Saints and Sinners

Name: His birthname has been long since forgotten, police were only ever able to get his original first name, Johnathon (Though he thinks he used to prefer Johnny instead). Between you and me, I don't think even he remembers it.

Aliases: Many, he is constantly making up fake names and stories for himself even when there is no need or relevance to it. His most well known title would be that of 'The Stanfield Slasher' or 'The Iceman' because of past fame as a notorious killer.

Age: Mid to late twenties

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero, though he wasn't really been 'getting the beaver' as of late.

Affiliation (has your OC been summoned by The Detective, The Magdalene, or are they neutral?): He is here on his own accord.

Occupation: None, unless escaped serial killer is an acceptable occupation.

Appearance (Image or Description. No anime or drawings please!): He stands at nearly 6 feet exactly, and his once thin and lithe form is now layered with muscle as result of a long amount of time in a 'correctional facility', and his pale skin is adorned with an excessive multitude of scars and still healing cuts and slashes. It isn't hard to guess he is the type that endorses self-harm. [His hair is longer and somewhat shaggy and wavy, unkept and matted reaching about halfway down his neck swept backwards]

Clothing (Image or Description): He is fond of simple clothing with dark colors, his style being one reflecting his personality. His articles of clothing vary in value and social class with shiny black dress shoes fit for the elite, a tailored pair of black trousers, a ratty white shirt under a worn out oversized double-breasted trenchcoat and sometimes various accessories. He wears a pair of black, high-class gloves but it looks as if all the fingers were cut out with a jagged piece of glass, each one ending loosely around halfway to the first knuckle. [Originally he wore them to keep discrete but by now has disfigured his hands enough to remove possibility of prints, and he thinks fingerless gloves have more 'character to it']

Personality: Violent, aggressive and reckless, The Iceman is as cold as the ice locker where he would torture his victims. Rough, callous and exceedingly erratic and unpredictable it seems he becomes more and more delusioned everyday. Considered unabled to be reasoned with and a rage filled murderer, he goes through life with no true direction while things that catch his eye seem to become almost an obsession to him. An obvious sadist and with a lack of empathy and a morale compass it is not difficult to guess he would end up in a life of crime. People debate whenever or not The Iceman is smart, crazy, dumb and so on but in reality one would not specifically call him intelligent (though certainly not an idiot), but rather clever. He is clever like a fox and nearly perfect in the art of murder, which make for a dangerous individual when combined with his obsession with pain and batshit insane view on life. Emotionally he is distant, without many of the same emotional capabilities and such that the average human may have.


1. No Pain - You can injure him, but you can't truly HURT him. He has an incredibly high pain tolerance and is one of those people who enjoys it so it is understandable why it would not faze him.

2. Fearless - You can't deter him, intimidate him, scare him in any way. He is past the point of fear, uncaring in what happens to him or anything around him. How do you stop a man unafraid of pain, injury or death?

3. Fit - Once simply good with a knife, time in prison with nothing to do except work out (and self-harm but that is not what one would want to delve into) has given 'Johnny' a powerful form, now strong and quick, which in the hands of a serial killer are a somewhat terrifying combo.

4. Clever - Good with tricks and on the spot thinking, probably a result of his quick-paced and erratic brain function. He was once suave and a master manipulator but a steadily decreasing grip on sanity (or reality for that matter) made that a thing of the past. Plus, how charismatic can a rumored cannibal be?


1. Unpredictable - While not always bad, it is certainly rarely good and his unpredictability leaves everyone, himself included unsure of his next (or even current) move and consistently getting him into bad situations.

2. Exceedingly Cruel - He does not enjoy to simply take someone's life, he enjoys hearing them scream and beg as he slowly brings them closer to death's sweet embrace.

3. Fucking Lunatic - He's just straight up crazy in the simplest terms, nothing he does quite makes sense and his perception on reality is not the same as a normal person would have.

4. Reckless/Uncaring - With no fear or regard for oneself, how do you avoid life-threatening situations? You don't. He does not care where he goes or what he does nor the consequences for any of his actions. [added a fourth strength+weakness because 2nd strength and 4th weakness are kind of hand in hand]

History: His true history is largely unknown, but it is believed he came from a rather vile and abusive upbringing and did not get much of an education, leading to an obviously poor beginning to ones life. At some point in his early life he realized that he could do just about anything to anyone and if he got caught, well the worst they could do is beat him and well, if he already gets beaten on a daily basis what is one more? At some point he went off the grid completely, probably during the beginning of his violent career and did not surface again until his early twenties where he was finally apprehended for a wide array of grisly murders. Brought to court on counts of murder, torture, assault and even suspected cannibalism it was no surprise he was not going to leave prison freely for a long, long time. Quickly becoming someone to be feared on the inside, he attempted to continue to increase his body count eventually got his locked in solitary confinement after the death of several inmates and a prison officer. This was where he began to grow bigger and stronger, going from a weak man who was good with a knife to a strong man who is still good with a knife. Win win situation for him right? Eventually through an elaborate series of events he managed to free himself and go on the lamb, moving from town to town and now much more skilled in his craft left only a trail of missing person's posters in his wake. It was sometime after that he heard of the Magdalene and his attempt to recruit others to his cause. It sickened him, the killer works alone, the killer does not recruit.. He does not take away the precious moments, allowing others to slaughter for him instead. It was unacceptable. As he found out more and more of the two sides he gained more and more of a single, lone desire.

Kill 'em all.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character?

Theme Song*: I'll think of one

Love Interest*: None.

Last edited by a moderator:
GreatGavino said:
Name: His birthname has been long since forgotten, police were only ever able to get his original first name, Johnathon (Though he thinks he used to prefer Johnny instead). Between you and me, I don't think even he remembers it.
Aliases: Many, he is constantly making up fake names and stories for himself even when there is no need or relevance to it. His most well known title would be that of 'The Stanfield Slasher' or 'The Iceman' because of past fame as a notorious killer.

Age: Mid to late twenties

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero, though he wasn't really been 'getting the beaver' as of late.

Affiliation (has your OC been summoned by The Detective, The Magdalene, or are they neutral?): He is here on his own accord.

Occupation: None, unless escaped serial killer is an acceptable occupation.

Appearance (Image or Description. No anime or drawings please!): He stands at nearly 6 feet exactly, and his once thin and lithe form is now layered with muscle as result of a long amount of time in a 'correctional facility', and his pale skin is adorned with an excessive multitude of scars and still healing cuts and slashes. It isn't hard to guess he is the type that endorses self-harm. [His hair is longer and somewhat shaggy and wavy, unkept and matted reaching about halfway down his neck swept backwards]

Clothing (Image or Description): He is fond of simple clothing with dark colors, his style being one reflecting his personality. His articles of clothing vary in value and social class with shiny black dress shoes fit for the elite, a tailored pair of black trousers, a ratty white shirt under a worn out oversized double-breasted trenchcoat and sometimes various accessories. He wears a pair of black, high-class gloves but it looks as if all the fingers were cut out with a jagged piece of glass, each one ending loosely around halfway to the first knuckle. [Originally he wore them to keep discrete but by now has disfigured his hands enough to remove possibility of prints, and he thinks fingerless gloves have more 'character to it']

Personality: Violent, aggressive and reckless, The Iceman is as cold as the ice locker where he would torture his victims. Rough, callous and exceedingly erratic and unpredictable it seems he becomes more and more delusioned everyday. Considered unabled to be reasoned with and a rage filled murderer, he goes through life with no true direction while things that catch his eye seem to become almost an obsession to him. An obvious sadist and with a lack of empathy and a morale compass it is not difficult to guess he would end up in a life of crime. People debate whenever or not The Iceman is smart, crazy, dumb and so on but in reality one would not specifically call him intelligent (though certainly not an idiot), but rather clever. He is clever like a fox and nearly perfect in the art of murder, which make for a dangerous individual when combined with his obsession with pain and batshit insane view on life. Emotionally he is distant, without many of the same emotional capabilities and such that the average human may have.


1. No Pain - You can injure him, but you can't truly HURT him. He has an incredibly high pain tolerance and is one of those people who enjoys it so it is understandable why it would not faze him.

2. Fearless - You can't deter him, intimidate him, scare him in any way. He is past the point of fear, uncaring in what happens to him or anything around him. How do you stop a man unafraid of pain, injury or death?

3. Fit - Once simply good with a knife, time in prison with nothing to do except work out (and self-harm but that is not what one would want to delve into) has given 'Johnny' a powerful form, now strong and quick, which in the hands of a serial killer are a somewhat terrifying combo.

4. Clever - Good with tricks and on the spot thinking, probably a result of his quick-paced and erratic brain function. He was once suave and a master manipulator but a steadily decreasing grip on sanity (or reality for that matter) made that a thing of the past. Plus, how charismatic can a rumored cannibal be?


1. Unpredictable - While not always bad, it is certainly rarely good and his unpredictability leaves everyone, himself included unsure of his next (or even current) move and consistently getting him into bad situations.

2. Exceedingly Cruel - He does not enjoy to simply take someone's life, he enjoys hearing them scream and beg as he slowly brings them closer to death's sweet embrace.

3. Fucking Lunatic - He's just straight up crazy in the simplest terms, nothing he does quite makes sense and his perception on reality is not the same as a normal person would have.

4. Reckless/Uncaring - With no fear or regard for oneself, how do you avoid life-threatening situations? You don't. He does not care where he goes or what he does nor the consequences for any of his actions. [added a fourth strength+weakness because 2nd strength and 4th weakness are kind of hand in hand]

History: His true history is largely unknown, but it is believed he came from a rather vile and abusive upbringing and did not get much of an education, leading to an obviously poor beginning to ones life. At some point in his early life he realized that he could do just about anything to anyone and if he got caught, well the worst they could do is beat him and well, if he already gets beaten on a daily basis what is one more? At some point he went off the grid completely, probably during the beginning of his violent career and did not surface again until his early twenties where he was finally apprehended for a wide array of grisly murders. Brought to court on counts of murder, torture, assault and even suspected cannibalism it was no surprise he was not going to leave prison freely for a long, long time. Quickly becoming someone to be feared on the inside, he attempted to continue to increase his body count eventually got his locked in solitary confinement after the death of several inmates and a prison officer. This was where he began to grow bigger and stronger, going from a weak man who was good with a knife to a strong man who is still good with a knife. Win win situation for him right? Eventually through an elaborate series of events he managed to free himself and go on the lamb, moving from town to town and now much more skilled in his craft left only a trail of missing person's posters in his wake. It was sometime after that he heard of the Magdalene and his attempt to recruit others to his cause. It sickened him, the killer works alone, the killer does not recruit.. He does not take away the precious moments, allowing others to slaughter for him instead. It was unacceptable. As he found out more and more of the two sides he gained more and more of a single, lone desire.

Kill 'em all.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character?

Theme Song*: I'll think of one

Love Interest*: None.

Accepted! It seems that he would work well in the villain rp, but you can choose to join the main one if you want!

I'm still here so please, just let me know what you would like me to do or where to start whenever

Hope you have a lovely day~

Since you're character is working with the Magdalene (if I remember correctly), he can come to the house Bonnie and Anthony are currently at. Sorry if you feel neglected, uwu


Since your character wants to hunt the Magdalene, perhaps he can start by tracking down his lackeys. Maybe he also shows up at the house?

That's a great idea, I'll be certain to do so once I'm at home and no worries about me being neglected! (:

Hope you have a lovely day~


Mabel Elaine Willford


Clara Bennett, Ethel Margarett, Ida Baucher, etc.








The Magdalene




Mabel stands at 5'7" and has an elegant stature. Her dark hair falls to the top of her back, often in natural curls that cup her cheeks. Her warm beige skin complimenting her bright blue eyes



Mabel often wears dresses. For example;



Mabel is normally a very quiet woman. She doesn't speak her mind and keep to herself. Mabel won't tell others what she thinks unless she knows she can trust them and they ask for her opinion. She's loyal to those she can definitly trust and would never turn her back on him/her. Mabel's also bery emotionally stable. She rarely cries or feels sadness at all, nevermind the fact of anger, which she likes quite a lot about her personality. Although, all in all, she's very stubborn. She can think that the best way of wearing a dress is to have it flipped inside out and put it on backwards is correct and won't think differently unless presented with factual evidence. Mabel is also an extreme prefectionist, which can be both good and bad but her's is quite bad. Yes, being a perfecitonist is what made her what she is as an actor but for anything else, it has to be perfect. She can't top working on something until she's done and it's her definition of perfect. Mabel will stay up through multiple nights to make sure it's absolutely perfect and amazing.


1. Amazing Actor

2. Emotionally Stable

3. Loyal


1. Weak Physically

2. Very Stubborn

3. Perfectionist


Mabel was raised by a good family. They weren't the wealthiest bunch. But then again, they weren't the poorest. (Is poorest a word? I don't know if it is, but I used it.) Nothing bad really ever happened to her. She was never abused, she never trusted anyone enough with her heart so she isn't heart broken, so there was nothing for her. Her life was boring other than acting, so she decided to spice it up a bit. She offered her services to help frame somebody and he took it.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character?:

Mabel was chosen to help frame people and to decieve them.
[QUOTE="Princess Ktyria]


Mabel Elaine Willford


Clara Bennett, Ethel Margarett, Ida Baucher, etc.








The Magdalene




Mabel stands at 5'7" and has an elegant stature. Her dark hair falls to the top of her back, often in natural curls that cup her cheeks. Her warm beige skin complimenting her bright blue eyes



Mabel often wears dresses. For example;



Mabel is normally a very quiet woman. She doesn't speak her mind and keep to herself. Mabel won't tell others what she thinks unless she knows she can trust them and they ask for her opinion. She's loyal to those she can definitly trust and would never turn her back on him/her. Mabel's also bery emotionally stable. She rarely cries or feels sadness at all, nevermind the fact of anger, which she likes quite a lot about her personality. Although, all in all, she's very stubborn. She can think that the best way of wearing a dress is to have it flipped inside out and put it on backwards is correct and won't think differently unless presented with factual evidence. Mabel is also an extreme prefectionist, which can be both good and bad but her's is quite bad. Yes, being a perfecitonist is what made her what she is as an actor but for anything else, it has to be perfect. She can't top working on something until she's done and it's her definition of perfect. Mabel will stay up through multiple nights to make sure it's absolutely perfect and amazing.


1. Amazing Actor

2. Emotionally Stable

3. Loyal


1. Weak Physically

2. Very Stubborn

3. Perfectionist


Mabel was raised by a good family. They weren't the wealthiest bunch. But then again, they weren't the poorest. (Is poorest a word? I don't know if it is, but I used it.) Nothing bad really ever happened to her. She was never abused, she never trusted anyone enough with her heart so she isn't heart broken, so there was nothing for her. Her life was boring other than acting, so she decided to spice it up a bit. She offered her services to help frame somebody and he took it.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character?:

Mabel was chosen to help frame people and to decieve them.

Awesome! So glad to see you finally got her posted! She is accepted, and we will keep in touch to decide how she fits into the rp. :)


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