Saints and Sinners


Super High School Level Idiot
-Anything marked with a '*' is optional, meaning I either put them in for fun or it might be hard for you to answer them right now. Keep in mind that this takes place in 1887, so try and keep it historically accurate! Please read the rules, fill this out to the best of your ability, and wait to be accepted. Feel free to delete the comments in parentheses. Thanks!-






Affiliation (has your OC been summoned by The Detective, The Magdalene, or are they neutral?):


Appearance (Image or Description. No anime or drawings please!):

Clothing (Image or Description):











What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character?

Theme Song*:

Love Interest*:


Thanks for filling this out! I'll let you know whether or not you're accepted ASAP!
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Name: Evelyn 'Eve' Dressler

Aliases: The Detective

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual (she's never been with a woman before, because it is 1887 and she was raised conservatively).

Affiliation: 'Good'. She's sided with the police force.

Occupation: Detective

Appearance (Image or Description. No anime or drawings please!):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/picture2-1.png.84bd6bcbdcd015aee145fa95d066c177.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43377" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/picture2-1.png.84bd6bcbdcd015aee145fa95d066c177.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Clothing (Image or Description):

Usually she just wears a bathrobe, but when she must go out in public she wears something like this:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/0006-20101124-07.1.jpg.13e8118b9aef5eee0bf4b3e42834513b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43378" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/0006-20101124-07.1.jpg.13e8118b9aef5eee0bf4b3e42834513b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Eve is a generally loud spoken and terse person. She tells the truth, and hates using metaphors or mincing words. She doesn't usually use long words, and she finds people who do pretentious. She only shows emotion when she's feeling it strongly. Despite these things, she barely leaves her apartment, because she lives by the belief that if you don't need to do something, you shouldn't do it. She does break this rule on occasion, though. To add to her eccentricities, she spends most of her time in her bath tub, and often has raw skin from scrubbing it clean. She also likes counting things, and setting goals for herself to finish by the time she reaches a certain number.

Eve has a brilliant deductive mind, which is why she is still on the Police Force. Recently, with the Magdalene case, she's been a bit more cautious then usual.


1. Intelligence- She gets under peoples skin, which is how she solves cases

2. Organization- She thinks everything has it's own place in the world

3. Position- She is a pretty powerful figure in the city, and many people all around the world have heard of her exploits


1. Social Awkwardness- She doesn't get out much

2. Physically Weak- It's been a long time since she's left her room

3. Self Destructive Tendencies- Sitting in a bath tub all the time is not good for your health


Eve's father was the Happenstance Police Chief when she was born, and passed down his deductive abilities to her. She was raised a sheltered life in 'Versailles' and had trouble making friends growing up. Her mother always tried to get her to be polite and act like a lady, but she always said she 'preferred herself the way she was'. Much to her mother's despair, her father fostered this behavior, and often took his young daughter with him to work under the pretense of showing her off around the city.

Her father died when she was 17, and she entered a period of depression, which she finally pulled herself out of with support from her mother and few friends. Her mother finally realized how much detective work meant to her during this time. Knowing that a woman would most likely not be welcome in the police academy, Eve became a sort of vigilante, operating under the alias of 'The Detective'. She solved many cases anonymously, and was a subject of much speculation world wide. She was finally unmasked, however, by a crime kingpin whom she had foiled one to many times. At first people were hesitant to believe that she was a woman, but eventually accepted her after she stopped an assassination attempt against Happenstance's current police chief, Henry O'Malley .

Henry and Eve worked together for a long time, and Eve gained more fame world wide. She had fallen for Henry, however, which is what stopped her from leaving the city. The Magdalene killings began, and the couple worked tirelessly on them. Eve became pregnant, and the duo decided to get married to avoid an out of wedlock birth. Henry was murdered by the Magdalene before this could happen.

Knowing she was also a target, Eve invited experts in crime and other topics from all over the world to help with the serial killings, and hopes that they'll find the killer before it's to late.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character? She is The Detective

Theme Song*:

Love Interest*: N/A

Other*: She's only three weeks pregnant, so the chance of miscarriage is high. She's a bit worried about that, what with the stress she's under. She also lives in the Luxe Hotel, because they owe her one after she stopped an arson there. This is where everybody who has been summoned will be staying.


Name: N/A

Aliases: The Magdalene

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A

Sexuality: N/A

Affiliation: They are the Magdalene

Occupation: Serial Killer

Appearance (Image or Description. No anime or drawings please!): N/A

Clothing (Image or Description): N/A

Personality: From what the crime scenes show, the Magdalene is a sadistic killer, and a genius to boot. They are incredibly elusive, and despite the huge effort made to catch them, not a trace has been found. They also seem to enjoy riddles and jokes, because they leave them occasionally at crime scenes. Once, the cut up a body and scattered the pieces around Happenstance. When all the locations were lined up on a map, it looked like a smily face.


1. Elusive

2. Doesn’t think of people as people

3. Genius


1. Pretty Crazy

2. Risk Taker

3. Cockey

History: N/A

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character? They are the Magdalene.

Theme Song*:

Love Interest*: He's come down with a bad case of being sawed in half

Other*: N/A



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Hey! Uhm I was thinking of joining but it might take me a while to brain storm the details for all of the questions lol so do you think you'd still be on after a while? I'll get started now, I'm looking for an active roleplay.

BasicallyMe said:
Hey! Uhm I was thinking of joining but it might take me a while to brain storm the details for all of the questions lol so do you think you'd still be on after a while? I'll get started now, I'm looking for an active roleplay.
Ha ha yeah, I'll be on for a while. I know of at least three other people who are going to join, so I'm hoping this will be an active roleplay. Feel free to ask any questions!
Alright thanks and if some of my answers don't make sense just tell me I'm sure some of them won't.
BasicallyMe said:
Alright thanks and if some of my answers don't make sense just tell me I'm sure some of them won't.
Alright, it's fine! It is a rather long character sheet. :)
Name: Sully Mackensen

Aliases: Izaya

Age: 24

Gender: male

Sexuality: homosexual

Affiliation :natural


Appearance (Image or Description. No anime or drawings please!):

Sully is petite at 5'4 but lilth and toned. He has shoulder length wild black hair that looks like he just rolled out of bed and contrast with his pale skin. His bangs usually falls into his bright mismatched eyes. His right green and his left blue. He has a small nose and bow shaped pink lips usually pulled into a mischievous smile.

Clothing (Image or Description):

Sully is usually dressed in a blue thigh high trench coat, over a white long sleeved button up. This is usually paired with black dress pants, black boots, black leather gloves, and a black newsboy cap that has razors hidden within it.


Sully is a cheerful hyperactive person with a cruel side that loves to cause chaos and perform weird often cruel experiments. He is smart, and observant but sometimes is reckless as well. He loves to have fun anyway he can but knows when to be serious. He doesn't trust easily but those he trust he cares for even if he shows it in weird ways.


1. Smart

2. Observant

3. Manipulative


1. Reckless

2. Thrill seeker

3. Gets bored to easily


Sully grew up in an orphanage never knowing his parents. It was a cruel place and he quickly learned to survive. Rather it be by manipulating his fellow orphans or black mailing their care takers. When he was fourteen he widened his horizons and by the time he was seventeen ruled his district with black mail and manipulation. He Soon grew bored however and retired moving to a different district. There he started making a name for himself. By the time he was twenty he was known within all the powerful circles as Izaya the informant. He has no sides and usually does what he wants.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character?

They both knew that he would have information that could be valuable to them. And that he would stay natural if only to see the coming war play out.

Theme Song*:

Love Interest*:

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Name: Anthony Williams

Aliases: The Butcher.

Age: 23

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight

Affiliation: He met the Magdalene his 17th year of life in Detroit. Anthony had almost became one of the Magdalene's victims until an offer was proposed. In order to gain the serial killer's trust, he'd have to decapitate his betrothed. With this done, he'd become one of The Magdalene's helpers.

Occupation: A serial killer's assistant.





Personality: Anthony is very conniving. He's never been one to follow the law due to a dysfunctional childhood. The determined young adult always finds hisself in a deep situation including drug abuse and alcohol which has led him straight into the arms of The Magdalene. His faithful attitude is just another motive to Magdelene. Anthony would never act against the only gracious person to him.


1.Observant- he never fails to miss a detail.

2.Hard-working- the body's don't hide themselves.

3.Loyalty- Never turn your back on the ones you admire.


1.Represses his feelings- holding back the past does emotional damage over time.

2.Overloads himself- everything has to be perfect, everything has to get done resulting in a very physically pained man.

3.Second-guesses hisself- Did I do it right? Is it perfect? Should I re do it?

History: His mother never loved him, his father never left him.

The father created a sexually abusive environment and his mother was to drugged to notice. By the age of 12 he had been 'used' around 17 times and his mother was locked away. The police never suspected a thing.

By the age of 16, Anthony left home. He made his way to downtown LA and that's where he made his first kill, accidentally. But it felt good. He enjoyed the feeling of being feared and in control.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character? Indurance, Loyalty, Hard- working.

Theme Song*:No.

Love Interest*:No.

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BasicallyMe said:
Name: Anthony Williams
Aliases: He comes off as the good guy, certainly cunning.

Age: 23

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight

Affiliation: Magdalene

Occupation: A serial killer's assistant.





Personality: Anthony is very conniving. He's never been one to follow the law due to a dysfunctional childhood. The determined young adult always finds hisself in a deep situation including drug abuse and alcohol which has led him straight into the arms of The Magdalene. His faithful attitude is just another motive to Magdelene. Anthony would never act against the only gracious person to him.


1.Observant- he never fails to miss a detail.

2.Hard-working- the body's don't hide themselves.

3.Loyalty- Never turn your back on the ones you admire.


1.Represses his feelings- holding back the past does emotional damage over time.

2.Overloads himself- everything has to be perfect, everything has to get done resulting in a very physically pained man.

3.Second-guesses hisself- Did I do it right? Is it perfect? Should I re do it?

History: His mother never loved him, his father never left him.

The father created a sexually abusive environment and his mother was to drugged to notice. By the age of 12 he had been 'used' around 17 times and his mother was locked away. The police never suspected a thing.

By the age of 16, Anthony left home. He made his way to downtown LA and that's where he made his first kill, accidentally. But it felt good. He enjoyed the feeling of being feared and in control.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character? Indurance, Loyalty, Hard- working.

Theme Song*:No.

Love Interest*:No.

Seems pretty good! However, 'alias' means names they also go by. Are there any nicknames he's been given, seeing as he is a serial killers assistant? Also, how did he meet the Magdalene? How long long has he known them?

Overall, I liked it! Just add those things and I'll accept!

Btw, do you mind if I fix some of the spelling errors? I understand if you don't want me to, it's just a thing I like to do!
Lol sure you can and yes I'll add those.


I fixed it.

Name: Shawn O'Donnel

Aliases: One Shot

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Affiliation: The Detective

Occupation: Scotland Yard officer


Clothing: His usual outfit consists of some slacks, and light brown trench coat, a white dress shirt, and occasionally a fedora.

Personality: Very nice and cheerful, Shawn isn't one to don an unpleasant look. Unless you spit into his scotch, of course. That said, you know he loves his alcohols, Just like every other man from the UK.


1. Above average reflexes

2. Calm in moments of intensity

3. Persuasive


1. Heavy drinker

2. Easily trusting

3. Occasional suicidal fits

History: "Great men start from humble beginnings" Is something Shawn's mother often said to him when he was young. But what mother wouldn't say that to their child, still full of potential and aspiration? And that's just what he was. His mind was filled with many careers, several of them related to being a physician. He had always had a good heart hoping to help in any and all situations. But due to his birth as a middle class-man, being a physician was extremely unlikely. So he took the next best thing available to him; Law enforcement. So at about the age of 21 he became an agent of the Scotland Yard. The next four years would be filled with many successful apprehensions, a couple deaths on the Yard's part, an untimely marriage, and a German made pistol.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character? While not an ace detective, Shawn plays a more protective role, his weapon of choice being a pistol, not a pen. Of course, that doesn't mean he can't use his head once in a while, with his intelligence slightly above average.

Theme Song*:

Love Interest*: Currently has a wife back in the UK.

Other*: Took fencing lessons as a child
Name: Abigail Merrick

Aliases: None

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Affiliation: The detective

Occupation: Scientist, specifically involved in chemistry, biology, and physics

Appearance: She is slightly under the average height, with a lean, petite, slim body. She has chestnut brown hair that she keeps in a long braid that goes down to the small of her back. She is very pale, and has bright blue eyes.

Clothing: She wears a dark brown pea coat and maroon scarf with khaki coloured trousers, making her dress very unusual for a woman in this time period.

Personality: She is the very definition of proper, educated, and refined. Possessing a keen analytical mind, she will look at any problem with logic and emotional detachment, this cold logic is buffered from society by her outer layer of polite etiquette. The façade almost never cracks, she would follow the 'proper' way of behaviour to her grave, most likely. She never lets her emotions interfere with her thinking or socializing, and will only let her emotions show clearly if she is very stressed. All in all, she is the image of a proper Victorian era woman, with the added bonus of a strong mind and a strong will.


1. Intelligent

2. Sociable

3. Educated


1. Physically weak

2. Sticks out like a sore thumb in America

3. Is very easily offended

History: She was born into a family of nobility in England, and was raised to be a proper young lady. Of course the life of a housewife struck her as quite the waste of the great mind she had been given, and she instead endeavoured to become a scientist. But what kind of scientist? Well, the answer to that was a different matter entirely. Her father was murdered, and the police could find no conclusive evidence. From that day forth, she knew what science she would learn and practice: the fledgling forensic science. She devoted herself to fields in biology, chemistry, and physics, focusing chiefly on how each could be applied to the crime solving process until she had become consulted regularly by the Yard and the CID.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character?: She is extremely intelligent and skilled in the application of modern science to crime solving.
[QUOTE="The Rogue Bro]
Name: Shawn O'Donnel
Aliases: One Shot

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Affiliation: The Detective

Occupation: Scotland Yard officer


Clothing: His usual outfit consists of some slacks, and light brown trench coat, a white dress shirt, and occasionally a fedora.

Personality: Very nice and cheerful, Shawn isn't one to don an unpleasant look. Unless you spit into his scotch, of course. That said, you know he loves his alcohols, Just like every other man from the UK.


1. Above average reflexes

2. Calm in moments of intensity

3. Persuasive


1. Heavy drinker

2. Easily trusting

3. Occasional suicidal fits

History: "Great men start from humble beginnings" Is something Shawn's mother often said to him when he was young. But what mother wouldn't say that to their child, still full of potential and aspiration? And that's just what he was. His mind was filled with many careers, several of them related to being a physician. He had always had a good heart hoping to help in any and all situations. But due to his birth as a middle class-man, being a physician was extremely unlikely. So he took the next best thing available to him; Law enforcement. So at about the age of 21 he became an agent of the Scotland Yard. The next four years would be filled with many successful apprehensions, a couple deaths on the Yard's part, an untimely marriage, and a German made pistol.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character? While not an ace detective, Shawn plays a more protective role, his weapon of choice being a pistol, not a pen. Of course, that doesn't mean he can't use his head once in a while, with his intelligence slightly above average.

Theme Song*:

Love Interest*: Currently has a wife back in the UK.

Other*: Took fencing lessons as a child

I see you there, fellow homestuck trash.

He's Accepted!


[QUOTE="Sadist Onion]Name: Abigail Merrick
Aliases: None

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Affiliation: The detective

Occupation: Scientist, specifically involved in chemistry, biology, and physics

Appearance: She is slightly under the average height, with a lean, petite, slim body. She has chestnut brown hair that she keeps in a long braid that goes down to the small of her back. She is very pale, and has bright blue eyes.

Clothing: She wears a dark brown pea coat and maroon scarf with khaki coloured trousers, making her dress very unusual for a woman in this time period.

Personality: She is the very definition of proper, educated, and refined. Possessing a keen analytical mind, she will look at any problem with logic and emotional detachment, this cold logic is buffered from society by her outer layer of polite etiquette. The façade almost never cracks, she would follow the 'proper' way of behaviour to her grave, most likely. She never lets her emotions interfere with her thinking or socializing, and will only let her emotions show clearly if she is very stressed. All in all, she is the image of a proper Victorian era woman, with the added bonus of a strong mind and a strong will.


1. Intelligent

2. Sociable

3. Educated


1. Physically weak

2. Sticks out like a sore thumb in America

3. Is very easily offended

History: She was born into a family of nobility in England, and was raised to be a proper young lady. Of course the life of a housewife struck her as quite the waste of the great mind she had been given, and she instead endeavoured to become a scientist. But what kind of scientist? Well, the answer to that was a different matter entirely. Her father was murdered, and the police could find no conclusive evidence. From that day forth, she knew what science she would learn and practice: the fledgling forensic science. She devoted herself to fields in biology, chemistry, and physics, focusing chiefly on how each could be applied to the crime solving process until she had become consulted regularly by the Yard and the CID.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character?: She is extremely intelligent and skilled in the application of modern science to crime solving.

She's accepted!


[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Name: Sully Mackensen
Aliases: Izaya

Age: 24

Gender: male

Sexuality: homosexual

Affiliation :natural


Appearance (Image or Description. No anime or drawings please!):

Sully is petite at 5'4 but lilth and toned. He has shoulder length wild black hair that looks like he just rolled out of bed and contrast with his pale skin. His bangs usually falls into his bright mismatched eyes. His right green and his left blue. He has a small nose and bow shaped pink lips usually pulled into a mischievous smile.

Clothing (Image or Description):

Sully is usually dressed in a blue thigh high trench coat, over a white long sleeved button up. This is usually paired with black dress pants, black boots, black leather gloves, and a black newsboy cap that has razors hidden within it.


Sully is a cheerful hyperactive person with a cruel side that loves to cause chaos and perform weird often cruel experiments. He is smart, and observant but sometimes is reckless as well. He loves to have fun anyway he can but knows when to be serious. He doesn't trust easily but those he trust he cares for even if he shows it in weird ways.


1. Smart

2. Observant

3. Manipulative


1. Reckless

2. Thrill seeker

3. Gets bored to easily


Sully grew up in an orphanage never knowing his parents. It was a cruel place and he quickly learned to survive. Rather it be by manipulating his fellow orphans or black mailing their care takers. When he was fourteen he widened his horizons and by the time he was seventeen ruled his district with black mail and manipulation. He Soon grew bored however and retired moving to a different district. There he started making a name for himself. By the time he was twenty he was known within all the powerful circles as Izaya the informant. He has no sides and usually does what he wants.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character?


Theme Song*:

Love Interest*:


Just wanted to let you know, your character sheet looks fine. Just fill out that one last question and I'll accept!

Name: Bonnibelle B Bennett

Nicknames: Bonnie

Aliases: White Ripper or the Triple B Butcher

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Affiliation: The Magdalene

Occupation: Former Debutante and Murderer


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1aaec552_ScreenShot2015-02-26at5.18.29PM.png.761fee502c1ed225e09ea5b515a51e93.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43693" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1aaec552_ScreenShot2015-02-26at5.18.29PM.png.761fee502c1ed225e09ea5b515a51e93.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Clothing (Image or Description): She has a variety of dresses, all in this style. She also carries a parasol.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/0b71c332939716b7da0b6883cb7fb665.jpg.7bf1a181a3dba7903a653550bd4213d5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43694" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/0b71c332939716b7da0b6883cb7fb665.jpg.7bf1a181a3dba7903a653550bd4213d5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Bonnie is (seemingly) exceedingly polite, sweet, cheerful, and resourceful. She always follows directions people give her, and her smile never falters, as well as a submissive personality. The perfect debutante. Once she has set her sights on something, she will do anything to get it done. Anything. She gets easily jealous, and will often go to great lengths to destroy people who have more than her. She is also dead set on having a perfect life, and 'winning' everything that comes her way.


1. Perfect Etiquette

2. Emotionally Strong

3. Driven


1. Follower

2. Easily Jealous

3. Delusional

History: Bonnie was born into one of the formerly wealthiest families in South Carolina. Her parents up kept their large estate, despite the fact they had fallen on hard times after the civil war. They were hoping their 'little Belle' would marry rich, but they told her she should marry for 'love'. She tried to, in fact, and had an affair with a stable hand. Her parents were shocked by this, and told her the truth: she better marry a wealthy man or face the consequences. The stable hand mysteriously disappeared.

This hit Bonnie like a splash of cold water, but she agreed. However at the Cotillion Ball she was skipped over by almost every man, who only danced with the well-off woman. Fueled by a jealous rage, she killed almost every other Debutante in her area, leaving perfumed notes to the police always signed 'BBB'. She was caught eventually, but not before murdering her family and fleeing the state.

She later received a latter from the Magdalene inviting her to Happenstance, and instructing her to work with his protege, Anthony Williams. She is currently staying in a rather nice Inn that doesn't ask to many questions.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character? Bloodthirsty yet easy to control.

Theme Song*:

Love Interest*: N/A

Other*: N/A



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Name: Elias Spencer, Jr.

Aliases: The Pinkerton, The Rogue

Age: 44

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Affiliation: The Detective

Occupation: Pinkerton Detective



Clothing: Elias' clothing is -- as a rule -- unassuming and even mediocre. It comfortably rides the line between high-fashion and drab. He prefers a lightweight black overcoat, under which he wears a simple white shirt, black tie, and gray vest. His simple trousers, boots, and bowler hat are also darkly-colored. He carries a lacquered black wooden cane with a silver knob at the top, inside of which is a concealed short sword.

Personality: Spencer would be considered callous and business-like by most... and they would be correct to label him as such. Having long since become disillusioned with people and their motivations, he is far from what anyone would rightly call a saint or altruist, though he holds himself to a set professional standards. He is known to rely on dry humor and sarcasm in his dealings when he can get away with it. However, in the course of pursuing a case, he is able to put on a new personality as easily as most would don a mask in order to impersonate or manipulate those around him.


1. Elias is very street smart thanks to his years of experience in various forms of skullduggery.

2. Spencer is excellent at manipulating others in conversation, whether through use of a false identity or other means of coercion.

3. Eli is proficient in the arts of stealth and hand-to-hand combat, despite his advanced age.


1. Elias' age and years of injuries have caught up with him; he isn't as swift-footed as he once was and is sometimes hindered by a slight limp.

2. Spencer prefers anonymity in most of his dealings. If a spotlight is shown on his true identity during the course of his schemes, he may be prone to panic.

3. Elias relies entirely on manipulation and deception in the course of his "business" conversations. Someone who is immune to his various methods of persuasion would frustrate him, as he is largely incapable of candid diplomacy.

History: Elias was born to a rich couple settled in a rural estate along the Mason-Dixie Line in Virginia, almost twenty years prior to the Civil War. His father paid for high-dollar private tutors in a variety of academic and athletic subjects, if taking little other initiative in his son's life. On many days, however, he showed his true colors as a drunken, washed-up war hero that frequently made life difficult for his young son and British trophy wife through years of physical abuse.

Elias Jr. had few friends his age growing up. One of his primary sources of enjoyment consisted of visiting large cities on business trips with his father: Atlanta, Charleston, Richmond, even London. In these cities, Elias was free to explore and be whomever he wished. He relished these visits. However, after his seventeenth birthday and a particularly heated argument (brawl) with his father regarding the course of his future, he fled his home and traveled to New York. The city was a dangerous place for a young man with no funds and no family name to hide behind. He scraped out a living as a thief, lookout, and informant. Despite his youth, he managed to make a name for himself in the criminal underworld... along with a myriad of enemies.

Unable to flee the city by other means, Elias desperately enlisted with the Union Army on the eve of the Civil War, serving with the New York State Militia during the First Battle of Bull Run. His unit was bloodied and he himself was nearly killed. Suddenly the horrors of the New York kingpins seemed tame in comparison to those of the battlefield.

Nonetheless, Spencer remained in service of the Union for the remainder of the war, though his superiors quickly realized his greatest utility lay in the realm of espionage, not combat. He spent many months at a time deep behind Confederate lines, gathering strategic intelligence for Union commanders in addition to occasionally conducting raids and sabotage operations.

Following the War, Elias was recruited by the Pinkerton National Detective Agency. He has spent the twenty-two years since plying his trade as a private investigator, freelance spy, bodyguard, and bounty hunter.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character?

Elias' track record in garnering information from reluctant sources and keeping an ear to the city streets made him a natural choice in aiding the investigation.

Theme Song:

Love Interest: N/A
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Safton said:
Name: Elias Spencer, Jr.
Aliases: The Pinkerton, The Rogue

Age: 44

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Affiliation: The Detective

Occupation: Pinkerton Detective



Clothing: Elias' clothing is, as a rule, unassuming and mediocre. It rides the line between high-fashion and of poor quality. He prefers a lightweight black overcoat, under which he wears a simple white shirt, red tie, and black vest. His simple trousers and boots are also the same shade of black. He wears a dark bowler hat, as well. He carries a lacquered black wooden cane with a silver knob at the top, inside of which is a concealed blade.

Personality: Spencer would be considered callous and business-like by most... and they would be correct to label him as such. Having long since become disillusioned with people and their motivations, he is far from what anyone would rightly call a saint or altruist (though he holds himself to a set professional standards). He is known to rely on dry humor and sarcasm in his dealings when he can get away with it. However, in the course of pursuing a case, he is able to put on a new personality as easily as most would don a mask, in order to impersonate or manipulate others.


1. Elias is very street smart thanks to his years of experience in various skullduggery.

2. Spencer is excellent at manipulating others in conversation, whether through use of a false identity or other means.

3. Eli is proficient in the arts of stealth and hand-to-hand combat, despite his advanced age.


1. Elias' age and years of injuries have caught up with him; he isn't as swift-footed as he once was and is sometimes afflicted with a limp.

2. Spencer prefers anonymity in most of his dealings. If a spotlight is shown on his true identity, he may be prone to panic.

3. Elias relies entirely on manipulation and deception in the course of his "business" conversations. Someone who is immune to his various methods of persuasion would frustrate him, as he is largely incapable of candid diplomacy.

History: Elias was born to a rich couple settled in a rural estate along the Mason-Dixie Line in Virginia, almost twenty years prior to the Civil War. His father paid for high-dollar private tutors in a variety of academic and athletic subjects, if taking little other initiative in his son's life. On many days, however, he showed his true colors as a drunken, washed-up war hero that frequently made life difficult for his young son and British trophy wife through years of physical abuse.

Elias Jr. had few friends his age growing up. One of his primary sources of enjoyment consisted of visiting large cities on business trips with his father: Atlanta, Charleston, New York, even London. In these cities, Elias was free to explore and be whoever he wanted. He relished these visits. After his seventeenth birthday and a particularly heated argument (brawl) with his father regarding the course of his future, he fled his home and traveled to New York. The city was a dangerous place for a young man with no funds and no family name to hide behind. He made a living as a thief, lookout, and informant. Despite his youth, he managed to make a name for himself in the criminal underworld... along with many enemies.

Unable to flee the city by other means, Elias desperately enlisted with the Union Army on the eve of the Civil War, serving with the New York State Militia during the First Battle of Bull Run. His unit was bloodied and he was nearly killed. Suddenly the horrors of the New York kingpins seemed tame in comparison to those of the battlefield. Nonetheless, Spencer remained in service of the Union for the remainder of the war, though his superiors quickly realized his greatest utility lay in the realm of espionage, not combat. He spent many months at a time deep behind Confederate lines, gathering strategic intelligence for the Union.

Following the War, Elias was recruited by the Pinkerton National Detective Agency. He has spent the twenty-two years since plying his trade as a private investigator, freelance spy, and bounty hunter.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character?

Elias' track record in garnering information from reluctant sources and keep an ear to the city streets made him a natural choice in aiding the investigation.

Theme Song:

Love Interest: N/A
Accepted! You can join the rp as soon as you want!
Name: Doctor Franz Wexler

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Occupation: Doctor of Mathematics who teaches at a prestigious university in Happenstance


Clothing (Image or Description): He wears glasses and wears a fine dark suit every day, which is always in near perfect order, due to his obsessive perfectionism.

Personality: He is a very confident, charming individual, always wearing a smile and being polite. His charisma compliments his mind quite well, which possesses an immense analytical ability. He is able to solve ciphers, puzzles, and complex equations in his head just by looking at them. He loves puzzles and takes a great pleasure in solving those in the newspaper every week as quickly as possible (one of his eccentricities) even going so far as to time himself. Another eccentricity is his perfectionism, part of why he became a mathematician was the logical perfection of the whole system, something he strives to attain in the real world. This prodigious intellect has made him a bit arrogant and over confident in his abilities, which has the added side effect of making him frustrated easily if he can't solve a problem with his intellect.


1. Intellect

2. Charisma

3. Social Standing


1. Perfectionist

2. Arrogant

3. Easily frustrated

History: He was born into a family of Prussian immigrants in 1850. His father, who was a career military officer, raised him to be independent, strong, and gentlemanly. His incredible intelligence was discovered at a young age, and from then on, his father spared no expense in securing him the best schooling possible to foster his intellect. After earning his doctorate in mathematics at the young age of 24, he spent his life quietly doing research work and teaching courses at Happenstance's largest university.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character?: His ability for solving puzzles and riddles could prove incredibly valuable to deciphering the 'clues' that the Magdalene takes a perverse pleasure in leaving behind.
mrXenox said:
Name: Doctor Franz Wexler
Age: 37

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Occupation: Doctor of Mathematics who teaches at a prestigious university in Happenstance


Clothing (Image or Description): He wears glasses and wears a fine dark suit every day, which is always in near perfect order, due to his obsessive perfectionism.

Personality: He is a very confident, charming individual, always wearing a smile and being polite. His charisma compliments his mind quite well, which possesses an immense analytical ability. He is able to solve ciphers, puzzles, and complex equations in his head just by looking at them. He loves puzzles and takes a great pleasure in solving those in the newspaper every week as quickly as possible (one of his eccentricities) even going so far as to time himself. Another eccentricity is his perfectionism, part of why he became a mathematician was the logical perfection of the whole system, something he strives to attain in the real world. This prodigious intellect has made him a bit arrogant and over confident in his abilities, which has the added side effect of making him frustrated easily if he can't solve a problem with his intellect.


1. Intellect

2. Charisma

3. Social Standing


1. Perfectionist

2. Arrogant

3. Easily frustrated

History: He was born into a family of Prussian immigrants in 1850. His father, who was a career military officer, raised him to be independent, strong, and gentlemanly. His incredible intelligence was discovered at a young age, and from then on, his father spared no expense in securing him the best schooling possible to foster his intellect. After earning his doctorate in mathematics at the young age of 24, he spent his life quietly doing research work and teaching courses at Happenstance's largest university.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character?: His ability for solving puzzles and riddles could prove incredibly valuable to deciphering the 'clues' that the Magdalene takes a perverse pleasure in leaving behind.
Name: Nikolai Jenson (AKA Jeremiah West)

Aliases: Nik and occasionally Jen

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Affiliation (has your OC been summoned by The Detective, The Magdalene, or are they neutral?): The Magdalene

Occupation: Artist

Appearance (Image or Description. No anime or drawings please!):


Clothing (Image or Description):


Jeremiah or Nikolai has low tolerance for those who wish to act almighty. He has an issue with being looked down upon being the reason behind his mother's demise. He proves to be artistic from a young age and has yet to loose this quality. His belief is that a canvas can be re-painted therefore why cant someone's past or future?


1. Crafty - his mind is a playground of creative thoughts.

2. Decisive - has no problem with making a decision at the last moment.

3. Fearless - he has no fear for anyone nor does he care about the police and their attempts to locate The Magdalene.


1. Low self-esteem - a result from his mother's crude words.

2. Childish - having the capacity to joke around and sometimes get off track.

3. Restless - he has to be doing something at all times. Either he is thinking of a new trap or new methods on killing.


This young lad, at the age of fifteen, had slit his own mother's throat in the kitchen of their home where she had been about to paddle him for not standing up for himself; his mother had often called him worthless and such hurtful things as those. It had been nothing short of murder seeing as the boy had no intention of being looked down on any longer.

The children in the neighborhood often teased him over the type of clothing he wore, his mother was useless when it came to work, and soon began sending him home with bruises all along his arms. This enraged the boy and after his mother's 'accident' he went on a killing spree. Each child who had done anything from tease, to push, to bully young West was a target.

He started with leaving notes and things of that sort to get them jumpy then after toying with them he became crafty with the deaths. His passion had always been directed toward the arts and after cutting down his mother he came to the realization that blood is quite a beautiful color to paint with.

As time passed and Jeremiah escaped his home town leaving the people still cautious from the killings, he robbed a few of the wealthier citizens around, never once getting caught, and was able to buy his own house at the age of seventeen. No longer would he live in a disorganized one story home. He made it to the age of nineteen before longing to have more of the red color that he found only when using human blood.

At first he meant nothing but to do the world a favor by slaughtering one of societies largely known politicians for being nothing more then a liar, but it turned out to cause an uproar among them. Jeremiah ignored this however and continued to paint with the man's DNA. He sold over ten paintings displaying the politician's bodily fluid and yet no one would ever know.

A year later the well-known artist met up with The Magdalene. Turns out that they had seen his work and were impressed. They wanted him on their side and so he agreed. The young man set fire to his home staging his death before changing his name to Nikolai Jenson and heading South. Here, Jenson alludes the detectives as he had done in the West and assists The Magdalenes.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character? His creative thoughts and fearless acts even when in risky situations.

Theme Song*: Misfit by Thebandwithnoname

((Hello. BasicallyMe invited me to this roleplay so I decided to give it a shot. I'll apologize ahead of time if I become distracted away from the roleplay but I'm going to do my absolute best in keeping up with you guys (: oh and if I'm accepted, thank you! By the way, I'll have the attire and chatacter picture up in later hours, it is currently 3am))
Last edited by a moderator:
ShadedRose said:
Name: Nikolai Jenson (AKA Jeremiah West)
Aliases: Nik and occasionally Jen

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Affiliation (has your OC been summoned by The Detective, The Magdalene, or are they neutral?): The Magdalene

Occupation: Artist

Appearance (Image or Description. No anime or drawings please!):

Clothing (Image or Description):


Jeremiah or Nikolai has low tolerance for those who wish to act almighty. He has an issue with being looked down upon being the reason behind his mother's demise. He proves to be artistic from a young age and has yet to loose this quality. His belief is that a canvas can be re-painted therefore why cant someone's past or future?


1. Crafty - his mind is a playground of creative thoughts.

2. Decisive - has no problem with making a decision at the last moment.

3. Fearless - he has no fear for anyone nor does he care about the police and their attempts to locate The Magdalene.


1. Low self-esteem - a result from his mother's crude words.

2. Childish - having the capacity to joke around and sometimes get off track.

3. Restless - he has to be doing something at all times. Either he is thinking of a new trap or new methods on killing.


This young lad, at the age of fifteen, had slit his own mother's throat in the kitchen of their home where she had been about to paddle him for not standing up for himself; his mother had often called him worthless and such hurtful things as those. It had been nothing short of murder seeing as the boy had no intention of being looked down on any longer.

The children in the neighborhood often teased him over the type of clothing he wore, his mother was useless when it came to work, and soon began sending him home with bruises all along his arms. This enraged the boy and after his mother's 'accident' he went on a killing spree. Each child who had done anything from tease, to push, to bully young West was a target.

He started with leaving notes and things of that sort to get them jumpy then after toying with them he became crafty with the deaths. His passion had always been directed toward the arts and after cutting down his mother he came to the realization that blood is quite a beautiful color to paint with.

As time passed and Jeremiah escaped his home town leaving the people still cautious from the killings, he robbed a few of the wealthier citizens around, never once getting caught, and was able to buy his own house at the age of seventeen. No longer would he live in a disorganized one story home. He made it to the age of nineteen before longing to have more of the red color that he found only when using human blood.

At first he meant nothing but to do the world a favor by slaughtering one of societies largely known politicians for being nothing more then a liar, but it turned out to cause an uproar among them. Jeremiah ignored this however and continued to paint with the man's DNA. He sold over ten paintings displaying the politician's bodily fluid and yet no one would ever know.

A year later the well-known artist met up with The Magdalene. Turns out that they had seen his work and were impressed. They wanted him on their side and so he agreed. The young man set fire to his home staging his death before changing his name to Nikolai Jenson and heading South. Here, Jenson alludes the detectives as he had done in the West and assists The Magdalenes.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character? His creative thoughts and fearless acts even when in risky situations.

Theme Song*: Misfit by Thebandwithnoname

((Hello. BasicallyMe invited me to this roleplay so I decided to give it a shot. I'll apologize ahead of time if I become distracted away from the roleplay but I'm going to do my absolute best in keeping up with you guys (: oh and if I'm accepted, thank you! By the way, I'll have the attire and chatacter picture up in later hours, it is currently 3am))
Everything looks good! I'll accept you even if you don't have the appearance, which doesn't matter to much.

And don't worry about getting distracted, I understand!
Name: Charles Dormer

Aliases: Charlie

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Magdalene, but he doesn't really know that. He just needs money, and as far as he knows he was hired by a mob boss to dispose of bodies.

Occupation: Lobby Boy at the Luxe Hotel

Appearance: Short and sturdy, with a boyish face. He has shaggy dark brown hair and freckles. His eyes are large, with big eyelashes, and are a brilliant blue.

Clothing: Standard clothing for a lower class child of the time.

Personality: Charlie is a resourceful, quite, and well mannered young boy. He likes working on his own, prefers not to ask/be asked many questions, and has big dreams of someday becoming famous.


1. Resourceful

2. Very strong for his age

3. Not a snitch


1. He is twelve years old

2. Not many people would notice if he went missing

3. Doesn't know he's been temporarily hired by the Magdalene

History: Both Charlie's parents are poor, but hard working people. He has one baby brother and one older sister, both of whom live with him. He's had a variety of odd jobs in order to pay the rent and keep food on the table, and working at the Luxe is just the most recent.

His first week on the job he was approached by a man who offered an extremely large sum of money to move a 'wrapped package' from a barely used servant corridor to the basement of the building on a certain date. Charlie grew up in the Wick, so he knew what was up, but took the money and kept his mouth shut, thinking it was just mob related activity, which wasn't uncommon in the Luxe.. He also managed to knock Evelyn Dressler unconscious while coming down the stairs, because she was getting to close to the *ahem* package.

He plans of switching jobs after this.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character? A good scapegoat, can most likely get the job done without blabbing.

Theme Song*: N/A

Love Interest*: N/A

Other*: N/A


Alexander Masterson


The Baron/Doctor Bubonic








The Magdalene


Former Forensics Expert/ Currently wanted for accounts of: Homicide, Tampering with evidence, Resisting Arrest, conspiracy and arson.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Plague_doctor.jpg.98ff5c037790919e33b5c159a775d6bb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46154" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Plague_doctor.jpg.98ff5c037790919e33b5c159a775d6bb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Nowadays he's always wearing his ridiculous Custom-made Plague Doctor mask which covers pretty much every inch of his head save for patches of tattered and burnt hair that stick out the back. In addition to the mask he has a suit, top hat, and white gloves to go along with it. Despite being seen handling corpses, rummaging through destroyed buildings and such he always seems to clean his clothing somewhere before each appearance.


The Baron is what most people would call an eccentric, treating his crimes and murders not with disgust or reverence.... but with humor. He has such a dark sense of humor he was willing to forego his previous occupation as a well known forensics expert just to satisfy it. He constantly treats his work with a strange mixture of both professionalism and oddly carefree nonchalance. At one point he even stopped to ask for directions from a passing civilian with half a torso wedged under his arm. It's not hard to point him out, he hardly ever covers his tracks, most of the times he even openly brags about it in public places. But despite these immensely careless actions, not once have police managed to keep him locked up. From causing irreparable damage to crime scene evidence to dressing up hostages in copies of his own costume to use as bait, he's managed to keep out of police custody time and time again. But despite this ingenuity, he always seems to scurry under the shadow of other villains, even some who were easier to catch than he ever was.


1. Highly Intelligent

2. Able to corrupt or recreate Crime scenes extensively

3. Is quite athletic due to years of running, though most wouldn't be able to tell through his clothing.


1. Despite being an independent villain, the Baron needs villains like the Magdalene for variety. Without him, he'd most likely scramble to find another to shadow.

2. Is very dependent on his dark sense of humor, his wild tendencies usually revolve around how much fun he's having, and a loss of interest on his part will leave him in a mortified state once his damaged amygdala stops feeding him pleasant emotion.

3. His carelessness, smart or not his carelessness seems to be the main reason police keep being able to track him, not even the advice of his fellow criminals seems to be able to pierce the Baron's shield of sheer nonchalance. He truly is in it for the fun and nothing else.


His Mother had told him at a very early age to always look for a job you'll always be needed in. As he grew, he always took that advice to heart. And so he wound up in a variety of less than appealing jobs, trying to find which would both offer him many opportunities and availabilities at once. This form of hunting led him to the learning of forensic sciences, which he hadn't even heard of before looking. Seeing the potential this occupation would have for him, he threw himself into a long period of ruthless studying, memorization, and query. He was an exceptionally bright individual, so it came as no surprise when he excelled at it, eventually landing himself a job working for the local police force. And so he settled into what he thought would be a simple life of studying theorizing and connecting the dots. However, that wasn't to be the case.

He realized after a couple years that he stopped smiling during his work, and that he found it difficult to chuckle or feel happy. Now his job wasn't the most glamorous, but he usually felt an unmistakable adrenaline rush whenever he put two and two together. No more, he didn't feel pride, or joy, or humor anymore. After going to a doctor, he was mortified to find that he had a brain defect that left him with a slowly deteriorating portion of his amygdala. He was losing touch with certain emotions. Afterwards he became more and more depressed as he realized that the happiness of his life was literally rotting away. He couldn't look at a family picture and feel happy, nor could he feel sympathy countless strays he would see. It was a lack of response that terrified him, and traumatized him. That distinct disability to feel anything positive.

Eventually....he tried to hang himself in his apartment. What was the point of living a wonderful life if you couldn't experience the wonder? It was as he dangled there, with his oxygen deprived lungs struggling to keep him alive, that he did something he hadn't done in what felt like decades: he laughed. It was that sick idea that he would soon cease to exist that turned his frantic gasps of air into frantic hacking laughter. And that laughter was what made him struggle in the makeshift noose, his jerking body swinging violently side to side until it finally tore the rope and the support beam it had been tied to out of the ceiling. As he scrabbled to his hands and knees, trying both to breath and laugh at the same time, he became more distinctly aware that the novelty of hanging himself was beginning to wear off. It still gave him a chuckle, but he wanted that roaring laughter back before he faded to black and white emotions.

Which is why, not thirty minutes later, he sent his neighbor sailing through her window with a chord around her neck. It was utterly hilarious to watch as she struggled for life for a moment before going limp, with the screams of terror and disgust arising from the populace below. The pleasant feelings his deteriorated amygdala flooded him with urged him onward, to have more fun. and so began a reign of terror as the Baron began terrorizing the international populace, through both his own workings and by assisting present criminals. It didn't matter if their were living people whose dreams and aspirations were crushed by his rampant indulgence.

After all, isn't the basic principle of comedy that it's based around Misery?

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character?

His forensic skills, with them the Magdalene is able to set up two crimes at once and have them executed exactly as he likes. It also helps that the Baron is able to set up clues and riddles and even falsify information if necessary. Plus the Baron's Careless tendencies make him a perfect scapegoat/red herring for the Magdalene's dear pursuers.

Theme Song*:



Most people don't even know who he is anymore, the achievements of the once great Alexander Masterson are now completely overshadowed by the wanton chaos Doctor Bubonic has left in his wake. That being said, the Baron is actually quite touched when his previous life is mentioned.



  • Plague_doctor.jpg
    175.4 KB · Views: 40
GrieveWriter said:


Alexander Masterson


The Baron/Doctor Bubonic








The Magdalene


Former Forensics Expert/ Currently wanted for accounts of: Homicide, Tampering with evidence, Resisting Arrest, conspiracy and arson.


View attachment 108561


Nowadays he's always wearing his ridiculous Custom-made Plague Doctor mask which covers pretty much every inch of his head save for patches of tattered and burnt hair that stick out the back. In addition to the mask he has a suit, top hat, and white gloves to go along with it. Despite being seen handling corpses, rummaging through destroyed buildings and such he always seems to clean his clothing somewhere before each appearance.


The Baron is what most people would call an eccentric, treating his crimes and murders not with disgust or reverence.... but with humor. He has such a dark sense of humor he was willing to forego his previous occupation as a well known forensics expert just to satisfy it. He constantly treats his work with a strange mixture of both professionalism and oddly carefree nonchalance. At one point he even stopped to ask for directions from a passing civilian with half a torso wedged under his arm. It's not hard to point him out, he hardly ever covers his tracks, most of the times he even openly brags about it in public places. But despite these immensely careless actions, not once have police managed to keep him locked up. From causing irreparable damage to crime scene evidence to dressing up hostages in copies of his own costume to use as bait, he's managed to keep out of police custody time and time again. But despite this ingenuity, he always seems to scurry under the shadow of other villains, even some who were easier to catch than he ever was.


1. Highly Intelligent

2. Able to corrupt or recreate Crime scenes extensively

3. Is quite athletic due to years of running, though most wouldn't be able to tell through his clothing.


1. Despite being an independent villain, the Baron needs villains like the Magdalene for variety. Without him, he'd most likely scramble to find another to shadow.

2. Is very dependent on his dark sense of humor, his wild tendencies usually revolve around how much fun he's having, and a loss of interest on his part will leave him in a mortified state once his damaged amygdala stops feeding him pleasant emotion.

3. His carelessness, smart or not his carelessness seems to be the main reason police keep being able to track him, not even the advice of his fellow criminals seems to be able to pierce the Baron's shield of sheer nonchalance. He truly is in it for the fun and nothing else.


His Mother had told him at a very early age to always look for a job you'll always be needed in. As he grew, he always took that advice to heart. And so he wound up in a variety of less than appealing jobs, trying to find which would both offer him many opportunities and availabilities at once. This form of hunting led him to the learning of forensic sciences, which he hadn't even heard of before looking. Seeing the potential this occupation would have for him, he threw himself into a long period of ruthless studying, memorization, and query. He was an exceptionally bright individual, so it came as no surprise when he excelled at it, eventually landing himself a job working for the local police force. And so he settled into what he thought would be a simple life of studying theorizing and connecting the dots. However, that wasn't to be the case.

He realized after a couple years that he stopped smiling during his work, and that he found it difficult to chuckle or feel happy. Now his job wasn't the most glamorous, but he usually felt an unmistakable adrenaline rush whenever he put two and two together. No more, he didn't feel pride, or joy, or humor anymore. After going to a doctor, he was mortified to find that he had a brain defect that left him with a slowly deteriorating portion of his amygdala. He was losing touch with certain emotions. Afterwards he became more and more depressed as he realized that the happiness of his life was literally rotting away. He couldn't look at a family picture and feel happy, nor could he feel sympathy countless strays he would see. It was a lack of response that terrified him, and traumatized him. That distinct disability to feel anything positive.

Eventually....he tried to hang himself in his apartment. What was the point of living a wonderful life if you couldn't experience the wonder? It was as he dangled there, with his oxygen deprived lungs struggling to keep him alive, that he did something he hadn't done in what felt like decades: he laughed. It was that sick idea that he would soon cease to exist that turned his frantic gasps of air into frantic hacking laughter. And that laughter was what made him struggle in the makeshift noose, his jerking body swinging violently side to side until it finally tore the rope and the support beam it had been tied to out of the ceiling. As he scrabbled to his hands and knees, trying both to breath and laugh at the same time, he became more distinctly aware that the novelty of hanging himself was beginning to wear off. It still gave him a chuckle, but he wanted that roaring laughter back before he faded to black and white emotions.

Which is why, not thirty minutes later, he sent his neighbor sailing through her window with a chord around her neck. It was utterly hilarious to watch as she struggled for life for a moment before going limp, with the screams of terror and disgust arising from the populace below. The pleasant feelings his deteriorated amygdala flooded him with urged him onward, to have more fun. and so began a reign of terror as the Baron began terrorizing the international populace, through both his own workings and by assisting present criminals. It didn't matter if their were living people whose dreams and aspirations were crushed by his rampant indulgence.

After all, isn't the basic principle of comedy that it's based around Misery?

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character?

His forensic skills, with them the Magdalene is able to set up two crimes at once and have them executed exactly as he likes. It also helps that the Baron is able to set up clues and riddles and even falsify information if necessary. Plus the Baron's Careless tendencies make him a perfect scapegoat/red herring for the Magdalene's dear pursuers.

Theme Song*:



Most people don't even know who he is anymore, the achievements of the once great Alexander Masterson are now completely overshadowed by the wanton chaos Doctor Bubonic has left in his wake. That being said, the Baron is actually quite touched when his previous life is mentioned.
Name: William Lacy Root

Aliases: Bill root, Lacy, and The Weasel of The Wick

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual (closeted)

Affiliation: Neutral

Occupation: Second-Story Man

Appearance: Five feet and six inches tall

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/fdf4537dd286035249d4355a09b0bf69.jpg.4aa7097eb84dfaf8bd1355812b240be5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48057" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/fdf4537dd286035249d4355a09b0bf69.jpg.4aa7097eb84dfaf8bd1355812b240be5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Clothing: A dark closely tailored sack suit with a often askew band collar and cravat

Personality: Often described as irritating and brash William has come to accept and even nurture his over-confident self serving manner. Never a man to pass up a chance to get rich quick Bill has gained a reputation as an untrustworthy bastard who would sell his own grandmother for a few crisp bills or a free meal. Though tall and slightly menacing at first glance William is quite thin and waifish so he often tends towards fleeing in the face of danger instead of fighting. This mixture of greed and cowardice has given the burglar a bad reputation among the residence of The Wick and many would be glad to see him dead.


1. Extreme agility- Specifically his proficiency in climbing

2. Speed- Years of running away have built leg muscles

3. Immunity to snake venom- Possibly genetic


1. Peanut allergy- Eating them makes his throat close up

2. Cowardice- "A strong man stays and fights. A smart man turns and runs."

3. Low pain tolerance- Bill can be a big baby at times

History: The son of a prostitute and a drunk Bill grew up in and around Cat's Cradle Hostel. This rough upbringing sharpened his senses and made him into the cunning criminal he is today. Of course some would say hes less "cunning" and more "...a bumbling idiot who thinks too highly of himself." but William would have to disagree. Besides a few close shaves that nearly cost the burglar his life Bill's career has been pretty average for a thief living in The Wick...well up until the whole Magdalene business got started. Now Bill is caught up in a chaotic whirlwind of intrigue and horror as he clings to the hope that all this madness will somehow benefit him financially.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character?

Well as a neutral residence of Happenstance William is not allied with either side.

Theme Song: [media]

Love Interest: None currently

Other: Bill enjoys the company of animals



  • fdf4537dd286035249d4355a09b0bf69.jpg
    432.5 KB · Views: 29
Mrgrudge said:
Name: William Lacy Root
Aliases: Bill root, Lacy, and The Weasel of The Wick

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual (closeted)

Affiliation: Neutral

Occupation: Second-Story Man

Appearance: Five feet and six inches tall

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Clothing: A dark closely tailored sack suit with a often askew band collar and cravat

Personality: Often described as irritating and brash William has come to accept and even nurture his over-confident self serving manner. Never a man to pass up a chance to get rich quick Bill has gained a reputation as an untrustworthy bastard who would sell his own grandmother for a few crisp bills or a free meal. Though tall and slightly menacing at first glance William is quite thin and waifish so he often tends towards fleeing in the face of danger instead of fighting. This mixture of greed and cowardice has given the burglar a bad reputation among the residence of The Wick and many would be glad to see him dead.


1. Extreme agility- Specifically his proficiency in climbing

2. Speed- Years of running away have built leg muscles

3. Immunity to snake venom- Possibly genetic


1. Peanut allergy- Eating them makes his throat close up

2. Cowardice- "A strong man stays and fights. A smart man turns and runs."

3. Low pain tolerance- Bill can be a big baby at times

History: The son of a prostitute and a drunk Bill grew up in and around Cat's Cradle Hostel. This rough upbringing sharpened his senses and made him into the cunning criminal he is today. Of course some would say hes less "cunning" and more "...a bumbling idiot who thinks too highly of himself." but William would have to disagree. Besides a few close shaves that nearly cost the burglar his life Bill's career has been pretty average for a thief living in The Wick...well up until the whole Magdalene business got started. Now Bill is caught up in a chaotic whirlwind of intrigue and horror as he clings to the hope that all this madness will somehow benefit him financially.

What qualities made either The Magdalene or The Detective summon your character?

Well as a neutral residence of Happenstance William is not allied with either side.

Theme Song: [media]

Love Interest: None currently

Other: Bill enjoys the company of animals
Sorry for taking so long to reply! My alerts weren't working for some reason. You are accepted!

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