[Saint Solars] The Scarlet Empress Reborn


Ron Swanson's Pyramid of Greatness
On the Blessed Isle, Five dynasts had been blessed by the powers of the Unconquered Sun but found themselves in a situation that would prove to be the most difficult. The Wyld Hunt dog tactic on the Blessed Isle was ruthless combined with the Immaculate Order forcing all the gods to work and help them in their tasks of tracking down Anathema. It wasn't going to be an easy task to find any kind of help.

Iselsi Jenanine never found herself in a situation like this before. She was in the middle of the woods and had become one of the dreaded Anathema but she didn't feel wrong about it. Only thing she had to worry about recently was getting food and taking care of her horse. At least her horse appeared to be a complying one. She found herself not far from a lake as she was thirsty. At least on the blessed isle the climate was a clement one. Her horse was making some noises as if he had been scared by something until you noticed a small mouse right next to the horse. The mouse tho, had the symbol of the sun tattooed on its back and stared at the horse and then back at you and moved his head toward the woods, as if it wanted you to follow him.

Silent Shadow had been obsessed with the voice that he heard in his head a few days ago. He had been looking around but didn't find anything specific about the voice. Almost foolishly, Silent Shadow decided to go find the only person that could have an answer for him in his dojo. His Sensei so to speak. He was living in a small town with a decent population of dragon blooded but with his new gained abilities, he might be able to get past them. It was the middle of the night in town and the dojo of his master was on a heavy patrolled street by from what he gathered 4 young dynasts soldiers. They were only walking in pairs, two fire aspect and two earth aspect apparently. He had been able to hire some thieves for the occasion and they were waiting for his instructions.

Misuro Atodi had a vision of the Unconquered Sun since his exaltation but he found himself in one of the most dangerous place that one could ever wish to be an Anathema. The Wyld Hunt was at his strongest on the Blessed Isle and the Immaculate order controlled every aspect of the lives of citizens and gods on these lands. At least, that what he thought until a young man with dark hair and blue eyes all dressed in white silk kimono was crouched down making some tea with his kettle when he woke up in the morning, in a barn where he found refuge.

"Well, It was a bit difficult to find you with all the running around. No worries,I'm a friend. You can call me Rice. We have a long way to go, get ready."

Hyades was walking down a bridge, wearing a heavy cloak to most people wouldn't recognize him, hoping to get to one of the most peaceful part of the Blessed Isle when he noticed there were three men on the bridge, from the looks of them, they appeared to be bandits dressed up as soldiers, it was easy to tell from their bad disguises and the way they were handling themselves. Two of them had curved swords and the tallest one was wielding a spiked club. The skinny one on the bridge with the eye patch put his hand up as if to told him to stop walking around.

"Hello good sir, It would only take a minute of your time. you should really consider pay the new tax of the empire to pass the bridge, consider it a tax for your health benefits."

Meanwhile Tepet Hideko, as usual was conducting her experiment with essence and making artifacts but knew that she needed to find a better laboratory, if she wanted to make any kind of progresses in the long run. This was when, as she was taking a break outside, a young bronze-skinned man with blank eyes, as in no irises was staring at her in the garden, built like the finest athlete that one could ever hope to meet and dressed up with a red coat revealing his chest and airy slacks of a matching color. The strange individual was holding a red bamboo serpent-sting staff as well and had one of the brightest smile that you had ever seen.

"You are Tepet Hideko aren't you? Get your stuffs, we have to go."
"Shh, Red Hare," soothes Jesaline. "Shh, there's a good lad." The horse snorted, plainly having no good opinion of mice, even obviously magic ones, but settled down.

They had been wandering this forest for more than a week, ever since the authorities in River City became suspicious of "the Mask's" true nature and alerted the nearest temple. Jesaline had hardly even been surprised when a local boy whose family's rent money -- stolen by less chivalrous bandits -- she had returned had alerted her to the arrival of party of armed monks. The same story had played out over and over again.

Even as she galloped away from the town and towards the dark smudge of forest on the horizon, she had wondered how long she could keep this up. Without the aid of the good Red Hare, she'd have been dead twenty times over by now.

"Now...just who do you belong to, little fellow?" she murmurs. It is a rhetorical question: even children on the Blessed Isle know that one of the Sun's names is Smintheos, "God of Mice." The creature's unmistakeable markings are merely further proof

He chose me, she thinks, and I still don't know why. Maybe this is where I find out the reason.

"Come on, big Red. Let's see where he wants us to go."
A blink even as she slips a hand down to her belt. Resting lightly on one of the ampules ready to discharge it's bomb into her hand. "Wow you are a forward one aren't you. Not even a name or a tea and you are already asking me to elope with you. Oh what should a fair maiden such as myself do with such an accomplished seducer." A hand goes to her head even as her eyes dart about looking for others about. "I feel faint with the love I feel this day."
Hyades looked at the men.

While he wanted to avoid attracting undue attention, he couldn't just let it

- Claiming the authority of the Army is punishable by death.

Doing so while obviously not belonging to the Army, is foolish.

How long do you guys expect to last here?
Silent Shadow made a lot of preparations before going to ‘Sensei’. First part of preparations was hiding his bracers. He bought some wrapping clothes which were usually used by martial arts practitioners. These were especially strong and if applied many times hard to be ripped even with weapons.

His second part of preparations was for armor. Even though he knew he can hide it under a heavy cloak it is still a long shot to hide it properly in a battle situation. To cover armor he got some bandages and drenched them with water before using them to wrap armor so they will become sturdier.

He used one of his newly acquired powers to send his swords into somewhere called Elsewhere. Although he knows how the charm works he doesn't have a clue where Elsewhere is or how it is connected to Creation.

Before arriving to ‘Sensei’s house he hired four thieves thanks to help of Sweet Lilly and ordered them to catch around 10 or 12 cats and put them in four bags in two or three groups. Silent Shadow himself in the meantime covered his head with bandages excluding his eyes, nose holes and hairs.

Shadow approached to dojo from eastern where dojo's entrance is from north. He ordered thieves to get in each corners of north-west, north-east, south-west and south-east with a bag filled with a couple of cats. When guards are at north and south respectively Shadow gave the sign to thieves to release cats to the direction of guards. Not only a sudden appearance of this many cats will alert them but also because of cats were in bags for most of the nights they will be aggressive and either attack to guards or each other. Thieves were instructed to fall back once cats are released and meet in a tavern at the other edge of town later on.

Using the confusion caused by cats Shadow surrounds himself with a dark shroud and blends in total darkness and without raising much suspicion he darts towards his 'Sensei' s dojo from east.

Shadow uses Summoning the loyal steel on his paired short daiklaves and spends 2 peripheral motes before leaving manse those motes are still attuned to charm and makes his peripheral pool 14 motes.

Shadow uses his anima power to obscure anyone that can notice him. All difficulties to notice or track his increase by 1. He spends 10 personal mote. Current motes Personal: 2/12 Peripheral: 14/14 (2 attuned to summoning to loyal steel. 13 attuned to artifacts)
Atodi sat up from where he had been resting and gave the newcomer the once-over. Dressed in white and calling himself Rice? Clearly a pseudonym of some kind. Granted, Atodi couldn't hold giving a fake name against the guy, what with him being "anathema". "Atodi, although I imagine you already know that." He said wryly, before gesturing at the tea. "May I? I haven't had anything decent to drink in a while."
Jesaline was right in her assessment of the mouse, as the rodent nodded his head and Red Hare finally calmed down. The Mouse waited for her to get on her horse and moved into the woods. The little mouse was surprisingly swift and it took many hours of following the mouse but you finally arrived at what appeared to be a camp with white tents. There you saw a young lady with purple hair, she was beautiful and had gentle features, while wearing a white dress and picked up the mouse as it got closer to her, there was a tall bald man wearing brown jade lamellar armor standing attentively as if he was here to guard her. The bald man almost took a fighting stance when he saw you and the woman simply shook her head.

"There is no need for that Dewo. Welcome to the camp, if the mouse went looking for you. You are welcome to our camp. I'm Saori, what is your name?"


The young brown-skinned man smiled when Hideko mentioned leaving like lovers and running away into the sunset. "Maybe another day, I'll keep that offer in mind, you have a great destiny waiting for you at a camp. The others should be heading there soon. My name is Little Beam, I'm a god but I doubt that it would mean anything to you, let just say that I'm here to help you find what you are looking for."


The men on the bridge looked at Hyades and laughed when he mentioned what the guards were going to do.

"It was one of the guard ideas in the first place, we are giving him a small cut, while we keep a toll on the bridge, everybody wins, well except you guys of course! Anyway, give us your money and you will not get hurt."


Silent Shadow distraction went smoothly, as he finally entered the dojo. There was his sensei sitting an man with dark hair and a pony tail and a beard, he appeared to be in his mid 30s but his wisdom and the way he could tell train people clearly marked him as an exalted.

"Hey student, I have been waiting for you. We have a lot to discuss but I suppose you are wondering about that woman? I'll need you to meet me at this camp and I will explain everything. Do you have any questions?"


"Yeah I do know that. Certainly, here you go." As he pulled out a cup from his backpack and put it on the ground. He poured some hot tea in. "It is a very confusing time for you right now, Lawgiver but believe me your exaltation is far from being a curse, quite the contrary. It is the beginning of something fantastic for creation. I'm part of the cult of the illuminated and a group of people who wants to make sure that you the Solars get back into powers but right now. I have to bring you to a camp. I will of course not force you to follow me and I'm not sure that I could even if I wanted to." He said that last sentence with a smile. "But at least, I want you to consider what she has to say."
"I'm called the Mask of the Winking Sun, ma'amselle," says Jesaline. "Humble servant of justice and righter of wrongs, at your service." She bows from her seat in the saddle.
After spending years with him Silent Shadow didn't even get surprised how much 'Sensei' know so he didn't even bothered to ask important question 'how' instead there was something he was wondered about "Just one 'Sensei', are there others.." he paused for a second not sure how to pt it for words than decided not to complete. He was used to work alone, true he always used some thieves to cause distractions but that is about all. "On a second thought my questions can wait until meeting. When do you want me to be there 'Sensei'"
"Enchanted to meet you Mask of the Winking Sun. This is Dewo my bodyguard and I'm Saori. We are at a camp of the cult of the illuminated, you must be one of the chosen if it went to find you. Please come with us." The camp was a very nice place all things considered the tents were fairly large and there was many different kind of people in the camp. Mostly worshipers as far as you could tell and a couple of artisans. Among them there were a couple of dragon blooded, from their attire, they didn't appear to be part of the empire, probably some of the lost eggs that you heard about.


"As soon as possible, time is of the essence. Just be careful on your way there and feel free to take some food from the backroom, if you rather avoid the trade routes. As for the thieves, going to take care of it." As Sensei nodded to Silent Shadow and handed him the map with directions. Like usual tho, his sensei handwriting was horrible.
Jesaline dismounts and leads Red Hare forward. The horse nudges her in the back with its head as if to say, Be careful. She pets its nose reassuringly.

As they enter the camp, she looks around her, disbelieving. "Who in Heaven's name are you people?"
- That's clever...

It's sooo bad to be a NPC bandit in an RPG...

Join Battle, then flurrying two cliches against two of the bandits.

If the clinches are successful, Hyades will Throw both of them down the bridge.

JB: 8 dice + 1 suxx

Clinch1: 12 dice

Clinch2: 11 dice

Also, since rolling dice here is a PITA, are you ok with honor system?
Atodi took the cup gingerly and sipped it slowly, savoring it while he could and nodding in thanks. "You're a strange one, but you've given me no reason not to trust you yet. Lead on."
Shadow took map than grab some food from backroom as suggested. While looking at map he was thinking 'For someone who is nimble with his fingers I can never understand how his handwriting is so bad' It has been a while for Shadow to look at 'Sensei' s handwriting but since he stayed with him so long it was no big deal to make things out of it. Shadow left the dojo just as he came but this time he just waited for patrols to pass through than simply walked away. He was eager to get some answers and for that reason he didn't lose anymore time to head to camp that is marked on map.
Saori smiled when she saw the confusion on Jesaline's face. "These are the men and women who have decided to follow me. I'm Saori, the reincarnated Scarlet Empress. I'm sure that you heard the rumors, yes they haven't been exaggerated but I'm quite confused of the state of the Realm at the moment. This was not how I envisioned it."


Silent Shadow traveled a couple of days through the countryside and avoided most troops until from the woods, he finally arrived at what appeared to be a camp with many large tents. From where he could observe the camp was full of mortals and just a sprinkle of dragon blooded but they weren't wearing any kind of imperial uniforms, if anything they would appear to be more from Lookshy than anything else or possibly the infamous lost eggs.

Silent Shadow noticed a man wearing all white with what looked like an Immaculate Monk following come to the entrance of the camp.


Hyades lifted and threw the two bandits into the water with such ease that the bandit that was left looked at him with a frightened look on his face. "I think that we started on the wrong foot sir...what about we just forget about this?" As the others two bandits were still trying to get out of the water from the bridge.


"Good, glad that you see it this way. Let's go then." Rice guided Atodi through the fields and woods of the Blessed Isles. It was interesting how Rice knew how to exactly avoid every single patrols, as if he had planned the road perfectly that you needed to take. On the way, you suspected that he might be some kind of an exalt but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. They both arrived at the camp and Rice showed apparently some papers, as you walked into the camp.
Hyades looked straight in the eyes of the bandit and nodded slowly.

Then, without a word, he walked past the man to continue along his way.
As Hyades kept walking past the bandits. He arrived into a small village where there was an old man talking to the villagers about the cult of the illuminated and that they should worship the shiny ones because they would protect them against the injustice of the Realm. If someone was interested, they should come and talk to him after his speech. Many of the villagers weren't even paying attention to the old man shouts, thinking that most likely he was going to get in troubles to talk any good about the Anathema.
A camp huh? He had been expecting some kind of base rather than simply roughing it. Well, it wasn't like he hadn't done this before. Nodding at (presumably) the guards whom Rice had shown his papers, Atodi followed the maybe-exalt in to the camp.
In the camp Atrodi noticed the couple of dragon blooded around but they weren't soldiers or at least people of the army from what you could tell. You arrived into the middle of the camp and saw a lady right next to horse, talking with another woman with long purple hair. There was a tall and bald man in brown jade armor and his arms crossed standing right next to the ladies.

"It looks like Mr. Rice is bringing us another new guest."

"Yeah Dewo, this is Atodi. He exalted recently. Come on don't be shy!" As Rice pushed you to be in front.

this part going to have to stall a little bit since you are in the same scene with Arynne at the moment.
Hyades felt uncomfortable about the men proselytizing, but decided to sit and listen.

He was still upset for his Exaltation and he didn't mind at all listening for once to someone disparaging the Realm and speaking good of the Anathema.
Giving Rice an annoyed look for putting him on the spot like that, he stepped forward and introduced himself. "Hello, my name is Misuro Atodi." He said, giving a respectful nod to those present.
"...The Realm is falling, the nobles are too busy trying to put someone on the throne instead of focusing on what is important at the moment. The Scarlet Empress has returned and the Shiny ones as well. It is a sign of a new era, please help us save the realm before it is too late." After the old man was done talking, he walked to you, seeing you pay attention to his speech.

"I see that you were one of the rare people who listened, thank you for listening to an old man. I'm afraid that the realm has put most of his citizens in fear of rebellion. If you feel like that you could do a difference, you should really consider to come see another of my speech." As he took your hand and shook it. He then walked away. Hyades found a piece of a paper in his palm, just giving some brief instructions of where to go. It was slightly out of the way but it might be worth checking out.
Everything just happened to quickly for Hyades to react in any meaningful way... But the men spoke straight to his desires.

Uncomfortable as it felt, Hyades followed the instructions on the piece of paper.
Oh, great. Another nut who thinks she's the Scarlet Empress.

"That's very nice indeed, ma'amselle," says Jesaline. "That's quite an achievement. Being the reincarnation of the Empress, I mean. I salute you. Alas, my many duties towards the oppressed--" and my own sanity! "--prevent me from immediately pledging my sword to your banner..."

How do I get out of this mess? On the other hand, what if the Unconquered Sun wants me to stop her?

Atodi sees a small woman with a clear white forehead, green eyes and red bangs peeking out from under her hood. The rest of her face is swathed in a black scarf, just as her body is concealed by a heavy cloak. She turns to face him.

"Rejoice, brother," she says, without a trace of irony. "The Scarlet Empress is returned."
"Ah... well... hip hip hurray?" He asked more than said, trying to puzzle out what was going on. His instincts from his soldering days were waking up after their period of dormancy during his time studying and training at the Immaculate Order's monastery, this was significant news for the whole of the Realm, possible the entirety of Creation.

If it was true.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but that's a tall tale for me to swallow. I thought she was missing, not dead." He asked the green eyed woman with the scarf. Granted, you could be missing and dead, but she was the Empress, she couldn't be that hard to off.

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