Spoiled Bread
The Lord of the Uneaten
This RP takes place within the city of Ryken. Whether it was in the adventurer's guild or the city hall. Asahi found a crudely made pamphlet asking for help to cook dishes from Japan. It was definitely an out of place request and other people seemed to be ignoring it, thinking that Japan was some sort of backwater place. But he knew what Japan truly is, so he decided to come into the address in the pamphlet.
Asahi Fujikawa
Asahi Fujikawa

Asahi found himself at the city outskirt. In front of him was a cozy house that was a built a few distance away from the other houses, giving whoever living there ample room to enjoy the surrounding nature. Birds could be seen singing and bathing in a small puddle on the ground and he could spot squirrels running from one tree to another.
"Oh, my. A visitor?" Noticing his presence, a woman approached him from the back of the house. She was carrying a bucket of water on her left hand and a wooden scoop on her right. The tips of her fingers had a faded reddish color as if she just dipped them in some red paint and then failed to completely wash it. The woman seemed to be in her early thirty, with a rather unremarkable appearance except for her striking dark pink eyes.
"Are you looking for someone? My husband is currently at work so you need to wait until sunset if you want to meet him." She continued, confusing his intention for something else.
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