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Fandom RWBY - Turn To Dust

Kiyoko Tomoe

The Donut Goddess

Please note that you don't necessarily have to have information ordered as it is in this sheet, just make sure it's easy for me to find all the listed information inside of your sheet, and don't skip any of it. Also, please leave a blank "Team" spot in your sheet unless you get a specific team approved with me, so as to allow me to put teams together.

-- Character Sheet --


~ Name ~

~ Age ~

~ Gender ~

~ Aura Color ~

~ Semblance ~

~ Weapon ~

~ Personality ~

~Backstory ~

~ Strong Area ~

(Combat Strength, Perception, Strategy/Intellect, or Balanced/Leadership Role)

~ Extra/Other ~​
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-- Character Sheet --

Has Black hair, his cloak has an ash-like color, his polo is mostly white. He wears a brown shorts. pale skin

~ Name ~

Abo'r Scattir

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~


~ Semblance ~

"Grey Dust"

- An ability to form and manipulate ashes. These ashes are hardened to be as hard as stone. However, it is limited due to the amount of ash he currently has. This could also affect, powdered 'Dust', which he rarely uses.

~ Weapon ~

"Dust Cutter" a cutter that is a size of knife, a particular feature is it's hilt is also some sort of pistol. The length of it's cutter end is up to a short sword's length.

~ Personality ~

When around people, he could be polite, and kind. that's when he's not in battle. When engaged in a battle, he shows no mercy. Especially on the Grimm.

~Backstory ~

Born at a family of nomads near atlas, he was trained on the usage of knives when young. when he was 10, he moved away from his family due to a Grimm attack. He was forced into atlas. He started living with a man who he treats as his father. that man thought him how to use pistols as his sub weapon alongside his "Dust Cutter". Currently resides at that man's basement. where he upgraded his blade.

~ Strong Area ~

His mostly quick and agile. Can deal multiple blows on one spin.

~ Extra/Other ~

He has little Dust containers inside his gloves. This is where he hides his ashes.


KAUS(Saffron, Umbra, Koal, Abo'r)(Waiting for affirmation of @Kiyoko Tomoe )

- - - -

(who wants to team? PM me if you wish)
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Fina Naranjo


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5f39b93e_graziaarancia.png.8b59b50c57619220ff6d59b45e29ccf6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88091" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5f39b93e_graziaarancia.png.8b59b50c57619220ff6d59b45e29ccf6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
~ Age ~ 17

~ Gender ~ Female

~ Aura Color ~ Orange

~ Semblance ~ “Crescents.” Fina can summon sickle-shaped blades of orange energy that explode when they crash into something (like Sun’s clones). She can also hang onto them and use them as close-range explosive weapons (like Yang’s gauntlets), but they can’t be used nearly as frequently as an actual weapon as it would tax her Aura reserves too much. She usually just uses kick-heavy aerial brawling as her fighting style and occasionally augments it with her crescents.

~ Weapon ~ “Amanecer.” A pair of high, flexible boots with jets in their gigantic soles. Fina can use these to make “rocket jumps” about ten feet in the air, and do sick mid-air kicks and other aerial moves. They also have turrets in the back that can steer the flight to an extent, controlled by subtle movements in her heels, so Fina can make long jet-enhanced jumps in different directions. They also really hurt when she kicks you with them.

~ Personality ~

Fina is mesmerized by the beauty of technology and creation, and its capacity to change lives. In her mind, although technology can exploit and harm, it also gave humanity the power to grow, develop, and destroy evil. She feels most comfortable in urban areas, and naked without Amanecer and her Scroll. While she’s a Huntress rather than an engineer, she tends to focus on weapons and construction as much as how they’re used, and can get lost talking shop.

Fina values freedom above all things, and hates the idea of being locked into a single lifestyle (that’s why she chose to be a Huntress - although they walk a tough path, it’s a path with more options than her home situation). She loves meeting new friends and talking about weapons, robotics, and food. She has a soft spot for luxuries such as flower arranging and high-class cuisine. Her greatest weaknesses are people who tempt her with these things, and the idea that she can save her mother from her lot in life.

~Backstory ~

Fina is a brilliant girl from a family trapped in poverty. Her single mother is a struggling Dust miner, and from her childhood, Fina was set to walk the same path, until she forged the first prototype of her rocket boots. Although she’d only made them to jump around and play, she was wearing them when she leapt into a high-ranking soldier, who luckily recognized their potential as a weapon and offered her enrollment in the academy. Fina saw an opportunity to walk a different path than her mother, and gladly enrolled.

~ Strong Area ~ Perception

~ Team ~

SFVR (Saphir, Fina, Violet, Robin)



  • grazia arancia.png
    grazia arancia.png
    298.2 KB · Views: 764
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Saphir Cerulean







Aura Color

Light Blue


Strategy/Intellect or Leadership (maybe both?)


SFVR (Sapphire)

@shadowdude505 @Mollisol @katseye


5’ 9”


135 lbs

Written Appearance

Saphir had a lean yet muscular build, pale complexion, soft blue eyes, long ebony hair, and angular features. Her faunus addition isn't one hidden as easily others. She is part snake, and instead of her eyes being a bit off to a speech impediment with a forked tongue, she got the butt end of the deal(No pun intended.) In short, her lower half was replaced with said snake’s. So beginning at her mid stomach, her skin blends with light blue scales that continue in the same shade. Her total length would be about 7 feet.


“Stormweaver” is a long, blue staff like weapon that doubles at a pair of semi-automatic pistols. Both forms consume a lighting dust.


Saphir’s semblance named “Stormtrance” allows her to enter a hyper-focused state, not only heightening perception and senses but absorb the dust currently had on her person and release it as a blast of lightning. When using this, her eyes emit a faint glow.


Saphir's personality is a bit muddled. More often than not, she’s exceedingly intellectual. Having knowledge on subjects she can’t remember learning about yet wouldn’t think twice about correcting you. Not so much for the learning opportunity, yet for the pure humor of comical reactions. Saphir is also quite serious, yet that doesn’t mean she hates sarcasm. Trust me, it’s used often.

Then we have a bit of a difference. Saphir can be immature, having to making that joke at the wrong time. Sarcastic, as mentioned above. Not often, but when needed she won’t hold back a retort in this manner. A tad antisocial. Not wanting to get involved with unnecessary social interactions. But, once she has warmed up to one you will be sure to have numerous discussions on diverse topics. This make Saphir a bit harder to “get used to” than others. Learning how to deal with Saphir is a taxing process, although more than one person has succeeded in this.


Saphir had an interesting life. Starting off when she was quite young and living outside the borders when a job begotten by her mother required them to move into the nearest city. The next few years of her life had to be the closest thing she could get to a living hell. Yet after showing great skill in combat and being able to attend a basic school, things improved quite a bit. And by the time she reached the age of 18 and was accepted into this prestigious academy, Saphir had already improved greatly from where she had previously been.​
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~ Written Appearance ~

Vanilla has a pale complexion, though it isn't actually too pale. She stands at around five foot five and weighs one hundred and thirty lbs. Her bust size is only a B cup. Vanilla has pale, blonde hair which reaches to the middle of where a female's breast should be, however it is tied into loose bunches. Some mistake her eyes for a creamy orange, however it's actually a light/creamy yellow.

~ Outfit ~

~ Name ~

Vanilla Abborts

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~


~ Semblance ~

Vanilla doesn't really name her semblance like some people do, but her's enables her to use the elements of light and dark against her enemies. Though, due to how she uses them, they have a different part.

Valecity (Light)- the attacker of the two- can normally send light slashes towards her enemies or use them to create extra power in her close combat attacks.

Valepity (Dark)- the defender of the two- can attach a dark shield on the keyblade in order to have a bigger range to defend incoming attacks. It also has the same attack basis as Valecity; either sending dark slashes towards enemies or (rarely) using it to create extra power in close combat.

~ Weapon ~


"Valecity and Valepity" are two keyblades that resemble light and darkness, or can actually resemble 'Ying and Yang'. Valecity is a light wielding keyblade, mainly used to attack the enemy and/or be a first keyblade to attack. Meanwhile, Valepity is a dark wielding keyblade that is mostly used to block the opponents attacks and/or be the second keyblade to attack. Together, they form "Valcipity", which clasped together makes them turn into sniper, obviously used for support and ranged attacks.

~ Personality ~

Vanilla is not the most sophisticated person you will meet. She's someone you can describe as the life of the party, one who is always positive. You wouldn't really call her a energetic ball of life, but sometimes she can get excited over the littlest of things. When not in battle, Vanilla shows off to be a heart-warming and kind person; though, not to get confused with the mother type of person. She cares deeply for her friends/teammates/family/etc, often doing whatever she can in order to protect them. She's a very innocent soul, so she will be confused if you try and say a, urh, 'sexually' joke to her.

At times, she can be very awkward around those who she thinks are more highly than her and/or those who she may have a liking to. This results in her doing weird things that leaves the person probably having a disliking to her. At times, she can be stubborn, especially when it comes to saving her friends and all that she cares about. This can mostly get her into trouble. Sometimes, she can be a little reckless, and this mixed with her stubborness... It doesn't make a great combination. This doesn't happen often, but sometimes Vanilla can worry too much, and sometimes starts to panic.

~Backstory ~

Vanilla was born in England to a normal kind of family. None of them were hunters or huntresses, therefore at first she never really planned to be one herself. Not only did she live with her mother and father, but she also lived with two younger siblings; Lana Abborts and Riley Abborts. When Vanilla was seven- which was around the age were Lana was born-, she vowed to protect her sibling with much love.

When Vanilla was ten, she took three year old Lana out into the woods that they were living close by to. They played simple games, such as tag, hide and seek, and other games. They knew nothing about the Grimms at that time, until they heard a loud rumble coming towards them. As soon Vanilla had saw those vile beasts, she had grabbed Lana's hand and ran to a hole in a tree big enough to fit them in. However, Vanilla soon felt her hand feel empty, and realized that Lana wasn't with her. Panicking, she went tried to go out to find her, but was knocked back into the hole. Scarred, she stayed in there until the horde had pasted. Not being able to find Lana, Vanilla ran home crying.

Once the news went out, there was a search party called upon. This only went on for about two months before everyone gave up; Lana was either claimed missing or probably dead. Vanilla mourned over it, saying it was her fault for letting go of her little sister's hand; for going to the woods in the first place. Her parents comforted her, saying it wasn't her fault, however she still believes it is, and strives to protect the ones she cares about.

When her younger brother- Riley- was born, Vanilla did all she could to protect him from the dangers there were, even go so far as to keep him indoors. Though, this was also the time where she wanted to become a huntress, and with a lot of persuading had packed her things and moved to the island of Patch, where she studied at Signal Academy. There, she made had made weapons Valecity and Valepity (A little while later Valcipity was made) and had learned how to use them. During her last years at Signal Academy, she trained really hard in order to get into Fortress Academy, and was gladly accepted when her years at Signal were over.

~ Strong Area ~

Combat Strength

~ Extra/Other ~

[*]She claims that she is no longer in contact with her family, and wishes that one of the days she could go and see them.

[*]Has a very strong liking to small children alike.

[*]Normally when alone, she likes to draw her weapons and/or other weapons that she has seen. Though she isn't the best artist, she considered herself as decent.


VNLA (Pronounced 'Vanilla')

[*]Vanilla (Me)

[*]Noel (@Cloud Nagasake )

[*]Arvin (@Sullivanity)

[*]Lund (@StoneWolf18)

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~ Name ~

Ailurus Fulgens

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~

It may look red, but it's actually a red-orange color.

~ Semblance ~

"Stead fast."

Due to his determination/stubbornness to stay in his rather chipper state, this has translated over into him not liking to move. Even the strongest blow cannot cause him to be knocked over, sent flying, and generally lose his footing in any way. But due to the laws of conservation, this force has to go somewhere, which usually means he now hit's you as hard as you just hit him.

~ Weapon ~


A double sided halberd that, at the press of a button, becomes a massive single edged sword. In both forms, it is able to fire rather large rounds and still be rather accurate up to mid range. It can't compare to a sniper rifle when it comes to range, but it might be able to beat one when it comes to stopping power. And the kick can be compared to having a missile being launched from your shoulder, allowing him to "pogo" across long distances by hopping on and pulling the trigger. The trigger, not the button. It's important to remember which one's which. Reloading it is rather clunky no matter how you look at it. With a large clip, it doesn't have to be reloaded often, but it does have to be reloaded.

~ Personality ~

Endearingly happy. Well, I guess you could call it annoying. With an almost constant smile on his face and a hop in his step, it could be safe to assume he's not fully mentally sound. But the fact of the matter is, he just doesn't like getting angry. Unless you say or do something to his scarf, then he'll gladly go ballistic.

~Backstory ~

Nothing fancy. He went to a combat school, graduated, and now he's here. What? Did you expect everyone's story to be something like 'My parent's were killed by Grimm.' or 'I had a harsh up bringing'? Not everyone is like that, you know.

~ Strong Area ~

You need something hit hard, you come to Ailurus.

~ Extra/Other ~

In a team with (Kiyoko's character), (Ice's character), and (insert third character here.​


(Has a violet colored symbol that looks like a violet on her pants at her right hip.)

~ Name ~

Violet Floradonno

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~

Violet purple

~ Team ~

SFVR (Sapphire)

@StoneWolf18 @Mollisol @katseye

~ Semblance ~

Photosynthesis Healing: Violet's semblance is a low-level rapid heeling factor. As long as she's in sunlight or light that simulates sunlight any damage that her Aura didn't protect her from heals faster than it normally would. Photosynthesis Healing doesn't heal instantly, but it'll will take days off of regular healing time. If she broke her arm after her aura was exhausted it would only take a couple hours to heal instead of days. In her Photosynthesis Healing state her body can also process and neutralize toxins.

~ Weapon ~

Tetzu Bara (Iron Roses) - A pair of light battle axes that combine to form a large battle ax, Great Ax Tetzu Bara, that deals out more damage but is slower. The travel form looks like it's great ax form without the extended handle. When loaded with Dust, Violet can fire energy waves from her axes in either form. Different effects occur depending on the Dust element.

Violet's preferred Dust elements are earth, wind, and fire and her weapon has a spinner to select the element. With Earth Dust she can cause earthquakes by slamming her weapon into the ground; Great Ax Tetzu Bara makes larger and stronger earthquakes than in dual wield form. Wind Dust causes strong winds. Fire Dust creates flame blasts.

~ Personality ~

Bubbly and spunky,Violet is always ready for adventure. As a Faunus she realizes that other people may have preconceived notions about her, but she tries not to care about what other people think and proudly displays her Faunus cat ears. She dislikes it when a Faunus (or anyone) is picked on. She'll try to ignore the bullying when she's being picked on, but she can't ignore it if someone else is being bullied.

Violet is the outdoorsy type that likes to bring elements of the outdoors inside. She likes feeling earth under her feet, the wind in her hair, and the texture of plant life. She prefers sleeping on the ground (with or without a sleeping bag) or in a hammock. It's hard for her to sleep in a regular bed. Violet doesn't like destroying plant life and is remorseful when seeing the aftermath of a forest fight. However she thinks human (and Faunus) lives are more important than plants.

Violet is more street smart than book smart. Academically she's an average student and is more battle minded, preferring action when the time for battle arises. In fights she has a playful spirit and banters with her opponents. Her lighthearted nature may make it seem like she doesn't take fighting seriously, but she'll go all out to protect her allies and the people of Remnant.

~Backstory ~

Violet grew up in the slums of Vale with her loving parents, Aster Floradonno and his wife Iris. Since her family and herself are Faunus they were looked down upon by the human citizens. Violet lived in poor conditions and grew up sleeping on the floor huddled beside her mom and dad. When the White Fang movement started up she went to the peaceful protests with her parents.

When the White Fang started taking a more violent approach, Violet's family and other like minded Faunus moved toward Vacuo and lived out to the wilderness between the two kingdoms, establishing Haven Village. The Faunus settlers started living a more tribal lifestyle out in the woods. Maylea quickly picked up on the outdoor lifestyle. The settlement became a mostly peaceful place for the Faunus that lived there, every now and then Creatures of Grimm would show up.

The first Grimm attack occurred when Violet was 13. The settlers were having a hard time fighting the creatures. Luckily for the them a skilled Huntress. Clara Dianne, noticed the new Grimm activity between Vale and Vacuo. Clara showed up in the middle of the attack. At the time Violet was trying to fight the Grimm with her regular axes, but became another addition to number of injured. Clara fished the fight and lingered around to treat the wounded. When treating Violet's wounds Clara could sense her faint Aura and unlocked Violet's potential. A couple hours later Violet's injuries were fully healed, but she didn't realize it was due to her semblance until later.

Clara left the settlement to get better weapons for the settlers so that they could fight against the Grimm. When Clara returned she trained the villagers how to fight. Clara taught Violet the basics of Aura, Semblance, fighting, and using Dust. Afterward Clara encouraged her to try out one of the Huntsmen academies. Violet decided to check out Fortress Academy since Clara graduated from that academy.

~ Strong Area ~

Combat Strength

~ Extra/Other ~

She's a tabby cat Faunus​
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(I'll find one soon enough, just.. Please suffice with a description for now)

Saffron Cadence





~aura colour~

The same as her name, a orange-ish, gold-ish hue.

~semblance ~

"All for one" and "one for all". Basically, by either playing her music out loud.. Or in her headphones she's able to..sorta distribute her aura as she see's fit either storing it up for herself (all for one) to make her able to resist more damage before her aura fails, and give her an added punch to her attacks. On the flip side(one for all) she can play the music out loud and extend her aura to her allies, and evenly distribute it about her team allowing her aura to buff her allies and help take the hits they take, the downside to this? As the energy is protecting more people, the weaker the individual benefits are. She has some degree of control over who gets the buffs... But not a whole lot, just enough to make sure that's her allies, not her opposition get the bonus. In general, the more dire the odds ( the more either her or her team is knackered) the more potent the bonus, but as with everything, it has a limit


" Hargadance" a 3 piece kit really. First a boombox that is strapped to her back... Like a book bag, that can serve as a "bass cannon". A pair of headphones that can split and turn to twin...small maces.. Or clubs. And a large staff that is inserted into the boombox to look as an antenna.

~Personality ~

Well...let's get the obvious out of the way, saffron loves music. She gives off this vibe of a casual rebel, someone who's pretty flippant about rules, but doesn't go out of her way to break them. She's very much " go with flow " a lot of the time, and can be a great person to hang out with. But, underneath the flippancy of the rules, and order lies someone who's determined to fight for those who cannot, to fight for the underdog, or the oppressed. Be it random school bullies, or the rights of a discriminated faunus. In battle she mostly takes a mix between hyperactivity, aggression, and a bit not sass into something she describes as "punk rock".

~background ~( a little bit of a WIP)

Before we get into saffron, let's talk a little bit about the past. As almost every knows, long ago there was a war... A war of...how some describe it " a war of oppression, and greed ". Many things about this time still resonate within the people at large, such as the naming of children by the fundamentals of art...colour. They did this because of the past suppression of things of a self expressive, artistic nature. Most people recognize Art at painting, sculpture, décor, but also as music, song, and dance. Well how come you never hear of that side of art. Well, there was a particular movement back in the times of this war. Now and days they're more or less rumors, or fairy tales spread around, but they existed, and they fought for their form of expression.

Saffron was born into a family who's long past relatives were embroiled into that particular conflict. She was taught about it, about how music, and the other arts were suppressed. Her family also taught her how to harness music into her aura, and use it to combat those who oppose her.

~strong area~


~Appearance description because I have the art skills of a potatoe~

She has white skin, mid length hair...more in the shorter side, that's a dark gold but turns into a subtle orange the farther down you go. For a general base of outfits she goes for a clean rock and roll look, roughly meaning she'll accessorize accordingly with the wrist bands, and darker clothing, and maybe something around her neck, but remains free of tattoos, piercings, and obviously.. Crazy makeup. (Sorta the best I have... I'll get a pic up eventually... Once I find one to my liking... Until then I really do hope this works)

~extra bits~

She has learned to read lips.. As to somewhat communicate even with her headphones.

She's almost always listening to music one way or another, without it she gets.... Antsy, and if she were to ever go in combat without it....she's uncoordinated, and generally a huge downgrade...her headphones have a lock mechanism if she's expecting to go into combat to prevent them from just flying off.

~team name~

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I'm going to drop this in here.



~ Name ~

Gray Wisp

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~


~ Semblance ~

"Illusionary Wisp" is her semblance. It allows her to create an illusion of herself while at the same time hiding where her true self is from sight. It can last up to 10 seconds at full power.

~ Weapon ~


Monsoon is a drill that can contract into a mini missile launcher. It generally takes two hands to operate in both forms.

The drill spins, and the missiles are long range. They are not homing missiles and cannot lock on to what she wants to hit. She has to rely on her aim for that.

~ Personality ~

She's a quiet stoic who isn't too bright. She's kindhearted and protective by nature. Her ability to think up strategies is very low and would prefer to follow orders. She can have a gentle demeanor the majority of the time but most people elect to think of her as an intimidating loner. She'll spend most of her time daydreaming if something disinterests her. She likes to eat sweets, spend time outdoors and hates those who belittle others. Her lack of intelligence gives her a low self esteem when it comes to schooling or communicating intricately with people. She'll prefer to stay quiet than to speak and give away the fact that she's simpleminded.

~Backstory ~

She grew up in a middle-class family with both a hunter and a huntress for parents. She inherited both of her parents' lack of wit.

~ Strong Area ~

Combat Strength


Rosa [@Airebsi ]

Bebe Blau [@Mollisol]

Trinity Rosea [@rooke]

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~ Name ~

Brandie Benson

~ Age ~



Brandie is a teenage boy of slender build, although years of training have left him with an impressive physique for his body size. Brandie wears a White shirt with a dark blue vest over it. He also wears a sky blue hoodie over the vest. The hoodie has a dark blue "B" emblazoned on the back. Brandie also wears a pair of jeans, with a white stripe running down each pant leg, along a pair of dark blue sneakers to complete the outfit. Brandie has blond, short styled hair. His most distinct physical attribute are his Light blue Hawk eyes, the only trait that reveals his Faunus heritage. Often, he will wear contacts or glasses that make his eyes appear normal.

~ Gender ~



Faunus(Avian Type)

~ Aura Color ~

Brandie Blue

~ Semblance ~


Brandie can see the physical weaknesses and of almost anything, including people and objects that end up within his line of sight.

~ Weapon ~

Vorpal Blade

An energy sword developed by Brandie with his mother's help. The blade takes on a dark purple shade, and requires intricate knowledge of its operation to wield as the blade's energy source can be manipulated by the wielder, who may draw out more energy than nessecary with disastrous results.


Winter Wonderland

A pair of gloves lined with ice dust, taken from his mother. These gloves can channel the element, and when channeled through Brandie's sword instead, the ice formed takes on a shade of purple. The dust has to be reapplied to the gloves every week or so.

~ Personality ~

Brandie Benson used to desire for glory when his Mother was a Huntress. However, watching his mother get mauled by Grimm caused him to lose any desire for it. Around the academy, he is known as a nice and nerdy bookworm with a delusion of musical talents. He often comments on his wish to get kicked out to allow himself the chance to live an ordinary life. However, he has proven time and time again that he has never lost his bravery, and retains his skill as a cunning and dangerous warrior. Brandie does not like to play the hero, but if his friends require it, he does not hesitate.

When interacting with those he doesn't know, he keeps up a more formal speech pattern, and his actions reflect the respect he tries to convey. When around friends or family, he tends to act like a normal teenager, laughing and joking with others, and even showing off a layer of charm and flirtatiousness around girls.

~Backstory ~

Brandie was born to a human man, and a Faunus woman. His mother was a Huntress from Vacuo, while his father was a farmer from outside the kingdoms. The two met when She passed through his town during a long mission. The two clicked almost immediately, and before long were married.

Despite being a Faunus, Brandie spent his life in relative safety, avoiding persecution against himself and his parents thanks to his less than obvious Avian traits.

While his father always disliked the danger that came with being a hunter( a reason he wasn't one), Brandie's mother relished the action, and thrived on the danger it brought. She would take the time out every night to tell Brandie of her many adventures and battles. Naturally, this caused a young Brandie to fantasize about a life of riches and glory. As soon as he was able, he begged his mother to train him; she accepted the task with pride, training him in the use of dust in combat, as well as helping him to create his weapon.

One day, Brandie's mother was severely injured by Grimm, who managed to ambush her during a mission. This caused Brandie's father to decide that the work of a hunter was too dangerous for Brandie, and he therefore forbade his son to attend the Hunter's Academy like he wanted to. Despite her disagreeing with her husband, even after the injuries she sustained, Brandie's mother said nothing to stop his father. After two years, during which Brandie tried to forget his former dreams of glory, the young man decided that he would not let go to waste all of the hopes his mother has for him. Sneaking out one night, with the blade he'd constructed, as well as his mother's gloves, Brandie made his way to the academy, determined to go his own way.​

~ Strong Area ~


~ Extra/Other ~


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Lund Feykro







Aura Color

Bright Green




VNLA (Vanilla)

@Sullivanity @LoopyHoopz14


5’ 7”


120 lbs

Written Appearance

Lund has a small lean build with little to no muscle, a pale complexion, bright hazel eyes, darker brown hued short hair and soft facial features. He looks a bit younger than he actually is.


“Earthguard” a longer than average scimitar combined with a sniper rifle. Both use an earth dust.


“Nature’s Will” allows Lund to commune with nearby plant life, allowing them to do a number of things whether that be feeding him energy, increasing his strength, healing wounds, or possibly even something such as concealing his skin in bark to shield him from attack. When using this his skin takes on a green hue yet Lund is also in a meditative state thus rendering him vulnerable until a firm connection has been established. This could take minutes to hours depending on if the plants accept his consciousness or not.


Lund is generally a pleasant person to be around. Social, he always loved to meet someone new. A bit humble, thinking himself to be no better then that guy over there. Intelligent, not rushing into things blindly. Calm, not one to get riled over a small dispute. Yet, despite these traits, Lund has a backbone. He can and will defend himself and those he cares for whenever possible and hopefully without physical action.


Lund was born into an average, middle class family complete with a mother, father, and twin sister. Yet, when he turned 4, things got difficult. He was out with his father looking at all the pretty dust colors in a shop as he was telling him stories of his grandfather’s great achievements like they would every week. The shopkeep always thought that this was adorable and gave him a small earth dust shard. It wasn't worth much, but was the world to the toddler. But when they exited the shop and returned home, his joy was soon crushed. The white fang had raided the building they lived in, killing all residents. His mother and sister had been home at the time so you understand what had happened. His Dad was panicking and Lund didn't know why due to being so young. So he grabbed his son and ran back to the local dust shop, having a brief exchange with the owner before running out the door leaving him behind. As Lund asked where his daddy went, the shopkeeper told him he would be back in a little bit and entertained him with various stories once more.

Years past and is father never returned. Now living with the owner of the dust shop he called Uncle Viiz, Lund learned who had been responsible for the death of his family. But unlike most who would be disgusted of Fauna, he started to develop a fear for them. And after being accepted into the academy, he hopes to overcome this, yet he's entirely sure he can.​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5fb1a206_AddArctracer3.png.f848f4c7ae9f39f947e45c48751769b2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88396" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5fb1a206_AddArctracer3.png.f848f4c7ae9f39f947e45c48751769b2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~ Name ~

Noel Dominus

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Height ~


~ Weight ~

129 lbs

~ Aura Color ~


~ Semblance ~

"Cyber Space"

Noel's Semblance is a unique ability to create virtual reality obstacles for offensive, defensive and utility purposes. They are durable, but can disperse once Noel's concentration is broken or shatter if enough force is used against it.

~ Weapon ~

"Caliper" Four mind linked weapons that hover beside Noel and move at his will. They specialize in close, mid and long range combat with the utilization of Gravity Dust. Caliper have shown to be very durable, are capable of supporting weights below 184 pounds and shooting arrow like lasers that jolts the target upon contact.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/tumblr_nf3q6suQ4W1u0ktbko1_1280.png.37266b242b7122c5acc61454a5b7525a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88398" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/tumblr_nf3q6suQ4W1u0ktbko1_1280.png.37266b242b7122c5acc61454a5b7525a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~ Personality ~

Noel has a rather carefree, calculated attitude when it comes to combat, and is quicker to lose his icy cool. He keeps his calm, collected and flamboyant behavior when alone or around others. Judging from his weapon and Semblance, Noel has a big love for technology and its improvements in human and faunus likestyle, and finds it simply archaic.

~Backstory ~

First born son of the Dominus Fame and Fortune, the only competition to the Schnee Dust Company.

As a youth in Signal Academy, he has found that his family's well known advancement in weapon development and talent in combat ran through his veins just as equally. Alone he designed his first weapons "Caliper" and quickly made his way to the top. After graduating from Signal, Noel applied for Fortress Academy and spent a little time mastering his Caliber and later discovered his Semblance "Cyber Space."

~ Strong Area ~

Combat Strength: Noel has shown to be very acrobatic and agile and uses this to deal devastating attacks to his enemies.

Strategic/Intellect: Noel is a devious trap master and clever strategist.

~ Team ~

VNLA (Vanilla)

@LoopyHoopz14 Vanilla, Arvin @StoneWolf18 Lund @Sullivanity:

~ Extra/Other ~

His father works at Fortress Academy.



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(image by hearts-and-pins)

~ Name ~

Arvin Valentine

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~



VNLA (with @LoopyHoopz14 as Vanilla, @Cloud Nagasake as Noel, and @StoneWolf18 as Lund)

~ Semblance ~

Adaption: When Arvin is attacked by a dust-based strike, he can temporarily use the elemental affinity of the dust. Important to note is that while he is still damaged by the attack, using the same elemental strike on him tends to become progressively less effective (literally fighting fire with fire doesn't really work). This is also his semblance's downfall; taking on the traits of one element can make him less effective against another.

~ Weapon ~

Richter and Henker:His weapons are Richter and Henker (German for "Judge" and "Executioner"), Richter is a serrated and slightly curved sword, while Henker is both the sword's sheath and a saw-blade launcher. When Richter is unsheathed, it's serrations interlock with the saw-blade causing it to spin, and a pistol grip that extends from Henker gives Arvin the ability to fire the saw-blade or keep it as a melee weapon.

~ Personality ~

Arvin is extremely carefree and lazy, with his head always in the clouds. He will fight only to help others, not reacting to racism against his faunus nature. Although he is not overly naive, he will try to befriend everyone, believing that nobody can be completely bad. Arvin tends not to hold grudges. Due to his temperament, it may seem hard to believe that Arvin's dream is to eventually achieve world peace. This is the main reason why someone of his personality enrolled in a Military academy like Fortress. Arvin enjoys fishing, swimming, and water in general.

~Backstory ~

The Valentine family were one of the many faunus who joined the White Fang when the organization was in it's infancy. Arvin's parents where passionate activists who believed that the only way to achieve equality was through violence. This was an ultimately self destructive opinion. Arvin's parents where killed when he was 7 years old, and the young boy spent the rest of his childhood in an orphanage. Because of the fate of his parents, Arvin believes that violence and anger is not how society will one day reach equality. This belief is what has inspired Arvin to come to Fortress Academy.

~ Strong Area ~

Combat Strength, particularly tanking

~ Extra/Other ~

The one verbal insult Arvin CANNOT stand is someone making fun of his tail. Just don't do it man, just don't.​
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Dream (Full View)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6030c8cf_robinzegblu.png.2af428d1706f49930c9985849dbc9d98.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88713" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6030c8cf_robinzegblu.png.2af428d1706f49930c9985849dbc9d98.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~ Name ~

Robin Zegblu

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~

Neutral (They/Them/Their pronouns)

~ Aura Color ~

Robin's Egg Blue (Crayola Crayon)

~ Semblance ~

"Feather Wave"

When using "Feather Wave", Robin can summon a flurry of small, guided, feather-shaped missiles. Keeping them locked onto a target requires a lot a good amount of focus. When they are touched or the concentration on them is lost, the feathers will explode.

~ Weapon ~

"Feza and Taron"(Feather and Talon in Japanese)

"Feza and Taron" are two sickles that can also become boomerangs that Robin built himself, as tradition in the Zegblu family. The blades can be released from their handles with the push of a button on the side. The handle and the blade are connected by a wire similar to one in a grappling hook inside, as well as fitting in the slot when not released. Feza has a small Zegblu "F" on it and goes into the right hand, and Taron has a small Zegblu "T" on it, and goes into the left. They are always introduced in the order of "Feza and Taron" Robin gets somewhat offended when they are addressed in the wrong order.

~ Personality ~

Robin is a very traditional person. They are quite mysterious and seemingly stoic to those who don't know them very well. At first, they're timid, but mostly because their [major Remnant language] isn't the greatest. However, they can pretty sarcastic and brutally honest at times, not knowing how to filter themself. They have no sleep schedule, just different designated periods for napping. He's surprisingly draws very well, typically keeping some sort of sketchbook in their hands under the cloak they wear at all times. They only open or remove the cloak for fights to allow more free movement.

~ Backstory (WIP*) ~

The Zegblu line has their own unique language and for being very bird-like, although not being faunus-exclusive. Robin is no exception to this, seeing as how they also fall into this. Sometimes they write in the language without realizing it or make sounds similar to squawks when startled. The Zegblu line is from the forests of Vale, typically having high treetop houses and homes to avoid the Grimm below. They have some dwellings on the edge of cities, hence how Robin even discovered the academy existed in the first place. Although it is uncommon for a Zegblu to leave home to live elsewhere for things like institution, Robin had no problem becoming the first.

~ Strong Area ~


~ Team ~

SFVR (Sapphire) @shadowdude505 @Mollisol @StoneWolf18



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(Has a silver cross hair symbol on his jacket)

~ Name ~

Silver Winchester

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~


~ Team ~


@Cry U 945 @WiLeo @rooke

~ Semblance ~

Ice Veins - Silver is immune to the cold and can't get hypothermia. Opponents that use Ice Dust can still freeze him, but it doesn't slow him down as long as people who aren't used to the cold.

~ Weapon ~

IceBringer - A scythe/sniper rifle that Silver loads with Ice Dust to add freezing effects to his attacks. In sniper rifle form his weapon fires ice blasts that can freeze opponents. In scythe mod Ice Dust covers the blade for freezing potential. Both weapon modes can vent out Ice Dust to freeze opponents.

~ Personality ~

Silver is a cold individual that guards his emotion. He's soft-spoken, sarcastic, and throws out his opinions no matter how cold-hearted they are. Silver is sharp-witted, serious, and has no regard for silliness when on a mission. Silver takes battles seriously and is extremely focused on the job at hand. He's always determined to finish the job he's on and will try to fight through obstacles.

Despite the appearance that he doesn't care about anyone, Silver has a militaristic mind set and is loyal to his team. Though his loner mentality makes it hard for people to get to know him better, it is clear that Silver likes to keep his weapon clean and has a personal attachment to his grandfather's dog tags. He looks up to his dead grandfather as a hero and wants to dutifully serve Remnant by fighting for peace.

~Backstory ~

Silver's family has a military and Huntsmen background. His Hunter grandfather, Flint Winchester, fought for peace in the Great War and his father, Steel Winchester, is a Sergeant in the Atlesian military. Living in Atlas, Silver was raised primarily by his mother, Amber Winchester, since his dad was usually busy working for the military. Silver went to school to prepare himself for a life in the military. When he wasn't at school or wasn't busy being the "man of the house" and looking out for his little sister Topaz, Silver would read his grandfather's journals.

After repeatedly reading the journals, Silver decided to become a Hunter. With his father's help, Silver built his weapon IceBringer and based it on his grandfather's weapon while updating it a little. Silver continued his combat focused schooling, but this time preparing himself to join one of the higher graded Huntsmen Academies. Silver graduated with flying colors and is starting the end of his Huntsmen education at Fortress Academy.

~ Strong Area ~


~ Extra/Other ~

He's a human.​
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Bebe Blau


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60a52b27_bebeblau.png.d09cf53001de8bca6ae684d33ce4d681.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88995" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60a52b27_bebeblau.png.d09cf53001de8bca6ae684d33ce4d681.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~ Age ~ 16

~ Gender ~ Female

~ Aura Color ~ Baby blue

~ Semblance ~ "Statues" Bebe can summon statue-like clones of herself made of chunky rock and indicolite crystals. The clones can't move, but they are difficult for others to move, and are relatively hard to break.

~ Weapon ~ "Rose of Sharon." A riot shotgun whose barrel can fold inward to give Rose of Sharon a more streamlined appearance, allowing it to be used as a bludgeon. Aesthetically-placed nails, studs, and crystals emerge from the stock of Rose of Sharon whenever Bebe flips it around and decides to use it as a bludgeon. For safety reasons, whenever Bebe is holding Rose of Sharon by what would be the barrel, it loses all functionality as a gun until she holds it like a proper firearm again.

~ Personality ~

Kind of has a "mean big sister" complex - she's very controlling and criticizes a lot of things, and tells herself this is to protect others, but honestly, this is because she can't stand not being in control or not feeling important. She values control above all things, and in her ideal world, she'd be Everyone's Big Sister and everyone would take her advice, more like the Queen of Everything.

She has a fairly developed sense of aesthetics, and shuns anything or anyone that she considers ugly (this includes the majority of faunus). However, she wants to surround herself with beautiful things, and can usually be found idly rearranging objects or critiquing the looks people around her, making sure it all fits into her tousled-but-tidy baby blue aesthetic. She is also one to keep up appearances - she'd be the ideal PR girl if she wasn't such a control freak, but is usually the type to put the appearance of someone's happiness above their real feelings.

~Backstory ~

Bebe grew up in a middle-class family with six younger siblings. The younger siblings got all the attention as heads of their classes, adorable twins that finished each others' sandwiches, beauty queens, or (in the case of the twins) budding child stars, while Bebe was a simple artist who always had to play stage manager to her more popular siblings. She became a Huntress because she wanted to make a life for herself, and her weapon is in fact forged as a work of art. She still can't quite let go of her big sister tendencies, though.

~ Strong Area ~ Strategy/Intellect OR Balanced/Leadership Role


With @Airebsi 's Rosa and @Darynoch 's Gray



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Roy Sivila






Roy stands at 5'3" tall and weighs about 140 lbs. He wears light grey sleeveless coat with a blue song-sleeved shirt under it. His pants are black with dark blue strips on the sides and his sneakers are dark blue. He always wears his weapon gloves whether in class or in the streets. Roy's emblem is a round shield with angel wings in the center that is placed on his gloves and the right breast of his coat. His hair is black, short, and spiked with dark blue hilights.

~Aura Color~

Royal Blue


Holy Barrier:

Roy's semblance can be used to create fairly durable shields of energy. The shields can be created withing a five yard radius of Roy. The shields can als be enlarged and strengthened, but doing this costs more energy. Once his energy is depleted, Roy needs to rest to regain the strength needed to create more shields. If completely depleted, it would take about one and a half days for Roy to regain his energy.

Roy hopes that, with enough prectice, he will be able to produce more stronger and larger shields without burning himself out. He practices nearly every day in order to become strong enough to protect everyone he loves and cares for.


The Guardian Angels:

Form 1

Roy has named his weapons th Guardian Angels. While inactive and not in use, Roy's weapons take the form of two blue and silver forearm gloves. They have a stong, thin outer armor and a thin case-like piece on the top. On top of the case is an indent where crystallized dust can be inserted and behind the case is a slightly thicker and smaller circular case. On top of the circular case is a print of Roy's personal emblem: a circular shield with angel wings spreading from its bottom.

Form 2

Inside of the case-like piece, rests a blade that resembles that of a katar. The blade can be infused with dust when crystallized dust is inserted into the case's indent. The blades can change forms or have different additional affects depending on what type of dust is used. Roy tends to use lightning and ice dust when fighing with his blade, but will also use other types. If Roy needs to, the blade can be detatched from the gauntlet and be used as a whip while connected to a cable that iis contained in the circular case behind the blade.

Form 3

Each blade can split apard and slide onto the sides of the gauntlet to reveal a hidden firearm inside of the blade's case. The dust that can be infused in the blade can also used with the bullets. The main types of dust that Roy uses for his bullets are fie, lightning, and wind. Just like the blade, the firearm can be detatched along with the blade and used like a gun whip. Roy also has a scope that can be clipped onto the side of his right gauntlet.


Roy is naturally cheerful and helpful. He is always happy to make new friends. Is someone is being bullied or dicriminated, Roy is always complelled to help the victim. He can usually stay calm in most situations, but when things connect to him on an emotional level, he can lose his cool. When making friends, he usually sticks to befriending fannus.



-Antique goods

-Helping others



-Fannus discrimination

-Being made fun of

-Spicy food



Roy was born into a slum-like area inhabited by more fannus than humans. His parents worked wherever they could to get money or food. During this time in his life, Roy learned how hard life could be. Though times were tough he made friends and helped support his family in any way he could. By the time Roy was about ten, his parents had finally saved up enough money to move elsewhere in Vale. Afer settling into their new home, the Sivila's needed a way to keep food on the table and pay for Roy's education. They created a pawn shop out of their home so they could buy and sell things that they may or may not need. One day when Roy was thirteen, he came home from shopping to find a wounded fannus woman lying on the floor of the pawn shop. She had been involved in a violent mugging by two human men. They took the woman in until she was fully healed and able to take care of herself. After this event, the family helped many fannus and the occasional human who needed it and gained a reputation for it. Roy decided that when he grew up he wanted to help people who can't help themselves. After finding out about Atlas Acadamy Roy worked as hard as he could in order to get into the school. Eventually, his hard work was rewarded and he was welcomed into the school.

~Strong Area~





Roy's parents both live and work at a family pawn shop in Vale.

Theme Song:


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-- Character Sheet --



~ Name ~

Nathan C. Vincent

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~

Crimson Red with hints of black

~ Semblance ~


Nathan's Semblence allows him to turn invisible to get an advantage against his opponents or to sneak out during the night

~ Weapon ~

Crimson Moons:

A special type of revolver that has a second barrel below the main barrel, this revolver can transform into a scythe but if duel weilded it can combine to become a double headed scythe

~ Personality ~

Nathan has a weird personality he is serious but he is really reckless at times but in competitions he is quite competative and aggresive his semblence is invisibility so you get the point aggresivenes can turn to taunting people and trying to mess up their game so in summary Nathan is a Serious, Reckless, Competative, Aggresive and kinda of spontenious person

~Backstory ~

Nathan was born to a family of Hunters and Huntresses he had an older sister four years apart, when Nathan turned 13 his Father started his training to become a hunter but after a year of training his Father said he was ready to try and duel so he chose Nathan to duel with his sister but there was an acident his sister hit him in the right with her blade and well it scarred him on the right eye now at the age of 14 his father sent him to signal where he trained under master Qrow after two years of training he went back to home to train with his sister and father but it went wrong because during training his aura started to glow his sister was excited and his father proud so they continued training until they were ambused by a pack of Grimm Bears they were overwhelmed and his father knew what had to happen so he told his two children to run as he threw his weapons to Nathan his father lure the bears away from them while the two run back home and tell their mother what happened when she heard what happend she fell onto the floor crying that he died now at the age of 16 he returned to signal more competative and serious than the years before now training with a whole new weapons two years passed now at age 18 master Qrow reccomended to the headmaster of Beacon that he should attend at Beacon as Qrow shows his skills they agree and now Nathan is headed to Beacon

~ Strong Area ~

Balanced slightly stronger and smarter

Due to training under Qrow he trained himself to become more durable and stronger and learned strategies in beating opponents and finding weakpoints

~ Extra/Other ~

~ Team ~

None right now​
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You wanna bet on that?”

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-4_11-20-10.png.7d760663dbe78a6b4f05edc6cac65d74.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89483" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-4_11-20-10.png.7d760663dbe78a6b4f05edc6cac65d74.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Stands at 5'11”, 170 lbs.

~ Name ~

Rayne Grey

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~




~ Aura Color ~


~ Semblance ~


Rayne's semblance allows him to shift probability in his favor, but every shift causes an opposite reaction in one way or another. It could even all build up and blow up in his face. His ability heavily influences his fighting style, basing it around dodging and counters while influencing luck around him into his favor.

~ Weapon ~

Gambit and Risk-

Fires chainblades attached to bracers on each of Rayne's forearms. The chains are incredibly long at their full length, but are rarely out at their max. Gambit (on his left) houses a blade while Risk (right) houses a hook. They aren't capable of extreme damage to large creatures of Grimm, but are suited for quick strikes with a strong final blow.

~ Personality ~

Rayne is a laid back person who doesn't really want to be at the academy, but is there due to his loyal and protective nature. He makes friends quickly and doesn't have any real problems with anyone unless they hate faunus. But his carefree attitude could potentially irritate others who actually want to be at Fortress. He can also be rather cocky due to his semblance, often making bets in the middle of a fight.

~Backstory ~

Rayne was born to a poor family, almost immediately being forced onto the streets. His father became an active member of the White Fang; while his mother left shortly after unable to cope with her husband's membership. With his family falling apart, the young faunus ran away and began the life of a successful petty thief and pickpoctet, avoiding being even caught most times. On the streets he met plenty of people and future friends who were mostly accepting of his faunus heritage and taught him new tricks and techniques to improve.

For years, Rayne was on his own before a runaway girl crossed his path and the two soon became inseparable. She helped him win the fights when he got caught by whoever and taught him how to truly fight, while he taught her how to survive in the city without money. He learned about aura and semblances like a hunter would, as well as how to brandish weapons and not just use his fists. They became quite the pair of thieves, plotting and stealing whatever they pleased. Their boldness only grew once they developed their semblances more, gaining greater control. They moved up from petty thieves to master criminals, able to escape whatever trouble they found.

When the runaway decided to pursue a bigger and better life Rayne accompanied her to her home, learning more and more about his companion. It was here he received Gambit and Risk and trained to use the unique weapons. Upon returning, Rayne signed up for the academy as well to look after his friend. He somehow was accepted, probably due to a poor background check on the academy's part.

~ Strong Area ~


Rayne's fighting style is based around him being more agile and countering attacks and noting their weaknesses as well as analyzing their fighting style.

~ Extra/Other ~

Rayne is a monkey faunus and scarred from his various beatings in the past. He has had some tattoo work to cover some areas; mostly of symbols of luck and predatory animals as well as his left shoulder having a Grimm armor design merged with his scarring. The faunus is incredibly hyperactive and fidgets with a lighter bearing his emblem, sometimes accidentally sparking it and lighting objects on fire. He also likes to think of himself as a ladykiller, although he mostly just falls in love with their visual appearance and tries to charm them.


Don't blink!”

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-4_11-20-10.png.9de87a36bfa19ffa83885a5a304ee198.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89484" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-4_11-20-10.png.9de87a36bfa19ffa83885a5a304ee198.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Stands at 5'6”, 135 lbs

~ Name ~

Trinity Prisma

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~



(Name TBD)

~ Aura Color ~

It's not pink, its lightish red.

~ Semblance ~


Trinity can travel anywhere almost as fast as a blink of an eye, as long as it is in her line of sight. The process involves her moving in a linear path to her target and. She cannot teleport through objects of solid matter and can be injured during her "blinks" by being obstructed; which leaves her startled and dazed, or hit during the process; a feat of either incredible luck or skill.

~ Weapon ~


Twin scimitars that connect and form a high power bow. The arrows are collapsible, stored in special quivers attached to Trinity's thighs and a normal one on her back. She is also accurate with throwing weapons, able to throw her collapsed arrows with deadly precision.

~ Personality ~

Trinity is unexpectedly bubbly and naïve based on her background, but she is incredibly friendly. Her mind bounces from topic to topic and she often blurts out whatever is most prominent in her head. But when fighting or stealing, Trinity's mind switches and becomes incredibly tactical and stays focused on the task at hand. It is almost unbelievable how well she manages herself in a battle situation and can devise plans on the fly, contradicting her airheadedness.

~Backstory ~

Trinity was born into a rather well off family; her father being a weaponsmith and forger, her mother a former huntress turned housewife. Her parents always wanted what was best for her, so when she decided to become a huntress, they started training her, making sure she would be fully aware and prepared for whatever challenges she may face in the life of a huntress. Her father taught her how to fight in unarmed combat as well as use anything and everything to her advantage in a fight, while her mother taught her how to swordfight and shoot with precision.

Then the pressure to train strained the young girl and she ran away on a whim, thinking that she could just return whenever. Realizing that going back would end up horrible for her, she ran to the city and met a young thief, barely older than her. He taught her how to survive on the streets and she taught him how to fight in return. She was taught the ways of thievery and the best ways to avoid getting caught. Trinity put all her training to use when devising plans for raids or just escapes and backup plans for everyday stealing.

After a few years of ignorance, she decided to finally return home; her best friend accompanied her. There she apologized to her father, telling him about how she still wanted to become and huntress and learned that her mother had returned to her previous life. Her father gave her a gift, a weapon made on the day she ran away intended for her congratulations on being ready. He deemed her to be ready enough after a short time of evaluating her progress and fabricated a pair of weapons for her friend. She was initially annoyed at her companion for enrolling at Fortress with her, but happy she would know someone there as well.

~ Strong Area ~


Despite her attitude and appearance, Trinity is an excellent strategist from being a thief and her training when she was younger.

~ Extra/Other ~

Trinity has heterochromia iridium, one orange-brown eye and one green-blue eye. Additionally, she has a bad habit of smoking and is constantly blasting music out of her headphones. Also, hold onto your wallets and other valuables as her fingers are particularly sticky. Once they are gone, its pretty unlikely that you will get them back. Unless she really likes you. Or finds you attractive, then its flirting. She has an odd and random fear of clowns and the circus from when she first ran away (Do not bring it up. I mean it. Don't. It will end up bad for you. -Rayne).

Excuse me.”

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-4_11-20-10.png.756aeb43c43199590f3f81cbf4ea2df5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89482" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-4_11-20-10.png.756aeb43c43199590f3f81cbf4ea2df5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Stands at 6'2”, 190 lbs

~ Name ~

Koal Tyre

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~




~ Aura Color ~


~ Semblance ~


Koal's aura creates an impenetrable shield before him that blocks attacks and protects him from harm. He can charge forward with great concentration, but is exposed from behind and both sides. Attacking or being struck breaks his concentration and leaves him vulnerable.

~ Weapon ~

Earth Orchid-

A multiform weapon that Koal uses most heavily in its double-edged broadsword form. The blade can extend and reshape into a lance or the hilt can lengthen to a pole weapon. The transformations occur with enough power to launch Koal up or knock an unsuspecting opponent backwards.

~ Personality ~

Koal is a true gentleman due to his upbringing; he is polite and chivalrous but can also be rather quiet, leading others to believe his is a bit of a stick in the mud. But he can still have fun enjoy life just as much as the next person. He is a protective person and grows attached to those around him quickly. He is a rather humble person, often downplaying himself and uplifting others.

~Backstory ~

Koal was orphaned at a young age, never meeting his true parents. For years he was the runt at the orphanage and was passed up on adoptions. But unlike some of the other kids, as he got older, Koal never gave up hope of a better life. He knew fate would not have him sit in an orphanage all his life and that he would be destined for bigger and better things.

When his time finally came, his adoptive parents were wealthy entrepreneurs who supplied him with anything one could ever want. Koal received whatever he asked for, so when he said he wanted to be a hunter he was shocked to get minimal support. He learned that he was adopted to hopefully take over the family business after his grooming and being a hunter was the last thing they wanted from their child.

His mind refused to change and he eventually gained some support for his future, attending lower academies and schools to train until he was accepted into Fortress. Koal grew and grew, improving on his fighting abilities and control of his semblance. He forged his own weapon and showed that he would do whatever it took to make it into Fortress and become a hunter for the kingdom of Atlas. So when the day came and he learned of his acceptance, the young man was overjoyed and packed his belongings right away.

~ Strong Area ~

Combat Strength/Stamina

Koal is exceptionally strong to be able to wield Earth Orchid effectively and swiftly. He is able to take a lot of hits due to his semblance and sturdiness.

~ Extra/Other ~

Koal is rather eager to prove himself as capable and worthy of being at the academy, both to himself and his parents. Has a big weak spot for those in need and will always help. He is another person you shouldn't bring up the past around, but more so because he might bore you with his uneventful childhood until he was adopted.

@Kiyoko Tomoe I hope you like the additions.



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A.N.- Kiyo, lookit what I did O.o It could be fun if you're up for accepting Quiet and planning 'silent' things with me xD

An albino Panther Faunus, Quiet's heritage is put on example in her teeth, ears and, though seldom used, claws that can come from her feet and hands.​

~ Quiet ~

~ 19 ~

~ Female ~

~Panther Faunus~

~ Pulsing White ~

~ Beat'n'Flow ~

Fine manipulation of soundwaves and a penchant for music allow Quiet to both communicate with fellows, as well and ruin a battle field at the mere snap of her fingers. Further more, once she starts a battle tempo, Quiet's entire body falls into line with the rhythm of the music and the momentum of this allows her to withstand blows that would usually put her down otherwise.

~ Resonance Harmoniser ~
Essentially a big hula hoop that can cut Grimm in twain, the Resonance Harmoniser is a favourite of Quiet's, both because it's an odd weapon that confuses people, but also because it aids in her flowing, dance like fighting style. Aside from being able to fold and collapse to a third of its length, the Resonance Harmoniser is actually a simple blade and little else.

~ Personality ~

Friendly and relatively open, Quiet's current life is a stark contrast from where she came from. Despite this she does her best to see the good in the world, and will often go out of her way to help others, even when she knows she won't benefit from it at all.

Despite how the world tends to be slighted against Faunus, Quiet can't bring herself to even generally dislike them. Over all she feels that the world simply needs a few good nudges in the right direction is all, and that if she doesn't try, then she's not doing the right thing.

In battle Quiet tends to keep things mellow, generally not giving too much heed or worry over her aggressors. When facing Grimm she tends to be a lot less forgiving than when facing people, in which she tends to take a far less aggressive and more playful route, showing that she doesn't mean them any harm whilst focusing on disarming and stunning techniques.

Despite her skills, Quiet is also a proficient medic, and will often aid anyone hurt on field as soon as possible, and has even halted sparring matches when she's realised her opponents bodies have had enough, even if their mind and attitude haven't. Always focused on helping people first, Quiet's ultimate goal is to become a fine mix of a Medic and Huntress, and to protect the people of the world.

~Backstory ~

When she was younger a mob of humans, angry at the Faunus for, well, existing, attacked a market place that Quiet and her family were at. During the incident it is believed that Quiet's mother, father and twin sister were all killed in the fighting. Despite this, the young girl was found in the middle of the carnage by a young detective who had, along with his wife, recently lost their own daughter due to birth complication.

After speaking with her, they agreed to take the Faunus youth in as their own and raise her as they would have their own birth daughter, ensuring that Quiet never grew up feeling out of place, even if she was.

This had a profound effect on the girl, who grew up seeing the good in the world versus the bad, and as she grew she became curious, always wondering why her 'dad' would leave for long periods of time. This is when she found out he worked in law enforcement, making sure people were safe to live their lives the way they wanted to.

Coupled with the kindness the pair had already given her by adopting her, Quiet was impacted by this and quickly set her sights on finding a place in the world that would allow her to do the same. This eventually led the girl to train vigorously, and ultimately have it pay off as she was accepted into Fortress Academy, where she hopes to see her plans for the world begin to bear fruit.

~ Strong Area ~

General support. While she can fight frontlines without issue, Quiet's ultimate strength is watching the battle as it progresses, and then lending a hand where needed while provided protection and medical aid when needed.

When fighting, she often dances to her own music via her semblance, which gives her an erratic and unpredictable movement on the field.

~ Theme ~

-- Character Sheet --


~ Name ~


~ Age ~



Gorilla Faunus

~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~

Dark brown, same color as fur.

~ Semblance ~

Regeneration. Maroon can regenerate a limb in about 24 hours. He needs to eat a lot in order to use this ability.

~ Weapon ~

The Grimm Cook Book


The Grimm Cook Book is a spell book filled with glyphs that can be activated with dust. The book can only be used with aura so you must know the page you want to turn to in order to use it. The book and knowledge of it's use have been passed down in Maroon's clan. Many of the pages have not been discovered yet. The book is bound to Maroon and can be summoned to his person using dust.

~ Personality ~

Maroon is easy going and easily distracted. He rarely gets angry. Sometimes he might act a little strangely since this is his first time away from his secluded clan.

~Backstory ~

Maroon grew up in a small village of faunus on the outskirts of human civilization. They were about as far as anyone could live in Grimm territory without being completely overrun. His tribe, due to their physical strength and knowledge of using auras with dust, were able to protect their home from Grimm while distancing themselves from the hostile segregation that humans display towards faunus. Maroon's community was to remote to get caught up in the White Fang. For the first time Maroon has decided to venture to human civilization in order to seek a more adventurous life. He hopes to find a way to rid his town of grimm. Becoming a hunter seems like a good way to accomplish this.

~ Strong Area ~

10 times stronger then your average human. Senses higher then a human but not as heightened as some faunus. Maroon has good instincts.

~ Extra/Other ~

Maroon can't swim.

-- Character Sheet --


~ Name ~

Morgenrot "Morgan" Nostradamus​

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~


~ Semblance ~


Split into positive and negative feedback; Feedback will either heal someone who is hurt and strengthen the aura of those around her, or in the case of negative feedback, weakening aura usage in a certain range. The use of feedback takes most of Morgan's energy and requires her not to move while using it.

~ Weapon ~


A gun that shoots syringes. I hope you like needles. Syringes have dust in them, or in some special cases they may contain a combination of dust and her own aura, which can be used for healing.​

~ Personality ~

Morgan likes to be....a little over the top. She can be loud and flamboyant, but also likes to just sit and watch the world around her. Morgan always puts the well being of any given individual over anything else. She hates fake smiles.

~Backstory ~

Morgan was raised like a standard child, there was nothing really strange about her. She decided early on that she wanted to become a Huntress, but still kept her interest in medicine. She married the two ideas when she started training as a medic and threw herself into studying.

~ Strong Area ~


~ Extra/Other ~

Her love for Grimm design is only second to her love for hunting them



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6383da18_Mediccopy.jpg.bfc6f37e4887807ec08e412005eee74d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90795" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6383da18_Mediccopy.jpg.bfc6f37e4887807ec08e412005eee74d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Crimson Rubrum

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Aura Color: Varying shades of red, somewhat dependent upon his mood

Semblance: ShatterGlass, Crimson's semblance, is a trade-off. Crimson 'shatters' his Aura shielding in order to increase the amount of damage he does per hit. ShatterGlass's greatest strength, however, is that it removes a cap on how much aura can use, so to speak. Most people pass out, or their Aura literally gives out after too much exertion, but Crimson's ShatterGlass will continue to sap him for strength beyond that point. Crimson, if not cautious, can literally turn his life force into energy, killing himself in the process.

Weapon: Crimson's main weapon is Scarlet Reaver, a massive cleaver-like broadsword that is great for non or lightly armored opponents. Scarlet Reaver can also shift into a large, long-handled warhammer great for taking on armored opponents. Crimson's ranged option is Bloodshot, a Shotgun attached to his wrist that uses slug rounds.

Personality: Crimson is pretty laid back. He likes relaxing, but doesn't mind pushing his limits as long as he understands the specifics of why. He hates being left in the dark on things. He's got one heck of a pain tolerance as well, physical and emotional, as ShatterGlass has given him more than a few scars that won't fade, and pushing his semblance even slightly beyond the limit can unearth excruciating levels of pain. Crimson has a temper too, and despite it's ferocity, it's inconsistent. Sometimes he'll get slightly frustrated at small things quickly, and sometimes he'll hold back all his anger until he snaps. Crimson really has two settings- "let's do stuff",in which he has to get out and do something, and "I'm dead." In which he seemingly forgets what moving is.

Backstory: Crimson's father left him when he was young and his mother died soon after, leaving him to be raised by his extended family. His grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousins were all packed into one large house where he grew up with them. Crimson became a Hunter-in-training mostly on a whim, at least as far as his family knows. He was sent to Signal at the appropriate age. Scarlet Reaver is a family heirloom that Crimson's great-great-grandfather supposedly used against the Grimm in his day, though there's no proof aside from his grandad's stories.

Weaknesses: Crimson's temper can screw him over, especially working in tandem with his semblance. Crimson also isn't a very fast fighter, preferring to hit harder and take more hits than to hit faster and get out of the way.

Strengths: Crimson can tank a hit like a champ and can fight through pain. Crimson hits like dragon-fire too, so even though he's not fast, his hits can definitely make up for it with raw power.

Strong Area: Combat Strength

Crimson is a frontline tank who excels in the thick of a battle.


"Ya know my motto? When you get hit, hit back harder, and make sure you go down swingin'."

"Crimson.exe has stopped functioning, wake me up later."

"I swear, you say one more word and I can't be held accountable for what I do next!"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.212b56448d4373c406a7e4d3d500c518.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92065" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.212b56448d4373c406a7e4d3d500c518.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Team: CROW

C: @CryU945

R: @rooke

O: @WiLeo

W: @shadowdude505

Theme: Indestructible by Disturbed




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Thepotatogod said:
-- Character Sheet --
[Largely WIP due to appearance]


~ Name ~

Abo'r Scattir

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~


~ Semblance ~

"Grey Dust"

~ Weapon ~

"Dust Cutter" a cutter that is a size of knife, a particular feature is it's hilt is also some sort of pistol. The length of it's cutter end is up to a short sword's length.

~ Personality ~

When around people, he could be polite, and kind. that's when he's not in battle. When engaged in a battle, he shows no mercy. Especially on the Grimm.

~Backstory ~

Born at a family of nomads near atlas, he was trained on the usage of knives when young. when he was 10, he moved away from his family due to a Grimm attack. He was forced into atlas. He started living with a man who he treats as his father. that man thought him how to use pistols as his sub weapon alongside his "Dust Cutter". Currently resides at that man's basement. where he upgraded his blade.

~ Strong Area ~

His mostly quick and agile. Can deal multiple blows on one spin.

~ Extra/Other ~

He has little Dust containers inside his gloves. This is where he hides his ashes.


SUKA(Saffron, Umbra, Koal, Abo'r)(Waiting for affirmation of @Kiyoko Tomoe )

- - - -

(who wants to team? PM me if you wish)
Team name's a bit... I personally don't see how the name connects to colors, so if it doesn't then you'll need to change it. I'd like to recommend KAUS as the name, by the way, as there's an herb called the Kouse Root, and although it'd be better as KOUS for the name, KAUS sounds pretty much the same. Kouse Root could be evocative of its' whitish color, although a little difficult of a name to see as connected to color :x

Additionally, the semblance doesn't really tell me anything... Grey Dust? Please, explain what the semblance is and what it does.

PastelHuntress said:
View attachment 197809
<Appearance above>


-Eirlys Amber


-Fifteen years old



✽Aura Color✽



"Soul Bending"

Soul bending is the bending of the dark energy in one's heart or personality. When this happens a black dome will appear around Eirlys and her eyes will glow as well as her weapon. She will use this dark energy against her opponent, whether it to make her stronger or create shadow people to help her win the fight.


"Atomic Scythe"


Her scythe can turn into an axe and a small sword like blade connected by chain.


-shy when first introduced


-whiny, childish




Eirlys was born into a rich family, who used her to gain more popularity and money, with only one sibling, her sister. Her sister decided for both of them to run away. Eirlys was 6 and her sister was 11. Soon both of them ran, almost instantly being separated, Eirlys wandering off. Eirlys ended up in the Amber family, where she met her adopted brother, "Orange" Amber. The Ambers helped Eirlys defend herself and just combat in general. This created a spark in a passion for fighting. Soon she decided to go to Beacon and this is where she is now.

✽Strong Areas✽

-Combat Strength




-Eirlys' eyes can glow for no reason sometimes.

-Has various cuts, bruises, and scars around her body, some because of her past and because of herself

-Is 4'9"

-Loves dying her hair.


pridedzoey said:
We're not at Beacon, rather in Atlas, specifically Fortress Academy. Also another issue to cover, though will be covered further down in the post as majority of those I'm quoting here are those with said issue in their sheet.


(I'll find one soon enough, just.. Please suffice with a description for now)

Saffron Cadence





~aura colour~

The same as her name, a orange-ish, gold-ish hue.

~semblance ~

"All for one" and "one for all". Basically, by either playing her music out loud.. Or in her headphones she's able to..sorta distribute her aura as she see's fit either storing it up for herself (all for one) to make her able to resist more damage before her aura fails, and give her an added punch to her attacks. On the flip side(one for all) she can play the music out loud and extend her aura to her allies, and evenly distribute it about her team allowing her aura to buff her allies and help take the hits they take, the downside to this? As the energy is protecting more people, the weaker the individual benefits are. She has some degree of control over who gets the buffs... But not a whole lot, just enough to make sure that's her allies, not her opposition get the bonus. In general, the more dire the odds ( the more either her or her team is knackered) the more potent the bonus, but as with everything, it has a limit


" Hargadance" a 3 piece kit really. First a boombox that is strapped to her back... Like a book bag, that can serve as a "bass cannon". A pair of headphones that can split and turn to twin...small maces.. Or clubs. And a large staff that is inserted into the boombox to look as an antenna.

~Personality ~

Well...let's get the obvious out of the way, saffron loves music. She gives off this vibe of a casual rebel, someone who's pretty flippant about rules, but doesn't go out of her way to break them. She's very much " go with flow " a lot of the time, and can be a great person to hang out with. But, underneath the flippancy of the rules, and order lies someone who's determined to fight for those who cannot, to fight for the underdog, or the oppressed. Be it random school bullies, or the rights of a discriminated faunus. In battle she mostly takes a mix between hyperactivity, aggression, and a bit not sass into something she describes as "punk rock".

~background ~( a little bit of a WIP)

Before we get into saffron, let's talk a little bit about the past. As almost every knows, long ago there was a war... A war of...how some describe it " a war of oppression, and greed ". Many things about this time still resonate within the people at large, such as the naming of children by the fundamentals of art...colour. They did this because of the past suppression of things of a self expressive, artistic nature. Most people recognize Art at painting, sculpture, décor, but also as music, song, and dance. Well how come you never hear of that side of art. Well, there was a particular movement back in the times of this war. Now and days they're more or less rumors, or fairy tales spread around, but they existed, and they fought for their form of expression.

Saffron was born into a family who's long past relatives were embroiled into that particular conflict. She was taught about it, about how music, and the other arts were suppressed. Her family also taught her how to harness music into her aura, and use it to combat those who oppose her.

~strong area~

Pretty balanced with some focus on support.

~Appearance description because I have the art skills of a potatoe~

She has white skin, mid length hair...more in the shorter side, that's a dark gold but turns into a subtle orange the farther down you go. For a general base of outfits she goes for a clean rock and roll look, roughly meaning she'll accessorize accordingly with the wrist bands, and darker clothing, and maybe something around her neck, but remains free of tattoos, piercings, and obviously.. Crazy makeup. (Sorta the best I have... I'll get a pic up eventually... Once I find one to my liking... Until then I really do hope this works)

~extra bits~

She has learned to read lips.. As to somewhat communicate even with her headphones.

She's almost always listening to music one way or another, without it she gets.... Antsy, and if she were to ever go in combat without it....she's uncoordinated, and generally a huge downgrade...her headphones have a lock mechanism if she's expecting to go into combat to prevent them from just flying off.

~team name~

@Sullivanity[/URL] @LoopyHoopz14


5’ 7”


120 lbs

Written Appearance

Lund has a small lean build with little to no muscle, a pale complexion, bright hazel eyes, darker brown hued short hair and soft facial features. He looks a bit younger than he actually is.


“Earthguard” a longer than average scimitar combined with a sniper rifle. Both use an earth dust.


“Nature’s Will” allows Lund to commune with nearby plant life, allowing them to do a number of things whether that be feeding him energy, increasing his strength, healing wounds, or possibly even something such as concealing his skin in bark to shield him from attack. When using this his skin takes on a green hue yet Lund is also in a meditative state thus rendering him vulnerable until a firm connection has been established. This could take minutes to hours depending on if the plants accept his consciousness or not.


Lund is generally a pleasant person to be around. Social, he always loved to meet someone new. A bit humble, thinking himself to be no better then that guy over there. Intelligent, not rushing into things blindly. Calm, not one to get riled over a small dispute. Yet, despite these traits, Lund has a backbone. He can and will defend himself and those he cares for whenever possible and hopefully without physical action.


Lund was born into an average, middle class family complete with a mother, father, and twin sister. Yet, when he turned 4, things got difficult. He was out with his father looking at all the pretty dust colors in a shop as he was telling him stories of his grandfather’s great achievements like they would every week. The shopkeep always thought that this was adorable and gave him a small earth dust shard. It wasn't worth much, but was the world to the toddler. But when they exited the shop and returned home, his joy was soon crushed. The white fang had raided the building they lived in, killing all residents. His mother and sister had been home at the time so you understand what had happened. His Dad was panicking and Lund didn't know why due to being so young. So he grabbed his son and ran back to the local dust shop, having a brief exchange with the owner before running out the door leaving him behind. As Lund asked where his daddy went, the shopkeeper told him he would be back in a little bit and entertained him with various stories once more.

Years past and is father never returned. Now living with the owner of the dust shop he called Uncle Viiz, Lund learned who had been responsible for the death of his family. But unlike most who would be disgusted of Fauna, he started to develop a fear for them. And after being accepted into the academy, he hopes to overcome this, yet he's entirely sure he can.[/CENTER]
All good n' whatnot, minus the issue I'll discuss here soon in the post. Please bare with me and just scroll to the bottom of this (probably) long post regarding the acceptance of characters :x

@LoopyHoopz14[/URL] Vanilla @StoneWolf18 Lund @Sullivanity: Arvin

~ Extra/Other ~

His father works at Fortress Academy.


Pretty much alright, except tone down the weaponry from six to three/four, as well as please change the background so that it's easier to see the text. Nearly burned out my eyes to get through it xD

katseye said:
Dream (Full View)

View attachment 198660

~ Name ~

Robin Zegblü

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~

Neutral (They/Them/Their pronouns)

~ Aura Color ~

Robin's Egg Blue (Crayola Crayon)

~ Semblance ~

"Feather Wave"

When using "Feather Wave", Robin can summon a flurry of small, guided, feather-shaped missiles. Keeping them locked onto a target requires a lot a good amount of focus. When they are touched or the concentration on them is lost, the feathers will explode.

~ Weapon ~

"Feza and Taron"(Feather and Talon in Japanese)

"Feza and Taron" are two sickles that can also become boomerangs that Robin built himself, as tradition in the Zegblü family. Feza has a small Zegblü "F" on it and goes into the right hand, and Taron has a small Zegblü "T" on it, and goes into the left. They are always introduced in the order of "Feza and Taron" Robin gets somewhat offended when they are addressed in the wrong order.

~ Personality ~

Robin is a very traditional person. They are quite mysterious and seemingly stoic to those who don't know them very well. However, they can pretty sarcastic and brutally honest at times, not knowing how to filter themself. They have no sleep schedule, just different designated periods for napping. He's surprising draws very well, typically keeping some sort of sketchbook in their hands under the cloak they wear most of the time. They only open or remove the cloak for fights to allow more free movement.

~ Backstory (WIP*) ~

The Zegblü line has their own unique language and for being very bird-like, although not being faunus-exclusive. Robin is no exception to this, seeing as how they also fall into this. Sometimes they write in the language without realizing it or make sounds similar to squawks when startled.

~ Strong Area ~


~ Team ~

SFVR (Sapphire) @shadowdude505 @Mollisol @StoneWolf18

Gender = Neutral...? I'm assuming by the wording of other information that the gender's male, however please do change "Neutral" to Male or Female as there's no 'neutral' gender here... At least, not without some kind of proper go-through with me where you actually give reasoning behind it and have an actual conversation about it so that it can become known how there'd actually be a gender-neutral character in this world. Not saying it's not possible though, just that there'd have to be some kind of proper reasoning. Sorry if I'm going overboard on explaining! Bad habit of mine :'c

arcaneSentinel said:
Roy Sivila






Roy stands at 5'3" tall and weighs about 140 lbs. He wears light grey sleeveless coat with a blue song-sleeved shirt under it. His pants are black with dark blue strips on the sides and his sneakers are dark blue. He always wears his weapon gloves whether in class or in the streets. Roy's emblem is a round shield with angel wings in the center that is placed on his gloves and the right breast of his coat. His hair is black, short, and spiked with dark blue hilights.

~Aura Color~

Royal Blue


Holy Barrier:

Roy's semblance can be used to create fairly durable shields of energy. The shields can be created withing a five yard radius of Roy. The shields can als be enlarged and strengthened, but doing this costs more energy. Once his energy is depleted, Roy needs to rest to regain the strength needed to create more shields. If completely depleted, it would take about one and a half days for Roy to regain his energy.

Roy hopes that, with enough prectice, he will be able to produce more stronger and larger shields without burning himself out. He practices nearly every day in order to become strong enough to protect everyone he loves and cares for.


The Guardian Angels:

In it's inactive form, Roy's weapons take the form of two blue and sliver gloves that have light outer armor and a thin case-like piece on the tops and a circular case on top of that. By using a trigger on the glove, a blade, similar to that of a katar pops out from the case part of the glove. This is used for close-ranged combat. When the need for a longer ranged weapon arises Roy's blade can detach from the and be used as a sort of whip with the use of a thin, yet strong, cable on the spool case at the very top. It's final for had the blade split and slide to the sides of the gloves to reveal a hidden firearm component inside the blade's case.


Roy is naturally cheerful and helpful. He is always happy to make new friends. Is someone is being bullied or dicriminated, Roy is always complelled to help the victim. He can usually stay calm in most situations, but when things connect to him on an emotional level, he can lose his cool. When making friends, he usually sticks to befriending fannus.



-Antique goods

-Helping others



-Fannus discrimination

-Being made fun of

-Spicy food



Roy was born into a slum-like area inhabited by more fannus than humans. His parents worked wherever they could to get money or food. During this time in his life, Roy learned how hard life could be. Though times were tough he made friends and helped support his family in any way he could. By the time Roy was about ten, his parents had finally saved up enough money to move elsewhere in Vale. Afer settling into their new home, the Sivila's needed a way to keep food on the table and pay for Roy's education. They created a pawn shop out of their home so they could buy and sell things that they may or may not need. One day when Roy was thirteen, he came home from shopping to find a wounded fannus woman lying on the floor of the pawn shop. She had been involved in a violent mugging by two human men. They took the woman in until she was fully healed and able to take care of herself. After this event, the family helped many fannus and the occasional human who needed it and gained a reputation for it. Roy decided that when he grew up he wanted to help people who can't help themselves. After finding out about Beacon Acadamy Roy worked as hard as he could in order to get into the school. Eventually, his hard work was rewarded and he was welcomed into the school.

~Strong Area~

Speedy offensive


Roy's parents both live and work at a family pawn shop in Vale.

Theme Song:


Like a few others, the issue here is that we're not at Beacon; we're in Atlas, at the academy we've decided to call Fortress. That, and like others, please refer to the bottom of this here post :x

VirtualNotoriety said:
-- Character Sheet --



~ Name ~

Nathan C. Vincent

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~


~ Aura Color ~

Crimson Red with hints of black

~ Semblance ~


~ Weapon ~

Crimson Moons:

A Duel wielded double barreled revolver that transforms into 2 short scythes

~ Personality ~

Serious, Cocky, and competitive

~Backstory ~

Nathan Born to a family of Hunters and Huntresses his eye was scared due to an injury caused by his older brother during his first grim hunt but during his 17th hunt with the family but it went wrong when an unusual pack of beo wolves they were overwhelmed until Nathan father sacrificed his life to save his families life now at the age of 18 he left his home and now hunts Grims he retrieved his fathers revolvers and now uses it to help the people of vale

~ Strong Area ~

Balanced slightly stronger and smarter

~ Extra/Other ~

~ Team ~

None Lone wolf type

I'm sorry, but I have to be honest here... Not a character suit in the lease for this RP... For one, intangibility is not an okay semblance... Breaking the laws of physics by becoming incorporeal doesn't fit the world of RWBY. Second, we're not in Vale but rather Atlas, Fortress Academy. Third, I'm honestly looking for people with at least a little detail to their material as I don't want a bunch of one-line posts that get the story nowhere, and it honestly looks like you'd be that kind of person who'd do one-line posts. Also, the team field cannot be "None", as the academy itself assigns teams thus one cannot be a pure 'lone wolf'. Everybody has a team, although they aren't required by the laws of life to cooperate with them, but a pure lone wolf type would never be accepted into any kind of academy. I mean, there's a reason for teams, that being so there aren't any who are cocky enough to get themselves killed fighting all alone just 'cause they don't wanna work in a team. Especially considering the military-type setting of Atlas and its' academy, wouldn't be tolerated :x

Really sorry if I seem harsh or anything there, just I don't think you're suited for this RP. If you think you are, by all means do try and show me you are. I'd be more than happy to have you here if you're fit for the role of one of the players.

rooke said:
They should probably do better background checks here.”

View attachment 200105

Stands at 5'11”, 170 lbs.

~ Name ~

Rayne Grey

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~




~ Aura Color ~


~ Semblance ~


Rayne's semblance allows him to shift probability in his favor, but every shift causes an opposite reaction in one way or another. It could even all build up and blow up in his face.

~ Weapon ~

Gambit and Risk-

Fires chainblades attached to bracers on each of Rayne's forearms. The chains are incredibly long at their full length, but are rarely out at their max. Gambit houses a blade while Risk houses a hook.

~ Personality ~

Rayne is a laid back person who doesn't really want to be at the academy, but is there due to his loyal and protective nature. He makes friends quickly and doesn't have any real problems with anyone unless they hate faunus. His carefree attitude could potentially irritate others who actually want to be at Fortress.

~Backstory ~

Rayne was born to a poor family, almost immediately being forced onto the streets. His father became an active member of the White Fang, while his mother left shortly after. With his family falling apart, the young faunus began the life of a successful petty thief and pickpoctet, avoiding being even caught most times. For years, Rayne was on his own before a runaway crossed his path and the two were inseparable. She helped him win the fights when he got caught by whoever and taught him how to truly fight, while he taught her how to survive in the city without money. When she decided to pursue a bigger and better life he accompanied her to her home and received his weapons. Upon returning, Rayne signed up for the academy as well to look after her. He somehow was accepted, probably due to a poor background check on the academy's part.

~ Strong Area ~

Perception and agility

Rayne's fighting style is based around him being more agile and countering attacks. Being a rouge-ish type, he likes to keep things in close quarters and strike silently. He is also able to see in the dark because he is a faunus.

~ Extra/Other ~

Rayne is a monkey faunus and scarred from his various beatings in the past. He is incredibly hyperactive and fidgets with a lighter bearing his emblem.

See ya later!”

View attachment 200106

Stands at 5'6”, 135 lbs

~ Name ~

Trinity Rosea

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~



~ Aura Color ~

It's not pink, its lightish red.

~ Semblance ~


Trinity can teleport anywhere as long as it is in her line of sight.

~ Weapon ~


Twin scimitars that connect and form a high power bow. The arrows are collapsable, stored in special quivers attached to Trinity's thighs and a normal one on her back. She is also accurate with throwing weapons, able to throw her collapsed arrows with precision.

~ Personality ~

Trinity is unexpectedly bubbly and naïve based on her background, but she is incredibly friendly. Her mind bounces from topic to topic and she often blurts out whatever is most prominent in her head. But when fighting or stealing, Trinity's mind switches and becomes incredibly tactical and stays focused on the task at hand.

~Backstory ~

Trinity was born into a rather well of family; her father being a weaponsmith and forger, her mother a former huntress turned housewife. Her parents always wanted what was best for her, so when she decided to become a huntress, they started training her. Then the pressure to train strained the young girl and she ran away on a whim, thinking that she could just return whenever. Realizing that going back would end up horrible for her, she ran to the city and met a thief. He taught her how to survive on the streets and she taught him how to fight in return. After a few years of ignorance, she decided to finally return home. There she apologized to her father, telling him about how she still wanted to become and huntress and learned that her mother had returned to her previous life. Her father gave her a gift, a weapon made on the day she ran away.

~ Strong Area ~

Strategy and Perception

Trinity is an excellent strategist and has good perception from being a thief. She is a ranged fighter, but is fully capable with her scimitars.

~ Extra/Other ~

Has a bad habit of smoking. Also, hold onto your wallets and other valuables. She also has a fear of clowns and the circus.

Excuse me.”

View attachment 200104

Stands at 6'2”, 190 lbs

~ Name ~

Koal Tyre

~ Age ~


~ Gender ~




~ Aura Color ~


~ Semblance ~


Koal's aura creates an impenetrable shield before him that blocks attacks and protects him from harm. He can charge forward with great concentration, but is exposed from behind and both sides. Attacking or being struck breaks his concentration.

~ Weapon ~

Earth Orchid-

A multiform weapon that Koal uses most heavily in its broadsword form. It can split down the middle to become two separate swords or submachine guns. The last form is a double ended pole weapon used mostly for distancing or a tool in mobility due to its low practicality in combat.

~ Personality ~

Koal is a true gentleman due to his upbringing; he is polite and chivalrous but can also be rather quiet, leading others to believe his is a bit of a stick in the mud. But he can still have fun enjoy life just as much as the next person. He is a protective person and grows attached to those around him quickly.

~Backstory ~

Koal was orphaned at a young age, never meeting his true parents. For years he was the runt at the orphanage and was passed up on adoptions. When his time finally came, his adoptive parents were wealthy entrepreneurs who supplied him with anything one could ever want. Koal received whatever he wanted, so when he said he wanted to be a hunter he was shocked to get minimal support. He learned that he was adopted to hopefully take over the family business after his grooming and being a hunter was the last thing they wanted from their child. His mind refused to change and he eventually gained some support for his future, attending lower academies until he was accepted into Fortress.

~ Strong Area ~

Combat Strength/Stamina

Koal is exceptionally strong to be able to wield Earth Orchid effectively and swiftly. He is a paladin and defends his teammates with his semblance. He is able to take a lot of hits due to his semblance and sturdiness.

~ Extra/Other ~

Koal is rather eager to prove himself as capable and worthy of being at the academy, both to himself and his parents. Has a weak spot for those in need.

Save for one of the semblances, really like what you've got set up on these characters. Could use a little more detail with how much I like 'em, though that's all my fault for liking them. Basically, I'm quoting these for only two reasons; one, the semblance of teleportation. Sounds good and whatnot minus the fact it messes with physics. I'd say change it to an extremely fast shifting of ones' body to a position in sight or something, using their aura to travel there although not teleportation nor speedily moving there. Basically, teleportation but with a physical state between start and end, thus allowing some kind of injury to be made possible. Just to prevent the loophole of teleporting away every time about to be injured to godmode, plus the fact that teleportation would allow going right through stuff like glass which would be a bit cheap to just look through a tiny window and instantly be inside of something like... perhaps a White Fang Rally, if I ever decide if I'm going to have one as part of the plot :P

Now then, majority of you I've quoted... The reason for most of these quoted sheets is because of complications regarding the "Strong Area" field. I see many things in them, which mostly do not belong... The Strong Area field is meant for one, and only one of the following four choices, which I shall also explain further here for the sake of better understanding.

Combat Strength

- Basically, a heavy-hitter or natural at combat. Usually does all the melee-type fighting. Think of Yang, for a rough outline of the type of character that'd go here.


- Basically, able to pick things up like weaknesses of opponents or some other things like small details most others wouldn't really notice. Your long-range fighters, if you will, though not always long-range but also often those who are precise in their strikes. Think Weiss, her weapon being a rapier which is used for fast and precise strikes. She's got a pretty keen eye after all, something you'd need for this kind of role.


- Characters that are good at coming up with strategies and plans, whether before combat, during combat, or on-the-spot like how Blake does so. Basically, able to accommodate for many situations as they're able to think fast. You don't have to be as combat-oriented as Blake is though.


- About equal in all three previously-mentioned fields. Think of Ruby, how she's good at close-range and long-range, plus can react pretty quickly to a good bit of things. Basically, the one who's to be named leader of their team, so probably best to have good leadership qualities.

For all of you with a like on your character, unless quoted here, you're 100% accepted. If both liked an quoted, it means that your issues are minor and I would be accepting of you getting started off with the RP before getting your edits in should I start the RP before you get time to make your edits and get them reviewed by me.

Now then, those of you I haven't gotten to, I'll get to tomorrow just before I start things up. It may be a bit late tomorrow though, just like how this is a good bit late. Sorry 'bout that, though I have gotten a little look at the three before last (Vei, nore, and noal), and so far see no real issues. Let's pray that I can say the same when I get a full look tomorrow!

Also, @Cry U 945, just now saw you posted a character so I'll get to you tomorrow as well.
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