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Active [Ryken City, Ryke - The Imperial Logia Academy] Academy's Rotten Apple

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. As it meant to be hyper-focused and short, it is currently not open to be joined.

What to expect out of character:
I'm hoping to keep this relatively short (around 21 days ideally, up to a month at most) so I'll keep the pace relatively fast. I'll aim to start working on narration 72 hours after my previous post or directly after everyone posted.

Type of RP will be a social one, highly objective driven in order tot get rid of the title by getting the professor in question caught ad handing him over to the Church and/or authorities.

What to expect in character:
Saoirse got Miralis' knickers in a twist in this RP, by trying to enslave the guy that had murdered her. Now she's asked to do a favour to his Church in order to get rid of the [Disgraced Contractor] title and [Divine Curse asset (reduced contract authority)].

After looking at some of their requests, it turns out that dealing with a professor at Ryken's Imperial Logia Academy might be the best way forwards. The professor is known to be feeding all sorts of information to criminals and has made it pretty high on their list. The main challenge is that he has always avoided getting directly involved. Their mission is to try to get him directly incriminated for something and to hand him over afterwards.

When joining, please let me know the following things in your first post:
  • Asset goals. - By Novama's word, whether it is related to the RP or not doesn't matter, if you wish to obtain an asset during the duration of this RP or upgrade an existing one, let me know so we can formalise it. That's enough to achieve it.
  • Character owned Point Boosters. - Attentive Student, Mentor, Devour, Narrative Booster. So that I know when/if to include them during narration or in grading.
  • [Wanted] Titles – So that I know to involved the Hunters somehow to ensure it won't negatively affect the aftermath. Also let me know where to find information about the Hunting party to use for their involvement.
  • [Criminal] or [Monster] Titles – Certain settings might be more difficult to access as a criminal or monster. If those are in possession of the character, they might need some extra/alternative routes to be worked into the story and might risk facing some serious hostility form (N)PC's if found out.
  • Active Downtime | Buddy Skills | Masterwork Skills | Complex Assets – If your character has an asset they wish to upgrade using the [Downtime] function or if they have any of these skills with passive elements to them, let me know so I can add it to the grading sheet post-RP.
  • Relevant Titles – Any titles you deem particularly relevant for the current plot/RP/setting.
  • Relevant Skills – Any (passive) skills you deem particularly relevant for the current plot/RP/setting. Including skills Area Knowledge on the area, Companions, etc.

Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Saorse Desrosiers – Get rid of the [Disgraced Contractor] title and [Divine Curse asset acquired (reduced contract authority)]
Femboy Femboy Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus – Goals | Will be updated when goals are given.
Karcen Karcen Teti – Goals | Will be updated when goals are given.

The Imperial Logia Academy
From: https://www.eurogamer.net/games/mana-khemia-alchemists-al-revis

Saoirse Desrosiers


Saoirse was in a rather sour mood. Whilst the dealings with Lady Taurus had gone decent, they'd not gone as great as she'd hoped due to the whole Miralis deal. Now she was going to do a deity a favour just because he messed with her for enslaving someone that murdered her. As much as she believed it to be utter bullshit, she wanted to get rid of the title so that it wouldn't hinder her future dealings. It's why she'd gone all the way to Ryke to go through their requests.

“I'm already annoyed by this country.” She'd scoff. “So many Humans. So little culture.” She hated this place and wanted to return to her home-country as soon as possible.

At least there was one good quest option for the Church of Miralis. “Someone feeding information and plans to criminals from the academy... I guess that's worthy enough to try, at least.” With that, she'd settle and left off to the academy.

On her way, she'd turn to Lei and Teti. “It says there's someone in the academy who can help us out more. That said, let's get some basics rules down first. For one; don't be the first to commit crimes. We don't want this to just get worse. Second; if we meet the guy in question, feel free to annoying him enough into attacking you or into doing other criminal activity. He probably won't cave easy if he held out for so long, but who knows. Otherwise, we'll just have to keep our eyes and ears open.”

As the arrived at the gates, she did have to admit. “Huh. A fairly impressive place, I have to admit.” She'd look at Teti and Lei. She didn't have the highest expectations, but still. “If either of you has any brilliant ideas on how to get this over with quickly, I'm all ears.”
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Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus
Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet

Goals: Don't get any attention, acquire/upgrade Title Asset [Champion of Chaos] by dealing with the current situation Chaos has binded her to, hate her life and everyone around her.

Lei was in a complete urge to just kill every single person she saw. The two she was stuck in company with most especially. Her freedom was robbed of her, her future and any possibility of living her own life was completely gone. Now, it felt like not even Chaos was playing on her side. Saoirse having command over her forcing her to do things she didn't have an interest in doing or obeying, that and her expected trial of chaos to try working on using Artisan via unnatural crafting methods born of the higher power of Chaos to create weaponry and/or armour. She'd.... unceremoniously ended up eventually having tried. The results, at least in her view, were a failure, and likely wouldn't please Chaos. It was also one of the things that was weighing on her mind.

Her armour, she looked completely ridiculous. Her old armour had been getting a little small with time, she'd had it for who knows how long. Way, way before meeting Saoirse, it had been around just after she'd started following the power of Chaos. She had been due for an improvement, but this felt like ten steps backwards. It was embarrassing, exposing, how was this supposed to protect her from anything? Hells, how was she ever supposed to be taken seriously or be intimidating when she looked like some sort of princess trying to show off a little too much? The large plateskirt wasn't intentional, as an accident of the creation, and she'd suppose the creation using artisan capabilities didn't work out well due to some sort of mistakes. Maybe using her old armour in the process rather than from scratch? Maybe she didn't use enough of something, or perhaps too much? Well, clearly if the armour wasn't covering, she didn't use enough. Her equipment felt... well, existent, but not something impressive or that felt like it radiated with something of interest that impressed Chaos. She'd need to work on and fix it... although, due to the miserable existence of now being owned by Saoirse once more, her life was forcing her to travel all the way to Ryke looking like a barely dressed moron.

She'd been less dressed before, but at least then it felt like she didn't have anyone looking at her. Now it felt like she was dressed to try and get attention she didn't want.

"I'm already annoyed by you... " Lei muttered under her breath to herself once she'd heard Saoirse, the minotaur remaining rather kept to herself as she was just... at most trying her best not wanting a single person to look at her. She was following around a tiny rabbit woman, with a weird boy in a maid dress, looking her absolute worst. Lei had no clue why Saoirse was complaining about humans, she owned four of the damn things.

Rolling her eyes to herself, most of what Saoirse said went in one ear and out the other. Resting her mace head-down on the floor, she leaned on the upright handle.
"I can think of at least one that'll ████ you off" Lei answered with the most complete lack of enthusiasm. It was just 'go home'. She wasn't wrong in the slightest, it was technically the fastest option. It wasn't their problem in the first place. Hells, it wasn't Lei's problem to care about in the slightest. At the sound of annoying whoever this random guy was, which she would've probably better known if she listened, she feigned joy.

"Great, Teti doesn't have to talk to me. Wonderful" she'd sarcastically mention, groaning to herself that they were even here in the first place.
"This is why you don't ████ with your poor excuses for deities. You stop brownnosing them for a second and they throw their little cosmic baby tantrums. Besides, I'm not in the mood or get-up to have people looking at me, I look ████ing stupid, and the fact Chaos is making me put up with all this is stupider" she grovelled as she clenched her fists on the handle. This didn't feel like her problem at all, nor did she properly listen to any of the instructions.

Otherwise for assistance, she shrugged.
"I can burn propaganda of other gods. If it doesn't help, I was gonna do it anyway".​
Bosters: attentive student F

Teti seemed to be the only one not bothered by being in this country, really it was much nicer than Lei's home. Here at least things were frozen anywhere that wasn't frozen was better then that place, along with anywhere that didn't have people from there. Teti was never going back there, though it did explain some thing about Lei, but not all of them she was still spoiled with her squandered freedom. The idea of the country full of multiple races lacking culture was a bit odd given it likely took from everywhere though mostly seemed to take from the nation to the north. With his greater hearing he could easily make out what Lei muttered and almost chuckled as when wasn't she annoyed? That was her default, she had about three moods annoyed, blind rage, and pathetic. With the last being rare really she only had 2 and she switched between the two in nano seconds.

Teti listened knowing that Lei wasn't and he had formulated a new plan in dealing with her, yeah getting her to be anymore friendly was unlikely, but what if he let her know he was trying to make her annoyed? she was so much of a contrarian maybe she would be calmer just to spite him. If she didn't he would win and she would have to hate to lose to him. Still the mission was find someone in the school that was leaking info. School something he had never truly had being he grew up in a traveling caravan and well most of his education went into his assigned job.

" And here i will miss our lovely chats " Teti said sarcastically to Lei about him not talking to her, he wasn't going to just not talk to her when he could prod her some. " Though i think for the first time you an I are on the same page , scary isn't it. Gods are not my thing either " Teti agreed with Lei in that much which might shock some, well he didn't come off as religious and he wasn't gods were just people you had to please to get benefits and their demands were higher than mortals and their gifts worth far less.

" Though it all depends if we want to stand out as well Lei here really stands out maybe we should get he a cloak to help cover what her armor doesn't" Teti suggested as well her new armor looked, well less than intimidating in fact it looked like the kind of armor a female lead would put on for a late night show, the kind meant to come off during a fight with the monster. " anyways whoever is planning to find us inside will without a doubt be able to find us, or well lei at the least, once there maybe we should dress up as student or something so we stand out less and whoever is doing it might want to rope new students into helping "
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Saorse Desrosiers – Get rid of the [Disgraced Contractor] title and [Divine Curse asset acquired (reduced contract authority)]
Femboy Femboy Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus – Goals | Don't get any attention. | Acquire/upgrade Title Asset [Champion of Chaos] title.
Karcen Karcen Teti – Goals

The Imperial Logia Academy
From: https://www.eurogamer.net/games/mana-khemia-alchemists-al-revis

Saoirse Desrosiers


Saoirse heard Lei mutter something and sighed. She didn't know what the Cow said and didn't care. The result would be the same. “Give me five push-ups.” She'd command. Checking if Lei did them well enough. If she'd slack on one, the command would be simple. “You slacked off on that one. Do five more.”

Then Lei gave her a rather rude reply. “Give me ten burpees. Just like Melia showed you.” She'd command. Looking over to see if that, too, would be done well enough. “Keep being rude like this and you'll be a great warrior in no-time, with all the extra exercise you're getting from it.”

There was one thing she wouldn't punish. Which was Lei's rant on deities. The fact she let that one slide might say enough on how she thought about them herself at this point. There was only one thing she'd correct. “A really warrior shouldn't be so easily ashamed. Wear it with confidence or you'll look even sillier and weaker.” She gave some (surprisingly genuine) advice.

She'd nod at Teti. They stood out a lot. Lei most of all. “Tall a she is, a cloak might only make more people look. Just at different things.” She figured. “Standing out might not be the worst though... Let's see.” She looked around. To their right, she spotted a student. “Should be in this area that were were meant to meet our informant. You think that's them?” She asked, pointing at the student in question. She'd nod at Teti and Lei, figuring they might as well go ask.



The student in question was, for whatever reason, staring very intensely at a wall. It was as if they were trying to uncover the mysteries of the entire universe. By staring at a wall. Yet they were the only one in the supposed meeting spot.
Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet

Oh gosh, this was gonna be the most miserable day of her life. Heck, this was gonna be all the misery of her life from now on. Why didn't she take getting eaten by the giant fish? The sweet release of death where her body was in an unrecoverable state sounded like the greatest peace one could ask for. But now, she was stuck here with two of the most hateable people to ever exist. The minotaur couldn't have cared in the slightest whatever sarcastic remarks Teti had to make this time, huffing quietly as she rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, and stop pretending to be nice, it doesn't work. You're an idiot, a liar, and a desperate embarrassment to both law and chaos" she uttered, trying to tune him out. Having had put up with Ryuuji longer, at least his facade had a feel of a genuine kindness to it and that he wasn't trying to force it down ones' throat. That, and as she understood, Ryuuji didn't opt for the slave life either. Ever since that trip to the desert, it felt like everything had gotten increasingly more miserable as an already terrible life of 'a few slaves' turned into 'Slave Lei and Saoirse's overabundant desperate-for-attention friends'. For someone who supposedly desired to want to make people flourish, it felt like Saoirse went out of her way to accept the most dull and unaspiring people that would exploit her for a free life. It was disgusting.

Lightly scratching her face, the texture of a growing fur that was short yet a soft fluffiness and a bit fuzzy had rested against her fingers. It was an odd feel, something she'd felt had start coming in after her trip to the cold mountain peaks. It was weirdly different, not being sure how used to it she was willing to feel.

"What?" she questioned, glaring at the rabbit once she had been instructed.
"Why?" she'd softly follow up, though soon enough she'd feel an unnatural invoking course through her veins as her body thumped to the floor. Growling as she felt an otherworldly will obey and force her into the position, she snuffed a furious exhale over her annoyance. Why did Saoirse truly just want to make her suffer and waste her time?

"I hate you, aren't you supposed to be making this fast?" Lei complained, immediately slacking rather quickly as she felt an unpleasant chill forced down her spine. Grovelling and muttering to herself over being forced to continue, she was ready to get up and leave it behind her up until Saoirse demanded yet another exercise.

"We're gonna be here all day wasting time, do you really want to just hate me for no reason instead of getting ████ done!?" Lei asked in a furious tone, being once more forced to follow instruction against her will. Trying her best to refrain herself from doing any such forced punishment, the chaos that pumped in her veins contested against her with each moment, pressuring against her until her stamina broke.

"You're like three foot, you wouldn't get it. People don't notice you to begin with, and when they do, you always look silly and weak" Lei grumbled quietly to herself, sighing as she laid on the ground for a moment not wanting to get up. There wasn't much point, Saoirse was just gonna force her to do something else stupid again, and she was going to be stuck following the abusive rat around for the rest of her life. Unvalued and feeling like she was lacking motivation, she reluctantly sat up as she slowly turned her head to face the potential informant with the least enthusiatic turn of her gaze possible. Rolling her eyes, she didn't bother, it wasn't like Saoirse actually cared about her opinion anyway even if she tried to help.

"Can't I just ████ off somewhere else? It doesn't take a genius to figure out I'm not a student or anyone who should be here, anyone up to shady ████ is gonna immediately start running away" Lei blatantly claimed, hoping her point would at least free her up from having to screw around with spending time with two people that made her want to take her pocket knife to her throat. Wasn't a bad idea now that she was thinking about it, but the unfortunate reality was that she was still resurrectable. So, it would've only been the briefest respite before awakening to more pointless punishments from an uncaring master.​
Bosters: attentive student F

Teti sighed when Lei was Lei try to be honest abd she spat it back in your face. " Think for a minute Lei why would I lie about something like that to you? I know no amount of kindness will change anything with you. I could save your a hundred time and you would be forever stuck on any time I slighted you. You can be sure anything I say to you is the truth because it's pointless to fake anything around you " Teti explained nit giving into how he thought she wasn't capable of change, or sympathy or Empathy on any thing but the most surface of levels. Her world revolved purely around her and her issues.

Teti did look to the student staring at the wall who also stood out like crazy. Yeah that would likely be them right place and about as conspicuous as Lei. " Yeah that might be the guy " teti shrugged as Lei tried to get out of being here abd ge coukd raise a point about how they might need the only warrior to protect them, but fuck it things would go faster, smoother, and overall better if she was gone.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Saorse Desrosiers – Get rid of the [Disgraced Contractor] title and [Divine Curse asset acquired (reduced contract authority)]
Femboy Femboy Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus – Goals | Don't get any attention. | Acquire/upgrade Title Asset [Champion of Chaos] title.
Karcen Karcen Teti – Goals

The Imperial Logia Academy
From: https://www.eurogamer.net/games/mana-khemia-alchemists-al-revis

Saoirse Desrosiers


Saoirse sighed when the Cow didn't seem to get it. “My dear Lei. I made a promise to train you as a warrior. If delaying this a little to keep that promise is needed, so be it. I will keep making you do exercises any time you misbehave. That should train your body and... presumable your mind, eventually.” She added he last bit with a bit of doubt. “Eventually you'll figure out it's because I might as well be the only one that doesn't hate you enough to give up on you.”

That said, it was pretty clear Lei was mumbling something yet again, from the weird sounds and movement of her lips. “Do thirty squats.” She would command, adding to the list of exercises. “You standing out shouldn't be an issue, from what I've gathered. We're not exactly undercover here.”

It seemed neither Lei nor Teti wanted to approach the shady student first. So she'd have to take the risk herself. “Excuse me, are you here as a contact for those taking on the Miralis quest?”



The student looked at them, or perhaps through them? Or across them? Their eyes didn't exactly seem to focus. They spoke to Saoirse first. “You are empty, seeking not to become something, but to be a tool for others to become something.”

Then they spoke to Teti. “You too, are empty. You became something out of mere convenience, but haven't found a true calling yet.”

Then to Lei. “You... are not empty. Yet you are filled with confusion. You have found a calling and a way to achieve it, but an inability to accept your destiny.”

That's when they seemed to snap out of something. Looking at Lei directly. “You must be the one leading these smaller ones. I apologise, I was communing with the Other Side and did not hear your introduction. What is your purpose here?”
Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus


Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet

"Here's the thing, you rat. I hate you, because I really hate you. I wouldn't need to change my mind on being saved by you, because you can't save my life. You can't save anyones. Here's the real news, you're Ryuuji if he was desperate for praise and also- get this one- completely ████ing useless! It'd be one thing if you had at least one redeeming talent about you, but I guess that's what makes you a special project to Saoirse, because you're the one she'll never figure out what to do with. You're here voluntarily because nobody else wants you, I'm stuck here against my will because nobody else wants me. I may hate this ████ing rabbit, but I was still followed across a country, and once more to my home, solely for my presence. You came up on the streets like a desperate stray" Lei argued back in debate, one thing she couldn't contest was Saoirse's proven determination on two separate accounts to get the minotaur within her possession. Whether it really was something great she saw, or just simply a desire to harass her, Saoirse was the only one who hadn't exactly rejected her. Then again, she wasn't going to admit that. She wanted to be rid of the rabbit forever, Saoirse had only proven dishonorable on their original deal. Now, she'd been walking around the homes of the rich and having to put up with the most menial petty peasants as some sort of 'pet bodyguard'. This wasn't at all what their original deal was, yet she was the one everyone claimed lacked honor. If she lacked honor, she would've never stayed true to her bet and wouldn't have signed the contract in the first place. But that wouldn't matter now, the only one who'd even possibly admit that truth was Ryuuji and he was unlikely to go against the norm of hating Lei.

"This isn't training me at all. This is the absolute best you can do because being stuck with you forever restrains my life from actually doing anything I'd want to achieve. Helping people succeed is the opposite of what you want, you just want sad little pets to follow you around. I already know how much you all hate me, so your lies don't mean a thing" she answered in retort, though she'd soon be back forced to doing squats against her will. The whole 'train your mind' thing felt like an exact agreement with her point, that she didn't care about helping people and just wanted them to be lifeless little followers. Though as she was forced to go through an additional 30 squats again, Lei eventually sighed and slumped sitting on the floor for a moment when she had finished. Catching her breath, her ears drooped as she held her tongue and was left to her own thoughts.

This truly was misery. She was a slave. Nothing what she did or said mattered. Saoirse only cared to exploit Lei for her own ego and benefit, and the other slaves who so blindly followed her were going to be completely horrible to her no matter what. Reluctantly standing and grabbing her mace, a disappointed sadness donned her face as she approached the student that Saoirse had spoken to first.

Whatever they were on about made complete sense about the other two, considering how empty they were... well, except for Saoirse's supposed seeking to become a tool to help others. It didn't take a genius to figure out that would never be true. Waiting until the student came back to their senses, she raised an eyebrow and straightened her face.
"It sounds like you're the one whose got it confused. I choose my own destiny, not what others see for me. Although, stuck in this position... I'm probably not going to ever get there in my lifetime by this rate... " she sighed, a saddened glance at the ground before processing about them believing she was the 'leader'.

"See? You have, zero sense of presence, you have zero aura" Lei pointed out to Saoirse, turning her attention back to the student.
"Lets get this over with since my suffering'll never end. We're looking for a quest to appease some crybaby deity called Miralis, something about catching some secret snitch in this school or whatever. If you know anything about it, fess up now so we can all move on with our lives. If you know anything about who might be suspicious, considering you're doing a lot of nosy 'staring into people', fess that up too. I'm not gonna play games with you" Lei blatantly demanded, stepping forth and crossing her arms as she hoped they'd get a simple answer. She'd rather just get it over with rather than putting up with more of Saoirse's pointless 'training exercises'.​

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