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Finished [Ryke - Ryken - The Underbelly] - A Date A Day Keeps The Bloodshed Away

[Otherworldly], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Elvario Elvario

Hunting appeared to have, in fact, worked on the Underbelly's tyrant appetite. Or, at least, that is what our tinkerer got out of the experience. So far, every single clue of distaste had gone above his head and he considered the experience going as expected. "Somewhere to eat..." He commented, not quite wanting to reveal the cards he had up his sleeve just yet.

"As you prefer." He said, not appearing to be bothered when told to keep some distance from her. Eventually, upon receiving the key to the guest house, he would head inside the place without a second thought on his mind. Surgically, she would wash off the zombie grime, bits and fluids off his person, just as if he was decontaminating himself after being exposed to radiation.

Eventually, he would reappear, clean once more and just the way he had come into the Underbelly. "... I've heard of some places that one can eat in here, such as The Rear End, Full Cheeks Erotic Restaurant, Leering Lichen and The Cave of Wonders. Does any of them seem to tickle your fancy?" Luckily, Erich's contact had provided him with insider's knowledge about some of the eating establishments in the lawless places, even if they were a tad dubious.

CDs: C 1/3, D 2/2
Mentions & Character Goals:
Maxxob Maxxob Erich Zann – Have a date with Lykra, the Champion.


Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Ryke, The Underbelly, Plaza near the Champion's Quarters
From: Microsoft CoPilot

She'd changed out of her armour again and cleaned up as well, when they met back on the plaza near her quarters. Upon hearing him name the suggested places to eat, she had to suppress a chuckle. He seemed to know his places, but whether that was a good thing or not was highly questionable. “If you've heard of these places, I assume you've heard what they are about. So... why don't you surprise me? Take me to the place which seems most fitting for our date. Don't worry about reservations either. I can say ahead of time, none of them would want or dare to refuse me.” She wasn't going to let him off all that easily by trying to make her decide.
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[Otherworldly], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Elvario Elvario

Having been left in charge of choosing where they would dine, Erich turned around for a moment, recovering something from his pockets. "Mmmm, let's see..." Erich retrieved a small metallic contraption, a display flickering to life. Assigning each restaurant a number, he pressed a button. A number flashed. A decision was made. Completely at random, but made nonetheless. "... uhum, that will be it." With the secrecy time coming to an end, he stored the device in his pocket once more, extending his gloved hand to Lykra. "Let's go then?"

To keep the surprise, the tinkerer ended up not revealing where the pair was going. He tried the best to follow the map by memory. Both Lykra and him would end up in a rather well-placed district in the Underbelly. Not quite the high-end luxury neighborhood where they ended up facing the delightful zombies, but quite there. Their walk would come to a sharp stop in front of a peculiar building.

The building itself, massive and overcompensating, jutted toward the cavern ceiling like a monolithic declaration of power, or insecurity.

At the entrance, someone clad in a pure black leather, rather form-fitting, second-skin like worker waited. They mumbled something, not really able to form words, considering the red sphere that was located in their mouth, firmly affixed to their head with a strap. However, as soon as their eyes locked on none-other than Lykra, the mumbling intensified. Their muffled noises increased in urgency, eyes growing wide and darting between Lykra and the engineer who was clearly, unmistakably, holding hands with her. But could anyone fault them, anyway? Any sane person would discard this as a fever dream.

Not wanting to be killed in a gruesome way, the greeter moved aside, bowing low and inviting them to enter the rather well known 'Full Cheeks Erotic Restaurant'. Yes, dear reader. You read that correctly. Erich, through sheer random selection, had chosen an erotic dining experience for his date with the tyrant of the Underbelly. Somewhere, a probability engine was having a stroke.
Mentions & Character Goals:
Maxxob Maxxob Erich Zann – Have a date with Lykra, the Champion.

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Ryke, The Underbelly, Plaza near the Champion's Quarters
From: Microsoft CoPilot


She raised an eyebrow at Erich's 'decision-making-process', but decided not to question it. “Indeed.” She'd state, accepting his hand once more. As much as he might've wanted to keep the surprise, she knew the Underbelly better than anyone, so she had figured out where they were going soon enough.

A chuckle escaped her lips at seeing the 'welcomer' panic. “Table for two please.” She'd state, figuring she'd make that clear before half the place would run off fearing she was here on business. “Make it your finest.” She'd add, not wanting to bother with anything less.

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Ryke, The Underbelly, Full Cheeks Erotic Restaurant, Private Room
From: Microsoft CoPilot

Her demands had them led to a room in the back, with a view of a rather strange stage. That said, just the walk there had her smile a bit. Seeing various people panic, worrying they were about to be caught for whatever it is they'd likely done wrong, was rather humorous. Some other sights were not. “Some people seem too wrinkly and old for places like these. Perhaps an upper age limit would be warranted just like the lower one.”

As she entered the room, she saw another thing that displeased her. She wasn't here for the spilled white sauce. Waving some staff over, she'd point at the seating and floor. “Someone clean that up. Now.” She ordered. Yet she soon had to clarify. “With a mop or towel. Or disinfectant if possible. Just not your bloody tongue.”

Sighing, she looked to Erich. “So. What made you pick this place in particular?” She was really curious, by now, if there had been any reasoning whatsoever to begin with.
[Otherworldly], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Elvario Elvario

Erich walked beside Lykra as they were guided to the private room at the back. His hazel eyes curiously darted around as they moved, noticing the varied clientele of the restaurant. And, just as the tyrant had mentioned, quite a few of the patrons were of advanced age: saggy, flappy excesses of skin, wrinkles and cutaneous discoloration were all present. Truly, a vision from hell. "I do think that is a prudent idea, although I understand that being in financial trouble, one would prioritize getting nourishment from whatever they can get their hands on it, rather than acquire clothing. Is this place more aimed at the destitute with some options for those with wealth?" Ah, so that is why so many patrons are cloth-less? Nice observation, Erich, keep having that timed cluelessness.

Inside the private room, the engineer's eyebrows furrowed upon seeing the white stains that colored a good part of it. "Someone appeared to be a bit too hungry and ended up forgetting the proper etiquette of eating." Erich clicked his tongue, slapping his goggles on his eyes momentarily, turning the lenses which let out audible clicks. "Mmmm... by the coloring, it must be milk based. Raw milk, possibly. Quite dangerous for consumption. I've heard some effects might linger for a long time, almost a full year!" How can one be so close to the truth and yet so far? The engineer was a mystery, true and through.

"Why? Mmm... "Lykra's question, prompted Erich to remove his 'sciencering' goggles from eyes. Why indeed had he chosen that restaurant? Was it really pure chance? "... it is certainly very different from anything I have come across. The very premise of this place goes against every single food safety regulation I've ever known about. But that isn't all..." Erich's eyes darted towards the semi-transparent screen at the end of the room. "... this place seems to hold a tradition, local customs I've never heard of. Local customs of a place you rule over. It felt proper for me to experience and start getting used to how things are in here, even more if I end up being invited here again." Well, not even I expected that.
Mentions & Character Goals:
Maxxob Maxxob Erich Zann – Have a date with Lykra, the Champion.

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Ryke, The Underbelly, Full Cheeks Erotic Restaurant, Private Room


She stopped in her tracks for a moment upon Erich's reply. Was... was he really that dense? Oh boy... “What if I said that getting food here would be the most expensive option?” She wondered how he'd reason that one out, at this point. “They could get decent food much cheaper elsewhere and still afford clothing with ease.”

“It might certainly cause some lingering effects.” She replied, baffled at how he didn't catch on. That made her wonder. “Do you, per chance, do you know the meaning of this place's name?” She really wondered how he'd rationalise that bit.

Her confusing grew. Erich made a pretty convincing tale on why they'd go here, but she didn't exactly buy it. He'd have done more research and figured out more if what he said was really true. There was at least one thing she could counter. “Oddly enough, this is known to be one of the safest and cleanest places. Other than, you know. The 'spilled milk' you sometimes find.” Still, she figured having some fun was a lot better than being confrontational. She'd look over the menu. It was as expected. The food options weren't amazing, but there were some good ones. “I'll go for the steak, extra rare.” She'd mention to one of the staff members. “No need for extra sauce or for making it moist.”

The latter was an option that most dishes seemed to have. Oddly enough, just a bit of extra sauce or getting your meal moist increased its price a lot, often more than doubling it. Apparently the sauces and moist dishes in this place was considered worth a lot. The last few pages of the menu were even dedicate to describing origins, colours, package sizes and age of said sauces and moist options. How truly peculiar.
[Otherworldly], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Elvario Elvario

"Is that so?" He asked upon hearing that the cloth-less observation wasn't really on point, gloved fingers running along his hairless chin. "Ah, I see, I see. They are not destitute, but nudists. I met one such a fellow during a relic search in Widersia. Curious person, they seemed to be quite a bit stressed. I wonder if it was because they were horny." The horns, of course, it always comes back to that, doesn't it? "Still, none of the two hypothesis explain the occasional moaning I'm hearing. I suppose the food here is either just that good or the loss of a loved one was just that tragic."

"The name of this place? Well, the 'Full Cheeks' relates to putting food in your mouth and ended up getting a mouthful, thus making them puff out, doesn't it? Now, the 'Erotic' part did take a bit more reasoning and remembrance. I do know that the root of the word comes from Greek, 'éros' that means desire. I suppose it can be constructed like 'The Desire To Have Your Cheeks Full/Filled', but it does sound more awkward than the current name."
Well, the engineer wasn't exactly wrong, but those weren't the cheeks patrons looked to fill or have filled.

Taking a seat at the table right in front of Lykra, Erich picked up one of the menus. "Ohhh... mmmm... I suppose they really have to deliver on the safety, considering the prices on the menu." He would say as he began browsing through the options with an expression of pure curiosity, a smile present on his face. And, as his hazel eyes began darting left and right, one eyebrow was raised. "Wow, there are quite many sauces available. Mmmm... strange. Most of them seem to be of human, fae, beastkin and construct origin." When his curiosity was sated, the engineer had handed the menu to the leather-clad, gag-wearing waiter. "I'd also like a steak, medium-rare, no additional to it." Decided against indulging in sentient consumption, Erich placed his order.

His attention, now fully devoted to Lykra, his eyes landed in her green orbs. "I would like to know more about yourself if you allow it." Erich began, politely. "How did you become the current ruler of the Underbelly?" Unlike his usual-self, he didn't offer any hypothesis on how that could have happened. He simply grew silent to listen to her. How curious.
Mentions & Character Goals:
Maxxob Maxxob Erich Zann – Have a date with Lykra, the Champion.

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Ryke, The Underbelly, Full Cheeks Erotic Restaurant, Private Room


“Nudists... Closer.” Lykra wondered how someone could be raised so 'innocent' or if she was dealing with an expert level 'troll' of sorts. “Horny nudists? Yes. Those you have a lot around this place.” She wasn't sure if they had the same definition, but at this point she wasn't down to ask and go down that rabbit hole.

Erich's next hypothesis made her blink twice. Then sigh. Oh boy. “I don't think those sound like grief. Perhaps it's in their sauces and moistness.” She was no longer sure where to take this. The next bit was also confusing. “Greek?” What in the world was Greek? She tried to ignore the other 'translation' of the name he gave her. At this point breaking his illusion might just be rude and mean. Mean to the point that it'd make even Lykra doubt if she should do it.

“Construct?” She was a tad surprised. Yep. They even had 'construct sauce'. She wondered what type, then decided it was, by far, best not to keep wondering about such a thing. “It seems they indeed like things to be saucy here.”

The next question was a tad unexpected. The backdrop not helping. “The previous one died. I took over.” She wasn't eager to talk much more about such things. “Now, what about you? What made you want to have a date with me?” She figured the game had lasted long enough to try figure out some truth to what this was all about.
[Otherworldly], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Elvario Elvario

"Greek was a language spoken by a certain people in the Old Home, before all languages were replaced by a unified one. Curious how there is still bits and pieces of it." The tinkerer appeared to fall into contemplation for a moment. And, as he was in deep thought, his eyes wondered by the semi-transparent screen in the room, watching the shadows perform sinuous movements in pairs and trios, bringing a new expression of confusion to his face. That was a curious place to practice dancing.

Lykra's answer to his question brought Erich's attention back to their conversation.
"So that is what happened. I see, I see." Noticing her to the point response, the engineer decided not to probe further. "I decided to invite you on a date, because I was curious what 'going on a date' was all about. I had received some explanations about it: like a job interview, but someone is looking for 'love', whatever that is, rather than a job; how it can be, apparently, performed by two or more people. I set out to find-out what is all about this ancient ritual." Taking a moment, his gloved hand moved to his goggles, readjusting them on top of his head.

"You do have an overpowering personality, most likely a mix of the confidence you exude and de facto prowess. I haven't really figured out just yet if the confidence is a by-product of your position as the ruler of the Underbelly or the other way around. Furthermore, the pigmentation of your irises and overall intensity of them are quite alluring. All that, along with the possibility of asking a reward thanks to my earlier deeds, contributed for me asking such a request."
Mentions & Character Goals:
Maxxob Maxxob Erich Zann – Have a date with Lykra, the Champion.

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Ryke, The Underbelly, Full Cheeks Erotic Restaurant, Private Room


“Old Home..?” His explanation was only more confusing. Yet it didn't matter all that much. “So it seems.” She'd just end up replying after.

His explanation of why he went on a date explained a whole lot. “An interesting thing to study.” Then he suddenly switched to describing her. “Both things strengthen the other.” She'd replied regarding the confidence question. Confidence helped her get there. Getting there gave her even more confidence. Which helps her stay there. “A combination of liking my eyes and convenience? Peculiar.” She'd chuckle.

“I'm afraid your objective won't be met, however, as none of this is exactly typical for going on a date.” She figured she'd be brutally honest in that regard. To that extend, only the food they'd been eating here, along with some wine she'd ordered later, was 'normal' in that regard. If you ignored the background sounds, the wear of the waiters, the amount of time some waitresses dropped something and had to bend over to pick it up, the amount of time staff looked frightened as they waited their table... Perhaps it wasn't the most normal. At all.

As they'd walk out at the end of the date, she would be ready to split off and head home alone. Gentle-man as Erich might be, she had some unseen attends to discuss things with. She did leave him with some parting words. “The Underbelly's always in motion and you've proven competent enough to survive it. Feel free to let me know if you're back in the area.”

The End.

These are only suggestions that I'm putting up for the graders to hopefully approve of. No rewards can be added until a mod signs off on them during the grading post for this RP, which is known to sometimes take up to a month or two due to backlogs and limited amounts of grader mods.

Narrators Involved (List the narrators who participated in the roleplay.)
Elvario Elvario

Narrator Standing (Provide the standing of each narrator involved, including links to their standing sheets for reference.)
Elvario Elvario

Standing Grade S from:
Kalina Chivernu
Victorique Sopheana
Regula Caelia
Zahrah Fiore
Euthalia Apricot

Standing Grade B from:
Saoirse Desrosiers

Standing Grade C from:

Standing Grade D from:
Amice Bellamy

Standing Grade F from:
Tomomi Koyake

Summary of the Roleplay (Briefly summarize the events and main storyline of the roleplay.)
Erich Zann takes the ruler of the Underbelly on a date, making good on a promise he'd gotten as a previous reward. They kill a zombie and go to a restaurant.

Goal Achievement (Indicate whether the goal of the roleplay was accomplished. Note that this affects grading, as failed roleplays typically receive lesser rewards.)
Lykra was taken on a date. Erich survived. Goal succeeded.

Criminal Acts Perpetrated (List any criminal acts committed during the roleplay, with links to the specific posts where they occurred.)

Lore to Establish (Detail any new lore you'd like to introduce, including brief descriptions for lore moderators, links to the posts where the lore was established, nation of origin associated with the lore.)
The Full Cheeks restaurant. The most 'high class' restaurant in the Underbelly, although it does come with dubious entertainment. It's also worthwhile to ensure you don't sit in the special white sauce. Still a good place to get cheeks stuffed.

Partial Participants (Provide a list of partial participants, including their character names and roleplayer (RPer) names.)

Partial Participant Invaders (Note if any partial participants were invaders. Specify whether world rules or player versus player (PvP) mechanics were utilized.)

Full-Time Participants(List all full-time participants.)

Characters with Point Boosters (Identify any characters who used point boosters, including links to the posts where the boosters were used to gain points (for narrative boosters, the first post in the scene is sufficient)).

Recommended Titles (Suggest titles for characters based on their actions or outcomes within the roleplay.)
  • Character name. Erich Zann
  • Title: [Dating with Fire] – Character has dated someone that most would consider rather dangerous to take on a date.

Assets/Titles Roleplayed For (List any assets or titles that were roleplayed for, along with justifications for each.)
  • Character name. Erich Zann
  • Title: [Ally of Lykra, the Champion] – F => E
  • Justification: Took her on a date. I'd wager it's the most direct way to increase a connection asset.

Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles (Provide a list of characters who already possess the [Wanted] title or any criminal titles.).

Hunters' Involvement (Indicate whether any characters with the [Wanted] title had their hunters appear or play a part in the roleplay.).

Downtime (List characters using Downtime, possessing Buddy skills, Masterwork skills, Complex Assets.)

Transactions Performed (Note any transactions that occurred during the roleplay, such as, weapon exchanges, asset transfers.)

Rules Utilized (Specify the level of rules used in the roleplay.)
No rules. | Some rules. | Advanced in-house (IH) rules
A few basics when fighting the zombie.

Character Sheet Oddities (Mention any noticeable oddities or inconsistencies in character sheets related to their purchases. Note: There's no need for a full evaluation; simply highlight any unusual findings during your review.)
  • Erich – Nothing Spotted

Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates (Describe any potential aftermath or consequences based on the events of the roleplay. Suggest any updates that might be needed for the lore.)

Narrator Bonuses (Recommend any bonuses you'd like to award to narrators based on their performance.)

Additional Notes (Include any other observations or points you'd like feedback on or that require further commentary.)

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