Salutations, Superior Roleplayers.


Perpetual Brainfart
Greetings, gentlemen. My name, as one can certainly tell, is Sepulchritude. I'm a sixteen year old teenager hailing from Nowhere's Ville, PA, and that's just about all you could ever want to know about me, given that most of you will probably just skim this article, my personal life be darned.

I've recently absconded from my life of drudgery and boredom to pursue more refined entertainments, instead of, y'know, actually getting a job, furthering my education, learning a new skill, maybe stopping being a lazy deadbeat.

Of course, that's not the only reason I've taken to fantasy land to irresponsibly escape reality. I'm also here because for the longest time, I'd had an original world stuck in my head that I was developing with another RPer previously. I thought the world was pretty cool. She did not. As one can guess, that particular RP session didn't last long.

I've returned to the den of RPers to seek out someone interested in aiding me with the further creation of said world, and also because I'm lonely and very bored and a roleplay from about a year ago is turning out to be the most interesting thing in my life.

When it comes to my RP prowess, I am, admittedly, an almost complete amateur.

It's not like I can't worldbuild, mind you, nor do I have too many issues with dividing up control of the RP between myself and my partner, but many of the RP terms I've seen are quite foreign and I have no idea how to properly implement them into a story, much less remember all of them. On top of that, I tend to get burned out by RPing fairly quickly, although since I best work with paragraph-type RPing, that's rather to be expected.

Anyway, that's my story. I look foward to learning yours. ;)

Woah, I really liked your introduction. It just had so much personality in it xD nice to meet you Sepulchritude!

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