Sanctuary Isle [Inactive]


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Approved Characters


Saya Hayashi by @The Jason - Earth Elemental

Lyallee Foster by
@Jesserz - Succubus


Janice Rand by
@sharlene79 - human with simean mutation


Growf by
@Mitheral - dragon (genetic experiment)

Notable NPC's: (These will be run only as needed.)

Helen Arcane - Arch Mage, a mere 20 years old and probably the youngest arch mage ever. Her great grandparents were among the founders of the Island. She maintains the wards that protect the island.

Kumiko Yamakami - Helen's bodyguard.

Akiko Rheyana - Nurse.

Amazing Five

The mission had begun with Clarence as was often the case. HOW he had ever learned about such events they never understood. Helen Arcane seemed to understand him though, even though she wouldn’t really explain. The best she would do is to say that he had achieved a state not unlike the Satori that Tibetan monks strive for during the time when DARPA had kidnapped him and interrogated him. In the weakened state of his mind he had snapped. Being presented with all the knowledge of the universe in a single moment had been too much of a strain.

All the knowledge of the universe had sounded like too much of a claim, but Helen explained that it was more like being suddenly granted access to a library that contained all that knowledge. Someone who achieved such a state successfully would be able to sift through the information and make sense of it - not understand all of it. Clarence, hadn’t been able to keep his mind from being overwhelmed by the information. Nor was he able to block the constant barrage without medication.

Somehow Clarence had engineered his own escape from a supposedly inescapable room deep in a black ops DARPA base. He had ended up wandering, homeless and afraid to be seen. By sheer chance he had been discovered by Jake Iverson who just picked up his lunch. Seeing Clarence digging around garbage cans he had decided to part with his lunch. So he invited the guy over and offered his lunch. (Jake regretted this immediately as Clarence hadn’t bathed in some time.)

Jake became the one person who could truly speak “Clarence.”

Jake Iverson worked both on the Reservation, caring for wild mustangs - as well as that pack of Garou. He was the group’s mechanic - whom Sybil Sheppard referred to as a “Grease Monkey.” He had grown up a little wild, with a few run ins with the law. He ended up at odds with one of the current deputies, whom he had forbidden to bother his sister. As a result he had a record, which was an exaggerated list of trumped up charges.

Janice Iverson was the group’s medical doctor. She was also a practicing tribal shaman even though their grandfather, Standing Bear, clearly wanted Jake to take up the calling. She had constant troubles with the tribe for another reason. She was engaged to Simon Imenov. Simon was a their computer engineer and cyberpsi. He liked to think he was a physicist. Simon and Jake had come to blows initially. Jake pushed Simon hard. Simon also came to blows with half the Reservation. When he refused to back down - and Janice had a heart to heart with her brother - Jake quietly switched sides. He demanded the tribe back off. Behind closed doors Jake informed Simon - right in front of Janice - that he would have to be tested by the tribe. Simon never even flinched - not then and not later when he was tested. Truth of the matter was that Jake had already accepted Simon. Janice had made it very clear she didn’t care what the Tribe said. Jake had taken the matter to Standing Bear. And while the two men were at odds, Standing Bear told Jake to send Simon to him - alone. Jake balked when Standing Bear told Jake where the meeting would take place. It was a very dangerous climb. Standing Bear just told Jake to carry the message and let Jake choose whether to make the journey.

Simon is still alive and the Tribe has stopped bothering him.

Then there is Sybil, Clarence’s girlfriend. She is something like a Son of Ether. She is a beauty that is generally hidden behind goggled and a lab coat. She is constantly frustrated by Clarence who ‘borrows’ things from her lab. She is the engineer and scientist that created their Umbral explorer - which looks like a Jules Verne creation, a cross between the Nautilus and a bathysphere.


Zhan de L'mar

Zhan awoke blearily in the transport tank he had been shipped to the Island in. Truth to tell it felt a little claustrophobic. Confined spaces normally didn’t bother him. He had hidden from sharks in small caves on more than one occasion. The drugs they had given him - for a number of reasons - made him feel sick. But then at the very notion of being put on a plane he had freaked out, and torn out half his stitches the first time they had tried to get him to fly. At least this time his wounds had begun to knit.

He reached up and undid the latches to exit. He had been told his tank was modified based on some tanks used for escape tricks used by stage magicians. Of course, he had no idea what a magician was exactly. He was just glad the unit was intended for him to open, not as a trap. When the top lifted up he sat up. He glanced over the side where there were plenty of towels to dry off so that he didn’t track water all over his roommate’s things. He smiled at the sight of flip flops. They were the wrong kind. His toes wouldn’t fit in them.

Well, he needed to dry off and dress up like a human anyways. He eyed the uniform that had been laid out for him distastefully. He simply wasn’t used to clothes. But at least some people had gone to extra lengths to make his transition to the new school go a little easier. With a frown he started changing. By now, at least, he had figured out how to wear most of the normal articles of clothing. More importantly after the shock he had given the Davenport family by walking in with nothing but his birthday suit on to ask what to do with some of the pieces he had realized that it was something he had had to learn. Mr Davenport had been unable to decide whether to be mad or humored. In the end, though, he had been patient.

The uniform was a little like the one Mr Davenport had had him wear to go eat once - though a bit simpler. It had been one of those meals where it felt like they all wanted him to look at the food, not eat it. Mrs Davenport had tried to show him all the different forks and spoons. And the thing to eat a snail was just plain silly. The spices had nearly choked him to death. But he had politely tried everything. Still, in the end he had still been hungry. The one thing he had loved was the caviar - at least until it dawned on him just how many fish that had been killed to make the obscenely huge bowl that had been presented. But he had smiled and nodded and enjoyed a small treat - much as he would have in the ocean.

Now that he was dressed he rolled up his sleeve to reach into the water to pull out his string bag filled with his worldly possessions - which weren’t exactly many. He had a few unusual items. One was a Toughbook Laptop - the official laptop of Navy Seals. Zhan tried to imagine what a seal would do with a laptop or how its flippers were ever going to push keys, but he had smiled and nodded. Fortunately Erin had caught his look and pulled him aside later to explain a Seal as opposed to a seal. Then it had made a lot more sense. His other toys were a phone, watch, and a Droid all designed for underwater use. He was told these would be tools he would need.


As Zhan looked around it struck him that the bed in the room made the ones in the yacht look comfortable. And they had metal railing - and straps. He cocked his head sideways as he studied the bead. It didn’t look slept in either. And it was covered with white paper. Then it hit him where he was. This was a hospital. His heart started to pound a little. He went to his bag to get his knife - only to find it missing. He fought down a moment of panic as he recalled something about rules regarding weapons. He hadn’t liked that idea. He felt a little defenseless without it.

So he picked up the wheelie stool / chair looking thing and held it like a club. Then he walked over to the door and tried it. He was a little surprised when it offered no resistance. He was even more surprised when a nurse almost ran him over. She had been about to check on him to see if he was awake yet. There was an awkward moment as she eyed the chair, her patient, then the chair again. A little embarrassed, he set the chair down and smiled apologetically.

He got the usual spiel about maps. He was told his tank would be transferred to his bungalow room later, He had arrived after hours and they hadn’t wanted to wake other students with the moving process. He nodded as usual. He had been a somewhat late arrival. But then his whole life seemed to be a process of catching up.

He made his way out of the medical facilities and out onto the campus proper and checked over his Droid to look at the map. It was a very informal sort of campus, more like a South Pacific village that a school. Erin had helped him set his Android up. He had already had to have his laptop’s hard drive reset for having shut it off so many times by just pressing the power button and holding it until it finally shut off. The Droid seemed easier to use. And all, he really just used it for GPS and studies. He checked the compass reading on his watch, then oriented himself.

And that was when the tolling of a church bell shattered his thoughts … thing of it was, he wasn’t entirely sure what the bell was for? Class? Fire alarm? Security breach? He looked around and saw “people” dragging themselves around. They seemed unconcerned, some even annoyed. He decided that whatever the purpose, it wasn’t an emergency.
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Helen Arcane and Kumiko Yamakami

“Oh! …. Can I drive!?” Kumiko Yamakami asked Helen Arcane as they approached the ATV.

Helen winced as the ATV started itself up and revved its engines threateningly. “I don’t think Lotus has forgiven you. But you can have shotgun if you don’t sulk about it.”

Kumiko tried not to pout. It hardly seemed fair. It wasn’t like the dents had been very big. Okay, so she tore a bumper off one of the other cars. And she only hit six. “We SHE can drive herself. Couldn’t I just pretend…?”

The ATV suddenly lurched forward and didn’t stop. The two women were forced to dive to either side. Helen barely had time to throw up a shield spell to deflect the sand that Lotus sprayed as she veerd to pursue Kumiko. The heaved a sigh. This was a sort of ritual. She stood up and brushed off the remaining sand and continued down to the beach, ignoring the screams of Kumiko as Lotus continued trying to run her down. Lotus wouldn’t actually hurt Kumiko, but the Yoma was going to get a good workout running away.

Helen knew that rumors had gotten out about the new Librarian. And the new Staff member and teacher was getting to the Island the long way - from Lesotho to the Congo, to London (by whatever forms of transport she could find), to NYC, to Miami ... and finally a private seaplane to the island.

As the ward around the island began to react to the approach of the seaplane, Kumiko made a beeline for Helen in hopes that Lotus wouldn’t actually run them both down.

Helen glanced over at Kumiko, who had barely worked up a sweat. “I warned you. And if you even think about yelling The Plane, The Plane, I will sic Lotus on you every waking moment for a week.”
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Growf’s mouth had begun to salivate at the scent of the fish. He had picked up the scent and finally tracked it down. As he glanced around the room it reminded him vaguely of the laboratories. Only the laboratories hadn’t smelled anywhere near this good. He craned his neck into the room, his hide nearly invisible against the wall. He didn’t SEE any fish.

Cautiously he entered the room tasting the air and sniffing. The taste was stronger than ever. He keened softly, almost pitifully. He was starving. This was torture. Then he was interrupted by the sounds of footsteps of a rather large man. Almost panicking Growf froze in place, then scooted under a shelf to stare out hungrily.

As he watch the man moved to a large workbench made of stainless steel. He picked up a razor sharp knife in one hand and - lo and behold - a fish in the other. Growf let an soft excited squeak out and the man stopped, listened. Then he shook his head and went back to work. A few minutes later he stopped and headed out of the room leaving the prizes - one of the menu items for the day’s lunch - exposed on the top of the workbench.

This was the kitchen.

Under any other circumstances Growf would have had a great deal more patience. but he was literally starving. So as soon as the way to the fish was clear he moved in. Then he discovered a new problem. The bench was too high to reach the surface. The legs were stainless steel. Even with his claws sharpened he’d never be able to climb up. And even if he knew how to fly, his wings were broken and torn. So he glanced around the room for a solution.

His eyes settled on a fold up stool. His claws clattered as he scuttled over and wrapped his tail about the legs and pulled the stool open. Then he dragged it across the room to the bench. Finally he hopped up, ignoring the pain in his thigh where he had chewed out the transponder. Then he stood up to view the prize.

With a happy squeal he spotted dozens of fish just laying there. He hopped and immediately began to chow down on a fish, ignoring the racket the stool made as it fell over when he jumped up. He practically inhaled the first fish. He had barely begun to chow down on a second fish when a loud noise startled him - the bell announcing the start of the day. In a panic Growf tried to stuff a second fish into his mouth. Then he tried to take the whole tray with him.

Growf, the tray, and the fish all went over the side of the bench along with a large bowl of seasoned flour. The racket was deafening. Growf ended up covered in flour, a few fish fillets and a fish that had been cleaned but not filleted yet as a sort of “helmet.” He sneezed and started to move toward the exit in a panic, then stopped when he heard the man returning. All Growf could do was try to find something to hide under.
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Lyallee was hiding between wooden barrels on a large ship. It was on its way to Paris, but she was on her way to the Sanctuary. She heard a loud horn and the ship began changing coarse. Lyallee pushed away a barrel and snuck out of one of many stock rooms. The ship wouldn't run through the Bermuda Triangle in fear of being ship wrecked. She had to act now. Lyallee ran up the stairs and to the first deck. She looked around, all of the crew were asleep or on the upper deck. She climbed up the rails and jumped...

Lyallee felt woozy. She had been flying for what seemed like an eternity but she still could not find the Sanctuary. Time slowly passes by, she didn't have much time left. Her wings could only hold her about an hour. She wiped the sweat from her brow, and soon as she did she saw it- Land! Lyallee flew down landing with a thud and falling to the sand. Her hair sticky with damp sand, she didn't care. She laid on the beach taking a nice rest.

A few minutes later she finally arched her back and looked at the island. It was certainly beautiful, she knew that for sure. She wobbily stood and attempted to brush off the sand from the front of her dress. She walked towards the village, filled with other supernaturals. She felt so happy to not be alone anymore. She put on her best smile and joined in the group.

Tock was leaning on his clubs, bored out of his mind on the roof. When he heard footsteps, he donned his mask, felt himself grow invisible, and cackled silently to himself. There was some winged girl he had never seen before. Newbies get the Tock treatment, see. It was showtime.

He clicked his clubs together and thought to himself, "Bucket of ice water." After a few seconds of something gripping at his consciousness, in a silent puff of smoke behind him, a cold, misshapen bucket of freezing water had arrived. That one was particularly uncomfortable, see; this had better be worth it.

With a slight smile, Tock leaned the bucket over as the girl walked under.
Lyallee held back a scream, she bit her tongue. Water out of no where was poured on her. Chills formed on her arms a legs. She wiped the water away from her eyes and pulled her hair back out of her face. She contained her temper. Even though she was already ticked off, she smirked.

Lyallee let out a laugh and turned around to see the culprit. No one was there. "Invisibility. Very smart, I'll give you that whoever you are." she guessed at where the prankster was and she jumped, flying to a spot inches in front of Tock. Though she couldn't see him, she knew he could see her.

"Don't worry, I'll get you back for this. Thats a promise." Lyallee said already plotting her revenge. She smirked, she to also enjoyed pranks. She turned her back to Tock. "So.. Can I meet my pranker?" she said in general to Tock.
With a slight cackle, Tock flipped off the mask and let it rest on his forehead. Tock's body seemed to expand for a bit, and he was visible again, see. Tock smirked and glared at the girl.

"I'd like to see you try," Tock laughed, "The name's Tock. I'm a Dokgaebi. And you must be a succubus."

Tock checked her out, see. "My, my, my. You don't need any flirting powers with me, babe." Tock leaned on one of his clubs, all cool-like, see. It was very cool until the club flipped out from under him and managed to bonk him on the head. Tock irritably put them away.

"So you're new, then," he cackled, "Well, let's make something clear. I'm the hotshot around here, see? I'm the boss. So you're gonna wanna pay me some respect, see? Or you can kiss that pretty little butt succu-bye."
Janice Rand was grateful for the prepaid card from her foster mother. As a missionary working in 3rd world countries she didn’t have much of an income. And quite frankly she had never needed one. But without the card she swore she would have starved to death. The airlines had served something inedible. And she was more than a little drunk. She hated flying. It wasn’t her first time and she had no fear of heights. But there was just something unnatural about a plane. Getting drunk had helped.

Fortunately the crews had been nice enough about helping her off the planes, making transfers, etc. She had travelled under a handicapped ticket using a wheelchair provided by the Church. And everything went smoothly enough. It wasn’t as though she actually NEEDED the chair. It was a disguise - chosen to conceal her mutation and save her the agony of walking.

Thanks to flight delays she hadn’t arrived the day before. Instead she arrived mere hours before her first class. Unlike the students she wasn’t expected in the orientation - or was she? She hoped this wasn’t one of those small, elite schools that introduced all the teachers. The pilot and co-pilot struggled to get Janice to the exit from the seaplane. They had taken the wheelchair out first. Janice just laughed at them, shaking her head. She finally remembered that her feet could actually carry her. She balked at the edge as she spotted all the water around the plane, wrinkling her nose with distaste.

Then she did a double flip out the door and landed on the arms of the wheelchair where she sat down by reflex.

Janice tried to stand up again and turned green. She barely turned away in time to keep from throwing up on the two women that had come to greet her. “S-sorry … I didn’t really like flying. I think my tug is nub.” She blew a raspberry. “Tongue is numb.” She half giggled. “And I haven’t been this drunk since I got into the winery at St Andrews. I had a dozen monks all trying to catch me thinking they were going to have a hard time of it. But I just fell over flat schnockered. I think I’ll take you up on that offer to help with my luggage. And it might be a good idea to make sure I actually find my room. Unless you want to find me glued to my chair by some students.”

Janice had never much appreciated bathing. Moira had met her in London and made sure her daughter bathed before boarding the flight. Janice had fussed a little, but when reminded that she was travelling in civilized territories she relented. Still after a long flight and throwing up Janice certainly wreaked a little..
Lyallee faced Tock now that he was visible. She glanced at his body and then quickly back to his eyes. She smirked, he tried to act cool only to get knocked on the head. She laughed at him and smiled... He was pretty cute...

"Well hello love. Yes, succubus. And don't worry I wasn't planning on using my flirty powers on you anyways." she smirked and walked closer to him in a seductive motion, swaying her hips.

"Sorry love, if you want respect from me you have to earn it." Lyallee replied to Tock. "Wouldn't it be embarrassing if a girl like me took your spot as "the boss". You will soon see that I am the better pranker between us. Then you would have to show me some respect." she winked at him smoothly.
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Tock chuckled. "You? You think you can beat me? I don't know where you're from, but I'm the prankster god around here, sweetcheeks. You should be relieved that it was just water in that bucket, see. I went easy on you because you're a newbie, see."

Tock crossed his arms proudly. Maybe he should have actually been nice to her. That would be good for a change. See what she was actually like, get to know her a lot. Maybe he could reveal that part of himself that was scarred, bleeding, his internal chains of the soul and they could live together, maybe, just maybe, she loved him back.

'Hang on,' Tock realized, 'I'm a Dokgaebi. I don't have internal chains of the soul.'

Tock glared at the girl, see. He remembered what his father said. Succubus powers were dangerous things, he said. Of course, he was talking about nine-tailed foxes at the time, but same difference, see.

'She's seducing me,' Tock thought.

"So what's your name?" Tock asked. He wanted to move closer, maybe hold her hand or something-

Tock grit his teeth. 'She's definitely seducing me. And I ain't fallin' for it, see.'
Lyallee smiled sweetly. She watched Tock looking at his body language, but he is hard to read. She noticed he was fighting her seduction one moment, but flirting back another. Still moving closer to him she stopped a foot in front of him. Lyallee was curious about him, she wanted to get know him. Lyall had to look up to find his eyes.

"My name is Anonymous." she said lying. "No I lied about that, but if you really want to know what my name is you should invite me for a drink 'hot shot'." she said with a smirk. She placed her hand on her hip and leaned on her right side.

Lyallee reached out her soft hand and placed on his, she stared deep in his eyes. She quickly tripped Tock on his right and grabbed his staff from his hand. She laughed sweetly "Catch me if you can!" she jumped back and began to run with his weapon.
Tock lost himself. She was so beautiful, and of course he would buy her a drink, who wouldn't? There was something so fragile-


"MY CLUB!" Tock roared. He leapt off the roof after the winged succubus, enraged. Tock briefly forgot about the flying thing, see, and collapsed onto the ground painfully. Tock managed to raise himself on his knee, see, and looked out. She was running.

"You ain't getting away, see," Tock muttered, and raced off after her. "Nobody out-tricks a Dokgaebi."

He donned his Gamtu mask and disappeared again. No doubt the girl didn't know how quick Tock could run, see. Tock smirked and dashed off. He was only slightly faster than the succubus, but he'd catch her, see. If only he could spawn something more helpful... Tock reminded himself to be more careful with his club.
Lyallee looked behind her to see where Tock was. One second she saw him then another second he was gone. She said a curse word in her head. 'Invisibility.. Forgot.' she said in her mind. She knew he would catch up to her quick so she thought up a plan.

Lyallee ran up the beach a little ways in a straight path, then she jumped into the jungle. She made a twisting path, no way he could catch her now. She jumped over trees and changed her direction multiple times.

Finally she dove into a hollow trunk of a tree with hanging vines to keep her hidden. She could have won if she hadn't had stepped in mud. Now he'll definitely find her if he followed her tracks. Lyallee didn't realize she left the tracks though so she sat crouched with a champion smile on her lips.
Zhan watched with idle curiosity as a rather strange looking humanoid male (Tock) - certainly not human - chased a humanoid female with batlike wings (Lyallee). The male he noticed wasn’t visible in the normal spectra. Erin had called his ability to see with his searing ‘echolocation’ or sonar. Whatever it was called it was as natural to him as vision was to a human. At this range he could make out few details, of course, but there were distinct giveaways to the odd nature of the guy.

It took him a moment to decide whether to intervene. It wasn’t as though he was in any shape to get into a fight. But it wasn’t in his nature to leave someone defenseless - even against an opponent twice his size. And so he started off on an intercept course hoping to cut the assailant off. he felt a twitch in his side and his ribs ached. But he didn’t stop even though he felt a little defenseless without his knife. To give him at least some sort of edge, he grabbed a makeshift club - essentially a moderately heavy hunk of driftwood.

If he had been in top shape he might have made it to the tree in time to cut Tock off. But his wounds were slowing him down. It was all he could do to yell and try to draw the attacker off.
Tock was almost caught up to her, see, when she flew up and into the jungle. That's cheating, see. So Tock would cheat too. He jumped up into the air. He couldn't run and do it at the same time, see, and the height he jumped would give Tock enough time to cast the spell, see.

This was going to be so much harder without the bangmangy.

Tock concentrated and beckoned, "Bag of dung, come out, come out!" Something tugged really hard at the back of Tock's head. He should have waited, maybe he could have just ran after her, see. But it worked. In Tock's hand was a smelly sack of horse dung. This was the ultimate revenge, see. Tock tried his best not to think about where he took it from, but the view of the ranch on the island was not reassuring. He looked down and saw the tracks of mud on the ground. It belonged to the succubus, see.

Someone shouted at Tock. He turned around and looked at the newbie. "I'll deal with you later!" Tock yelled, "I'm busy, see!"

Tock dashed off, hopping on tree branches, watching the tracks under him. When they stopped, Tock silently landed on a branch above it. He looked down and saw a knot of vines hanging from his branch. She was surely hiding nearby, see. Tock summoned a rope and tied the bag to the branch he was standing on. He then leaped onto another branch, holding the sack. It was a wrecking ball of horse dung, see, aimed directly at the succubus.

Tock let go of the sack. Off it goes.
Lyallee listened in to the forest. 'its too quite' she thought, 'he's definitely doing a trick.' Lyallee looked out her little cave. She looked both ways and found a disturbing sight to her life. A flying sack of dung speeding towards her. She gasped, thinking quickly she jumped straight in the air and soared up into a tree with her wing. She landed on a branch near Tocks.

Lyallee floated back down to the ground where her cave was demolished. "Oh thats dirtry love, and I thought you were sweet." she laughed. "Come out Tocks, let me see you." she pleaded sweetly.

She looked through the forest and held out his club and swung it around in the air before hiding it behind her back. "Tocks, come out love. I guess you were right. You always win, I'll let you have your club back if you come to me." she said innocently.
Zhan was not deterred in the slightest. He had no idea that this was just a game. For that matter he had no clue as to the fact that he might be spoiling things for Lyallee. No, he just saw a damsel in distress. The injuries he now sported had been gained from fighting modern pirates that had attacked the Davenports.

It was looking obvious that he’d never keep up unless they stopped. So he was left with but one recourse. He had to throw his makeshift club. Under ordinary circumstances it was have been a tough challenge at this range, the jungle and Tock’s movements. But Zhan was far from at his best. Quite simply he didn’t really have the strength for the throw - at least not without ripping out his stitches …

… which is exactly what he did. He hauled back and threw as hard as he could trying to ignore the pain in his side - only to watch the club deflected by branches.

With a fresh stain of crimson now starting to appear on his side he continued forward bellowing … until he saw Lyallee’s response. His bellow started to peter out in confusion. He slowly came to a halt, looking up, cocked his head sideways.


The girl didn’t seem to be in any real trouble. He hand reached down to feel his side, pulling away a stain of blood.
Daeyamo, recently teleported to Earth.

Unlike the movies where when one teleports, there's some light dancing and noises, Daeyamo hadn't even binked, yet her world was instantly changed. She ended up in someone's back yard in a place she didn't know. She could see a couple of people a few houses down playing outside in their pool. Well, when is it not a good time to play a prank? That's right, never! So she lifted her wing and took off, buzzing by a few trees until she found one close enough to the children.

What are these? Maybe an odd mutated version of bipedal chimera? Whatever they are, let's hope they scare easy, that would sure be fun. She lifted her hand and moved it in a circular motion. At the same time, the water in the pool began to spin. Faster and faster, soon the water was becoming violent as magic was continually fed into it, spinning the children until sharp screams came from their mouths. The noise had startled the small pixie, as she had never heard anything so horrible. A larger human came out, their mom, though Daeyamo didn't know, and was shocked at what was happening with the pool, though at this time it was beginning to calm down since Daeyamo broke the spell. One more prank and then she would say hi. With a wave of her hand, the children had changed form. Though this was but an illusion, the mother screamed out in fear, he children now looking like some deformed human octopus hybrid with no skin or meat.

Daeyamo thought it was hilarious, and felt they have been good sports about it all, so she jumped from the branch, and fluttered her wings a few times so she wouldn't land too hard. "Hello, my name is Daeyamo, it's nice to meet you!" The mom had passed out before the sentence finished and the children began screaming in fear. Most people had a fear of small bugs, yet this large, two foot humanoid insect was terrifying to them. Having become bored with the constant noise of fretting humans, she felt it was time to move to the next group. This sure was going to be a good time for the small pixie.
Tock grinned and leapt at his club in the hand of the succubus. He wasn't going to reveal himself, the great Tock wasn't that stupid, see-

But on the other hand, she seemed to be so impressed. Maybe it'd be nice to have her see him, they were alone, they could definitely just sit and talk for a while. It'd be nice to have a friend for once, rather than someone to constantly trick... Someone close... But that wasn't true. He was a Dokgaebi. They existed for tricking. But that wasn't an obligation, it was a choice.

Tock chose to let himself be taken into the succubus' charm. He took off the mask and looked at his true love's eyes.

Tock realized what he had done when his true love looked back.

Lyallee smiled at him. She heaved a sigh and stepped toward him. She walked lightly to him. "Finally." she said quietly, she placed her hand on his chest and carved out his muscles with her finger. "About time you came out love, I was almost starting to miss you." she teased him with a cute smile. She turned her back to himself and walked away with a sway of her hips.

As a succubus, Lyallee's destiny was to never date anyone and always stay alone so she could always seduce men. But Lyallee didn't want that destiny. Her head keeps telling her to stay away from Tock, but her heart wants him instead.

Lyallee walked towards her old hiding spot. She smirked and turned back to him. "I'm sorry I have to do this to you love, but you deserve it for throwing dung at me." she held out his club over the dung and dropped it.
Tock made a swan dive. He should have seen this coming, but maybe he could still catch it- He'd done it before, he was very agile, he could-

But she's nice to be with, see?

Tock was caught by surprise, and eventually caught in the tangled vines covering the hole. Changing your mid-air was a bad idea. When he had finally landed in the horse dung, Tock groaned. First of all, he was shoulder-deep in horse dung. Second of all, Tock wasn't sure how much of this was the succubus.

Because he just though something lovey-dovey with that annoying habit of his, see?
Lyallee watched, stepping out of the way. She thought he could make it, but he fumbled and landed it the mess. As soon as he hit Lyallee died out laughing.

Lyallee laughed so hard she had to sit down and catch her breath. She looked at Tock with a huge grin. "My, my, my, would you look at this. I strongly believe that I just beat you in your own game." she placed her hand on her hip, "I think I deserve some more respect from you, love. It feels good to be the 'boss' of the Isle."

Lyallee smiled at him victoriously. She stood up, "Well love, I think you should get all cleaned up, then maybe we could meet again tonight?"
Tock grumbled. "You ain't the boss yet. You'll be seeing me around, whether you like it or not, see?"

Tock seized his club and hopped up onto another branch. But he wanted to be nice, see?

Tock whirled around and glared at the succubus. "What's your name?"
Lyallee looked at him blankly. She felt cold, like he was unhappy with her now. Lyallee flew up to a branch above him.

"Lyallee. But few people who are special to me get the privilege to call me Lyall. Maybe one day you'll be on that list." she said before flying back to the ground a little ways away.

Lyall made her way back to the village on foot, wings still numb from flying so long earlier. She walked gracefully through the jungle.
Daniel sat with his cheek on his hand and his elbow on the table staring out of the window of the plane, bored out of his mind. This was not what he thought they meant when they mentioned "flying". He had cherished the idea for a moment, until they had told him that the Sanctuary was an island. That was the point where he offered them some resistence, not fond of the ideas of flying over the sea. Just the air above it made him sick and tired, and the thought of falling into its depth terrified the wits out of him. Flying on this....metal thing, though, was different. He felt closed in and trapped, but he'd rather sacrifice the joy of flying with his own wings in exchange for some safety against the ocean than the alternative.

Feeling eyes on him, Daniel turned and was met with a double glare from puffy black eyes. He sighed and fumbled with his hands awkwardly, diverting his gaze from theirs. "
I said I was sorry...." They should feel lucky, he thought darkly. At least they were not like the one on the back, knocked out cold with a bump on his head he will remember for the rest of his life. The childish satisfaction was fleeting, dampened by the thought about the amount of water they dumped on him and the fact that he would have to deal with these guys for as long as he was in the Academy. Not a good impression for some people you're likely to have to depend on sooner or later.

Daniel had to admit, this thing flew much faster than he could. It wasn't long before the pilot informed them that the "plane" was about to land. Not concerned in the least, he continued watching the clouds float by, at the endlessly blue sky from an angle he had only dreamed of seeing it from, at the dawning sun rising in the East, casting snow-white sheets of clouds into partial darkness. It was a magnificient sight, robbing him of his breath for several instances. The magical moment was broken as the "plane" suddenly lurched downward dangerously, throwing his stomach up onto his throat. "
Uhhhrr.....What's happeniiinnnggg???" He asked loudly over noise of the engine, his panic growing. The two agents smirked at him. "Relax, kid. We're just landing. There's nothing to be afraid of. It's all going to be alright." One said with a mocking tone, like he was talking to a retarded kid. Daniel was tempted to give them a few more punches, but in the enclosed space, it was hard to get a full swing, and besides, his power wasn't fully recovered yet. And they said the "plane" was landing? This was not landing. Where's the graceful decend? Where's the slight tug of wind resistance? This wasn't landing, he thought, this was controlled free-fall, crude and blunt.

The uncomforable sensation continued for several minutes before a light jolt signalling that the "plane" has touched the ground. Daniel felt like he was going to be sick. No, he was definitely GOING to be sicked. As soon as the door was opened, he stumbled drunkenly out, tripping and falling the last of the steps to land on his chin with a painful grunt. Not wasting any time, he threw up right after pulling himself to his feet. It wasn't really on purpose, but some of his vormit did splashed on the agents' shoes, who shot him daggers behind their shade. Serve them right, the bastards. Certainly helped to wipe those smug grins off their faces.
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