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Fandom S.A.O ~Brand New!! Accepting.~


Miserable Potato


((^Character Image^))



Weapon of Choice:

Character Level:

Armor Type:

Character Alignment:
(Green or Orange player. ~Good or Evil, or even neutral.~

Solo or Social?:

Character Sword Skills 1-5:(Describe them)






Special Skill: (Each player can only have one. An example would be Kirito's Dual wielding.)




Brief History:

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/large.jpg.e7da4f6bd7efe7ebd533e7e75258bd1d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103628" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/large.jpg.e7da4f6bd7efe7ebd533e7e75258bd1d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Okita Fumiki


Weapon of Choice:
Rapier (Star-Shatter. Rare drop found on floor 43.)

Character Level:

Character Alignment: Green.

Solo or Social?: Guild Switcher. Mostly Solo.

Character Sword Skills 1-5

Five point strike. Strikes the target in 5 different places on their body. The sword glows red during this skill.

2: Spinning Slash. A lower strike aimed at the lower legs that she spins into. The sword glows green during this skill.

3: Piercing Thrust. The tip of the blade glows red and the strike is a typical thrust that can pierce through protective armor.

4: Sweep Skill. Only works on smaller targets and serves to knock them to the ground. The sword does not glow.

5: Timed Parry. The sword glows blue and improves the holders reaction time to parry.

Special Skill:
Beast Tamer. Can tame various different animals below her character level.

Persistent, Brave, Strong Willed and Charismatic.

Weaknesses: Un-Trusting, doesn't work well with others, quick to anger.

Okita is a very plain girl who on the outside world had no friends of any sort and spent her days in her room playing the latest video games as they came out. She is a ditz and she actually enjoys her life in Aincrad more than she ever did in the real world.

Brief History:
Okita wasn't lucky enough to play the beta of S.A.O. but she did snag a copy and a nerve gear when it came out. The first night when the game master had announced that no one would be able to log out, she was filled with excitement, not fear. She quickly rushed out, and she was there when everyone banded together to defeat the first boss. She quickly became renowned as a guilder switcher and a solo player. She was not quite as strong as the top players, but she wasn't far behind them and she even had a rare sword called Star Shatter she got from the Floor 43 boss. She has a small home on floor 47 is the town of East Hallow. Few players live here because it is a dangerous floor, but she didn't mind it at all.

<Out of game appearance.>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/untitled_by_purebloodprincess09-d8gmqm5.jpg.0f3927e40f578f0b3b9e123b7c14a70e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103663" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/untitled_by_purebloodprincess09-d8gmqm5.jpg.0f3927e40f578f0b3b9e123b7c14a70e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/hentay-descargar-de-varios-animes-gratis-por-megaupload-384310.jpg.4832c5bdea2badb01567e3620231db72.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103717" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/hentay-descargar-de-varios-animes-gratis-por-megaupload-384310.jpg.4832c5bdea2badb01567e3620231db72.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"Oh? You want to know~ Well I guess I can tell you love, call me Nether. Real name? Haha Sorry~ That's a secret~"


"Hm? I'm legal~ But if you really want to know, I'm 19......ish"

Weapon of Choice:

"Well if you look at the name of the game I ru-... I'm in, I'll let you take a lucky guess~"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Kat_Stock_3____Skull_Sword_by_Kaitrosebd_Stock.jpg.f1e8df1f23d8c918efde4afef313f024.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103639" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Kat_Stock_3____Skull_Sword_by_Kaitrosebd_Stock.jpg.f1e8df1f23d8c918efde4afef313f024.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

When hit with this blade a shadow will appear at the wound, it will start to zap a players health points giving it to the wielder of the blade. This effect last ten seconds and can be stacked. The blade can release a shadow that does nothing other than give the holder a rather intimidating look...very stylish to be honest. Levels up with player more abilities grated at higher levels

Character Level:

"Haha Shhh I prefer to keep it a secret, after all it won't be fun if everyone knows everything about me~ Now would it?"

Armor Type:

"Look at me. Do you think I would cover this body up with heavy armor? Please, light armor all the way."

Character Alignment:

"Hahaha! Oh that's such a hilarious question! Since when has Nether ever been good?"

Solo or Social?:

"I would say...both."

Character Sword Skills 1-5:(Describe them)

1: Shadow Strike: Slowly drawing his blade he does a fast strike to a vital point. If landed critical hit and health points will be taken. Blade glows black and emits shadows to activate this

2: Shadow dance: Once again his blade his drawn and he sends a furry of light attacks at vitals to confuse opponent and to land light hits to absorb health. blade glows black and emits shadows

3: Death wish: One of his stronger moves he uses both the sheath and blade for this. Smashing the sheath into the face or to draw one guard up to it he then stabs them in the chest for a critical if not fatal hit: Glows black emits shadows

4: Shadow Step: Drawing his blade he runs straight forward delivering a powerful blow to the chest or gut which can send the opponent back several feet, if not yards: Glows black and emits shadows when doing this.

5: Death strike: This is without a doubt his most powerful move. Drawing the blade he holds it and the shadows that it usually emits go into the blade making the attack itself stronger. He would then run forward moving to random directions at any point to confuse the enemy before landing the hit in either the head, neck, back or heart. If not blocked or any potion not in hand death is almost certain

Special Skill:

Death's Helper:
A special skill that he was given for having the most player kills in the SAO world. This ability levels up with every 50th player kill. Currently he has ended the lives of 198 people. With every level up a new ability is added to the skill.

This skill needs to be activated upon activation the user eye will gleam red, and shadows will flow off his body, a hell hound will appear next to him till he stops the skill. The hell hound is just like any hound...except shadows, and red eyes, not to mention very, very vicious. Any kills it makes go for him.

Since this skill has been leveled up twice he can currently summon that hell hound and his arms up to his shoulder will be covered in shadows which increase his attack power by quite a bit, making his strikes all the more devastating. The shadow gives off a dangerous aura that can intimidate those that are uncertain about what they are abut to face.


He is clever, sly, tactical, charismatic , powerful and a natural leader


Thinks everything is a game and rarely to never takes anything seriously, meaning one can easily take advantage of him before he starts trying.


Nether is a guy who thinks everything is a joke and rarely to never takes a thing seriously. He could be at ten percent health left and he would be having the time of his life (though at this point he will be taking the fight seriously). He isn't one that can be angered easily and simply laughs off insults, don't think you can get him in a fight he knows he will lose. He isn't afraid of turning around and leaving if he thinks it's game over for him. Though there will be times he refuses to back down, but that matters the situation. He is a very clever person as well as charismatic which is the main reason he has so many friends that are green players despite the fact he is a red player and he simply looks like a man you shouldn't trust. He loves to play with other fears once he learns about them. Not many know this other than some of his guildmates. But he is a very cruel, sadistic and terrible person who utterly loves death.

Brief History:

To be quick, he lived a rather shitty life as one could expect, crap parents and all of that. Stuff happened and he was sent to an orphanage where he was adopted by a wealthy family. Here he learned how to become next in line for their business and was placed in tough school and a hard learning schedule. Making his new parents proud he did everything they wanted despite how much he hated it. When SAO came out he was one of the first to get it as he found I a perfect way to retreat from the new more abusive home. And with that he joined it. As days went on and the more invested he got with the game he soon made a guild called the Nobodies. A red player guild far more elite than laughing coffin and even more feared as they are stronger and more sadistic than those member could even dream of being. Despite being the leader of this fine establishment no ones his face and therefore he can approach others with ease, sure he has a red marker however he simply tells them a lie about how he had to kill for his life and with that he is trusted. No one knows he is the guildmaster to the Nobodies...after all how would he have fun if people went blabbing about his guild?



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Miyamoto, Ryu



Weapons of Choice:

He wields a katana forged using the Soshu Kitae method


An immense sword measuring almost 6 feet in length


Character Level:


Armor Type:

None//Light - His sword style relies on agility rather than armor.

Character Alignment:


Solo or Social?:

Assists others but does not belong to a guild

Character Sword Skills 1-5:(Describe them)

1: Ry?tsuisen (???, Dragon Hammer Flash) - From a position higher than one's opponent (usually initiated by a powerful jump), one uses the momentum of the fall to strengthen a two-handed sword swing that brings the blade down on the opponent's head or shoulder.

2: Ry?kansen (???, Dragon Coiling Flash) - Most effectively used as a counterattack against a thrust or charge, one sidesteps a forward-moving opponent and moves past them. In doing so, one spins in a full circle, adding momentum and centrifugal force to the strength of the sword swing, which is then aimed at either the opponent's back or the back of the neck.

3: Ry?sh?sen (???, Dragon Soaring Flash) - The opposite of Ry?tsuisen, Ry?sh?sen is a rising attack meant to strike the jaw from below. For additional power, one uses one's free arm to apply force to the back of the blade and utilizes a powerful upward jump during the attack.

4: Ry?s?sen (???, Dragon Nest Flash) - A massive flurry of strikes delivered to the opponent. The sheer speed of the slashes makes this technique difficult to counter or defend.

5: S?ry?sen (???, Twin Dragon Flash) - Seemingly a simple Batt?jutsu strike, S?ry?sen is the first of Hiten Mitsurugi-ry?'s two-step Batt?jutsu moves. After the first strike with the quickened sword, the user wields the empty sheath along the same path as a blunt weapon. After the sword strike lands, the sheath strike delivers a pulverizing blow capable of crushing bone and shattering wood, but if the sword strike misses, the sheath strike acts as powerful insurance, preventing an opponent's attack and delivering a crushing blow when it's least expected.

Special sword skill:

An ancient kenjutsu style from the Sengoku Period, developed to allow a single samurai to defeat numerous foes single-handedly. Rooted in the concept of ichi no tachi, to strike in a single blow, practitioners of this style use a combination of immense speed and agility, batt?jutsu, and acquired, observation-based pseudo-clairvoyance that permits a practitioner to anticipate an opponent's movements. Both offensive and defensive maneuvers are executed with minimal movement in order to increase a practitioner's ability to counter-attack and to conserve energy. The style commonly has the user keep one hand on the sheath at all times and also stresses two-step attacks in order to ensure that the practitioner is never off guard while executing said attacks. Arguably, its most well-known trait is the surreal speed practitioners of this style use in battle (known as Shinsoku, or godspeed), allowing the user to accelerate, maneuver, and strike at speeds most eyes are unable to properly follow. This allows the user to close considerable distance in seconds and strike down enemies before they can react in time.


Perseverance; Honor; Kind-heartedness


Asocial; Has a difficult time letting others handle things; Has trouble forming strong bonds with others


Yoshiya has pledged to uphold the tradition of the samurai, and to help those who are unable to help themselves. Although he is kind at heart, he has a difficult time forming emotional bonds with others. He is also not very skilled in social situations, and has a difficult time not involving himself in conflicts.

Brief History:

Having studied kenjutsu from a young age, Yoshiya was instantly drawn to the game of Sword Art Online, and was lucky enough to have participated in the beta. After the game was revealed to be a trap, he took up the ideals of his samurai ancestry. He has since roamed the floors as a wanderer, assisting those who need it, and punishing injustice. He has few possessions other than his traditional kimono, his Katana, his odachi, and his wakizashi. He does very little for-profit work, only accepting enough money to pay for the necessities, and only has a small house as a result, which he visits from time to time.
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((^Character Image^))

Name: Ara

Age: 18

Weapon of Choice:


Blue steel Blade

Character Level:


Armor Type:


Blue Star

Character Alignment:

Varies between green and neutral

Solo or Social?:

Chooses whichever suits him at the time, usually solo

Character Sword Skills 1-5:(Describe them)

1: Frozen strike: Slashes at an enemy and does minor damage. If the target's defense is reduced, based on the stacks of Frost, low cool down. Applies a stack of Frost

2: Ice Deflection: Parries the next enemy attack, blocking damage. Target's attack is reduced base on stacks of
Frost, medium cool down

3: Creeping Frost: Freezes the terrain beneath, slowing enemies in it. Duration and slow based on stacks of
Frost. Can be used to cross bodies of water, long cool down

4: Blade of Ice: For a short time, auto attacks deal bonus damage to targets based on stacks of
Frost. Using abilities on Frosted enemies reduces cool down by a little. Long cool down

5: Flash Freeze: High damage finisher that can only be used on targets with 10 stacks of
Frost. Does more damage to targets with less health. Very long cool down

Special Skill: Enemies hit with basic attacks are recieve a stack of Frost, up to 10 stacks, which affects his abilities.

Strengths: Extremely powerful in small battles or duels

Weaknesses: Does not fare as well in large scale battles

Personality: Quiet and calm, doesn't talk unless he has too. Does not like to interact with large groups of people. Dislikes, people who try to be loud and funny. Likes ice cream and reading.

Brief History:

Ara's parents died when he was little, and he went to stay with his grandparents. As a child, he didn't socialize much, and spent most of his free time playing games, or reading. For his 18th birthday, his aunt bought him Sword Art Online, and a Nerve Gear. He went online the same day, and was trapped along with hundreds of other people. He does not worry about his real life.
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"Say hi the country side hero y'all!" - Shara

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Bkn9tB_CEAAexjO.png.4113314a52d465f55997b2602eea2160.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103871" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Bkn9tB_CEAAexjO.png.4113314a52d465f55997b2602eea2160.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Zale Grave



Weapons of Choice

Flamebard: A rare drop from a rare boss monster found on the 54th floor. It gives the user a boost in attack speed upon use. Despite having the size and power of a heavy class weapon it is as fast as a light class weapon, even faster then light class weapons of a lower level. Flambard also has the secondary effect of boosting the players base speed, agility, attack and reaction time but only when the player is not wearing any armor. It was given to Zale as a gift from a friend of his, Shara.​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/1345563589539.jpg.24e78379bbd2740fcffa27d7c7e9f2fb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103870" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/1345563589539.jpg.24e78379bbd2740fcffa27d7c7e9f2fb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

A bronze spear made by Zale and Shara on the 10th floor. It has no notable stats boosts other then a higher critical hit chance.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Bronze_Lance.jpg.2311e7e4dfad2d6e795f5ecec10f52b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103869" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Bronze_Lance.jpg.2311e7e4dfad2d6e795f5ecec10f52b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Character Level


Class Type


Character Alignment


Armor type

Heavy metal bro. Yes, that is a pot on Zale's head, he never takes it off.

Solo or Social

While Zale is a mostly solo player, he will almost never turn down a party invite. Is currently the leader of the guild Wild Fire.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_static_4fr62t9lryqsc4okcwkg8wcc0.jpg.a4c09bae21b3dc2f8052e906f496f11b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103872" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_static_4fr62t9lryqsc4okcwkg8wcc0.jpg.a4c09bae21b3dc2f8052e906f496f11b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Character Sword Skills

1) Heavy breaker: A slow high powered diagonal sword strike that breaks though blocks, parries, armor of a single target. It also causes critical damage if not blocked. The sword takes a blue color when skill is in use. One Heavy breaker can be combed into another for consecutive Heavy breakers.

2) Shield bash: A quick dash forward in a direct line with the shield up. Opponents hit by the shield take damage and topple (depending on the weight class of the opponent). Light to medium attacks that hit the shield rebound off. The shield turns blue when skill is in use.

3) Absolute defense: Holding the sword with both hands and taking a defensive stance, a blue aura surrounds Zale. As long as this sword art is active damage dealt by opponents is reduced, armor penetrating moves don't penetrate and Zale becomes impossible to topple. This art can be activated at any time and can be used to cancel out of a combo or another sword skill.

4) Blood lust: Player's defenses reduces to 0 upon activation. Half of the total defense stat goes into attack, and the other into speed. As an example. If Zale's defense is 250 and he uses Blood lust, his defense will revert to 0 but both his attack and speed will rise by 125 (250 divided by 2 is 125). Zale gains a red aura with this sword skill is active.

5) Final gale: By itself, this is Zale's most powerful sword skill. By stabbing his sword into the ground, a powerful cyclone forms around Zale that is 11 yards (33 feet) in diameter. Players caught in the cyclone other then Zale take continuous damage, players near the cyclone can get sucked in. Damage dealt by the cyclone counts as armor pricing damage.

Special skill

True hero: A unique skill given to Zale that has a few effects to it. The effects are passive, so they are always on. The first effect is that it boosts base defense by 50 points. It's second effect is that it boost Zales's HP by one for every point of defense he has (if Zale has 200 points of defense then his total HP raises by 200). The third effect makes Zale 75% harder to topple. Once Zale reaches level 80 he gains the ability to use two weapons of different types at once, one in each hand (ie a sword and an ax).


A loyal, kind of heart tank that can take a dragon's foot to the face and walk out okay. A hero with the strength to beat a giant in an arm wrestle.


A little too trusting makes Zale too easy to back stab. While his sword boosts attack speed, it does not boost movement speed making Zale more of a stationary attacker lacking in mobility.


Zale is a kind, loving boy. His genital disposition and over all appearance make him appear to be nothing more than a friendly fool. For that most part those two words can use used to describe Zale. If the pot on his head doesn't speak volumes about what type of person he is then his actions will. Zale is a foolhardy type of person, always acting before think and acting for the best interest of others. He loves seeing others happy, going out of his way to extreme lengths just to see someone smile.

A quirky lad to say the least. Zale has a few screws lose where his pot is covering.

While he would never think so, Zale acts something akin to a guardian, or a hero. Putting others needs before his own, always. He treats everyone with some amount of kindness, even his enemies are met with mercy at blade point. He is trusting, maybe even a little too trusting, and believes that no matter how bad someone can be that they can always change. But no matter how heroic he will act, Zale can't see himself as much more then a failure. Constantly being a little too hard on himself for not meeting impossible goals or not being able to fix things out of his control.

He is not anti-social, he just doesn't seek out the company of other humans, for he believes that he doesn't need it. But he will be the first to comfort someone if he believes them to need comforting. He is kind without meaning to be, or thinking about it. Being kind just comes as second nature to Zale, comes as easily as breathing.

Brief History

Zale was a country boy, born and raised in the farms. He was an average boy with an average life. Adventitious little Zale could never keep still, so when it came time to work, he sooner spent his free time playing in the forest or terrorizing the chickens. Zale never went to school as a young boy, his parents found it better to just home school him, keep him closer to the farms, to his family. Growing up all Zale had for company were his parents, the chickens and one willow tree he named "Jeff". At least that's how it was until he met Shara.

They were both 13 at the time, Zale found the young girl sitting alone outside from across the road. Making sure to look both ways before crossing, Zale made his way to the red haired girl. She looked so sad, and Zale couldn't have that. When Zale had finally made it to the girl and asked what was wrong, he found out that her parents were making her go outside because she spent too much time playing video games. From this meeting, a wonderful friendship was born.

Fast forward a few years, to the release of Sword Art Online. It took quite a bit of convincing, along with a river of tears, but Shara and Zale convinced his parents to get a nerve gear and let Zale play. The two set up there nerve gears together, and entered the game hand in hand. They played, they had enormous amounts of fun and they couldn't log out. At first not being able to log out worried them, but not to the point of panicking. No, the panicking came when they found out they would be stuck in the game till they got to the 100th floor or died trying.

The first few days were spent in sadness, pain, suffering. Zale cried nearly everyday, wishing and praying to some God, hoping he could wake up and see his parents again. Every time his prayers went unanswered, Shara was there to comfort him. Together they would grind and climb and fight there way to the top. Forming a guild along the way, making friends and finding awesome swords while doing it! At least, until one day when Zale woke up, he found Shara's favorite sword, Flamebard, in his inventory and a letter stating that the leadership of the guild had moved form Shara to him.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Luna.(Fire.Emblem).full.1932063.jpg.ad31cbca902406b5706d7953a22eab12.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103873" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Luna.(Fire.Emblem).full.1932063.jpg.ad31cbca902406b5706d7953a22eab12.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Sorventu (Real name: Sora Hibiku)


Weapon of Choice:

Christened Katana

A gift from his friend, this weapon is hardly rare. Most people just don't use it due to it's lack of a guard. This means it trades Protection for speed. It's blade is pure white and it has a red handle resembling a cross

Holy Maverick

A Slightly-more-rare-than-not weapon. This sword resembles a basic long sword. The exception being it's powerful plated guard disc.

Character Level:


Armor Type:

He wears full armor on his limbs. And normal clothes on his torso.

Character Alignment:
(Green or Orange player. ~Good or Evil, or even neutral.~


Solo or Social?:

While he doesn't actually try, people always seem to 'tag along' for some reason. So Social...I guess.

Character Sword Skills 1-5:(Describe them)

1: Double Team

He enters a defensive stance, the next person that hits him, will be temporarily blinded as he dashes behind them so fast that he leaves a vivid after image.

2: Blindside

He hits the blunt side of his blade onto the ground and launches either dust or sparks depending on his environment towards his opponents face before finishing with a diagonal slash

3: Projectile Blade

Throwing his blade, it defies all possible laws of physics and ricochets back into his hand

4: Heavenly Hilt

With a brilliant light, the hilt of his sword flashes a powerful, bright light. Enough to stun anyone in range

5: Double Team Combo

This is a move he can only activate after countering a blow. By doing this, he leaves a reeling after image and dashes in for a counter strike.

Special Skill:

Brief Illusional Self-Duplication

This allows him to use his double team moves


Morality, Agility, Persuasion


Death, Threats to friends, Having to kill


A positive optimist, Sora always believed that through sheer perserverance, we could all escape. While he is relatively low level, he never backs down from a challenge when it endangers other peoples lives. While he tries to live as a pacifist, he has no qualms killing beasts. Most of the time, though. He'd rather stun them long enough to get away. Being A christian, he has a relatively strong moral code.

Brief History:

An Avid gamer, he bought the nerve gear and Sword art online both on release date. At first, he was living as a merchant. Finding and selling swords, he found. When the news of their imprisonment was announced, Sora inmediately took a more active role. He had always believed in helping people, and this was his best opportunity yet.

(Yes, I know it sucks)
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Connor Wilson

Age: 21

Weapon of Choice:

Rare drop from the floor 49 boss. A long-sword with high damage, lowered critical hit chance and does an additional damage(x1.5) to demon/mythological type creatures

Character Level: 61

Armor Type: Medium, mostly hide armor with cobalt-coloured, steel bracers and greaves.

Character Alignment: Green for now but he will do what he has to, to survive.

Solo or Social?: Solo, has a hard time putting too much trust in his companions so he prefers to solo most of the time.

Character Sword Skills 1-5:(Describe them)

1] Sunder: A direct vertical or horizontal slash that automatically causes critical damage on direct hit, anything used to block this attack will be flung from the target's hand/s a short distance but negate any critical damage.

2] Reforge: Naegling begins to glow red-hot as if it was just pulled from a raging dragon's fire, it remains imbued with intense heat adding burn damage to it's strikes for the next 10 minutes.

3] Soothsayer: Wielder is given insight into it's opponent's next attack allowing him to block or counter it easily. This only works on the next immediate attack.

4] Hand of God: A two-part strike, the first is a sword slash to open up the enemy then Naegling transfers it's power temporarily into the wielder's off hand while they deliver a crushing punch dealing high concussive damage, a direct hit to the head with a helmet leads to some serious rocking while without the helmet it's an instant KO.. possibly death.

5] Dragon's Breath: A whip of blue-fire emerges emerges from the tip of Naegling, it is roughly the same width but is triple the length of the long-sword. For the next 5 minutes every attack with Naegling is followed by the fire-whip. After the time limit is up the fire-whip retracts into the blade giving it a dim, blue glow and powering it up for one final attack before the skill ends, the next attack will release the pent up fire energy sending a projectile flame in the shape of a slash or stab.

Special Skill: Berserkergang: After health falls to below one third this ability automatically activates. All damage up to a third is healed instantly, healing factor is tripled, defense drops by a half, attack, strength and speed increases by a third and Naegling's low critical hit chance is upgraded to average.

Strengths: High strength and good speed, lets very little get to him and perseveres to survive against all odds.

Weaknesses: Lowered defense, his own paranoia and indecisiveness can be used against him effectively.

Personality: Loyal when it counts, looks out for his people and a man of his principles beyond all else though slow to trust and somewhat paranoid for the most part and a self admitted arsehole that can be hard to get along with at the best of times.

Brief History: Connor grew up fairly poor, living somewhere between the city and the suburbs with his young parents. He was left to his devices for the most part and learned all of his lessons from the streets he roamed, his only real rule growing up was to be home before the street lamps went on and so he lived his life without much complaint.

When he turned 19 he moved in with his older half-brother who bought him a NERVE Gear as a welcome home present, Connor would frequently dive into the world of video games to escape the reality of problems and so bought SAO on release day and became trapped in the game along with thousands of others.

( What do ya think, Boss? )


Name: Juliette "Jules" Merle, also known by her username: "Noire," which translates to "Black."

Age: Eighteen

Weapons of Choice: Double Blade - Inherit is a rare double bladed weapon found in a secluded, extra Boss room that pops up from time-to-time between Floor 59 and Floor 65. It can only be used by the Assassin/Rogue class and greatly enhances the Speed and Agility of the user. There is, however, a secret about it yet to be discovered..

Throwing Daggers - Just simple throwing daggers she buys cheap from NPCs.

Character Level: 64

Armor Type: [ x ] The one on the far right. Includes a black hooded cape, username/level/alignment hider, and Voice Changer from a Party NPC(fun, fun, fun!). In addition, she is able to quickly switch out weapons in two seconds.

Character Alignment: Red; however, she claims to be a hero.

Solo or Social?: Solo. Though she'll go with the occasional party or two.
Character Sword Skills 1-5:

1: Dark Turn — Can only be used for surprise attacks. The weapon cuts down anything in its path with fury-like swipes. (9-hit combo)

2: No Escape — Typically used as a last resort. The weapon is spun three times and hits anyone within three feet of the user. (five minute cool-down)

3: Moon Dance — The weapon synchronizes with the user's movements, creating the image of a dance. When the user "dances" faster, they become blurred; however, the results can become fatal if they slow down too fast.

4: Catch&Throw — The weapon is thrown at a specific player. If hit squarely in the chest or head, the results are horrendous. The weapon reappears in the user's hand/inventory within six minutes unless taken by them. What about the catch part, you ask? Well, that's if someone chucks something at her, of course! When that happens, her reflex system turns on and she is able to catch the object thrown at her pretty easily. They won't ever get it back- until she chucks it back at them.

5: Wicked Anger — Like the Moon Dance, Wicked Anger involves intense Speed and Flexibility. At first, it looks like Dark Turn, with blows that don't even let the opponent make a move. Around the end of the skill, though, there is a blow that requires her to use Dual Blades- this is the skill that no one wants to mess with, taxing may it be. (17-hit combo)

Special Skill: Dual Blades — I think you guys know this one. ;)


Short Desc: Juliette has the curliest of golden blond hair that reaches the bottom of her bum unless pulled into her famously worn
braid. Gold, pointed fox ears are kept flattened or erect on her head with a fluffy tail(no white mark) to match. Even golder, her cat-like orbs are the star of the show, but typically stare down to hide from other prying eyes. Her body is shaped in an hourglass, with curves any girl would die for and a bust that is a perfect capital "C" shape(actually, she's probably C cup). Going down towards her hips, her body becomes wider. However, it is unknown that she is a girl at all due to her black hooded cape and Voice Changer. In the real world, the only difference is that her hair is a darker blond(no ears, no tail) and she's two inches taller than her SAO height(SAO height being 5'4).

Strengths: Clever; Compassionate; Chivalrous; Intuitive; Modest(not in fashion, though)

Weaknesses: Untrusting; Asocial; Hot-head; Self-blame(idk the word for it)


Personality: Juliette is French. Really, that just about sums her personality- her previous personality, that is. She used to be the kind of girl that could get any guy to give their heart to her- single or not. She was the mean girl at school that dubbed just about anyone- except for herself- "loser." But ever since she was sucked up into the game of life, Sword Art Online, she has acted anything but snobby-rich-kid.

Kind- but not too kind- and compassionate, she's typically saving people in SAO from red players(*coughcough* like herself) with a hood over her head to show off her new-found modesty. Juliette used to flirt to get her boyfriends to protect her, but that didn't work, of course. So she decided to learn how to play the game. Now she has a proper head on her shoulders and has the cleverness of a- well,

The only downside is that she believes all the players are bad(minus the players she saves)-
including herself- and has now closed up her heart to any that seek to knock on it.

Brief History: WIP
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Jordan Kahn


Weapon of Choice:


Lone Wolf:
Lone wolf is a two-handed sword, often found as a rare drop in an event on the 48th floor. Has a chance of inflicting a 'bleeding' effect, that drains life from the target with 0.2 of it's life value, and only for 5 seconds. It can stack up to 5 times.

Character Level:

Armor Type:


Light and sometimes Medium, to not weight him down, as his attacks are based on speed and strength.

Character Alignment:

Solo or Social?: More social than solo, preferring teamwork over lone-wolf activity.

Character Sword Skills 1-5:(Describe them)

1: Crescent Moon = An AOE attack that forms a shock wave around the player, stunning the targets for 3 seconds, and inflicts a small damage amount, equal to the force of impact. (For example, if he would do the move from a tree, it would inflict more damage that if he was on ground and would jump.)

2: High Time = An 8-hit combo that slashes the target and, with a final push, launches the target away from the player, giving him a small time to calculate his next move.

3: The One-Two = With one hit, the player launches the target in the air, after witch it can either involve into "The Roulette" or it would just end with a firm smack into the ground with the target.

4: The Roulette = Starting as the One-Two, once in the air, the player, using his momentum, keeps the target in the air using a 4-hit combo, slicing once clockwise, the other anti-clockwise. The target is then launched away from the player.

5: Wolf-Dash = Starting like a normal dash, the player slides forward, this time using his shoulder to pin down the target, then passes over him while slashing the target.

Special Skill: Lightning speed = While his combo keeps growing, so does his attack and movement speed, thus the character is more focused on keeping long combos and chaining moves together. Once his combo is lost, his attack speed and movement speed return to normal.

Strengths: Very good speed and average strength, good for surviving until now.

Weaknesses: Low defense rating, combined with low agility makes him vulnerable to hits, relying more on a fleet-foot style of combat, fast, and agile.

Sociable and trustworthy, Jordan has had his share of people who took advantage of his kind heart, a prime motive why he chose to become an orange player, and not showing his caring side. He saw many people come and go, and he is still shaken by some of the images he had saw.

Brief History:
Growing in an upper middle class family, Jordan didn't have a hard upbringing. He considered his life quite a bore, that's why he surrounded himself with friends, to keep him from being bored everyday or to lose touch with the real world, as he started getting into games and movies. After finishing high school, he enrolled to an engineering college, and got accepted.

Once he got there, his first taught was to set up his computer and his new NERVE Gear, as it was brand new. He waited for this game to appear since the idea was first announced. Quite an irony that his passion became his prison, as he was caught with the thousands of player in-game.
Name: Chiaki Kyoto

Age: 22

Weapon of Choice: Two sided hammer (
Glory’s Mallet hidden quest from floor 46)

Level: 51

Character Alignment: Green

Social or Solo: Social in a guild called Omega Cappa a guild named by her friend who has an exchange student from America.

Armor Type: She prefers middleweight metal armor that offers both protection and mobility.

Character Sword Skills

Glory Smack- She stands still and swings her hammer sending enemies flying

Ground Pound- She swings her hammer down on the ground sending enemies flying into the air.

Ground Sweep- She swings her hammer down low then comes back around smacking them up them back down to the ground.

Heaven's Glory- She jumps flying into the air before slamming down her hammer causing massive damage and a 15% chance of 10 second paralysis if in the area of effect.

. Glory’s Break- A defensive and offensive skill which allows her to build up movement speed to avoid attack and deal minor damage and knockback require 5 seconds to activate and get up to decent speed.

Special Skill: Glory’s Protect- This skill allows her reflexes and attack speed to increase dramatically allow her to avoid some of the fastest attacks in the game however it is only good for one sword skill, if she attacks it cancel, and has a 5 minute cooldown time.

Strengths: She has determination, ingenuity and intellect, and her loyalty to other. She is a tank-damage dealer hybrid which gives her options in battle.

Weakness: That she never backs down from a fight, she can be stubborn and her emotions can block her mind and judgement. However since she is a hybrid is a Jack of All trades Master of None.

Personality: She is just your college student. She is a liberal free spirited with a fire in her soul. She’s extremely smart and yet some of her professor say she could put her mind to better use. She is a social butterfly who can appear a bit rough around the edges when her snarky side shows but deep down she loves her friends and could spend the whole day talking but still show up to class to solve problems.

History: She grew up an hour away from Tokyo and always had a love for everything modern. When she finished with high school she applied to Tokyo University to study physics and ended up getting put on the waiting list she made it in just barely and got through her three years with ease however during her fourth year a new gaming console came out and while she never been a gamer she was always willing to try something new and got her hands on the new game Sword Art Online.

Her hammer(one on the very right)
Ingame game with casual clothes can't find good combat one

Nuff Said
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7a0bbed4_blackhairgirlwsword.jpg.03d11287f411e778aece49bac0409163.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104180" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7a0bbed4_blackhairgirlwsword.jpg.03d11287f411e778aece49bac0409163.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Ayami

(Real name: Sakumi Ayaha)

Age: 17

Weapon of Choice: Zweihander

Character Level: 55

Character Alignment: Green

Solo or Social?: Both, depending on her mood.

Character Sword Skills 1-5:

1: Shadow Shear- Makes little cuts in the most sensitive areas, taking up half damage.

2: Shadow Rend- Makes a strength circle with her blade, slices in different areas, then rends the areas cut.

3:Shadow Clone- Makes a clone of herself using her blade, then sneaks behind her opponent(s).

4:Shadow Music- Gets her headphones from her inventory and blasts a killer song.(LOL! get it? :3)

5:Shadow Hit- [usually used for small targets] Delivers a simple slash to the legs or mid-section of her opponent(s).

Special Skill: White Shadow

Strengths:Diligent, Brave, Willing, Friendly(when she actually talks)

Weaknesses:Can get annoyed easily, Gets motionsick

Personality:VERY quiet,Tsundere girl that really loves music and swords irl.

Brief History: Before SAO, Sakumi still didnt really talk to people. A number of boys had crushes on her, but she turned them all down because of obvious reasons. Her mother was very sick, so she looked for something to do to get her mind off of things. So, she chose music and sword fighting. Now, another one of these hobbies is SAO.

Out of Game Outfit:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7a0c4290_blackhairgirl.jpg.25486980cd662075893d01a914fb4ef6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104182" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7a0c4290_blackhairgirl.jpg.25486980cd662075893d01a914fb4ef6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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xkawaiishortyx said:
View attachment 232469

Name: Ayami

(Real name: Sakumi Ayaha)

Age: 17

Weapon of Choice: Zweihander

Character Level: 55

Character Alignment: Green

Solo or Social?: Both, depending on her mood.

Character Sword Skills 1-5:

(Describe them)

1: Shadow Shear- Makes little cuts in the most sensitive areas, taking up half damage.

2: Shadow Rend- Makes a strength circle with her blade, slices in different areas, then rends the areas cut.

3:Shadow Clone- Makes a clone of herself using her blade, then sneaks behind her opponent(s).

4:Shadow Music- Gets her headphones from her inventory and blasts a killer song.(LOL! get it? :3)

5:Shadow Hit- [usually used for small targets] Delivers a simple slash to the legs or mid-section of her opponent(s).

Special Skill: White Shadow

Strengths:Diligent, Brave, Willing, Friendly(when she actually talks)

Weaknesses:Can get annoyed easily, Motionsick

Personality:VERY quiet,Tsundere girl that really loves music and swords irl.

Brief History: Before SAO, Sakumi still didnt really talk to people. A number of boys had crushes on her, but she turned them all down because of obvious reasons. Her mother was very sick, so she looked for something to do to get her mind off of things. So, she chose music and sword fighting. Now, another one of these hobbies is SAO.

Normal Outfit:

View attachment 232472

idk what the dice were for :3
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/download.jpg.fbe963deaffe8b4996ba230b38842c89.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104078" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/download.jpg.fbe963deaffe8b4996ba230b38842c89.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Crimson Rose

Age: 20

Weapon of Choice:

Gabriel (Rare drop found on level 50 during a side quest)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/_4.jpg.e35556e548c79216dcfae69bf06f409c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104090" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/_4.jpg.e35556e548c79216dcfae69bf06f409c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Dagger.jpg.68ed99317ae5787acdec8fc8d063a70a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104092" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Dagger.jpg.68ed99317ae5787acdec8fc8d063a70a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gwenivere (This was traded so she dose not know were to find it)

Character Level: 50

Character Alignment: Neutral

Solo or Social?: Solo but will do a group

Character Sword Skills 1-5

1: The Saints Curse:

With this the dagger is thrown, after hitting the appoint they become petrified from a poison ruin on the dagger. If the blade is not removed after 15 seconds a type of stone like moss starts to form from the dagger to the enemy's body causing them to become petrification. The blade can be removed but the ruin would still be in affect. As this is being used her dagger gives off a green light.

2: Angels dance:

This is a moved used with both blades. Using her sword she knocks away her enemy's defense and uses rapid stabbing motions with her dagger when they are exposed. This has a cool down of one minuet.

3:Hidden Blade:

A skill used with both blades . Her Sword will glow light purple during this. she uses a combo of quick attacks with her sword as she uses small strikes with her dagger so it is unnoticed under the light of her sword. This has a three minuet cool down.

4:Gods Wrath:

This is a rapid combo that is used with both blades. it lasts 30 seconds and can not be blocked. each time the dagger hits her enemy she gains life points. It is a two one hit her sword hits twice as her dagger hits once. as this move is being used her sword gives off a purple light as her dagger gives of a light green one. This move has a 8 minuet cool down.

5:Heavens blade:

Can slash through any deference has a cool down of 5 minuets has more damage to monster armor yet less to players. This move only has affect to armor, is able to slash through any shield and armor. Only has a manger effect up to 10 levels above her any more and it only brings there durability of there armor down.

Special Skill:

She is able to use both dagger and sword at the same time.


She is able to adapt to almost any situation and is light on her feet causing her speed to improve as she fights.


She tends to get over confident and dose not show her feelings making it hard to work with her sometimes.

Personality: When she gets use to a person she shows her more friendly side to her other then that she shows no feelings. she is protective and brave and tends to take on smaller quests for weaker players.

Brief History: She had moved from the US to Japan to get away from her family and the world she knew. there is not much to say about her she was beaten by her father which had lasted for years until her mother finally decided to leave him, yet her other boyfriends were not so different. her mother had married a man that was just as bad when she was 17 she moved out shortly after. at 19 she moved to Japan it was a place she had always wanted to go so that is were she decided to live. She was still luring the language when she was given a game for her try, getting into it she bought one of her own.

(just tell me if any thing needs to be changed ^.^)



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[QUOTE="Srion Receno]View attachment 232296
Name: Crimson Rose

Age: 20

Weapon of Choice:

Gabriel (Rare drop found on level 50 during a side quest)

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View attachment 232321

Gwenivere (This was traded so she dose not know were to find it)

Character Level: 50

Character Alignment: Neutral

Solo or Social?: Solo but will do a group

Character Sword Skills 1-5

1: The Saints Curse:

With this the dagger is thrown, after hitting the appoint they become petrified from a poison ruin on the dagger. If the blade is not removed after 15 seconds a type of stone like moss starts to form from the dagger to the enemy's body causing them to become petrification. The blade can be removed but the ruin would still be in affect. As this is being used her dagger gives off a green light.

2: Angels dance:

This is a moved used with both blades. Using her sword she knocks away her enemy's defense and uses rapid stabbing motions with her dagger when they are exposed. This has a cool down of one minuet.

3:Hidden Blade:

A skill used with both blades . Her Sword will glow light purple during this. she uses a combo of quick attacks with her sword as she uses small strikes with her dagger so it is unnoticed under the light of her sword. This has a three minuet cool down.

4:Gods Wrath:

This is a rapid combo that is used with both blades. it lasts 30 seconds and can not be blocked. each time the dagger hits her enemy she gains life points. It is a two one hit her sword hits twice as her dagger hits once. as this move is being used her sword gives off a purple light as her dagger gives of a light green one. This move has a 8 minuet cool down.

5:Heavens blade:

Can slash through any deference has a cool down of 5 minuets has more damage to monster armor yet less to players. This move only has affect to armor, is able to slash through any shield and armor. Only has a manger effect up to 10 levels above her any more and it only brings there durability of there armor down.

Special Skill:

She is able to use both dagger and sword at the same time.


She is able to adapt to almost any situation and is light on her feet causing her speed to improve as she fights.


She tends to get over confident and dose not show her feelings making it hard to work with her sometimes.

Personality: When she gets use to a person she shows her more friendly side to her other then that she shows no feelings. she is protective and brave and tends to take on smaller quests for weaker players.

Brief History: She had moved from the US to Japan to get away from her family and the world she knew. there is not much to say about her she was beaten by her father which had lasted for years until her mother finally decided to leave him, yet her other boyfriends were not so different. her mother had married a man that was just as bad when she was 17 she moved out shortly after. at 19 she moved to Japan it was a place she had always wanted to go so that is were she decided to live. She was still luring the language when she was given a game for her try, getting into it she bought one of her own.

(just tell me if any thing needs to be changed ^.^)

Looks good! Happy to have you! ^^

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/0ea12fec39128722583120717fc092a2.jpg.2551d923bebf4ba85d1d7ab3219ae942.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104279" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/0ea12fec39128722583120717fc092a2.jpg.2551d923bebf4ba85d1d7ab3219ae942.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ingame: Nova Urduz

Real: Doran McComb



Weapon of Choice

Star's Vengeance (as shown above): A rare weapon obtained through defeating the boss of floor 27 without a party, and without taking damage. It raises the wielder's speed stat by 20 and deals medium damage.

Character Level


Armor Type

Super-Light (offers the most agility with 0 protection)

Character Alignment


Solo or Social

A solo player

Character Sword Skills 1-5

Aquarius Rising

The player's sword glows blue and, upon contact, slows the opponent.

Gemini Twins

The player's sword glows purple and summons a ghost familiar with 1 hp that has his equipment and fights for him.

Leo Pride

The player's sword glows yellow and the player spins a large circle around him, dealing damage to all in that circle.

Aries Rage

The player's sword glows red and increases the players damage by a quarter of their base damage.

Scorpio Strike

The player's sword glows green and does a rapid strike at an opponent, dealing damage and poisoning the target

Special Skill

Zodiac's Moon

This ability allows Nova to become invisible, greatly increases his speed (doubles), and allows him to rapidly heal. This allows the player to get away from a sticky situation, or end one.


Has extremely high speed, is clever, likes to talk his way out of situations instead of resorting to fighting.


Has no physical protection, low strength and health (he sunk most of his points into speed), often runs his mouth and is the cause of situations.


Nova is a very happy-go-lucky kinda guy, and hates commitment. As to this day he hasnt been apart of a party or guild, and tries to remain off the grid. He doesnt own anything besides a few items, a sword and the clothes on his back. But he is very social with other playes, and will help them, so long as he gets something in return. His motto is "The Happiest Sell-Sword Around!". With a big thumbs up to accompany it all.

Brief History

Before SAO, Nova was just your everyday gamer. He didnt really do much academic's wise, or athletic. He wanted to become an actor. Doran tended to "bite off more than he could chew" then procrastinate. He hated doing work but loved the outcome of doing it, so he constantly had an internal struggle of minor proportions. Thats pretty much the only reason he was attracted to video games,they were simple and gave you a sense of accomplishment. Even the so called hard games made him laugh when he beat them. So he was drawn to SAO, since it was a videogame, supposed to be difficult, and was VIRTUAL REALITY. He loved the concept since he was a kid. So here he is, now one of the fastest characters in the game, up in the top 20, and laughing along side the people.

Real Appearance

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/4468875691_aacdccff7d.jpg.d59f988ba8d427ec9d594ed3b84ec63d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104293" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/4468875691_aacdccff7d.jpg.d59f988ba8d427ec9d594ed3b84ec63d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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Age: 19

Weapon of Choice: Howling Fang




Character Level: 60

Armor Type:mix
between light and medium

Character Alignment: green

Solo or Social?: he was social, when his Guild was still alive.

Character Sword Skills 1-5:(Describe them)

1: Whirlwind, Ax, A hard hitting spinning attack.

2: Deceiving strike, Spear, Feigns a thrust, then does a horizontal slash using the back of the spear. stuns opponent for 3 seconds.

3: Gap check, Spear, Chains after Deceiving strike, preforms a heavy reverse thrust with back end of spear. knocks back opponent and chance to stun for 5 seconds.

4: 5 strike, Spear, Preforms 4 quick thrusts followed by a low upward angled heavy thrust.

5: Minimal side step, A defensive skill that simply involves an evading side-step. It has higher counterattack speed than parry or block, but it involves greater risks if it fails.

Special Skill: Spear dancer. When using a spear, half of all points from defense, health and 10% of any non combat skills above the lvl 30 are temporarily redistributed to Attack, speed, and Agility. turning him into a very deadly glass cannon.

Strengths: Observant, Persistent, Quick thinking

Weaknesses: Reckless, Easily distracted.

Personality: Vess comes off as a optimistic uplifting person, when ever things seems the darkest. He is always the one trying to bring light to the moment. He is also one of the live for them moment kind of people. Since he figure, in a world of death where you might not be alive by the end of the night. why not live a little.

Brief History: "Vess" Real name is actually Arthur Alhborn. Was born in Germany, although being born there, he was an american citizen since his father was a United States Marine. Being the son of a marine was both a great and challenging experience for him. Making friends all around the world then sadly having to leave. Vess took up gaming to stay in touch with them. So when his father was station in Japan and Vess heard about SAO he couldn't pass it up.

Little did he know of the games true design. Stuck in the game, Vess saw this as another challenge and began working on beating the game. along the way, He made more friends, help create a Guild call the Wolves of a thousand suns, A pathfinder/ dungeon mapping guild, and generally fought on the front lines.

But as time went on, things just got harder and slowly the wolves started to fall. its was small at first, one or two people here and there. but as the dungeons got tougher, more people started dieing.

Now, Vess is the only wolf left as the others who stayed died in the dungeon.
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Name: Denver Conrad

Age: 17

Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrow

Character Level: 72

Armor type: Light

Character Alignment: Green

Solo or Social: Solo

Character Sword Skills 1-5:

1. Shinning Arrow: A single arrow that shoots with percision accuracy.

2. Dual arrow: two arrows fired at once(85%accuracy)

3. Dragon's breath: Denver has a dragon companion who can spew fire.

4. Single sword weilding: only every used as a backup

-she can weild a sword called the Souless Blade which was aquired from a boss drop, but she's never actually used it.

Special skill: Dragon Trainer, Denver has a small dragon companion that she cares for.

Strengths: Speed, agility, observant

Weaknesses: Cannot lift heavy objects and weak armor

Personality: Tsundere (very quiet and shy, but once she become familiar with others, she is very energetic and high spirited)

Breif history: Dever was a beta tester, she discovered a secret mission that grants the player a dragon egg. The egg has now hatched, the dragon is red and about the size of a house cat. After joining SAO when it was no longer beta, she kept to herself, learning that beaters were unwanted.

Outside of SAO Denver lives and ordinary average life, attending highschool with a bunch of close friends, and going home to a loving family. And that is the whole reason she joined SAO she wanted a thrill, something exciting to happen and not the same repetitive, boring life she's always had.
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