Sakura Academy

Tamotsu Fukui

Jack of Spades
Character Template

  • Name:
  • Age (1st Year 15-16, 2nd Year 16-17, 3rd Year 17-18):
  • Personality:
  • Appearance (Picture and/or Paragraph):
  • Hobbies:
  • Fears:
  • Crush (Not Necessary):
  • Extra:
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Sora Mori

Age / Year:

Sixteen 2nd Year


Sora is a calm person, except when she's flustered. When she's flustered she stumbles over her words and usually ends up walking away from the person who made her flustered. Sora will and can be blunt when she wants to, its just part of her personality. She's also naturally stubborn, she will not listen to anything you have to say if she doesn't think its important. Though she also had good traits also, she's loyal and caring to the people she cares for. Helping them through everything in the nicest way that she can without hurting their feelings.



Sora's hair color itself is a bit odd since it isn't a completely milk chocolate shade, instead, having darker strands running through it. Regardless though, the brown is a strange and vibrant hue to be seen. It falls down her back and rests gently at the base of her hips. Often times she'll leave it down and only pulls it up for certain occasions should it be required. Other times, when she's bored, she'll throw it into a quick braid and then curl it off to the side in a bun. Her skin tone is a bit peculiar. While retaining the appearance of a pale, ghostly color, there are shades of red and peach in the underlining. This gives her the appearance of having porcelain-like skin tone. Seemingly flawless.

Her body could be considered one that is decently desired by school girls, through she looks younger than she'd like, she doesn't mind not having a large bust or hips. She stands roughly five foot two, almost three and with a weight to keep her body proportioned, it is something that irritates her greatly, she would rather be tall than short. Her eyes are a rather peculiar shade of violet that seem to glow in certain lights or at night.


? Drawing

? Running Track

? Playing the Violin and Piano



? Blood

? Nightmares


No one so far. .


- Bright Lights Hurt Her Eyes

- She'll gnaw at her lip when nervous, in deep thought, or concentrating on something, to the point where it swells and bleeds.


  • Name: Reiji Ayase
  • Age: 17, 2nd year although he is transferring for his first year at this school
  • Personality: Reiji has always been a very out going but he was always followed around by his sister so he can't help it if he starts to feel a little smothered when around girls. He will always throw himself in the way of a bullies punch even if the bully is getting bullied. He will help out anyone he can when he has the opportunity because he has always believed that when someones in need someone should go out of their way to help them when they need it most. Reiji will almost always do something crazy and stupid but for the right reason and he will never let anyone do anything for him. That is his number 1 rule in life. He must earn everything he wants for himself. Even though he is a new star on the big screen he doesn't like being followed by cameras and reporters when he is just walking to school. He is actually very completely down to earth and won't belittle anyone for any reason even when he has one. He is also very good at judging a persons inner self and is able to tell when someone who looks mean or scary actually has a very kind heart on the inside. He can do this for either gender and can tell in the opposite as well. He likes to think of himself as a kind of free spirit and won't let others tell him he can't do something. If he believes he can do something he will do it or train hard till he can do it. Reiji likes reading and listening to music and will put all of his effort into studying when he has to. He has always believed that hard work and concentration are only two of many parts needed to become a truly compassionate human being.

Reiji hates when people lie to each other about anything especially when those things are important and can always tell when someone is lying. He will not hesitate to call them out on their lies and will always ask for a direct response when he asks for the truth.

  • Appearance:

  • Hobbies: Martial arts(1st degree black), Listening to music, Studying, Training
  • Fears: Not being strong enough to help anyone when he is really truly needed, and cats.
  • Crush (Not Necessary): will develop through RP
  • Extra: Likes to listen with his portable cd player rather than an mp3 player. Has a cell phone but doesn't use it past texting home and his childhood friend who lives across the country. His Family wanted to get him and his sister out of the spotlight after he had been caught with his sister coming out of his movies premier holding hands and kissing. Hates when people bring up the incident and so he tries to act as though he wasn't famous like he was when he was little before the movie auditions and shoots. Reiji has completed his first degree of black belt training in the jigen haoh school of japanese martial arts.
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  • Name: Ritoru Odayakana
  • Age: 2nd year 17
  • Personality: Ritoru Odayakana is often called a robot for his calm, emotionless face which sometimes creeps people out. Speaking in a monotone voice with the shortest sentences possible you can tell that there's a lot going on in his head, or not? Don’t make him angry because he has strength and often overdoes it, with a blank look on his face while beating you into the pavement.

    Actions speak louder than words, very much so in his case. Just because his face is indifferent and he is too doesn't mean he has no emotions, but those happen to be well hidden so its rare for people to become his friend, as he likes to hide everything.

    What he has to say is typically said in his head, he observes everything around him and has an uncanny “6th Sense” which is used to predict things such as a flying book hitting the back of your head. Thus he easily avoids unknown dangers.

  • Appearance (Picture and/or Paragraph):

  • Hobbies: Nothing
  • Fears: Death
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  • Name: Eiko Suzuki
  • Age: 16--first year
  • Personality: Eiko is a crazy party animal with a desire for love in her life. She is constantly flirting with people, and doesn't mind stepping over boundaries to get what she wants. Eiko feels as if nothing could go wrong in the world, for she has never endured such hardships in her life other than a few breakups. Often her flirtatious nature can get... "out of control", and can end up getting her in trouble with others, for she grows aggressive when getting rejected or brushed off. When around her friends, she would do anything to help them out, and wouldn't hesitate to put herself on the line for the good of the group. If she would hear someone harassing another--whether it be a total stranger or a friend--she would step in and give the tormentor a piece of her mind. Overall, she's a thot with a righteous heart.

  • Appearance (Picture and/or Paragraph): Eiko is a tall, curvy teenager with thick pink hair tied back in wavy pigtails. As for bangs, there isn't much to see others for the few strands that tend to fall out every once in a while. Her face is round and stout, with large and round deep-set, forest green eyes. Her eyebrows are relatively thin and straight, and don't match her hair color, for they are brown, showing that pink is't her natural hair color. On her ears she has dangling pink blossom earrings. Her usual uniform consists of a scheme that is very revealing, with a sleeveless, turtleneck-like shirt. It's made out of a soft orange fabric lined with a pink matching her hair. Her bottoms aren't much better, for their jorts(jean shorts). Luckily, she usually wears leggings to go with the suggestive outfit. Eiko wears white short-heeled Mary Janes for shoes.
  • Hobbies:
    Flirting, obviously
  • Writing
  • Partying


  • Being abandon
  • Rejection

[*]Crush: n/a (for now lol)

[*]Extra: *waves*


''Jack Newman, pleasure to meet you!''

Age :
''Third grade and 18, what an old man I am!''

Jack is as open as the sea, how curious, no? He is really a friendly and kind guy, willing to help anyone he comes across who is in need. Of course, he isn't a superhero, but he does the best to be your friendly neighborhood guy! Jack might look like a tough, mysterious guy, but he is actually the opposite. He doesn't mind hanging out with ''unpopular'' people, as they're called, he will hang out with anyone, even if the treat him like trash, and that could be counted as a flaw. You'll never find him sitting in one place for a while, he'll be hopping around all over the place, he just can't keep in place, so, energetic at its core. But, as they say, demons run when a good man goes to war. Get him angry and he'll be someone really aggresive and hateful, but, it's quite hard to get that side of him.

A very good physique and some high strength. In his free times, he swims, all the time. You can't get him off of that, it's like his drug, his coke. He has very smooth and silky black hair, and he takes very good care of it, believe it or not. Blue piercing eyes, that could divide the sky, are also present. He stand at about 6'1, with a weight of 163 lbs.

''Swimming, obviously! And, sometimes I go to party at my friends houses, and, I play videogames, and, I eat a lot, you can imagine the rest!''

''What I fear most is being alone. I don't want to be the last man on earth and recieve a knock on my door.''

''Too personal!''

(A short haired girl, but later lost a love intention on her)



It would be a pleasure to sleep with the fishes!

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  • Name: Maruka Fokkusu
  • Age: 15 ( 1st year)

  • Personality: Maru is shy, Nerdy, geeky and really akward at times.
  • Maru is caring and good at biology, first aid and isn't a bit afraid of blood.

  • Appearance (Picture and/or Paragraph):

  • Maru has smooth blonde hair with white tips, Which flows freely in the air. Her huge fluffy fox ears are the same color as her hair. Her red eyes shimmers under the sun and glows in the dark or at night.
  • Hobbies: Gaming, Listening to Music, watching anime

  • Fears: Sports and water. Maru thinks that water is a huge monster which will drown you alive.

  • Crush (Not Necessary): Jack Newman, although he is a swimmer. Maru's heart beats uuncontrollably fast near Jack, and often blushes.
  • "He is just... So... brave."
  • Extra: She loves foxes for life.
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Seo Yuzuki??? ??



?2nd year

?Apparently 'doesn't have a crush' (A boy with similar interests as herself. She is also interested in a girl, but this will be revealed later)

-Students of the school call her "Cool" and a "Tomboy," but she doesn't really take notice to it.

-Seo is also quite popular among most students and stands out a lot since she's quite tall for a girl, being 5'9.

-Seo is bisexual, and can be equally interested in both girls and boys.

Seo is a very competitive girl. She tries her hardest to win in everything, and is also very kind. She is the best female sports player in the whole school. Seo can also joke around with people and is not very feminine, joining every sports club in the school. Despite being a girl, Seo is sometimes called a boy because of how rough she acts to people during sports and how nice and flirty she acts around people out of playing them.

Seo is someone who thinks of her classmates more than herself, caring deeply for them despite having her own problems to deal with. She protects what she feels should be protected. Seo can also get extremely jealous when someone shows an interest in someone she likes. She is also somewhat impulsive, doing things without thinking about the consequences first.


Seo has shoulder length natural slightly curly brown hair that is swept to the side in a loose ponytail. Her eyes are brown with a reddish tint. She wears her uniform in a much more sloppy fashion compared to most girls in the academy.









?Her Friends



?'Fake' People

?Rude People

?Annoying things

?Shy People (she finds them quite annoying, but hides this)




-Seo fears being rejected

-Seo fears being looked down upon

-Seo fears losing at something, but is a good sport sometimes

Seo enjoys playing all types of sports (and winning them of course.) She can sometimes be saw drawing birds or flowers and can play the piano, after her mother and father forced her to get a talent that wasn't 'worthless like sports' to show off to their bosses so they could get a raise.

Seo grew up as the youngest out of her 5 older brothers in a mansion with her mother and father- this influenced her to be more masculine rather than feminine. Her mother and father were so excited to have a baby girl after all these years, but were disappointed after learning she liked sports and not frilly dresses.



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((@Keiser the owner normally comes on about 9pm where I live, which is England. So by then he will accept all of our characters and we'll be able to start :D if you want I can figure out what time that is for you))
  • Name: Luna Crosby
  • Age: 16 2nd Year
  • Personality:Kind,Mean sometimes, sees the best in people
  • Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c16f22954_images(5).jpg.730143146d8cfc627d694d0b6ac3c2a3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41118" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c16f22954_images(5).jpg.730143146d8cfc627d694d0b6ac3c2a3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
  • Hobbies: Reading, always out at night
  • Fears: Dieing
  • Crush: Reiji



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Tamotsu Fukui] [FONT='Book Antiqua'][I]Welcome to Sakura Academy[/I][/FONT][FONT='Book Antiqua'] [/FONT][FONT='Book Antiqua'][I][B]Maruka Fokkusu[/B][/I][/FONT][FONT='Book Antiqua'][I]![/I][/FONT][FONT='Book Antiqua'] [/FONT][IMG][/IMG][FONT='Book Antiqua'][I] [/I][/FONT] [URL=" said:

(The Roleplay has Begun. If you wish for updates follow the in-character rp thread)
Thank you! BTW Im new to RP so... I might be dumb at times.
Thank you!

*Huff* *Puff* "Great... Im late...For the first day of school!", panted Maru as she ran towards Sakura Academy. Her golden tail swifted in the air gracefully.

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