• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Realistic or Modern S P E C T R U M


Drinker of coffees
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Now Seeking: New Talent!

You heard right! Here and now, the Aero Company is seeking new talent for an upcoming project, working title Spectrum. Do you have what it takes to become the face of Spectrum? Many may audition, only a maximum of ten will be selected. This is your shot at fame! Spectrum aims to sweep through the musical industry using a core group of vocalist dancers and launching them into the limelight as pop idols.

Do you have what it takes to capture the hearts of America?


What: Spectrum Auditons

When: Practice is 1-8 pm, auditions start next week.

Where: Liberty Dance Studio


Hey, everyone! Noivian here! This role play is a collaboration between me and a friend of mine. Once she gets an RPN account, she'll be co-gm'ing with me. It's based around the tropes and possibilities that exist with Korean pop boybands. That doesn't mean, however, that our characters are going to be Korean, or even male. All that is up to you guys, though the gender is going to be universal for the entire group. So it's up to you guys, the role players, whether this group is going to be all boys or all girls. Majority rules.

Triggers: domestic abuse, drug use, alcohol, homosexual relationships
This plot takes place in America, and has a very basic three arc system to it. Arc one, where we'll be starting is the group's beginning, before they became known as Spectrum. It will mostly deal with auditions and practice, and the stress that goes along. This also features as a way to weed out those who will be in for the long run and those who quit three pages in. Your character's spot in the group depends entirely on your post quality and frequency, along with how involved you are with OOC. Arc two is the group's rise to fame, and arc three is their fall from grace, with perhaps an epilogue with them coming back together for a reunion. This is a very basic outline of what's going to go on, and you guys can totally add to it.
No real roles or archetypes will be given to the band until we get to arc two, but for now we're only accepting a maximum of ten role players, each with one main character. I'll place names here when people show interest in a spot on the team. But remember that once you post a character, you're committing to the role play! Drop outs are highly discouraged once we get to arc two.

@ LilyannaGaming

@ Savagai

@ Keira Winston

@ Starry Night

@ Aleena
- RPN rules apply here. Don't go breaking them.

- Basic role play etiquette is required. That means no bunnying, god-modding, auto-hitting, the like...

- GM's word is law. Seriously, listen to me and my friend. We're trying to provide a fun experience.

- Strike system. Break any rule, you get a strike. Three strikes, we boot you from the role play.

- Rules are subject to change. It's a good idea to keep an eye on the rules, as we'll be adding or taking away from it as things arise.
- 5-10 role players, with one main character per role player

- post are detailed in quality, and have been checked thoroughly for spelling and grammar mistakes. Coding is advised, but not required

- posts consist of at least two paragraphs, each paragraph being at least five sentences long

- role players post at least twice a week, though it's highly advised that role players are on more often
Firday, July 8th - Interest check goes up

Monday, July 10th - Thread goes up

Wednesday, July 13th, 12 pm PST - Finished character sheets are due

Wednesday, July 13th, Afternoon PST - Role play starts
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Reserve for eventual tags if they don't work

@ LilyannaGaming

@ Savagai

@ Keira Winston

@ Starry Night

@ Aleena
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@Starry Night

Well, depending on the characters, you could set it up that your character is a boy hiding in a girl group. Or, for those who would rather be a girl, we could have her hide in a boy group... there's some rule bending we can do if people cannot agree.
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