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Fantasy S.A. Academy


Handler of Souls, Destroyer of Hearts
I am looking for assistance in this creation. Perhaps someone who is experienced in creating a dice system or something similar.

I am also looking for interest, though this will not be made until after I finish finals. With that note, let us begin.


The Backstory

30 years back, the war of the nations started. You knew it would come, everyone did, but no one seemed to understand the consequences. The war dragged on and each nation turned to dark means to defeat the others. (At this time nuclear warfare was no longer an effective way). They looked towards super soldiers. Orphanages began lending out children to adoptive parents who, instead of providing a loving home, experimented and tortured the children. Demons, Devils, or whatever you want to call them were summoned for war tactics or to weaken the enemy, but it just ended up weakening both sides. The demonic creatures saw the weakness and desperation in their eyes and took over the lost humans taking their women and their humanity. Angels, weakened by the growing influence of the demonic creatures, were ripped from heaven and used for research, rapped, and tortured. This went on for years to the point that God is just a sad tale of the good ole days and Angels are a cruel hope that parents give to children.

The Present

It is now 30 years later. What is done is done and the scars are left all over the world. The war is no longer against each other, but against the devils that now rule this world. Many humans that still hold humanity hide and keep their head down. There are not many safe havens for the good of heart, but there are still good of heart and that is why S.A. Academy was built.

The Academy

S.A. academy was built for the sole purpose of bring together the cursed and hopeless children whose lives were altered by the greed of the adults around them. The Creator is only known as SA and no one knows much else. Some like to believe that the academy was built by the remaining Angels that could not stand to abandon their charges. Others think that it is a devil’s trick to lure these powerful humans into their hands. There are even some that believe that they are mere humans trying to fix the horrors they have caused.

The Academy provides the means of a greater education which is not provided anywhere now and days. Also, safety, a place to sleep, and support from peers and the mysterious teachers that reside there. There are normal classes, but they are slim compared to the classes built to make students into the best they can be. Students do not choose their schedules, they are picked based on the students’ personality and abilities or what is deemed the best route.

“But how do they know anything about me?” Ah, that is the question isn’t it? Why, they have been watching you, all of you since the day you turned into something. They have prepared for this day that you would be gathered here and stand at the doorsteps of the great S.A. Academy or as outsiders like to call it “The Society of Angels.”

Welcome to year one.

Normal Classes

Each of these classes are meant to build on a skill. If you want to be in a certain class, your student must fit the criteria.

• Creative Writing (not only helps to keep students not stressed, but provides creativity in planning, writing scenarios and becoming a strategist)

• History (This is required by all students to prevent a repeat of the mistakes of our past. Mainly studies the mistakes of war)

• Art (A way to calm the mind as well as develop the ability to put onto paper mental pictures)

• Math (Helps to create fast processing students that can determine things in a blink of an eye and provide measurements, solutions, and numerical problems if came across)

• Speech (Builds leaders with the ability to command those around them with pretty words. English goes in here)

• Psychology (Develops manipulators, empathetic, and students that can read weakness)

• Sciences (This is a broad category, but these students are meant to learn to develop weapons and ways to channel abilities, esc)

Unique Classes

These classes are chosen by your abilities and powers. (More may be added)

• Basics of Healing (For those with more of a feathery touch)

• Arts of the Elements (Elemental based powers)

• Animorphtology (For those with a beast inside)

• Stamina and Endurance Training a.k.a SET (The P.E. of S.A.)

• Black Arts (Those with darkness in their veins)

• Mixology (Poison or perhaps a healing remedy?)

• Close Combat Class (For those that are more up close and personal)

• Ranger or Distance Fighting (not the strongest and need some far away training)

• Weapon Sorting (This class last only for a while and ends once you find your muse)


At night, when all are asleep the students come out to play. Perhaps to test out their new found freedom or to test out their strength, all students are required to show up at the Gathering of Angels. It takes place in the far back gardens of the campus where a blazing fire seems to always burn on qu. No one knows who started this or brought this forth, they just know they were all drawn to it the first night. There are two Factions that you may join that will help you excel through the ranks of S.A. Before we get into that, you must be taught about this Gathering of Angels.


Is a time to test your strength and gain notice through battles of wits, strength, speed, and skill. There are many different battles, all very dangerous and all leaving you sore (for better) or dead (For worse). These battles are done in turn. Two fighters are randomly chosen, depending on where you scanned your faction card, for the rest to watch as they battle. The most likes a player gets for their post determines the winner. Dices will be used or some form of a system to keep things fair. (Once I find out how).


These are cards that are placed on lanyards around your neck. They are life pieces and losing them equals death. You get one once you join a faction and it shows your faction on your card. The card keeps track of your wins/loses in each category and is sent to a larger system that keeps track of who is raining champ in what areas. Since I am the GM, which would be me that keeps track of the numbers.

The Light Faction

Those that choose this side are usually are those that try to fight without death and believe there is hope in the future. They have faith in the system and fight their hardest because they believe they are doing what is right. It doesn’t matter what your powers are or who your parent is as long as you fight with a conscious.

The Dark Faction

Not very positive thinkers. Fight mainly for survival and believe that this Academy is just a stepping stone for worse to come. They usually fight only for themselves believing that they, as a group, are more important than this human nation that created them and caused them this pain. They have no faith in the future.

Starting Plot

At the beginning, the plot will be to come to terms with where you are, join a faction, and become powerful in the areas that you desire. This will test your skills as a roleplayer and your ability to adapt to whatever is thrown at you. No longer are you in control of your characters fate, but a random role or decision system.

This seems really neat. Question: will this be a detailed roleplay? Also how will the dice system work and tie into the roleplay as a whole?
The dice system will be used for the faction battles so that no one can "just win because." Now your fate isn't always in your hands and it keeps the roleplay interesting.

I'm deciding between casual or detailed at the moment.
@Detective Rascal that would be great. I just don't really get the whole thing



Dice System

Each character starts off with a normal spreadsheet in which you will add in addition to your character information. You will be given fifty points to do what you will and give your character advantages in certain points as well as inform the GM what classes your character will be placed in.

Normal Stats

• Physique- Choose to increase certain attributes of physique

o Speed- for more quick footed

o Strength- for the more brawly

o Dexterity- Jack be nimble and coordinated, maybe not so quick?

• Intellect- This is to be chosen by characters with a level head and strategist. (diverges into two)

o Wisdom- Someone that has seen a lot, understands, and can plan accordingly

o Knowledge- someone who knows a lot, has many resources to create a plan.

• Cunning- For those that may not be strong, but can trick themselves out of every situation. (Cunning can diverge)

o Charming- a flirt, or smooth with words. Can charm a snake out of a boot.

o Sneaky- more thief like. Slippery like the snake

• Presence- If you want your character to be more like a leader, hold themselves high, and be able to convince people just because they just look the part.

o Loved- A presence of someone you want to follow, who you believe them even if they lead you off a cliff

o Feared- someone you are too afraid to even go against. Can even convince one to forfeit before the fight starts.

• Constitution

o Endurance- Takes a lot to knock’em off their feet

o Health- They last a lot longer when their health is high

Power Abilities

Your stats for your abilities start off weak. You cannot do much and for some, it is too uncontrollable to use. You can have one “ability” that corresponds to your power that you are decent at and one that you still can’t get the hang of. These are able to be used in battle, but their outcome at the beginning will probably be small. You do not have to have abilities or spells at all. You can be lost about your power and still excel in battle so don’t think you need this. This is only for spells and power based abilities. (As characters get made, I will make a list of abilities to correspond).

Class Stats and Skills

This will not be an option until after you have went through weapon sorting class. This will than place you in a specific area, which hopefully you built your character to fit in. Here are the classes.

• Thief/Assassin/- Close combat fighters with extra points in Dexterity and Speed. They can dabble in poisons as well and usually are quick with the tongue, getting extra points in Cunning.

• Martial arts/hand to hand- Close combat fighters needing to focus in Dexterity and strength, getting extra points. They also get points in Constitution.​

  • Warrior- Mid to close range fighter gaining extra points in strength and Endurance

• Mage- Can be medium fighter or far away, sometimes even close. Usually knowing more spells and power abilities than most, they get extra points for powers to land. They also are given extra points in Intellect and Constitution.

• Ranger- mid to faraway fighter, usually acquiring a pet or having brought one to fight with. They get extra skills in Speed and Dexterity as well as Constitution.

• Cleric- Mainly a Faraway defensive fighter having a high amount of extra points in Constitution and a few in speed and dexterity. Focuses on power abilities in healing.

Faction Based Alignment

Having figured this out.

Leveling up

There are many ways to increase your 30 stat skills or gain more abilities and make them more accurate. All of this can be done through leveling up. Winning a Battle increases your skills, while losing a battle can cause you to have to sit out next time. Getting on a winning streak can give you an automatic level increase, but can also cause you to become more vulnerable. Here are the ways you can level up.


You were given a schedule of classes which, in most cases, these classes help with building your skills. Classes like Speech increase your Cunning and Presence while classes like Black Arts provide you with more abilities and increase your skills in them. Your GM and two randomly chosen roleplayers will debate on if you get the chance to develop that skill, so suck up;)


• Creative writing- increases your intellect and cunning. It can sometimes just increase intellect or just cunning.

• History- Increases Intellect and sometimes Presence, if you have a leaders mind.

• Art- Provides certain classes with abilities and increases Intellect.

• Math- An intellect based class, must have high intellect to enter, which can usually create very powerful abilities as well.

• Speech- A presence and Cunning based class. Focuses on either or, but your character can not gain skills for both.

• Psychology- A hugely cunning based class that requires a certain amount of intellect to get in. This provides powerful abilities involving cunning.

• Sciences- Provides abilities and class based skills.


• Healing Classes- You start with basic healing which is usually taught to most students, but after that you go too advanced and expert that teach you powerful healing abilities and even draining ones. This class also increases Constitution

• Arts of the Elements- Provides abilities corresponding with elements. Only those with element based powers can be in this class and there are also level increases in this class that can provide you with greater abilities and skills.

• Animorphtology- Teaches abilities and skills that correspond with your animal. This can increase all stats depending on the animal.

• S.E Class- increases the Physique abilities depending on what you focus on during this class. Perfection doesn’t happen overnight.

• Black Arts- Provides powerful abilities depending on level with those with dark based abilities. Can also increase Presence in fear sub-category.

• Mixology- Increases in Intellect and provides many potions and skills that can be added to already existing abilities. Thieves come here to learn poison.


Once you go through Weapon sorting and find your muse, you will be placed in one of the classes focused on your class of skill to teach you defense, offence and skills to better equip you.

• The Art of Dancing with Blades- In other words, Thief styled class. If you chose any dual welding small weapons than you will be placed here. Here you will learn how to handle those weapons and increase your speed and dexterity. Does not teach you Cunning.

• The Art of Dancing- Instead of blades, you chose your fist, or close combat styled ability that focuses on being up and personal. Whether you chose nun chucks or you can transform into an animal this class increases your Dexterity and Strength. Endurance is focused in S.E. if you want it.​

  • · Warrior Training- If you chose a large sword with shield or just shield, scythe or anything along those lines. This class increase your Endurance and Strength

• Archery- This is for the mid to far range bow or some form of ranged weapon that isn’t strictly magic based. Here you will be given a pet, whom you must build their skills as well. They gain skills through a different set of training that you can send them to for a day. You will gain Constitution and Speed.

• Magic Offenses- This is for the far based attackers, sometimes mid, that use powerful magical attacks to fight. In this class you can increase those skills as well as gain Speed and Constitution.

• Magic Defenses- For the supporters in battle, you will focus on learning abilities that turn a good defense into offense. You will also receive an animal for assistance in battle. This will increase Constitution, Speed, and Dexterity.

Pets (Rangers and Clergy Only)

Pets have different stats than the characters. There are no magic beings only animals that may demonic or holy powers. For all we know, they were experimented on too. The following can be given as pets.

• Wolves or Dogs- start off with pretty well balanced stats and never falters commands.

• Cat or small wild cat- Have High Speed and Dexterity, low strength, but can leave aliments on enemies from contact. Given climbing ability immediately(More damage the more leveled up the pet is) (mid control)

• Tiger/Lion- High Strength and Fear Presence and mid Dexterity. Able to attack in water. (Low control)

• Panther/Leopard/Jaguar- High Strength and Dexterity. Second easiest pet. Can do sky attacks from trees. (decent control)

• Cheetah- High speed and Dexterity. Can do multiple attacks very quickly, leave enemy momentarily dazed. (Decent control)

• Bear- High strength and high endurance. Low fear presence. Can do charge attacks knocking enemies down. (mid-Low control)

• Raven/crow- High dexterity and high intellect. Can cause temporary blindness and learn shadow based abilities. (Doesn’t falter)

• Eagle/hawk/vulture-High strength and cunning. Low endurance. Can learn attacks that can deal large amounts of damage, but have to build back up.

Stats Sheet

You get thirty points for your character to start out with. You can reach a maximum of five levels which increase your stat points by 5 the first level up, 10 each after that. It isn’t extremely easy to level up, but you can still gain points without leveling. Leveling also gives you access to unique abilities.















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Characters have a lot of ways they can go and creativity is highly welcomed. Think of this as an rpg game that for once you design every inch of the character including their abilities.

Character Species:

These are the character species. Pure breeds are limited to the teachers unless you want to convince me of a plot device.

· Experiment- You were created in a lab. You could have been born a test tube baby or been altered as an orphan. This species has a wide range of capabilities. This will be where all characters that do not belong in the other species will go.

· Human/Demonic Hybrid- One of your parents was a demon or devil. Perhaps high class or low class. This includes Succubus, fallen angel, and esc. This will be were the dark users will most likely focus. Animal shifters can be here as well.

· Human/Angel Hybrid- One of your parents is an Angelic being. Their powers usually based in healing, but there are even warrior angels. This can contain many different powers as well.

Character Sheet

This needs to be filled out with extreme detail. I really love detail and would like it if you would put a lot of effort into your character as if they were your children. You are allowed an unlimited amount of characters, but be warned that that is a lot to watch out for in this roleplay.

Name: (Full name with first, middle, and last)

Age: (Must be between 14-19)

Birthday: (Without year is fine)

Nationality: (German, Japanese)

Languages: (Greek, Latin)

Species: (Experiment, hybrid)

Sexual Orientation: (Can range from many different categories)

Animal Partner: (If you are a ranger or clergy. You will be given one based on your character sheet)

Crush: (it’s fun to write you think someone’s cute.)

Relationships: (This can be family to)

Friends: (Mark best friend in a different color if they are special)

Enemies: (Mark in a different color if they are your forsaken)

Appearance: (Not just a picture. Pictures can be what you wish. I prefer realism art or anime)

Clothing style: (You can put a picture for this as well, but still description)

Abilities: (This would be your power based list and the abilities they know with only two skills to start with, but put in bullet style)

Weakness: (With both with themselves and in abilities)

Strengths: (Both with themselves and abilities will develop)

Weapon: (We will find your place, but you are welcome to put a suggestion)

Skills: (This will be where you will place the skills you develop)

Dislikes: (Can be random things)

Likes: (Random things)

Favorites: (A little more in-depth than likes)

Fears: (Never know when it might come into play)

Morality: (Do you care?)

Faction: (Do you choose Light or Dark?)

Flaws: (Personality traits that have a negative impact or seem negative. This should be done in bullets with a description of why they have it)

Merit: (Or good qualities and traits. Done like the first one)

Niches: (Things that they do “like bite nails.” Describe when they do it)

Happy memories: (There might be none. These can be done in paragraph)

Tragic memories: (There might be a lot.)

Before you came here: (Where were you?)


Less is known about them and only a select few will receive a teacher or can be a teacher. Teachers do not need skill sets and are, in a way, NPC’s.






Animals Partner:










Faction: (They like to watch and bet, but it’s against the rules.)




The Mysterious, Sa

There is one character that is never seen or heard from except through writing. Not even the teachers know who it is. The creator of this school watches over, controlling the school like a game of chest. SA knows all that goes on and if they wanted to stop it they would of.

Animal Sheet

Only used by the game master to give rangers and clergy their pets. These pets start with 30 points.

Name: (You get to name them)

Age: (Some are young, some more experienced. It depends on who you are)

Species: (What did you get?!)

Partner: (Who is the owner of this pet?)

Appearance: (Describe your beauty to me)

Abilities: (Perhaps you got a special pet. Done with random dice roll)

Dislikes: (I will add one thing, the rest is up to you)

Likes: (Same as before)

Flaws: (I’ll add one trait)

Merits: (I’ll add one trait)

Animal Stat sheet:

• Physique- Choose to increase certain attributes of physique

o Speed- for more quick footed

o Strength- for the more brawly

o Dexterity- Jack be nimble and coordinated, maybe not so quick?

• Intellect- (There is no diverging here

• Cunning- (no diverging here)

• Presence- (Only to use to place fear)

• Constitution

o Endurance- Takes a lot to knock’em off their feet

o Health- They last a lot longer when their health is high


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