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Fandom RWBY - Turn To Dust

Name: Umbra Anima

Age: 17

Aura Color: Black

Semblance: Shadow Soul

Umbra's semblance is one that most find nefarious, or in some cases evil, as it follows a path that the Grimm now tread- the more negative emotion in the air, the more pain, sadness, bloodshed and the like- the stronger Umbra's attacks become, particularly Dust based ones.

Weapon: Umbra's weapons are called Shadow Claws, and that's what they are. Jet black, razor tipped gauntlets through which Umbra channels Dust. He can freeze his hands to make them denser, light them on fire, speed up his attacks with green Dust, and all sorts of things. He's also good at channelling Dust into ranged attacks.

Combat Role: Strategy/Intellect

Umbra is a tactician at heart, and knows how to play to his strengths. He can easily map out the best battle sites in a battlefield, and is a master at finding the best way to fight an opponent. He's also creative, so he's good at coming up with ridiculous strategies that somehow end up working. If Umbra was a villain, he'd be the criminal mastermind.

Personality: Umbra is the kind of guy you'd hang out with at lunch, or do stupid stuff with after school. He doesn't mind being goofy and relaxing, and he's quite social. He doesn't care much for rules, though. Not meaning that he wants to break them, but that he literally doesn't care about them most of the time, unless it's something major. He devotes a decent amount of time to bettering himself, and has an obsession with killing Grimm. The way he sees it, if a hundred Grimm live in Remnant, then it's a hundred too many. Not much pushes him over the edge or causes him to lose his composure, except someone keeping him from killing Grimm. That'll push him over the edge fast. At some times, Umbra can also become unexpectedly dark and gloomy, dwelling upon multitudes of dark things.

Backstory: Umbra was born to a woodcutter and a tailor in a village outside Vale. His parents were killed by an ursa while they were all on a picnic outside town. Umbra was 9. The trauma of losing his parents activated Umbra's semblance, and without knowing what he was doing, Umbra managed to kill the ursa before it killed him. After the event, Umbra was taken to an orphanage in Vale, where he spent most of his time finding anything he could about his semblance, Shadow Soul. Apparently everyone who's had the semblance has lost something important to them or been through some traumatic event at the time it was unlocked, leading Umbra to believe that his parent's deaths gave him his semblance. He managed to enroll in an Atlesian school for younger hunters-in-training when an Atlesian official that was funding the orphanage visited and found him there, and was at the school until he moved on to Fortress Academy.

Weaknesses: The fact that Umbra gains strength from the more negativity there is means that he can be particularly brutal sometimes. Umbra is also willing to take massive risks despite his tactical view of most situations, leaving him prone to reckless decisions if something or somebody does manage to push him over the edge.

Strengths: Umbra is proficient in hand-to-hand combat, and quite good at finding the right way to attack at the right time, but his greatest strength is how he fights- playing to his strengths, and the opponent's weaknesses. However bad the situation may be, Umbra can always find a way to even the odds, or at least balance them.

Team: KAUS

K @rooke

A @Thepotatogod

U @Cry U 945

S @pridedzoey


"We're here to kill Grimm. That's all that matters."

"I think this is fun! No, of course we shouldn't stop, why would we? Who cares if we're 'trespassing'. What're they gonna do, shoot us?"

"What makes you think I'm the bad guy?"

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.7b3bcb6e59f4868412e78b00eae90cfe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91036" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.7b3bcb6e59f4868412e78b00eae90cfe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(@Kiyoko Tomoe, got this sheet edited, moving on to the other one.)



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O: @WiLeo

W: @shadowdude505

Theme: Indestructible by Disturbed


As stated before by Ice, the armor is a bit... no. Gatling gun on the wrist? No. Armor that strong for a hunter? No. Compacted into a 4x4x2 ft case? Hell no, there's no way that all that would fit in there and with a source of energy.

Strengths field is improper as well, meant for specifically their team role that's explained near the bottom of my previous post regarding character fixes.


A @Thepotatogod

U @Cry U 945

S @pridedzoey


"We're here to kill Grimm. That's all that matters."

"When the lights go away, the shadows will play."

"I think this is fun! No, of course we shouldn't stop, why would we? Who cares if we're 'trespassing'. What're they gonna do, shoot us?"


In Shadow Armor:View attachment 203509

Normal appearance:View attachment 203511

(Finally managed to get my last CS out. Sorry it took so long, everybody.)
Once again, the armor's not exactly suited to this RP. Turning shadows into armor? A bit of a stretch with how much you've listed as possible with that semblance. Also, there are two other semblances I believe dealing with shadows/darkness in some way, and so I have to decline this semblance altogether for the sake of diversity.

That's about all I've got to bring up at the moment, I'll get a good look at the edited sheets in a moment then probably hold off until tomorrow to start the RP, as there are a bit more characters needing a few little fixes than I expected.
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[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Only one thing I've got to say; well, two, but still...
One! Interesting having a 'silent' character here. Can't wait to see how things play out.

Two! Pretty unique semblance, one used for communication, but I would rather you not just go casually blowing up stuff with extreme crushing force. No changes needed, just please limit yourself rather than play god xD

How would I casually blow things up 0.0


~ Name ~

Riley Finch

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~

Navy Blue

~ Semblance ~

Beast Mode

Riley's semblance is deemed beast mode, because when she hits a point in a fight where she is starting to lose,

she uses it as a game changer. She can completely flip a fight around with beast mode, or she could totally loose. Beast mode ignites when her

aura is low, and it increases her strength and speed stats, and the girl becomes a rage machine. Her eyes seem to glow like fire and

she dashes at her opponent, often screaming wildly as she does so. But using her semblance is taxing and usually she depletes a

lot of her aura using it. Since it is also pretty much her rage mode, there is no stopping Riley once she get's started.

~ Weapon ~

Midnight Crescents

Riley's weapons are two identical claw gauntlets. With the capability to put them into dormant mode,

Riley's weapons are large scale claws with a rotating chamber that can fit different rounds. The large claw like structures are

seven inches long so she can dig deeper into her opponent. The barrel of the gun is on her hand so its easy to fire out of.

The dormant state of her weapons, they fold into small 4x4 inch boxes that attach to her waist so she can walk around with them. This is

the claw parts and the clip of the gun part. She wears the slim flexible base structure of the weapon all the time, as fingerless

dark navy metallic gloves.

~ Personality ~

Riley can only be described as the biggest pile of chaos you have ever seen. A wild child with little care

for sticking completely to the plan, Riley prefers to carve her own path. When she isn't fighting, Riley can be a little

ball of energy. She loves food, especially anything sweet or sugary, she can't ever seem to sit still, and most people wonder how she could

lead her team. But when it comes to serious shit, Riley can get shit done and fast. It is pretty easy for Riley to get defensive of her

team, and that can end them up in a lot of trouble. Riley can get pretty sad talking about her family, so

she tries to change the subject. If she is forced to talk about it, she cries rather easily, which is

why she doesn't talk about it.

Battle Riley is a sight to see. The girl practically looses herself. She becomes chaotic evil,

happy to chop off fingers or body parts to win, not afraid to take risks, and very fond

of shooting things. VEERY fond. She becomes this wild machine that aims to end

things quickly, and fiercely. She always loves taunting her opponents too, which

is one of her strong points in battle.

~Backstory ~

Riley grew up in a not so pretty part of Vale. Most of her life was spent trying to scrape up money for getting into an academy,

Riley grew up as the youngest of three siblings, always being babied, always feeling last. That was most of her reason for being so

outstandingly annoying. Her mother was a huntress that died when Riley was very young. Since her father was never home

much as a kid, she doesn't remember them, so her mother is the most vivid memory in her mind. Her older siblings were

also constantly working and constantly being praised by their father. Riley always felt left out. So, with money she

earned, and her mothers weapons, Riley decided to join Fortress academy.

~ Strong Area ~

Balanced, leaning more towards Combat Strength/Reckless

~ Extra/Other ~

She loves Kitties

She is a fox hybrid as shown above

Theme Songs



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Eye Color



Hair Color







Her emblem is located on her brooch, gloves, and rim of her jacket. It is a livid blue color and shaped like a diamond star or snowflake.

Name: Nila Clematis


Ni - A shorter version of her full name that is used to call her in haste and among close friends.

Gender: Female ♂

Age: Sixteen

Personality: Nila can come off as aloof due to her stoic gaze and quiet demeanor but she is actually quite friendly. She is welcome to people and enjoys interactions but being a bit of an introvert, it can get exhausting. Generally, she is a moderate person who knows her limits emotionally, physically, and mentally. She isn't the smartest person but she has common sense and values. If she were to come across a conflict between two different views, she would be the neutral or the 'peacemaker' and find a solution both could agree on. Usually, she is a carefree person who just goes as she pleases but if provoked, she will become a deadly viper.





120 lbs

Body Built:



A pair of goggles settles around her neck with her brooch clipped on the mid of her chest. She wears two black leather gloves that looks similar to what Tsuna (KHR) wore.


For her combat gear, Nila wears a white, long jacket that reaches to her knees over a white dress shirt with the chest area blue. Her shorts are grey with two belts with pouches around her waist. Her stockings are a pale blue with her black boots. Finishing touches are her weapon. (Look at Weapon)


Nila was raised in the kingdom of Vacuo. Vacuo is known to have harsh environments and acts similar to a savanna. Her parents were not the richest people but they were able to take care of her two siblings along with her. They didn't have a stable home and lived in a camper van that was at least big enough for them to call 'home'. Supplies were scarce and her life wasn't all that luxurious. It was survival for her family and being the oldest, she was made to face most of the hardship her parents faced. They were made to hunt their food and scavenge for needed supplies.

Despite their conditions, Nila never once pitied her 'misfortune' life. She enjoyed the moments spending with her family and actually being able to hunt at a young age of 12. Her first weapon was a pistol but after scavenging through dump sites they sometime stop by, she was able to build her own kind of weapon with the help of her mother who was skilled in building weapons. She was terrible with studies but fighting was her strong suit. She had planned to be just like her parents and travel the world but after learning about the organization of hunters, she decided to push herself to study to enroll into the schools to become a Huntress.

With her parents learning about her dream, they were happy to support it and helped her enroll into Sanctum Academy where she had many struggles trying to stay awake in her classes but she managed to graduate, surprisingly. From there, she took the entrance exam into Fortress Academy where she will most likely face more hardships in keeping her grades up.

Aura Color: Livid Blue

Semblance: Hawk-Eye, basically, like a hawk, her sight is enhanced to see more than a few miles away and spot out more than the naked eye could see naturally. Even the most smallest thing, she can spot instantly. If she is on higher ground, she could see even better just like a hawk.

Weapon: Her weapon is called, "X'calibur", which are a pair of gloves specially designed by herself but are powered by the brooch on her chest. The brooch and gloves are connected with a thin, hollow wire that gives the gloves the power to form magic attacks. As shown to the left, this is an example of her brooch's appearance and each color represents each element. Of course, she uses the powder form of dust but she always have a few natural forms of dust just in case. By giving a tap on her brooch, it will start to rotate and only land on a color by her command such as, "Freeze", or, "Burn". It can only work with her own fingerprint and voice. When it activate an element, a small glyph circle appears on her hand and shoot projectile attacks at a wide range.

Strong Area: Perception

Extra/Other: N/A


R - Riley Finch (@IceQueen)

A - Ailurus Fulgens (@Beowulf)

I - Izanagi Soshi (@Kiyoko Tomoe)

N - Nila Clematis (@Dead)

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~ Name ~

Zydra Ausrine

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~


~ Semblance ~

The manipulation of fire

~ Weapon ~

Lunar Redemption:

A battleaxe with double sided grenade launcher in the center. The recoil from the grenade launcher helps enforce swings of the battle axe

~ Personality ~

Zydra is mostly a quit observer. She tends to spend most of her time staring at people with a blank expression. She's protective of those close to her and gets easily angry. She has the slight tendency to burn herself out. All the time.

~Backstory ~

Zydra's family of four was happy. Her mother was kind, her father was strong, and her little sister brought happiness wherever she went. They were the perfect family: until they were slaughtered by an Ursa. One day when Zydra returned home from school she found her entire family sliced to bits in the kitchen. Ever sense her hatred for Grim burned with a fiery passion. She swore to become a huntress so that no Grimm would ever be able to tear a family apart like that again.

~ Strong Area ~

Combat Strength

~ Extra/Other ~

Zydra adores rabbits

Her character is an allusion to Ausrine, the Morning Star

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Sketch19611041(2).png.7d7e898f33fd65d2aeab40ec4311352b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93242" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Sketch19611041(2).png.7d7e898f33fd65d2aeab40ec4311352b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~ Name ~

Obsius Auge

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~


~ Semblance ~

"Glassy Equip" allows him to summon a glass glyph resembling his emblem. By breaking it, the debris form together through the aura itself shaping them into anything that he imagined. He can equip himself or others (if they break it) with weapons, outfits, or anything they can think of. The equip itself resembles what the breaker imagined, but it can be broken if enough force is applied to break it or used too much during their intended purpose. Leaves behind black, glassy shards after use.

~ Weapon ~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Sketch13045459.png.bd1950c1097a6f17e4d21d2a876ec35b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91722" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Sketch13045459.png.bd1950c1097a6f17e4d21d2a876ec35b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fictus Stein:

A beautiful hunk of metal that can be used in different ways in and out of combat.

-In Concealed mode, it can be used as a blunt object to smack one's enemies with on the head or defend against attacks if there's no time to activate it. Also acts as a mini table, mat, and umbrella.

-Blunt mode functions the same way as its 1st form, only it slides open to reveal the inner part of the weapon. The two handles allow the wielder to wield F.S with one hand while acting as the trigger for its barrel, which has a magazine slot that slides open for dust cells.

-Blade Cannon mode, the final and true form of F.S, is a two-bladed dust cannon sword. It can slice enemies apart easily with its blades and leave a large bruise (or broken bone) with its blunt edge. The edge of the blades can be enhanced with the effects of dust through dust cells, dust-powered battery cells that's also ammunition for the dust-powered cannon. The cannon fires a one-shot dust-powered blast that drains the dust cell completely and requires a few moments to charge up before firing, but leaves devastating damage on impact.

~ Personality ~

Obsius is a eccentric, curious fellow who pretty much says whatever is in his mind. Not too loud nor quiet, he's not afraid to voice his opinions and is usually active in everything he does. Can be an arse for he can be impatient when there's nothing to do or dealing with a carefree person. Has a 'does whatever it takes to win' mentality, no matter what the challenge is with the tendency to perform dangerous stunts to achieve this. Several- no actually a lot of times, this tends to get him almost killed. How he's still alive is quite... baffling.

~Backstory ~

Obsius is the son(?) of a black market arms dealer who traveled across Remnant to sell their illegal wares to anyone with lien. Never in one place for too long, he got to see the world, meet all types of people, and learn a bit of the trade along the way. When he grew older, he marveled on the lifestyle of a Huntsman. It was an occupation that didn't seem boring, considering how one can go anywhere and accept any job without being tied down to a kingdom or organization. After a bit of convincing and pointless tasks, his guardian decided to support his dream to get him off their back. Sending him off to Atlas, Obsius stuck around for a while in the city to prepare for the academy before enrolling.

~ Strong Area ~


Even though he might seem a bit reckless, Obsius prefers to adapt to any situation he's in and be prepared for the unexpected. He only performs extreme actions as a last resort if he can't get an advantage over his opponents.

~ Extra/Other ~

-Obsius always wears his dust-powered eyepatch, which possesses a telescopic function to act as a scope for his scope-less weapon, and mask at all times. Any attempts to take them away will make him aggressive.

-Can finish a meal quickly without anyone seeing what's behind the mask.

-Has a unconcealed scar over his right eye.

~ Team ~


@Cry U 945 @rooke @WiLeo @shadowdude505

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Sketch19611535.png.18e14b00809ea674389c96cf3bd2dcad.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93243" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Sketch19611535.png.18e14b00809ea674389c96cf3bd2dcad.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~ Name ~

Ashen Hunpo

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~

Pale Grey

~ Semblance ~

"Pale Ox" allows him to summon a smoky, ash clone with two horns on its head and no facial features. Wielding a indistinguishable two-handed weapon that's like the rest of its body, it assists Ashen in combat and follows his orders without hesitation. However it can only be summoned when there's any form of ashes present in order to make a physical form. Tends to use it to distract, shield, or explode if there's dust mixed within it. Can make several clones all at once, but aren't as strong as a single clone.

~ Weapon ~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Sketch18515506.png.04caaa958c11727584a4d7fe9f275f78.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93241" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Sketch18515506.png.04caaa958c11727584a4d7fe9f275f78.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Spadille and Wildcard:

Spadille is a extendable combat shovel with two forms that are sturdy and compact.

-In Knuckle mode, the head of the shovel is folded over the handle. It can be used to punch opponents for more damage and act as a mini shield.

-In Combat mode, the head unfolds with blades sliding out of it from both sides before extending itself instantly. The end of the weapon is a cylinder barrel that can be manually rotated to change between two dust types, fire (red-color) and steam (grey-color). Depending on how hard he squeezes the trigger attached to the handle, either dust type shoots out of it in full force or lightly.

Wildcard is a 6-chamber revolver with only one form.

-In Revolver mode, it acts as a normal gun. It can hold six rounds within its chamber, firing normal or dust-infused bullets. Only used to pick off ranged targets from a distance or to surprise opponents in melee combat.

~ Personality ~

Intelligent, cold, stern, and rarely smiles at all. Not the type to talk to people much, unless he needs them for something. He hates it whenever someone annoys him and has a dark sense of humor. A bit greedy for he’s willing to take any sort of job from anybody if they have enough lien to hire him.

~Backstory ~

Ashen is the son of a faunus crime lord in one of the cities of Mistral who controlled a small crime family. Expected to become the next head of the gang, he studied and trained hard in his youth by attending combat schools in the kingdom. He only saw the title of 'huntsman' as nothing more but a useful way to scare off those who oppose him in the future. Later he takes the occupation more seriously when he had to flee the kingdom after a rival gang took over his father's territory before getting killed by them. Moved to the kingdom of Atlas with whatever he could take with him and had to do petty jobs to support himself. Had a roommate that he lived with for a while enrolling into Fortress Academy and decided it was time for him to go too.

~ Strong Area ~

Balanced/Leadership Role

Ashen knows how to handle himself and others in battle, always making sure those he works with do their jobs while fulfilling his own.

~ Extra/Other ~

-Ashen is a horse faunus.

-Wears glasses. Doesn't actually need it but still wears it for personal reasons.

-Trying to quit smoking... not really working out for him so far.



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Dead said:

Eye Color



Hair Color







Her emblem is located on her brooch, gloves, and rim of her jacket. It is a livid blue color and shaped like a diamond star or snowflake.

Name: Nila Clematis


Ni - A shorter version of her full name that is used to call her in haste and among close friends.

Gender: Female ♂

Age: Sixteen

Personality: Nila can come off as aloof due to her stoic gaze and quiet demeanor but she is actually quite friendly. She is welcome to people and enjoys interactions but being a bit of an introvert, it can get exhausting. Generally, she is a moderate person who knows her limits emotionally, physically, and mentally. She isn't the smartest person but she has common sense and values. If she were to come across a conflict between two different views, she would be the neutral or the 'peacemaker' and find a solution both could agree on. Usually, she is a carefree person who just goes as she pleases but if provoked, she will become a deadly viper.





120 lbs

Body Built:



A pair of goggles settles around her neck with her brooch clipped on the mid of her chest. She wears two black leather gloves that looks similar to what Tsuna (KHR) wore.


For her combat gear, Nila wears a white, long jacket that reaches to her knees over a white dress shirt with the chest area blue. Her shorts are grey with two belts with pouches around her waist. Her stockings are a pale blue with her black boots. Finishing touches are her weapon. (Look at Weapon)


Nila was raised in the kingdom of Vacuo. Vacuo is known to have harsh environments and acts similar to a savanna. Her parents were not the richest people but they were able to take care of her two siblings along with her. They didn't have a stable home and lived in a camper van that was at least big enough for them to call 'home'. Supplies were scarce and her life wasn't all that luxurious. It was survival for her family and being the oldest, she was made to face most of the hardship her parents faced. They were made to hunt their food and scavenge for needed supplies.

Despite their conditions, Nila never once pitied her 'misfortune' life. She enjoyed the moments spending with her family and actually being able to hunt at a young age of 12. Her first weapon was a pistol but after scavenging through dump sites they sometime stop by, she was able to build her own kind of weapon with the help of her mother who was skilled in building weapons. She was terrible with studies but fighting was her strong suit. She had planned to be just like her parents and travel the world but after learning about the organization of hunters, she decided to push herself to study to enroll into the schools to become a Huntress.

With her parents learning about her dream, they were happy to support it and helped her enroll into Haven Academy where she had many struggles trying to stay awake in her classes but she managed to graduate, surprisingly. From there, she took the entrance exam into Fortress Academy where she will most likely face more hardships in keeping her grades up.

Aura Color: Livid Blue

Semblance: Hawk-Eye, basically, like a hawk, her sight is enhanced to see more than a few miles away and spot out more than the naked eye could see naturally. Even the most smallest thing, she can spot instantly. If she is on higher ground, she could see even better just like a hawk.

Weapon: Her weapon is called, "X'calibur", which are a pair of gloves specially designed by herself but are powered by the brooch on her chest. The brooch and gloves are connected with a thin, hollow wire that gives the gloves the power to form magic attacks. As shown to the left, this is an example of her brooch's appearance and each color represents each element. Of course, she uses the powder form of dust but she always have a few natural forms of dust just in case. By giving a tap on her brooch, it will start to rotate and only land on a color by her command such as, "Freeze", or, "Burn". It can only work with her own fingerprint and voice. When it activate an element, a small glyph circle appears on her hand and shoot projectile attacks at a wide range.

Strong Area: Perception

Extra/Other: N/A


R - Riley Finch (@IceQueen)

A - Ailurus Fulgens (@Beowulf)

I - ??? (
@Kiyoko Tomoe)

N - Nila Clematis (@Dead)

Two things here...

One, Haven isn't an academy you graduate from before going to somewhere like Fortress, Haven is one of the main four academies that students train at for becoming hunters/huntresses. It's just like Beacon and Fortress, the big academy of the kingdom it resides in :x

Two, change that "???" by I to Izanagi, with the I purple as I have it here in this post X3

Looking over other sheets at the moment by the way, the new sheets as well as those I looked at earlier that I requested edits from, to see if said edits have been made.
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~ Name ~ Rosa

~ Appearence ~

Rosa is often called a vampire due to just how pale she is. This isn't true but, all the same people sometiems like to believe it. With white hair and pink eyes she has a pretty unique appearence making her always stand out. That's the point she wants to be recognized for her deeds at the academy and eventually for her deeds against the faunus. Normally she dresses in a white combat suit with think black outlines. Over this she wears a large coat that effectively conceals her weapon case following the same white with black outline color scheme.This often covers the lower half of her face as well. Her signature apparel is her pink mask covering the lower half of her face for personal reasons. Any form of gas assault will be unable to breach into her lungs but, her eyes are still open if they are affected as the mask is a functioning gas mask.

~ Age ~ 18

~ Gender ~ Female

~ Aura Color ~ Pink

~ Semblance ~ Rosa's semblance is often simply called Reaction, able to react to things much quicker then most and can activate bursts of speed to allow her to achieve almost perfect reactions.Making her an extremely dangerous enemy in any one on one situation. The reaction speed itself at lower level is passive while the higher ends and bursts of speed are what place strain on her after a long fight. Bullets flying towards her can expect to be cut in half and strikes to be blocked it's a battle of either surprise or stamina with Rosa.

~ Weapon ~ Rosa brings an elegant saber to the field providing crisp clean cuts while unlike heavier weapons maintains a certain grace to it.While she most commonly isn't seen using her ranged weapon when she does it's quick and simple often keeping it out of sight.

Rosa's Pros

  • Anti-Ranged Semblance
    Almost like how a fly will dodge swats
  • Also functions when in melee combat allowing her to fight with maximum efficiency

[*]Speed[in short bursts]

  • Other half of her semblance allows her to quickly turn entire fights around or end them in within a second with bursts of speed to either dodge or attack.

[*]Perception[part of Semblance]

[*]Extremely powerful ranged weapon

  • Dust Rounds
  • Extreme Armor-Penetration
  • Sheer power of each shot will drain auras rapidly and leave massive wounds if hit

[*]Dust-infused blade

  • Can be charged with dust to give elemental effects directly to her strikes melting armor or freezing the body.

Note that the pro list is so large because it goes into more detail on the black points which are the main pros

Rosa's Cons

  • Can be outdone stamina-wise if she isn't careful
  • Her perception is mostly in vision.
  • How much stamina is lost directly relates to how long the burst is not how fast it goes. [Quality over quantity with her semblance]
    Note that the perception part of her semblance doesn't use stamina if any and even if she can't burst with speed she'll still perceive things as normal.

[*]Ranged weapon requires reload bullet by bullet[slow reload]

[*]Doesn't play well with others[meaning directly with a team in fights will act as a lone wolf.]

[*]Her aura isn't very strong and it doesn't take too many landed blows to hit her.You'd want her on your dodgeball team though.[to be fair based on her semblance even if it wouldn't normally make sense it's for balance]

~ Personality ~ The first thing you'll notice about Rosa personality wise is that she's a bully, often picking on the faunus specifically. She's a cold bitter racist against them seeing them as abominations. Knowing that she wouldn't be well off in the Academy if she was doing anything to actually hurt them she often uses self control to make a better image of herself.After all coming from a well off family it'd be awful to be dishonorable, specifically on the battlefield she'll use honor often not using her ranged weapon if her enemy isn't strong in ranged combat.Sure it lowers her actual chances of winning but, in her mind she can't lose.After all how do you beat someone who has mastered their weapon?

~Backstory ~

Coming from a well off family there isn't much she didn't get early in life and that included training from a young age she's been raised with two primary ideals strength and hate for the faunus. Not being one to tolerate misdeeds against her she killed a faunus who attempted to steal from her the worst part was is that she was never caught.Rosa isn't stupid and knows exactly how to get away with things when she wants to.Even from the young age of 14 Rosa had unlocked her semblance and was picking off weaker grimm using them as target practice.Having been training on her own and with her family for years she finally decided to join the academy sure she would pass with flying colors exactly how she wanted to be seen.Before she came here though she took a great deal of time studying her fellow first year students and what was known of their capabilities.

~ Strong Area ~


@Kiyoko Tomoe for some reason it copied the wrong version of the strong area and the backstory got left behind sorry!

~ Extra/Other ~
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-- Character Sheet --


Standing at five feet and one and one half inches tall, Kelli Mason is the son of an Elk and Doe faunus, though despite his father's massive size and impressive antler crown, Kelli bears small frame with equally small antlers, only bearing four points.

Despite Kelli's sive, he bears an impressive amount of wiry strength that allows him to pull the impressive draw of his bow and launch arrows at a distance most would find surprising.

Soft amber eyes, graced with a dash of freckles underneath and framed with a cinnamon hued pixie cut, Kelli cuts a soft and almost femenine appearance, but doesn't let it bother him much.

Kelli wears an auburn-hued oversized zip up hoodie over a mossy green cropped vest top, coupled with just-below-the-knee shorts of the same colour and below the ankle height trainers that match his hoodie. He compliments these with a pine green scarf wrapped around his neck and draped about his shoulders.​

~ Kelli Mason ~

~ 16 ~

~ Male ~

~ Willow Brown ~

~ Semblance ~

Kelli possesses a very simple, yet useful semblance in that he can move extremely rapidly. Though this may not sound like much, he can be a frightful opponent as soon as she decides to pushed things. Stopping a few arrows from one direction,after all, can be an easy feat. However, have you ever tried stopping a multitude of arrows all coming from different directions?

More often than not, though, Kelli generally uses his semblance to keep distance between himself and his opponents, or to quickly scout out a good vantage point.


Bezel Crown-

A powerful compound longbow that stands as tall as Kelli, the Bezel Crown is made specifically to channel Dust and is bio-metrically sealed to only allow Kelli alone to draw the string.

Built to withstand extreme temperatures and great force that could be wrought upon it by the effects of Dust, the Bezel Crown can also form into a staff with an 'antler crowned' head that acts as a conduit for Dust as well as a spear.


Somewhat self concious and often easily embarrassed or put off balance(mentally), Kelli does his best to fit in with society, but generally tends to keep his words to himself and his actions subdued. Despite his father's best attempts, Kelli never was one for fights against bullies, and when confronted by other sentients he often takes the submissive path and ignores them, allowing them to go on their tirades while he ignores their words.

While quiet, Kelli is a generally friendly and amicable, with an easy yet reserved smile.

Despite his insecurities and submissiveness, Kelli is a stalwart friend and cherishes those who he forms relationships with greatly. Because of this he can be a fearsome foe when fighting on the behalf of someone he cares for.

He is very aware of his 'cute' appearance, and though he appreciates compliments and flirting, they often leave him flustered for words, and he will draw up and 'retreat' behind his scarf.

~Backstory ~

Born to Gaynes Mason, an Elk Faunus and renowned Hunter, as well as Korin Mason, a tall and lithe doe Faunus and equally well know Huntress, it originally seemed that there would be no doubt that their child would be born strong and powerful child who would no doubt grow to be a powerful warrior.

Instead Kelli was born a full month early and smaller than he was supposed to be. Regardless of the 'complications' Gaynes and Korin loved their child, and even though he grew up to be small and the complete opposite of themselves, they still viewed him as every bit the warrior they wanted, even if many of his battles were against his sickly nature during his youth.

Eventually growing out of his near constant state of illness, Kelli eventually decided that even though it wasn't his first choice in the world, and even though his parents affections were never kept from him, he still wanted to give them the son that they had initially hoped to have. Knowing he could never become a longswordsman like his father, or a shield-lady like his mother, Kelli instead focused on archery and Dust, learning to utlise their long range capabilities to his advantage over others.

Eventually Kelli became proficient enough in his skills and practises to draw the eyes of the schools officials, earning a place in the next years ranks.

~ Strong Area ~


Kelli is strong in controlling the ebb and flow of a battlefield, often watching from a perch on high and focusing on ensuring that the battlefields aggressors are kept thinned out, meaning that his allies often only have to worry about a small handful of enemies at a time whilst Kelli focuses on either slowing or eliminating the flow of the masses.

~ Extra/Other ~

Kelli is afraid of being alone, and likes to bake and cook.



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~ Name ~

Izanagi Soshi

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~


~ Semblance ~

Rainbow Flash

Izanagi is able to generate sudden flashes of bright light in a variety of colors. Able to momentarily blind foes from close-up, or create a momentary cover to instantly slip away, he's a chore to fight up-close with as that's where his semblance works really well. However, that's not his semblance; rather, it's a product of his semblance being stretched to unique usage. His semblance is actually the ability to feel electrical energy, positive or negative, as well as manipulate positive and negative energy within close proximity of himself to generate electricity. Generally, he'll use his sphere on the sheath of his blade to generate lightning that quickly bursts the entire field of produced energy into a 'bright light' that's actually electricity filling the entire space for mere milliseconds, though also likes to use it to create abnormally-fast reactions by giving jolts through his nerves that his body itself couldn't ever produce in order to force movement instantaneously. This is nowhere near as effective as something designed for enhanced reflexes, though it's still a great usage. Additionally, his capabilities wouldn't stop there if he'd bother exploring them, as electricity can be used in many ways besides just the uses he has for them.

~ Weapon ~

Lightning Shaft

Lightning shaft is, at normal observation, a regular blade, which looks entirely so; however, this would be false. If one were to look at the sheath the blade, they would find what looks to be a disco ball, and that's what it is if put into perspective. It's used via his semblance, though is also a part of his weapon. he sphere can emit violent but silent sound waves by simply moving a lot, though the sound waves infused with dust to cause a generating of friction in the air all around Izanagi. This makes for an extreme source of potential electrical output in the space around, which can and will latch onto anything metallic to generate electricity on said object; thus, if you're wearing anything metal, keep back. This also flows into his blade, which ignites dust within a small shaft running through the blade to generate different coloration of electricity based on dust.

The purpose of the electrical dust is quite simple; shock the living hell out of anything the blade touches, with different levels of electrical current in each dust which he likes to represent by different colors so as to give opponents something to work with against his unpleasantly genius mind. The highest level of electrical current his blade can be covered in is capable of transferring off the blade and through almost any material at a single little graze, such enough that it could pierce any kind of armoring; the downfall, the electricity itself is burning away at itself so fast, that the electricity vanishes almost instantly after being generated, thus uses up a lot of dust to keep running plus barely gets much damage done to a grazed or hit target before vanishing. Additionally, it can harm Izanagi as it's very intense and right above his hands.

~ Personality ~

Rather calm an individual, Izanagi is quite the difficult person to realize as present until too late for noticing, as he's just far too quiet when he's not up to doing anything. Essentially one could compare him to Ren of team JNPR over at Beacon, as he's just as calm and collected, skilled, and intelligent as his fellow who he's never heard of. He's even got understanding of sensitive topics, albeit pretty straight-forward with things like advice on girls to the point it's sort of like a slap of reality to whomever receives the advice; with the unspoken words of said slap being 'it's been so simple this whole time'. Otherwise, not too interesting a character as he's not much a talker. Probably best not to mess around with and/or playing pranks on him unless your name's Riley Finch, as he'd be too uninteresting for it to be worth it.

~Backstory ~

Strange as it may seem, although he knows his ins-and-outs of Atlas as though he's lived there his entire life, Izanagi's only been there but a few weeks, and never once set foot inside before that period of time. He was actually born outside of the four kingdoms, in a desert region far south-east on the map of Remnant. He was born and raised there in that desert, specifically a village in the eastern region, although still near the middle of said desert. The reason for the placement of the village is little-known, although at least as much as there's a water spring there to allow living, as well as there's some rocky terrain all around that helps protect against the Grimm that are adjusted to the sand; however, as the Grimm are able to travel across solid ground just like their fellow populations in other regions of the world; with a few exceptions being unique to solely the desert region around them.

Regarding Izanagi's childhood, it was a very on-edge one. He was in the middle of a desert consistently covered in a giant sandstorm, as well as played witness to a good few Grimm attacks throughout his time growing up there. By age ten, he was already trained in the usage of a sword so as to help by combating the smaller Grimm, albeit that meant things like hoards of Boartusks and smaller Death Stalkers. Pretty unlucky a job for a kid, having to face Grimm; however, he was lucky in that he wasn't fighting things like the many king Taijitu roaming the desert, the few massive 500 to 1,500 foot-long centipede-type Grimm that would on occasion have one or two pass nearby and at most be sent packing by the village, nor the giant antlion that was known to swallow up portions of the village once or twice a year just by coming in close proximity of the village while hunting smaller Grimm.

At the age of fourteen, having gotten all the training he could get without being left for dead in the desert, as well as having learned of his semblance and gotten his weapon specially-made by the best in the village, he departed with a group of friends and family through the desert and toward one of the nearby kingdoms. Needless to say, the trip was very difficult as there were Grimm left and right, not to mention the constant sand storm that forced Izanagi and all the rest to use their abilities to the fullest when it came to navigation and figuring out layout to places. Although alright at this task of figuring the land out, Izanagi wasn't all too good at it. Instead of helping figure out the land, Izanagi was the one to decide upon which routes to take. He was great at figuring out what routes were the best by figuring out what type of Grimm would most-likely be where, the length, etc.

Izanagi's group safely made it through the desert, quite easy to tell by the fact Izanagi and his family are in Atlas, though it took two full months to get through the desert due to having to take numerous one to four day breaks because of deadly sandstorms and a need to rest with how rough traveling was. Afterwards, it took about two weeks to get to the nearest kingdom, which was Mistral residing up north of the tropical desert region; which included travel over water, although there was a little village there at the ocean edge that was for travel back and forth between Mistral for collection of the many resources available on the non-desert sections the land had to offer. At that point, all but Izanagi's family took up residence in Mistral, all the while he and his parents traveled up to Vale three and a half months later.

Taking half a year to settle, Izanagi after settled in spent two years at the minor academy in Vale. At the start of these two years, he met one reckless-as-hell girl named Riley Finch. He wasn't at all interested in her at first due to his simple desire of becoming strong enough to liberate his desert home of Grimm, though eventually found himself just constantly crossing paths with her. Eventually, he just conceded to fate and became friends with her, albeit it took a good year to actually get used to her. From then on, the two spent their time together whenever possible, Izanagi however busy at times due to being inside of an academy that was to 'prepare' him for becoming a Hunter; however, the only real time-taker was the fact that he was always called upon for demonstration due to being the most-trained out of them all thanks to his life in the desert.

After the two years of time in Vale, Izanagi decided to apply to Fortress Academy, as it was a military-type establishment thus the best place to be trained without chance of some form of roadblock in the form of children messing around playing hunter/huntress instead of being serious. Needless to say, he didn't get as he expected when he found out one Riley Finch was coming with to Fortress, not to mention he was soon informed of how the school wasn't as orderly as one would think due to two certain teams constantly causing chaos in the school. Names were never mentioned though, so he wasn't in the know of what teams made chaos. Nonetheless! He still decided to attend, as it was still probably the most orderly as there were some pretty eccentric people he'd heard about in the other kingdoms.

~ Team ~


Riley Finch

Ailurus Fulgens

Izanagi Soshi

Nila Clematis

~ Strong Area ~


~ Extra/Other ~

Despite his personality type, he actually has a tiny bit of a cynical side to him when it comes to combat; a bit prominent whenever brought to something exciting.


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Airebsi said:

~ Name ~ Rosa

~ Appearence ~

Rosa is often called a vampire due to just how pale she is. This isn't true but, all the same people sometiems like to believe it. With white hair and pink eyes she has a pretty unique appearence making her always stand out. That's the point she wants to be recognized for her deeds at the academy and eventually for her deeds against the faunus. Normally she dresses in a white combat suit with think black outlines. Over this she wears a large coat that effectively conceals her weapon case following the same white with black outline color scheme.This often covers the lower half of her face as well. Her signature apparel is her pink mask covering the lower half of her face for personal reasons. Any form of gas assault will be unable to breach into her lungs but, her eyes are still open if they are affected as the mask is a functioning gas mask.

~ Age ~ 18

~ Gender ~ Female

~ Aura Color ~ Pink

~ Semblance ~ Rosa's semblance is often simply called Reaction, able to react to things much quicker then most and can activate bursts of speed to allow her to achieve almost perfect reactions.Making her an extremely dangerous enemy in any one on one situation. The reaction speed itself at lower level is passive while the higher ends and bursts of speed are what place strain on her after a long fight. Bullets flying towards her can expect to be cut in half and strikes to be blocked it's a battle of either surprise or stamina with Rosa.

~ Weapon ~ Rosa brings an elegant saber to the field providing crisp clean cuts while unlike heavier weapons maintains a certain grace to it.While she most commonly isn't seen using her ranged weapon when she does it's quick and simple often keeping it out of sight.

Rosa's Pros

  • Anti-Ranged Semblance
    Almost like how a fly will dodge swats
  • Also functions when in melee combat allowing her to fight with maximum efficiency

[*]Speed[in short bursts]

  • Other half of her semblance allows her to quickly turn entire fights around or end them in within a second with bursts of speed to either dodge or attack.

[*]Perception[part of Semblance]

[*]Extremely powerful ranged weapon

  • Dust Rounds
  • Extreme Armor-Penetration
  • Sheer power of each shot will drain auras rapidly and leave massive wounds if hit

[*]Dust-infused blade

  • Can be charged with dust to give elemental effects directly to her strikes melting armor or freezing the body.

Note that the pro list is so large because it goes into more detail on the black points which are the main pros

Rosa's Cons

  • Can be outdone stamina-wise if she isn't careful
  • Her perception is mostly in vision.
  • How much stamina is lost directly relates to how long the burst is not how fast it goes. [Quality over quantity with her semblance]
    Note that the perception part of her semblance doesn't use stamina if any and even if she can't burst with speed she'll still perceive things as normal.

[*]Ranged weapon requires reload bullet by bullet[slow reload]

[*]Doesn't play well with others[meaning directly with a team in fights will act as a lone wolf.]

[*]Her aura isn't very strong and it doesn't take too many landed blows to hit her.You'd want her on your dodgeball team though.[to be fair based on her semblance even if it wouldn't normally make sense it's for balance]

~ Personality ~ The first thing you'll notice about Rosa personality wise is that she's a bully, often picking on the faunus specifically. She's a cold bitter racist against them seeing them as abominations. Knowing that she wouldn't be well off in the Academy if she was doing anything to actually hurt them she often uses self control to make a better image of herself.After all coming from a well off family it'd be awful to be dishonorable, specifically on the battlefield she'll use honor often not using her ranged weapon if her enemy isn't strong in ranged combat.Sure it lowers her actual chances of winning but, in her mind she can't lose.After all how do you beat someone who has mastered their weapon?

~Backstory ~

~ Strong Area ~

Rosa doesn't have a specific "Strong area" but, she has immense offensive combat strength but, her she is very delicate defense wise.A large part of her combat strength is her perception allowing for great accuracy with her ranged weapon among other things.Having done studying on her own she has become decent at things like strategy but, she is by no means a genius.(Combat Strength, Perception, Strategy/Intellect, or Balanced/Leadership Role)

~ Extra/Other ~

Only two issues. One, missing a backstory, and two, Strong Area has to be one of the four provided, Strategy/Intellect, Perception, Combat Strength, or Balanced/Leadership :x

[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]

-- Character Sheet --


Standing at five feet and one and one half inches tall, Kelli Mason is the son of an Elk and Doe faunus, though despite his father's massive size and impressive antler crown, Kelli bears small frame with equally small antlers, only bearing four points.

Despite Kelli's sive, he bears an impressive amount of wiry strength that allows him to pull the impressive draw of his bow and launch arrows at a distance most would find surprising.

Soft amber eyes, graced with a dash of freckles underneath and framed with a cinnamon hued pixie cut, Kelli cuts a soft and almost femenine appearance, but doesn't let it bother him much.

Kelli wears an auburn-hued oversized zip up hoodie over a mossy green cropped vest top, coupled with just-below-the-knee shorts of the same colour and below the ankle height trainers that match his hoodie. He compliments these with a pine green scarf wrapped around his neck and draped about his shoulders.

~ Kelli Mason ~

~ 16 ~

~ Male ~

~ Willow Brown ~

~ Semblance ~

Kelli possesses a very simple, yet useful semblance in that he can move extremely rapidly. Though this may not sound like much, he can be a frightful opponent as soon as she decides to pushed things. Stopping a few arrows from one direction,after all, can be an easy feat. However, have you ever tried stopping a multitude of arrows all coming from different directions?

More often than not, though, Kelli generally uses his semblance to keep distance between himself and his opponents, or to quickly scout out a good vantage point.



Bezel Crown-

A powerful compound longbow that stands as tall as Kelli, the Bezel Crown is made specifically to channel Dust and is bio-metrically sealed to only allow Kelli alone to draw the string.

Built to withstand extreme temperatures and great force that could be wrought upon it by the effects of Dust, the Bezel Crown can also form into a staff with an 'antler crowned' head that acts as a conduit for Dust as well as a spear.


Somewhat self concious and often easily embarrassed or put off balance(mentally), Kelli does his best to fit in with society, but generally tends to keep his words to himself and his actions subdued. Despite his father's best attempts, Kelli never was one for fights against bullies, and when confronted by other sentients he often takes the submissive path and ignores them, allowing them to go on their tirades while he ignores their words.

While quiet, Kelli is a generally friendly and amicable, with an easy yet reserved smile.

Despite his insecurities and submissiveness, Kelli is a stalwart friend and cherishes those who he forms relationships with greatly. Because of this he can be a fearsome foe when fighting on the behalf of someone he cares for.

He is very aware of his 'cute' appearance, and though he appreciates compliments and flirting, they often leave him flustered for words, and he will draw up and 'retreat' behind his scarf.

~Backstory ~

Born to Gaynes Mason, an Elk Faunus and renowned Hunter, as well as Korin Mason, a tall and lithe doe Faunus and equally well know Huntress, it originally seemed that there would be no doubt that their child would be born strong and powerful child who would no doubt grow to be a powerful warrior.

Instead Kelli was born a full month early and smaller than he was supposed to be. Regardless of the 'complications' Gaynes and Korin loved their child, and even though he grew up to be small and the complete opposite of themselves, they still viewed him as every bit the warrior they wanted, even if many of his battles were against his sickly nature during his youth.

Eventually growing out of his near constant state of illness, Kelli eventually decided that even though it wasn't his first choice in the world, and even though his parents affections were never kept from him, he still wanted to give them the son that they had initially hoped to have. Knowing he could never become a longswordsman like his father, or a shield-lady like his mother, Kelli instead focused on archery and Dust, learning to utlise their long range capabilities to his advantage over others.

Eventually Kelli became proficient enough in his skills and practises to draw the eyes of the schools officials, earning a place in the next years ranks.

~ Strong Area ~

Kelli is strong in controlling the ebb and flow of a battlefield, often watching from a perch on high and focusing on ensuring that the battlefields aggressors are kept thinned out, meaning that his allies often only have to worry about a small handful of enemies at a time whilst Kelli focuses on either slowing or eliminating the flow of the masses.

~ Extra/Other ~

Kelli is afraid of being alone, and likes to bake and cook.
You're also in need of fixing the Strong Area here, though I assume it'd be Perception so I'm going to give to you the approval like. I expect at least throwing that in at the top of the Strong Area field, though I don't require you turn what's already in that field to wasted effort by deleting it. Keep it there if y' want to :P

On the topic, just noticed the same issue on your other character. Simple fix, same as above just add in the Strong Area's specific in addition to what you've got :P

As for sheets I asked to be edited, I'm looking through them right now. just thought I'd quickly take care of these two as they were nice and quick for me to pick out the little issues of without any load time as I was already on page two here thanks to posting my character :x

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-- Character Sheet --


~ Name ~

Cecil Blue

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~


~ Semblance ~Telecommunication: Able to link two minds together so they can share thoughts. Bascially two-way mindreading. But you're able to link the minds of two completely different people. Doesn't have to be the user.

~ Weapon ~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/break_blade__rwby_oc_weapon__by_jackbryanreynard-d7muvt9.png.64b2920204987cc4e07c3439bc711188.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93411" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/break_blade__rwby_oc_weapon__by_jackbryanreynard-d7muvt9.png.64b2920204987cc4e07c3439bc711188.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
His Weapon is called the Break Blade it has four modes it can go through to suit his battle style

~ Personality ~

He seems to act like Neptune but he's scared to act like that to girls he knows personally and is very nice to get to know and he seems very bight once and awhile,

he's loud and witty, and kind.

~ Backstory ~

When he was young, he was training with his dad and learned to use his weapon Break Blade his dad sent him on his first mission and he left his family for while. But when he came back he met a surprising fate his house was being burned down and his family tortured so he ran and found a academy to train to get stronger but surprisingly excellent in Signal so they transferred him to a new Academy

~ Strong Area ~

Leadership Role:

He seems strong in his leadership and always seems to be very careful about his movements and his teammates movements and always will try to correct his teammates but if it's girl yeah he just acts like it's nothing.

~ Extra/Other ~



C= Cecil Blue

Theme Songs

Frame Of Mind - Tristam and Braken


Home -Laszlo (Feat. Richard Caddock)




  • break_blade__rwby_oc_weapon__by_jackbryanreynard-d7muvt9.png
    579.5 KB · Views: 353
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A young looking panther Faunus standing short for her age at about four and a half feet tall. She is lithe, but not overly lean, having defined muscles that show some form of training or hard labor. Still, this is most often hidden beneath her frilly black dresses, that hug her tightly but also conceal most details of her body under their dark folds. The arms of her outfits are usually loose at the ends, but with a cinch near the wrists that keeps them in place (and her shotgun fairly hidden from view). She keeps her ears hidden in a rather simple manner, taping them down and then styling her hair over them to give the illusion of petite ears hidden beneath shaggy hair. This is of course uncomfortable and limiting to her hearing, but she's learned to deal with this uncomfortable style in order to maintain a human looking appearance. Not that her village itself was prejudiced, but she is well aware that not all are so kind.

~ Name ~

Chieko "Chichi" Iwamura

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~

Pale pink, almost white

~ Semblance ~

Sound of Madness:

Chi's semblance is the ability to induce hallucinations in targets within her area of influence. At it's basic, non-dust form it is auditory affecting, non-physical and unfocused. It creates an area centered around her (the untrained range is a 5 meter radius) in which sounds will seem distorted, amplified or diminished. This has the effect of causing mild disorientation, and even the illusion of pain (or actual pain due to headaches and migraines) from the perception of unnaturally loud noises, as well as an inability to discern when an attack is coming at them in a blind spot through auditory clues. An example would be if Chi were to rev her chainsaw while a target is in her Semblance, causing the illusion of an ear-splitting level of noise overtop the already very loud revving.

This ability truly begins to shine when Dust is introduced. By spreading a small amount of Dust into the air around a target, she can induce several more advanced effects. The type of Dust changes the nature of the semblance, of course.

Water- The illusory ability instead affects the eyes, using most of the same properties that the original ability has. Vision becomes blurry, distorted, and difficult to rely on. However, the ability no longer affects sound, so noises become more reliable as a source of information.

Earth- The illusory ability takes on a physical bite, and the amplified sounds have the ability to deal damage to the auditory system, crushing the ear drum and disrupting the flow of fluids through the canals that control balance.

Fire- The illusory ability instead affects sense of smell, causing a burning sulfuric smell to take over that primary sense, mixed with a variety of other unpleasant odors that might cause a target to choke, gag, or vomit.

Air- The illusory ability instead affects sense of touch, causing the sensation of chills, the caress of phantom hands, and even the illusion of being struck or stabbed at various points, with the intention of confusing both the target's ability to discern injury from illusion, and their brains ability to cope with such perceived injuries.

This ability has no known interaction with secondary dust types, though they might be discovered later.

~ Weapon ~


To put it short and simple, her main weapon is a chainsaw on a metal staff.

Somewhere between a polearm and a construction tool, the Nakai Nokogiri, or Nakai for short, is a fearsome weapon designed primarily to dig into an opponent with thrusts and measured swings. Normally such a weapon would be impractical on any given battlefield, but Chi wields it with deadly efficiency.

It features two side-by-side chains that run smoothly beside each other, the teeth close enough together that the distinct snipping sound of a metal flurry fills her immediate area while it's running. The design of the weapon was meticulous, if a bit flamboyant, and it runs very smoothly even when it should otherwise be clogged with gristle, thanks to an unseen mechanism on the inside and an 'exhaust chute' that leads outwards toward what would be considered the back when the weapon is being swung. Near the middle of the metal pole that makes up the body of the weapon is a grip and a handle, to allow for easier spinning and turning control of the weapon during high torque maneuvers, and at the bottom rests a heavy sphere that allows for bashing attacks and assists in the delicate task of counter-balancing the beastly machine at the other end. From bottom to tip the weapon stands at just over seven feet long.


Sometimes a long weapon with a lot of reach isn't what you want. Sometimes, that's exactly what puts you into a bad situation. That's why Chi doesn't go anywhere without her Tsume, an arm mounted shotgun rig that allows her to fire off up to two shots before having to reload the mechanism. It also includes a slot for a Dust vial, though this is not normally slotted with anything, and as the rig is normally hidden beneath clothing, she's not likely to load it with anything unless she needs to. More often she'll be using Dust infused bullets already, though the combination of Dust and Dust bullets can prove especially deadly at close ranges.

Because of the nature of this weapon, it comes with serious kickback, and using only one arm to resist this, she's not likely to hit any target further than a dozen meters away from herself, while the average handheld shotgun boasts about 45 meters.

~ Personality ~

Given her usual attire and appearance, not many would immediately peg Chi for a psychopath. Certainly the chainsaw should give it away, but her smile is (or at least seems to most to be) genuine. For all outward appearances it should be assumed that Chi is a bubbly, happy, and eager young lady who just wants to improve her skills and become the best huntress she can be.

Of course, this is for outward appearances. Chi has two known (or little known) triggers that bring on a darker side to the happy girl. Minor wounds don't trigger it, anything from a paper cut to a lightly bleeding wound she can usually keep under control. Severe physical trauma or a clear threat to her survival, however, bring on a monster that seeks only sadistic destruction.

The second trigger, and if there are more than two, has yet to be discovered and will be posted here on such discovery.

~Backstory ~

As is the general expectation of those with mental illness, one might expect a tragic past for our would-be heroine. Something that broke her, in some way or another. Hopefully this will help to shed some light on those events, though much has yet to be discovered.

Chi was, as a young child, discovered in a shed and surrounded by the dismembered body parts of her parents. The killer was never found, but eye witness reports say that the murder weapon was left at the scene of the crime, a chainsaw. It was not uncommon for such a tool to be in Chi's shed, as her father had been a carpenter, and very proficient in their use. Still, for it to be as bloody as it was when they found it, there was no doubt.

The people of her village assumed that this would scar Chi for life, leaving the poor girl a helpless and damaged thing to be cared for, but her recovery was swift and remarkable, and within a few months she was back to her old self. More than that, she seemed to have even more energy, and an interest in woodworking that she claimed would 'allow father's spirit to live on through me'. She had a natural talent for it, with deft hands and an observant eye that allowed her to make precise cuts even without the need for measurement tools.

Over the time of a few short years she went from the town's sob story, to a strong independent girl, to a renowned and almost legendary carpenter. Able to carve just about anything asked of her from a given chunk of wood, she was consistently employed by the town who always had jobs lined up for a girl of her talents. However, Chi had other plans. This place, her village, had grown rather boring to her. She knew that, if she stayed, bad things would come. In a small place like that, even a single disappearance would cause a disturbance. Yet she knew she had to move forward, to sate the hunger she felt. To find a worthy cause for her thirsty blades.

So she prepared herself. Crafting a lightweight armor, re-purposing an old shotgun, and possibly most important of all, meticulously constructing her Nakai Nokogiri, she sent out her request to the nearest Hunstsman school Fortress Academy, that of Atlas who controlled most of the countryside and, presumably, her village itself. She hardly expected to be accepted, but she had prepared a backup plan for that. And a backup plan for her backup plan. If all else failed... somewhere in the back of her mind she knew she'd be returning to her village. With her new weapons in tow, it would not be the heart-warming welcome home re-union that she wished it could be, because she knew that the hunger was growing within her.

So it was with some level of honest glee that she received a response from Atlas, informing her that she would be boarding an airship shortly to take her to the boarding school, and her new home. It even included instructions, and a short note commenting on the fact that it was due to good relations with her village chief and his recommendation that she was allowed in. She made a mental note... that if she had to return to this boring place.. he would be allowed to choose whether he died first or last. An honorable gift for an honorable man, who might have just given her an outlet to escape the gnawing boredom.

~ Strong Area ~

Perception type Huntress

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-- Character Sheet --


Lengthy, layered, straight black hair. Right eye: Natural vibrant blue violet, glows in moments of intense emotions. Left: Red, synthetic, glowing and covers over where his entire eye socket, lid and brow should be. Pallid, sickly pale skin. Set of artificial teeth and fangs of onyx color. Robotic right arm. Various patches on torso and right leg of robotic system and most of his back. Wears his operational gear when possible consisting of loose fitting sections of cloak like clothing, black, covered with various metal armor plates, dark grey, and a full set of bladed and clawed battle armor for his left arm, to conceal the true nature of his right arm. He also where a solid black, smooth, crystal like mask with no features except for the glowing red circle of where his robotic eye lies.

~ Name ~

Abyss Nightwish Colenso

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~


~ Semblance ~

His void based semblance turns him into a conduit and producer of anti-matter and dark energy, creating a debilitating field that tears apart matter and ravages the senses. With this, he is also extremely dangerous close up, where the closer one is to him, the more damaging it is until he is met, which is likely to kill any creature with no aura. In this triggered state there is no reasoning with him, so he doesn't ever use it.

~ Weapon ~

1st melee- A large fullblade.

2nd melee- The fullblade spits into dual swords connected by a chain.

Ranged: A high powered pressure augmented slug rifle. It attaches and interconnects with his robotic arm.

(Hes looking into using his void powers to shoot a beam from it, but still has much to look into before then)

~ Personality ~

Serious, driven, haunted and odd. He prefers to remain dehumanized and anonymous.

~Backstory ~​

RWBY Origin: Abyss "Nightwish" Colenso.

(You want a backstory of fluff. Heres a story)

Black Card International Security Agency.

"Agent Nalus, you better have a damn good reason to have called me on my down time" The woman, known as Nalus Eve, slapped a folder brimming with papers onto the counter between her and her superior, Major Callahan. He sighed from his nose and picked up the files, flipping through them quickly before slapping them back on the table and exclaiming, "Who the hell do you take me for, just tell me what the fuck went wrong." Her eyes grew wide and she slightly raised her voice in her defense, "Nothing went wrong!" At this, he shouted back at her, "Then what the fuck happened?"

She found both his temper and cursing distasteful, but he was from a less refined generation than she, and her superior, so she had to deal with it. She answered softly, "We found somebody." He shook his head and his tone grew milder as well, "Did they cause the explosion?" Some archivist writing in the room in the notepad, named Beth, corrected him, "Energy fluctuation." Callahan would have thrown a mug at her if he had one but just settled with pinching the bridge of his nose. Eve shrugged and flipped a switch, revealing the figure behind the one way with a motor pulling up the wall between the mirror and the other room. On a cot, medical wiring, sensors, tubes and needles clinging, was a boy in a hospital gown. His right arm, left eye, and various other parts were either missing, or torn to shreds. His other eye was wide open, unblinking, a deep blue violet surrounded by red from ruptured vessels. He was shaking, and had been for hours, all the hydration being fed to him leaving from what was left of his eyes, sweat and tears soaked his gown, his blood being soaked up by bandages. His hair rough and straggly, black, looked like it could have been very pretty at one point, but washing the viscera and filth from it was all she was permitted to do.

Callahan asked, trying to keep his cool, "So, someone wandering wasteland got attaked by Grim. So what, put him under, give him to the local hospitals and explain what actually happened at the site. We don't need a-" Beth interrupted, "13 years old." He continued, exasperated, "13 year old here." She looked down to the ground and explained, " The remnants of a city were found, many dead, a good sized crater, grim just beggining to move in, all the dead were fresh. However, he wasn't attacked by grim, his injuries were caused by explosives, schrapenal, and something else. you cant see in but a large portion of his back, and the bones of some spinal collumns are missing as well." He slid his tounge under his lip and across his teeth and waited, "The rest of the damage is unidentifiable. It removed his arm and destroyed his eye. All the tissue removed by this... Method were removed cleaner than the sharpest blade, even lazers can't severe tissues this clean. It also left the tissue that was once directly connected to the missing tissues irradiated with an energy that seemes to act against matter." She couldn't look at the boy. Not now, it was too painful. Callahan commented, trying to make light of the situation, "You could've done the boy a favor and put him under." She flicked her eyes up to him, "He might be the only one that knows what happened. We couldn't risk it, he's too hurt." Callahan turned to her and said, half joking, "Well, Eve. Hurt? If I didn't know any better I'd think your going soft." She seemed shocked, speechless at his gull, and was searching for a response when he asked, "You havent questioned him?" She calmed her head and answered, "No, we were waiting for your orders to do so." He looked back at the boy and answered her implication, "Question him. Now." She nodded and touched a button on a counter in the room when he pulled her hand away and said, "No. You do it." She looked down, nodded and obeyed, leaving the room. She knew he really meant she should do it face to face.

And so, she slid the door open, and closed it, facing the door a couple of seconds until she worked up the nerve to turn her head and face him. She tried to smile at him, and it dissapeared just as fast as his body was shaking. She took a chair, metal framed, moderately uncomfortable, and faced it away from it and sat in it backwards, arms folded over the back and chin rested on the head. She wanted to seem as calm as possible. She cleared her voice and started, Hi, I'm Nalus. No answer. But after a couple of seconds of silence, she realized she really hadn't said anything and he was staring at her. She started this again, her voice shaking, barely coming through, "My name is Nalus. Would you like some water or food?" He just shook her head at her, "What the hell are these wires good for if they don't keep me alive." His voice was ragged, barely audible, no life or energy behind it. Just misery. She nodded and agreed, "They do have you on a drip, but I thought that maybe you'd like something to eat. I know that I wanted nothing more than a nice burger when I wa-" He shot heated, poisoned daggers and shouted at her, "WHEN YOU WHAT! WHEN YOU WERE ABANDONED BY THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO COULD SAVE YOU FROM Y-" He began to cough, hack nonstop, until he bled from his mouth, which didnt take long. She reached for his shoulder, but had to pull it back when he stopped, covered his mouth with his only arm remaining and stared at her again with a *NOT WELCOME* kind of look. Ohh god, his back. She was now trembling, he laid back down after doubling over and sighed, barely able to whisper, "What do you want from me?" She kept it simple and just as quiet, "I want to know everything."

He sighed and commented, "May I please have that water now?"

With a now soothed throat, he began, "When the beasts took over, our city Uetinia was all that survived, or so we thought. Now I know the rest of the world just abandoned us. I was born to fight, lived to defend. During my absence ceremony, the beast we fought was very strong. It was to much for me and my team, one of us was hurt, and my spirit was awoken by my feelings for them. I was happy for a second, I could save my team, but I couldn't control it. It started eating me, for it was given to me by the Dark Empress. She smote me for my insolence and naievity, and stole my sight who knows how long, and that was all she needed from me to take over my spirit and take me outside of our walls, and thats all I know." He was well spoken, with that said, his condition, the shaking and ragged tone was no better. She nodded and stated, "No further questions." She got up , put the chair back, and was heading to leave when he reached out to her, "Nalus." She turned to him, wide eyes and answered, "Yes... Uhhh." He responded, "It's Abyss..... What of Uetinia?" Her heart stopped and tears almost immediately filled her eyes. She left, immediately after his face began to contort. She couldn't handle it.

So much for his damaged voice, he was shouting and coughing insesently. Medical personel ran in behind her and dealt with the struggle. Callahan was waiting outside the door for her and she quickly tried to wipe away her tears. Callahan began stoically, "He's going home with you once he's recovered." She raised her voice in shock, "Major!?" He placed his hand on her shoulder and said, "I have been informed about what happened." "Wha-" "About you abandoning the op to secure the IA." "The rescue unit needed a ground asset," "Which you volunteered for. Listen, its been going around, albeit light-heartedly, that you've been getting soft." She tried to debate it, "That's been all talk! I'm as good as I've ever been!"

He shouted back at her, "You're better than you've ever been! I've seen it myself Nalus! You think too much for your own good, at least in this business!" He continued when she looked aside, softer, "People don't grow or become ready for a job like this, it only requires basic skills even a child can do it. You have become ready to leave and live a real life. This child needs one too, so you will give him a life and make sure he doesn't destroy this one."

She had little energy to object, and before she could even respond, he continued, "That's an order, Soldier." She whipped around angrily and began to walk away when he added, "Don't worry about anything but that time-bomb. Figure out his intentions, goals, dreams, and we will give you the resources to accomplish it. It's about time you had a family."

It turned out, over their sessions and meetings in the makeshift medical wing, that he wanted nothing more than to destroy the darkness of the world with his own darkness. He believed he was no different than most grim, only given free will, and that he would fight fire with fire. It helped that he had already come from a warrior background, and his semblence caused the explosion it seemed. More research was done, and it turned out that he lost control his void-based semblence, which was naturally unstable. He was set on becoming a Hunter when he found out about them, and so his body was integrated with a very flexible, functional robotic and software system, it had a few bugs but that helped in training. It added very little strength. The Agency agreed to changing it to a combat oriented system once he actually became a Hunter.

Nalus and Abyss began to get along well. She trained him when he wasn't on ops and they grew close. A respect flowed between one another matching nothing else, not quite like a parent and a child, not entirely like romance, not quite a professional relationship, but kind of a mix of all three. Their adoration for eachother became strong and both protected one another with such vehemence.

With Agency resources, he designed a weapon beffiting his general, war torn, wicked attitude, and a set of combat gear, including a mask, that would conceal his robotic system and, dehumanize him and thusly, strike doubt and fear into the hearts of his enemies. The reenforced clothing and peices of cloaklike additions held lightweight peices of alloy plating, the cloth and leather was all black, and the metal took on a gunmetal grey sheen. with time the metal plates gathered the dark matter in black striations on the metal. The mask is a smooth face black full mask with no features, no irregularities, made from a tough, black, gem like metal that only has one glowing red circle on the left side of the mask where Abyss's synthetic eye is. All of this gives him a kind of evil, dismal, dark, and inhuman excecutioner type look. Tests show that his overall getup, fighting style and general attitude on the field most definitely works in demoralizing the enemy. Ruthless, he was not taken to a conventional school for future hunters and huntresses, instead he was trained by the Agency and first put on low risk combat missions, which progressively became higher risk. He had proved to be a great asset, and when the Agency and Nalus had to let him go for his release into the necessary path into a university for future hunters and huntresses, it was hard to let go. He left as disconnected from the rest of the world as he had been when the agency had found him, giving him the upper hand.

Educational record-

Shots fired- 56,372 rounds

Accuracy- 79%

Ops performed- 857

Ops Failed- 15

Average operation success chance- 44%

Op success-rate- 98.2%

Troops neutralized- 674

Irregulars neutralized- 1,013

Grim neutralized- 2324

Armor destroyed- 498

LG Stationary targets destroyed- 53

SL Stationary targets destroyed- 289

Injuries Sustained-

12 Major

351 minor

Collateral Damage report-

16 vehicles

3 structures

8 animals

9 people

$ 708,426.96 in damage

He's been exceptional when it comes to filing his paperwork, and much more honest than the other agents. When it comes down to it that's a great track record for so many high risk operations. He will be given enough money and resources to make it through his secondary education, nothing more. Not until his success.

~ Strong Area ~

Demoralizing, rutheless combat.

~ Extra/Other ~

Until he receives his new combat system, he is stuck with a robotic optical system that often messes up and malfunctions.​

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As a Horned Lizard Faunus, I wanted to tie his semblance to a horned lizard's use of blood as a defensive mechanism. Shooting blood out of his eyes was obviously a no-go and I tried to make it clear that Dragon's Blood would not be a ridiculous semblance that uses explosions to instantly kill people. Rather, it operates more on the concept of reactive armor.

Zeke Rothschild

Zeke's heritage shows through the patches of rough black scales that appear throughout his body. Typically, he'll keep his scaly tail wrapped around a leg in order to further blend in. His sharpened teeth and long tongue are also indicators of his Faunus descent. Black horns pierce through his messy gray hair and sweep backwards. The young man stands just slightly under 6 feet tall and has a deceptively lean build given his weapon.

When out of combat, Zeke will tend to wear baggy or loose clothing as most clothes will catch on his scales and become uncomfortable. While in combat, however, Zeke wears a black bodysuit with stylized red markings that resemble veins. The back of this is left exposed, save for a strap where Zorn hangs from. At times, he may attach a black cloth to Zorn's sheathe so that it seems as if he's wearing a cape while his weapon is stowed away on his back. He wears armor on top of this bodysuit that seems to be based on the plating of an Atlesian Knight-200.


Zeke Rothschild




Horned Lizard Faunus



//Aura Color//


//Dragon’s Blood//

A semblance born from Zeke’s heritage and his own contradictory combat philosophy. Zeke’s blood, once it comes into contact with powdered dust, crystallizes. This crystallized mass, once hit with sufficient force, causes a small explosion directed away from the surface. As such, the recoil from the localized explosion is significantly reduced and manageable. Defensively, this can be used as a makeshift armor that violently parries physical blows. Offensively, Zeke could coat his fist in his own crystallized blood and simply punch someone. Blood-soaked earth could also be converted into crystalline land mines, although the controlled explosive power of this semblance means that these mines are more likely to launch the triggered target into the air rather than ripping their limbs apart. As this semblance requires open wounds and blood loss, it must be used with caution.



Once a broken zweihänder from the Great War, Zorn has been since reforged and upgraded to complement Zeke's semblance. When sheathed, Zorn functions as a musket with the wheel-lock mechanism integrated into the greatsword's crossguard. As a firearm, Zorn features tremendous destructive power offset by a lengthy reload time. As a greatsword, Zorn is well-balanced to the point where Zeke can wield it effectively with one hand in times of desperation. Zorn's hilt also houses a trigger with a sharpened end. By piercing a finger against the trigger's sharp point, Zeke can allow his blood to flow through the fuller of the blade. The hidden 'veins' of the sword spread to the edge of the weapon to take full advantage of his semblance.


A majority of the time, Zeke is dead-silent and stonefaced. Despite his father's best efforts, he maintains a significant emotional distance from everyone. He's well-aware of the problems that this causes but finds himself unable to cross this distance. However, he has no problems with cooperation and obediently follows orders. Perhaps the most notable aspect of Zeke's personality is his inability to feel fear. This can prove to be a double-edge sword, as his own lack of fear allows him to face down Grimm that would leave lesser men cowering but also means that he lacks the self-preservation and will to survive.

Zeke views himself as a weapon and his team's leader as his wielder. He pushes back any doubts about the validity of given orders and simply carries them out with ruthless efficiency. At times, he may seem restless out of combat. Although he may not show it most of the time, Zeke idolizes his adopted father and carries the surname 'Rothschild' with pride.

Zeke's fearlessness subconsciously drives him to seek death for he believes that only death will allow him to experience terror. This forms the crux of his semblance - he bathes himself in his own blood and surrounds his body with explosives in an attempt to increase the chance of dying in combat.


The Huntsman known as Zeke Rothschild was first encountered in the mountains of Atlas. Captain Wilhelm Rothschild was dispatched by the Atlesian military to verify reports of a dangerous Grimm that had been attacking settlements. Upon arrival, however, Rothschild and his contingent stumbled upon a young Faunus soaked in his own blood and wielding a broken sword. The reported Grimm was slowly dissolving away at this point, apparently it had been trapped in a pitfall and the Faunus had slain it after engaging in combat with its expose top-half.

Bodies of other Faunus were also found in the area and all signs pointed to the young boy as the sole survivor. He remained completely silent and seemed unresponsive at times, perhaps a result of the traumatic experience. With no one to care for him, Captain Rothschild volunteered to care for him and gave him a name 'Zeke'; derived from victory.

Zeke was personally trained by the captain as if he were a soldier. At the very least, this caused Zeke to slowly build a sort of trust between him and his father. Fearing for his son's own development, Wilhelm Rothschild enrolled him in Fortress Academy and enticed him with tales of the brave Huntsmen who slayed Grimm. His true motive, however, was to hopefully prod his son to open up and make friends - enjoy his youth to the fullest.

//Strong Area//

Combat Strength



-- Character Sheet --


~ Name ~

Damian Solace

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~


~ Semblance ~

Light Energy Manipulation

As long as Damian is standing in the sunlight, he can manipulate the energy to form barriers. He has thought of ways to use the barriers effectively in combat. Damian is capable of forming barriers at any time whether it be day or not, whether he be in the sunlight of the shade. The strength of his barriers will vary though.

In sunlight-Damian's barriers are as strong as they can possibly be.

Artificial light- His barriers are still powerful but not as much as they should be.

Shade- Damian can block minor attacks but his barriers cannot hold to much.

Night time- Damian's barriers are little to nothing. At this point, he has found that the best thing to do is to use the barriers at angles to redirect the attacks rather then try to take the attack head on.

By forming the barriers into specific shapes, Damian can slash them with his blade and send them flying as projectiles.

~ Weapon ~


~ Personality ~

Damian is a quiet, serious type. He prefers to sit back watching and analyzing others. It is part of what makes him such a skilled fighter. He can find someone's weaknesses and exploit it. His natural strategist tendencies and his ability to remain patient and analytical makes him a brilliant leader. Although, he won't ask for a leadership position, if he becomes a leader it is only by mutual agreement rather then him seeking the role. Damian is a very protective person to the innocent and those he cares about a lot. His skills and his devotion to his goals and his drive to protect others come from his parents. He owes a lot to them and intends to repay them by becoming someone they can be proud to have raised. He spends his free time training, his drive to become stronger is very vital to him. He is aware that there is always someone stronger and so he strives to become stronger so he can protect others. Deep down, Damian has a hidden desire to find a girl he can love. This is something his mother saw long ago and it is her hope that he will find a girl at Beacon. Hoping that being with a girl will teach Damian a little humanity. His mother also hopes that if Damian finds a perfect team and a girl that he may care a little bit more about his own life.

~Back-story ~

Eighteen years ago, Cyrus and Claire Solace , a husband and wife gave birth to a healthy boy they decided to name Damian. Being the child of a hunter and huntress, it was clear what Damian's future was to be. Under his father's direction and his mothers guidance, he was trained to become a powerful hunter. His semblance revealed itself at a young age and with it, he was able to become exceptional. Over the years, his father gradually taught him how to create his own weapon. Feeling that a Hunter forging his own weapon would give him a better bond to it. Accounting for a need to be able to fight at close quarters as well as at a distance, Damian forged his Gun blade.

Damian flew through his battle school, but he withheld going to the main school for a few years, transferring in a few years later. The years before going to the main school he spent in deep training, trying to exceed his own power and become as powerful as he can. He is driven by a desire to make his parents proud and to protect those he cares for, even if he won't admit to caring about a whole lot of people.

Damian's father taught him the skills of fighting but he knew that his son would need more then just how to fight. He also taught his son logic and tactics so that his son would have more skills then just fighting. There may come a time when a leader would be needed to step up and so he intended for his sons to have the necessary skills to fulfill that role if the time came.

His mother hopes that Damian will not be completely absorbed by being a Hunter. She has deep hopes that Damian would be able to find a girl he could be with. A perfect partner much like she and his father had found. From a distance she would watch her son and hope that he would find his perfect partner.

~ Strong Area ~

Damian is a very strong leader type. He may be quiet but when it is a vital time, he becomes a genius leader.

~ Extra/Other ~

May update later.

@Veirrianna Valentine
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/jester_girl_doodle_by_rongs1234-d59pj1e.jpg.7bf94c3205c61aa74c57c51881d4a058.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94357" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/jester_girl_doodle_by_rongs1234-d59pj1e.jpg.7bf94c3205c61aa74c57c51881d4a058.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~ Name ~

-Eris Coral, aka The Trickster.

~ Age ~


Race: Human.

~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~

A pale cream that could almost be mistaken for white.

~ Semblance ~

She has yet to discover her semblance.

~ Weapon ~

Jester's Toys:

Eris carries a variety of things she can use as weapons: Knives, rings (about the size of a hula hoop) that automatically tightens around foes, Molotov Cocktails, Balls (like the one she constantly balances on, but kicked with a lot of force), dust crystals, darts, javelins (aka throwing spears), and explosives, lots and lots of explosives. However, she does have two weapons that she doesn't throw: a pair of knives.

First, is Ordered Chaos:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/images.jpg.ad7d9d164b2ac7c1269674112ff7c24b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94460" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/images.jpg.ad7d9d164b2ac7c1269674112ff7c24b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Next, is Discord:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/111115_3.jpg.dc6806296b560591f19591356ece2ccc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94461" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/111115_3.jpg.dc6806296b560591f19591356ece2ccc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Both are guns. Both fire exploding bullets. Both are also knives. Only

Discord can also become brass knuckles.

~ Personality ~

Like the two colors of her jester's hat, Eris acts two different ways: how she typically acts is carefree and whimsical, but also strong and willing to stand up for others. However, her second way of acting is only shown to those she hates. She can be mean, deceitful, and downright cruel. However, there are only certain types of people she hates: racists, paedophiles, those who want to legitimately hurt her friends, and those who are overly cruel themselves. This is primarily due to how she was raised. Also, there is one thing to note: She is terrified of being cornered, and if someone gets too close while she's in the metaphorical corner, she will have a psychological meltdown and then she will proceed to beat the crap out of whoever it is preventing her from getting away.

~Backstory ~

Eris was born to a loving family in the middle class. They ran a smithy and a jewelry shop. On her sixth birthday, however, she left to see a friend who was sick. Upon her return to her home, she discovered her parents bodies, which bore claw marks that would seem to most to belong to someone of Faunis heritage. Also, the family store was completely looted, except for one of Eris's birthday presents, which she had been unwrapping before hearing about her sick friend. Upon opening it, she found a necklace. It had a leather cord for a string, so that it wouldn't break easily. At the bottom of the necklace was a shiny titanium cord that wrapped around an amethyst, carefully cut to resemble a curved teardrop. Upon the arrival of the police, she was sent to the local orphanage. After a year spent there, she was adopted by a ringmaster named Frugal. She was trained in the arts of the jester at the circus, and became renowned for her skills with knives and other tools of the trade. And during all this, Frugal seemed nice enough, but once Eris turned 10, she discovered the truth. First off, Frugal was the one who murdered her parents and robbed their store. Secondly, he made it look like a Faunis had done it to make Eris just as much of a racist as he was. Thirdly, Frugal planned on making Eris into a paedophile. And lastly, he planned on doing making her into a paedophile via physical and mental torture. The result? Eris ran away, gave the police an anonymous tip, was adopted AGAIN (this time by a woman in the Atlas Military), and, due to her fear of Frugal coming after her, enrolled in a combat school. And the funny part about all this? She actually loved being a jester, and thus stuck to what she knew while at combat school, and also increasing her repertoire while she was there. She modified her circus stunts into movements and attacks viable for combat situations against both Grimm and non-Grimm opponents. She learned what she was best at: medium ranged and close quarters, specializing in speed, power, and agility. Upon realizing that she liked helping others, and after graduating from her combat school, she applied to Fortress Academy, and was accepted. This was also to try and make some friends.

~ Strong Area ~

Balanced. I would have gone with Combat Strength, but what will go under Other will explain why I went with Balanced.

~ Extra/Other ~

Eris WILL fight dirty. However, it should be noted that she has problems dealing with long range enemies if she can't catch up to them, as her arsenal can't really reach out and touch someone. Also, she is not very durable. She CAN last a while in a fight, but only if she doesn't get hit very often. It's also worth noting that her arsenal's potential for destruction is limited against anyone or anything resistant against explosives, firearms, and dust. Also, when I say she fights dirty, I mean she'll throw dirt and/or sand at an opponent's face, go for wounds, not let them get the chance to reload, anything that'll stack the odds in her favor. However, if she's fighting someone for the fun of it or is sparring with them, she'll fight fairly. Also, she won't cheat during a tournament, or even outside of it. It's more like she toes the line during anything official. Anything off the books, like fighting a criminal or a Grimm, however, and she'll abuse their weaknesses. However, she will not use torture in any way, shape, or form. She will manipulate, but she doesn't mess with someone's psyche unless it's to help them.



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-- Character Sheet --


~ Name ~

Kai Takeshi

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~


~ Semblance ~

Moon Cutter


~ Weapon ~


~ Personality ~

Loves fighting, enjoys eating, isn't really good at making friends but when he makes them he opens up, seems mean at first but really kind, will protect his friends no matter.

~Backstory ~

Kai was born in a normal family which was well known in beacon academy. His father skilled in hand to hand combat while his mother well known for her swordsmen ship. They both taught Kai everything he knows today, even everything they learned in beacon which is going to help him in his years. The also told him about being a hunter and huntress and how serious of a thing it is. Every second it is in beacon is a dream to have back once you enter the real world. The weapon uses now was his mothers, which basically means it's a hand me down.

~ Strong Area ~

Combat Strength

~ Extra/Other ~

Tries to seem quiet but he loves talking.


Theme song:

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-- Character Sheet --


[Trying to figure out how to attach pictures, sorry.]

Petite build, long black/blue curly hair, fair skin, green bows in her hair, green and yellow striped dress, knee high green socks with yellow tops, and yellow boots. Kelly weighs about 80 pounds, and is a bit bookish and submissive.

~ Name ~

Kelly Hunter

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~

Pastel Green

~ Semblance ~


Kelly can create the illusion of sickness in others within a short distance (1-3m) Those affected will be nauseated, dizzy, and unable to stand due to the illusion of being poisoned. This semblance comes directly from her heritage, as Kelly is a Gecko Faunus. The amount of time and range of her semblance is directly affected by the number of people she is attempting to influence.

~ Weapon ~


A 14 inch knife that alone is an ordinary knife, but when inserted handle first into the sheath, activates an EMP cannon that can disarm electrical equipment and stun/kill enemies (Powered by Lightning dust), as well as several other cannon configurations to be created by changing the type of dust in Windsong's cartridge. (eg: Water Cannon, Wind Cannon, Fire Cannon, Rock Cannon, Ice Cannon.) The sheath also works as a blocking weapon when Kelly is fighting.

~ Personality ~

Kelly is shy, loyal, and a bit of a clingy person. She enjoys observing situations and determining weaknesses and strategies, but often isn't loud enough to tell others when such a weakness could be easily exploited. Kelly would definitely prefer a day of drawing schematics to a day of shopping, though she does enjoy her battle skirts. When alone, Kelly will open up and be more social, as long as she isn't near people who will be prejudiced toward her faunus heritage. Her heritage has caused much grief growing up, and now she actively attempts to downplay her reptilian attributes as much as possible. For example, Kelly has clawed reptilian feet that enable her to climb almost vertical structures with ease, but due to her social embarrassment, she always wears shoes, even to sleep. Her amazing faunus vision has made her excellent at observation, and her hobbies all include being in the background of the action at hand.

~Backstory ~

A very perceptive girl, Kelly has always been one of the more reserved children of Atlas. The child of two very promising librarians, Kelly has always been one to enjoy studying for the sake of knowledge. She enjoys hanging out in public areas and "people watching" as much as she like experimenting on different mixtures of dust to fire out of her cannon. Kelly hopes to one day work in the robotics program for the Atlasian military.

Kelly is an only child, and she feels an insatiable need to impress her parents, who really just want her to be happy.

~ Strong Area ~

(Combat Strength, Perception, Strategy/Intellect, or Balanced/Leadership Role)


~ Appearance ~


~ Name ~

Mikado Saris

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~

Mikado Yellow

~ Semblance ~

Mikado's semblance allows her to transfer her Aura to others. This is not done at a 1:1 rate, however. The recipient will gain more aura than Mikado expends, the ratio fluctuates depending on how quickly it is transferred. The faster the transference takes place the closer to a 1:1 ratio it becomes. If given sufficient time Mikado could restore several people's Aura before depleting her own.

~ Weapon ~

Mikado does not possess a unique weapon of her own, instead she was given one by one of her older brothers before enrolling into the academy. The weapon is a simple looking long sword that, with the click of a button, can shift itself into that of a rifle. Unlike some of the flashier weapons out there it was stocky and solid in both forms. However in it's simplicity it was also reliable, it was accurate and had acceptable range in it's rifle form and was durable and sharp in it's bladed form.

~ Personality ~

Despite her usual supportive role, or perhaps because of it, Mikado tends to be fairly smug and snarky. She tends to take setbacks in stride, not being above making jokes in poor taste at people's expense. While initially appearing rather egotistical or condescending she genuinely cares for her comrades and this is reflected in her semblance. Much to the chagrin of those around her she demonstrates this affection in rather condescending and obnoxious ways as she will not hesitate to poke those who have fallen before helping them back up.

~Backstory ~

Mikado had a fairly benign upbringing. Born to a career military family she spent the majority of her childhood looking up towards her parents and older siblings. She knew from a young age she wanted to help the world as they did. With the discovery of her semblance she decided to take a slightly different path. Instead of joining the military as a soldier or pilot as other members of her family had done she instead opted to become a Huntress. She saw the Grimm as an immense threat to human prosperity and figured it was her duty to help exterminate the creatures. Because of this desire she began to train with her new-found powers, honing them to a respectable state before finally being admitted to Fortress Academy.

~ Strong Area ~


~ Team ~
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Name: Cruor "Golden Rage" Almos


Race: Human

Gender: Male

Aura Color: Bronzish Gold

Semblance: Berserker Rage- Cruor's animal instincts begin to take over. He will no longer feel pain or fatigue for a short time (1 min.). Upon activation, his aura explodes into a fiery blaze, making him seem like a bonfire. Anyone with Aura will glow only to him, allowing himself to track them through low-light conditions, fog, etc. However, Grimm appear as they normally look. This ability causes him to become a reckless force of anger. His aura immediately shuts down, allowing others to harm him without his aura to protect or aid him. After the time is up, he will collapse into a comatose-like state until his aura has fully recharged. Another way for it to end, is if he were to take enough damage to prove life-threatening.

Weapon: Favorable Downfall- this weapon has 3 forms. The first is a set of two Falchions. Swirls are carved into the blades with Burn Dust, giving them an eerie red glow. The second is a set of two war axes, the blades curving to just above his knuckles with the same markings as the Falchions. The final form is a two handed battle axe. The axe stands at 5'5 has the same markings on the blades and handle. The red dust in these weapons can only be activated with aura, causing him to not be able to use it in his Berserker Rage.

Personality: Easily angered, serious most of the time, tries to be poetic, lets events play out and adapts to them.

Backstory: Born somewhere in Mistral, he was sold by his parents when he was just an infant. The buyer was a man named Harkon who ran a fight pit. He was raised by the trainers to fight and kill the other combatants for money, food, and the sponsorship of Harkon. This sponsorship, unlike the others, is the only way for someone to gain their freedom and leave the pit when they please.

Through the fights between him and either combatants or Grimm, the leader took a liking to him and sponsored Cruor. Harkon gave him his name, nickname, and new living quarters along with access to the forge where he made his armor and weapon under the guidance of the forgemasters

When he hit 18, Harkon shipped him off to Atlas to train as a Hunter and one day return to the pit as an instructor and commander. Unlike the others, he did not want to leave as he had grew a bond with this place, his home and family. (More will be revealed about the pit at a later time)


Hair: Rust Red, left half of head shaved, unshaved half reaches chin.

Eye color-Bronze. White when Semblance is active

Height: 6'3

Complexion: Pale

Clothing: Black leather jacket that only covers his arms, shoulders, and neck along with with a dark brown leather curiass underneath, covering the chest and stomach. The leather is extremely thin, providing no extra protection while allowing full mobility. He also wears black jeans with a brown leather belt with the buckle in the shape of a celtic cross. He wears brown, ankle length, leather shoes that do not restrict his movement.

Strong Area: Combat Strength

Extra: Knows nothing of himself being sold, who his parents are, or where he was born. Considers the other combatants his family. He also has a faint Irish accent.


"What a terrible pity...like a moth flittering towards a flame."

"Shall we begin this song and dance of death?"

"Do not provoke my wrath...The last person to do so had to be swept from the arena floor."

"And Shepards we shall be for thee, my lord, for thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomeni Patri, Et Fili, Spiritus Sancti, Amen."
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Alright, so here we go for some of the last character edits!!!! I am starting this off with a point to make

The most important part


(Besides the specific notes, unless you are tagged in one)


The reason I say this, on behalf of pretty much everyone who is helping me with the characters, reasonably a character

with a suit of armor plus the ability to use aura and hold a massively destructive weapon would provide

some characters with an unfair advantage. Literally it would take eons and multiple people to take them down, which

doesn't seem realistic for a student who is learning how to use their aura correctly. So that is the bottom line.



(Since I left some in and some out, go check, doo iiiittt)

Alright, now for the specific helpers​

@Cry U 945

Everything looks good besides the armor, Delete that and you are all good to go


You never made the originally addressed changes, so look back in this thread for those for acceptance


Also you have not fixed early issues, so currently no acceptance


Your character looks pretty good, but for the semblance you might want to write down a limitation for two people between you and yourself for the semblance, so that it isn't super overpowered, other than that, the personality is a bit sparse, but I can let it pass. Also the strong area is not one of the listed, but as a leader, it would be balanced, other than that its totally fine


We are largely ok with your character, the semblance, however, makes us a little, confused. Sound absence would not cause visual effects, it would just create a silent area. It would also not portray images of a devil or the persons worst fear onto your character. You could pick to project halucinations in a small area around her, but other than that, it doesn't seem ok as of now. Also it seems with her perceptive abilities a Perception as her strong area might fit her a bit better.


We are totally fine with everything as long as you don't overuse the semblance~


We like your character, but to be clear, the weapon is just a simple sword correct? No other formations or other such things? That might need to be added so we know exactly the specifications of the weapon, otherwise looks good.

@Shaded Skies

So we are fine with having a no semblance character with the weapons you have described, however the backstory makes us a little wary. It wasn't an issue of being adopted, it was an issue of a small girl with no semblance killing someone, getting away with it, somehow turning in a bunch of money to apply to a government run school with a strong defined military attached to it. It just seems a little illogical. If you need help reworking it, feel free to talk about it with us.


We like your character and you are accepted, however you can just copy paste photos unless you work on mobile, then feel free to contact us in the OOC thread for help working out teams n stuff


We love your character, however the semblance range is a little, large. 20 meters is 66 feet roughly, which is a lot of space. More than can be measured on a tape measure. It seems a little unrealistic for you to be able to hold something of that size and move away from it, so if you could put it down to like 1-4 meters, that would be much appreciated. Also, letting only her allies in is kind of, weird. A force field usually doesn't have the ability to detect who is on and off a team, so it would have to be a up and down only mechanism. Other than that, looks good.

Now that those are done.....


All those accepted NEED TEAMS

We will begin a OOC discussion of teams, and we will be creating teams and trying to

balance them with one of each role, which probably won't be possible

I have also left out

@EchoNightwish @noremac and @Kalin Scarlet

Why? They have not been seen here or on the site in quite a while

It also seems @XMega Has not either

If you see this, shoot us an OOC post soon so we can get you on here​

Hmm, how about 5 meters then? I like numbers like that. As for the whole 'allies only' thing, she has control over it. It's like how Pyrrha can choose what she wants to magnetically control. It's the same idea, it's her semblance so she makes the conscious choice that she doesn't want that person entering it. Pretty much every semblance shown in the show can be directed. I don't see why my character wouldn't be able to control what's allowed to pass through the field. It's not like the field itself is dictating what comes in or out, Mikado herself chooses. So what counts as 'friend' and what counts as 'foe' is entirely up to her. Same way Weiss can choose to not use her stuff on enemies.

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