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S i g h ' s I m a g e s



I want to roleplay something based on the images below. I'm female, eighteen. I prefer to interact with older people. I play female characters, but you can play whatever you want. Romance or no romance is fine. I'm okay with writing out intimacy. Good grammar is a must. A writing sample based on one of the images is preferred. I need real character sheets. I take my time with writing. I want our characters to be extraordinary somehow. Realism is not my thing. Magic is wonderful. If we are not compatible, I will just tell you.





















Surely these images will spark your creativity, somehow. Send me a message with whatever the images tell you.

Have a nice day.



A sharp, cutting 'thunk' vibrated throughout the small island in which the hunter made his perch; his weapon digging heavily into the mottled earth beneath him. Eyes, blue as the river that surrounded him, turned precariously to the creature that rested to his front. One hand laid firmly grasped upon the double-edged spear at his side: its tips glowing with a vibrant, yellowish hue. The male, seemingly in his late-twenties, briefly glanced to the fluorescent, amethyst colored rocks within his periphery. The tall stalks of the forest trees rambled with wispy, hollowed noise as another gust of wind poured over their branches. The stage had been determined, and the task laid bare for the hunter to see: the giant, amphibious creature that was now deftly poised before him.

A peculiar beast, the reptilian monster lurched forward; its scarlet, pointed appendage falling into the dirt. The action uprooting a large array of soil and rock, a croak escaped its enormous maw in turn. Little could be done currently to stop the monstrosity's display, but the hunter felt no need to interrupt. His fingers merely twitched, tightening greatly around the bandage wrapped shaft that kept his spear whole. The fierceness in the weapon's aura grew slightly, the light piercing the night with newfound brilliance as the hunter took another step forward. The water rippled as chunks of earth fell into the river before finally, the hunter too set his foot upon the flowing current. However he did not sink like the rest, instead standing atop it, encompassed only by his silence and the beast's continued breaths.

Nothing had occurred in the few seconds that had passed between them, but finally the creature could not bade itself any longer. A deft push of its massive hind-legs sent it toward the hunter with incredible speed. It's bloodied gaze showed little thought as it hurled its sword-like arm in a downward slash, aiming for where the hunter now stood. A brief moment elapsed where silence had once again been restored, but it did not last long as the reptile landed firmly within the water. A thunderous crackle sounding out as the island that rested within the river fell out of existence. What remained, were various pieces of debris as well as the upended plants that had found their home there. The creature croaked yet again, turning its scaled features in a wide pan as it searched the water. No blood filled this stream, and the beast knew it well. Where had the hunter gone?

The male, now behind the beast, let a grin spread across his features. A merciless stare rested on his already cold expression, bursting forward before following along the rock's edge. The large outcropping that rested just above the creature was blatantly clear, and the hunter scaled it with a briskness before jumping from its vantage. A guttural yell rushing from deep within his chest filled the plain as the spear embedded firmly into the reptile's back. It shrieked, obviously upset with the sudden onslaught of pain. The hunter failed to relent, the spear growing hot as the sky clouded above. Another roar filled the air, this time coming from the storm above as lightning sliced through the horizon. Briefly, the light connected with the spear in the hunter's palm, igniting a series of reactions as the amphibian began to spark. It jerked vigorously, its knees buckling before falling fully into the water below. The energy, now amplified by the conductivity of the water, made it that much easier for the hunter to twist the blade as he pleased. 

One final screech was all it took before the beast fell limp, its eyes growing dull before closing permanently. The male, certain of the outcome, removed his spear with a soft squelch. He dipped one of the ends into the water, a dulcet hum coming to his lips as he let the blood wash away. A pathetic waste of time, for a man as learned as he. It wasn't intelligent, and that was its problem. Bigger, faster, and strong, but still it could not beat the hunter. He smiled again, wickedly so before backing away onto the shallow. He took one last glance over the corpse, nodding almost to himself as he turned away. Time...to hunt another.

(Hope you enjoyed it! Definitely interested in some sort of plot, that is if you're capable of matching this (if this was good of course...))
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