• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Saint Mary's Academy Students

sunshine and whiskey

ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ʙʀɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ sᴜɴsʜɪɴᴇ
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
This is a basic outline of the character. I expected detail where detail is needed, please. Your character, even though they are a human, must have some flaws! No one is perfect! If you character does not have any flaws, I will not accept them.

I love creative and detailed sheets. That will get you bonus points but of course, color code and such is not really required but color would be appreciated. If any questions, please let me know before you make a sheet.

Also make sure you are a detailed writer and can write at least three paragraphs ICly. I've been pretty lenient but I expect three paragraphs every now and then.


First. Middle. Last. Middle name is not optional.


Not optional. Think of something!

Birth Date:

This takes place in 2016, be mindful of that.


High school age. 16-18?


Male or Female.


Homo? Pan? Bi? Hetero?

Relationship Status:

Single? It's Complicated?


Freshmen? Senior? What?


A Listers would be the Queen Bee, King Bee and their little Royals along with Preps and Jocks.

B Listers include Geeks and Nerds along with the Virtuosos and Thespians so basically all of the musical, video gaming and Know-It-All's.

C Listers include the Freshmen, Emo, Goth and anyone else that doesn't fall into the A or B List.

In Depth Appearance:

At least one descriptive paragraph detailing your character's appearance. Include clothing style and whether or not if they have any scars, piercings or tattoos.


At least five.


At least five.


At least three.


At least two.


Doesn't necessarily have to be a phobia.


At least one to two detailed paragraphs. They must at least three flaws! No one is perfect!

Place of Origin:

Where were they born?


At least three paragraphs detailing their lives up until the point they are at now.

Anastasiya Elizaveta Ivanov


Siya, Eva

Birth Date:

December 24, 1999







Relationship Status:

It's Complicated





In Depth Appearance:


Anastasiya has big, peircing blue eyes, which is what most people notice about her first. Her hair is naturally a very wavy, dirty-blonde. Her skin is fair, though she tans pretty easily. Almost always you will see Anastasiya is a dress and some sneakers, though every now and then she'll slip on some high-waisted jeans/shorts and a crop top. She has a scar on her mid-back and another on her torso right below her stomach, which she received from her previous foster mother. She has no tattoos or piercings.


+Classical Music

+Playing Cello


+Baking Sweets



-Ignorant/Close-minded people


-Being Alone

-The Dark



At least three.


At least two.


Doesn't necessarily have to be a phobia.


At least one to two detailed paragraphs. They must at least three flaws! No one is perfect!

Place of Origin:

Where were they born?


At least three paragraphs detailing their lives up until the point they are at now.


Cadenza Melody Whiting



Cadenza Melody Whiting



Birth Date:

22nd April, 2000







Relationship Status:

It's complicated.




B Lister

In Depth Appearance:


She is 5'7", with blonde hair, green eyes, and quite pale skin. She usually wears pastel coloured chiffon blouses similar to the one in the picture, black or white skinny jeans, and flat shoes.


- Playing piano and violin

- Being with her friends

- Composing music

- Reading books

- Listening to other people play music


- People who take her for granted

- People with poor taste in music

- Not being as good as another musician

- Being alone (not necessarily being in solitude, but as in without friends, feeling alone)

- Unkind people/bullies


- She is nearly always thinking up a new tune or piece of music to play, and will either be tapping it out or already scribbling it down in her book.

- She often twirls a lock of her hair when she is nervous or uncomfortable.

- She bites her lip when she is deep in thought, and usually has a slight frown on her face.


- Playing/practising piano and violin

- Composing her own music to play

- Reading books


- Not being a good enough musician/not being the best musician

- Being rejected/not being good enough (similar to the first fear)


Cadenza is a very shy, quiet girl, but she has a huge passion for music, stemming from her fathers love of music. She loves music of almost any type, and loves learning more about it and learning from other musicians. However, she gets very serious when it comes to auditions, competitions and even just concerts, and often breaks away from her musician friends, determined to be the very best musician of the event. This can often drive away her friends, as she refuses to share any information with them, thinking that they'll get an 'advantage' and gets very defensive if they ask her why. However, after the event is over, and if she was indeed the best performer, she will become her cheery self again around her friends. If she wasn't the best performer, she will often sulk for a few days, practising non stop until she is satisfied again. She can also sometimes cut off her friendship with anyone she thinks was better than her.

Place of Origin:

She was born and has lived in New York her whole life.


Cadenza has lived with her single father her whole life as an only child, after her mother died from a terminal illness when she was about 3 years old. They live in a beautiful house in New York, as her father is quite wealthy, being a retired famous musician. He played the violin for a world famous symphony orchestra, and before he retired he had travelled all over the world, and almost every important classical musician knows his name. He is very dedicated to music, even naming his daughter after musical terms.

He also pushed the musical life onto Cadenza, who eagerly accepted the role, determined to make her father proud. She practised both piano and violin almost non stop, desperately wanting to be perfect for her father. Every time she made a mistake, he would get mad at her, and yell at her until she got it right. Eventually she learned to practise heavily until everything she played would be perfect when she finally presented it to her father, to the point where she could probably play it blindfolded. 

Eventually Cadenza grew extremely competitive, becoming a complete perfectionist. While she was the darling of the classical world, she was also rumoured to be quite vicious to her 'rivals', a rumour which was unfortunately true. Her father did nothing to stop her, instead encouraging her to knock down everyone else, striving to be the only musician good enough for the world. Her two conflicting personalities confuse almost everyone she meets, especially people who have only seen one side of her.


Sebastian Lucas Carlisle



Sebastian Lucas Carlisle


Seb, Carlisle

Birth Date:

17th January, 2000







Relationship Status:

It's complicated.




A Lister

In Depth Appearance:


He is 6'1", with short, styled dark brown hair, blue grey eyes, and tanned skin. He has a fit, muscular build. He usually wears a dark coloured t-shirt, his varsity jacket, black or dark blue jeans, and sneakers.


- Playing baseball/being the star player

- Hosting a killer party, especially if it's talked about for weeks after

- Going to a killer party, especially if he is the one they talk about for weeks after

- Being a 'lady killer', as he might say


- Being bested in sport/an argument, especially if it's public

- People who are 'inferior' to him and his friends

- People who dislike sports

- The fact that football is usually higher up in the sports heirachy than baseball

- The other sports teams


- He will smirk or wink at nearly every attractive girl that walks by, almost on reflex.

- He clenches his fists tightly when he is angry or annoyed.


- Playing baseball

- Holding great parties

- Hanging out with his friends


- Not being a good enough athlete/not getting the future he wants

- Being belittled/ridiculed


He is a complete and utter player, flirting with any and every girl he finds attractive or 'easy'. He loves baseball, and talks about it constantly, even with people who dislike sports. He is very egotistical, and considers himself better than almost everyone, however he chooses not to show it, as it would stop girls from liking him, and even a few of his friends. 

Place of Origin:

He is from Seattle, born and raised, although he recently moved when he was 15 years old.


Sebastian has had a very lucky childhood, living in a luxurious home as the only child of his parents and the heir to the fortune that his father earned through being a star baseball player, known by nearly everyone. His fathers reputation and his richness made him instantly everyones friend, particularly those who like baseball or just people who want to know a celebrity, or in this case, a celebrity's son.


However, not many know of the darker side of both Sebastian and his father. His father is a player of not just baseball but women, and while he did settle down and marry, he still constantly has affairs with the young attractive women he meets who are instantly smitten with his good looks, which somehow survived into his middle age, his fame, and/or his money. This attitude towards women and love seems to have passed down to his son, and Sebastian considers it good, admirable even, to ensnare as many beautiful girls as he can during his time at high school, and still be considered the golden boy of the school by both the teachers and the girls of the school despite. 
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Stephen (SteFen, not Steven) Javier Rodriguez


Steph, SJ

Birth Date:

January 19, 1999







Relationship Status:

(Recently) Single




A Lister Jock

In Depth Appearance: (See image above.)

Stephen, being of Cuban descent, has naturally tan skin, dark brown (mistaken for black) hair, as well as rich brown eyes. His eyebrows are shaped ridiculously well for a guy, and he has laugh lines at the end of his eyes—a result of his frequent broad smile. Stephen stands at 6’1, weighs in at 185lbs, and has the toned and muscular body of a lifelong athlete. Stephen wears whatever clothes his mother buys him, which ranges from soccer t-shirts and shorts on a hot day to a denim button up over slacks on a typical school day. He keeps his hair longer than a buzz cut, but not long enough to become a nuisance. He has no tattoos but many scars on his knees and shins.


Sports, food, movies, friends, dogs


School, soda, reading, drama, cats


Biting at his tongue, turning almost everything into a sport or competition, cheating


Playing sports, collecting movies


Reading out loud, an injury that would put him out of playing sports


Stephen is a reliable guy. If he says he’ll do something then come hell or high water he’ll do it. Likewise, he expects reliability out of the people around him, which can cause problems in his relationships because of this expectation of his. He doesn’t take kindly to other’s excuses, and doesn’t bother offering any of his own. This is often received as impertinence by his teachers—and rightly so. Stephen, though a generally kind guy, is a smart ass when it comes to authority, and doesn’t take too kindly to being told what to do (unless it’s from a coach). He doesn’t take it from teachers and he doesn’t take it from peers. The only man who demands and gets his respect and obedience is his father.

With his friends, Stephen is a casual fellow who is easy enough to get along with and enjoyable to be around. He laughs at jokes, joins in on pranks, and doesn’t mind taking dares. He isn’t immune to peer pressure, but he also isn’t willing to do anything stupid and ruin his chance of going pro. He isn’t a leader amongst the guys in his squad, but he isn’t chained to following. Like anyone, Stephen cares about his social status and about what others think, but it isn’t what drives him from day to day. His heart’s first love and his mind’s constant thought is on sports and becoming a professional soccer player.

Stephen is quite the focused fellow, which for him is both a virtue and a vice. It helps him buckle down and get serious when it comes to playing sports, but this often results in other things in his life falling by the wayside. When he took a season to focus on schooling (after almost being held back), his grades improved significantly, but he started performing poorly in sports. When he entered into a relationship with his ex-girlfriend and focused on being good to her, his academics, sports, and even family relationships went south. When he zeroed in on sports, since he is in his senior year and hopes to play in college, his relationship ended, and his grades started falling again.

Stephen isn’t a very even guy. He is a man of extremes, from his performance to his emotions.

Place of Origin:

Miami, FL


Stephen’s parents are both immigrants from Cuba who met and started a life together in Miami, FL. Stephen’s father works in construction and his mother cleans houses. They have six children and Stephen is the second oldest. They always encouraged their children to pursue their dreams no matter the cost, even if that meant sending their child away to boarding school.

Stephen started playing soccer when he was three-years-old. He was put in special classes as a youngster and labeled a child with a learning disability. This experience had a long-term effect on his outlook on school and academics. He was always in a class with mentally disabled kids, feeling like an outsider. The only place that brought him “equality” with peers was on sports teams, so he embraced them. He played basketball and baseball along with soccer.

Upon going into middle school, Stephen was finally able to test out of special education classes and rejoined the “average” students. In Middle school he played soccer, ran track, and became a kicker for the football team. In high school he continued with soccer (it is his main sport) and also played basketball, lacrosse, baseball, track, and football, though because seasons conflict he focused on soccer, track, and kicking for football.

His sophomore year he started dating Nicole. Their relationship was dynamic and exciting, and everyone always said they’d be the high school sweethearts who would eventually get married. Junior year came along and as their relationship became more serious it started affecting Stephen’s sports performance. At the end of that year he made a decision: it was either Nicole or the dream of playing sports. He broke up with her out of the blue and with little explanation. He spent that summer in rigorous sports camps, and entered his senior year in top shape and with 100% focus on being the MVP and getting recruited.
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Peach Crawford VV1.png



[SIZE= 20px]Nickname: Peaches, Peachy[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Birth Date:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]December 21st 2000[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Age:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]High school age. 16[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Gender:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Female.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Sexuality:Bi[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Relationship Status:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Taken:Mason[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Classification:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Sophomore[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Rank:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]C Lister[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]In Depth Appearance:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Peach is a girl standing at 5ft 7in with maroon colored eyes and she has Pink hair that falls to the center of her back. She has bruises and scabs on her wrists+ankles from recent events. Her bust seems fake as it is bigger on her small frame and she also is wearing a black cotton shirt and blue jeans while underneath she has a black and pink bra and matching panties/knickers.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Likes:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Mostly Kittens and Pandas [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Strawberries and pocky plus ramune.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Writing [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]singing[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]reading[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Dislikes:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Most guys[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Being yelled at[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]The cold[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Herself[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Her boyfriend Mason[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Habits:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Doubts herself and apologies for everything even if she didn't cause it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]She always is trying to please everyone and so many gifts may be received.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Hobbies:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Cooking [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Playing with her kitten[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Singing[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Fears:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Can't walk over grates[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Being alone [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Abandoned buildings[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Personality:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Peach is a shy girl and one that is also determined as well. If she is going to help someone, she'll do it. If you stabbed her in the back with a real knife, paralyzing her, she'd still roll her wheelchair in front of a car to save you. Peach is kind, compassionate and caring along with being cute. She gets flustered easily at times and her helping nature won't allow others to feel bad for her or try and say sorry as she'll say it right back, giving a reason why.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Place of Origin:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Orlando FL.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]History:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Peach has always been shy and submissive. Her voice has always been at the volume of a whisper, her screams of excitement like a normal person's voice. Her parents had only raised her and she wasn't spoiled like everyone thought. The girl had always wanted to thank her parents for raising her and had tried so hard for their appraisal. She learned she could cook and sing which was good and all but her parents told her it wasn't right for her to be so submissive and in turn, she'd be manipulated.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]When she was fourteen, an older man (Who was her teacher) Tried to get her in his room after school and she wouldn't have said no because she didn't want to start trouble but then she saw a flash of orange and then a teen, older then her and much stronger. "Defend yourself cause I won't always be around shortie." That's all he said to her and she was awestruck. She later found out he was an upperclassmen and that he was known as Mason Flames. Hearing his name made her heart skip a beat and when he asked her out, she had no reason to refuse. Two years later, she's regretting saying yes. He's always by her side and never letting her go alone by herself as creeps seem to follow her and her bigger then normal bust doesn't help. And recently, he's been hitting her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]In recent times, Her parents suddenly vanished with no trace of their whereabouts or their belongings. Then, on her sweet sixteen someone busted her backdoor down and took one of her laptops, the pills in the cabinet and then he tied her up, raping her... After the incident, she was too broken to do anything. She barley ate, had the air conditioner blaring and just fell out of contact from the world. Bills littered her nightstand, ones from months ago to the current day. Electricity was going to be cut off then the house seized by the bank or something. Peach had enough food to feed her tiny munchkin/maincoon kitten Mittens for awhile but that was about the only thing she got up for in the last week and a half. She has been sitting on her bed, skin turning blue from the cold, as she slowly withers. She knows that when Mason sees what happened, he'll beat her for not contacting her then hit her some more for not fighting back.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Other: She has not been in school for a week and a half and no one knows she was raped and unknown to her, she's pregnant.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/SIZE]

Mason Flames VV1.png


[SIZE= 20px]Nickname:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Maysoon[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Birth Date:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]January 19th 1999[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Age:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]17[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Gender:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Male or Female.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Sexuality:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Straight[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Relationship Status:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Taken:Peach[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Classification:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Senior[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Rank:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]A Lister[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]In Depth Appearance:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Mason has brown eyes and currently has a red plaid coat on with a navy blue shirt under and black jeans. He has a scar on his right bicep that is horizontal from a dirty brawl where the guys used knifes. He has red vans on as well as black leather fingerless gloves.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Likes:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]His girlfriend Peach[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Swords[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Working out[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Dominating in gym class and any sport he plays[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Showing his strength[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Food.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Dislikes:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]When Peach helps other guys[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]How his girlfriend is so shy and submissive at times[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]When people call him a chicken to hit them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Others getting hurt because of him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Doesn't really like pasta[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Habits:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Cracks his knuckles a good amount of times[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]hums music in is head in the real world[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Works out a lot[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Hobbies:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Running for track and field[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Skateboarding[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Constructing things[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Fears:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Being outcasted[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Personality:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Mason is a chill guy if you know him and an intimidating guy if not as he walks around with a air of "Don't test me." He is protective of those he likes and won't say no to a brawl unless he think's it's uncalled for. If you cross him he'll put you out quick. Weather he only speak to you, or actually use force, he leaves that up to the person about to be a victim but usually he doesn't. He's nice and caring most of the time but he has been falling down quick since recent times.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Place of Origin:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Orlando FL.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]History:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Mason's life wasn't goody gum drops yet it also wasn't insanely horrible. Sure he had an abusive father and Sure, he watched as his mother died as she struggled to breath but he knows shit just... happens. Nothing he can do about it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]When he was eleven, he made the dots that his dad drank all too much and when he was twelve, he watched as a car crushed the life from his mother while he had a broken rib or two and knew he was too weak to do anything in the world at that point in life. After his mother's death, his father got money from it and he wasn't an asshole about it, opting to let Mason get what he needed and what could a kid like him need? A kid who was utterly crushed? Not games, not the newest tech (Which he did kinda get) But it was actually Weights. He turned to working out and his demeanor changed completely as he pondered what had happened to him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]He does drink occasionally and he loves eating food that his girlfriend makes him. The two met after a guy had Peach against the lockers, speaking to her and Mason sighed, walking right up to the guy and layed him flat on the ground. Two years ago. he was sixteen and she fourteen. "Defend yourself cause I won't always be around shortie." That's what he told her and soon, they started dating. Unbeknown to anyone, he's becoming like his father as that's what he grew up watching so he doesn't understand that when you're mad at your lover, you just walk away.  [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]##########################################################################[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]I'll do their history another time if it's alright? If things must be changed, I'll do so! Also, Mason does not have the piercings in the pic.[/SIZE]
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{ Name }
Nicole Emilia Harrison


{ Nickname }



{ Birth Date }

March 28, 2000

{ Age }


{ Gender }


{ Sexuality }
Closeted Bisexual


{ Relationship Status }



{ Classification }



{ Rank }

A-Lister: Royal/Prep

{ In-Depth Appearance }

Nicole takes much pride in her red hair that falls to the middle of her back. It is naturally wavy, but she tends to straighten it or wear it up depending on the day. Her eyes are hazel, fluctuating between green and brown. She has a round face and fair skin that reveals light freckles on the bridge of her nose and tops of her cheeks. The freckles can be covered with makeup and often are. She has scattered freckles on her arms and the back of her shoulders, but they're not very noticeable from a distance. Nicole has a curvy, wide hourglass figure that makes her feel self-conscious. She isn't overweight, but she gains weight easily and gets a slight muffin top if she isn't careful. As a result, Nicole will never skip a gym day unless there is a serious reason. She also tries to eat healthy—mostly vegetarian meals and white meats.

As far as fashion, Nicole’s style is often trendy and feminine. She likes wearing casual dresses and cute ensembles. She has a lot of variety in her wardrobe but prefers soft fabrics, lace, and pastel colors. She wears designer brands but isn't opposed to upper-tier department store clothing if it looks nice. Comfort is important to her, but that doesn't mean she'd ever go out in sweats unless they were fashionable. Nicole is quite fashion aware, but she knows her style and won't wear something she knows won't look good on her just because it's popular or has designer label.


{ Likes }
Fruity drinks

{ Dislikes }
Being excluded
Ripped jeans
Red meat


{ Habits }
Power walking almost everywhere

Checking her phone way too often

Playing with her hair when bored

{ Hobbies }


{ Fears }

Exclusion & Rejection

People finding out about her secrets


{ Personality }
+Passionate +Loyal +Empathetic -Dramatic -Insecure -Manipulative

At first glance, Nicole is a composed, well-mannered girl often described as sweet and charming by adults. She is intelligent and gets high grades unless she is purposely slacking. She has always been extroverted—she has a genuine interest in people and loves spending time with others. She can start a conversation with almost anyone, and she likes to laugh. She’s a social party girl but not really any more than the average partier at St. Mary's. She has always been part of the popular crowd, but never the Queen Bee—she's actually rather content being a loyal subject. As someone who lives for excitement, Nicole isn’t above getting involved in gossip and drama. Although she doesn’t normally intend to hurt others, she can be manipulative and quick to jump to conclusions.

On the inside, Nicole is quite adventurous and likes change. She is ambitious and dreams of traveling the world. She isn’t afraid to try something new and likes to see others push themselves out of their comfort zones as well. Nicole is encouraging and believes that people should follow their dreams regardless of the odds. She is also the type of loyal friend who would come over at 2am and offer her shoulder to cry on or drag someone out to a party to dance away their worries. Nicole doesn’t always have to be center stage, but she hates being ignored, pushed aside, or replaced. She can be both overdramatic and jealous at times, often irritated when her friends and family can’t seem to make time for her. She's also prone to holding grudges and has trouble swallowing her pride to apologize first. 


When she feels excluded, Nicole often resorts to “rebellious” activities—slacking in school, drinking, and partying—more than usual. There are times when she seems to lose control and falls to a low point. Nicole has episodic major depression and body image issues, but she isn’t very good at talking about her problems and prefers to ignore stress instead of asking for help. She keeps her secrets well hidden, terribly afraid of people rejecting her if they knew she used to struggle with depression and self harm. Nicole is not open about her sexuality and also does a lot to keep her self-image insecurities at bay. She works hard to maintain her body image and gets stressed when something disrupts her diet and exercise habits.

{ Place of Origin }
Atlantic City, New Jersey

{ History }
Nicole comes from a perfect family—too perfect. She was the only child, and her parents run a successful business. They have a large house and plenty of money to spare, and Nicole’s parents were happy to give her anything she wanted—except their time. They spent a lot of time away from home and as a result, Nicole has never been very close with her parents. In her later childhood, she realized that acting out would win their attention and used her rebellious streak to get what she wanted. Although they wouldn’t often deny her small things that could be bought from a store, they might say no to other things like going to a friend’s birthday party, for example. In such cases, Nicole would purposely start failing tests or misbehaving in public—anything that would look bad for her family to the public eye—so that they would agree to let her go to the party if she cleaned up her act, which of course, she did. Nicole never exhausted this method, but she knew how to play her parents when the time called for it.

Although she had an easy life growing up, Nicole has always wished to be somewhere other than where she was. Ever since she was little, she wanted to see the world and meet people from other cultures. Relating to others always came easily for her, as she was quick to make lots of friends in school. Despite the distance she felt from her parents, Nicole was a relatively happy child until eighth grade. During that time, she felt a loneliness that she couldn't seem to cure. She didn't find joy in the things that used to make her laugh, and she started removing herself from social situations. When her parents noticed the scars on her wrist and the amount of weight she lost, they consulted a doctor who confirmed her major depression. After receiving some professional help and just giving it some time, Nicole's health improved and things seemed to go back to normal. She has not had an episode since her freshman year of high school.

The one good thing that did come from her depression was gaining a closer bond with her parents. Although they're still not overly affectionate, they now show more concern for her well-being and acknowledge her ambitions. When Nicole was invited to St. Mary's Academy they thought it would be a great opportunity for her. Of course, they liked the idea of a proper private school education, and when she didn't complain about getting out of the house, the plans were settled. Freshman year was a bit rough in the beginning, but by the end of the year she had found her place among the preps. Sophomore year was great, complete with lots of fun and some new friends. Nicole anticipates that this year will be even better than the last, as long as she stays on top of her studies and social calendar. 








- NAME -

Roy Jordan Caputo


August 12, 1998


- AGE -









- RANK -

C-Lister: Punk/Rebel

Roy drinks more alcohol than water, smokes first thing in the morning, and always appears sleep deprived. Yet somehow he manages to attract both guys and girls, if they're into the whole rebellious punk rock look, of course. Roy is fairly tall and lanky, but he's just as tough as the average football jock. He does plenty of running, lifting, and climbing in the city— enough to keep his muscles toned but not the first thing someone would notice. Roy can hold his own in a fight; he's quick on his feet and packs a pretty decent punch. His face is fairly recognizable between his hollow cheeks and deeply in-set hazel eyes. His dark brown, almost black hair is kept short and looks a little messy at times.

His style falls somewhere between 50's greaser, grunge, and modern punk rocker. He favors leather, denim, and dark colors. He wears a lot of t-shirts, tanks, and jeans, but never shorts. Roy wears a lot of black, white, and grey—no brights or neons as anything more than an accent. He likes silver but isn't a big fan of gold. Many of Roy's clothes have rips or tears, mostly self-made rather than manufactured that way. He's a thrifty shopper, but he's not one to spend a lot of time or energy on his wardrobe. Roy also has plug earrings and a growing collection of tattoos on his arms.

Nice cars
Black and white movies
Sitting on rooftops
Making people laugh


Dance clubs
Losing his cool
Spicy foods
Looking like a softie
Following the rules

Kicks and tosses pebbles while walking in the street
Steps on poor suckers' untied shoelaces to make 'em trip
Rubs hands together & cracks knuckles during conversation

Tinkering—Fixing and inventing things



Disappointing his brothers

Life after graduation


+Loyal +Inventive +Forgiving -Rebellious -Complacent -Intoxicated

One look at Roy, and most people wonder who he had to sleep with in order to get into this school. Following the rules has never been Roy's forte. Tell him to behave a certain way, look a certain way, or conform to an expectation and he'll take it as a challenge and do exactly the opposite. Roy doesn't like people telling him what he can and can't do; it irritates him...a lot. The boy has always been a bit of a mess, between drugs, alcohol, and the lack of concern for their effects on him. He’s seen a lot in his eighteen years, and not even moving to a private school could do anything but round out a few of the rough edges. Okay, so maybe he was a bit of a charity case, but he's also a bright kid who just never learned how to apply himself. Roy is a natural when it comes to mechanics and figuring out how things work. One of his favorite pastimes is deconstructing old cars, electronics, and gadgets and putting them back together or finding new uses for the parts. He just doesn't have any goals or aspirations because he never knew what it meant to want a better future for himself.


Despite his delinquent appearance and attitude, Roy rarely seeks out a fight. In general, he’s quite laid-back and somewhat apathetic. He believes that people should do and be whatever they please and that everyone's business is their own. If someone pushes him first; however, Roy won't hesitate to push back. He often stands up for the little guy if they're getting a beating they don't deserve, and he's particularly defensive of himself and his family. Roy is comfortable in his own skin. He's not proud of everything he's ever done, but he accepts his flaws and doesn't care what others think. This confidence allows him to be assertive when necessary, but it can also make him a little cocky. Sure he's tough, but he's not untouchable. Roy tends to talk himself up a bit when he's trying to impress people, and sometimes they do learn that maybe he's not that great at cooking or that he really can't do eighteen shots and then walk in a perfectly straight line.


Roy likes being around people in general, and he’s attentive to those he wants to be closer to. Roy is also a good listener, perhaps because he's normally intoxicated to some extent and would rather listen to someone else talk about anything at all than talk about his own problems. He always enjoys a good joke and prefers being around people who don't take life too seriously. Roy likes to tease, flirt, and poke fun but never means any harm by it and actually prefers when people throw banter back. Roy is generally a forgiving of most people, the exception being his father. He doesn't like to dwell on trivial misunderstandings, and he's not the type to hold a grudge over something that he feels is not worth fighting about. It may be hard to get Roy to commit to anything or anyone, but once he's in, his loyalty is solid. Roy is the type of person who would fight alongside you, go to the hospital with you, and then share your jail cell. He would drive across the country, or walk if he had to, in order to help a loved one in need.




Chicago, Illinois


To this day, Roy is certain that St. Mary's only invited him to show that they care about underprivileged kids. Roy grew up in one of the poorer neighborhoods of Chicago. He never knew his mom, and his dad never said a word about her. In fact, he can barely remember his dad saying a word unless he was yelling at Roy or one of his brothers. The man was a bitter grouch who projected his problems onto his kids and made no efforts to improve the family situation. Between nature and lack of nurture Roy became the rebel of the family, and he refused to just accept the crap dad dished out without putting up a fight. Without him, Roy and his brothers got along pretty well. Roy's older brother had always been a nice guy who took better care of his siblings than their father did, and Roy's younger brother was the neighborhood favorite everyone looked out for. Ultimately, it was because of their encouragement that Roy ended up accepting the St. Mary's invitation.


Roy's dad owned a shady car dealership and had his two oldest sons help out, so Roy had been around cars his whole life. He learned how to fix the basics by the time he started middle school, and tinkering with machines was actually something he enjoyed. Roy started picking other things apart when he was young—old watches, radios, and anything he found tossed out on the street. He liked seeing how all the parts moved together, and once he understood how things worked he was able to build new things. Roy struggled in school but always won awards in the Science & Engineering Fair every year that he entered. Everyone was pretty shocked that a nobody who was barely passing could build a working engine from scraps, but it was enough to get him a ticket to St. Mary's for the following year.


Roy transferred to St. Mary's Academy after a lot of convincing from his brothers. At first, Roy had ignored the invitation until St. Mary's called the house and his older brother answered the phone. From then on, he encouraged Roy to take the chance to get away and really be someone. Even though his home life was less than ideal, Roy wasn't so keen on the idea of leaving his brothers and everything else behind to go to some preppy private school—but after another fight with dad, he was sold. He headed to Virginia Beach at the start of his sophomore year and settled into the ranks of the C-Listers. And as far as nobodies go, Roy is fairly well known—just maybe not publicly. He's a player, a person who can fix things for cheap, and if he doesn't have any substances on him, he can at least tell you where to find them. Anyone who values their perfect reputation should be hesitant to associate with the school rebel, but Roy has made plenty of acquaintances among all the ranks and classes and probably knows things about his classmates that they wish he didn't. But in truth, Roy doesn't really care about the drama as much as he cares about getting out of school—he's finally almost done, and that's all that matters.
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Name: Tamika Lauren LaTerre

Nickname/s: Tammy -or- Tee/T (Most call her Tammy however)

Birthdate: August 4th, 1998

Zodiac: Leo

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Relationship Status: (Recently) Single

Classification: Senior

Rank: B-Lister: Dancer/Thesbian

In-Depth Appearance:


Tammy is a very tall girl at 6'4" (193.04 cm) and very thin and a bit lanky to match. She has dark-toned skin and deep brown/black eyes to match. She has a diamond face shape, full lips, and a rather average-sized nose. Her upturned eyes are framed by medium-thickness brows that match the black of her wildly curly hair. She has a dancer's build and is noticeably toned from years of classical and modern dance training.


Tammy's clothing style reflects upon her athletic lifestyle and passion for dance on a usual day. She will most often be found in something casual and comfortable but with noticeable athletic influences. She favors grey and usually a variety of pastel and light-toned colors that she somehow keeps clean no matter what she eats for lunch. On some days however, she can be found wearing something preppy enough to almost be considered something an A-lister would wear.


She has her ears pierced twice on her earlobes on each ear and one industrial piercing in her left ear. Her one other piercing is a septum piercing that is new.


Tamika has one tattoo of a cherry blossom design on her foot.

The Tattoo:



Clothing Example:






Dancing, Stage/Theatre Acting, Iced Coffee, Mornings, Henna Designs, Drawing/Painting, Making People Smile/Laugh, Tattoos, Animals, Blackberries, Spicy Food, Classic Rock/Pop Music (IE Rolling stones, AC/DC, The Beatles, Duran Duran, Etc), Show tunes


Meat, Animal Abuse, Rude People, Bad Actors, Failing, Orange Juice, Late Nights, Sweets/Candies, Extremely Hot/Cold Days, Rap Music, Being Stereotyped, Being Sick, Bugs/Insects


Chews on the ends of pens/pencils when she's concentrating hard, Bounces on the balls of her feet when she's nervous, Sings/hums along to songs she likes no matter if she's around people or not


Dancing (wants a career in it), Acting, Singing, Art (drawing, painting, sculpture, etc)


Spiders, Disrespecting her grandmother's memory and wish for Tammy


Tamika is a very kind and quirky girl with a very loud voice and dramatic emotions. She is always kind and compassionate to those around her... unless you piss her off. It is rather easy to get on her nerves and be forgiven by her because of her very expressive emotions, but if you severely anger her she will not forgive you for a long time if ever. A girl with a "good christian upbringing" (as her mother says), she has a set of morals that guide her through life and  believes that everyone should get more than one chance to prove themselves to be a good person. The upbringing she experienced at her church also caused her to be very open to all, and she has one motto that she always lives by that she learnt from her grandmother: "Always be kind to those around you. You don't know what their life is like outside of what you can see."

Place of Origin:

Boulder, Colorado

History: ~WIP, I'll have it up tomorrow love, it is very late at the moment here and I have a lot scheduled for tomorrow~
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 Carson James Lueders 



Birth Date:

 January, 1st, 2002







Relationship Status:






In Depth Appearance:

Carson is 4'10" and weighs about 6 stone. He has a slim athletic body absent of hair everywhere but his head. He has platinum blond hair which is short on the sides and back of his head but long on top to allow styling. He has baby blue eyes and pale white skin. He wears rainbow stud earring and apple watch with a pink band. His body is riddled with scars from his no good birth father. 

Carson dresses in skinny jeans, a t-shirt of some kind, casual vests, and vans shoes. occasionally wearing beanies or fedoras. (he liked to think of himself as a decently fashionable person)


Soccer (futball)






 mean spirited people I.E.bullies,bigots ect

know it all's 

fast food




Smoking cigarettes mostly sometimes "other thing"

he is constantly running his hands threw his hair

if he's sitting he is tapping his foot


 playing soccer/working out 




actively being disliked 


will complete this soon

Place of Origin:

Nottinghamshire, England


 Carson grew up in a small village in the UK. Him and his mother lived with his birth father who was a drunk and a mean one at that but only to Carson. His dad didn't like him very much because and I quote "Carson was the reason he had to give up on his dreams of being a rock star" so essentially Carson was punished for simply being born. Because of this Carson was afraid to go home often staying late at school and then going to the skate-park as long as he could hoping his dad would be asleep when he got home which he almost never was. His dad would beat him and sexually abuse him sometimes having some of his friends join in. His mom had no clue this happened as she worked the night shift at a factory and was always gone during the events.

When Carson was 12 his mother found out what was going on and turned his father in immediately feeling terrible for not seeing it sooner his mother did everything she could trying to make it up to Carson but he insisted that it wasn't her fault while it caused him issues mentally and with his self esteem he refused to blame his mother for what his dad did. because of this he spent the next couple years in therapy trying to return him to his cheery and cheeky self. 

while not fully recovered he has been taken off the suicide watch so he is not required to get weekly therapy anymore allowing him to go to the high school he always wanted to him and his mother moved over the summer to live closer to the school so Carson could actually come home if he needed to (his mother worried a lot) 




Sora Grace Takagi-Voelker


Sora-chan, Kitty

[~Birth Date~] 

December 22nd, 1999




Female. Sometimes jokes she's an "attack jet."


Lesbian - Very lesbian

[~Relationship Status~]

Hopelessly looking at girls who'd never look at her.




C-Lister(fits in as Freshman, though is open for B-Rank, she she is a massive otaku/gamer)


[~In Depth Appearance~]

Sora is around 4'8, with a slim, small figure. Always a bit down and away, she tries and maintain a minimal presence and make herself as invisible as possible...usually. On her "Brave Days" she'll sport some type of crazy outfit, usually when not going to St. Mary's; these are usually one of her many cosplays, and she tends to just have fun. She has dark hair, which she will sometimes dye jet-black for a few weeks, or whenever she's dyed her hair some crazy color and then had to dye it again to go to school without trouble. As such, sometimes she'll have black hair with some strange colors mixed in, though usually she does a good job of fixing that. She also always has a necklace with a Keyblade on it, Oathkeeper, her favorite. It's one of her most treasured possessions.




Maid Oufits





Boys (Pushy ones)

Brussel Sprouts

Anime "Purists" (Japanese VAs only)


Extremely loud noises (music is fine)


Always taps her foot to an unheard beat, may it be anime opening songs, J-Pop//Rock, Machinae Supremacy, etc.

Always plays an hour or two of an MMO before bed

Rereads her favorite manga (Girlfriends) once a month




Video Games




Being in large crowds (not at conventions)

Being the center of attention (not at conventions)




First glance, one would see a small, shy girl with a soft voice and an aversion to people. In reality, she just has trouble socializing in normal situations. Her demeanor has never helped, and lack of self confidence coupled with little to no friends for the first few years of schooling in Japan left Sora with very little social growth, leading to her nearly locking herself in her room for most of her life. As she began to slowly try and get out, exploring her home in Akihabara, she found a solace in the like-minded otaku culture that permeated the entire district. She ended up getting into cosplay from all the cosplayers who flocked the place, which opened up new social avenues she would explore, and soon it would find her other side.

In costume, Sora is different. She's more confident in herself, and while still soft-spoken, she is more outgoing and sociable. When surrounded by other cosplayers and like-minded people, Sora tends to be a bit more at ease and prone to being unable to smile, giving her more friends than she normally had. While they usually were not seeing each other in reality, from these interactions she did end up being good friends in MMOs and the such, to where her habit of playing an MMO of sort (be it games like Blade & Soul, or Destiny) came from. She tends to stick to these friends more, becoming a loner at St. Mary's.

[~Place of Origin~]

Tokyo, Japan (Akihabara District, Chiyoda Ward)


Sora was destined to by an Otaku from the moment the ambulance stopped at the hospital closest to "Akiba." It was as if fate decided "Your child shall be an otaku" and delivered them to what the otaku culture had deemed their center. Born to a Japanese mother and an American-Russian father, her unique mixture of blood and language seeped into her very life; one night she might walk home to find a traditional Japanese dinner, the next borscht, and the weekend could see hamburgers. On rare days her parents made both, and was one of the few kids brought up trilingual. But, as her father was a businessman, they would soon move from the Electric Town to other countries, mostly America, Russia for a few months, and a year in France. Finally settling in America after an argument between her parents nearly caused a divorce, it was this reason that Sora would inevitably stay; her mother would be diagnosed with cancer when she was merely ten, and would fight for four long years against it.

On her fifteenth birthday, Sora lost her mother, and truly, she lost her father. Haruhi Takagi died amongst family, but Sora could see her father slip away that very night. He lost his job a few weeks later, and sold off most of his gun collection, his summer homes and even his few cars, until only his wife's and his favorite remained. Having found another, less paying - but less demanding - job, he tried, he really did. But the depression hit him hard, too hard, and he sunk into alcoholism. In his drunken stupor he then dragged Sora into it, causing the girl to also fall with him. She'd join him in drinking, letting the sorrow of her mother leave, until one day her father didn't come home. She cooked dinner and waited, but still he didn't come. 

The police did, though.

Her father had been drinking away from home - what Sora decided, was an attempt at him to keep from dragging her down with him any longer - when he decided to come home. He ran a red light and was t-boned by an oncoming pickup, folding the Kia around a lightpole. paramedics arrived faily quickly, but not even doctors would have been able to save him. Orphaned and alone, Sora was put into the foster care system at the age of sixteen, and shipped off to Virginia Beach with all she could pack. Using her mother and father's life insurance money, she has rented storage space for all of the things she can't fit in the small room she has at the foster home. Bullied because of her size and soft voice, Sora slowly began doing worse in school, which prompted the foster parents to put her into Saint Mary's, in hopes that a smaller, more private environment will help her - despite most of her problems being at home.

Sora has found herself a part-time job at a maid cafe, though the drive is long; she doesn't really mind, as it gets her away from everything and allows her to do what she loves - cosplay.



- Sora drives her father's 2011 Chevy Camaro SS, which she inherited when he passed.

-Most of her father's remaining gun collection was confiscated by Child Services and sold off, with the ones she practiced shooting with kept in storage with her things, should she wish to partake in such sports.

- Sora has dated a few people, but all of them back in Japan or France.

- Her favorite character is Saber from TYPE-MOON, specifically the Mysterious Heroine X version.

- She loves Maid Outfits, and has many different styles (such as the one above)

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Brice Baocheng Edward Tang

Nickname: In the U.S., he fairly strictly goes by 'Brice'; however, it's very common for him to be referred to as 'Brice' and 'Baocheng' when at home or in Taiwan [probably more of the latter in Taiwan as it's easier for people to say]

Birth Date: June 19
Age: 18
Gender: Male [cisgender]

Sexuality: Heteroromantic Heterosexual

Relationship Status: Single

Classification: Senior

Rank: B-Lister



Brice stands at 5'10" [178 cm]. He has a cream complexion. His frame is tall and thin with general muscle mass, and he stays fairly lean. He has near-black dark brown hair of a medium length. His oval eyes are dark brown with thick brows and thin lashes. He has a small nose and small pink lips. He has a mole on his right cheek just across from his lip and nose, and some sparingly sprinkled elsewhere on his body. He is known for his bright and warming smile.

In presentation, he prefers to be casual dressy when out and about, and casual when the mood strikes or he's doing physical work, though he will definitely go 'all out' for formal events.


Brice is the quintessential fresh off the boat guy, or, perhaps 'plane' is more appropriate. He comes from a well-off family and only lets that get to his head in the best way [if such a way does exist]. Unlike the rich kid careless with spending and flaunting the money that's not actually his, he's pompous with the dominant, go-getter personality to strive for his own successes. He has a leadership mentality -- positive traits for a business-oriented drive. However, his level of narcissism and bad habit of being condescending follow. Where he gets his arrogant attitude is a bit of a mystery since neither of his parents are like that, but perhaps it's just a phase? Or maybe a subconscious cover for something more? ...Or he's just a jerkface. --Pick your excuse and stick to it. In conversation, he may be very blunt and sarcastic, but knows how to 'recover' his words if they strike someone the wrong way as he's crafty with speech.

Although, his personality seems very coarse, he surely has a soft side -- well capable of being sweet and has an unexpectedly good sense of humor as he can be a jokester. And, despite the narcissism, he's actually quite giving and not that selfish; he just spends a lot of time complimenting himself and boosting his name in ways calculated enough not to be too abrasive or too subtle. That same leadership mentality helped his good trait of being outgoing. Generally, he is friendly and very laid back to new people he meets. He'd seem quick to judge, but is very analytical before casting judgment unless someone strikes him the wrong way. First impressions are important in his world. Lastly, family and his culture are important to him. Though he has been in the States for 3 years, he still holds many of his Taiwanese cultural customs. ...But do call him 'Brice'. His Chinese name, eh... Don't worry about it.

  • Likes

    >>> Red >>> Himself [too much] >>> Congee! [rice porridge is his favorite] >>> Being in charge >>> Piers on the lake/etc. >>> Old kung fu movies [guilty pleasure] >>> Playing pool >>> Saucy girls

  • Dislikes

    >>> Disorganization >>> Ignorant people >>> Cats >>> American popcorn [it's alright, but he still prefers Chinese popcorn] >>> Avocado >>> Fantasy genre >>> Lazy people >>> Submissive girls [he likes a challenge...]

  • Habits

    >>> Rubs the back of his neck and/or stutters when nervous >>> Squints his eyes at people who are annoying him >>> Flirting is mostly physical, consisting of light touches, and small gift-giving (only flirts with those he holds true interest in) >>> Very affectionate in relationships >>> Eats noisily (but has toned it down since living in America...at home is fair game, though) >>> Makes it a point to spend quality time with James daily [the separation's gonna be tough] >>> Acts childish when drunk

  • Hobbies

    >>>Cooking >>> Sketching

  • Fears

    >>> Being unsuccessful/failure >>> Not being genuinely appreciated/loved >>> Ghosts >>> Crickets

Place of Birth: Sanxia, New Taipei City, Taiwan


History: His parents met in the U.S. His father, Chaojian, was there on a business trip and had gone out one night with a coworker/friend to a burlesque show. His mother, Eileen, had actually been one of the performers there. His father ended up making it backstage after the show and things progressed from there. After maintaining a fair long distance relationship and being prompted continuously by his father, his mother moved to Taiwan where they later married.

Brice has had a rather clean, simple background compared to most; not too much hardship. Born in Sanxia, New Taipei City, he had since spent all his growing life in Taiwan. His father was very strict on enforcing the culture on him and his mother didn't object. After all, they were living in a place where it would be important as possible for Brice to 'fit in'. Though, she is the reason he speaks English.

While 'fitting in' was ideal, he typically stood out. Due to his appearance, he was often treated as a foreigner by those who didn't know him until they learned he was fluent in Mandarin and Taiwanese, and mixed race. Being that 'hunxue-er' - as they are called there - is often idolized, this probably brought him more praise than prejudice, making him popular with girls and many others. However, while fully embracing his combination of ethnicities, he didn't always enjoy the 'awe' he got over something he didn't even control. In his book, he was just another Taiwanese guy, and not some spectacle to ogle and interact with for the sake of it. Don't get him wrong, though; he loves his home country and has often missed it.

When his father ended up agreeing to a business deal that would bring in more income, but required them to relocate, the family moved from Taiwan to the U.S. when Brice was 15.


Other:  [SIZE=10.5pt]Brice speaks fluent Taiwanese and Mandarin, but can speak English with no accent except on certain words. He also has a pet boa constrictor named James.[/SIZE]

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Oliver Henry McDarton





Birth Date:

October 5th, 1999











Relationship Status:









In Depth Appearance:

[SIZE= 14px]Standing at about 6'2" and weighing a staggering 178 pounds, Oliver has light, grey-blue eyes and regular brown hair he merely sweeps up and to the right side. His normal attire mainly consists of plain graphic tees, jeans, and high-top Converse sneakers of varying colors. Style isn't of much importance to him. He also has a silver lip ring in the bottom-right corner of his mouth. His skin is pale, but with a slight tan to it. That's about all he can get without frying like bacon. He also has a lean body type, with not much muscle tone.[/SIZE]



-A good joke

-Relaxed vibes


-Good grades

-Video games



-Loud people

-People with short tempers

-Things being uneven


-Talking about his personal life



-Tugs on his lip ring

-Taps his fingers/feet

-Chews his lip



-Video Games

-Listening to Music

-Computer Programming

-Selling/Smoking Weed




-Losing his cool at the wrong time

-His family



[SIZE= 14px]Ollie's a very [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]laid-back[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] guy, for starters. Nothing really makes him angry enough to lash out, at least that he'll let slip through the cracks. Even if his extremely long fuse does light, there won't be any explosion. He's usually cool headed and jolly. Except when you get into his personal life. If you pry at all, he'll clam up and isolate himself from everything. That doesn't cover all bad subjects, though. Ollie's one for attempting to make gloomy situations good with humor. One might say he hides behind the laughter of others, and he does it well. When a total Debbie Downer comes along and his jokes don't have any effect, the last line of defense would be just to turn tail and flee. His jovial outlook does have its limits, even if they're difficult to reach.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Waking up on the wrong side of the bed or any negative feelings are a dramatic change for Oliver. At that point, his acid tongue really kicks in. The jokes he makes that often are at the expense of others, his normal way of insulting someone, will become deep, even personal jabs. Inside, his wit and [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]analytical[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] mind that he hides from the public is always observing and figuring out how people tick. He has a knack for reading people. Though it's used to find out how to cheer people up, it's also used to tear people down. The ruse of slightly being a dumbass is transparent when he's annoyed. He's actually a very intelligent guy, but he hides it due to not wanting to make people feel inferior. Bad vibes cause grudges, and Ollie doesn't like to piss people of on the regular.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]He also might have OCD. And may be a germaphobe. Like to the point where he'll freak out if someone isn't clean and they get near him, and always keeps hand-sanitizer with him, it's a wonder he hasn't died from alcohol poisoning yet. He'll do things more than necessary and always gets slightly annoyed when incorrect grammar is used.[/SIZE]


Place of Origin:

[SIZE= 14px]Atlanta, Georgia[/SIZE]



On October 5th, 1999, in some random bus seat, the world was graced with Oliver's presence. His mother was actually on her way home from school, a senior. His father had already graduated, but stayed for his then girlfriend. After about two years and a marriage later, his dad fled from the kid and his ex-wife. They had fought and hadn't gotten along in general, so it didn't come as a surprise to the family that the douchebag of a guy had left his bastard son as soon as the opportunity arose.


Growing up, Ollie was a happy kid with his step-dad. The divorce never seemed to bother him at all, he said he understood why it happened and didn't really care. He got stellar grades and had several friends throughout school. During middle school, his cousin committed suicide due to depression. She was an emotional wreck after her single mother had passed from cancer, but Ollie helped her as much as he could, to no avail. That changed him to try and make as many people as he could happy.


What he never told any of his friends, though, is that his home life wasn't very peachy from middle school onward. With his cousin living with them, his family was fine. His step-father got into drinking often, as did his mother. They would go out to bars and get wasted, coming home and abusing Ollie and Kristen both physically and verbally. That was what drove the nail home for Kristen. After she did it, Ollie felt sort of empty inside. Kristen had been his best friend, and now his parents just ignore him. He never likes to get into detail about it, and his friends have never been over to his house. Humor lets him hide from the truth and attempt to fix his broken heart.
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Alec Alexander Grey


Ali, A, "That Jock", Alex, Grey, Al, Xander

giphy (1).gif



Birth Date:

3 / 25 / 1999







Relationship Status:

Single, if interested, PM me :)




A Lister / Jock / Football Player

In Depth Appearance:

Alec likes doing his hair and at times, he doesn't even does it. He usually likes to wear t-shirts or tank tops, but he will wear anything if needed too. He's a really good dresser and he likes wearing shorts, jeans, or any type of pants except for the uniform material. He hates that stuff. Disgusting. Alec has a whole ton of clothes and he's not afraid to wear anything. He will wear a uniform if needed and preferably, he likes sweatshirts and any sweater with a hoodie on it. He wears bandannas at time to time, but for shoes, he wears Adidas, Nike, and Under Armour. His eyes are a nice brown that aren't to dark, but aren't to light. His hair is a dark brown, but isn't black. He hates it when people mistake his hair for black. He doesn't have any piercings or tattoos, but he does have a scar on his right arm. He often hides it and he got it when he was younger. It was just from playing football, just a normal scar for him. His skin seems a bit pale, but it isn't snow white. He is a whopping 6'0


Alec likes :

-Girls Who Aren't Clingy to Him

-Getting Good Grades




-Riding His Skateboard at Times

-Talking with Friends

-His Phone



Alec dislikes :

-Clingy Girls

-Getting a B or lower

-Things that are Repetitive in Habits

-Bad Sportsmanship


-Bullies, although he never got bullied



Some of Alec's habits are :

-Biting his lip

-Winking at a girl if they're attractive (no one knows)


-Rolling his eyes

-Easily turning red


-Teasing Girls

-Playing with his Hair


Some of Alec's hobbies are :

-Hanging Out with Friends



-Going on Social Media


Alec is sometimes scared of :



-Heights (from the beginning only)

-Losing Loved Ones


Alec is a very smart boy who can achieve almost anything, but his behavior can affect his potential. He has the potential to be a nerd or a geek who knows the answer to everything, but he's very shy at times. He's really goofy and he's a huge flirt. If you actually get to know him, he's not what he seems like. You would think that he's a big fat douche-bag, but he isn't. He's really just a nice guy who has a lot of money. Although he's rich, he likes to be treated like a normal person. Hes the type of person to host Party of the Year in high school and he gets a lot of attention. He doesn't like all of it, but when you're a jock that is popular, you pay a price right? He's a really great guy who hates being used for his popularity or money. He would help you if you're having hard times or just need a favor. He's nice, but he is a really big flirt that teases girls often and he's usually in on and off relationships. 

He's a lonely romantic who is very flirtious and he could sweep a girl off of her feet. He knows every right move to get a girl whooed, but every girl is different. He usually has a second reputation other than just being a jock, he has a reputation of being a huge flirt who's a player, but in reality, he's just a really good flirt. People think that he just plays girls and like none of them, but its just in him. He just has an old habit of flirting with girls and teasing him. He often does a lot of things like playing with his hair, biting his lip, and turning red easily. These signs make him look like he's a player, but he just has really bad habits. Once in a while, he actually likes someone.

Place of Origin:

America / N O R T H America


When Alec was a bit younger, probably around elementary school, he had an older sister that was older than him by 5 years. He always hung out with her. Usually, every week, they would go out to the park and just play some football for fun, but as Alec grew older, he started taking the sport more seriously. When he was in 5th grade, he tried out for his elementary school's football team and he got in. Ever since, he's been trying out for the football teams and he got into the high-school teams. He's pretty good at the sport and loves playing it. A plus to him is that he's a straight-ace. Smartie+Jock = Alec. 

Back to his sister, when Alec was in his freshman year, she got accepted into four different colleges. Her dream college being one of them, and Alec was pretty happy for her, but what he didn't know was that her dream school was all the way across the country. He supported her the whole time without knowing that she was going to leave the state and be all the way across the country. By the time she said that she was going, Alec was too late. As soon as she left, Alec hadn't seen or heard from her in 1 year. Not a single call or text, but he hoped she was doing okay. 

The reason why Alec "flirts" a lot is a reason that came from all the way back in middle school. Alec liked this girl named, Catherine and in middle school, he found out in 7th grade that she liked him too. Alec often flirted with her and soon they started dating in freshman year. She goes to the same high school as him. After a few months, Alec got offers to try to tryout for the football team and he tried out. He made it and Catherine was happy for him, but two months later, she told him that she liked someone else now. They started drifting every since and they hadn't talked since that day. Alec sees her come to his games every once in a while with her new boyfriend. Surprisingly, Alec's feelings had drifted before, but he hadn't had the guts to tell her that he wanted a break-up with her. He just didn't think that things were right, so soon in sophomore year, he's stuck with his flirting moves and his habits to tease girls and flirt with them.
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Matthew Flint Wilcox


Matty or Matt

Birth Date:








Relationship Status:

Single AF




B Lister/Know it All/Nerd

In Depth Appearance:


Matthew is fairly tall standing at 6 feet tall, and is fairly muscular and toned. He enjoys to keep his stubble, and never leaves without his glasses. His attire mostly consists of jeans, a button up, and some moccasins. He is fairly classy or nerdy, which over you believe, but has no scars, tattoos or piercing; after all he is a good teen.



Correcting people,

Playing Basketball,

Playing/Working Alone,

Peanut Butter & Banana Sandwiches.


Getting interrupted,

Having to work with others,

Getting his stuff stolen,

Getting Bullied,



Playing with his pen when intrigued,

Continuously tapping his lap when inpatient,

Crossing his arms when disappointed.



Staying Alone,

Playing basketball.


Getting less than an A,

Being a source of bullying.


Matthew is a fairly timid person, while he does have a talkative personality hidden inside him. He barely evokes any feeling, nor does he express anything with others. Since he barely has friends he doesn't talk to many people, other than his teachers, but his insides are waiting to burst. Due to years of him not having any friends, he has locked his feelings inside and doesn't share them that easily.

He is a know it all as well, meaning that he would jump at any opportunity he can get to correct someone. He is also a very kind person when he doesn't hate the person he is talking too. He tends to be very kind if someone begins a conversation. Matt is a polite teenager and wouldn't hurt anyone except if they hurt him.

Place of Origin:



Matt's life is a boring story to tell, especially since it doesn't have any really fun events in it. All of the fun events that Matthew might have taken place in, he was either at home studying, or hiding in the library. Throughout his childhood, he was bullied and made fun of mostly for him being smart as well as him wearing glasses. He was called a nerd, a know it all, etc. He never really knew how to deal with these bullies, yet he had always had ideas. For example, make a ray gun and blast them all, or freeze them all with a frost-gun. He was a creative child, and loved to play around with ideas that came to his mind; sometimes he would make them come to life.

In Middle School, he was bullied a lot more. Instead of getting picked on just in person, he was targeted on social media and online. He couldn't go anywhere without getting made fun off, so he just decided to stop checking those sorts of sites at all. Matthew was completely fed up and didn't want his life to stay like this for any longer. He truthfully didn't know what to do, so he just stayed quiet as he swallowed down his anger and feelings. This resulted in him no longer sharing with anyone, not his  parents, or his teachers either.

Once Middle School ended and High School began he thought it would change, but it didn't. His freshmen year was a hassle, since he had to deal with all sorts of sneer comments, but by the end of it he learned what to do. As his sophomore year began, he stopped caring about what everyone says. He actually started believing that he could do whatever he wanted to do and nobody could stop him from that. Matthew stopped letting what people say get to him and once that happened he started to glow. He started to get happier, and started to live much more. His sophomore year was actually a blast even though he spent it alone.

Destiny Taylor


"The Gothic Goddess"

Birth Date:

May 20, 1999







Relationship Status:






In Depth Appearance:

images (2).jpg

Destiny has dark purple hair with pale white skin. Most can say (especially the boys) that she is very mature and full grown.

Her body appearance is not skinny, but she is absolutely not fat (she thinks she is though). On her hips, she has a huge tattoo

that takes up most of her side and she also has one scar across her rib cage. Her style of clothes are sometimes revealing (okay

basically always revealing) and of course will always be the color black, purple, or deep dark red. 






[SIZE= 20px]Loud Rock Music[/SIZE]



Show offs

Pop music

Clingy people

Preppy people or Kings/queens


Lip biting when nervous

Not doing school work



Listening to Music


Being Forgotten

[SIZE= 22px]Getting Pregnant[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 22px]Death[/SIZE]


Destiny is complicated when it comes to her personality. She thinks that she is compelled to show people that she is badass and cannot be messed with. But that is not the case. Well on the outside she is mean, intimidating, promiscuous, and stubborn she is the exact opposite on the inside. Behind that heart she is a very sensitive person, but she doesn't want to show that because she's afraid that people will take advantage of her and just walk all over her. Destiny doesn't want that anymore so she chose to harden her heart, build a wall around it, and never let anybody inside. She will not expose her true self to anybody unless she feels that she can trust them. 

But of course she is not just a plan ol' b**** every time you come across her. Of course she will ask some questions, just to make sure that you fit in with her crowd. She tends to be a little quiet. Usually that means that she is moody or to high to speak. She rather let others speak and her enjoy the high feeling that smoking gives her. But other than that she is just like every other hormonal teen. When you cause problems with her, she will cause problems with you. And trust me when i say, she's not afraid to fight. She is a good fighter.

Place of Origin:

[SIZE= 22px]Canada[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Now this will answer every single question you have about her. As a child, Destiny grew up in a horrible and uncivilized family. When she was just 2 her  mother, father,and brother all died in a fatal car while she was visiting her grandmother. But nobody in the family ever told her that she lost them. She was taken by CPS and put into foster care for quite some time, until she was finally adopted. But Destiny would have rather suffered in that foster care than to grow up with abusive parents. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Her adoptive parents never treated her right. They were all about favoritism. They always treated their real child with love, care, respect, and [/SIZE][SIZE= 20px]sensitivity while they treated Destiny like she was just a toy. (I am not going into detail about what i mean by a toy, just think about it and then you will understand what i mean). They never fed her properly and she would go days without eating or drinking anything.Her father often was drunk and he always abused her emotionally, telling her how much of a mistake she really was. This is how she became mean, aggressive, and reckless. She has known nothing but that all her life and she never had a great role model. [/SIZE]
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Milo Oliver Matthews
Birth Date:
1. September 2000
Relationship Status:
Singe (he's never even been kissed)
B lister computer nerd
In Depth Appearance:
Being of European descent, Milo possesses a very pale complexion, not made better in the least by all the hours spent in front of his computer monitor. He has light blue eyes, a feature which has, to his immense annoyance, been compared to that of a Husky. His hair, reaching just to his jawline and originally a light blonde, has been dyed black more times than the teen himself can remember. out of habit, he usually sweeps the locks away from his face, only to instantly have them fall back down again. 


At the age of thirteen, Milo entered quite a rebellious phase, which was the root so to speak of his dark hair. He has since grown slightly out of it, but his style of dark shirts and ripped jeans remained. As did his piercings. And occasionally the eyeliner. Since that time in his life though, he has worked tirelessly on mastering his facial features, and keeping them in check, which is why, when one sees him, his face usually only holds a bored or expressionless stare.  
Strawberry flavored anything
Being alone
Showing people up by hacking into their systems
Stupid people
The rain
His parents 
General messiness


Running his hand through his hair
Tapping his fingers 


Milo is scoleciphobic, meaning he will, for a lack of a better term, freak out at the sight of worms. Whether those be earthworms or larvae, it doesn't matter. Even candy worms freak him out to the point that should he see someone actually consuming one, he'll start to feel nauseous. 
Having mastered the valuable skills of sarcasm and deprecation at a very young age, this is what most people take away from meeting the dark haired, slender teen. His tongue is as sharp as his mind, making interacting with him rather difficult. Should one manage to pierce his protective walls of acidic words and icy stares however, one will find something quite different. 


While Milo isn't particularly interested in making friends, he does have a certain softness to him. Present the teenager with a small, soft animal, for instance, and his stubborn, stoic exterior will instantly melt away. Get too close to his personal space, and he will start to stumble over his words. Closeness and affection is not something Milo has any experience with. He understands the principle of it, but lacks the experience. His parents were the opposite of affectionate towards him, and because of this, he drew back and eventually started building this wall of indifference towards the world. 

Place of Origin:
Whitby, North Yorkshire
Milo's parents are the kind of people who didn't have children on their minds. They are people of materialism and appearances, always striving to have the best of everything, and to make themselves look as interesting as possible. So when Milo quite unexpectedly came along, neither of them were happy with it. His mother, a suburban housewife with big dreams of making it big as an actress, was furious about it, and to this day, she still sites her son as the reason she never quite made it past the borders of Yorkshire. His father, a man far to occupied with his budding success within the used cars business, acted much as though Milo hadn't ever been born in the first place. 


This made up a rather lonesome and depressing existence for the boy growing up. And as he grew, his mind began to expand. At a nearly incredible rate too. At the age of three, he could write full sentences, at seven, play complicated piano pieces from memory. He was a born genius, capable of many great things, but nobody took notice. At school, he outdid most children in his grade, and constantly tried to get his parents to notice him. To pay attention. Or even just look at him with something akin to approval. But they never once cared for him. Other than feeding him and providing him with clothing and a place to live, they completely overlooked his existence for the most of his life. 


So when he turned thirteen, he stopped caring. It was hard, of course, to take the love he had for his parents and squash it, but in his eyes, it had been a necessary step to make in order to get the most out of his accidental life. He rapidly started growing more withdrawn, more cold towards his surroundings, and everybody close to him. He began isolating himself in his room, in front of his computer, instead of going out. It was from his room, while browsing through obscure and odd sites, he stumbled over something called 'hacking.' 


It didn't take long for him to get the hang of it. And it took an even shorter amount of time for him to start exploring this new skill. He would experiment by completely erasing his mothers beauty appointments, by messing up his fathers 'oh so important' work. And finally, after a few years, by tracking down and erasing any information random people asked him to. As long as they were prepared to pay him for it. Under the nickname 'Paradox', he started gaining quite the reputation in certain corners of the web. 


But now he suspects his less than honest work will have to be put on hold for a bit. Because something much more dangerous has come up. Something far more chilling than anything he's ever seen on the darkest places of the web. Something which fills him with annoyance, yet at the same time with intrigue: High school. 
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Tiffany Patricia Phillips.


Tiff is the obvious nickname for her name as she loves being called Tiff by some of her peers. For others, she'll accept her name, Tiffany.

Birth Date:

September 2; 9/2.


17; Seventeen.




Tiffany doesn't put gender or labels on anything really. She is expressively Sapio-Pansexual as she adores intelligence within a person over anything else.

Relationship Status:

Recently Single.




A List. Queen Bee.

In Depth Appearance:

Tiffany is a very attractive female in her own right. She has milk chocolate, smooth skin. Her skin is blemish free and she doesn't have any zits or pimples neither - Never have, never will. Her long, raven colored locks of hair is hers and she will never put a strand of weave or extensions in her hair. Her hair cascades down to the middle of her back, sometimes resting just above her shoulders. She has chestnut brown colored eyes and a big smile that can kill. She stands about five foot seven and weighs approximately one-hundred and twenty-two pounds. She tends to wear anything of the latest fashion trend, everything being colored coordinated to her taste. She wears blouses, mostly and you'll never find her in nothing other than that. Along with her blouses she has an array of skirts and pants along with heels to match. She has a butterfly tattoo on her wrist and a heart with devil horns on her ankle. She has two piercings in her two lower earlobes and a belly button piercing, too. She has a one of a kind style and dares anyone to match her when it comes to fashion.


[COLOR= rgb(0, 136, 0)]✔[/COLOR] Accessorizing her closet and others [COLOR= rgb(0, 136, 0)]✔[/COLOR] Social Gatherings [COLOR= rgb(0, 136, 0)]✔[/COLOR] Social Media [COLOR= rgb(0, 136, 0)]✔[/COLOR] Ruling the halls of Saint Mary's [COLOR= rgb(0, 136, 0)]✔[/COLOR] Her friends [COLOR= rgb(0, 136, 0)]✔[/COLOR] Romance Novels [COLOR= rgb(0, 136, 0)]✔[/COLOR] Singing and dancing [COLOR= rgb(0, 136, 0)]✔[/COLOR] Cooking and baking [COLOR= rgb(0, 136, 0)]✔[/COLOR]


[COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]✘[/COLOR] Boring people and conversations [COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]✘[/COLOR] Petty people [COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]✘[/COLOR] Clingy people [COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]✘[/COLOR] Spicy food [COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]✘[/COLOR] Hot Tea and Coffee [COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]✘[/COLOR] Being late [COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]✘[/COLOR]


• Twirls end strands of hair when in deep thought • Spends about 5-10 minutes daydreaming • Laughs during awkward silence • Interjects herself into someone else's conversation • Scrunches her face when someone says something stupid • Going out for Mani Pedis •


• Posting on Social Media {Has a YouTube, Snapchat, Twitter & Instagram} • Scrapbooking • Singing • Photography • Fashion •


[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]☠[/COLOR] Losing her Queen Bee status [COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]☠[/COLOR] Falling in love [COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]☠[/COLOR] Any type of abuse [COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]☠[/COLOR]


Most people will not even believe that Tiffany is the Queen Bee of Saint Mary's Academy. She doesn't even act like it as much as the way people think the Queen Bee should act like. Tiffany is a very goal orientated person and has a list of goals stashed somewhere in her purse that she looks at everyday. She is a very ambitious and confident individual and aspires everyone to be the best that they can be and don't try to impress someone just to fit in. Even though Tiffany may seem a bit nice to almost everyone that walks among her path, she is mixed with the perfect amount of sass and sweetness towards others. Though, she doesn't spread the gossip until asked or if she truly hates the person that it is about. She doesn't like to treat people like shit and is actually pretty nice towards others - Just do not touch her and you'll be fine and survive within Saint Mary.

Overall, Tiffany doesn't make anyone of her friends or the people of royal status feel any less important than she is. She likes to treat everyone as if they were equal unless she doesn't like you, of course. Also, if she isn't bored with your presence, she'll make you her best friend.


Place of Origin:

Virginia Beach, Virginia.


[SIZE= 18px]Tiffany was born on a bright and beautiful day, seventeen years ago. She was born to two wonderful parents, Jeffery Phillips, who is a politician in Virgina and her mother Heaven Phillips, who is a Lawyer. Tiffany was the only child for about a year and had received almost everything parents could get a few months old baby. It was ridiculous now that she thinks about it as a baby doesn't need as much things that she had gotten. Her brother, Marcus was born that year and though she wasn't jealous or anything, she liked the idea of having a younger sibling. Tiffany and Marcus were and still is equally intelligent and bright for their age. Samantha has always showed a passion for acting and singing so her parents didn't hesitate to let her creativity show by taking her to the local recording studio, where she recorded some of her original songs and even did a few snapshots. A producer soon came about and signed her to their label. She was stoked and ecstatic and immediately accepted the offer. Her parents and brother were proud of her, too until they realized how much she'd miss because of touring and contract signing so they hired her a teacher to help her out on the road and such. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]As the years went by and they were fun from all of the performances, touring, small parts in movies and television shows and even hanging out with a few friends, she finally told her producer that she wanted to enjoy her teenage life within high school. Her high school years were and still is some of the best years of her life and she will not hesitate to tell anyone that. She adores being around her peers and fellow Royals and it surely shows as she were always inviting them over her house and even hosting parties on the beach and such. She was picked for the Queen Bee role by the previous Queen and King Bee of Saint Mary. She was a bit surprised since she didn't think that she was the perfect fit for the role. But the senior and graduating Royals accepted her as if she was already the Queen Bee of the school. Tiffany is finally a Senior and enjoyed her Summer, partying and performing but also taking a trip to the beach and even hanging out at the shopping outlets with her friends. [/SIZE]

She hopes to be the best Queen Bee that Saint Mary has ever seen though doesn't want to hold too much of a burden on herself if she isn't. Tiffany will be sure to oversee her brother, too as if anyone messes with him then they mess with her and that is a mistake within it's own right.
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[SIZE= 20px]Name:[/SIZE]

Nicholas Raymond Jackson.

[SIZE= 20px]Nickname:[/SIZE]

Nicholas likes to be called Nick, more than anything. Just don't call him Twinkle Toes.

[SIZE= 20px]Birth Date:[/SIZE]

December 25.

[SIZE= 20px]Age:[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Gender:[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Sexuality:[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Relationship Status:[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Classification:[/SIZE]

Junior. Got held back a year.

[SIZE= 20px]Rank:[/SIZE]

B Lister. Thespian and Virtuoso.

[SIZE= 20px]In Depth Appearance:[/SIZE]

Being born to an African American father and Caucasian mother, his skin complexion compliments that trait really well as it is very light. He has pure hazel eyes that sparkle and shine within the right amount of lighting. Most people get lost in his eyes. Nicholas stands about five foot eleven inches tall and weighs about one-hundred and forty-five pounds of muscle from working out. He has a very toned out body and frame with muscles in the right places that he seldom likes to show off. He has raven colored hair that he likes to keep trimmed and brushed to perfection. If one was to walk inside of Nick's closet, you'd only find certain t-shirts but none that are plain colored, a lot of shorts with a couple pair of long pants and nothing but Chuck Taylor's. Though his style may not be accepted by most, he certainly doesn't care because he wears what he likes.

[SIZE= 20px]Likes:[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 136, 0)]✔[/COLOR] Flirting [COLOR= rgb(0, 136, 0)]✔[/COLOR] Dancing [COLOR= rgb(0, 136, 0)]✔[/COLOR] Musicals [COLOR= rgb(0, 136, 0)]✔[/COLOR] Food - Yes, any type [COLOR= rgb(0, 136, 0)]✔[/COLOR] Mystery movies [COLOR= rgb(0, 136, 0)]✔[/COLOR] Early mornings [COLOR= rgb(0, 136, 0)]✔[/COLOR] Coffee [COLOR= rgb(0, 136, 0)]✔[/COLOR] Working out [COLOR= rgb(0, 136, 0)]✔[/COLOR]

[SIZE= 20px]Dislikes:[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]✘[/COLOR] Arguing [COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]✘[/COLOR] Being lied to [COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]✘[/COLOR] Being judged [COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]✘[/COLOR] Homphobes [COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]✘[/COLOR] Plain Ice Cream [COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]✘[/COLOR] Hypocrites [COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]✘[/COLOR]

[SIZE= 20px]Habits:[/SIZE]

• Corrects someone if they say a word wrong
• Only likes to walk on the right side of someone
• Always knows what direction he is travelling in
• Is a fidgeted person

• Dances around whenever he is upset or stressed

[SIZE= 20px]Hobbies:[/SIZE]

• Gymnastics
• Working Out
• Photography
• Archery

[SIZE= 20px]Fears:[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]☠[/COLOR] Dying young & Death in general
[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]☠[/COLOR] Not achieving his dreams
[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]☠[/COLOR] Losing someone he cares about

[SIZE= 20px]Personality:[/SIZE]

Nicholas is a very intelligent when it comes to the theater arts and practically anything about the arts really. He tries his best not seem too snobby or sarcastic if you ask him anything about his intelligence but if he comes off that way, then he'll just shrug his shoulders and let the person take that anyway they want. He is also very driven about his goals and dreams in life as he will stop at almost nothing to get to the top and destroy anyone that tries to get into his way. Nicholas can be a little arrogant in his ways when it comes to theater. He likes to think that he is the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be when it comes to the theater and dancing. Sebastian got that way because he has participated in many other roles even in Off Broadway Productions.

Despite growing up in a very strict household, of sorts, Nicholas didn’t let that stop him from finding himself and being his own person. Not that he was defiant against his parents or anything but he was a bit rebellious as he felt that their rules were only guidelines but they were not going to hold him back. Nicholas is a very energetic person as he cannot be sitting down for a long enough time without doing something. If he is sitting and not doing anything, he becomes much fidgeted and will drive others crazy, sometimes. Even though Nicholas is always on the go and energetic, he is very much reserved and to himself most of the time. He keeps to himself so much that no one knows who he truly is. Overall, Nicholas is very bubbly and charismatic and is willing to help out anyone that truly needs it.

[SIZE= 20px]Place of Origin:[/SIZE]

Long Island, New York.

[SIZE= 20px]History:[/SIZE]

It was at the age of terrible two when Nick fell in love with dancing because of the opening scene of one of his favorite musicals, West Side Story. That scene actually made him want to become a dancer so his mother immediately signed him up for classes. His father wasn't too pleased about this since he figured that men are suppose to play football and be sporty, not be twinkle toes. Nick was discouraged about his dancing then but his mother continued to encourage him to be the best dancer out there and to go far and beyond than anybody else in his class. Of course, he was one of the best, even competed in competitions but never won any though came runner up at least three times. Nick fell even more in love as he went to classes every single day after school until the age of fifteen.

His father was transported to Virginia Beach for his line of work and that's where they lived at for the time being. His father was a very hard man to get along with especially after all of the abuse he suffered at the hands of his father. He kept quiet about it for quite sometime until he reached the age of sixteen and opened up to his mother about it along with his sexuality. Nick's mother was genuinely upset and of course, his father denied the allegations so him and his mother packed everything up and moved away though not going back to Panama City but actually staying in Virginia Beach since he made new friends there. Nick loves being apart of Saint Mary's and wouldn't want to go back to Panama City for nothing else in the world, since the beaches are pretty much nicer than the ones in Florida.

Nick is now a Junior in high school, making academic grades and even applied for certain colleges. He still dances and even has a part time job at a local dance studio, helping out with choreographing some classes. Again, Nick loves being in Virginia Beach but hopes to attend college in California somewhere.
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Robert Jones Jr


Robbie, Junior, Jr

Birth Date:

March 27th 2000







Relationship Status:





C List

In Depth Appearance:


Robert is a proud African-American. His father and mother are both African Americans thus inherited a chocolate skin complexion. His hair is always black, short and never grows above 10mm. His eyes are brown, has a small mustache above his lips. Not a fan of beards so he is clean shaven at the chin. He is chubby as he likes to eat. He is 5 foot 10 inches and weighs at about 170lbs.

Robert always wears formal clothes. he likes to mix and match some clothes but rarely goes overboard. He wears an formal shirt, no tie, or wears a tie when he feels like it. Cuff-lings are a must. He can wear a jacket, but mostly he wears a sweater vest. On the trouser department, he switches. One day he can wear jeans or formal trousers. Shoes are always Loafers. he has a wide variety when it comes to them. Has a fedora hat but rarely wears it.

he has no tattoos and has a scar on his left flank where he underwent kidney surgery.


  • Reading Novels
  • Eating
  • Video Games
  • Cooking
  • isolation


Social gatherings and parties

Arrogant people




Zones off when a lecturer is boring

Finding a secluded place and read his novels

Eating the cap of his pen


Cooking. Always like to try out new recipes


Stamp collection


Talking to pretty girls


Robert is a really shy dude. Whenever he is in a social meeting either with family or friends, he always fears talking to the people around him, unless he knows them on a personal level. Whenever he is told to introduce himself, he always stammers his name. he was born as a stammerer so that made him fear social contact. Once the wall of shyness has been surpassed, he is actually a pretty cool dude to hang out with. He will try to at least make someone smile and once he has achieved a smile from anyone, a cool relaxing feeling surges through his body. he does suck at small talk but he is trying to overcome that, one step at a time.

He is also a smart person. he has a knack when it comes to math and sciences but when it comes to Linguistics, he has a big problem. The highest he has ever gotten is a C. He fears languages. He is also kind, always trying to help a person in need whenever he is asked to do so. He rarely says no to any request, except to those that question his morality and integrity. Then he will say a stern no. He is not a people person, he dreads being surrounded by more than 2 people so when he gets a chance to sneak off to a quiet place,he will go guilt free.

Place of Origin:

Chapel Hill, North Carolina


Robert was born on the March 27th 2000. He was born in UNC Medical Center at around midnight. He was born healthy but soon things took a 360 spin in his life. When he was about 2 years, he suffered from acute right kidney failure. His kidney died and he was surviving using one kidney.In order to save his life, one the kidney had to be removed. 3 months down the line, the kidney was removed and he continued to live a normal life. He had a scar on his right flank but since his parents could not afford a plastic surgeon, the scar remained there.

When he was 6 years and he was in pre-school, his parents noticed that he had a stutter in his voice. He was taken to a speech therapist but they were told that stammering occurs in young children and resolves by itself before he reaches adolescence. However the stammering did not resolve and so it remained up to this date. When he was in middle school, he was told by the teacher to read a paragraph from a book an he stammered the whole way. When the other kids heard that, they laughed and nicknamed him 'R-R-Robert' to mimic his stammering. He always cried when the other kids laughed at him and it endured for a couple of months. That's when he decided to keep to himself and stay silent at all times. A few people understood his condition and decided to stay with him but he ended up pushing them all away with his silence.

When he was close to finishing middle school, his parent noticed that he always came home straight after school. Upon being asked whether or not he has friends, he shrugged the subject and asked them about their day. His parents pressured him until he finally caved in and he told them of all the tortures he goes through in school when he stammers. The nicknames, the mimics and what not. he told them that he has no friends and keeps to himself at all times and avoids talking to people so as to avoid embarrassing himself. His parents understood and enrolled him to a speech therapist. He was told to find someone to confide in and who is willing to help him with his condition. Also he was advised to practice talking in the mirror and reading books aloud to help with his fear.

Robert passed his entry exams to high school and won a fully paid scholarship from his home town. He still goes to a therapist twice a month to help with his introvert behavior and hopefully live life to the fullest once he is in high school. He likes to read novels in his spare time and ducks after school meetings to go home and watch the Food network to learn new recipes. When he is not doing the things he love,he locks himself in his room and reads his books aloud to help with his speech.
Miranda Torres.jpg


Miranda Santamaria Torres


"Paula Picasa" by those that don't like her. Miri by those that do.

Birth Date:

[SIZE= 20px]August 23, 1999[/SIZE]






[SIZE= 20px]Bisexual[/SIZE]

Relationship Status:

[SIZE= 20px]Ridin' Solo (Single)[/SIZE]




[SIZE= 20px]C-List[/SIZE]

In Depth Appearance:

[SIZE= 20px]Miranda Torres is a 5'3" tall woman that got more of her [/SIZE][SIZE= 20px]Caucasian[/SIZE][SIZE= 20px] mother's skin tone than her [/SIZE][SIZE= 20px]Hispanic[/SIZE][SIZE= 20px] father's. She has always had long wavy black hair that varies in length from down to the middle of her back to just beyond her shoulders. It varies depending on if she straightens it or not and when it was last cut. She has dark brown eyes that people jokingly say can suck you into her world. Her slim figure and meager one hundred twenty pound weight leave people thinking she's a lot younger than she actually is.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Miri's style choice is very....erratic. Nobody knows what the girl's going to where that day. Some days, she walks in wearing jeans, sneakers and a white t-shirt. The next day she looks like she just walked out of Mexico and then suddenly she'll look like she belongs with A-listers. It's somewhat become a betting game what she'll wear. However, most of the time she'll wear the stuff that she can paint in.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Painting[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Starry Skies[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Alone Time[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Her family[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Respectful or Unique guys[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Jocks/Pricks/Rich Kids[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]People that question her change[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]People that oggle her when she dresses up[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Gym Class[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Money[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Miri has a habit of leaving class when her muse strikes her. It doesn't happen often during class, but it does happen.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]She will mumble music and sometimes dance in the hall if she found a new song she really likes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Before leaving the art room, she tends to dip a finger in her paint and let it dry.[/SIZE]


Painting, Sculpting, just making art in general



People getting close to her


[SIZE= 20px]Drunk People[/SIZE]


+Friendly +Creative +Determined | -Distant -Sarcastic/Direct -Short-tempered

Miranda is a fairly open girl. She gives most people a friendly smile and will chat with them. She doesn't mind listening to people's problems and giving advice. However, beyond those superficial conversations, there just is a very big distance between her and everyone else. People can tell simply because she never really talks about herself outside of painting and her goals of making art that will be in museums one day. So although she has "friends" she doesn't have anyone that really knows much about her. And trying to get past her barriers winds up with a one way ticket to a paint coated self and a stream of steady curses in Spanish. 

[SIZE= 20px]Speaking of her painting, Miri's a rather creative girl. She can find inspiration and new outlooks on things that people didn't at first. It also show's in her with when she says something sarcastic or snarky when people joke about her. She especially can get snippy when it comes to getting hit on. She doesn't want nor does she need a man in her life. However, that doesn't stop her from looking at the cute B and C-listers.[/SIZE]

Place of Origin:

Brownsville, Texas


Miranda Torres was born in Brownsville Texas to Santiago and Michelle Torres. She was their second child after their son Arturo. Miri and her brother spent a lot of their time together. Playing in their mother's art studio or outside helping their dad with his garden. They never had much in terms of money, but they had family and that was enough for them.

That's when her father got lucky. He won the lottery and things started to look up for the family. It wasn't some astronomical sum, as someone else had just won it a couple weeks earlier, but it was still a large enough amount for their lives to change. They managed to move out of Brownsville to Austin. Arturo and Miranda both could get better clothing and pursue their own dreams. Life was good for the family.

Miranda started to be able to dress and be like the popular girls and grew into a social girl. She still was an artsy girl, but she also managed to keep with the "in" crowd. Her connection to Arturo as a star football and soccer player didn't hurt her in that regard either. The siblings, though separated by a couple years, still were as close as ever.

However, money eventually leads to problems. Miranda's parents divorced when Miri was eleven. It seemed Santiago had found a "new love" back in Mexico. And rather than fight over the children Arturo went back to Mexico with their father while Miri stayed with their mother, but moved to live with her grandparents for a time. It wasn't the happiest of times for her.

Miranda continued to keep herself immersed in her school life and stay with the popular crowd even after the move. However, she could tell they wouldn't want to hang around her if she started moping over the distance between her and Arturo. They'd write to each other, but that took time and international phone calls cost a lot of money. It hurt and the only way that Miri could express her pain was in her art. In her spare time, Miri worked hard to create art that could show her loneliness and pain from being separated from Arturo.

[SIZE= 20px]When she finally started up high school, Miri had transferred again. She was finally living with her mother after the divorce had been settled. Her mother had money enough to take care of Miri and keep her up with the lifestyle she'd been living. At first, Miranda was treated like any other C-lister. She was a freshman and that was that, but she quickly made her way into the crowd of A-listers because of her ability to connect with them easily. Money had a way of making bonds after all.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]That start to her school life looked great for Miri. She had friends and her and Arturo were able to talk more because money wasn't a problem. Her life was once again looking good, but she'd already forgotten the lesson from so long ago. Money causes problems. During the summer between her freshman and sophomore years, Arturo was killed by the Cartel. Santiago had racked up a debt with them and when he couldn't pay, they decided to show him what happened.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Miranda spiraled into a depression when she found out. The person closest to her was gone and now nobody truly could understand her. She hated herself and the world for a time. She blamed herself for not convincing her mom to bring Arturo back, but eventually she found a new place to put the blame. Money had caused all their problems. That need to be in fashion, that desire to buy whatever they wanted, it all motivated everything. And worst of call, money is what made them kill Arturo. When she returned to school her sophomore year, Miranda abandoned keeping up with fashion and just started ignoring the people that she once hung out with. She didn't want to be a prep or a royal. She was going to be that one art chick that nobody really could get close to and that was fine for her.[/SIZE]
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Isaac Capello.jpg


Isaac Ferdinand Capello


Izzy or Chef

Birth Date:

December 14, 1999


[SIZE= 20px]16[/SIZE]





Relationship Status:





[SIZE= 20px]B-Lister[/SIZE]

In Depth Appearance:

[SIZE= 20px]Isaac is a fairly large individual at 6'2" and weighing in at 195 pounds. He didn't exactly inherit much from his Italian father, but it does show up slightly in his skin tone. His curly dark brown hair and emerald green eyes come together with his muscular physique to give him an attractiveness that he doesn't want nor really care about. His style is entirely t-shirts, sneakers, and jeans that someone could find at Wally-World. He has no piercings or tattoos because he can't afford them.[/SIZE]



[SIZE= 20px]Exercise[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Smoking[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Parties[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Company[/SIZE]


Being pitied

[SIZE= 20px]Spending a lot of money[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Alcohol[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Public Displays of Affection[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Being stereotyped[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Isaac will examine and bite his fingernails when disinterested or bored[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]He cracks his knuckles every few minutes[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Isaac critiques the cafeteria food every day[/SIZE]



Working out

Learning new recipes


His mom working herself to death

Not getting into a culinary school


+Passionate +Confident +Frugal | -Stubborn -Brutally Honest -Irritable

Isaac is very wise about how much money he spends and takes cost into consideration for EVERYTHING, however he's very good at spending little to achieve a lot. He knows what shops have the best deals for food, drink, and party supplies and works with people to make things happen. However, this frugality comes with a stubbornness to spend excess money than he has to. Even if it means he has to walk an extra three blocks, he will do it to save thirty cents on a loaf of bread.

Isaac is aware of his looks and carries himself with that level of confidence that he's earned form his hard work paying off. He's the kind of guy that people are drawn to because of the way he carries himself rather than for what he says. That's because what he says doesn't really have a filter. Isaac, if you ask him a question, will answer it with an unbiased brutal response. If he thinks you're dating a tool and you ask him about the guy, he'll say just that. He lacks the tact required to give advice that doesn't hurt, but the advice is normally pretty solid.

[SIZE= 20px]There is no short of passion or drive in Isaac. When he start to do something he puts everything behind it and gives 100%. It's like putting a train on the tracks, saying "get to X" as fast as you can and watching it blaze off at full speed the whole way there. He doesn't stop until he succeeds or hits an impassible road block at which point he looses his cool. Isaac's temper and irritable nature are due to stress and although he does have a coping mechanism, he can't use it at school. At least not openly.[/SIZE]

Place of Origin:

New York City, New York


[SIZE= 20px]Isaac was born the child of Marcus Capello and Margaret Capello in New York City, New York. His family was middle class but didn't have much troubles. They enjoyed life in the city and their apartment was located near all kinds of things for Isaac to do with friends. However, Isaac's dad vanished off the face of the Earth one day, leaving Margaret to raise ten-year-old Isaac by herself.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]They quickly left the apartment as they couldn't make rent in the city and Isaac had to change schools. Their life wasn't easy as Margaret had to work two jobs and was still barely making ends meet. With no other choice, tween Isaac stepped up and started using the internet at school to learn how to cook and take care of himself. Cooking however, turned into a passion for Isaac. He loved making foods and creating new dishes with different ingredients. However, due to his financial situation he couldn't splurge. So Isaac learned the tricks of shopping. He'd collect coupons, explore multiple stores until he knew almost all their prices, regular deals and how to manage his shopping time efficiently.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Travelling as much as he would for bargains though, demanded that Isaac get into shape. So for the sake of his home life, he did it. He put everything into taking care of himself. Between managing funds, his health and the house's cleanliness, it was only natural that his mom would notice the changes. She confronted him about all of his antics one day and wept when he said that he was doing it to help her. She was his mother and here he was sacrificing part of his childhood for her. She knew she couldn't change because bills still had to be paid, but she decided that she'd at least make sure that she could help him go to culinary school like he mentioned once or twice. She picked up a third job and now is hardly seen at home.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Isaac was thankful for his mom's sacrifice and takes care of a lot of the things at home. Groceries, cleaning, managing the family budget, and preparing meals for himself and his mother. This also has given Isaac a lot of free time to explore new things, which has included smoking and going to parties. He knows that smoking is bad for his health, but it relieves the stress of managing his household's money and everything else. Isaac is thankful for his life here at Saint Mary's as it's a break form his home life and a chance to really live rather than being an adult.[/SIZE]
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