[Saint Solars] The Scarlet Empress Reborn

Hyades traveled toward the camp and after a few days of travel found himself at the entrance of a camp with white tents. A guard looked at him coming and wanted to check on him. "Hello, did you come to hear the words of the cult of the illuminated?"

Meanwhile in the camp, Dewo the big bald guy appeared to be offended but Saori simply shook her head again so Dewo wouldn't take any brash actions and offered some explanations to the skeptic heroes.

"I know that it must be hard to believe but I was indeed captured in my previous incarnation by a cabal of men. They had me prisoners in a horrible city, after many years of torture by a horrible shadowy individual. One man came to save me from my torments by offering the only way to escape the city...So I did what needed to be done to come back to my children of creation. But I suppose that it is easier to show you..."

As she let her anima banner expanded brightly. On the ground flowers and plants started to grow, her aura was also warm at the same time, as a corona of flames surrounded her at the same time and the wind howled, as in her anima banner, appeared the five elemental dragons and the image of the Scarlett Empress standing on top of them. While she didn't appear to be of the highest breeding this kind of feat hadn't been seen in the realm for millenia to say the least, not many dragon blooded could incorperate all the five dragon elemental aspects powers. Rice nodded when she did that. People in the camp turned around, always still amazed to see her do that.
Shadow circled around camp for a few times without being seen to find an easy place to infiltrate in when he saw the immaculate monk. Shadow decided to see better and possibly hear what is being talked so approached to main entrance as much as he can without being seen observe the situation.
- Well, I guess so...

You seem to be very overt about it.

Is this place so safe?
Hyades and Silent Shadow would clearly see the light show happening .

I know a bit lazy but please refer to previous post.
- Exalted!? What the Hells!?

Without minding the guard Hyades strides towards the display.
Hyades would see the strangest anima that he had ever seen. He did recognize all the colors and blazing corona as being part of all the dragon aspects but they were all concentrated on one woman, with an image of the scarlet empress with the five elemental dragons expanding exponentially.
Shadow caught off-guard with display of anima but he was quick to regain his composure and his intuition as an assassin kicks in. Shadow slips into camp from sides and approaches to source of light while staying hidden from eyes. Most people in camp seems to be caught-off guard from display as well so Shadow doesn't need to use his exhausting power of his own and he is not sure if it worths or not depending on situation he may need essence for something else in a short time.
A smirk. "Well let's go. I doubt that father will bother delaying the hunters when he figures out what I am. Can you fly or at least shift to a lighter form? I have a minion I summoned up last night as I was planning on running anyways." Walking out to where the stable is located she opens the door. "Demons, they are so useful."

Inside the giant wasp starts to buzz as it lands in front of Hideko. She walks up kissing it on it's forehead. "She's serving me for a month as a mount."
After the anima display, Atodi knew he was dealing with the genuine article. His first impulse was to bow down like any good soldier being confronted with his liege, only the vision of the Unconquered Sun prevented him from doing so. "That's... definitely something else." He said, struggling to reconcile the two different beliefs within him. "If you the Empress, what do you need us for? Aren't you supposed to be ordering our heads on a silver platter?" Memories of Dragon-Blooded lead hunts after his life did little to waylay his unease, especially since now he was standing in the midst of the woman in charge of said hunts.

Unconsciously he slipped in to a combat stance, ready to fight and/or flee should this all be an elaborate trap. He glanced over at the woman who had called him 'brother' earlier and suspected that she was like himself. He was unsure of her ability to handle herself in battle, but would defend her until they could escape. Legs braced to fight or flee and his fist clenched to strike or parry, Atodi's eyes became focused on his peripheral vision to detect a potential ambush. "Why are we here?" He asked.
Hyades snorted and squinted his eyes, unsure to believe them.

Despite the awe that the vision commanded, he felt suddenly uneasy and possibly in danger.

- What treachery is this?
Jesaline gawps, momentarily at a loss for words. But her mind is racing.

No Dragon-Blood should be able to do that. But she just did. But...she can't be the Scarlet Empress reborn as a Solar-embracing kid. That's ludicrous, even for Exalted.

Still...she's powerful. And probably idealistic to the point of foolishness. And she seems to have some connection to the Unconquered Sun. Crazy or not, she might be our best hope. If her heart is really in the right place.

After all, she's no crazier than most of those seeking the throne...

Speaking at the same moment as Atodi: "Just one question...why?"
Saori nodded and tried to explain herself.

"I understand that it must be very confusing for you...but you must know that back then, something went horribly wrong with the Solars. We probably could have tried a more peaceful solution but some of the solars were out of control and everything happened so fast, it was like a time of madness. But this isn't the whole story...There was a secret cabal responsible for the whole operation. I know that they were twelve of them and from my imprisonment, I learned that they were exalts as well. Back in the days, I gathered a group of Solars who still had enough sense to combat this cabal but with the wyld hunt at his peak and their henchmen, we didn't stand a chance. At this moment to avoid any kind of mutiny, they did something and changed history. I had some dreams for many years and tried to ignore them...until these last few years when they became clear memories. The Cabal must have noticed that I was breaking from their influence and that's when I was captured. You must understand that everything, I had ever done was with the well being of creation in mind."

Meanwhile, Hideko asked if he could fly. "Yeah do not worry about it, I can keep up. Now let's get going, we have a lot of ground to cover." Flying on her Wasp, she was indeed following the god known as Little Beam. He was jumping from trees to trees without much difficulty, more agile than a monkey to say the least and faster than anything that she had seen before. It took them a couple of days until from the sky, Hideko saw a light show, an anima like she had never seen before. They were still a little bit further from the camp when Little Beam put his hand up indicating her to stop.

"This is as far as I go. It was nice meeting you Hideko and I'm certain that we will see more of each other later. After all, you are one of the chosen of Sun. I just felt that someone else just exalted and need my help. I know that my father hasn't been present lately but I will make sure that his lawgivers gather and do what they were supposed to do. Go to the camp and you will find others like you, they might doubt their tasks at first but believe me, as crazy as it sounds, you are on the right track." As Little Beam literally vanished right after saying these last few words.
A bow to him even as she directs the wasp to the Anima display. Mentally wondering if that means they are in battle or just showing off.
As the group is gathered someone who appears to be riding a giant wasp is coming your way from the sky. Most people are too distracted with the anima display while others look up.

If you want to know what the wasp is, going to need an Intelligence+Occult roll.
Fireworks out not, Hyades can't bear it anymore.

- Oh my! That makes perfect sense!

Are you telling us that the arrogant and vicious Anathema let a Dragon Blood stand above them!?

Landing her mount as she sees it is people talking. She stays mounted in case it is a trap. "So, you know you guys are giving off quite a light show? I wouldn't be surprised if we get visitors here soon."
"Being able to change history like that is a bold claim, if what you say is true, these individuals are very dangerous." He made a mental note to see if he could develop some charms to resist that kind of thing.
"Why would you recruit Solars, then or now?" Jesaline asks abruptly. "We know what we are because the Sun shows it to us; most people still think we're demon-possessed. What changed your mind?"
"What we are!?"

Hyades looked around himself.

Not only OTHER Anathema were there.

They were more than one.

The thought froze him for a moment.
Shadow walks towards to center of discussion. His face and hands are covered with bandage and he is still wearing his heavy cloak. Only details about him can be visible are his light brown short cut hairs and dark green eyes. He stand a little behind Jesaline and Hyades but otherwise he didn't made anymore move until Hyades made a move to see who else at there

Shadow realized that it was Saori's voice that he heard in his head and 'Sensei' told him he will get answers in here but he didn't expect it to be this quick and 'Sensei' doesn't seem to be around but considering his circumstances it would be better to assume he may arrive even later than Shadow himself.

Shadow looked at Saori, he was not sure if she knew about 'Sensei' but the word was vague enough to be able to use in a normal conversation and still not draw too much suspicion. " Greetings miss Saori, it has been a while since your message arrived to me. 'Sensei' told me that I could find some answers in here but I didn't expect to meet with you in person. I was expecting 'Sensei' to be here though"

There was no indication about who or what could be 'Sensei' in Shadow's voice there was no indication of emotions either other than a little bit sarcasm.
"What changed my mind, was simply that I came back to creation and was surprised to see how my children have lost their ways and have become puppets of the Viziers. Right now, it would take a miracle to bring back creation on its feet and for the many years that I have seen them, I know that the chosen of the sun are the ones capable of this. I don't expect to atone for all my crimes by doing this but I can guarantee you that we will make creation a better place." As Saori anima turned off finally and she was catching her breath. It looked like, while the scarlet empress did come back in this body, she wasn't quite at full power yet. The Man in brown jade right next to her, Dewo came close to her to make sure that she wasn't falling down.

"I'm okay Dewo and yes I have made quite a show... the wyld hunt will most likely notice. As for your Sensei, he hasn't arrived..."

"Well student, look like you are right on time! Oh Hello Rice!" As man with a beard and a ponytail walked out from the big tent behind them.

"...nevermind. Sensei what were you doing in that tent?"

Rice simply shook his head, not too happy to be associated with Sensei apparently.

A frown. "All of us exalted this close together. So what exactly do you need that you would arrange such a deed."

A look around. "More then that you did such an act in proAbly the worst location possible."
Shadow looks around and tries to count all exalted he saw. There seems to be four other anathema or whatever real name is there is Sensei although he is not sure what kind of exalted he is he knows he is not dragonblooded 'Sensei' is always too much careful about his powers. There is man called Rice if Sensei wasn't think that man at least on par with himself he wouldn't call him so friendly. There are a few dragonblooded in the camp. Dewo seems to be a caretaker but just as a hunch Shadow thinks he is exalted too probably a dragonblooded.

Shadow turned to Hideko "I am not sure what kind of talking was going on but let me ask you if she didn't do that would you believe her enough to trust her to show some other proof in a couple of days if not weeks? And if I know Sensei even remotly it was him who suggested to do this am I wrong Sensei? You already prepared a small Wild-Hunt group nearby and sent bigger ones to other places just to not get too much trouble but trouble enough to test us to see if we can work together. That is also why you are in here despite noone realized you came in if something goes wrong you will pretend to be a spy to learn more and will convince wild-hunt to let us escape" It was Sensei's way of teaching after all pushing limits just a little bit at a time.

"Actually considering a God came and got me I'd of been willing to come. More then that if this is a test he's set up then he'd best not let me know where he lives. While I might not kill him I can make sure that all material items he cherishes are but ash. I do not feel I need be tested, nor do I feel that it promotes unity fighting for ones life. " Glaring at Shadow. "I am a builder and a scientist. My inclination is to rational behavior. She says she's reincarnated and saw how bad our land is. That I can support. I am still a Tepet even if they would have nothing to do with me." Unspoken she adds That is something the Bull of the North will find out in time.
"She flaired her anima to totemic and it showed all five dragons. The number of people who can do that can be counted on one hand." He sad. "If she's not the Empress then she's a previously unknown Dragon-Blooded who happened to somehow remain anonymous despite the fact that she's absorbed the aspects of all her kin and lives in a nation where the Dragon-Blooded are worshiped like gods. That's pretty damned unlikely."

Turning to Saori, he continued, hoping to get to the point of all this. "You say you want to help Creation and you've gathered us here for a purpose that I assume is along those lines. What do you want us to do?"

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