• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern —s.ɪ.ɴ—



give 'em hell, kid.

In Character Roleplay

Welcome to S.I.N.!


This is the main room, where you will gather for announcements or events. Today, we are welcoming our newest recruits. There will be a speech, given by Henry, followed by a few shorter speeches by Alex, Crimsyn, Cassandra, Valentin, Nina, and Allen. All in all, it's a fairly formal matter, but after the speeches the crowd will disperse, and mingling will commence. There is food and drink (no alcohol). Or perhaps you wanna take the chance to head to the gym area to get out some frustrations. Either way, you are not allowed back to your rooms until close to bedtime. Today is considered a "free day". No assignments, no [formal] training. Also, no using your power to hurt another S.I.N. member.


links: ♫.
Interest Check | ♫. Character Sheets | ♫. Extra/Lore

(everything here was coded and written by apolla apolla , i'm just reposting it cuz effort is lame)
❖ C R I M S Y N ❖

LOCATION | main roomMOOD | curiousWITH | most of s.i.n

A mischievous grin tugged at the corners of Crimsyn's mouth as he watched a number of new recruits milling about in the main room, many of whom seemed rather clueless.

They were, of course, gathered for the speeches, most of which Crimsyn had every intention of tuning out. Assassins were generally not known for their stage presence, and it really showed on days like these. Boo-ring.

The dark figures of his twin Valentin and the shadow demon boy Damien stood out amongst the more lively crowd, and Crimsyn rolled his eyes. He was sure they were plotting the most effective way of making some poor newbie's life hell... it would hardly be the first time they'd done such a thing.

Indeed, some of the higher-ranking agents at S.I.N had a bit of a disdain for the new recruits. Crimsyn was not one of them however, he treated newbies with a respect that boredered on friendship. Allies were allies as far as he was concerned, and everyone had to start somewhere.

Noticing a few of the more timid fresh faces looking his way, Crimsyn offered them a smile and waved in their direction.

"Hey, welcome to S.I.N," he offered, "anything you wanna know before all the boring talking stuff starts up?"
code by spookie spookie
((pretend she's wearing a white shirt in this lol))
Gwendolyn's eyes scanned the crowd, tearing her attention away from the piping hot mug of coffee she had been sipping. It was bad enough she had to sit through another one of these meetings, but yet again she hardly managed to sleep a wink the night before. But, she was smiling to those she made eye contact with nonetheless, offering small inclines of her head when they passed by her. She had been leaning against one wall of the main room, a leg crossed over the other, biding her time until this boring lecture started. Some fresh faced newbies had been wandering about the room, and she regarded some with the same smiles and pleasant gestures. Lazily turning her head to look about the room, her eyes caught the visages of the infamous twin brothers, glazing over their frames with half-hooded eyes. Strange beings, they were. So harmonious but so different from each other. She often wondered what it was like being a Level 1, like them, and how they came here. For the most part, everyone was so young, but had already done unbelievable things. It intrigued her.

What little secrets are you two keeping, hmm? She thought, raising the mug to her lips again. When Crimsyn made his way over to some of the newbies, Gwen scoffed to herself with a chuckle. It would only be a matter of time before the more seasoned members got a hold of them; Better to let them in on that fact sooner rather than later. Either way, they'd find their place here, or they wouldn't. It was that simple. Gwen could only hope it was the latter. She often dreaded the idea of having to endure the sniveling drivel of new recruits, only to have them squander the opportunity laid out for them on a silver platter. Of course, it's not as if she didn't understand-- Why, it was quite the opposite. But considering most of her time here was spent as their prisoner, she knew these people weren't to be trifled with. If anything, they could learn so much.

She approached Crimsyn at his side, one hand gently gripping her coffee and the other shoved into the pocket of her grey sweatpants. She regarded her superior with a respectful nod, looking to the others with a small, mischievous grin resting on her lips. Gwen wasn't a trouble maker per se, but she did enjoy getting inside peoples heads, so to speak. Anything to make it clear she, like the monolith that was S.I.N, was not to be trifled with either. If she ends up making some friends along the way, all the better. It was hard to trust people in this place, but it was worth suffering through pleasantries if it meant getting a little insight as to who these people were, and what they were about.

"Hello there. I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting, have we?" She said smoothly,
"So good to see some new personalities about. How are you faring?"
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"Caleb, you should come." Lyla leaned against the weight machine her brother like figure lay on, swiveling her head in his direction. "They're newcomers, like you were once. Like I was a year ago." Appealing to Caleb wasn't an easy task, but he'd taken pity on her once before, so she thought that maybe she could convince him now.

No such luck. "Not a chance." He responded, barely sparing her a glance as he let go of the weights. They clanked loudly against the others, the sound echoing in the large room. "Why do I care about the newcomers?"

"You cared about me once." Lyla shrugged, pushing herself off of the machine. She remembered her first day in SIN very well, even if the events leading up to her waking up in the white room were a little cloudy. She'd been running from someone, and over her year here she came to remember the someone was the police. She'd just robbed a little convenience store, making her way to freedom with two bags full of cigarettes for her roommates, and a case of beer.

On her way down a hill, she'd tripped. The beer had fallen to the ground, a couple of the bottles shattering as they hit the ground. Packs of cigarettes went flying, and Lyla herself felt her ankle twist as she crashed to the ground, rolling the rest of the way down the hill towards where the car sat parked, half in shadows. She heard the engine start and tires squeal as the car sped off, leaving her there to be discovered.

That's the last thing she remembered.

When she woke up, she'd been in the white room. White sheets, white walls, white everything. The only thing of color in the room was a silver chair, sitting occupied by an almost middle aged man. He introduced himself as Alex, and he welcomed her to SIN. She still remembered his words, the echo of them still chilling her to the core.

"Welcome to SIN, Lyla. You are dead."

But, as it turns out, she wasn't dead. Just according to the rest of the world, outside of SIN. They'd faked her death and brought her here, wanting to use her. It was her second chance, Alex explained, and she took it. They'd left her in the white room until the newcomers ceremony, where she was formally introduced to everyone on a makeshift stage in the main area of SIN.

And now, a year later, she would be on the other side of it.

"That's different." She heard Caleb say. Their gazes met for a moment, multi-colored hazel meeting forest green. She could tell there wouldn't be any changing his mind.

Lyla sighed, turning away from him. "Fine, fine. Don't break anything, okay?" She heard him scoff, but when she looked back in his direction, he was smirking as he went to wipe his face with his towel. A small smile tugged at her own lips as she slipped out of the gym, making her way down the hall towards the ceremony.

Tags: n/a


code by apolla apolla


"Not a chance." Caleb finished up his reps, releasing the cord and letting the weights clank together as they met. Rule number one in the gym that no one followed: don't let the weights smack against each other. Lyla barely flinched at the loud sound, and Caleb had to hand it to her. She'd come very far in her year here at SIN, and he was proud of her.

Not that he'd admit that out loud.

Pushing himself to a standing position, he reached for his water bottle, bringing the opening to his lips and tilting the container back. The ice cold water felt nothing short of refreshing passing through his mouth, and he downed half the bottle before setting it back down.

"You cared about me once."

Caleb paused in reaching for his towel, grimacing. Snatching the white cloth from the ground, he straightened and cast her a sideways glance. It wasn't the same thing, and she knew that. "That's different." He told her, pressing the towel to his face and scrubbing the sweat off. He thoroughly expected her to keep pressing, but to his surprise, she gave in.

"Fine, fine. Don't break anything, okay?" She waved him off and disappeared from the room, leaving Caleb to grab his water bottle and move onto the next machine. He'd done a full round on all of the machines before he groaned, sitting on one of the benches to catch his breath. To his utter disgust, Lyla's face popped into his mind, wearing that little pout she wore when he didn't do what she wanted him to do.

Mariah had done the same face.

"Damn it." He growled out, snatching his towel and bottle and standing again. "She knew I would go." And she probably had. Making his way out of the gym, he paused by the locker room. Knowing Lyla would chastise him for not showering before going to the ceremony, he popped in for a quick one.

Afterwards, he changed into a pair of gray sweats and a black wifebeater, slipping his feet back into his shoes as he headed for the main room, gym bag still slung over his shoulder. The formal part of the ceremony was over; now it was time to mingle. There was food, drink-- no alcohol, of course-- and plenty of people to talk to.


Tags: n/a


Code by apolla apolla

location: SIN HQ - Main Room
Outfit: SIN standard uniform, but in black and with combat boots, because why not?
mood: annoyed
interactions: OPEN

Kai Nataka could be found at the darkest and quietest corner the training room could offer. Not that it should surprise anyone, if she wasn't sleeping or on a mission she was endlessly practicing and training. After stretching and a few of the most basic exercises she could come up with, she began working on more complex exercises. This eased her thoughts that had been running through her mind. Including the always nagging question of: Would she ever get to see her brother again? Despite giving up her search seven years ago when she joined SIN, after discovering all her connections to those she bonded with before hand had been stopped or cut after pushing her ability to far, she still had the nagging hope she would see the brat again. Not that she would ever tell anyone or show such a thing, but everytime she heard of a new recruit with a wind type ability that spark was there only to be crushed.

Kai heard voices, not even looking over as she identified both Caleb's and Lyla's voices, listening in as they argued or well bickered. She wouldn't call it arguing. No. Arguing would be a lot more annoying than this. She tuned them out and continued on with her exercises. Both had come after her, and had been here significantly less time than she has, but worked up to level 2 and 3. Therefore she did give them credit and respect, but at the same time she never really interacted with anyone in SIN besides training or missions, so she wasn't in position to engage with their friendly talk.

After she heard them both leave and head to the so called 'meeting area' where all the recruits would be she sighed. She really didn't want to go, and she could just stay here and continue training, but instead she lazily opened up a portal to her room to change her attire. After changing she made another portal and walked into the meeting area. Instantly regretting her decision, but she was here now. Nobody noticed her arrival, much to her pleasure, and she made way to the refreshment table to get a drink. Water of course. Since there was no alcohol to drown out the misery of a gathering this was.
coding by cychotic


Elijah Lux

Location: Main room
Interaction: spookie spookie mothspit mothspit
Mood: Numb & frustrated
Arsenal: 3/3 (Zippo, Guitar, Drumsticks)

There was a buzzing at the back of his head, a constant annoying hum which felt like it would never end. Unfocused green eyes studied the floor, or seemed to anyhow. If you looked closer, it would seem as though the man was trying to look through the ground. An impossible feat, right? Allegedly not. That was why he was here, right? Because the type of people that could look through floors existed, and he was one of them, and this.... organization? He wasn't sure what the hell to call it, if he was honest. They held interest in him. In his abilities.

He was having a hard time of understanding why though, considering that his ability could pass for a parlor trick, or the cheap act of a children's party magician. He had no reason to be here, he was of no use to anybody in this place. He was useful to his band. Useful to his father and to his uncle. But he'd never see them again, right? He was dead to them, and if they found out that he wasn't, then he actually would be. Thinking about it in that sense hurt his head. A deep sigh fell from his lips as he let his gaze move away from the floor to try to gain some focus. He reached into the air, his hand disappearing. It appeared once more a moment later holding a pair of drumsticks, which he proceeded to tap on his legs. He didn't know any of the people here and he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to.

One way or another he would come to learn their names, he would come to know who they were and what they stood for. That day might not be today, but it would come, and that was something he was certain of. He needed to break himself out of this train of thought, otherwise he'd only continue to spiral out, but it was hard for him to think about much else. He'd only been here for five days. Five days and he had barely even processed the fact that he was dead to the world and that he was no longer a person in his own right. He was property. They were all property.

Before he knew it, though, somebody had come to bring him back to focus. He hadn't even noticed that he'd apparently been shuffling among some of the other newcomers. The first to approach had been a man, and a moment later a woman. He regarded each of them with an essence of numbness, his muscles hesitating to react and his mind fuzzy concerning what they'd said and asked. "I, uh.... No. Um, thanks though." He responded to Crimsyn, and then to Gwendolyn, "I've been better."
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[class=Notes] // Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// // Long URls are images # followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes.// // This code does not show breaks unless is shows the
code When typing responses to rps, be aware that when you press enter it will not show that you did. You'll have to use the
tags// [/class] [class=BackgroundPicture] Background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d9/c9/bf/d9c9bfeecc7cd23adce729f2fa10d11c.jpg); Padding:30px; //The background image that become the border// [/class] [class=BackgroundColor] padding:20px; background-color:#fbe7d1; Color:Black; //the solid block of color that makes the border appear as a border all your content will be in this box// [/class] [class=Name] float:right; margin-bottom:10px; text-align:center; border-radius:5px; background-color:#142740; padding:5px;color:#fbe7d1; width:calc(100% - 15% - 20px); //The Box around the name// [/class] [class=Img] border-right:10px SOLID #fbe7d1; border-bottom:5px SOLID #fbe7d1; width:15%; float:left; //this class has a border to create a false margin so the horizontal lines don't appear to go behind the image if you change the back ground you have to change the colors here too// [/class] [class=Image] border:1px SOLID #142740; line-height:0px; //The border around the image// [/class] [class=Line] border-top:1px SOLID #142740; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px; //The tiny lines everywhere// //You can see here they have a set width, which is the shorter length, the bottom two lines have a specific 'style' which overrides what happens here to make them full length. if you need longer lines, copy and paste the style from the bottom two (be careful, they float right, making them too big at the top messes the code up) If you need the bottom lines to be shorter, delete the Style=" and such// [/class] [div class="BackgroundPicture"] [div class="BackgroundColor"] [div class="Img"] [div class="Image"] 1582125152742.png [/div][/div] [div class="Name"] Rosario Zorro[/div]

The low buzz that seemed to travel through everyone gathered was quite upbeat in comparison to the usual stoic faces. Rosario had begun to feel overwhelmed by the many scents and sounds that he often avoided since they were rarely gathered into a boisterous setting that he still has a love for. He rocked on the balls of his feet as he scanned the room for a familiar, or at the least, a friendly looking one. There was some part of him that just wanted to blow of some steam training so that he can level up but Nina had informed him that this would be a good time to see how he does in non threatening situations. He cautiously flexed his right arm and watched as the t-shirt tried to adjust to the strain. "...Once I hit level 4 I won't have to worry about these annoying fitted shirts," Rosario had mainly grumbled to himself. At the sight of Cassandra watching him from a close distance, a slight tremor ran through his body. Flashbacks to the irritating and unnecessary lecture about how Rosario wasn't allowed to show up to the function shirtless echoed in the back of his mind causing him to chuckle out loud. He'd never thought that a secret agency that focused on killing would really be so uptight on dress codes.

Rosario had been mainly posted up by the table loaded with different food from a variety of areas. He'd already gotten through at least 5 steaks that were followed by a few concerned glances from some other new recruits. The big appetite was a package deal with the transformations plus he was already a hardcore foodie before getting involved with S.I.N. It all would have gone down a lot smoother with some alcohol but he's pretty sure that a room full of drunk superpowered beings would turn into a wild fight club easily, as if the alcohol ban wasn't put in place for plenty of good reasons.

Just the idea of fighting sent a familiar tingle that seemed to run under his skin which led to him balling up his fists before relaxing them. Rosario spotted some of the other agents that he had heard little of and offered them a friendly wave. He sighed to himself and remained at the food table to hold a conversation with the people that had the guts to try and get some food from the table that he'd basically laid claim to. His mood had lighten considerably in comparison to earlier as he spoke to more and more fellow 'experiments'. Rosario had forgotten how much fun it is to socialize with people that didn't see him as a wild beast that just needed to be contained or broken in. It was only after he had shoved what he called a steak sandwich, a piece of steak in between two other pieces of meat, that he noticed the woman that seemed to keep to herself. If he had to match her scent to something familiar, it would have been something akin to a fresh breeze with traces of wolfsbane and lavender. She was somewhat familiar to Rosario but they had not spoken before in such a setting. He decided to be his usual self and walk over, ''Hey there, I'm pretty sure I've seen you around a few times. The name's Rosario, level 5's personal ticking time bomb of energy. Your name's Kai right? I've seen a few of your training sessions and it's so cool that you can basically go wherever you want to!'' [div class="Line"][/div] Interacting: q r o w q r o w | Mentioned: | Located: Main Room [div class="Line" style="margin-bottom:0px;"][/div]
Code by @AgWordSmith
Gwen nodded when he spoke, taking notice of the young man's defeated gaze. She had been there too, in the midst of existential turmoil. Had he already attempted to escape, she wondered? She figured most everyone tried at least once, save for the more eccentric types properly suited for this line of work. But, it would set in eventually. The realization that this was a blessing in disguise. Though, she'd be lying to herself if she said it didn't come with it's hardships. Long, grueling days, even longer sleepless nights.. God, she could go for a cigarette right about now. Maybe even something stronger. Even the hot mug of dark roast in her hands was doing very little to keep her mind alert, having tossed and turned most of the night. There were some faint traces of dark circles around her eyes starting to form, but she played off their implications well; Carrying herself with her shoulders back and appearance well-kept.

"Chin up, darling. You're only dead in theory. Count your lucky stars for that." She chuckled amusingly, passing him a small wink behind the porcelain coffee mug before taking another sip. When she dragged her tired gaze down his frame, her eye caught the pair of wooden sticks in his hands. Drumsticks. How curious. It was her understanding such personal effects were forbidden-- At least, not until you reached a certain level-- So had he smuggled them in, or did it have something to do with the reason they were all here? The latter made more sense. Intrigued, Gwen made small gesture to the sticks with a nod, "All we need is someone on guitar, and we could really liven this place up, eh?" Her smile grew, only half-joking at the thought. They had denied her requests for her usual taste of classical records, and coupled with the sheer blandness of the facility, it was enough to drive anyone mad with boredom.

And it seemed the poor lad was in the middle of it. His entire world had changed, and his mind was still trying to catch up. In a weird, sentimental way, it reminded her of herself. Her old self. Though she wasn't necessarily in the business of being someone else's cheerleader, he looked like he could use a little humor. With that, she could sympathize, if only slightly.

"Of course, we'll need proper drinks. I'm far too sober this morning.." She muttered, smirking playfully between Crimsyn and Elijah.

tags: spookie spookie Cinema Cinema
❖ C R I M S Y N ❖

LOCATION | main roomMOOD | amusedWITH | gwendolyn mothspit mothspit , elijah Cinema Cinema

Crimsyn had felt a pair of eyes watching him earlier, and it seemed they belonged to the woman now standing beside him. Gwendolyn. He knew of her, of course, as he did all the other S.I.N recruits, though she was perhaps more immediately recognizable due to the tale of her constant escape attempts. It had become rather infamous amongst the higher-ranking agents, something to chat about over a drink of choice when the usual subjects of UTOPIA or current targets turned stale.

She offered a polite nod in his direction, and Crimsyn returned the gesture with a knowing half-smile. He wasn't one for formality, respectful or not... he found it stifling. This often left him the odd one out, though it had earned him a fair number of level 5 fans over the years he'd been a part of S.I.N.

"I don't believe we have... not that introductions are really needed here," he added, his tone of voice somewhere between teasing and innocently playful.

The next person to approach seemed distraught and more than a bit out of place amongst the sea of experienced killers, not that Crimsyn could really blame him... there was nothing particularly nice about the agency or how it went about collecting its pawn—, er, members. In many ways, he himself had been lucky to have grown up surrounded by violence and with no loved ones to really leave behind, aside from his equally gifted twin. For these regular kids, S.I.N must've been akin to a nightmare come true.

"Girl's got a point," he said, though his expression then turned serious for a moment "just remember that we all started somewhere... a lot of these people are going to give you hell, but you gotta get back up and return it tenfold. It ain't fair, but that's how it is... for now, anyway." Crimsyn didn't qualify the last part. Change was coming whether the agency liked it or not, but now was still a time to remain silent.

Running a hand through the vivid hair that had served as his namesake, the uniquely dressed man grinned at Gwendolyn's idea of forming a band.

"I think Damien over there plays guitar and sings too, not that he's the most social guy... might need some convincing, if anyone wants to volunteer."

As they spoke, the eerie-looking boy was busy terrifying a pair of newbies by showing off his shadow ability, all while Valentin looked on with an expression of slight disdain. Obviously, it wasn't strong enough for him to interfere.

At Gwendolyn's mention of sobriety, Crimsyn pressed a finger to his lips with mock seriousness. "Shhh... I certainly won't stop you, but I also won't take any blame if you ask for more information. Make of that what you will," he said, adding in a mischievous wink.

code by spookie spookie
Lucas Crowley
[class=wrapper] width:80vw; max-width:300px; height:400px; margin:auto;center; flex-wrap:wrap; border:1px solid #BAB6D7; overflow:hidden; background:url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/4a/25/b84a2586b0dcb3772e50d037cef72f1e.jpg'); background-size:100%; z-index:3px; [/class] [class=scroll] width:90vw; max-width:310px; height:100%; overflow-y:auto; [/class] [class=textbox] width:80vw; max-width:300px; font-family:Montserrat; font-size:12px; color:#212121; padding:2px; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9); position:relative; top:420px; [/class] [class=overlay] width:80vw; max-width:320px; margin:auto;center; position:relative; top:-461px; left:-10px; font-family:Montserrat; font-size:25px; color:#fff; text-shadow:3px 2px 0px #BAB6D7; z-index:2px; [/class] [class=tags] opacity:0.0; width:80vw; max-width:320px; margin:auto;center; position:relative; top:-490px; left:-10px; text-align:right; font-family:Montserrat; font-size:10px; color:#ccc; z-index:3px; transition: all 0.3s ease; [/class] [class name=tags state=hover] opacity:1.0; transform: translateY(20px); [/class] [class=credit] width:80vw; max-width:300px; opacity:0.5; font-family:Heebo; font-size:8px; margin:auto;center; [/class]
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[div class=textbox]
mood: nervous
location: main room
mentions: none
interactions: none​

Isaiah was a bumbling mess of nerves as he anxiously glanced around the main area. Several of his nervous ticks were showing, and he continuously popped his ears and scratched at his bare arms. Sure, he'd technically been at s.i.n for three weeks, but he was still a fresh faced newbie that didn't know his way around. The amount of times in which he'd gotten lost was quite embarrassing actually. He hadn't really been up to asking anyone near him for help, so he'd just meandered around until he was where he was supposed to be. It had worked thus far, and Isaiah was determined to keep rolling with it until he no longer could.

It still felt like everything was a dream. That he’d been sleeping ever since s.i.n came to him and told him to either join them or die. He felt that at any moment, he'd wake up back in his room, his aunt calling him and telling him that he was late for school. No... That wasn't right, he'd just graduated, so he'd be heading to his part time job. Not that any of it mattered anymore, he was dead as far as anyone else was concerned. Deep down he knew it to be true, no matter how much he was hoping for it to be a dream. He was torn between wanting to contact his aunt and uncle, to tell them that he was okay, or staying with s.i.n and doing as they told him. He was beginning to lean towards the latter, because really, who was actually missing him? What with his ability, he was probably more of a nuisance than anything.

Not being able to stay still, Isaiah paced around the room several times, keeping to places where people weren't. So far, he'd been quite good at avoiding interacting with most of the members of s.i.n. Some of them may have waved, and he did the same back, but none had approached him. When he realized that he needed something to preoccupy his hands with something other than scratching at his arms, he headed over to one of the less crowded food areas, picking up some of the food and picking at it more than eating it.

After eating a few pieces of cheese (really it was suppose to go with crackers or pieces of meat, but Isaiah wasn't in the mood for either), Isaiah grabbed one of the glasses filled with some type of beverage. He had no idea what it was based on appearance alone, but he knew that whatever it was, it wasn't alcohol. He'd heard several people complaining about the fact that there was a lack of the substance at this place. He supposed it was reasonable and understood why, and technically he wouldn't have been allowed to have any anyways. Or was he? Did the law apply to him if he was considered dead? Isaiah glanced around him before shaking his head, he doubted s.i.n cared about whether or not he would drink under the age.

He sighed, and when he realized his mistake, it was already too late. Of course, it was bound to happen at some point or another. He was nervous, tired, and stressed to hell and back. He'd accidentally used his powers, and as such, his sigh was at such a frequency that it shattered the cup in his hand. Crap. He quickly bent down and began picking up the shards of glass, adding them to the pile that was already in his hand. He didn't care much for the pinkish juice staining his shirt and pants, as from what he could tell, this place had plenty more.

[/div][/div][/div][div class=credit]credits @RI.a[/div]
Gwendolyn's brow raised with curiosity, soaking in the vibrant mans words with investigative intent. Of course he knew who she was already. But what was more surprising, was the way he talked about the hierarchy of the facility, specifically the words 'for now.' It seemed harmless enough to say, but if someone as powerful as Crimsyn was throwing around words like that, they had to carry some weight. There was that itch in her mind again. She returned his same mischievous look, wondering just how Freudian that slip was. There's one little secret. How many more?

"Oh, is that right?" She turned to glance over at his infamous brother, witnessing him strike fear into the hearts of the newcomers, "..Something tells me he isn't a morning person." The young woman's head tilted to the side slightly, wondering how such rough edges could be related to his.. flamboyant counterpart. Twins they might be, they were certainly their own people, but Gwen wasn't too keen on introducing herself to the other just yet. She was just as much as newbie as the others, and if Crimsyn knew about her, Damien undoubtedly did. Just by looking at him, she wasn't certain she could sweet talk her away around his harsh behavior. Especially not in this place, and not with her record. Not yet, anyway. That being said, she looked back to Crimsyn with an amused chuckle, "He'd be a hit with the teenagers. They do love a brooding heartthrob."

So far, this little romp through social pleasantries was proving to be not so useless. It had been awhile since she had a taste of alcohol, and when Crimsyn offered her a playful message-- A not-so-subtle nod to the fact that could possibly become a reality-- Her expression shifted to one of surprise, but just for a moment. He seemed to be much more lax than some of the other authorities Gwen had met; How about his better half? And did the higher ups know? Either way, it seemed her ambitions wouldn't go unrewarded, especially in the long run. She could get used to working with these people. There was some pleasure to be found in this pain, afterall.

"Don't tempt me, firehawk. You might get us both in trouble." She couldn't help but giggle, like she were talking to one of her marks. After spending an inordinate amount of time keeping to herself, it was refreshing to relive old habits. Though, this outfit-- A plain white t-shirt, sneakers, and sweatpants-- Was the most unfashionable thing on planet earth, she hardly felt glamorous. But it was nice to pretend for once. And that nickname; Firehawk. That was definitely going to stick, wasn't it?

tags: spookie spookie
✮ 'P I A' ✮

•LOCATION | utopia hq •MOOD | smug •WITH | anyone from utopia (open)


The boy known to most only as 'Pia' smirked, his pale face illuminated by the many flickering screens of various sizes that surrounded his little base of operations. Leaning back in his comfortably padded chair, he took a casual sip of his energy drink before returning his attention to the screens.

Tapping in a few more commands with near lightning speed, Pia watched with glee as the last defense system deactivated itself.

It was go time.

"Hellooo S.I.N losers," he purred into his headset, mocking tone undeniable even through the microphone. "You should really update your firewalls and general system, but hey, it's not like I'm complaining."

Pia paused for a moment to re-arrange the hacked security camera recording S.I.N's little gathering, his grin only growing as he watched high-ranking agents begin to panic.

"Anyway, congratulations to all the new recruits you've forced into a life of violence and servitude. I'm sure their lives will be useful to you. But listen up, newbies... there's a little something called hope. Hold onto it, believe in it, fight for it. Your time is coming. Freedom always wins."

The whole place was hushed now, and Pia only had to wait another few seconds before one of S.I.N's agents cut off power to the audio system they'd set up for the speeches.

"But seriously, update your security," Pia muttered to himself, "this is getting boring."
code by spookie spookie
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[class=bkgd] --main: #b5b5b5; --accent: #000000; --accent2: #676e5f; position: relative; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 320px; height: 400px; background-color: var(--main); border-radius: 10px; box-shadow: 5px 5px 0px var(--accent); overflow: hidden; margin-bottom: 5px; cursor: url('https://i.imgur.com/eyUJ9gM.png'), auto; [/class] [class=pic] position: absolute; top: 42px; left: 65px; width: 200px; height: 200px; border-radius: 300px; background: url(https://i.pinimg.com/474x/e9/db/10/e9db103b90917c9392621ece2c8e79d0.jpg); background-size: 100%; background-position: 0% 10%; [/class] [class=picdecoration] position: absolute; top: 2px; left: 38px; width: 239px; height: 260px; background: url(); background-size: 100%; [/class] [class=textcontainer] position: absolute; top: 20px; width: 300px; height: 325px; left: 25px; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=text] position: relative; width: 280px; height: 320px; color: var(--accent); font-size: 10px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; padding-right: 50px; [/class] [class=name] position: absolute; top: 260px; width: 100%; height: auto; color: var(--accent2); text-shadow: 1.5px 1.5px 0px var(--accent); text-align: center; font-size: 35px; line-height: 37px; text-transform: lowercase; [/class] [class=tab1] position: absolute; top: 325px; left: 130px; width: 60px; height: 50px; background: url(https://keeney.io/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/PNGPIX-COM-Black-Smoke-PNG-Transparent-Image.png); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; color: white; animation: {post_id}shake 1s linear infinite; [/class] [class=tab2] position: absolute; top: 5px; left: 10px; width: 60px; height: 50px; font-size: 10px; color: var(--accent2); animation: {post_id}fade 3s linear infinite; [/class] [class name=tab2 state=hover] color: var(--accent); [/class] [class=stats] position: absolute; top: 350px; left: 10%; width: 80%; height: auto; color: var(--accent2); text-shadow: 0.5px 0.5px 0px var(--accent); text-align: center; font-size: 9px; text-transform: lowercase; [/class] [class=credit] position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 10px; text-align: center; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 8px; color: #dedede; opacity: 0.25; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} 1) (fadeIn 500 tabsContent1) if (eq ${currentTab} 2) (fadeIn 500 tabsContent2) [/script] [animation=shake] [keyframe=0]transform: rotate(3deg);[/keyframe] [keyframe=50]transform: rotate(-3deg);[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]transform: rotate(3deg);[/keyframe] [/animation] [animation=fade] [keyframe=0]opacity: 1;[/keyframe] [keyframe=10]opacity: 0.8;[/keyframe] [keyframe=20]opacity: 0.6;[/keyframe] [keyframe=30]opacity: 0.4;[/keyframe] [keyframe=40]opacity: 0.2;[/keyframe] [keyframe=50]opacity: 0.0;[/keyframe] [keyframe=50]opacity: 0.2;[/keyframe] [keyframe=70]opacity: 0.4;[/keyframe] [keyframe=80]opacity: 0.6;[/keyframe] [keyframe=90]opacity: 0.8;[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]opacity: 1;[/keyframe] [/animation] [div class=bkgd] [div class="pic tabsContent tabsContent1"][/div] [div class="picdecoration tabsContent tabsContent1"][/div] [div class="name tabsContent tabsContent1"]William Andrew[/div] [div class="tab1 tab tabsContent tabsContent1"]
[/div] [div class="tab2 tab tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display:none;"]
[/div] [div class="stats tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display:none;"]mood: Curious | interactions :No one | tags: xx xx xx [/div] [div class="textcontainer tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display:none;"][div class=text]William had come to the gathering early, being one of the first few people to enter so he could watch the newcomers that would appear as well as the usual faces. He was silently glad that he hadn't been promoted to level three. Knowing that he'd would of had to take in one of the newcomers, and the man didn't want or think he'd be good with dealing with a newbie. The brunette had leaned against a wall near the main door, suprised when it had only taken an hour or so before the room was bustling with other people. Not yet cramped but quickly getting there William left to hang out in the hall.

He barely paid attention to everyone that he had seen before, they weren't what he was interested in or cared about at the moment. Fourtunatly, or unfortunatly he walked in just as a voice filled the room. All the previous conversations seemed to be silenced ot quieted by it. William looked down at the ground and furrowed his brow as the man continued to talk. He was certain that the S.I.N directors would be panicing about the ordeal. William let out a quiet chuckle and looked around at the crowd, now curious about everyone else's reactions to what just happened.

[/div][/div] [/div][div class=credit]code by sox[/div]
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And just like that, Gwen's feelings of camaraderie and excitement for the prospect of the future were completely shattered... Well, not completely. She became startled when the voice abruptly resonated throughout the room. She nearly spilled her coffee, though suddenly she had lost the taste for it; Setting the mug down on the nearby refreshment table, she calmly crossed one arm over the other, listening to this mysterious figure over the speaker. His words of hope and freedom were admirable, albeit too sentimental for her taste. He had to have had an effect on the others, if not most of the newbies. But not her. The old Gwen-- That mouse trapped in the maze, unable to find it's way out-- Would have yearned for that shot at freedom. But she was naive back then. And those words.. They were empty. Meaningless. Nothing but a catchy slogan. Her expression hardened, twisting into something almost.. sinister, in a way. Where was this savior more than a year ago now? Where were they when she screamed for hours every night, rattling chains made of steel?

"Too little, too late." She muttered distastefully to herself.

And their tone.. Gwen hated a pompous brat just as much as any sociopath. But his skill in breaching S.I.N's defenses was undeniable. Was he like the rest them, imbued with some special power? It was certainly possible. Her head craned in the direction of said security camera, looking into it with a blank, statue-like stare. Others were panicking, and truthfully Gwen was considerably concerned on the inside, but scrambling around like roaches caught under a raking light would serve no one.

"That's doesn't bode well, does it?" She asked nonchalantly, speaking to no one in particular (save for the other face behind that camera, if he could even hear her),
"I suppose he thinks himself a revolutionary. How annoying. Children shouldn't meddle in adult affairs."

tags: n/a
Eleonora Summer

Location: Main Room| Interacting with: Crimsyn | Tag: spookie spookie | Mood: Nervous/Antsy

Meditation was something Nora picked up since she became apart of SIN. So it was no surprise that she was in a quiet corner of her room meditating. It had become her method to keep herself from getting emotional. Her one way of control. That was until the intercom summoned all agents to the main room. Sighing, she came out of her trance and grabbed a few seeds she kept on her before making her way to the main room. She started humming quietly as she saw the crowd gathered in the room and she navigated around people, avoiding interacting with ones she wasn't familiar with.

She did acknowledge those she knew, giving small nods and waves here and there, but she didn't talk to anyone. She listened quietly to other's conversations, not really invested in it. Normally she would have tried to be more sociable and friendly, but she felt overwhelmed with a lot of new faces. As soon as she found a more quiet part of the room away from the crowd, the intercom had cut on and interrupted her thoughts.

Nora found herself frowning, growing more anxious and overwhelmed as the speaker continued with their mocking speech. Her arm twitched slightly and she crossed her arms to hide it. She didn't agree with the speaker, she didn't believe SIN was that terrible. She didn't always agree with the agencies views, but that didn't mean they were bad. Looking around, she tried to find someone she knew to talk to to help distract her from her growing nerves. Her eyes landed on Crimsyn, the most easily spotted person in the room with his hair so bright. Hesitantly, she inched her way through a mumbling crowd toward her fellow agent.

"Crimsyn...What..What's going on?" She asked, fighting to keep her voice stable in the situation. She kinda knew as this wasn't the first time something like this had happened. However she was just trying to start a conversation to ease her nerves. Last thing she needed was to lose it in front of everyone....again. It happened a lot her first few years at SIN, thorns erupting around her and her screaming was not a pretty sight. It's been a while since that happened in front of anyone thankfully. She kept her eyes glancing around the room at the crowd.
code by Ri.a

location: Utopia HQ
mood: Amused
interactions: Pia
tags: spookie spookie
Elliot Daniels

Elliot unsurprisingly had another rough night. Unable to sleep and growing restless, he ended up staying up in his room staring at the ceiling. He was tired of course. Sleep hadn't been something easy to come by for him. His mind never rested. Always buzzing with thoughts, possibilities, and memories. It wasn't until later into the morning (assuming it's morning. correct me if I'm wrong.) that Elliot found himself roaming around Utopia head quarters, quite....bored. He probably had things he should have been doing, but his mind kept drifting. He wasn't one to be distracted easily it just seemed today wasn't his day. Needing a distraction from his own mind and the thoughts, he decided to find someone to interact with. Elliot made his way through halls and navigated his way around the head quarters with ease as he looked for a certain room he knew someone to talk to would be.

Opening the door quietly, he slipped into the room with his ability active, closing the door behind him. Using his ability had become more of a habit and apart of him growing up, he often forgot he was using it unless it was pointed out to him. So him using it coming into the room was not on purpose, he didn't intend on startling anyone or anything of the like. Although, no doubt other members of Utopia were used to him popping out of nowhere.

Elliot leaned against the wall as he listened to the younger boy mock and provoke the organization they were fighting against. He watched the computer screens in silence, grinning a bit at their reactions to Pia's words. Giving a chuckle as Pia mumbled under his breath. "Still toying with them?" He asked, pushing off from the wall and walking closer. His ability deactivating soon as he began talking. Looking toward the boy with an amused smile. "It never gets old to you? It's always the same. Kinda like watching headless chickens run around." He stated, eyes rolling and taking a seat in the nearest chair. "They shouldn't be so shocked by now. " He mumbled, leaning back in his chair.
coding by cychotic

LOCATION: Main Room| INTERACTING with: PIA, Elliot, | TAG: spookie spookie q r o w q r o w | MOOD: Tired/Unamused
OUTFIT: Black Hoodie & Jeans, Combat boots, and a black baseball cap.
LOOK: Long white hair in a pony tail, green eyes, no makeup

Loretta had been busy since early that morning. Between reading reports and handling paperwork at her desk, she found herself immersed in her work for hours. Eventually, the early bird finished and handed it to her assistant. Once the assistant left for the company Lora sighed with relief, glad she had taken a day off. She loved work, it was a nice distraction from her mind, but sometimes even she got overwhelmed.

Lora looked at the time and decided to meet with UTOPIA. It had been a while since her last visit, and now that she had a day or two off she could see what was going on. She emailed her assistant to send her any documents that needed her attention, otherwise not to bother her, before she headed outside her home. While she may not be within walking distance of the head quarters, she was within a quick driving distance despite the detour she took.

Pulling into a hidden alleyway, Lora parked the car in a area she knew lacked camera. Lora was pretty paranoid when it came to being found out or caught. It's why she had this whole routine. Closing her eyes, she changed the cars appearance. The white car became a black pick up truck. She could manage the appearance for a few minutes, enough time for her to reach and park at the HQ. As she neared it, her appearance changed to. Her once pink hair turned white and her eyes green. Her suit became a black hoodie and jeans. Complete with a cap and boots.

She entered the building with a sigh, navigating quickly to where she assumed everyone or at least someone would be. Not bothering to knock, she entered the room, shutting the door behind her. Even a thief has manners. "Seems I missed something?" She asked, glancing between the boys and then to the computer screen. "And that something happen to do with SIN?" She said, her words harsh as she mentioned the organization. She leaned against the door frame with her arms crossed over her chest. "Shame. I do hate missing out on tormenting them" She added, a small and nearly unnoticeable smirk on her face. "Any thing for me to do around here?" She questioned, eyes trained on the computer screens. Barely even acknowledging the two boys really.

code by Ri.a


It didn't take long for the pastel haired girl to reach the main room of SIN, where the celebration was being held. There was plenty of food and drink, although there wouldn't be anything alcoholic. And after today, the junk food would disappear, only to be brought back at the next ceremony. No smoking, either, so hopefully any newbies who'd smoked got over that affliction quickly or else they wouldn't last long. Sure, they could choose to smoke once they were able to go out into the real world, but most didn't by that time. Once SIN made them into killing machines, most people chose not to succumb.

Lyla waved at a few people she knew, swallowing an anxiety bubble. She knew that she wasn't new anymore, though for some reason she still felt anxious here at SIN. She wouldn't admit it out loud, but this place wasn't a home to her. She did everything that SIN asked of her; her hands were no longer pure as snow. SIN was teaching her to use her powers for their own purposes, and she didn't agree.

But she did it.

Staying away from the chips and cheeseballs, she instead poured herself a cup of sweet tea, and turned to survey the room. She hadn't actually interacted with anyone yet, nor did she see Caleb, so that left out that option. Pushing herself forward, she navigated through the crowd until she found a familiar face. Crimsyn. He was surrounded by quite a few people already, but he wouldn't reject her.

About halfway to him, however, something happened. A voice came over the loudspeaker, and Lyla froze, her plastic cup clenched in her hands. It wasn't the first time she'd heard him, and his words rang out clear as day in her head.

"...there's a little something called hope. Hold onto it, believe in it, fight for it. Your time is coming. Freedom always wins."

Drawing in a shaky breath as the power to his broadcast was cut off, she spotted another girl approach Crimsyn. Lyla could read the fear on her face, and if there was anything she was good at, it was being a motherly figure. Still holding her tea, she approached the small crowd, looking at each of them in turn as she uttered a small "hi". Taking a sip of her tea, she looked towards the fearful girl.

"Eleonora, right?" Lyla asked, remembering her face. "Don't worry about him." Her eyes flicked upwards as she spoke, obviously meaning the broadcast. "We're well protected here."

Tags: Crimsyn ( spookie spookie ); Eleonora ( peachpuff peachpuff );


code by apolla apolla


Caleb reached the ceremony shortly after Lyla, though he didn't approach her right away. He wasn't naive to the fact that she used him as a crutch at times. Though she wasn't very shy, she would stick to him if she could, though she'd gotten much better about that over the last few months. As it was, she'd just poured herself a cup of tea and was looking around the room. He didn't actively avoid her gaze, but she missed him anyway, and started off across the room.

Caleb spotted Crimsyn himself and gave the fellow SIN member a nod. He liked the guy, and respected his power and place in SIN. Unlike Lyla, Caleb believed in SIN and everything they stood for. They'd saved him, after all, and gave his life a purpose. How could he go against that? How could he betray the people who'd taken him away from the shithole life he'd had before and done all of this for him?

Caleb started towards Crimsyn as well, though paused when he heard Pia's broadcast. He didn't remain still the entire time, so he reached the small group shortly after Lyla did. Before he could say a word to the man with the hair of flame, he heard a nonchalant voice from somewhere off to his side. The comment made him smirk, and he turned to find Gwen there, her face impassive.

"I have to agree." Caleb spoke, his voice low, unbothered. "He think's he's funny, breaking into SIN's security system. I'm sure that one day we'll have the pleasure of meeting face to face." Caleb's eyes flicked towards Lyla as she spoke to one of the other members, though they didn't remain there long before they were back on Gwen.

"Not that I disagree, though I'm curious. What makes you think it's a child?" Curious and intrigued despite himself, he waited for her answer.

Tags: Gwen ( mothspit mothspit )


Code by apolla apolla
christophen h. james

location: main room| interacting with: | tag: | mood: 'idgaf'/bored

chris wished he had taken advantage of sleeping in. he wasn't sure if such a thing would have been allowed, but he wished he had atleast tried. normally he wouldn't have minded being up, he was a early morning kind of person, but dear god was he bored. hell his morning stretches were a lot more interesting than the same old speech. he rather be trapped in a room of cats than listen to the speaker. oh how he hated cats. just the thought of them turned his nose up in disgust. and don't even get him started on the attire he had been forced to wear since his time at SIN. not only was it absolutely hideous, he found it extremely uncomfortable just to wear.

now being the sociable guy he was, he had tried to make conversation with others in his rank, and managed to get a few conversations going. however, a lot of the fellow newbies he had talked to weren't interested in talking and either ignored him or left the conversation. which was extremely rude and irritated chris. however, it wasn't like he could force them to communicate with him. so, in the end, he ended up focused on the speakers on stage. half tempted to make them slam into the ground with his ability, but he knew better than that. he rather liked breathing and his body intact, thank you very much.

things did however get interesting when the system was hacked. the way everyone got silent and the higher ups panicked. now that is amusing. perhaps one day he get to thank whatever brat hacked the system for the entertainment. he could care less about what the brat actually was saying, he had given up his hope only days after he joined. even if he managed to escape SIN, where was he to go? everyone thought he was dead. his family. the spotlight he still missed to this day. that of course was if SIN didn't track him down and kill him first. he knew better than to hope for anything. that's what a month in SIN does to you. it drains you of any hope you may have had.

his attention turned to his peers and away from the hacker who had been cut off. shame. it was more interesting watching people scramble like ants whose home was destroyed. of course not like he would know what that looked like. he didn't destroy any ant homes. okay well maybe one or ten. not like anyone would care. he was almost certain the brat had felt the same, probably why he bothered with hacking SIN. it was a guess, because who wouldn't find this fun? other than the security of course. hope? pure bulls*** if you asked him.

it seemed all the agents had kinda clustered together. duos or groups chatting about what happened, a few people standing by themselves either lost or observing as he was. he was aware of everyone and could name pretty much everyone in the room. yes he was that nosy. that's when he picked up gwen and caleb's conversation. he wasn't that close to the group. so he was just listening rather than talking with them. eventually he shuffled away after caleb spoke, creating more distance between him and the crowd. he was content with watching the others interact. one could say he was observing his 'competition'. that's how he would descibe it anyway, considering he saw every living thing as competition. what was the competition in this case? who the hell knew. it was just what he did. observe and judge.

(i'm sorry it's all over the place and the ending is a bit rough but i kinda fell asleep writing and lost two paragraphs and i'm to frustrated to write them over again. also his thoughts are kinda all over the place because he is a disorganized person, so I made his thoughts hopefully reflect that.)
code by Ri.a
Sweat poured down Nathan's face as his fists furiously wailed on the dummy before him. Recently, Nathan had found himself more frustrated than usual with his situation. At first, it seemed simple enough to just try to wait out his time at S.I.N and eventually escape or gain their trust, but he slowly came to realize that his life had truly ended that day and there wasn't much to go back to even if he did get out. Honestly, the only thing keeping him sane at that point was the fact that S.I.N allowed him to train a lot. Hitting things had become Nathan's form of therapy early on in his life and it had done wonders for him in his new "life" (if it can even be called that). One after the other, Nathan's fists connected with the static dummy in the training room, denting and shaking the polyester figure. He pivoted on his back foot for a quick cross before quickly hopping to the side for an off-angle hook. He smiled. It was relaxing, in a way, to feel like only he and the dummy existed for a short while. The exercise gave Nathan peace of mind which he knew wouldn't last too much longer.

It happened to be the day when S.I.N's new recruits would get their formal welcome to the organization. The whole affair almost made Nathan smile as he remembered where he started just a month prior. Nonetheless, it was mildly bothersome to have to attend the ceremony instead of getting to take advantage of his entire "free day." Nathan sighed, deciding to forget all about the ceremony for a few more minutes, and continued his assault on the dummy. Once he was done, Nathan walked a few feet to pick up his water bottle, which he was quick to drink in its entirety. With his thirst quenched, Nathan dried his face with a towel and lazily stepped out into the main room, where many others had already started to gather to hear the upcoming announcements. Looking around, he recognized Lyla, Gwen, and William right off the bat, as well as Crimsyn. Instead of approaching any of them, Nathan took a moment to lean against a wall and breathe to collect his thoughts for a quick second.

Just when relaxation was taking over Nathan's mind, an interesting voice cut through all the noise. A soft grunt escaped Nathan's lips as he begrudgingly looked around with hopes that whatever was happening would end quickly. Despite only spending a short amount of time at S.I.N, Nathan understood that the organization had enemies and assumed that whoever was delivering that slanderous speech was one of their biggest foes. Luckily, as quickly as the broadcast began, it ended. Somehow, despite the annoyance Nathan felt, he was overcome by a certain curiosity as to what else this person was capable of if they could nonchalantly break into S.I.N's headquarter's systems. Nathan shook these thoughts off and made his way toward the drinks, finding himself a cold energy beverage to restore what he'd burned during his personal training session. He looked around for a moment, scanning the room and the faces of those newbies who filled it. I hope they survive here. But then again, maybe that's just not my problem...

Interactions: OPEN
Gwen's head sharply turned at the sound of Caleb's voice, only slightly startled at his sudden arrival. It seems for a moment there she was consumed by her own thoughts, wondering just who was behind this blatant declaration of war. She had seen the tattooed man many-a-time in the gym area of the main room, during the more manic periods of her training regime. Gwen, like so many others trapped here, had an incessant need to become stronger. Mentally, she considered herself to be fortified like Fort Knox-- Impenetrable. For the most part, anyway. She had her weaknesses like everyone else. But physically, there was much to be left wanting. Men like Caleb were good motivation on that front-- His arms dwarfed hers in comparison. The young woman made a mental note to ask for training tips the next time she found them both in the gym.

Her delicate features softened, the corners of her mouth curling into a coy smile. With a casual shrug of her shoulders, she gestured toward the camera and the nameless misfit behind it, "Why, you can't tell by that scathing falsetto, darling?" She chuckled, "It's like nails on a chalkboard. No adult I've ever met speaks with that shrill cadence." Despite no proper education or a normal upbringing, Gwen spoke like a woman of an old world; And she insisted on it. Elegance in one's speech was a dying craft. But the more she sat and pondered Caleb's question, the more she thought back to what it was like before S.I.N, what it was like having that same brooding hatred for the more fortunate. Of course, this mysterious liberator probably didn't see the organization as that-- A mark to be robbed. But their outlooks, in principle, were the same. Free the people from a system of tyranny. She knew what it was like to harbor that kind of hatred, and how to put it to use. The difference being, Gwen was made to understand the futility of such efforts. The poor child needed to be taught a lesson, as she was taught.

"..I suppose, he reminds me of myself, selfish tyke that I was. That's how I know," She said thoughtfully, her eyes wandering the plains and sharp angles of Caleb's face. It was hard to read the higher level operatives, but thankfully he was easy on the eyes,
"I grew up. Children can't help but rebel, can they?"

tags: apolla apolla
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✮ 'P I A' ✮

•LOCATION | utopia hq •MOOD | amused •WITH | elliot q r o w q r o w ; lora peachpuff peachpuff

Having thoroughly pissed off S.I.N, Pia stretched lazily in his chair and kicked his legs up onto the rather cluttered desk, chains on his belt clinking softly. A slight smirk still toyed with his shadowy features, and it remained there as he turned to face Elliot. Pia was quite used to his ability by now, so it didn't surprise or startle him when the other boy would appear seemingly out of nowhere.

"Oh, you bet," he said with a slight laugh, "they're too pathetic to resist messing with! It'll get old when they get smart, so, ya know, never."

Pia retracted his slender legs from the desk and tucked them up into his fancy computer chair, giving it a quick spin out of boredom before allowing it to come to a stop facing Elliot.

"It's laughably pathetic that they're still shocked every time... I almost feel bad for them."

The sudden appearance of Lora and the sound of the door closing gave him a mild surprise, but not enough of one to make it obvious. "I mean, yeah you did, but nothing particularly exciting... S.I.N sucks even at being entertainment."

Finishing his energy drink in one swift movement, Pia stacked it on top of his fast-growing can palace and yawned dramatically. He'd been awake for... 64 hours and counting, if the time on his computer screen was to be believed. Of course, for him it was nothing. One slight touch of an unsuspecting stranger and he could drain enough energy to feel well rested all night.

Lora's next words snapped him out of his daze however.

"Actually, there is something you can take a look at with me," Pia said, switching screens and typing away for a moment before gesturing to the documents he'd opened. "Everyone, meet Jackie O'Dell, S.I.N's next target. I accessed their entire database, including everyone they've put a hit on. Am I good or am I good?" Pia teased, wearing his signature smirk.

"So, any questions?"

code by spookie spookie
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✧ K A I ✧

• LOCATION | main room •MOOD | confused •WITH | open

Kai had always felt a bit nervous amongst crowds.

He stuck to the edges of the room, apologizing under his breath every time he so much as brushed against another person. To look at such a skittish and delicate boy, it would be almost impossible to imagine he killed for a living.

Well, not quite... yet, anyway. He was only a level four, and for now his hands were clean, unless you were to count some (very) indirect involvement. Kai wasn't sure he'd ever be able to kill someone, just the idea of it made him sick to his stomach.

How did these people sleep at night?

It was a question that kept Kai himself awake, but not one to dwell on now. Instead, he slunk over to the refreshment stand, lazily using his telekinesis to pour a drink and float it over to his waiting hand. He only hoped no one had noticed such a thing.

For a few moments he was content to sip at his drink and half-listen to the people around him, but a sudden and unfamiliar voice booming from the stage where the speeches were held immediately got his attention. Kai tilted his head in confusion. There was no one standing at the microphone.

Was he feverish again?

Looking around at the shocked expressions of others answered his question.

"W-what's going on?" he asked no one in particular, his wide heterochromatic eyes looking from face to face in confusion.

Had the unstoppable, all-powerful S.I.N been... hacked?

code by spookie spookie
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