Salvation In Suffering [Inactive]


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Kaeilia submitted a new role play:

Salvation In Suffering - A boy is being bullied, but there is more to their situation than meets the eye.

Quinlan is just an ordinary student. Albeit, a little nerdy, but that's perfectly fine. Only, when it isn't. Lately a classmate of his, Alex, just won't leave him alone. But there's more to this situation than meets the eye.
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It was early, but the town was abuzz with activity as work began and school buses made their rounds to take students to their designated institutions of learning. Alexander was sitting on one of these buses on his way to Erling High. It was getting to be late autumn now, and the weather was beginning to grow more chilly, but that didn't concern the teen. He laid back against his bus seat, and closed his blue eyes, holding in a sigh. He ran a hand through his shaggy brown hair, and opened his eyes, staring at the cieling of the moving bus. He didn't let himself hear any of the noise of the vehicle, but focused on the day.

He'd start by finding Quinlan, of course. The creepy little queer. What kind of parents named their kid Quinlan anyway? That would take out some of the bore of the morning, and then who knew? The day was young.

The bus arrived and Alexander grabbed his bag, throwing it over his shoulder. The second he was off the bus, he was all smiles and charm. His lean 5'11 frame didn't hang over the crowd or anything, but made him charmingly approachable. He was the guy next door, into sports, an excellent student and all around good guy. When he wanted to be. The only person who knew how horrible he could really be was his cousin Dustin, and Quinlan, a student who was in the same year as himself.

"Hey! Xander! You wanna get some early practice in before class?" one of his friends shouted down the hall. The teen turned and gave the other boy a thumbs down.

"Naw, don't wanna be sweaty for Ms. Langdon's class!" he said, winked at his friend, then headed down the hall turning his back on the hoot and holler his friend threw in his direction. Alexander began to leisurely make his way to his locker, keeping an eye out for the other boy who was no doubt around here somewhere. His locker was nearby, after all.
Quinlan dreaded going to school. He always dreaded going to school. He had his backpack on as he walked from his house. He never rode the bus. To him they were big yellow deathtraps. Not the bus themselves, but the people inside. It seemed like everyone made fun of him for some reason or another. Most of the time it was his name and his size. He wasn't the biggest kid, in fact he felt like the smallest. He stood at just about 5'3" and was sort of small.

His name didn't help. He had tried asking people to call him by his middle name, but that did not work out very well. People usually called him "Quiet Quin" or "Queer Quin." He definitely preferred the first one though. His jet black hair was in his face as usual. It was his way of hiding himself. His glasses were just as dark and they framed his bright emerald eyes.

He was just opening his locker when he heard it. Alexander's voice. His heart leapt to his throat and he tried to hide behind his locker door. His large sweater covered his hands as he closed his eyes. "Please don't see me, please don't see me." He mumbled, hoping it would work for once.
Alexander had nearly made it to his own locker when he finally spotted his target, cowering so close to his locker that he was nearly inside it. He was wearing a sweater that was far to big for him, and seeing that angered the teen for some reason, even if he didn't know why. "Hey, queer!" Alexander said cheerily, leaning in and grabbing the other boy around the shoulder. "Sweater belong to your boooyfriend?" he whispered in the teens ear, so that only the two of them could hear it. As horrible as he was, Xander wasn't the most obvious of bullies, and had a reputation to uphold after all.

With another hard squeeze to the other boys shoulder, he reached over to begin opening his own locker, keeping an eye on his target so that he wouldn't chance an escape from him. He looked so small and puny... no wonder he was gay. There was no other way he'd end up scoring, and his height made him look like a woman anyway. Not to mention his eyes. They were green and were framed by nice, long lashes. Waaay too girly for any guy to be sporting around, as far as Xander was concerned.
Quinlan heard his voice close to him and closed his eyes tighter. Alexander grabbed his shoulder and Quinlan flinched. He wasn't one to just hate people, as much as he wished he could, he was just afraid. When he did open his eyes, he stared at the ground. All he wanted was for Alexander to leave him alone, but he didn't think that was at all possible. Then Alexander squeezed his shoulder again and left. Quinlan quickly got what he needed from his locker and quietly closed it. He knew that Alexander was more or less waiting.

Even though his class was in the hallway, Quinlan went the opposite direction. He was going to loop around to it, hoping Alexander would just leave. Then he remembered that he shared the first class with him. Quinlan got that sick feeling he always got when he was reminded of that fact. He found himself wondering how everyone could like Alexander so much when he was so mean. Obviously he knew he wasn't like that with everyone, but how did no one see it? Quinlan wished it was the end of the day so he could just go home, where he felt safe.
Alexander had nearly finished getting all his books for his first class, when Quinlan finally worked up the nerve to leave his locker. Instead of heading towards their shared classroom, he headed the other way, likely planning to take a long route. There was no point in stopping him. They shared their first class, after all. They actually shared a number of classes together. As the teen walked away, he reached out and pinched his arm, but then walked away, as if nothing had taken place. He didn't even look to see the other boys reaction, even though that was one of the things he enjoyed most about picking on this kid.

Alexander gave a few high fives to his friends on his way to class and a few winks to some girls, who giggled. He didn't really date, everybody knew that, but he did like to flirt. He used the excuse that his college prep, sports and other activities took up too much time, and that if he couldn't dedicate all of himself to a woman that it wouldn't be fair to them. It worked, and people cooed (girls, obviously) but honestly? He just didn't really want a relationship. There's only one person his life that he'd considered in any kind of romantic fashion, and that wasn't about to happen.

Once he made his way to the classroom, he was sure to take the seat near where Quinlan usually sat, and set a book on a nearby seat so no one would take it. If the other kid really was taking the long way around, there would only be his saved seat back by the time he reached the classroom. Having the other kid next to him made classes slightly less boring. Having someone to kick who reacted was a lot more fun than paying attention to teachers.
Quinlan jumped a little bit when he felt himself being pinched. He walked quickly through the halls, head down. He just wanted to go home. Home was where he was safe. He took the less-crowded way through the halls, even though it took longer still. He just wanted, for once in his life, to be left alone. It wasn't his fault that he was the way he was. Why did people have to laugh at him because of it? Quinlan shook the thought away. Stressing about it wouldn't make it better.

He finally made it to class to see all but one desk taken. He shouldn't have taken the long way around. He looked down at the ground as he slowly made his way to the seat. This was going to be a long day if it started out next to Alexander. He didn't want to sit there and he knew that it was probably why Alexander made sure it was the only open seat. All he wanted to do was disappear or be invisible or something. Was it too much to ask to be left alone?
When Qinlan walked in, Alexander made sure to move his book, and smiled at the boy. It was the usual smile he used for everyone else, full of charm, but his eyes were almost saying 'caught ya'. He then looked away and averted his attention to their teacher, giving his victim a chance to sit down and really get comfortable. Unfortunately, the teacher was incredibly boring... Well, they probably weren't all that bad, but most of what his teachers said was old news. With the couple private tutors he had, Alexander had surpassed his teachers quite some time ago. He was about a semester ahead with his studies, so he definitely needed a distraction.

Xander was able to hang in for about ten minutes, before he felt his attention too far away to even bother bringing it back. He didn't want to be here right now, he'd rather be home in bed and asleep. Sleep, he needed that. Or, even better, online chatting with his friends. Well... friend. There was one in particular that was always more fun to chat with. Finally, the teen let his attention turn back to Quinlan, and he felt that pang of anger again at that sweater. What was it about the sweater that bugged him so much? Oh well, it didn't matter. Xander leaned back in his seat and moved so that his feet were behind the other boys chair legs, using them to tip the chair back. Not so much that it would tip anyone over, but enough to startle his poor target.
Quinlan was nervous the moment he sat down. He didn't look up at the teacher, he just stared at his desk. He waited for Alexander to do something. He knew the other would and he didn't know what it was going to be. Quin bit his lip as he waited, terrified, to see what the other would do. He hoped that it would just be something small that wouldn't cause too much stress for him. Although the waiting was terrible and he wondered it that was the point. He felt his heart pounding in his chest as minutes passed. He somehow managed to take notes, knowing he couldn't let his grades slip.

Then his chair tipped back and he gasped quietly. Of course it would be something that no one else would be able to see. Quinlan managed to get the chair back down flatly on the floor. He wanted to go home. He couldn't tell his parents about Alexander, but there was one person he could tell. He had never given Alexander a name to his online friend. He simply described Alexander as "him" or "he". Quinlan rarely complained about Alexander though, he didn't want to burden the other with his probably-stupid problems. Besides, he liked to keep it fun. He was the only friend that Quinlan had. Quinlan started thinking about the end of the day as he nervously messed with his sleeves.
Xander tried not to let his smile get too wide when he heard Quinlan release a gasp of surprise. It was obvious that he probably would have made more noise, had they not been in the middle of class. The teen wasn't really sure why getting a rise out of this kid gave him such a rush, it just did. He began to let his mind wander as the class droned on.

He wanted to go home and talk to his friend on the computer. It was the only person he was really honest with. Alright, so not completely honest. He didn't mention how much he picked on Quinlan or anything... Especially since his friend had a bit of a bully problem that he'd mentioned once or twice. Besides, Alexander couldn't even really explain why he'd made this kid the outlet of his frustrations. But he was honest about the pressures that were on him.

Maybe he'd ask to meet this online friend... But the idea of actually meeting someone that he'd been so upfront with... Who had seen into his depths... He wasn't sure if he could even guarantee he wouldn't stand the guy up. He was scared, and that frustrated him. Good thing there was a nearby outlet. It had been more than half the class, and Alexander reached his feet to do the same trick with Quinlan's chair, but pulled it the slightest bit further back this time, to gage his reaction.
Quinlan tried to focus on his attention on the teacher when it seemed like Alexander was going to leave him alone. He was already struggling to keep his grades as high as they have always been. He couldn't tell anyone about Alexander and if his grades slipped, he wouldn't be able to explain it to his parents. Alexander seemed to really leave him alone. He started to relax a little bit.

Then Alexander tipped his chair back again. He gasped again and gripped his desk. He closed his eyes quickly. That was further back this time. He almost felt like begging Alexander to leave him alone. However he knew it wasn't that bad yet and if he did, it would only make it worse. When his chair was back on the ground, he tried not to show any signs that he was afraid. Although he didn't know how well he was doing at it.
There it was, the shiver and gasp that Alexander had been waiting for. Once he achieved it, he smiled and let the other boy back down. No need to get himself in trouble after all. Just so long as Quinlan knew who was in charge here. The smaller boy looked frail, drowning in that huge sweater of his, and he made Xander think of something... A rabbit, maybe. With the way he shivered in fear. Something about that shiver...

Class ended very soon after that incident, and Alexander made sure to give Quinlan a pinch on his way out, before going into the hall and merry making with his fellow students. How easily he could slip between these two roles now. When had it become so easy? Probably when he'd stopped feeling guilty for teasing the little queer. He couldn't even figure out why it was Quinlan who was his subject... Well, his dad did hate homosexuals, of which Quinlan looked the part, and so Xander must as well right? Except for his online friend, who'd never given his real name. He hinted a bit, but that was fine. He was a cool guy, so it didn't bother Alexander nearly so much.

The rest of the morning went by fairly uneventfully, and come lunch, Xander made sure to sit with his friends in the caf, and pulled out his phone to check his emails and whatnot, hoping that he'd have a message from a certain friend of his. If not, then he'd just have to send one along himself.
Quinlan was glad when class ended. He gathered his things, flinching when Alexander pinched him again. Quinlan stayed in his seat for a moment. He watched as Alexander somehow shifted from Quinlan's bully to "all-around good guy". That scared him too because he could never tell anyone about it, they would never believe him over Alexander.

The morning went by without much else besides slight name-calling from other students. When it was time for lunch, Quinlan sat in the back of the cafeteria, away from people and all alone. He pulled out his phone, his sort of salvation at this point. He first checked to see if he had a message from his friend. He didn't, he decided to send one himself. Online was about the only place he could really be himself...

JustTheDoctor: Hey, how's your day?

It was just a simple message, but he'd rather not go right into his awful day.

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Xander hadn't had his phone out and connected for more than a few seconds, before it pinged, alerting him of a new message. It was from his friend. The teen couldn't help but smile. It was cool how they were virtually always on the same page. He tuned out his loud friends from the table and began to type a reply.

AlfaDelta23: Hey! Was just about to message you. So boring. My teachers must be zombies, lol. How about yours?

Xander finished his message and sent it off into cyberspace, then looked up from his phone with a smile on his face. "Dude, what's with the goofy grin?" Pierce asked. "Chatting up a girl?"

"No! Texting my cousin." Alexander said quickly. He wasn't really sure why he lied, but something in him didn't want to share Doctor (as he called him) with anyone else.

"Is she hot?" Pierce teased, not wanting to drop the subject.

"Dude, she's twelve. You've met her." Xander retorted, rolling his eyes. He only had one cousin, Julia. His family wasn't big on having kids.

"Right... We have to get you laid. You work too much!" his friend said, eyeing the book that Xander had out next to his lunch tray.

"Well, when I'm in college with full scholarships, I'll have plenty of time to party." Alexander said in a sort of final tone. Finally, Pierce took the hint and backed off. The teens heart was beating a little fast, and now that the confrontation was over, he began to ask himself why he'd lied.
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Quinlan wasn't sure he'd get a response right now. He opened one of the books he had in front of him, he didn't have a lunch. He never had a lunch, he just never felt hungry enough to get food. Especially the school's, it was not the best by any standards. Then his phone went off, he had a new message. He read what Alfa (much easier to say that than the whole name) sent. It made him smile a little bit.

JustTheDoctor: I wish mine was boring. He won't leave me alone.

He knew that Alfa probably knew who he meant by that, he had never named Alexander, but he mentioned him before. He sent another message after a moment.

JustTheDoctor: Do you hate anyone?

He knew it was a weird question, the most random one he'd probably asked so far.
Alexander was still stewing with his thoughts when his phone went off. He made sure not to check it immediately, so as to not look too eager. Normally, he'd tease Pierce right back, but the Doctor was different territory. Then his phone went off again and he couldn't help but pull out his phone to check. The first one mentioned the bully that bothered his friend. The guy sounded like a real piece of work. If Xander knew him, he'd be sure to set him straight. But the second message asked if he hated anyone.

A couple people flashed into his head. Quinlan did for a moment, but he didn't actually hate him. The guy was mostly just fun to tease. Next, he thought of his father. All their fights, the pressure, but was that hate?

AlfaDelta23: I don't think I do. Used to hate this aunt though, she always pinched my cheeks, lol.

Xander began to type but sat and read it before sending it off. It was too light hearted ... That's what the mask of himself would say, and with Doctor, he wanted to be more real.

AlfaDelta23: I don't think I do. I've had fleeting moments, but I try hard not to actually hate anyone. Then again, I don't have a b**tard nipping at my heels. You gonna be ok? Wanna talk about it?

Alexander clicked send before he let himself think about it too hard. But a nervous feeling settled into the pit of his stomach. Would the Doctor want to talk? What could he even say to his friend that might help?
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Quinlan waited, looking at his book again. Then his phone went off and Quinlan held his breath. Did he want to talk about it? He didn't want to make Alfa feel like he had to stay anything about it. After a moment, he started to type. He went slow, trying to figure out how to say all of it.

JustTheDoctor: It's just getting harder to focus in the classes I have with him. He'll do little things that he knows scares today he decided to tip my chair back twice because he knew he could.

He suddenly wanted to tell Alfa everything. He remembered Alexander making fun of his sweater too. He took a breath and continued to type.

JustTheDoctor: And I decided to wear my brother's sweater today because it was one of the days that I missed him more and he had to turn it into something bad...

He looked over the message. He knew that Alfa would know why his brother's sweater was so important. His brother was in the army and he was deployed right now. There were times when it was hard for Quinlan and wearing his sweater helped him. He hit send and closed his eyes.
Alexander tried not to be eager, once again, to open his message, but he was really concerned for his friend. He'd never met anyone like the Doctor, and wanted to help him all he could. When he flipped open and read the first text, he took a sharp inhale of breath and held it. Tipping a chair back... that sounded really familiar... Why did it? A sort of dread began to settle over the teen, but there was no way that it could be what he thought. Coincidences like that just didn't happen in real life.

He'd opened his phone to reply, condeming this a**hole when he received the second message. Then the breath that Xander had been holding in, and hadn't realized he was still holding, came out in a rush. The color drained from his face and he gave a quick glance over to the lonely corner where Quinlan was sitting. Yes, he knew where the other boy was. He'd been keeping his eye out, so that he might pass by on his way out of the cafeteria, but now he looked at him with a sense of horror. That sweater... Quinlan couldn't be the Doctor, could he? If so that would make... That would make him the a**hole that was making his friends life hell.

"You ok, man?" Pierce asked, glancing back over at his friend. Xander turned and nodded.

"Ugh, yeah. Potato salad is a no go." he said, and held his stomach, letting out a little laugh. The rest of his table roared , pushing away that particular dish if they had it, but Alexander didn't pay attention to this. He just looked at his phone and stared. What could he say? He had to verify if this was true... But how? Without letting his friend know what he suspected.

AlfaDelta23: What an a**hole. If I was there, I'd play your personal bodyguard, promise. This guy really needs to step off.

The teen typed this with nervous fingers, and had to correct a number of mistakes before he finally sent it off. He then proceeded to watch Quinlan to see if he might pull out a phone, while trying not to be obvious about it.
Quinlan had placed his phone on his table after sending the message. He had picked up the book again. When his phone went off, he picked it up with one hand. He looked at the message and put the book down. It made him smile a very faint smile. It was nice to know someone cared about him. Even if that person was at the other end of a phone and seemingly faceless. His smile faded when he started to type.

JustTheDoctor: Thanks...and the worst part is that I can't tell anyone. No one would believe me. He's like...Prince Charming or something and he's only mean to me when no one else can see...I can't even bring myself to hate him, I'll spend hours trying to figure out why I should hate him and I end up almost rationalizing his actions and making myself feel like crap.

It was true. He'd list everything that Alexander had done to him, thinking it would make him hate Alexander. However, he ended up thinking of why he would do it and it usually ended up seeming like Quinlan's own fault. He didn't try going back to reading. Instead he closed his eyes and put his head on his desk.
Alexander opened the message immediately this time. Quinlan had picked up his phone, and now, he had put it down and the reply from the Doctor had come through. The feeling of dread that was growing in his stomach strengthened, almost evolving into actual nausea. Huh? Prince Charming... If this was Quinlan he was talking to, was he really like that with the other students? I mean, sure, Xander got along with people, but Prince Charming? A glimmer of hope blossomed in the teen, and he crossed his fingers, hoping that he was wrong. Quinlan being the Doctor would be hard, yeah, but Xander had seen a side to him that was different. He could definitely handle being friends with the guy. But for him to come out and be the bully that was terrorizing him? No... It just couldn't...

AlfaDelta23: Prince Charming? How the h*ll could you justify his actions? :(

Alexander sent the message and waited once more, and began at least trying to stir the food left on his tray. He hated the food in the caf, but with how much his parents worked, along with his extra curricular activities and tutoring, home made lunches weren't really an option. It was better than nothing, but not by much... While pretending to eat, he kept glancing over in Quinlan's direction as surreptitiously as he could.
Quinlan opened the message and started to feel sick. How was he supposed to explain it? He barely understood it himself. He took awhile, trying to figure out how to explain it. He decided it would be easier to just explain how Alexander was like prince charming instead.

JustTheDoctor: Yeah, he's always really nice to everyone else and girls secretly fight over him with each other even though he never really goes out with anyone.

Quinlan paid more attention to the kids at school than most people thought. He could start a gossip blog from the things he heard. Then he continued to type the unsent message.

JustTheDoctor: I don't know how...I just do...I keep thinking that maybe I did something I don't remember a long time ago and he's just trying to get back at me...or maybe I just sort of have a figurative 'kick me' sign on my back...most of the time I think it's my fault because I'm just small and not 'big' like guys are supposed to be...if I was more like my brother he would probably leave me alone...

Quinlan hit send and closed his eyes again. He didn't want to talk about this anymore. It made him feel sick to think about it. He wished he didn't have to and while he liked that Alfa was on his side, it didn't help him. It wasn't like he could tell Alexander to leave him alone because of an online friend. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, wiping the few tears that had gathered there.
There was very little room in Alexander's mind for doubt anymore. Just moments after he'd sent the message, Quinlan was opening his phone and typing away at a message. The nausea in the teens stomach increased, as he watched the boy type, then felt the ping in his hand. It sorta made sense... Nothing the Doctor had told him fought against Quinlan as a person, but he never would have thought... Flipping open his phone, he read the message. Nice, and doesn't date... that sure sounded like himself... He offered a couple explanations and this made Alexander think back.

He couldn't remember a time when Quinlan had offended him or anything when they were younger. They'd been in similar classes all while growing up, but had never really been close. They went on the same bus for awhile, but Quinlan had stopped going on it quite some time ago. Alexander wasn't even sure if he took the bus, or if his family had moved and he walked. The figurative 'kick me' sign... He sort of had that, but no more than a lot of other students in the school, so why did Xander choose this boy to pick on? He started feeling confused himself.

Alexander looked up just in time to spot Quinlan wiping his eyes with the sleeves of his sweater. He looked different without his glasses on... Wait, why was he thinking that? Xander looked down at his phone, wondering what he might reply, and he knew that he was going to have to be a very mean person once again to be sure of all of this... Lunch was nearing it's end anyway...

AlfaDelta23: I can't imagine you doing anything to anyone, from what I know about you. And who cares if you're not big or anything? A person is a person, and no one should ever be treated that way.

The teen hesitated a moment before clicking send on his message. He really did feel this way, yet his actions didn't back it up. Quickly, he switched his phone onto silent, and got up, taking his tray towards the garbage.

"Hey, what gives?" Pierce called out from behind him.

"Forgot one of my books, gotta go grab it!" he called back, shooting his friend a smile, and dumped his tray while barely looking at it. Instead, he was watching Quinlan, and carefully made his way over, ready to snatch the phone from the other boys hand once it had been opened and unlocked. It was the only way he could be sure...
Quinlan heard Alexander's voice as he picked up his phone. Inside he started to get scared again. He hoped that Alexander didn't see him. If he did, Quinlan hoped he would leave him alone. With his back turned on the cafeteria, he hadn't noticed anyone come up to him. He unlocked his phone and opened the message from Alfa. Was it bad that he had never met his only friend? And that Alfa was really the only one who seemed to care about him?

He read the message from Alfa and it didn't seem to help matters much. 'No one should ever be treated that way.' He said. Well Quinlan was and there felt like there was no stopping it. He didn't even know what to write back to him. Was there anything he could say to that? He didn't know.
Alexander breathed an inward sigh of relief. If there was a God out there somewhere, he was on the teens side. Quinlan had turned away, so that he wouldn't be seen while sneaking up. Normally, that would be a bad thing for the smaller boy. Ok, it still was, but potentially, a lot of good could come of this! Or not... Even if Quinlan was the Doctor, how could he ever come forward and tell him who he was? He'd be outright rejected for sure... and after everything he'd told this 'anonymous' person online... About the pressures from his dad, the worries he had, and hinting at being bi? There was no way he could do that... but could he risk not doing it? Especially if they were going to go to the same college... No, all of that didn't matter anyway, not unless he was sure.

Alexander crept up and snatched the phone out of Quinlan's hands, not long after he'd unlocked it, but probably enough time for the other boy to read the message. "Who ya texting? Your boyfriend?" he teased, with a sneer that made his stomach lurch. But he had to keep up appearances. There it was, on the screen. His own username flashing at him. AlfaDelta23... Chosen for the NATO alphabet of his initials and the day he was born on...

He frowned at the screen, uncertain what to do now. After all, he figured he'd just been over thinking things... that there was no way Quinlan was really the Doctor, but there was no doubt now. All those thoughts from before? They mattered...
The phone was gone in a second. Quinlan flinched at the sound of Alexander's voice. He would have stayed where he was, but then he remembered that he told Alfa all about Alexander. Sure he never mentioned his name, but Quinlan knew that Alexander wasn't an idiot. Now he was afraid. If Alexander saw the messages, who knew what he might do about it. Besides, Quinlan had told Alfa those things believing that no one was going to see them.

"C-Can I, um, c-can I have m-my phone back?" Quinlan asked quietly, his voice shaking a little bit. He couldn't let Alexander see more of the messages. It wasn't just the things about Alexander he didn't want him to see. He had told Alfa everything. About his brother and his dad being too busy with work to notice him. About the guy that Quinlan liked but knew he would never have a chance with, Quinlan was too shy to talk to him. Plus he was straight, he would never go for it. Everything was in those messages and he was scared of what he'd do if Alexander read them.
Alexander had lost himself in his thoughts until the sound of Quinlan's voice snapped him back to reality. The boy looked terrific and for the first time since he'd started picking on the other teen, he felt genuine remorse. But there was no way he could show it... Not without risking being identified and he couldn't do that. Not yet, anyway... He didn't bother to scroll up on the phone. He already knew what he'd find.

"A person is a person? You've got some gay friends. Having trouble with your boy toy? Oh, right, that's the role you play." Alexander threw back, rolling his eyes. He dropped the phone back on the table, but was surprisingly gentle with it, making sure not to harm the device. Without another word, or waiting for a reply, he sauntered out of the cafeteria, and continued those easy steps until he reached the empty hallway. The nausea was still welling up inside Xanders stomach, and he wanted to run. He slumped against the wall and ran his hand through his hair. How sad he going to make it through the rest of the day?

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