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Fandom S.A.O ~Brand New!! Accepting.~

"Maiden of the Moon"

no slide
Basic Information

In-Game Name:




Character Level:


Character Alignment:


Solo or Social?:


Personal Information


Senika naturally has a gentle and caring disposition, prioritizing her allies above herself. Despite being in SAO for so long, she oddly retains her innocence, along with a trace of obliviousness every now and then. She can be categorized as a dense person due to how clueless she is at times. Nonetheless, she cherishes her friends very much. (despite not having many)

Brief History:

Prior to SAO, not much is known about Senika.

When arriving into the game, she was just as surprised as everybody else when the Game Master had elucidated that they were unable to exit the game, unless they beat all the floors of Aincrad. Senika entered SAO with her best friend in-real-life, nicknamed the
"Lady of the Sun" in contrast to her own title. And so, they promised to clear all the dungeons together as a duo/team. Unfortunately, her friend had died early on from being murdered by another player. Nothing else is known about her history up to the present day.
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Name: Leilani Graham

In game name: Iris

Age: 16

Weapon of choice: silver and diamond speed and shield

Armour type: medium-heavy

Character level: 57

Character alignment: green

Solo or social: mainly social but occasionally goes solo

Character sword skill:

1. Lotus shield- her shield becomes the shape of a huge silver lotus flower and offers better protection

2. Curador- this ability lets her heal other allies and herself

3. Poison blade- if you couldn't tell by the name, this ability severely poisons who ever it damages when she uses her sword

4. Shield swing- she can throw her shield to make it wipe out enemies and it comes back to her like a boomerang

5. Goddesses magic- she can summon another copy of her or her teammates but only illusions, this skill drains her a lot

Special skill: heavens flower- her armour changes into light weight armour and her shield changes into another lotus sword, she becomes a fast attacker but can only activate this skill when she has a lot of energy


She has a lot of energy

Her attacks deal a lot of damage

She has a tamed monster called lily


seeing lily hurt,

Taking along time to hit her enemies as her blade is heavy,

Being wore down easily due to her armour and weapons even with lots of energy

Personality: she is a very kind girl often sacrificing her own safety to protect others, she is very protective and caring to her close friends and often gets jealous easily, she gets a bit crazy when left alone for awhile and depends deeply on her social life and doesn't like going solo a lot

Short bio: Leilani was raised from a family that had a lot of wealth, this allowed her to buy the game easily along with her few younger siblings that died as the game went on leaving her heartbroken. This made her want to be able to protect everyone who she cared about.

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name: Talon

Age: about 16 or 17

couldnt find good pic so ill describe

he looks just like my pro pic but in armour nd no headphones. about 5'10", slimmer build

Armour: lightweight griffin armour (raises speed stats) found on floor 49

Weapon: griffon talon sword

Character lvl: unkown

Alighnment: red

social or solo: unkown but prob solo just cuz hes never seen with anyone

bio: not much is known about Talon except that he is a mercenary/assasin sometimes


1: war screech: raises all statts sharply, stacks 5 times (by 5th stack speed stat is almost highest possible.

2: Grffins pride: every succesful hit raises attack speed (is a passive but has to be activated at beggining of fight)

3: speedy flight: Talon isnt a coward but he knows when he wont win. when health is in danger zone Talon gets max speed and can run away for 10 seconds. wont be able to attack when ability is in affect.

4: Predator strike: next attack becomes crit and Talon gains health equal to double the damage dealt. uses up half his energy and has 60 min cool down

5: Spread wings: sword changes from double edged to 2 single edged swords

6: sun burn: body becomes covered in fire that deals damage to enemy whenever Talon is hit. also inflicts a burn onto enemy

Special ability: unkown
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