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Active [Ryke - On the Edge of Sootspire Village] - Autumn Leaves

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WINREY | Beastkin-Rabbit | Enigmatic
"Wow this circus has it all!" Winrey's father said. "Come on honey, let's go and see the special show Mr. Bloodslayer is talking about. Winrey, don't get into any trouble while we're gone." He said with a playful tone. "You don't need to get in the cages to see the animals, son." He patted Winrey's head, and the two of them left to go and see whatever weird special show Bloodslayer had prepared. Whatever it was, it seemed he wouldn't be allowed to view it. He followed Bloodslayer to whatever new "child appropriate" adventure he had made for Winrey specifically.

Exploring more of the circus didn't seem all that enticing either, considering when he'd been running around he'd already gotten a peak at how beat up some of the animals seemed to be anyways. And if they had real Fae locked in cages here, he didn't feel to keen on the idea of finding potentially more trapped people. "That Dryad will die soon if she is not freed. It would take a miracle worker to bring her back to full health." He told Bloodslayer. "What will you do then, when all the creatures you have trapped here suffering eventually pass on? Find more unfortunate souls to keep forever?" With his parents gone, he felt he was able to speak more boldly in the face of this man.

Truthfully, Winrey wasn't scared of him or his potential anger. He's met worse monsters in his old life in Blackwell, and Bloodslayer didn't hold a candle to those cruel hands. The man who was in the cage with Peat seemed to be a doctor, but healing the Dryad would take a lot of effort and time. Time someone trapped in a circus most certainly didn't have.

Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Irihi Irihi
BloodSlayerWith Winrey’s parents diverted and the little shit young master speaking without filters, BloodSlayer dropped most of his pretense as well. ”Ah, the Little Mister does understand.” He replied. ”Yes, my marvelous menagerie of mystical monsters provides many of these benighted creatures one last stop--with a dry bed and regular meals--before they pass through the dark gates.” It was hard to tell if BloodSlayer believed his own words, or if he was lacing his showman’s tone with an undercurrent of acerbic irony. ”If I come by a few Rykes here and there, for providing respite for my creatures and entertainment for my patrons, well, then who am I to argue with providence?” He said, twirling his cane again and waving grandly to the shabby bigtop in which they stood. ”It is not an easy life; being a job creator--nor one above reproach, but I do what I can.” He smiled a very plastic smile and leaned over to address Winrey more quietly.

”If our young enthusiast prefers to be a participant, rather than a patron, that can be arranged.” BloodSlayer said, and there might have been a hint of a threat--or perhaps an invitation--in his tone. ”I’m told our manticore has been quite enlivened by your ministrations. Does our future acolyte curry the favor of the God of Death, like his parents?” BloodSlayer asked. ”Perhaps the young mister would care to help stave off the final curtain, and dispel the enervation, of some of our other displays?” He suggested.

Peat the Sylvari
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“Many beatings Peat had.” The Sylvari said as she took a seat on the board that served as bench, table, and bed within her enclosure. “Used [Regeneration D] many times did Peat.” She looked down at the large green-and-brown kink in her thigh, then touched the uneven knots and lumps around her shoulders and neck. “Stopped then Peat. Worth less is now Peat.” She explained, and eventually got the idea across that she had purposely caused the injuries to heal improperly so her masters would lose interest in her. She gave Cheshire a rough chronology of her injuries based on when she had changed masters. “This part of Peat, liked the pimp.” She pointed to the grotesque lumps on her neck that had seen her ownership change hands from brothel owner to farmer. “These, field overseer. She indicated her leg and then her wrist. When her walk had been slowed and her field labor had to be performed one-handed, then she’d been sold to BloodSlayer..

“Still has [Regeneration D] does Peat.” The Sylvari looked down at her skeletal hands and cracked and mottled bark. ”Needs not healing yours...” What did she need? What did she want from Cheshire--other than to be left alone to die?

The Sylvari’s washed-out eyes rose to meet Cheshire’s gaze. “End to this hell, needs Peat.” She closed her eyes and swallowed against the lump that had risen in her throat. I don’t like feeling this way. She thought. He’s not going to free me or kill me--even if he wants to. I need to stop falling for a few nice words, a kind act, from these monsters. She told herself. Hope hurts. Just give me my medicine.

BloodSlayer sends Winrey’s parents in for a private engagement with Charlotte, the Bearded Lady. He offers to make Winrey part of the show, though this offer seems rather fraught.

Peat tries not to get emotional after deciding to engage with Cheshire. She answers his questions to the best of her ability.

Lolory Lolory DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
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