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Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

theskylarksings said:
Liza Haruko Grey
Age: 17

Gender: Female

Occupation: High school student

Power: shapeshifting

Clearance Level: none

Brief Backstory: Liza learned she could 'mirror' when she was ten. It was a brief incident that no one really noticed, besides Liza herself, and she kept it quiet. How do you tell someone you accidentally turned into another kid? She tried to 'mirror' again a few months later, but could never figure out how. She gave up on it, but never quite forgot.

When she was thirteen, she accidentally 'mirrored' again, shifting into the likeness of her sister. Her family freaked out, and Liza learned to wear an emotional mask to hide her feelings from them. Her parents made sure she practiced controlling her 'mirror', with the side effect of giving her more control over it.

At age fourteen, she lost her temper in a taekwondo match, unintentionally mirroring her opponent. To keep her safe, the family moved from Los Angeles to Virginia Beach.

Liza kept a tight hold on both her ability and her emotions in her high school years. She created a facade of bubbly personality to wear at school, hiding her creativity, except in one aspect – drama class. She loves acting. It comes very easy to her. At home, when she is alone in her room, sometimes she will mirror her idea of the character and truly play them.

Late in her freshman year she began dating a Travis McGheer. As their relationship developed over two years, Liza decided to share her ability with him. He did not react well, and by the end of the month the relationship had crumbled. She suspected he had reported her to something, but she never got any confirmation or denial.

Liza is more careful now than ever around her mirroring.


Hair: black

Eyes: brown

Weight: 100lbs (45kg)

Height: 5'2" (1.5m, 157cm)

Piercings: double pierced ears

Tattoos: none

Scars: none

Brief Summary of Character's Personality: Liza's true self is creative, curious, and intuitive. She enjoys being in small groups of close friends, but can find social interaction draining. Her facade is bubbly and lacks substance. Her true self often bleeds through the facade, but her true emotions are usually concealed.


Powers: Liza can shapeshift into the likeness of any other human being.

Martial Arts Training: six years of taekwondo (ages 8-14)

Medical Training: CPR certified

Firearms Training: none

Pilot Training: none


Sexual Orientation: straight

Relationships: currently single, was in a long term relationship (two years), but a mutual breakup about three months ago puts her where she is now.
You're accepted
Wickedkent said:
Character Full Name: Aaron Meister

Nickname: The Young Director (What S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents call him)



Role at SHIELD: Director Of

Power or not: Has fast reflexes and heightened senses.

Clearance Level:10

Brief Backstory:


Hair: White

Eyes: Blue

Weight:172 lbs

Height: 5'8








Brief Summary of Character's Personality (Are they a people person or do they prefer to be alone?):

Likes to hang out with his friends, he can sometimes be fierce and humble/kind.

He can easily get mad when his friends are hurt by someone and when he is insulted, as he has a high pride over himself and shield.



Has a suit similar to the one tony stark has, but has been modified.

Martial Arts Training:

Blackbelt at almost every martial arts.

Medical Training:

Basic medical knowledge and training.

Firearms Training:

He was trained on using firearms since he was a kid, as his parents were former SHIELD Agents.

Pilot Training:

Aaron can fly any planes.


Sexual Orientation:





You're accepted, just watch yourself because between all the martial arts, firearms, and powers he's getting to be a bit over powered. But it should be fine if you play it right.

Character Full Name: Harrison Smoak

Nickname: Harris, Harry

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Role at SHIELD(occupation): Field operative, strategist, specialist.

Power or not: None currently, but one could arise.

Clearance Level: 7

Brief Backstory: Lived normal childhood in the countryside in Scotland. Perfect SAT, and ACT scores, attending Standford in the US. After graduating, he met his future wife Tess Morgan, and the two dated for 2 years until they married. Soon after marriage they daughter, Caitlyn was born. Life was good until one evening a mysterious man with powers attacked their car, causing the death of his wife and daughter. Wanting to do something, he joined SHIELD 3 years ago to make a difference.


Hair: Brown, styled

Eyes: Blue

Weight: 190

Height: 6'3

Piercings: None

Tattoos: None

Scars: Multiple bullet scars on back, and chest. Knife scars on calf, and forearm.


Brief Summary of Character's Personality (Are they a people person or do they prefer to be alone?): Harrison's personality can change depending on the alias he has to play. His true self though is sarcastic, and sardonic, always making witty, and unessicary comments. He's very deceptive, always saying what he wants people to hear. He's very intellegent, graduating from Standford, and a strategist. He doesn't like to talk about personal business, and the rest of the team knows not to ask.


Powers or None: None currently

Martial Arts Training: Tikondo, jujitsu, hand-to-hand combat

Medical Training: CPR certified, basic field medicine training.

Firearms Training: Marksman, semi-auto, auto, and single shot.

Pilot Training: Basic flight training, light helicopter training.


Sexual Orientation: Hetro

Marriages: Widowed

Relationships: Tess- Wife- Deceased, Caitlyn- Daughter-Deceased

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ReverseWells said:

Character Full Name: Harrison Smoak

Nickname: Harris, Harry

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Role at SHIELD(occupation): Field operative, strategist, specialist.

Power or not: None currently, but one could arise.

Clearance Level: 7

Brief Backstory:


Hair: Brown, styled

Eyes: Blue

Weight: 190

Height: 6'3

Piercings: None

Tattoos: None

Scars: Multiple bullet scars on back, and chest. Knife scars on calf, and forearm.


Brief Summary of Character's Personality (Are they a people person or do they prefer to be alone?):


Powers or None:

Martial Arts Training:

Medical Training:

Firearms Training:

Pilot Training:


Sexual Orientation:




You're accepted just finish the profile up and jump in.
Character Full Name: Jason Stoleman

Nickname: Agent Stoleman/The Fly


Gender: Male

Role at SHIELD(occupation): Driver/Pilot

Power or not: Yes to Powers.

Clearance Level: 3

Brief Backstory: Jason lived a largely nominal life as a single child raised by two loving parents. The only problem he incured was rampant bullying which went well beyond simple name calling and getting pushed over in the playground. He would persevere, however, and went on to become a somewhat sucessful bank manager albeit with a conserved and cynical view on life.

During the walk home from his 31st birthday celebrations, Jason was set upon by a group of thugs who beat him into an unresponsive pulp down a dark alley. They then proceeded to hide hos body by dumping him a dumpster. The following morning, as they are oft to do, the local refuse collecters emptied that same dumpster into their truck and proceeded to crush and ultimatley kill Jason. Whilst rotting away in a landfill, an intense and mystical light show occured above him during which a stray bolt of light struck his corpse and at the same time passed through one of the many fly's which buzzed about him. This caused him to be revitalized but with the above powers.

Jason would then seek out a one Tony Stark and implore him to design him a suit. Of course, Mr Stark would be unwilling to create a suit for just anybody, and instead gave him a task; gain the respect and references of a select numbe of super heros and the like and he would make him his suit. With Director Fury being one of those name, Jason decided to join shield, his powers convincing Fury to Take him on.

Only Fury and some other top agent know of Jason's abilities and he is permitted to only use them when absolutely necessay to ensure an element of surprise.


Hair: Dark and well maintained. He wears his hair short and neat but his beard is sligtly unkempt.

Eyes: Dark

Weight: Average

Height: Average

Piercings: None

Tattoos: None

Scars: None


Brief Summary of Character's Personality (Are they a people person or do they prefer to be alone?): Quiet and unassuming. Jason is sombre and pertains to a dry whit that isn't afraid to enter the gallows. Also full of useful advice to make people feel better.


Powers or None:
like that of a Fly apart from the ability to actually fly which he seeks to remedy. Otherwise he can stick to most surfaces, has super reflexes, has a minor healing factor and slightly increased strength, is resistant to infection and disease and can see all around him via a strange psychic vision. This is much clearer when his eyes are closed for which he wears blacked out shades.

Martial Arts Training: Advanced Shield training

Medical Training: Basic Shield training

Firearms Training: Profecient Shield training

Pilot Training: Advanced Sheild training


Sexual Orientation: Straight

Marriages: None

Relationships: None

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Guy said:
Character Full Name: Jason Stoleman
Nickname: Agent Stoleman/The Fly


Gender: Male

Role at SHIELD(occupation): Driver/Pilot

Power or not: Yes to Powers.

Clearance Level: 3

Brief Backstory: Jason lived a largely nominal life as a single child raised by two loving parents. The only problem he incured was rampant bullying which went well beyond simple name calling and getting pushed over in the playground. He would persevere, however, and went on to become a somewhat sucessful bank manager albeit with a conserved and cynical view on life.

During the walk home from his 31st birthday celebrations, Jason was set upon by a group of thugs who beat him into an unresponsive pulp down a dark alley. They then proceeded to hide hos body by dumping him a dumpster. The following morning, as they are oft to do, the local refuse collecters emptied that same dumpster into their truck and proceeded to crush and ultimatley kill Jason. Whilst rotting away in a landfill, an intense and mystical light show occured above him during which a stray bolt of light struck his corpse and at the same time passed through one of the many fly's which buzzed about him. This caused him to be revitalized but with the above powers.

Jason would then seek out a one Tony Stark and implore him to design him a suit. Of course, Mr Stark would be unwilling to create a suit for just anybody, and instead gave him a task; gain the respect and references of a select numbe of super heros and the like and he would make him his suit. With Director Fury being one of those name, Jason decided to join shield, his powers convincing Fury to Take him on.

Only Fury and some other top agent know of Jason's abilities and he is permitted to only use them when absolutely necessay to ensure an element of surprise.


Hair: Dark and well maintained. He wears his hair short and neat but his beard is sligtly unkempt.

Eyes: Dark

Weight: Average

Height: Average

Piercings: None

Tattoos: None

Scars: None


Brief Summary of Character's Personality (Are they a people person or do they prefer to be alone?): Quiet and unassuming. Jason is sombre and pertains to a dry whit that isn't afraid to enter the gallows. Also full of useful advice to make people feel better.


Powers or None:
like that of a Fly apart from the ability to actually fly which he seeks to remedy. Otherwise he can stick to most surfaces, has super reflexes, has a minor healing factor and slightly increased strength, is resistant to infection and disease and can see all around him via a strange psychic vision. This is much clearer when his eyes are closed for which he wears blacked out shades.

Martial Arts Training: Advanced Shield training

Medical Training: Basic Shield training

Firearms Training: Profecient Shield training

Pilot Training: Advanced Sheild training


Sexual Orientation: Straight

Marriages: None

Relationships: None
You are accepted. If you know how to jump in, then by all means do so. If not, message me and we can figure it out.
Guy said:
Cheers. Maybe just give me the gist so far?
Okay, the team is majorly made up of teenagers. So, they are getting ready to go on a mission undercover in a high school to track down a powered girl with the ability to mirror people's faces. Royce, my character, and Harrison, another character, are both remaining at base to run backend and chase down any leads they find.

Character Full Name:

Mason Raidar







Role at SHIELD(occupation):

S.H.E.I.L.D Agent in training

Power or not:


Clearance Level:


Brief Backstory:

Starting off in a circus run by criminals, Mason was their archer, being able to pull off amazing feats and never missing his target. Believing what he was doing was correct, Mason never saw his actions as criminals. After all, his parents left him (Were Hydra agents) and the circus picked him up. Due to his unnatural talent with a bow and arrow, he was given the name 'Apollo' as he was the god of archery.

However, one day, Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye went to the circus with his family and realised what they were doing. Hypnotizing people and taking their possessions. "I've done the whole mind control thing. Not a fan" He said as he jumped down to stop everyone. Mason saw him and fired an arrow, which Clint caught and fired back as he pulled out his own bow. Mason done the same, catching the arrow and the two looked at each other.

Hawkeye then explained that he was doing was wrong. With a lot of persuading, Clint managed to free him of his criminal past and join S.H.E.I.L.D. However, that was literally only a few days ago.



Messy brown mop which falls just to the right of his eye


A dark green colour








Has his old circus sign on his back


Various, all from his 'training' in the circus. Most are from flames and are on his arms.


Being very, very new to the team, Mason has a lot of trust issues. He keeps secrets from everyone and never tells anyone what he is truly thinking. He has the 'work alone' attitude as he believes no one knows what his life has been like. Due to this attitude, he rarely follows orders and does what he thinks is right. However, that will all soon change.


Powers or None:


Martial Arts Training:

Minor from Clint Barton, but nothing major. Can hold his own against groups of people however. He is also a great acrobat, therefore very agile and nimble.

Medical Training:


Firearms Training:

A master with a bow and arrow, using various different types of arrows to help him. His skills are just shy of the greatest archer on the planet, Hawkeye.

Pilot Training:



Sexual Orientation:





Was in a short relationship with an acrobat in the circus.​
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]

Character Full Name:

Mason Raidar







Role at SHIELD(occupation):

S.H.E.I.L.D Agent in training

Power or not:


Clearance Level:


Brief Backstory:

Starting off in a circus run by criminals, Mason was their archer, being able to pull off amazing feats and never missing his target. Believing what he was doing was correct, Mason never saw his actions as criminals. After all, his parents left him (Were Hydra agents) and the circus picked him up. Due to his unnatural talent with a bow and arrow, he was given the name 'Apollo' as he was the god of archery.

However, one day, Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye went to the circus with his family and realised what they were doing. Hypnotizing people and taking their possessions. "I've done the whole mind control thing. Not a fan" He said as he jumped down to stop everyone. Mason saw him and fired an arrow, which Clint caught and fired back as he pulled out his own bow. Mason done the same, catching the arrow and the two looked at each other.

Hawkeye then explained that he was doing was wrong. With a lot of persuading, Clint managed to free him of his criminal past and join S.H.E.I.L.D. However, that was literally only a few days ago.



Messy brown mop which falls just to the right of his eye


A dark green colour








Has his old circus sign on his back


Various, all from his 'training' in the circus. Most are from flames and are on his arms.


Being very, very new to the team, Mason has a lot of trust issues. He keeps secrets from everyone and never tells anyone what he is truly thinking. He has the 'work alone' attitude as he believes no one knows what his life has been like. Due to this attitude, he rarely follows orders and does what he thinks is right. However, that will all soon change.


Powers or None:


Martial Arts Training:

Minor from Clint Barton, but nothing major. Can hold his own against groups of people however. He is also a great acrobat, therefore very agile and nimble.

Medical Training:


Firearms Training:

A master with a bow and arrow, using various different types of arrows to help him. His skills are just shy of the greatest archer on the planet, Hawkeye.

Pilot Training:



Sexual Orientation:





Was in a short relationship with an acrobat in the circus.​

You're accepted, if you know how to jump in then do so. If not, message me and we can talk it out.

Character Full Name:

Kamel Naylor


Night Stalker

(Goes by Agent Night)





Role at SHIELD(occupation):

Special Ops

Power or not:

- Enhanced Reflexes/Agility

- Intermediate healing factor

- Ice/Temperature manipulation

Clearance Level:

Mostly 7, but sometimes 8 if its urgent.

Brief Backstory:

Kamel Naylor was not your ordinary young adult. He had a power that he didn't have before. He woke up outside of a nuclear lab and had chills up and down his spine. He ran down the street to the nearest bus stop to get home. When he got home he ran himself a hot bath. Still shaking he jumped in and he felt better. Until the water started to get colder and colder to where it felt like it filled the tub with ice. He instantly jumped out and got dressed. Kamel went downstairs to make a hot cup of coffee and the it turned cold. He just gave up and went to bed. The next day he asked his friend for advice and he directed him to a S.H.I.E.L.D Agent. From then on he got all his training from S.H.I.E.L.D. They Gave him and enhancement on his abilities, so it would be easier to control and boosted his Reflexes and agility.

Hair: Black

Eyes: Dark brown

Weight: 153

Height: 5'11

Scars: A scar across his left eye


Brief Summary of Character's Personality (Are they a people person or do they prefer to be


- Team player

- Serious about the mission

- Serious about training

- Jokes around a lot

Powers or None:

Can lower the temperature down to freezing levels. Night stalker can conjour ice out of anywhere and anything. He could climb things pretty easily because of his agility and can dodge incoming fire from several automatic weapons (Only about 2 - 4)

Martial Arts Training:

Karate, Judo, Krav Maga, Tae Kwon Do, Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai

Medical Training:


Knows how to sew a wound and treat for poison

Firearms Training:

Semi-auto Pistols (Well trained)

Automatic Rifle ( Not that much Training)

Sniper (Well trained)

Pilot Training:

Can pilot a helicopter, and small planes.

Bigger planes or jets its not his strong suit.


Sexual Orientation:





(Any Takers?)

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Death Reaper] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31946-kickboxer108/ said:
@kickboxer108[/URL] Done
Okay, just figure out when and how you're planning on jumping in and let me know if you need help.

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