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Realistic or Modern SAILOR BADASS [characters]



Acclaimed* Light Novel Author Tatami Enjo
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Magical Girl Name:
Nicknames: (optional)
Age: (21 or over is preferred)
Spirit Fish Bond: (basically the fish your magical girl is themed after)
Transformation Trinket:

Civilian Skills:
Magical Girl Powers:
Magical Girl Weapons/Gear:


Civilian Appearance: (written or image)
Magical Girl Appearance: (written or image)

Three Miscellaneous Facts:
Theme Song: (optional)
Name: Eden 'Yorkshire Valkyrie' Jemrikson
Magical Girl Name: Fishhook
Nicknames: Garden of Eden (She's not afraid to throw people of her life and/or house), Edie ("Do not call me that."), Eve, Rikson.
Age: 31
Sexuality: Bisexual
Spirit Fish Bond: Tiger Shark
Transformation Trinket: A shark tooth inlaid with ink patterns and a sliver of aquamarine.

Civilian Skills: Gemsmithing (Family Business/Background), Hand-to-Hand Combat (Boxing: Brawler Style), Driving, Fine Motor Skills/Hand-Eye Coordination (See: Gemsmithing)
Magical Girl Powers: Increased Upper Body Strength, Serrated Fins on Back of Hands, Electroreception, Increased Speed on Land and Water (especially water).
Magical Girl Weapons/Gear: A modern navy outfit with tights, armoured forearms and fingerless gauntlets with knuckledusters and space for the fin.

Personality: A loudmouth who knows what she's doing and where that'll get her. Her background in smithing has taught her patience and her longtime hobby of competitive boxing has when to lose her patience and how to go about countering and opponent. Eden has a child of 9 in full-time education and this is one of the only facts that keeps her somewhat mellow but she is prone to outbursts from time to time, dealt with during fights.

Calm until she's not, analytical until she's dishing out hits and mothering to any but her enemies.

Civilian Appearance: Eden is no pushover with a slim, toned build and a standing of 6'5" but she wouldn't look it from close up. Her kind expression is usually there, with baby-blue eyes and bleached snowy-white hair, normally blonde. She has borderline Valkyrie/Viking features, with a central, thin nose, high cheekbones, rounded jawline and clear, fair skin. An appearance that she and her family are proud of.
Magical Girl Appearance: Essentially the same except for her normal blonde hair, shark teeth and her costume.

Three Miscellaneous Facts:
1. Her birthday is the 8th August.
2. She is a second generation Danish immigrant and first lived in York, England before the RP setting.
3. She won a middle-heavyweight boxing title at the age of 17, her only boxing title but proudest achievement.
- "Call me 'Edie' again and I'll break your nose." (Eden, age 15)
- "I'm the fucking Yorkshire Valkyrie, fight me!" (Eden, age 19)
- "I've only had my son for a year, but if anything happened to him I'd kill everyone in the room and then myself." (Eden, age 23)
- "That's a cool shark tooth, wonder how much it costs..." (Eden, a minute before getting roped into this shit.)
Theme Song: Ride of the Valkyries - Richard Wagner
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Name: Esther Greenburg
Magical Girl Name: Magen (Hebrew for shield)
Nicknames: (optional)
Age: 28
Sexuality: Straight
Spirit Fish Bond: Ostraciidae
Transformation Trinket: An amulet with a brown and white spotted pattern on a white gold chain

Civilian Skills: Knitting, Metalwork( crafting jewelry), gymnastics, CQC
Magical Girl Powers: Scale armor that forms over skin when attacked, Poisonous secretions through the skin when nervous or threatened, Ability to withstand increased pressure
Magical Girl Weapons/Gear: A Dark Green gymnastics outfit and a large shield that can separate into two bladed weapons

Personality: Esther is a quiet woman who tries to keep to herself as much as she can as people have a habit of talking over her and she is very soft spoken. Her parents and older sister are much more boisterous than she is and she has a habit of getting lost in the shuffle. She likes to work on her metalcraft and has an etsy account where she gets steady work. She prefers her busy work as it makes her feel grounded in the real world. Otherwise she can get lost in her books, dreaming of far off places and protecting the things that she cares most about. She has a habit of stress drinking, of which happens a lot since she stresses out about many things in her life.

Civilian Appearance: Standing at 5'10'', she is not a short woman by any means. She has long luscious brown hair and beautiful brown eyes with a slightly larger nose that comes to a tip just above gorgeous lips that she keeps colored with a slightly darker skin tone lipstick to offset her pale complexion.
Magical Girl Appearance: Her skin gets covered in brown spots with a slight scaly complexion. Otherwise she looks the same

Three Miscellaneous Facts: 1. Her favorite anime is Fruits Basket
2. She is a 3rd generation American Jew
3. Her father is an inventor, her mother is a scientist and her sister is a soldier
"I just wanted to say, thanks."
"Did you want it in green or some other color?"
"Wait, what is wrong with you?"
Theme Song:
Name: Avelline Syradon Von-Kerriskyach

Magical Girl Name: Pastel Mantis

Nicknames: The Mad Vodka Bastard, The Pastel Brawler, Blood and Vodka, Ava, Lina

Age: 21

Sexuality: Admits nothing(Lesbian)

Spirit Fish Bond: Peacock Mantis Shrimp

Transformation Trinket: Her left eye. She was missing her left eye before she received her trinket. The eye itself is intended to be styled after the eyes on the eye stalks of the peacock mantis shrimp, although accuracy is questionable.

Civilian Skills: Fighting, particularly bar brawls. She has some training in a few proper disciplines but her actual fighting style is best described as filthy and to the point. Generally the safe assumption is that literally no strategy or point of attack is beneath her. She is also an extremely skilled driver and knows how to handle everything from motorcycles to semi-trucks. She knows how to handle most styles of boats and most civilian grade aircraft as well. If you need to get somewhere or fight something, she’s your girl. If you need most anything else there might be a problem.

Magical Girl Powers:

  • Pastelification/Peacocking: Blood she spills or bleeds herself does not hold it’s grim appearance for very long, instead becoming pastel, and being absorbed. She heals and self sustains from this blood, although the effect is negligible from her own blood. This stains her skin pastel for as long as she remains in her transformed form
  • Hammer Strike: This is essentially just a modification effect she can apply to her own strikes. If she reaches into her magical power when she is attacking with a punch for example, it will move faster and strike much harder. This is however not her baseline strength or speed, and it is something that she has to actively use on individual blows. She can also use this through weapons, but while her body is mostly protected from the backlash of this kind of strike, weapons she uses are not. It is particularly worth noting that the protection this ability provides is limited. She can deliver blows that would shatter the limb of a normal person just from the force involved, and while the worst of it doesn’t reach her she still must bear some of that strain.
  • Growing Rage: At her transformed baseline she is overall stronger, but it’s not a hugely dramatic effect. As she fights and gets both angrier and more utterly involved in the fighting she gets stronger and stronger. She also gets more durable. This is slightly more complicated than a single direction buff however. Anger and pain amp her up, along with more simple bloodlust and battle-joy. Other emotions can rather more variant and unpredictable effects.
  • Eyestalk/Hypersensory: When transformed her eye becomes functional. She keeps it covered still because this goes rather too far by half. It lets her see well beyond normal human ranges, and even beyond her shellfish counterpart’s abilities into magical ranges as well. It is dizzying, distracting, and incredibly hard to manage. When she does use it there is one extra thing she can do with it, which is essentially to project her sight on a non-visible stalk, allowing her more versatility with this vision. However this is even worse, with the added effect of the difficult to manage displacement and double sight of her vision.
Magical Girl Weapons/Gear: As it stands she has no weapons or even significant armoring, preferring to fight like the bare knuckle bar brawler she is.

Personality: There are two main first impressions that you might get from Ava. If you meet her in a calm moment when she is distracted or doing something peaceful she would likely seem tiny and adorable, clad in pastel and frills. If you met her in one of the shady bars she frequents that first impression wouldn’t last very long at all. Her hobby and favorite pastime is getting drunk and starting bar fights. She has accumulated a number of titles/epithets, and is fairly well known in the class of bar she likes, but most only kick her out when the fighting gets a little too destructive. Her money is too good to remove her on sight after all. In a fight she is vicious and efficient, happily antagonizing as many people as she can. She generally stops when she can’t go on or she runs out of opponents.

Being fair, aside from being an alcoholic overly fighty adrenaline junky, she is a lot nicer than she seems. The main problem is she is absolutely terrible at showing it and has absolutely no clue how to exist at rest. If she isn’t eating, sleeping, fighting, working out or driving she tends to get bored in about a half an hour and make her own entertainment. It doesn’t help that she doesn’t really eat or sleep as much as she should. Nor does it particularly help that she doesn’t really know how to talk to people, especially pretty people. The only socialization she really gets is drinking and fighting, the language of bar brawlers. It can be hard to tell considering her usual demeanor, but she can be very shy, especially when it comes to people she actually likes. She isn’t really comfortable outside of what she knows, and that doesn’t cover a lot. A last key point is that she has a protective streak a mile wide that applies to basically anyone she gets at all attached to and all innocents.

Civilian Appearance: At the surface level she appears distinctly unthreatening. She is around four foot seven and consistently dresses in frilly pastel dresses, the fancier the better. Even her eyepatch is pastel. If one is paying attention there are signs pointing towards her nature. Specifically danger signs. She is distinctly muscled and has more than a few scars. She also carries herself like a fighter and moves with distinct confidence in dangerous situations. Her right eye is a cold blue and her hair is dyed bubblegum pink. The most common kind of scar she has are broken glass scars, which are sprinkled liberally over her arms, legs and torso. Her nose and face are comparatively untouched, although there are traces of scars around her eye patch. She has a few knife scars here and there, but the only one that shows under usual circumstances is a subtle one under her jaw and along the side of her throat.

Magical Girl Appearance: She remains much the same when transformed, except her usual ambient levels of colorfulness are amped up even more. Her hair in particular becomes a dizzyingly colorful array and tends to fluff out. As her power’s come online and are used this effect gets more pronounced, with her skin becoming a riotous array.

Three Miscellaneous Facts: She has a chunk of inherited wealth that has allowed her to live as she has.

She is half russian, half ??? American orphan.

At present she has no family and no friends besides a few drinking and/or fighting buddies here and there.


“Bring it M**********rs” (Said to a biker gang in a roadside bar, age 17)

“Let’s go, right now.” (Said to somebody who questioned whether she should be drinking, age 15)

“......” (Said to the pretty bartender who bought her a drink when she went to a bar with her real id for the first time. Blushing was involved, although surprisingly, no fighting, age 21)

Theme Song:
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Name: Janet Johnston
Magical Girl Name
: Pretty Scout Pufferfish Cure
: Momma JJ
Age: 28
Sexuality: Bisexual
Spirit Fish Bond: Pufferfish
Transformation Trinket: A pufferfish-shaped hair barrette

Civilian Skills:
= Hair styling
= Singing
= Playing piano pieces solely by ear
Magical Girl Powers: Due to being bonded with the pufferfish, Janet has the power to inject people, animals, and monsters with a slow-working poison using her fingernails.
Magical Girl Weapons/Gear:
= Pretty Puffer Assault Rifle- An assault rifle that fires extremely pointy bullets, almost like darts, that contain a slow-working poison.
= Big Fuckin' Stick- Just a big fuckin' stick, perfect for beating the shit out of monsters. It has a barb at both ends that contain the same slow-working poison as the Pretty Puffer Assault Rifle.

Personality: Deadpan, sex-obsessed, and used to getting what she wants. Janet has become bored with her sex life; no matter what fetish she tries out, or tries appealing to, she always comes out of the bedroom feeling unsatisfied. She's a good listener and a terrible tease, but kind of awful at discerning the deeper emotional desires of her friends and romantic partners, or divulging her own. She has a bad habit of whistling Michael Jackson songs at inappropriate times.

Civilian Appearance:
Magical Girl Appearance:

As a magical girl, she looks basically like this, except everything green is yellow, and she has a big pufferfish hair barrette on the side of her hair. And she's still dark-skinned.

Three Miscellaneous Facts:
= Janet once chugged an entire bottle of barbecue sauce and threw up for three days afterward. Since then, she has had a major aversion to the stuff.
= She breathes cigarette smoke and drinks beer like water.
= She works as a hairdresser.
= "I'd bone me."
= "Oh baby, do that again. That's hot."
= "That, uh... that's a thing. That is most definitely a thing."
= "But can I fuck it?"
Theme Song: Smooth Criminal

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