Safe House


RIP Doctor Calgori (2012-2017)

This roleplay is dedicated to my friend, because of his love for American foreign policy and affairs.

The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) have been looking for Ferris White for almost 20 years. He has only appeared twice. Once in Alexandria, Egypt and once in Berlin, Germany. He is unofficially the one most wanted man in the world. If he were to appear again, the agency would chase him with all they got. But what they don't realize, is that they're not the only ones looking for him.

Approximately 8 pm.

Luleå, northern Sweden, 1985.

"Gentlemen, I assume you have thought this through. Your presence here is final, there is no going back." He said, a smile now breaking out across his face. Six men had gathered, only one of them he knew. "I will be honest with you, I feel uneasy. How long will this take?" The tallest and very slim Russian said. He was standing at the end of the table. Ferris looked him right in the eye and put both his hands down on the table. "You are about the betray the second most powerful nation in the world, you have a reason to feel... uneasy". Everyone was silent. The Russian stared right into Ferris eyes. They stood there, no one saying a word, staring right into each others eyes. Suddenly the Russian started laughing, as if he had just realized that Ferris was about to betray his nation as well and gave as much of a crap about his country as he did. They all joined in and after the laughing had settled Ferris said, "Gentlemen, have a seat." Ferris studied the eight men as they pulled out their chairs from underneath the table and sat down. There were high ranking officials from most of the worlds notable Agencies here. The CIA, KGB, MI6, MI5, DCRI, MSS and STASI, for the first time, they stand united. The room was a small one, because they all had their chairs out, you could impossibly get to the other side. The house was a accommodation address he had been secretly using. It was situated outside a small town in northern Sweden, no one would look for them here. He had remained standing while they got seated. He waited for them to stop talking about old security operations and agency policies. After a while they all went quiet and looked up at him, like bored children, asking their parents to tell them what to do. He looked at the Russian and gave him a sinister smile, signaling to him that, this is it! "Gentlemen, have you brought the material?". "Yes!" They all responded together, while they each let out a laugh. He laughed to, not with them, but at them and he couldn't stop. When the men stopped laughing he continued, at first they found it amusing, but then they slowly realized that something was wrong. He could see how their facial expressions shifted from hopeful, cute, little smiles to confused grins. It was the faces of men who knew what was coming, but couldn't understand why. He couldn't stop laughing because the look of Case Officer Barnaby face when he realizes that five high ranking officials from all the most powerful agencies around the world have been murdered in a house that is now days known as an old CIA safe house and that the American traitor had betrayed his country by selling classified information. But eventually he managed to get himself together. As he was about to explain the cruel fate that awaited these five men, the Russian stood up. "I don't have much time, my daughter is getting married." He then reached for his jacket pocket and pulled out a silenced .45 Makarov, aiming it directly at Ferris.

Ferris was stunned. "I'm being played?" He said to him self. The Englishman from the MI6 shouted "I

thought you searched him!?". "I did!" He shouted back, while a cold chill found it's way down his spine. Just as Ferris was realizing that he was going to die, the Russian pointed the gun at the Englishman and said, "I never liked you anyway". He then quickly shot the Englishman in the head. Realizing what was happening Ferris grabbed his own gun, and before he knew it, five men laid dead.

Ferris looked at the Russian and said, "Don't ever do that again."

"Don't worry my friend, I don't think it likely that we'll ever meet again." The Russian responded.

"Never say never Ruski, never say never." They both laughed and started to search the bodies of their fallen foes, looking for the information disks...

Today the incident is know as the 855 crisis. It was a major political scandal and eventually led to three East German CIA Agents being assassinated. Even since that, they the CIA have been looking for code name "Illusion", Ferris White.

May 2nd, 2012 - 3.14 am.

M street, Georgetown, Washington, District of Columbia, USA.

CIA Director Erwin Allen woke up to the sound of his cellphone ringing. Calls he received during nighttime had a different, louder ringtone. It sounded like a fire alarm.

Lucky, I wasn't CIA Director when I was married

, he thought. He had been married twice, one lasted sixteen years, the other only two. He quickly sat up on his bed after a second of doubt and reached for his iPhone that was placed in a "docking station" on the nightstand in front of him. He took a deep breath and slapped himself with both hands in his face before answering, imagining it would make him sound sharper. He answered the call and placed the phone against his ear while at the same time resting on his leg with his elbow.

"Yes?" he answered, trying his best to sound as if he was already awake.

"Sir?" the man responded, "We have a situation."

"Threatcon and Clearance?" he asked as he stood up and walked towards the chair where he had put his clothes before he went to bed.

"Threatcon normal and clearance is top secret." Erwin stopped for a second to think. He knew that the combination of a low threatcon and a high clearance meant this was a agency problem. It also meant he couldn't get any information out of the telephone operator. He hurried to put on his pants as he asked,

"Is Morelli in?" Sue Morelli was the Deputy Director and usually worked these hours.

"Yes sir, Mrs. Morelli arrive..." He cut the operator off.

"I'm on my way." and hung up. As he hung up and placed the phone in his left jacket pocket, he hurried to the mirror to take a quick look at himself. He eyed down his every feature,

it doesn't matter if we're at war with China, the CIA Director has to look good

. He was a average size man with a thin face and ears standing out. The newspapers called him the "white Obama" because of their similar body features. He was wearing his 1450 dollar, dark blue, Hickey-Freeman suit. His entire wardrobe consisted of Hickey-Freeman and the occasional, H-Huntsman suit. When he was done gloating over his appearance he proceeded downstairs and out on the street.

It was dark and raining heavily, he realized that he had forgot to bring his umbrella. This annoyed him

because he didn't have time to go back and get it. "It isn't often you get to see an empty M street," he said to himself. The darkness concealed most of his surroundings but he still got the warm feeling from seeing Georgetown's, glowing, orange and red cobblestone. He spotted his beautiful silver blue, 2013 Ford Mustang parked next to the sidewalk and smiled. What he loved about cars wasn't the car itself, it was the money he knew he spent on it, 26,200 dollars. He sighed and started running down the stairs, trying to keep his suit as dry as possible. As he was approaching, he unlocked the car with his "smart key" and it flashed it's lights twice. He got in, started the engines and drove off.

May 2nd, 2012 - 3.41 am.

George Bush Center for Intelligence, Langley, Virginia, USA.

He got out of the car and gave the keys to the valet parking girl. It had stopped raining and it wasn't as dark. He was standing outside the back entrance of the "George Bush Center for Intelligence", or as it was commonly known, "Langley". It was from here he worked every day, commanding over 20,000 employees and 2243 active agents and officers abroad. As he was about to start walking towards the entrance he heard a voice shouting behind him.

"Sir!" he immedietly recognized it as Chief of Human Resources, George Harrison. He turned around and saw the tall, handsome young man come running towards him.

"Yes?!" he shouted back, wondering what the hell Harrison was doing running around in the rain. It took a while for Harrison to catch his breath.

He must have ran a long way to get to me

, he thought, because the man looked like he was in good shape. When Harrison finally got himself together he said, "It's Ferris White sir, the president has been notified."

"What?!" Erwin shouted in surprise, sounding like he was angry at the poor guy.

Harrison responded, "Mrs. Morelli has requested that you get to the..."

"...situation room," he said, cutting Harrison off with his strict voice. They stood there quiet for a moment.

"Exactly," Harrison said, breaking the silence. Erwin started walking towards the entrance, Harrison was not far behind even though he was almost running to keep up with the director, Erwin had a ferocious pace.

"Where did he turn up?" he asked.

"Marrakesh sir," Harrison responded.


"Yes sir." They had arrived at the door and had to wait for surveillance to identify them, this was the highest security entrance. Many had complained about the ineffectiveness of the back entrance, but Erwin knew the value of being overly cautious. When entering Langley you would first be identified in your car, if you tried to enter by any other means you would be shot by the 122 man strike force positioned here. "What if they manage to sneak in?" a woman he had met in a bar had once asked him. If he would've been sober he would probably not had told her that there are laser detectors everywhere and he wouldn't have told her, "That's why there are signs telling visitors to not walk in the surrounding vegetation."

After a brief wait the doors automatically opened and they stepped inside. It wasn't far to the situation

room from the back entrance, they started walking through the sparkling, clinically clean halls. The inside of Langley was white, yes white everywhere. The walls were white, the floors were white and the furniture was mostly white. He hated it, every time he left his office it felt like his eyes were burning, but it was suppose to spread some kind of "positive atmosphere".

Even the god damn ceiling is white

. The corridor from the back entrance led to the huge main hall of "section C". Even in the middle of the night, there were people everywhere. The main hall had four giant pillars in each corner of the room. In the middle there were a group of sofas and armchairs. In the far right corner there were a small cafeteria with tables and chairs, it was unmanned during nighttime. Entering the hall they took a left following the wall and into another corridor. At the muzzle of the corridor there was a guard post, but they just passed through. The director of the CIA rarely needed to identify himself anywhere. They walked down the corridor, Erwin looked into the only office widow with it's blinds up, but it was empty. "They should turn off the lights when they leave." he said, looking at Harrison. That was one of the things he could do as director, demand answers by staring at a person.

"Erhm... I agree." Harrison responded. They arrived at the double doors leading into the main situation room. There were smaller rooms like these all over the building, but when situations like these occurred it was best to get as many people in the same place as possible. As he slammed the door open the quiet of the halls turned into the unbearable sound of crisis. People talking, shouting and typing,

a nuthouse

. The room was about 120 meters tall and wide, everywhere people were sitting in front of computers and taking into their headsets. Harrison had already started walking towards the next double doors that lead into the smaller room where Erwin's team should have gathered. Erwin navigated his way through the sea of researchers, cryptographists and telephone operators. He slammed the double doors open and everyone in the room turned to see who had entered,

that's how you make an entrance


"Alright ladies, I want Whites file on screen one, available strike teams on two and all Marrakesh safe houses on three! Tonight we bring this bastard in!"

Will Ferris White be captured? Are the CIA the only one looking for him? Gather your strength, ammunition and charm. You're bringing in Ferris White! Where you bring him, that's up to you...

Safe House... a Roleplay based on the movie with the same name, this is a original story, only the idea comes from the movie. This roleplay will be freeform. The reason for that is, that I haven't tried it out yet and find it interesting and exciting. It will not be a "all action" roleplay, we will be focusing on all kinds of elements but you can expect a good amount of car chases, shootouts, rooftop chases, fistfights and a lot more. If you want to run it with me, tell me, and you shall be welcomed!


Stating the obvious: No superpowers, keep everything realistic.

Requested Roles: Safe house guard dog. Basically a low rank, low experience person guarding a safe house in Morocco, alone.

CIA: If you want to play as a employee of the CIA there are some suggestions bellow:

  • CIA Operative (Someone working in a "strike team" force, like a swat team)
  • CIA Case Officer (Commonly known as the "CIA Spy", works alone on a need to know basis. The Case Officers main job is to recruit CIA Agents and gather intelligence)
  • CIA Agent (The CIA Agent is a foreigner recruited by a Operations/Case Officer to provide intelligence, these agents are never employees of the CIA)

Non CIA:If you want to play as someone without direct ties to the CIA you will have to create a character that has a good motive and ability to fit into the story.

These are just suggestions, I look forward to seeing what types of characters you can come up with.






Current profession(s)/occupation(s):

Previous profession(s)/occupation(s):



Positives: Good habits, skills.

Negatives: Bad habits, inabilities.


Ethical code:


You should join this roleplay if you like:

  • Realistic, real life roleplay
  • Action
  • Spies
  • Traveling the world



This is my own version of the CIA Hierarchy, I researched the real one so it's pretty close to real life. All the hierarchy names are real, the people are made up.

Director: Erwin Allen

Deputy Director: Sue Morelli

Associate Deputy Director: Michael Dumonte

Chief of Staff: John Miller

Chief of Human Resources: George Harrison

Chief of Military Resources: Herbert Brewer


Deputy - Associate

Chief of Staff

Executive Staff - Operations Center - Development Center - Public Affairs - General Counsel

Secretariat - Strategy Management - Foreign Relations - | - Military Intelligence - Foreign Intelligence - | - Congressional Affairs - Foreign Affairs

This is still a work in progress, just thought I should put it out there to see if there was any general interest. Criticize me! I rather have you post a raging reply lacking any constructive criticism than not post at all. Opinions and suggestions are welcomed!

People that have shown interest:

Doctor Calgori


$FREE BONUS$ - CIA Terminology - Safe House Movie - Swedish Reindeer Clock - $FREE BONUS$

Knight said:
Sounds great im interested
[QUOTE="Doctor Calgori]I'd be interested in this as well :]
See? I read it!


I have now updated this, and added more story. I'm still working on the story and characters, please provide your opinion on anything, it really helps.

EDIT: Can someone tell me how to fix the double spoiler thing? Stupid text editor is so buggy.
medelsvensson said:
I have now updated this, and added more story. I'm still working on the story and characters, please provide your opinion on anything, it really helps.

EDIT: Can someone tell me how to fix the double spoiler thing? Stupid text editor is so buggy.
I fixed it for you, you had alignment bbcode looped with the closing spoiler tag. To see a post's coding just click on the A/a at the top right of the text editor.

How many players are you looking for?
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]I fixed it for you, you had alignment bbcode looped with the closing spoiler tag. To see a post's coding just click on the A/a at the top right of the text editor.
How many players are you looking for?

Thanks man, I'm looking for 4+ players.

EDIT: I fixed all the coding now. In the process of doing so I might have screwed up the text, tell me if you find anything.
medelsvensson said:
Thanks man, I'm looking for 4-1000 players.
You let me know so I can approve the game and send you on your way to the backstage for your RP creating process/banner.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]You let me know so I can approve the game and send you on your way to the backstage for your RP creating process/banner.

Understood. Could I have it changed to awaiting players?

Added hierarchy and a banner (WIP) and more story, it's almost finished.
As it has been almost 10 days since anyone posted here, I figured I might give it a bump :)

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