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Fandom ╰☆╮ S a k u r a s o u [ O O C ] ╰☆╮


r u challenging yukine in an eating challenge
o shit waddup
How to approach Zuru when she is working on flowers:
1) Slowly approach her
2) Be sure not to imitate any bee noises while doing so or step, trip, fall over her. She's tiny so you may miss her.
3) Either call out her name until she hears you or crouch down to her level
4) Never ever step on what she is working on
5) If neither calling out or crouching work wave a chocolate in front of her
6) Engage in conversation
How to approach Zuru when she is working on flowers:
1) Slowly approach her
2) Be sure not to imitate any bee noises while doing so or step, trip, fall over her. She's tiny so you may miss her.
3) Either call out her name until she hears you or crouch down to her level
4) Never ever step on what she is working on
5) If neither calling out or crouching work wave a chocolate in front of her
6) Engage in conversation
How to approach Zuru when she is working on flowers:
1) Slowly approach her
2) Be sure not to imitate any bee noises while doing so or step, trip, fall over her. She's tiny so you may miss her.
3) Either call out her name until she hears you or crouch down to her level
4) Never ever step on what she is working on
5) If neither calling out or crouching work wave a chocolate in front of her
6) Engage in conversation
Yukine can't avoid making bee noises cause she's queen bee


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