• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern —s.ɪ.ɴ— >>ᴄs (ᴀᴄᴄᴇᴘᴛɪɴɢ)



give 'em hell, kid.


Appearance (realistic image, please);
Full name;
Age; (16 - 26)
Body type;
Eye color;
Hair color;
Any tattoos, piercings, notable scars etc;

Weakness (related to power):
Time at S.I.N:

Likes: [3+]
Dislikes: [3+]
Strengths: [3+]
Weaknesses: [3+]
Quirks/Habits: [2+]
Biggest Fear:

Personality [1-2 paragraphs]
Bio: [1-2 paragraphs]

Theme Song:
Relationships: N/A until accepted

C R I M S Y N ❖ R E V E N G E

❖ B A S I C S

full name // crimsyn revenge
nickname or alias // syn, by those who know him well
age // twenty-three
gender // male
sexuality // pansexual
height // five-foot-nine
body type // slim/average but in good shape
eye color // hazel
hair color // bright crimson red
tattoos, piercings, scars // many colorful tattoos and small scars across his body

❖ S.I.N P R O F I L E

power // power immunity and nullification

though not the flashiest of abilities, crimsyn's gift makes him one of the most powerful individuals currently controlled by s.i.n, as well as the youngest agent to be inducted into level one at the tender age of eighteen. while he is now older than the current youngest level one, his induction age still holds the record. crimsyn's immunity to abilities means that he cannot be killed, harmed or manipulated by any unnatural power, no matter how well the owner has honed their gift. he is not immortal however, and can be killed using any regular method (gun, knife, car accident) that would be effective on a normal so long as it has no ties to a power. his other gift, and the one he's perhaps most famous for, is ability nullification. so long as crimsyn is touching the user of an unnatural power, and for a thirty minute cooldown period after, they won't be able to use anything relating to their gift and will also transform back into their regular physical state if that was at all altered.
weakness // as stated above, crimsyn is not immortal and can be hurt or killed by any non-gifted method that would be effective on a normal human. while naturally agile and in excellent physical shape, he lacks the increased strength and stamina many powers provide, and must use weapons or hand-to-hand combat for any offensive missions.
level // level one agent
time at S.I.N. // ten years

❖ P E R S O N A L I T Y

+ strengths //
•natural leader

- weaknesses //
•doesn't take much seriously
•easily bored

+ likes //
•bright colors
•roller coasters
•teasing people
•hair dye

- dislikes //
•early mornings
•people being nasty
•killing (unless he believes they truly deserve it)
•forced loyalty
•taking things too seriously

quirks //
•bites lip when deep in thought
•finger guns. yes, finger guns
•king of the pranks

personality description // though crimsyn is the polar opposite of most of his fellow level ones and especially his twin in temperament, he is equally skilled in their line of work and has proven himself enough times to be trusted by s.i.n. as one of their most valued agents. despite being a known trickster, he is also playful, irreverent and outgoing. crimsyn is easy to get along with and generally well-liked by the less ardent s.i.n supporters, even if he comes off as more than bit odd at times. he's also a natural leader and quite charismatic, although not the best at debates or other, more serious social aspects. crimsyn would much rather be loved than feared (unless for his formidable pranking abilities), and is known to go out of his way to make others feel welcome and lift their spirits... yes, even if that sometimes results in teasing, a prank war or even a secret party. when he's required to get serious however, crimsyn is as loyal and dedicated to protecting what he believes in as any prim and proper agent, if not moreso... though those things may be very different than what s.i.n stands for.

❖ B I O G R A P H Y

crimsyn's past is considered a mystery even amongst fellow level ones, but records indicate him and twin brother valentin were [REDACTED] and has been working for s.i.n ever since, moving through the levels swiftly and taking many a newcomer under his wing.

❖ E X T R A S

•one of the most popular agents due to his friendliness
•the twin brother of valentin, crimsyn is older by three minutes and will always take time out of his day to remind valentin of this
•has a soft spot for newbies despite teasing them relentlessly and will do his best to be patient and train them
•a secret utopia supporter, he is not a fan of S.I.N. or anything they stand for and hopes to see them defeated

❖ T H E M E S O N G

bulletproof heart // my chemical romance

code by spookie spookie
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❦ V A L E N T I N ❦

❦ B A S I C S

full name // valentin (last
name unknown)

nickname or alias // val, but only if you're after assisted suicide
age // twenty-three
gender // male
sexuality // uninterested
height // five-foot-nine
body type // average but in good shape
eye color // hazel
hair color // black
tattoos, piercings, scars // many scars across his body, obvious and notable knife scarring on face

❦ S.I.N P R O F I L E

power // blood manipulation

considered to be both one of the most visually shocking and horrifically murderous abilities in s.i.n's arsenal, it's no surprise that valentin holds the second place record of youngest level one... ranking only behind his twin. valentin's gift, blood manipulation, is a specialized form of telekinetic ability with a heavy focus on offensive and defensive abilities rather than the more varied applications of 'regular' telekinesis. when using his ability, valentin is able to gather his own or any already spilled blood into a tangible form and mold it to create long-range strands that serve as blades, spears or liquid waves to tear through opponents, as well as being able to manifest shields and telekinetic bullets. valentin can also disrupt the flow of blood inside a living person and cause them to pass out, or drown victims by manipulating blood into their lungs. swirling strands of the red liquid can also be used to bind, lift, throw or completely eviscerate a target, among other things.
weakness // while undeniably useful, perhaps the most limiting aspect of blood manipulation is that unless already spilled, blood that does not belong to valentin cannot be used in this manner. it is possible for him to draw the blood of a victim from any pre-existing wounds, but this requires immense focus and it would have to be a near-fatal would to be of much use unless time was not an issue. in other words, he cannot simply rip blood out of a healthy individual. access to his own blood is less limited, but using it also requires it to be spilled and thus anything larger or more advanced than creating a blade or bullet puts valentin's own health at risk. as with most manipulation abilities, any extreme physical or telekinetic force applied to the blood can break through its shape and cause it to simply splatter to the floor, though shields made of blood do tend to be exceptionally resilient. blood-based telekinesis does not have as many negative physical effects as the 'regular' form of this gift, but its users are more prone to anemia.
level // level one agent
time at S.I.N. // ten years

❦ P E R S O N A L I T Y

+ strengths //

- weaknesses //
•borders on cruel
•values others more for what they can do than who they are

+ likes //
•black velvet
•rainy weather
•red wine

- dislikes //
•emotions clouding logic
•stupid newbies
•loud talkers
•those who threaten crimsyn
•poor hygiene

quirks //
•always seems to dress a bit more formally than required
•adds a pinch of cinnamon to most drinks
•skin feels very cold to the touch

personality description // valentin is the polar opposite of his outgoing and well-liked twin, and seems more in line with the type of person s.i.n would want their agents to be. cold, calculating and with a keen sense of observation, valentin takes his role as a level one seriously and is dedicated to both his work as an agent and s.i.n in general. he is not kind to newbies and finds most of them to be pathetic, but those he deems as having potential will receive excellent, if at times harsh, training from him. valentin rarely shows emotion and has a particular distaste for those who let it get in the way of their performance, he deems such behavior incredibly unprofessional. that being said, he will not risk the safety of any lower-level agents assigned to him even if protecting them puts him in danger. if questioned about this, he will simply say it's his duty as a level one. damien has taken a liking to him, and valentin doesn't seem to mind being shadowed by the younger boy... in fact, he seems to genuinely care about him, as well as his twin.

❦ B I O G R A P H Y

valentin's past is considered a mystery even amongst fellow level ones, but records indicate him and twin brother crimsyn were [REDACTED] and has been working for s.i.n ever since, moving through the levels swiftly and performing well on any mission given to him.

❦ E X T R A S

•generally unpopular due to his cold attitude, though some idolize him for it
•the twin brother of crimsyn, valentin is younger by three minutes and is constantly reminded of this by his twin
•serves as a surrogate father figure for damien

❦ T H E M E S O N G

bury me in black // my chemical romance

code by spookie spookie
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D A M I E N ✞ S Y K E S

✞ B A S I C S

full name // damien sykes
nickname or alias // n/a
age // eighteen
gender // male
sexuality // uninterested
height // five-foot-seven
body type // skinny/underweight
eye color // cold metallic silver, seems to darken dramatically with his moods, they turn almost pure black when his power is in use
hair color // blackest black
tattoos, piercings, scars // has snakebites and right eyebrow pierced, as well as tattoos of broken wings on his back and swirling, dark symbols on his hands.

✞ S.I.N P R O F I L E

power // prince of shadows/darkness manipulation

considered by many to be both a visually stunning and murderous gift (and one often compared to valentin's blood ability), darkness manipulation is a specialized form of telekinetic gift with a demonic origin and heavy focus on offensive and defensive abilities rather than the more varied applications of 'regular' telekinesis. when using his ability, damien is able to gather darkness into a tangible form and mold it to create long-range strands that serve as blades, spears or shadow waves to tear through opponents, as well as being able to manifest shields and shadow portals that can consume objects shot or flung in his direction and spit them out elsewhere. the swirling strands of darkness can also be used to bind, lift, throw or completely eviscerate a target, among other things.
weakness // while the gift of darkness manipulation is considered extremely useful by s.i.n, it still has its drawbacks, the most obvious of these being that damien needs a source of shadow to use his ability at all. though many normal settings offer enough for less dramatic feats even on a sunny afternoon, with a bit of sly planning and a small, brightly lit room, damien could be rendered nearly powerless with relative ease. while the strands of tangible darkness he creates are exceptionally sharp and fairly strong, any gifted with great strength (physical or psychic) could shatter them, which would cause that specific strand to fade away into nothing almost immediately. damien's shielding ability isn't immune to this either, though it is considerably more resilient. unlike many individuals with advanced telekinesis, the demonic nature of damien's gift means that it doesn't cause him as much physical damage to simply contain the power within himself (using it is another matter), but the damage to his psyche is increased majorly and the off-putting aura it gives him make most people instinctively avoid forming relationships with him. he is also more sensitive to sunlight, and dislikes being exposed to it for longer periods of time.
level // level two agent
time at S.I.N. // four years

✞ P E R S O N A L I T Y

+ strengths //
•focused on his ability
•skilled at hiding most emotions

- weaknesses //
seems to lack much empathy
•prone to intense sorrow

+ likes //
•singing and playing guitar (in secret)
•the color black
•depressinv music
•valentin (his idol)
•sour candy

- dislikes //
•people he sees as useless to s.i.n
•bright lights
•large dogs
•feeling powerless

quirks //
•as moody as any other teenage boy, just more likely to kill someone with it
•always gravitates toward the darkest part of a room
•creates shadow animals as temporary companions

personality description // the darkness itself seems to follow damien wherever he goes, as though completely intwined with his very being. while often one to silently observe from the shadows, damien is a very snarky individual and has no problem showing this off, much to the frustration of many a new level 5. his personality is icy and guarded, few ever know what he's actually feeling at any given time. most allow the boy plenty of space, afraid of the menacing vibe that always seems to envelop him like the very strands of darkness he commands. valentin is perhaps the exception, having chosen damien as his pupil due to both the similar nature of their powers and damien's idolization of the infamous level one.

prideful and a sore loser, one of the best ways to get a reaction out of the usually frigid damien is to beat him at his own game. if you do, be prepared for a meltdown of potentially fatal proportions, and something crimsyn or valentin will often be called in for and expected to stop. after a defeat, damien will sulk in his room for days, then re-emerge to work feverishly at perfecting whatever the weakness that lead to his defeat was.

damien rarely shows any emotion, and all the blood and gore in the world can't seem to make him flinch. if there is something he genuinely cares about, no one has found it yet.

but... could it be that underneath everything, he just wants a real friend?

that's impossible, right?

✞ B I O G R A P H Y

the son of two teenage occultists, damien's mother played with one too many ouija boards while she was expecting.

unbeknownst to the young couple, they'd unwittingly summoned a powerful shadow demon, and the negative feelings surrounding their unwanted pregnancy were strong enough to bind some of its energy to the child. this theme of sorrow continued when his mother died giving birth, another tragic effect tied to the demon's power.

against his better judgment, the father chose to raise damien himself, as this baby was his only link to the beloved girlfriend he had lost. however, the constant influx of shadow people and strange, moving black shapes led him to abandon his son and convert to strict religion only a few years later.

damien spent the rest of his pre-s.i.n life miserably shuffled through the foster system, and this constant barrage of negativity and loneliness allowed his shadowy powers to blossom. in fact, honing them in secret became his only focus outside of listening to and creating music. to combat the constant loneliness, he conjured shadow animals every night to keep him company, and though they would fade after a few minutes, it was better than nothing and had the side effect of further refining his abilities.

by the time s.i.n found him, he was already bordering on adept with his gift and rose quickly though the ranks with the guidance of valentin, who damien views almost as a surrogate father.

✞ E X T R A S

•though he secretly longs for freedom, damien is (currently) a supporter of s.i.n
•he idolizes valentin and can often be found training with him or even occasionally following him around like a lost puppy
•while his demonic energy and reputation drive most away, damien secretly longs for friendship and deeply envies those who have it

✞ T H E M E S O N G

demons // get scared

code by spookie spookie
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✮"P I A"✮

✮ B A S I C S

full name // unknown
nickname or alias // pia, one half of the infamous anti-S.I.N. hacker pair UTOPIA
age // seventeen
gender // male
sexuality // bisexual
height // five-foot-seven
body type // skinny/underweight
eye color // black with purple undertone
hair color // black with faint purple tips
tattoos, piercings, scars // tongue, lip (spider bites) and nose are pieced, has a small barcode tattooed on the back of his neck

✮ S.I.N P R O F I L E

power // unknown, seems to have some energy-related abilities...
...ERROR! this information cannot be located in s.i.n's archives.
weakness //
this information cannot be located in s.i.n's archives.
level // n/a
time at S.I.N // n/a

✮ P E R S O N A L I T Y

+ strengths //

- weaknesses //

+ likes //
•coffee and energy drinks
•cities at night
•black and purple
•rock and electronic music

- dislikes //
•healthy foods
•being distracted while on his computer
•the outdoors

quirks //
•doesn't sleep for days at a time
•only seems to live off candies and snacks
•is half blind in bright lighting

personality description // the stubborn and sarcastic hacker of 'utopia' fame. little is known about his true self, but he enjoys taunting s.i.n and its agents as well as offering a message of rebellion and hope to gifteds who don't wish to be servants to the agency.

✮ B I O G R A P H Y

all that is known for sure is that he's a teenage boy with enviable computer skills... pia's true name, occupation and history are all currently unknown.

✮ E X T R A S

•part of utopia, the first organization to truly pose a threat to s.i.n
•is currently working with an unknown rebel agent in s.i.n to gather intelligence and study the enemy

✮ T H E M E S O N G

mean kids // ghost town

code by spookie spookie
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FILE NAME: Daniels, Soter E.

  • -Full Name: Soter Elliot Daniels
    -Alias: UTO, Ghost, and Elliot

    -Age: 20
    -Sexuality: Heterosexual
    -Gender: Male

    -Height: 5'11
    -Body type: Lean/Fit, in good shape.
    -Eye color: Dark Brown
    -Hair color: Black
    -Any tattoos, piercings, notable scars etc: Scar on his left shoulder.

    -Level: n/a
    -Works for Utopia

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FILE NAME: Alto, Ricardo

  • Nickname(s); Ricky Age; 26
    Gender; Male
    Sexuality; Heterosexual
    Height; 1.95m (6.4 feet.)
    Body type; Endomorph, with most of the extra weight being carried in his stomach area. Not a beer belly or overly fat but probably around 20kg (44 pounds) over what we could consider his healthy weight range. Much of this extra weight is hard to pinpoint because of his height.
    Eye color; Chestnut brown
    Hair color; Dark Brown
    Any tattoos, piercings, notable scars etc; None

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font-size: 9px; padding-right: 5px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700; text-decoration: underline; letter-spacing: 1px; [/class] [class=tagb] position: relative; display: inline; width: auto; height: auto; margin-right: 5px; color: var(--accent); font-size: 9px; padding-right: 5px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700; text-decoration: underline; letter-spacing: 1px; [/class] [class=tabflex] width: 6em; display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-evenly; position: absolute; top: 28em; left: 42.5em; [/class] [class=tab] width: 3em; height: 3em; background-color: var(--accent); border: 1px solid var(--main); font-size: 0.2em; color: var(--accent); [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: var(--main); color: var(--main); transition-duration: 0.2s; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} 0) (fadeIn 500 tabsContent0) if (eq ${currentTab} 1) (fadeIn 500 tabsContent1) if (eq ${currentTab} 2) (fadeIn 500 tabsContent2) if (eq ${currentTab} 3) (fadeIn 500 tabsContent3) if (eq ${currentTab} 4) (fadeIn 500 tabsContent4) [/script] [class=credit] position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 10px; text-align: center; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 8px; color: #dedede; opacity: 0.25; [/class] [div class=bkgd] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent0 flexcont"] [div class="accent accent0"] [div class=accentcont] [div class=intropic][/div] [div class=role]storm.[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=introright] [div class="accent accent02"][/div] [div class=name]lyla.[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent1" style="display: none;"] [div class="accent accent1"] [div class=accentcont] [div class=header1]basics.[/div] [div class=text1cont][div class="text text1"] [div class=tag]name[/div] Lyla Addison Braye

[div class=tag]nickname:[/div] Ly

[div class=tag]age:[/div] 21

[div class=tag]gender:[/div] Female

[div class=tag]sexuality:[/div] Demisexual

[div class=tag]height:[/div] 5'4

[div class=tag]body type:[/div] thin

[div class=tag]eye color:[/div] Hazel

[div class=tag]hair color:[/div] Multi

[div class=tag]body mods:[/div] Piercings

[div class=tag]faceclaim:[/div] Vanja Jagnic
[/div][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="pic1 pic11"][/div] [div class="pic1 pic12"][/div] [div class="num num1"]1.[/div] [/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display: none;"] [div class="accent accent21"][/div] [div class="accent accent22"][/div] [div class=header2]persona.[/div] [div class="pic2 pic21"][/div] [div class="pic2 pic22"][/div] [div class="num num2"]2.[/div] [div class=text2cont][div class="text text2"] [div class=tag]power[/div] Weather Manipulation

[div class=tag]weakness (power)[/div] So far, it seems that her power is connected to her emotions. If her emotions are out of control, the weather will be the same. Using her power exhausts her greatly, depending on the intensity of the storm/weather created.

[div class=tag]level[/div] 3

[div class=tag]time at sin[/div] 1 Year

[div class=tag]likes[/div] the rain; cute animals; laughing; Caleb

[div class=tag]dislikes[/div] being alone; being stuck inside; her emotions; the idea of hurting someone

[div class=tag]strengths[/div] brave; honest; loyal

[div class=tag]weaknesses[/div] impulsive; impatient; proud

[div class=tag]quirks/habits[/div] sighs and huffs when frustrated, usually crossing her arms and pouting as well / snorts when laughing

[div class=tag]biggest fear[/div] losing anyone she cares about; being alone forever
[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent3" style="display: none;"] [div class="accent accent31"] [div class=accentcont] [div class=header3]background.[/div] [div class=text3cont][div class="text text3"] [div class=tag]personality[/div] Lyla could have been a very friendly girl, had she been raised under the right circumstances. As it was, what happened wasn't really her fault to begin with, though a part of her still blames herself. She doesn't talk about it, though, and never really has with anyone but Caleb. He is like her older brother, the protector she never knew she needed. She's a brave girl, coming from living on her own for a while, and doing what she needed to do to survive. Honest to a fault, she's also loyal to those she feels deserve it.

Lyla is also impulsive and impatient, wanting things to be done her way and in her time. She's as stubborn as a mule, and not afraid to say what's on her mind. Caleb has saved her from more than one fight, but he's also let her get into more than one so that she can sort-of learn her place. She's young but yearns for freedom, although without Thunder she never would have met Caleb.

[div class=tag]history[/div]Lyla had a chance at life. She was born to a young couple, who were still young and in love and looked at the world with fresh, bright eyes. Lyla was born with her father's eyes, her mother's nose, and the perfect mixture of both of their attributes. She was a pretty well-tempered child, only crying the bare minimum when she was hungry, tired, or bored. Her parents thought they'd struck gold with her. Little did they know that she really was something special. As she hit the terrible twos, her temper got worse. Like every child, she hit the mine phase and shit went to hell.

Despite that, her parents still loved her very much and were willing to put up with her attitude. That is, until the day she conjured a storm in their living room. A literal storm, complete with rain clouds and gusting winds and lightning. It was a very scary experience for her parents, while she just stood in the center, untouched. Lyla was like the eye of the storm. Lightning struck the couch and started a fire, which quickly spread throughout the room.

Lyla's mother did not survive. Her father saved her, but when he tried to go back, the fire was too far gone to save her. Over the course of the next few years, her father fell into a deep depression without the love of his life. He could never tell anyone what his daughter did because she was still his daughter, but their relationship was not the same. When Lyla was five, he took his own life. She grew up in the system, taken in by families who just wanted the money. She never really had anyone to look out for her. When she turned eighteen, it was a life of stealing and getting into trouble, just a hairs length away from getting caught.

The night Thunder took her, she was on the run from the police when she tripped, falling down a hill. She hit her head and blacked out, and that's the last thing she remembered. When she woke up, she was in Thunder. She kept to herself for a month or two, before being approached by a guy named Caleb. She didn't want his help, but he took her under his wing, and now they're like siblings.
[/div][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="pic3 pic31"][/div] [div class="num num3"]3.[/div] [/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent4" style="display: none;"] [div class="accent accent4"] [div class="accentcont gallerycont"]
[/div] [/div] [div class=header4]misc.[/div] [div class=header5]gallery.[/div] [div class="num num4"]4.[/div] [div class=text4cont][div class="text text4"] [div class=tagb]theme song[/div]

[div class=tagb]relationships[/div]
- tbd
[/div][/div] [/div] [div class=tabflex] [div class=tab]0[/div] [div class=tab]1[/div] [div class=tab]2[/div] [div class=tab]3[/div] [div class=tab]4[/div] [/div] [/div][div class=credit]code by [COLOR=#dedede]sox[/COLOR][/div]

lyla addison braye










vanja jagnic

weather manipulation

so far, it seems that her power is connected to her emotions. if her emotions are out of control, the weather will be the same. using her power exhausts her greatly, depending on the intensity of the storm/weather created.


1 year

the rain; cute animals; laughing; caleb

being alone; being stuck inside; her emotions; the idea of hurting someone

brave; honest; loyal

impulsive; impatient; proud

sighs and huffs when frustrated, usually crossing her arms and pouting as well / snorts when laughing

losing anyone she cares about; being alone forever

lyla could have been a very friendly girl, had she been raised under the right circumstances. as it was, what happened wasn't really her fault to begin with, though a part of her still blames herself. she doesn't talk about it, though, and never really has with anyone but caleb. he is like her older brother, the protector she never knew she needed. she's a brave girl, coming from living on her own for a while, and doing what she needed to do to survive. honest to a fault, she's also loyal to those she feels deserve it.

lyla is also impulsive and impatient, wanting things to be done her way and in her time. she's as stubborn as a mule, and not afraid to say what's on her mind. caleb has saved her from more than one fight, but he's also let her get into more than one so that she can sort-of learn her place. she's young but yearns for freedom, although without thunder she never would have met caleb.

lyla had a chance at life. she was born to a young couple, who were still young and in love and looked at the world with fresh, bright eyes. lyla was born with her father's eyes, her mother's nose, and the perfect mixture of both of their attributes. she was a pretty well-tempered child, only crying the bare minimum when she was hungry, tired, or bored. her parents thought they'd struck gold with her. little did they know that she really was something special. as she hit the terrible twos, her temper got worse. like every child, she hit the mine phase and shit went to hell.

despite that, her parents still loved her very much and were willing to put up with her attitude. that is, until the day she conjured a storm in their living room. a literal storm, complete with rain clouds and gusting winds and lightning. it was a very scary experience for her parents, while she just stood in the center, untouched. lyla was like the eye of the storm. lightning struck the couch and started a fire, which quickly spread throughout the room.

lyla's mother did not survive. her father saved her, but when he tried to go back, the fire was too far gone to save her. over the course of the next few years, her father fell into a deep depression without the love of his life. he could never tell anyone what his daughter did because she was still his daughter, but their relationship was not the same. when lyla was five, he took his own life. she grew up in the system, taken in by families who just wanted the money. she never really had anyone to look out for her. when she turned eighteen, it was a life of stealing and getting into trouble, just a hairs length away from getting caught.

the night thunder took her, she was on the run from the police when she tripped, falling down a hill. she hit her head and blacked out, and that's the last thing she remembered. when she woke up, she was in thunder. she kept to herself for a month or two, before being approached by a guy named caleb. she didn't want his help, but he took her under his wing, and now they're like siblings.
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[import]9010974[/import] [class=values] --tabStyle: row wrap; --contentStyle: column nowrap; --tab-txt-align: center; --tab-txt-color: #FFFFFF; --bg-color: #473C8B; --fontFamily: 'Play'; --fontSize: 15px; --tab-hover-color: #FFFFFF; --tab-hover-bg: #473C8B; --tab-select-color: #FFFFFF; --tab-select-bg: #473C8B; [/class] [div class="tabContainer values"] [div class=tabHolder] [div class="tab selected"][div class=tabID]1Tab[/div]PERSONAL FILE SIDE A[/div] [div class=tab][div class=tabID]2Tab[/div]R E D A C T E D[/div] [div class=tab][div class=tabID]3Tab[/div]PERSONAL FILE SIDE B[/div] [div class=tab][div class=tabID]4Tab[/div]EXTRAS[/div] [/div] [div class=tabContentHolder] [div class="tabContent 1"]

Full Name: Nicholi V. Coles

Nickname: just Nicholi

Age: 22

Gender: male

Sexuality: bisexual

Height: 6ft | 183cm

Body Type: a beanpole, tall and lanky

Eye Color: normally hazel, white when using his power

Hair Color: dark brown

Any tattoos, piercings, notable scars etc: one lobe and one cartilage piercing per ear, and a septum piercing

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Power: hypnotic voice
- The power of persuasion multiplied, his voice is a hypnotic hymn that can charm someone to do an action as long as what he's saying is clear and uninterrupted. Once the command is completed, the charm is broken and he can't command them again for another twenty-four hours. The conditions for this to work are completely dependent on if he knows their name, if the person can hear him, their proximity to him, and the mental and emotional state of the person. The more aware and attentive the person is to what he's doing or his powers in general, or the more distressed a person is, the harder it is for the charm to take. His voice can't effect the state of someone's mental or emotional state. As far as he knows, he can only charm one person at a time and he can't persuade someone to do something outside of their limits (for example, he couldn't ask someone to lift a car if they're incapable of doing it to begin with), but he hasn't gotten much opportunity to push himself in a safe environment.

- his concentration is centered on how calm he is
- for now, he can only charm one person at a time
- those with impaired hearing or are completely deaf are more difficult or completely impossible to manipulate
- the power of his voice doesn't carry over the phone; everything must be done in person
- his powers don't afford him any super-human abilities outside of his voice; if he can't talk his way out of a situation things can get ugly
- conversing with people is mildly difficult; he's overly careful with what he says and how he says it unless speaking through a communication device

Level: 5

Time at S.I.N: two months

[/div] [div class="tabContent 3"]

- gardening; he's never had a large patch of land to work with before, but he used to decorate his apartment with a variety of potted plants
- fashion; while it is important to him to look good, it works in favor of his abilities if his looks match his level of charm
- singing; he won't sing in front of people since lyrics would be affected by his power, but he will hum a lot
- crowds; he can't always join in on the fun of conversation but he does enjoy being around people regardless of where their attention is
- hats; wide brimmed and fashionable, one he hopes to include into his uniform at S.I.N.
- the color green; it's just a very nice color, you know?

- stress; it's not ideal for anyone but high tension makes it difficult for him to use his power reliably
- coffee; the taste is bitter and awful no matter how much milk and sugar you put it in you can't change his mind
- combat; these beanpole limbs weren't made for punching or kicking
- dishonesty; outside of lying for S.I.N., lying between comrades and coworkers don't sit well with him
- peanut butter; he has a peanut allergy

- running; it's the second best thing to do when the shit hits the fan and boy is he good at it
- focused; he takes his job seriously even if he is just a trainee
- well-spoken; while slow at conversing, he does have very good speech craft
- reading people; he does a lot of people watching and it helps with his power
- fashion; if he's going to be swindling people, he's going to look good doing it

- quick wits; he needs time to think about what he wants to say
- close quarters combat; while not totally comfortable with long ranged weaponry, CQC has him at a physical disadvantage
- easy to panic; if the shit hits the fan his instinct is to run
- confidence; he has a hard time pushing himself where he shines
- cats; god they're so damn cute

- people watching; it helps him pick up on other people's habits and also genuinely kind of fun
- humming or whistling; he loves music but singing can be difficult in public
- leg bouncing; the tell tale signs of mounting stress
- smoking; a bad habit but one that curbs his stress

Biggest Fear
Losing control. He is so overly careful about what he says and how he says it to coworkers, friends, and family because he doesn't want to accidentally say something detrimental as a command. There's always that fear that he might get too angry, too sad, too excited and slip up, say something without thought that was said in the heat of the moment.

Easy to gain his focus and attention, hard to get him to let loose and relax. He wouldn't call himself a stick in the mud, but his constant need to be overly cautious of what he says makes it difficult for him to get comfortable. Obedient to a fault; he won't do something if he thinks he can't get himself out of the situation safely or if it puts the people he cares about in immediate danger. A bit self conscious and probably in need of a self-esteem boost; he wants to be someone and get to big places in life but sometimes lacks the confidence to push himself where he would shine brightest. In that aspect, he can be caught daydreaming - he's a very goal oriented person.

Some people might accuse him of being fake. He has a good charming "customer service" facade he picked up from his old job to make the art of persuasion easier when he wanted or needed to charm someone; it helps to keep people's guards down. In everyday life though, he's just a reserved and somewhat quiet guy; an extrovert burdened by slow speech and overcautious tendencies when speaking. His maximum comfort when speaking to people is over the phone; his power doesn't carry over electronics and he can be as talkative and carefree as he wants. The creative sort, he liked to preen over his small potted plant garden he had in his apartment and sing when no one's around.

Born as an only child to a single father and no memory or involvement with his mother after being born, Nicholi had led a relatively normal life living in blissful ignorance of his power. His dad worked a nine to five and did his best to give his son a good childhood, and as a kid he never really questioned when his dad gave in to childish demands - he was just a cool dad. Looking back, Nicholi wonders if his powers had been with him from an early age. Grade school days of playing Truth or Dare with friends, daring Veronica to eat a bug he found on a window sill and watching her do it with ease until she threw up immediately after and started to cry. Jokingly asking a friend for a favor and, to his surprise, they drop everything to do it anyway. Telling his dad he wanted pizza for breakfast and waking up to the smell of a cheese pizza on a Saturday morning. His first real encounter of his power making itself known was, like all things unknown and unexplained, an accident. Working part as a barista, he'd gotten into a heated argument with a customer after they openly started insulting one of his co-workers, upsetting them, and he turned to the customer telling them to "go take a long walk off a short pier". A figure of speech, and harmless, but the customer left immediately afterwards. That night on the news, a drowned body had been found off the local shores resembling the customer he'd told off that very afternoon. Unable to shake the uncomfortable feeling that he'd maybe been involved with their death, Nicholi began to really take a good hard look at some other coincidences within his life and do some testing.

After graduating high school, Nicholi got himself a job as a door to door salesman; a safe place to practice and test his skills. He sold a variety of different things - kitchen knife sets, shaving kits, food stuffs, you name it - and Nicholi took that opportunity to learn more about his powers. It was harmless, for the most part, and he made good commission off the sales. The more he learned about how his power worked and how it affected people, the more withdrawn he became in his social life; the weight of that drowned customers weighed heavily on his conscious and he didn't ever want to make a mistake like that again. As time went on, he kept a little list with him on the best ways to persuade someone and what was absolutely necessary for it to work. The power had potential, but what was he going to use it for except selling people shit they didn't need? The answer came in the form of a car accident on his way home from a neighborhood job - he'd have preferred a knock at his shoddy apartment door or even, if they needed to have such a flair for the dramatics, a white van coming up to kidnap him with a bag over his head and everything, but a car accident does do wonders for faking a death.

Now two months into S.I.N. and Nicholi is looking for two things: one, a way to grow his potential and two, someone to talk to about this sweatpants and tank top combo and whether or not he can add a hat into the uniform get up.

[/div] [div class="tabContent 4"]

Theme Song: Take A Bow | Muse

✦ Relationships:

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Full Name: Nicholi V. Coles

Nickname: just Nicholi

Age: 22

Gender: male

Sexuality: bisexual

Height: 6ft | 183cm

Body Type: a beanpole, tall and lanky

Eye Color: normally hazel, white when using his power

Hair Color: dark brown

Any tattoos, piercings, notable scars etc: one lobe and one cartilage piercing per ear, and a septum piercing

Power: hypnotic voice
- The power of persuasion multiplied, his voice is a hypnotic hymn that can charm someone to do an action as long as what he's saying is clear and uninterrupted. Once the command is completed, the charm is broken and he can't command them again for another twenty-four hours. The conditions for this to work are completely dependent on if he knows their name, if the person can hear him, their proximity to him, and the mental and emotional state of the person. The more aware and attentive the person is to what he's doing or his powers in general, or the more distressed a person is, the harder it is for the charm to take. His voice can't effect the state of someone's mental or emotional state. As far as he knows, he can only charm one person at a time and he can't persuade someone to do something outside of their limits (for example, he couldn't ask someone to lift a car if they're incapable of doing it to begin with), but he hasn't gotten much opportunity to push himself in a safe environment.

- his concentration is centered on how calm he is
- for now, he can only charm one person at a time
- those with impaired hearing or are completely deaf are more difficult or completely impossible to manipulate
- the power of his voice doesn't carry over the phone; everything must be done in person
- his powers don't afford him any super-human abilities outside of his voice; if he can't talk his way out of a situation things can get ugly
- conversing with people is mildly difficult; he's overly careful with what he says and how he says it unless speaking through a communication device

Level: 5

Time at S.I.N: two months

- gardening; he's never had a large patch of land to work with before, but he used to decorate his apartment with a variety of potted plants
- fashion; while it is important to him to look good, it works in favor of his abilities if his looks match his level of charm
- singing; he won't sing in front of people since lyrics would be affected by his power, but he will hum a lot
- crowds; he can't always join in on the fun of conversation but he does enjoy being around people regardless of where their attention is
- hats; wide brimmed and fashionable, one he hopes to include into his uniform at S.I.N.
- the color green; it's just a very nice color, you know?

- stress; it's not ideal for anyone but high tension makes it difficult for him to use his power reliably
- coffee; the taste is bitter and awful no matter how much milk and sugar you put it in you can't change his mind
- combat; these beanpole limbs weren't made for punching or kicking
- dishonesty; outside of lying for S.I.N., lying between comrades and coworkers don't sit well with him
- peanut butter; he has a peanut allergy

- running; it's the second best thing to do when the shit hits the fan and boy is he good at it
- focused; he takes his job seriously even if he is just a trainee
- well-spoken; while slow at conversing, he does have very good speech craft
- reading people; he does a lot of people watching and it helps with his power
- fashion; if he's going to be swindling people, he's going to look good doing it

- quick wits; he needs time to think about what he wants to say
- close quarters combat; while not totally comfortable with long ranged weaponry, CQC has him at a physical disadvantage
- easy to panic; if the shit hits the fan his instinct is to run
- confidence; he has a hard time pushing himself where he shines
- cats; god they're so damn cute

- people watching; it helps him pick up on other people's habits and also genuinely kind of fun
- humming or whistling; he loves music but singing can be difficult in public
- leg bouncing; the tell tale signs of mounting stress
- smoking; a bad habit but one that curbs his stress

Biggest Fear
Losing control. He is so overly careful about what he says and how he says it to coworkers, friends, and family because he doesn't want to accidentally say something detrimental as a command. There's always that fear that he might get too angry, too sad, too excited and slip up, say something without thought that was said in the heat of the moment.

Easy to gain his focus and attention, hard to get him to let loose and relax. He wouldn't call himself a stick in the mud, but his constant need to be overly cautious of what he says makes it difficult for him to get comfortable. Obedient to a fault; he won't do something if he thinks he can't get himself out of the situation safely or if it puts the people he cares about in immediate danger. A bit self conscious and probably in need of a self-esteem boost; he wants to be someone and get to big places in life but sometimes lacks the confidence to push himself where he would shine brightest. In that aspect, he can be caught daydreaming - he's a very goal oriented person.

Some people might accuse him of being fake. He has a good charming "customer service" facade he picked up from his old job to make the art of persuasion easier when he wanted or needed to charm someone; it helps to keep people's guards down. In everyday life though, he's just a reserved and somewhat quiet guy; an extrovert burdened by slow speech and overcautious tendencies when speaking. His maximum comfort when speaking to people is over the phone; his power doesn't carry over electronics and he can be as talkative and carefree as he wants. The creative sort, he liked to preen over his small potted plant garden he had in his apartment and sing when no one's around.

Born as an only child to a single father and no memory or involvement with his mother after being born, Nicholi had led a relatively normal life living in blissful ignorance of his power. His dad worked a nine to five and did his best to give his son a good childhood, and as a kid he never really questioned when his dad gave in to childish demands - he was just a cool dad. Looking back, Nicholi wonders if his powers had been with him from an early age. Grade school days of playing Truth or Dare with friends, daring Veronica to eat a bug he found on a window sill and watching her do it with ease until she threw up immediately after and started to cry. Jokingly asking a friend for a favor and, to his surprise, they drop everything to do it anyway. Telling his dad he wanted pizza for breakfast and waking up to the smell of a cheese pizza on a Saturday morning. His first real encounter of his power making itself known was, like all things unknown and unexplained, an accident. Working part as a barista, he'd gotten into a heated argument with a customer after they openly started insulting one of his co-workers, upsetting them, and he turned to the customer telling them to "go take a long walk off a short pier". A figure of speech, and harmless, but the customer left immediately afterwards. That night on the news, a drowned body had been found off the local shores resembling the customer he'd told off that very afternoon. Unable to shake the uncomfortable feeling that he'd maybe been involved with their death, Nicholi began to really take a good hard look at some other coincidences within his life and do some testing.

After graduating high school, Nicholi got himself a job as a door to door salesman; a safe place to practice and test his skills. He sold a variety of different things - kitchen knife sets, shaving kits, food stuffs, you name it - and Nicholi took that opportunity to learn more about his powers. It was harmless, for the most part, and he made good commission off the sales. The more he learned about how his power worked and how it affected people, the more withdrawn he became in his social life; the weight of that drowned customers weighed heavily on his conscious and he didn't ever want to make a mistake like that again. As time went on, he kept a little list with him on the best ways to persuade someone and what was absolutely necessary for it to work. The power had potential, but what was he going to use it for except selling people shit they didn't need? The answer came in the form of a car accident on his way home from a neighborhood job - he'd have preferred a knock at his shoddy apartment door or even, if they needed to have such a flair for the dramatics, a white van coming up to kidnap him with a bag over his head and everything, but a car accident does do wonders for faking a death.

Now two months into S.I.N. and Nicholi is looking for two things: one, a way to grow his potential and two, someone to talk to about this sweatpants and tank top combo and whether or not he can add a hat into the uniform get up.

Theme Song: Take A Bow | Muse

✦ Relationships:
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FILE NAME: Nataka, Kai

  • -Full Name: Kai Nataka
    -Alias: Kai
    - SIN Level 2
    -7 years (she was 17yrs old when she was recruited. )

    -Age: 24
    -Sexuality: Asexual
    -Gender: Female

    -Height: 5'9
    -Body type: Lean/Slim, in good shape.
    -Eye color: Grey
    -Hair color: Dyed blonde
    -Any tattoos, piercings, notable scars etc: Tattoos, Ear and nose piercings, scars on her back

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"what's a little bit of identity theft"​
» THEO a.k.a Mimic

Full name: Theodore Michael Trevelyan
Nickname(s): Theo, Trevy
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 6’
Body type: Muscular, very defined body.
Eye color: Shifts with the day, but originally light hazel green.
Hair color: Also shifts, but light brown naturally
Tattoos/Scar/Distinguishing Features: Theo has a # of tattoo on his arms and some on his torso that he got before his powers manifested.

- Shapeshifting: the ability to physically transform
- Being that Theo is such an adaptable person in general, it was no surprise to himself that he manifested the ability to shapeshift. Although in movies and tv shows shapeshifter have always been portrayed as only being able to shapeshift into animals. Theo however can shapeshift into other people.
- Its very easy for him to change both his hair and eye color as well as grow his hair

Weakness (related to power):
- Painful: When it comes to shapeshifting, Theo is best at turning into someone of similar height and bone structure, as it is a very painful to turn into someone of a taller/shorter physique or someone with a completely different face structure as he is altering his own bone structure to do so.
- Timely: It takes a lot of time for Theo to study the person he is imitating as he has to take time to learn all of the measurements of an individual, learn their way of walking, learn how to mimic their voice, their patter of speech, etc. This study takes place over the course of days, even extending up to a week or two. The more Theo has to learn about someone the more he has to study them in order to pass as them. As for the transformation it has never taken more than two hours, and he often needs copious amount of pain killers to relieve the pain of the transformation.
- Effort: There is a large amount of effort that goes into maintaining the appearance. Although it’s gotten easier, he still needs to make sure that there is no slippage of his appearance.
- He can only transform into living bipedal human beings. He cannot become an animal, he cannot make his skin impenetrable etc.
- General things that he can’t do:
*alter his DNA
*alter his Blood Type

-Level Five, but he’s been doing really well for himself and hopes to move to level four soon.

Time at S.I.N:
- 1 year

- Dogs
- Friends
- Swimming
- A Good Book

- Ignorance
- Greed
- Cats
- Boredom
- Wasted Time
- Secrets

- Charismatic: He can strike a conversation with almost anyone and find common ground among the parties included.
- Athletic: Being an athletic by nature he can hold his own in a fight outside of his learned skills.
- Adaptable: He can read a situation and adapt his conversation and tone to match the situation at hand.

- Family: He would do anything for him family, drop everything for his family.
- Quick to trust: Since he tried to build trust from the beginning he often fails to see some of the bad lurking beneath the surface.
- Easily Stressed

When stressed he often chew and worries the inside of his cheek (some times to the point of bleeding)

Biggest Fear:
- Ever since he began manifesting his abilities, his biggest fear is not being able to return to his original form. Being stuck as a duplicate of someone else.
- Losing his family.

Theo has always been a people person. There are a number of terms used to describe him, Kind, Charming, Personable, among many others. He prides himself in always attempting to put his best foot forward he’d rather befriend someone and make his own opinions rather than listen and be misguided by other people’s opinions. Being that Theo looks to build his trust early on in the beginning breaking that trust or doing something to harm that trust, such as purposefully withholding important information, can force him to become rude, angry, sarcastic, etc. But most importantly it can make him abandon most relationships if the harm is substantial enough. It causes him to kinda do a complete flip in personality.

Theo is a man of simple taste, growing up with money, he never found himself interested in gaudy fashion or expensive tech, although he did splurge for somethings. But he chose to be a simple kid. Had simple interests and allowed himself to be open to all kind of new experience that people opened his eyes to.

Theodore Trevelyan was born to Katlyn and Andrew Trevelyan in a small town in the northern New Hampshire. Theo knew everyone in his city growing up, the kind of town that if he were to walk into the local grocery store a quick ten minute trip would turn into a high school reunion of sorts. His life was good, his family was one of the wealthy families in the town, his father running one of the more successful construction companies that had been passed down from his father, and his father before that. He rarely wanted or needed anything, and the things he did want were often provided for him.

Theo had a great connection with his family, his father although busy always made an effort to be with his family attend his games, his older sisters recitals, etc. His mother was always home, being the stay at home mom. So they spent a lot of time together over his time formative years. He and his sister were as close as possible, being only a year younger they often circulated the same friend groups and were interested in a number of similar hobbies. Jenna (His sister) often acted as his balance, ensuring he wasn’t being blind to things in front of him and ignoring parts of the larger picture, etc.

Theo found a love for sports early in his life and often spent a lot of his free time after school in the work out room running and training along side his teammates, or at soccer or lacrosse practice. Outside of being a people person and having a lot of acquaintances, he found notoriety among the sports culture, find a quick love for Soccer and Lacrosse.

Theo manifested his powers in college, to this day he isn’t sure how they came to be. Unsure if he was gifted them, if he was born with them, etc. All he knew was that one day he woke up and his eyes were a different color, and his hair had gone from brown to bleached blonde. So for weeks he went around with the excuse that he ordered the wrong contact and decided to do something fun with his hair. It only became a problem when changes to his facial features started, causing him to miss class for a couple of day trying to will his face into the right proportion, although anytime he made progress he was racked with excruciating pain and had to start over.

Then one day a group showed up at his apartment door, a very imposing group, who took none of his bullshit and gave him no answers. It was very simple, come with them or die. So he went with them, little did he know that they would make it appear as though he died anyways.

Theme Song: Way Down We Go - Kaleo
(Has nothing to do with him just a good song)

Relationships: N/A
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Caleb Rivers

Name: Caleb Rivers
Nickname: n/a
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 6'3
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Tattoos/Piercings: yes

Power: Energy Manipulation. Caleb can absorb and release energy from others (and himself) to either drain someone else, or create a powerful blast.
Weakness (related to power): Can draw in too much energy and become a danger to himself and those around him. He must touch the person to drain their energy. If he uses too much energy, he'll be drained and weak.
Level: 2
Time at S.I.N: 5 Years

Likes: tattoos / getting what he wants / order
Dislikes: cats / back talk / smartasses
Strengths: intelligent / strong / loyal
Weaknesses: over analytical / not very emotional or too emotional, hardly any inbetween / callous
Quirks/Habits: has a habit of staring people down, especially to get his way / draws ideas for new tattoos when bored
Biggest Fear: losing the one person who he considers family / not being good enough to be at S.I.N.

Caleb isn't the friendly type. He's got good looks and charm when he wants to have it, but if you were just running into him on the street, you probably wouldn't want to talk to him. He's got a mean look on his face ninety perfect of the time, and it's generally because he's just pissed off at the world. Though in the last few years he's been able to control that anger and use it for good (well, S.I.N's version of good), he still harbors an anger that can explode at anytime. He does have a temper, and if you piss him off, you'll probably end up on the ground or against a nearby wall.

He has a soft spot for one person, and one person only. Since his sister died, he found someone at S.I.N. who arrived a few years after he did, and she reminded him of Mariah so much that he sort of took her under his wing. He doesn't let anyone mess with her, and they train privately so that he can make sure she knows what she's doing. He doesn't care what people think of him, just S.I.N, so he comes across as brash or heartless when he speaks sometimes. He rarely smiles.

Caleb was screwed from the moment he was born. His mother was addicted to crack, his father an alcoholic womanizer. Somehow the two managed to keep custody of him, perhaps they cleaned up their act just for a short time. Caleb was three years old when Mariah came along, the little sister he never knew he needed. But it wasn't much longer after that that their mother was found, having overdosed on the couch in their little trailer. She was rushed to the hospital, and it was then that his father gained full custody, able to hide his alcoholism better than she could hide her drug use. Caleb became used to seeing different women at the house; he thought it was normal.

His father was a strict man. He wanted things to be done his way or the highway, a lesson that Caleb learned quickly as he grew up. Caleb protected Mariah from their father's anger, taking the beatings meant for both of them just so that she didn't have to. Everything became his fault, and he took it in stride. No child wants to be beaten, but he was Mariah's protector and would never let anything bad happen to her. The two of them grew older, and their father just got meaner. He drank more often, slowly slipping into being a non functioning alcoholic. He and Mariah started fighting more, and Caleb wasn't always around to protect her.

He dropped out of school at sixteen, and joined a gang. He mostly patrolled the streets, and moved drugs when instructed. He learned to fight, and it was around that time he learned he was different. He suppressed the voices in his head, wanting to be a better gang member for the Boss. The gang kept him protected, so in turn he could protect Mariah. Everything was going great until a drug deal gone bad. The guy had followed him back to his house, and Caleb had made a rookie mistake and not noticed. Mariah was home. She came to greet him, and next thing he knew, she was on the ground bleeding out. He remembers getting shot, too, and everything going dark, but when he woke up-- he was at S.I.N.

Everything was explained to him, including the fact that his sister was dead, and he learned how to fight all over again. He also learned that he wasn't insane, and those voices in his head weren't make believe, but others thoughts. At first, of course, he was stunned but he moved past it and, wanting to be the best soldier he could be, learned to control it. It turns out he'd been using his powers without realizing it for years. He threw everything he had into S.I.N, because what else did he have?

Theme Song:

code by apolla apolla

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Dakota Troyanos

  • Name: Vasilisa Ivanov
    Nickname: V[ee]
    Age: 25
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Eye Color: Hazel
    Hair Color: Brown
    Height: 5'7
    Tattoos: x x x

Code by apolla apolla
Eleonora Wisteria Summer
ALIAS: Little Flower (family), Nora, Thorns (by SIN agents who know of her story)
20 yrs old || Female || SIN level 3 (4.5 YEARS) || Bisexual
5'5 || Grey (Eyes) || Dirty Blonde (Hair) || Slim body shape.

Power || Botanokinesis || "User can create, shape and manipulate plants. This is includes wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, roots, fruits and flowers. The user can cause plants to grow, move/attack, mutate plants by rearranging DNA structure, and revive withered or dead plants." (Similar to Poison Ivy)

Weakness || She needs a source. Her sources includes seeds she carries or if she is close enough to plants to manipulate or change. She cannot grow plants out of concrete or in a building unless there is soil or seeds for her to work with. Her abilities are weaker with using seeds and more stronger in a forest or park environment. Fire is a huge weakness. Even though she has gotten stronger over the years, she still can get overwhelmed easily as she is connected with her plants and feels their pain, this puts her mind under great stress causing her to lose focus or black out if it is to much for her to handle.

Likes || Nature, spring, dance, being able to use her gift freely, gardening, stars, hot chocolate, fencing.
Dislikes || Snow, Cold, Urban/city Environments, Fire, being unable to use her gift, loud noises.
Fear || Losing those she cares about again and fire are her two biggest fears.
Habits || Twitches when scared, terrible liar, keeping seeds on her always, humming when anxious.
Strengths|| Fencing, Proficient with her ability, agile, negotiator.
Weakness || Fire, overwhelmed easily, emotional, still facing her trauma, trust others easily.

Personality ||
Nora is smart, creative, and unconventional. She is also laid-back, disorganized, and non-judgmental. Out of chaos comes genius, but due to her lack of organisation she often has trouble applying her energy and finishing projects, needing to work with others to stay focused.

Nora used to be very outgoing and talkative, but after the loss of her family became more withdrawn and quiet for a while. However she starting to become more outgoing again as she continues to move forward. Assertive. She can make friends easily and has friends from many different backgrounds, she is able to get along with almost anyone. She likes being around people, but because she is disorganized and laid-back, she does not have good leadership skills and tends to be more of a follower.

She is polite, compassionate, and thoughtful. She goes out of her way to help people, and is sympathetic to the plight of people she has little in common with, sometimes to her own disadvantage. Good negotiator. She is often kind and goes out of her way for others, and as a result people tend to like her.She is quite positive and stable, she is thoughtful and acts as a stabilizing force to those around her.

Eleonora is sensitive from the trauma she faced and fears losing people she is close with. Easily startled. Can get overwhelmed when using her ability in combat causing her to get emotional. Trust others easily.

Biography || Nora's family lived far away from others, in a rural area on a farm. So ever since she was little she was raised with nature all around her. She is the youngest of three, having two older brothers. Nora had always been a green thumb (no plant died under her careful care!) and great help in the garden her mother kept, spending most her free time in it even is she wasn't gardening. Sometimes she just bring a book to read or practice fencing with her brothers. Whenever she was in the garden she felt more energetic and connected with everything.

However things changed as her ability started to manifest. At 13 years old Nora began to realize that she wasn't so normal. Little flowers would appear out of the ground when she was upset or angry and her connection to plants had not been as normal as she thought because nobody else felt the pain she felt whenever a plant was harvested or died. As her brothers began to become more busy with farm work, she started to spend time in the woods alone, trying to learn more about her connection to nature. This is how she discovered her ability and she began to practice and explore more, but she decided after much turmoil to keep her ability secret.

At 15 she finally revealed her ability to her family, and surprisingly they were open to it. Maybe it's cause they knew before her, she wasn't sure. Life continued on the farm as normal until she was 16 years old. Their farm was set ablaze and her father and brothers went to fight the flames and her mother went to handle the animals. She wanted to help to but was the flames got more out of control, she started feeling the pain of the plants around her causing her to get overwhelmed and she just started running towards the woods. Putting as much distance between the flames and her as possible. Eventually she blacked out and the next day when she returned to her home, she discovered not much remained. The house was not in a livable condition and the barn was no where to be seen. Nor was her family.

Believing her family was dead she lost control of her ability, plants springing to life all around her. She blacked out not long after it started and the process started again when she woke up and she still saw the charred remains of the farm, her brain unable to handle the devastation. It wasn't long after her power outburst that SIN found her. Weak from the power outburst, she wasn't much of a fight once they got past the thorns protecting her scared form. She didn't fight back if anything she attached herself to the agents, and going to SIN willingly. At first she wasn't very responsive, but over time she began to participate more and more, dedicating her energy to the cause.

THEME: Flowers || The Tech Thieves
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L O A D I N G F I L E ......
OTHER KNOWN NAMES: MIRROR (undercover name), LORA (nickname to general public)


ABILITY: PHYSICAL ILLUSIONS (nickname is overactive imagination (her ability is physical and comes to life instead of being fake mental illusions used to trick/decieve) or mirrors(cause everything shatters like mirrors)
- Unlike your typical illusions, Lora's are physical and can be interacted with, they are seen by everyone and not just one person/targeted people. Her ability includes being able to change minor aspects of her her appearance (hair style/color, eye color, outfit, makeup, etc.), creating physical clones in her place, ability to change the physical appearance of objects, and give the illusion of disappearing/shattering like glass into shards.

Overall: She cannot create mental illusions. Meaning she can't make you believe you living out your worse fear or create a hellish landscape of no escape or change the environment around her. Her illusions cannot hurt you mentally or physically. She also has a range for her illusions, and once she is out of range her illusions disappear shattering like glass.
Appearance: While she can hold up her illusion of her appearance for long periods of time and even when in a fight, she cannot change major aspects of her body like a shapeshifter could. Meaning she cannot change skin color, bone structure, height, gender, race/change into an animal, etc.
Clones: She can create physical clones of herself able to take damage for her. The clones aren't very durable and will break once hit, shattering like glass just like everything else her ability creates. They can't move or fight back really, but they are a great distraction and useful for a good getaway. She can only create 2-3 clones of her self at once.
Objects: Changing the physical appearance of objects is extremely taxing for Lora and makes her tired rather quickly. She can make a mansion seem fancier or make it look abandoned, but cannot change the appearance of living objects/people. It only last if she's inside the building or touching the object she is changing
Shattering/Seemingly vanishing: This part of her ability is complicated and as far as it gets when it comes to the mental aspects of illusions. She can make her opponent/target believe she has disappeared, either by making it look like she shattered into shards or using a clone to take her place while she moves to another location. She is not actually invisible nor is she teleporting, she just makes her target believe she is. It requires a bit more energy to do than just clones, but not as bad as changing object's appearance. She does not like using often in fight because although useful, it can be really disorienting for her if she uses it a lot/several times at once. 3-4 is okay, but after that she starts getting dizzy and fatigued. Most the time she uses it to flee or make a distraction for others to flee.
(sorry thats long tried to be as detailed as possible)
Loretta is smart, creative, and determined. She is also hardworking and controlled. She is outgoing, assertive, and talkative. Under her mask of the ruthless but outstanding CEO hides a more sadistic, witty, and revengeful nature. She doesn't like being around people she doesn't trust, but will work with them if goals align or for assignments. Do not expect her to be warm to you or trust you, as she is will do no such thing. Strict. Hardworking. Loretta is a great and natural leader, but her sadistic and ruthless nature usually makes her more of a lone wolf. Despite the resentment toward working in groups, she is good at team work when it is needed. Sarcastic. Independent. She isn't a pushover and can't be taken advantage of, and her intelligence allows her to spot when people are being manipulative or lying to her, and she isn't one to take the short end of the stick for someone else's benefit without a good reason. She herself is a silver tongue when she needs to be. Loretta cares very little about how other people view her and opinions do not affect her. Even if those opinions are within her work place. She is aware what people say about her, she just leaves it to be as it is a waste of time and would only distract her from her tasks. High expectations of people and can get upset when they disappoint her. She knows when to use people to her advantage and when they are no longer useful.

PERSONAL WEAKNESSES: doesn't trust others, uses people, not great at hand to hand combat, can't handle but so much pain, mocking her upbringing makes her snap.
PERSONAL STRENGTHS: Skilled with her ability, hard-working, can get things done quickly and effectively, intelligent, focused, good with knives and guns.
LIKES: changing her appearance, pastel colors, working,
DISLIKES:sweets, the "short end of the stick", SIN, being unable to help/do things, feeling powerless, authority, SIN, people questioning her upbringing, oh did I mention SIN?
HABITS:Rolls her eyes alot, cracking knuckles, smirking when confident, flexes fingers a lot, tilts her head when pondering something.
FEARS:Failure. Feeling powerless.

BIOGRAPHY: Loretta's parents abandoned her when she was only 1 year old. Taken in by another couple for a few years before they sent her to an orphanage, claiming the child had been possessed, when she was 6. Her ability had manifested rather early and she could change her eye colors whenever she got emotional. Red was anger, blue was sadness, and so on. Of course being six she had little control over it. The older kids at the orphanage would bully her for being different and the adults acted as if she were really possessed. The bullying became physical when she was 8. Her powers grew as well, she could now change her appearance more and more. The other kids didn't like it and treated her worse, sometimes to the point she was bed ridden for days. She hated it. Her power made things worse for her and didn't protect her and she started to resent it. She was 11 years old when she ran away from the orphanage.

A few days after she had run away she stumbled across a hideout of thieves who took her in. A few having abilities of their own. There Lora learned to accept and train with her power. Learning it wasn't just her appearance, but other things as well she could do. She became known as Mirror inside the group. Lora quickly became accepted and apart of the thieves. Together they called themselves a family. She was really close to one person in particular. His code name was Mist, and he had the ability to control smoke. The family may not have had a lot and be stuck in hiding, but they were happy with it. Until SIN discovered them. SIN sent it's agents to collect the gifteds and the unsuspecting family didn't stand much of a chance. They tried resisting, but many were either captured or killed. Among the killed was Mist. It broke Lora. She barely managed to escape, needing medical attention, meeting with a man who ran a tech company. He took her in, saying she looked a lot like his late daughter. Lora lived with him in exchange took over his business for him when he retired. That's how she become the CEO of one of the major tech supplying companies when she was 20 years old despite being a theif most her life. She swore she would get her revenge one day for what SIN did ever since the day they attacked. She keeps her promise even now, funding and working with UTOPIA in secret.
christophen h. james
alias: airell
age: 20
gender: male || sexuality: bisexual
level: 5 || time at s.i.n: 1 month
height: 6'1
hair: blonde || eyes: green
build: slim/dancer build
body mods/notable marks: none

power: gravity manipulation - chris can manipulate gravity. either by making it stronger or lessening it. making it stronger will make objects heavier and fall to the ground while lessening it makes them lighter and levitate. he himself can use the ability to allow himself to fly/levitate off the ground, it took a lot of practice and several bruises but he can move while lessening his own gravity and seemingly fly/move around while levitating.

weakness: his ability only affects a small area, up to three people, in a certain direction (the direction he is facing). when using his ability he is affected by his power, meaning when increasing gravity his gravity also increases making him unable to move. lessening other's gravity will cause him to levitate as well. his ability is tied to his concentration, loss of focus can send him falling to the ground.

likes: dancing, competition, coffee, autumn, reading, music, and horror movies.

dislikes: losing, failure, pain, cats, cold weather, people asking him too many questions, and darkness.
fears: falling (yep. he fears losing control while levitating and falling to his death.), pain, and failure.
habits: running a hand through his hair, walking on the balls of his feet, chewing his bottom lip, and sighing.
strengths: agile & flexible, quick thinker, good control of his ability, calm, and swift.
weakness: physically weak, reliant on ability, stubborn, competitive, and can be influenced by emotions.

personality: chris's most defining trait is his competitiveness. it fuels his stubborn and hot-headed nature. easily provoked or angered.
Openness – High. Chris is smart and creative. He is open to new experiences and tolerant of different types of people. He likes the idea of traveling to exotic places. He is quick-witted and able to think on his feet, and approaches problems from an unconventional point of view. He is an eccentric and a rebel. His ideas can be too quirky and different and this means that he is prone to failure. He likes alternative cultures and has a unique sense of style. He is interested in ideas and blurred lines. He finds radical and extreme beliefs and behaviors attractive.

Conscientiousness – Low. Chris is laid-back and disorganized. He is better at looking at the big picture and isn't good at attention to detail. He does care however about his appearance and does maintain it. Perfectionist. He is undisciplined and often stubborn. He isn't very good at drawing boundaries and doesn't think things through before acting.

Extraversion – High. Chris is outgoing, assertive, and talkative. He loves being the center of attention. He likes to be around people and feels energized by their company. He is something of a party animal and loves a night out with friends. He isn't bookish and gets restless and lonely if he is home alone. He likes to host family visits at the weekend. He needs to feel loved or he can become needy.

Agreeableness – Low. Chris is rarely driven by appeals to emotion. He is not very sympathetic towards others and expects people to look after themselves, as he looks after himself. He can be rude, though he is easy to get along with most of the time. Sometimes he appears to be cold, and he does not go out of his way to do things for others. He finds it easy to say no and tends to judge those who can't say no as weak. Sometimes he can behave in a predatory manner towards vulnerable and easily manipulated individuals. He finds it easy to stand up for himself and rarely takes notice of public judgments. (This is, of course, different toward his nieces and family as he cares deeply for them. )

Neuroticism – High. Chris is emotionally unstable and suffers from a lot of negative feelings. Sometimes that manifests as anger, bitterness, or resentment towards others. Sometimes it manifests as depression and self-hatred. He does not deal well with bad news and can become vulnerable and fragile when pushed beyond his coping abilities. His tendency to sense danger has helped him to avoid serious trouble on several occasions. He knows his physical limits and rarely goes beyond them.

biography: chris is the only child of a single mother, his father vanishing before his mother found out she was pregnant. only three years after his birth his mom abandoned him, his aunt and uncle took him under their care. he became the eldest of four children, being the only boy. he was very protective over his nieces and took care of them whenever his aunt and uncle were busy. during elementary school, he went to one of his aunt's ballet classes and fell in love with dance, especially how the dancers seem to float in the air during jumps. it became his focus. he practiced whenever he could, attended as many classes as possible. he was often bullied for his interest in ballet in middle school, and despite the bullying, he kept pursuing and pushing himself. he was competitive, holding this invisible competition with the other dancer who could jump higher and stay in the air longer. whenever he thought someone was better than him he got bitter and worked harder.

chris discovered his ability in high school. one of his nieces had fallen from a tree and felt a pull, the next thing he knew he and her were levitating in the air, her just barely hovering above the ground that had she hit would have broken her bones. once he realized he wasn't touching the ground he panicked and fell to the ground. he sprained his ankle and his sister was fine except she blackout and didn't remember what happened. he never told anyone about what actually happened that day. ever. a few weeks later of ignoring his power, it built up what felt like pressure inside him and he felt heavy. his bullies saw this as an opportunity to mess with him, only to find themselves forced to the ground and unable to get up from the pressure/increased gravity. chris blackout that day and after that the bullies rarely bothered him. he began to view his gift as useful and practiced with it. learning more. he discovered not using it caused it to flare up and increase his own gravity, so to keep that from happening he began to use it in his dancing. decreasing his gravity during his jumps to get the highest and longest jumps. his competitiveness grew. he participated in actual dance competitions and became known as a great and young ballet dancer.

that was until a month ago. his competitiveness ticked off some other dancers and they sabotaged his performance. caught off guard, he hadn't been able to stop himself from falling through the trapdoor that leads to beneath the stage. while the injuries were bad, he lived....technically. to the rest of the world, he was dead. no longer did the great and young ballet prodigy exist. he died due to critical injuries after a staged accident, or so said the news. s.i.n had used the opportunity to recruit him. not wanting to completely die, chris hesitantly accepted to work for them and here he is a month later.

theme song: dazzle - oh wonder
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[div class=left][div class=image][/div][div class=circle]I[/div]
[div class=header]ISAIAH[/div][div class=physical]QUIET[/div]
[div class=physical]DETERMINED[/div]
[div class=physical]FRIENDLY[/div]
[div class=right][div class=dot][/div][div class=header2]PROFILE[/div]
[div class=colorbox]FULL NAME[/div] Isaiah Crowley
[div class=colorbox]NICKNAMES[/div] Izzy, Zai, Zaya
[div class=colorbox]AGE[/div] 17
[div class=colorbox]GENDER[/div] Male
[div class=colorbox]SEXUALITY[/div] Homosexual
[div class=colorbox]HEIGHT[/div] 5’4”
[div class=colorbox]BODY TYPE[/div] Thin, slender
[div class=colorbox]EYE COLOR[/div] Green
[div class=colorbox]HAIR COLOR[/div] Auburn
[div class=colorbox]NOTICEABLE FEATURES[/div] His freckles, curly hair, and deep eye bags
[div class=colorbox]THEME SONG[/div] Bird Set Free - Sia

[div class=dot][/div][div class=header2]PERSONA[/div]
[div class=colorbox]POWERS[/div] Sound manipulation - as the name suggests, he has the ability to manipulate and control sound. With this power, he can mimic, intensify, mute, and distort sound, and uses it as a versatile ability. It is best used as an offensive power. The most typical way that he uses it is with his hands or mouth, producing a loud sound that is harmful to the human body. He also likes using low vibrations humans are unable to detect, which could rupture organs or cause a small earthquake when directed towards the ground.
[div class=colorbox]WEAKNESSES[/div] When using this power for extended periods of time, he can put himself and his own hearing at risk (especially if he’s intensifying sounds or muting them completely). Busted eardrums have become a bit of a normal thing for him. He must also concentrate, and if he loses focus for even a moment, it can have detrimental consequences for him and those around him, as he could miss his target and hit something completely off the grid. Sometimes, if he's not careful, he can accidentally cause the everyday sounds he's making (talking, walking, laughing, etc.) to become a loud and harmful frequency. His range is also limited to 200 meters.
[div class=colorbox]LEVEL[/div] Five
[div class=colorbox]TIME AT S.I.N[/div] Two weeks
[div class=colorbox]LIKES[/div] Training, being able to control his gift, thunderstorms, fighting, knives, spicy foods, coffee, sugar
[div class=colorbox]DISLIKES[/div] Losing his concentration, busting his eardrums, smoking, being unable to help, failing, being intimidated, sleeping
[div class=colorbox]STRENGTHS[/div] Agile, flexible, hardworking, focused, strong-willed, pretty good with knives
[div class=colorbox]WEAKNESSES[/div] Represses his emotions, impatient, a bit naive, overworks himself
[div class=colorbox]QUIRKS/HABITS[/div] Biting his lip and nails, scratching his arms when nervous, cracking his knuckles, popping his ears, stuttering when lying
[div class=colorbox]BIGGEST FEAR[/div] Heights, drowning, losing his hearing permanently, losing control of his power again

[div class=dot][/div][div class=header2]PERSONALITY[/div]
Although he doesn't speak very much, Isaiah is quite a friendly person. Despite thinking it's better for him to be by himself, where he can't hurt anyone, he finds himself unable to go without human contact for very long. He enjoys the company of others, and even though he's not very vocal, he's still quite the expressive person, his facial features revealing practically everything he's thinking. When he creates bonds with other people —and it's usually only a matter of time, as he has a knack for it— he becomes very caring and protective of them, wishing for no harm to befall them. He finds that he's quite unable to lie, and can barely stutter his way through it, at which point he'll have already given himself away. He thinks that it's best to tell the truth, and if he has to lie, it'll be by omission.

Isaiah is a very hardworking individual, pushing past his limits often in an effort to gain more control over his powers. He's determined when it comes to everything he does, and doesn't believe in leaving things half done. He has a strong will and what he believes in remains unchanging for the most part, and it takes something big for him to even consider changing his way of thinking. He's quite energetic, and is awake at all hours of the day (and night) finding that running on fumes isn't all that bad. Isaiah is quite disciplined, and if he puts his mind to something, he can and will get it done.

Isaiah is an untrusting individual, finding it hard to do after living with his aunt and uncle (people whom he once trusted). One could go back even further, to when his sister accused him of stealing. He feels guilty over his sister's death, and it haunts him every time he tries to sleep, causing him not to. He's afraid of himself and what he can do, which is the main reason he came to s.i.n, to control himself and his powers that and the threat of being killed if he were being honest. He's self hating and although he tries to hide that he is, he's probably more obvious about it than he wants to be. Isaiah can be considered naive by some and innocent by others. He also lacks some social skills, making him seem a bit awkward and self conscious when he interacts with others (although it never stops him).

He's quite a stubborn person, even when it comes to things he has no need to be stubborn for. He's impatient and a little messy, not being able to wait for most things longer than an hour, and really, who cares if there's a couple of papers and clothing strewn about his personal space? He's insecure about himself, half of it being appearance wise, and the other half being ability wise. He thinks he does a pretty decent job of hiding the former though. Isaiah gets anxious easily, and can't stop fidgeting if he's sitting or standing still (much to the annoyance of others). He's a pessimistic by nature, always thinking the worst of things, and finds himself pleasantly surprised when things turn out alright. Even though it never truly works out in the end, Isaiah makes a conscious effort to supress his more negative emotions, as that's when it becomes easier for his powers to spiral out of control.

[div class=dot][/div][div class=header2]BACKGROUND[/div]
Isaiah doesn't know much about his parents, because there wasn't much about them to know. They died when he was six in a plane crash, and since then it had been him and his older sister Vivian, who had been eighteen at the time of the crash. Vivian took Isaiah in, and raised him to the best of her ability, only just barely being an adult herself. Things were rough for the two of them, and they lived in a small, cheap apartment that was in danger of being robbed more often than not. They had each other though, which was all they needed. Despite their age gap of twelve years, they had an unbreakable bond.

Isaiah didn't have to be a genius to know they weren't in the best of places financially. His sister often overworked herself (perhaps that's who he got it from?) with two jobs and college on top of taking care of him— a mere eight year old. He took to pit-pocketing, and using the money on groceries, and other things he could help with. When his sister confronted him about the sporadic bits of money he was getting, he lied and said that he was pet sitting the neighbor's dog.

This went on for a few years until the cat came out of the bag (or dog in this case), and it was revealed that the animal had been dead long before Isaiah lied about it for the first time. Now twelve, Isaiah and his sister began arguing about where the money was truly coming from, but Isaiah refused to tell her, keeping his silence. He even began pulling off bigger heists, stealing straight from stores and taking car parts to sell. He was a thief in every sense of the word. As his thievery became worse and worse, their relationship became tensed and the secret threatened to break it off completely. Knowing what would happen if he didn't do something, Isaiah opened up to her, and received the longest scolding of his life because of it. She said things about it being her job to look after him, and even brought their dead parents into it. Swearing to never do it again, their relationship slowly rekindled to that of what it was before.

When he was thirteen, he took to finding an actual job. Wanting to surprise Vivian, he decided to keep it a secret that he was now working for real, instead of stealing. It was when he received his first check that things went downhill. She accused him of having stolen again, and began yelling at him, telling him that he was better than this. Angry at the accusation, Isaiah yelled right back— and from then on forever wished he had just kept his mouth shut. His power chose to present itself then, and his yell was one of a piercing volume, shattering all glass inside the house and consequently killing his sister. His own eardrums were ruptured from the ordeal, and the police at the sight treated it like the freak case it was. He was never charged for his sister's murder, but he felt guilty enough that he might as well have been.

He didn't answer any of their questions verbally, choosing to write down his answers instead, afraid of what might happen if he chose to speak. Eventually, he was put into the care of his aunt and uncle, and his silence remained unbreakable. Until they forced him to speak at least. Beating him if he didn't give a verbal response, it wasn't long before he was speaking short phrases, afraid of being hit again. When he saw that he didn't kill someone every time he spoke, he began learning how to control his powers so that they wouldn't spiral out of control like that again. He made slow but steady progress, however, every so often, they'd spiral. It was during one of his out of control moments (luckily he was isolated away from people, and only buildings became damaged), that he was found and recruited by s.i.n, with the promise that he'd master complete control over his abilities. Nevertheless, it was that day that he "died".

[div class=dot][/div][div class=header2]RELATIONSHIPS[/div]

[div class=colorbox]RELATIONSHIPS
They're pretty good friends having lived together for about three years. These two are often found talking late at night or visiting some markets and cafes together. Mira often steals bites of his food or drink, even daring to go as far as call him out on certain things. To say they're more than friends is an overstatement. Both Mira and Jun-hoe are simply more comfortable around each other than most female-male friendships.

[div class=colorbox]ARE[/div] username
They're pretty good friends having lived together for about three years. These two are often found talking late at night or visiting some markets and cafes together. Mira often steals bites of his food or drink, even daring to go as far as call him out on certain things. To say they're more than friends is an overstatement. Both Mira and Jun-hoe are simply more comfortable around each other than most female-male friendships.

[div class=colorbox]TO[/div] username
They're pretty good friends having lived together for about three years. These two are often found talking late at night or visiting some markets and cafes together. Mira often steals bites of his food or drink, even daring to go as far as call him out on certain things. To say they're more than friends is an overstatement. Both Mira and Jun-hoe are simply more comfortable around each other than most female-male friendships.

[div class=colorbox]BE[/div] username
They're pretty good friends having lived together for about three years. These two are often found talking late at night or visiting some markets and cafes together. Mira often steals bites of his food or drink, even daring to go as far as call him out on certain things. To say they're more than friends is an overstatement. Both Mira and Jun-hoe are simply more comfortable around each other than most female-male friendships.

[div class=colorbox]ADDED[/div] username
They're pretty good friends having lived together for about three years. These two are often found talking late at night or visiting some markets and cafes together. Mira often steals bites of his food or drink, even daring to go as far as call him out on certain things. To say they're more than friends is an overstatement. Both Mira and Jun-hoe are simply more comfortable around each other than most female-male friendships.

[div class=colorbox]LATER[/div] username
They're pretty good friends having lived together for about three years. These two are often found talking late at night or visiting some markets and cafes together. Mira often steals bites of his food or drink, even daring to go as far as call him out on certain things. To say they're more than friends is an overstatement. Both Mira and Jun-hoe are simply more comfortable around each other than most female-male friendships.

[div class=watermark]Koala [/div][/div]
[class=base]background-color: lightgray; max-width: 750px; margin: auto; position: relative;[/class] [class=watermark]font-size: 9px; font-family: Times New Roman; text-align: right; padding: 5px;[/class] [class=left]background-color: #FFFFFF; height: 475px; padding: 12px; box-shadow: 1px 2px 5px; position: relative; margin: auto;[/class] [class=image]background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/0FI9IxW.jpg); height: 280px; background-size: 115%; background-position: -25px -30px;[/class] [class=circle]background-color: #8F8E9F; height: 40px; width: 40px; border-radius: 100%; color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 25px; text-align: center; position: absolute; margin-left: 105px; margin-top: -20px; code by koala;[/class] [class=header]font-family: Time New Roman; color: #000000; font-size: 16px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;[/class] [class=sub]font-size: 12px; color: #v; word-spacing: 10px; text-align: center; font-family: Times New Roman;[/class] [class=physical]font-size: 11px; color: #000000; text-align: center; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray; padding-top: -5px; font-family: Times New Roman;[/class] [class=right]background-color: #FFFFFF; height: 475px; padding: 12px; box-shadow: 1px 2px 5px; overflow-y: auto; font-family: Time New Roman; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; position: relative; margin: auto;[/class] [class=dot]background-color: #8F8E9F; height: 10px; width: 10px; border-radius: 100%;[/class] [class=header2]font-family: Time New Roman; color: #000000; font-size: 16px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 2px solid lightgray; code by koala;[/class] [class=colorbox]background-color: #8F8E9F; height: 15px; color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; display: inline-block; padding: 2px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 11px; line-height: 2; [/class]

Rosario Zorro

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Name: Rosario Zorro
Nickname: Ro, Rio
Alias: Nagual
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 172 lbs.
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Hazel with golden flecks throughout

Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: He has a tattoo of the phases of the moon going down his spine

Likes: Winning, listening to music, playing guitar, partying, showing improvement, animals, fruits, martial arts
Dislikes: Waking up early, losing, being misjudged, animal abuse, vegetables, being treated like a wild animal, and being stuck inside
Strengths: Courageous, Instinctive, Resilient, and open-minded
Weaknesses: Stubborn, hot tempered, doesn't take instructions well
Quirks/Habits: Blowing the stray strands of hair that fall in his eyes, rubs the back of his neck when he's flustered, and shifts his weight from one foot to the other unknowingly

Power: Partial Shapeshifting - He is only able to shift into a primarily bipedal form of a desired animal. His shifts seem to be limited to members of the big cat family and canines outside of domestic dog breeds. Increased healing speed but not enough to heal from fatal wounds to the brain (a blade or bullet) or having 60% or more of his heart being destroyed.
Weakness (related to power): Even in his human form, Rosario has heightened senses, so overwhelming scents and high pitched noises can cause him physical pain. He has lost consciousness on a few occasions as Thunder's way of getting him under control. His powers only allow him to switch between one form and another with a resting period of 5 minutes between each.
Level: 5
Time at Sin: 2 months, he was recently 'acquired' and is still viewed as new meat to the faculty and other agents. He was scouted due to his sheer physical prowess and quick reflexes
Biggest Fear: Being stuck in his morphed form and being unable to adjust to regular society like he use to.
Theme Song: Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace

Relationships: N/A [until accepted]

Rosario has always been an active and boisterous persom even as a child growing up. Whenever a bug managed to make it into their home, he was the brave one that would make it his personal mission to kill it before it could hide away. That courageous streak eventually turned into something mildly violent after his youngest sister had experienced some bullying in school by some older boys that were in 4th grade with Rosario. That was the beginning of his violent and anger fueled tendencies that were only tamed by continuous martial arts training with a focus on muay thai.

But it's not as if he's just a ball of rage, his usual personality is akin to that of friendly dog that always aims to please and protect. Rosario is always confident but not cocky in his own abilities and strength. He views himself as a support pillar that can carry the weight of his friends and family while being reliable. Besides the ones that manage to push him to his limits, he is a harsh judge on himself and the ways that he can improve on himself. Rosario tends to give off a welcoming and open vibe despite his overbearing physique, basically just a big ole kid that can ruin someone's day with a few well placed kicks.

Bio: Rosario had spent the first 7 years of his life growing up in Cuba with an older brother,older sister, a younger sister by 2 years completing their little family of 5. Rosario's life up till that point had been calm as his father was a professional muay thai fighter at the time and his mother ran a moderate sized flower boutique. There were no issues with his parent's marriage and they all grew up un a close knit and loving family. When Rosario was 7, his father received an invitation to become a professional muay thai trainer at relatively well-known gym located in Ottawa, Canada. After talking it over with the entire family to see if they could handle the large scale move, they all came to the decision that they were excited to live in a country much different than the one they knew.

The move itself was quite smooth as the kids easily transitioned into new class settings with little difficulty.Language had not become an issue since they had been speaking English in their home ever since they were small. Rosario's youngest sister, Rosalie was quite shy and still often struggled with English so they decided to wait a year to enroll her. When she finally started attending first grade, she was often teased and picked on by boys around Rosario's age for mild accent and how she mostly kept to herself. It took months before she finally confessed what had been happening to her to Rosario in the hopes that he wouldn't tell their parents. Once he heard the names of the boys, he saw red for awhile and already decided to catch them in the act. Rosario only meant to yell at them but seeing pulling on her hair and telling her to 'go back to where she came from' set him off. No one expected such rage or ferocity from an 8 year old, the two boys were left with bloodied noses, sprained wrists, and one even sustained a mild concussion. His father felt that he couldn't be too harsh on him for standing up for his family so he felt that Rosario needed a better outlet which led to his challenging step into the muay thai world.

Fast forward to the present where a 21 year old Rosario has a solid muscled physique and does his best in furthering his education as an aspiring veterinarian. He still keeps up with his muay thai training and had even won a few competitions in his time. Somehow he had gotten drunk after celebrating the end of one his many exams at a local bar and had ended up in an all out street brawl with a few thugs. They couldn't keep up with a trained athlete and tried to scatter off once they realized they were largely outclassed. The last thing Rosario remembered was letting out a drunken howl of victory. Next thing he knew he was in a room with one woman that was asking whether he would join with them or die. In his confused stupor he shrugged and agreed since he felt that was a rather dumb question. Who would choose death? Wat he didn't know was that the agency called Thunder had plans on making him into a more power focused version of one of their top members, Cassandra. They, however, did not account for Rosario's emotions effecting his transformations and the lack of control he had in the limited forms he was able to grasp. They had essentially labelled him as a knock-off mistake but they couldn't deny that his heightened sense and overwhelming strength made him prime agent material once he gained some control.

Rosario was breathing hard enough that his gasps took form in the chilled air that always seemed to circulate the training facilities. He had a moment of clarity where he wondered why he felt so hot and yet it was cold enough to see his breath. The white tank top that had been in such pristine conditions a few moments ago now lay tattered in scraps at his feet. The baggy sweatpants had barely been able to retain their form against the strain yet managed to appear brand new. "Again Zorro." The voiced carried an air of command while somehow remaining light and mildly innocent. Hazel eyes rose to look the doe-eyed woman dead on as a growl of challenge escaped his tightened jaws. A shudder ran through his body as he tried to force his body to change into something it was not. More sweat poured from his temples and caused his hair to appear more curled than usual.

"I said AGAIN Zorro. Do not make me repeat myself." Even though the volume had not changed, Lyla's smile screamed danger. Rosario's raw animal instincts were telling him to run but it was far too late. 4 pen sized icicles had planted themselves into his arms, this time causing a pain filled howl to echo around the room. If it wasn't for the increased healing he somehow inherited, he would have more than likely bled out. But no, Lyla was fully aware of how much Rosario could handle and had planned to push him to his limits in order to produce viable results. Rosario's body fell forward into a more animal-like position resting on his hands and feet as he tried to picture a wolf and how the animal moved. In an instant the change had started, the cracking and rearranging of his skeleton no longer hurt as much as it did the first shift but it had only become mildly bearable. His hair grew outward and turned a darker shade of brown with a few splotches of white fur littering his chest, stomach, and his newly elongated paws. Surprisingly, his fur retained some of his curl which gave him a soft appearance. Rosario wobbled slightly on his new legs as he tried keep his humanity intact, "I. Did. It...." The low and forced voice traveled off as Rosario lost conscious and fell onto his back. Lyla offered his unflattering display with a rather cheery smile like a proud parent would offer their child, "Not bad at all Zorro, most people still struggle with major transformations by month 3. You're doing quite well for it only being your second week."

[FONT=Times New Roman]@DeerPrince[/FONT]
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Theme: Will Wood & The Tapeworms - Dr. Sunshine is Dead

When did I become afraid of the dark? Was it when I left the cave and swore I'd never go back?
gween.jpg The room I’m in is still the same, the shadows have not rearranged it. No, the only thing that’s changed is how I see at night.

  • Name: Gwendolyn Huxton
    Age: 21
    Gender: Cis Woman
    Body type:
    Thin but wiry.
    Eye Color:
    Dark Brown
    Hair Color:
    Tattoos/Scars: Long scars running the length of her back as a result of childhood abuse.

    Habits: Smoking

    Phase Walking - Gwen can pass through most any physical barrier with enough concentration, no matter the thickness of the barrier.
    Weakness: Phase Walking, if used too frequently in a short period of time, can drain her of her energy and render her temporarily powerless. As such, she needs to 'recharge' every now and again, usually with a short nap or something to eat. (Though, regularly pushing her limits in training could potentially overcome this, or at least not need to recharge as often.) She also has difficulty passing through certain metals like steel and fools gold.
    Level: 5
    Time at S.I.N.: A year and a half.

Well, who should I be then, if I’ll never be the same?
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[div class=home]
say hello to
Elijah Lux
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[div class="tabContents tabContents07 show"]
"When I'm gone

all I've
[div class="tabContents tabContents01"]
[div class=tag]full name

Elijah Matthias Lux
[div class=tag]nicknames[/div]
[div class=tag]age[/div]
[div class=tag]level/time at S.I.N[/div]
Level 5, less than a week
[div class=tag]gender[/div]
Male, he/him
[div class=tag]sexuality[/div]
demisexual panromantic [/div] [/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents02"]
[div class=tag]height
[div class=tag2]6'1

[div class=tag]eyes
[div class=tag2]green[/div]
[div class=tag]build[/div] [div class=tag2]athletic[/div] [/div]
[div class=tag]weight
[div class=tag2]135 lbs[/div]
[div class=tag]hair[/div] [div class=tag2]light brown[/div]
[div class=tag]skin[/div] [div class=tag2]somewhat pale[/div] [/div] [/div]
[div class=tag]dist. features[/div] [div class=tag2]small scar on bottom lip[/div]
[div class=tag]attire[/div] [div class=tag2]S.I.N provided clothing[/div]
[div class=tag]face claim[/div] [div class=tag2]Lucky Blue Smith[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents03"]
[div class=tag]personality

One of the best words to describe Eli is resilient. He has taken a lot of hits in his life and has never let them unmake him, and that is something that he carries with pride. He considers his resilience one of his best features, and it is one he owes to his rough upbringing. From an early age he learned how to be strong and independent, how to take care of himself and take care of the things he cared about.

There aren't very many things he does claim to care about, but the things he does he care for with a deep passion. Music, for example, is something he is extremely passionate about, another thing attributed to his childhood. He considers himself very musically inclined, and is a natural entertainer. He's very charismatic and has a natural handle on how to use his words in order to get what he wants. Manipulation comes very quickly to him, which is something that he doesn't like about himself.

Additionally, Eli has a very self-interested nature, a mentality that he always comes first, because that was how he survived growing up. Despite his self-interested mentality, Eli clings to the idea that one should always honor their loyalties, even if that doesn't always help him.
[div class=tag]likes[/div]
The Color Purple
Being alone
[div class=tag]dislikes[/div]
Bubble tea
The colors yellow & orange
Public displays of affection
[div class=tag]mental ailments[/div]
[div class=tag]dominant hand[/div]
[div class=tag]etc.[/div]
n/a [/div] [/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents04"]
[div class=tag]power

object conjuration
[div class=tag]power description[/div]
The ability to summon an object to the user's hand. At its current level, Eli can only summon three items, though they are interchangeable. These items can be anything from a cell phone to a sword, depending on the user's "arsenal." Arsenal: The arsenal is the collection of items that the power-holder has chosen, it is essentially a pocket dimension only accessible by the power-holder, as the user gets more skilled with the power the arsenal grows in size, though cannot reach an indefinite size. Items in the arsenal are interchangeable, though the user must be safe and focused and must also have the physical item with them in order to put it into their arsenal. Noting this, the durability of arsenal items is also not indefinite, and broken items must be removed from the arsenal manually.
[div class=tag]weaknesses[/div]
As stated above, the objects the user can conjure have to be in their arsenal, and the arsenal's size changes based upon the skill level of the user. Additionally, the user can only summon items using their hands. Items also do not automatically return to the arsenal, but must be manually deposited.
[div class=tag]etc.[/div]
Eli's Arsenal size currently only allows three items. Upon being inducted into S.I.N, the items in his arsenal were:
1. A zippo lighter
2. An acoustic guitar
3. A set of drumsticks [/div] [/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents05"]
ages 0 - 5
Eli was born to teen-aged parents, his mother only being 17 when she had him. He had a rough start to life and things were only going to get worse. Because of her age, his mother was kicked out of her parent's house. His father, 18, got a full-time job and his mother started to work part-time and the two got an apartment together. Things were always rough for the trio, and there were days when Eli was left all by himself, no food, no entertainment, no social interaction. Because the both of them were working, his parents hardly had time for him, and hardly had time for each other, and this put a strain on their relationship. By the time he was 5, his parents split, and he started to live with his father, who was the only one of the two that had a stable job.

ages 6 - 10
Being separated from his mother, despite ever really spending time with her, was hard for Eli. He knew that living without both of his parents wasn't normal, he could feel it, and it didn't help that kids at school would make fun of him for it. When he was 8, his father invited his brother to come live with them so that there would be two incomes to help pay bills and make ends meet. Eli's uncle was a good man, and just about the only person that Eli had a stable relationship with. Eli and his Uncle would spend a lot of time together, and it was his Uncle that introduced him to music, and even taught him how to play the guitar.

ages 11 - 15
Middle school was when things started to get better for Eli, he started to make friends and got himself more out there. He joined several clubs (some of which he dropped out of fairly soon) and started to discover who he was as an individual, beyond how to take care of himself and survive. At the start of Freshmen year he started a band with some of his friends of which he was the guitarist and singer. It was in the middle of his Freshmen year of High School that he started to discover his powers. He would often lose guitar picks and then out of nowhere they'd appear in his hand. It freaked him out at first, but he started to get a grip on it and started to use it during performances with his band. He had sporadic control over it and sometimes he would try to summon a guitar pick and come short, having to laugh it off.

ages 16 - 19
Eli was an average student throughout High School, making fairly decent grades. Throughout these years his band became popular within his High School and they had even been asked to perform for school dances. Entertaining became one of the most important things to Eli and he started to consider pursuing after graduation. He and his band had started to play paid gigs and they had a decent shot of being discovered.

All hopes and dreams of being discovered soon ended when S.I.N got a hold of him. His death was faked and he was inducted into S.I.N, something he is still sore about. He's been with S.I.N for about five days now, and he still is unsure of how to feel about it.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis molestie egestas augue. Nullam condimentum risus sed orci tristique ultricies. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed molestie tristique sem, quis finibus velit venenatis ac. Maecenas congue purus tortor, id posuere felis porttitor nec. Vestibulum libero ligula, ultricies ut laoreet in, molestie quis turpis. Mauris aliquam viverra velit, at tincidunt neque aliquam ac. Duis faucibus nibh sem, ac interdum magna pellentesque sed. Suspendisse facilisis nisl ac augue ultricies, ac viverra elit suscipit.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis molestie egestas augue. Nullam condimentum risus sed orci tristique ultricies. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed molestie tristique sem, quis finibus velit venenatis ac. Maecenas congue purus tortor, id posuere felis porttitor nec. Vestibulum libero ligula, ultricies ut laoreet in, molestie quis turpis. Mauris aliquam viverra velit, at tincidunt neque aliquam ac. Duis faucibus nibh sem, ac interdum magna pellentesque sed. Suspendisse facilisis nisl ac augue ultricies, ac viverra elit suscipit.
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William Andrew

William Andrew| 23 | Male | pansexual|
| 5'8 | 130lbs | Caucasian |Fc: Wilbur Soot |

hair color:
eye color: Dark Brown
height: 5'8
weight: 130lbs
attire: Varies, usually t-shirts or sweaters and blue jeans with converse's.
tattoos: None
Piercings: ear peircings
dist. features: Light brown freckles across his cheeks and nose

Overall Personality:

He can be very stubborn when it comes to making decisions and that can cause him to butt head with others. William is also very honest with what he says, however, he doesn’t come off as blunt because of how he says it. he is also very curious, which leads him to do the less than smart decision. one thing about him is how calm he is, never one to try and stir up anything.
likes: Posters, Books, most animals
Dislikes: huge criticisms, large dark spaces, crowds(being in them)
Strengths: speed, neverending stamina, Quiet
Weakness's: not good with far range weapons, teamwork
Quirks/Habits: Messing with his hair when bored, fiddling with hands when nervous
Biggest Fear: Dogs and being in the dark alone

Sleep Gas
He can secrete sleeping gas at will and control the general area that it goes by breathing in that direction. Currently, it can keep someone knocked out for four hours if they are undisturbed, and they stay asleep for only four minutes while people try to wake them up(unless intense pain is used to wake them up).
Power Weakness's: It only comes out of his nose and mouth, cannot completely control the amount that comes out(can vary from 1 40 Gallons)
Level: 4
Time at Thunder:
2 years


Relationships: NONE YET

William doesn't know who his family was, having been put into an adoption center when he was just four years old. he grew up within an orphanage for most of his life, as he had only been put in foster homes a few times and the fact he was never adopted. It seemed that no one ever tried to go around the boy, finding him 'odd'. as soon as he was old enough the man moved into a small apartment, and take online college classes while juggling his work life as a waiter.
He had been working as a waiter, though he had recently finished college and plans to try and go for a more well paying job. Of course, that changed when he was 'killed'. The man had quickly tried to adapt to the new lifestyle as best he could, William had nothing to hold him back from embracing S.I.N and was able to move up from level 5 in only a year.

Zenyatta loved being outside. The fresh air was a nice change, even though he couldn’t smell it his core could feel it. Since he didn't wear a shirt the wind was able to easily twist and turn to fit past the various wires and metal within him. The omnic looked out at the seemingly never-ending plains with interest. He recalled leaving the Shambali temple a few days ago, and while he hadn't been walking 24/7, he had expected to see some town or house. The lack of civilization made him realize just how separated he had been from the world. Not that this deterred him at all, in fact it actually made him more curious about what he would find when he finally found some.

It had been an additional week before the monk had found a small village hidden in the middle of a twisty path through a forest. The people of the village had been surprised to see a monk or person of any kind in these woods, as Zenyatta had quickly learned when he was greeted. Most looked at him with apprehension and caution while a few greeted him with open arms.

He didn’t plan to stay long, still, the Omnic was nice and happily greeted all that talked to him with his usual calm and kind speech. He was surprised when the children had come over to him and who he assumed was their mother, and he would have blushed if he could when the other spoke like she knew what he was thinking.
“I apologize for thinking such a thing."
He held his hand out
"I am Zenyatta."
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Name: Nathan Keaton
Nicknames: Nate, Kea.
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi-curious
Height: 6'4"
Body Type: Lean muscular (180 lbs.)
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black
Notable Body Marks: Spear tattoo along his spine and four long scars on his right ribs.
Level: 5
Time at S.I.N: 1 month

Fight to win, or die trying

  • Nathan was born into a relatively wealthy family. His father was a big-shot lawyer and his mother owned a large tech company that supplied drones to the government. As a result, Nathan had everything he could ever want: a large house, lots of pets, fancy toys, a lot of "friends," and even a phone. Everything was going really well for Nathan throughout the early years of his life and he never had to worry about anything. Living in the countryside, Nathan would always go out alone and walk around in the wooded area around his parents' estate. When he turned six, his father decided that it would be best to enroll Nathan in kickboxing and wrestling lessons so he could protect himself. It was apparent that Nathan had a natural talent for martial arts, and he won his first regional tournament shortly after turning ten.

    Unfortunately for Nathan, his comfortable life was never meant to last. The thing about Nathan's father was that he made his millions screwing over many people in court, one of those people being the head of a powerful family with connections in the mafia. Once the man's sentence came to an end, he took his revenge on Nathan's father. The day before Nathan's twelfth birthday, he arrived home from school to find his mother gone and his father dead, but only had enough time to realize that much before he was choked unconscious from behind. Upon waking up, Nathan found himself in a very dark room with his foot chained to the wall with no sign of his mother anywhere. His first instinct was to panic, kicking and screaming to no avail; the door remained closed with no sound coming from the outside for days. When there was finally some sort of contact, it was only to slip a stale meal through a slit at the bottom of the steel door.

    About two weeks into his capture, Nathan finally lost his mind due to hunger and thirst and decided it'd be best to simply end it all. He started banging his head against the floor. At first it seemed like his skull was about to crack like an egg, until suddenly a loud crack filled the room. Nathan checked his head, which was intact, but looked down at the floor and saw that he'd cracked the concrete with his head. This was the first time he used his powers. From there, Nathan spent his days in that room focusing on his power to hopefully escape one day. During this time, he discovered that he could not only harden his bones, but also reshape them however he wanted. It happened when a man in a mask finally walked into the room to try and beat Nathan, who could only fight back by biting into the man's neck after his hands and legs were held down. He tore into the man, who drowned from his own blood flooding his lungs through his windpipe.

    Sadly, it was also then that Nathan was never visited by anyone again, only being fed to be kept alive. It was during these months in captivity that Nathan developed his own language to scratch a journal into the walls which nobody would understand. Within weeks the walls were filled with Nathan's escape plans. His confinement also taught him a valuable lesson; patience and composure are essential to surviving any situation. Eventually, after extensive training and concentration, Nathan got his chance to escape again, which he took in stride. After spending days chewing through the chain on his foot, Nathan broke free and slaughtered two men that walked in to sedate him. He then took their weapons and fought his way out of the compound, staying alive by virtue of his steel-hard bones protecting his vital organs. In hindsight, Nathan realized that he probably wouldn't have stood a chance if his captors hadn't massively underestimated him because he was twelve.

    With his mother presumed dead and his father long gone, Nathan wasn't sure where to go. Unfortunately, due to his father's occupation and all the enemies he'd made, wherever Nathan turned for help he'd be greeted with a fight. It was a long six years that Nathan spent roaming the streets fighting to survive and constantly being attacked by anyone who recognized him. The only good that came out of this period is that it taught him to be resourceful, cunning, and ruthless when he needs to be. All this came to a screeching halt when, one day, he was jumped by a gang of thugs who were suspiciously well-armed. Nathan put up a fight, but their weapons and numbers were too much and he was quickly overwhelmed, seemingly killed in the process.

    Except he wasn't killed. Nathan woke up in a strange room with someone he didn't know with him. "Join us or you die." Despite the seemingly life-changing ultimatum placed on him, Nathan quickly stood and took up the offer, starting his life at S.I.N. Nathan's life was upside down and he didn't understand where he was or why, but he was determined to make the most out of the situation and, most importantly, survive.

  • Bone Manipulation: Nathan can harden, reshape, and temporarily grow his bones. Currently, Nathan is only capable of doing basic things such as sharpening his teeth and nails, as well as hardening a few of his bones to be as tough as steel. He can also grow a two five-inch bone spikes from anywhere on his arms. With training, Nathan could be able to create multiple spikes, clubs, blades, etc. out of his bones all over his body and harden his entire skeletal structure at the same time, but he currently doesn't have enough mastery or control to do all these things.


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