
Now I want to tell you right now I don't actually speak french, although I am learning it. I am very late in making this, as I had actually joined the site on November 10th, but I haven't been inclined to visit it as much as there is another roleplay site I also visit. Though I have been wanting to get more involved in this community more. I guess I should tell you a few things about myself, as it seems fitting to the situation at hand. The only two languages I speak are English and Very Broken French. I honestly couldn't tell you how to say "My name is" in French without checking my notes, but that could just be poor memory on my part. Two of my interests (as they now stand) are writing and reading. They pretty much go hand in hand with each other. The books I'm currently reading are "The Testing", "The Looking Glass Wars", "The Throne of Fire" and "The Lost Hero". I'm not very much interested in reading regular fiction books, like those that take place in the world we live (or have lived) in today, and don't have a twist to it. Which is why I didn't enjoy "The Fault in Our Stars" as much as everyone else seemed to. Though at this point I'll stop because I think I'm just rambling. So reply below if you feel so inclined, and I guess I'll be seeing you around this site!
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Ayyyyy, welcome to RPN! Haha, no worries about the broken French; I'm here still only speaking rather basic Japanese sentences with only a slightly less vague idea of how the sentence structures work and can't say anything else too complex without notes either.
MintyChipLuv said:
Ayyyyy, welcome to RPN! Haha, no worries about the broken French; I'm here still only speaking rather basic Japanese sentences with only a slightly less vague idea of how the sentence structures work and can't say anything else too complex without notes either.
Yeah, it truly is hard to start learning another language. I first started out with trying to learn Spanish because there's a lot of spanish speakers in my area, but then I decided with french because my family is actually part french. When did you first start learning Japanese?
I remember I tried learning Japanese on my own when I was a freshmen, but I gave up because it was a bit on the difficult side. However, during my sophomore year, I started taking an actual Japanese class at my school and it was pretty useful. So it's my third year now, but I don't really count my second year as an actual year of taking it, since we had term-long substitutes. How about you?
I started learning french in seventh grade, and that carried on through either grade, but the high school I went to last year didn't have it (which was surprising) and so I was stuck with Spanish for my freshman and sophomore year. Now in my Junior year, I'm going to a different high school that actually has french, and so I need to jog my memory a bit from what I learned in 8th. I've always wanted to learn Japanese and German, but none of the schools I went to never had them, so I just went with what I was most comfortable with, which was French. Is there any specific reason you wanted to learn Japanese? I know I've wanted to learn it simply because I liked Japanese culture so much, even if the country and a lot of the people that live there are xenophobic.

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