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Fandom ใ€€โ–€ ๐ฌ๐š๐ฅ๐ฏ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง. last of us (1 role)

I would love to apply for the tactician! I would also be down to make a second character (maybe the civilian?) if that's allowed or if another role needs to be filled.
I would love to apply for the tactician! I would also be down to make a second character (maybe the civilian?) if that's allowed or if another role needs to be filled.
Feel free to app for the tactician! I'm currently limiting roles to one per person since it's a small cast and I want us all to be able to focus on getting really deep into our character ๐Ÿ’š
If the role is still open, I would be down for creating a CS for the civilian
cwosont cwosont Not sure if I'm just too tired to process words, but the civilian would be with the FEDRA group correct?
Posted my app, I can have her CS finished after I wake up.
If the tactician is open I would like to apply for that!
It is technically open still. That said, there's an app/wip cs right now that I currently don't foresee having an issues with. So, it's preferred that we get an app for THE SCIENTIST if possible
It is technically open still. That said, there's an app/wip cs right now that I currently don't foresee having an issues with. So, it's preferred that we get an app for THE SCIENTIST if possible
I see! World it be possible to aim for the pacifist? I don't have much interest for the scientist
cwosont cwosont I should be able to have my character finished today
cwosont cwosont My app has been updated to a completed CS
im down to be the civilian if i could have some more details on what that entails (:
accepting apps for THE ANARCHIST! all role info can be found in the roles tab on the main coding post. we have started the roleplay, but we are currently still in the first scene! the ic thread is also linked in the post for reference.

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