to seduce the boy and caused him to rip his own stitches out. She turned to scowl at Zhan, “You know, I just replaced those. Lyallee, help me get him on the bed.” Her glance hardened to a glare. “Not for THAT! I’d say there’s been quite enough of that!” She glared now at Zhan, though with less anger. “I don’t blame you. Someone is going to have to explain to you what a succubus is.”

Zhan just looked confused through Akiko’s rant. “Uhm .. all she did was help me get here. I tore them out trying to chase the other guy off.” He paused, then explained. “I thought the other guy was attacking her.”

Akiko’s eyes closed in a wince. She fought back a smile, then opened an eye to peer at Lyallee, then turned her attention to Zhan. “My apologies Lyallee. I should really know better.” She shook her head. “No time for that. I need you to apply pressure right here.” She moved Lyallee’s hand. “Then I am going to show you how to stitch up a bullet wound - for real.” Akiko went and scrubbed up.

When she returned she spoke. “So …Zhan, are you going to make it a habit of trying to save damsel’s in distress?” She looked up at Lyallee and winked slightly. “Has anyone told you how he saved his adoptive family from pirates?”
Lyallee laughed, suprised the boy wasn't afraid or worried about bleeding out. "Don't worry about it, I'm sorry you ripped your stitches trying to stop him." she said they had walked halfway there by now. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Lyallee promised. She helped him into the office. Lyallee could feel Zhan getting weaker.

Finally they were inside and with the nurse. Lyallee could feel her glare baring into her soul. Lyallee looked away from the nurse and back to Zhan. She lifted him onto the bed easily and made sure he was comfortable. The nurse had crossed the line now. Lyallee flung her hands in the air "Who do you think you are? Just because of my race, you think I'm a whore that would sleep with a boy younger than me. Thats sick!" Lyallee said defending herself. This nurse was really wanting to get on her bad side. Thanks to Zhan the nurse realized she had made a mistake of accusing Lyallee with such disgusting ideas. Lyallee nodded to her apology, still mad. Lyallee did as the nurse said just to help Zhan.

Lyallee laughed, Zhan must be a hero from where he's from. Even though he is young and short, he still did try to "save her" from Tock. Zhan does have a big heart, Lyallee would give him that. She looked up from Zhan and to the nurse, for the first time since she walked in. "No... Id like to hear this story." she said interested. There's no way he could take on pirates. He must have a super power.. Or something!

Tock's family had a long history with the Shenshen species, see? This is not great. Tock bolted from the kitchen, clicking his club on the floor on his way out.

"Come out, come out, Smoke Bomb!"

The entire kitchen was covered in smoke. Tock bit his lip and ran. Ulbo was bound to come get him, see?

Tock was sprinting, looking for a place to hide. He managed to sneak into the medical bay and hid under a bed. That succubus girl and the boy with the club earlier were in a bed.


Tock bit his lip. He was hiding, see, and he couldn't let himself get in the way again. That nurse lady was here anyway, and she could tell on Tock and that'd be it.

Some mess Tock got himself into. For now, they were talking about some story thing. Might as well listen.
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After a final cough, Daniel was finally able to breath normally again, though the taste of bile still lingered in his mouth no matter how much he tried to spit it out. Wincing as he straightened up, he right there and then swore to himself to only ever take another trip in that cursed thing, and that trip would be the one that returns him to the mainland, afterwhich he will never step foot on one again in his life. Not only did it make him sick, it violated his ideal of flying. Daniel adored flying, and that metal thing had just utterly ruined it for him.

Turning, he noticed others looking at him expectantly. He cringed under their gazes, not used to having so many people staring at him at once like that. He fumbled awkwardly, not sure what is the right thing to say. "
Thank you, but I'll carry my luggage myself." He finally said, not wanting others to get their hands on his belonging. Who knows what they'd do to it? He knew little about the everyday life of human and how they behave, and the prank-loving and bored Elementals who had nothing to do so spent most of their time tricking him didn't help one bit. Without much apparent thought, Daniel turned his right hand into its Gargoyle form and lifed his bag effortlessly. He didn't have much belongings, mostly clothes, which he had never really seen the point of, some rocks and stones from his old place in the Amazon that he kept when leaving, and a LOT of rocks. Normal people bring first-aid kit with them, Daniel brought rocks. Just in case the island is a giant puddle of mud, he reasoned. "Where can I leave my things?"

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