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Fandom RWBY: Sins of the Future

JustJazzy said:
I'm actually prepping for AP exams (cause I'm stupid enough to take a bunch of AP classes sophomore year sigh)
What is sophomore anyway?
IG42 said:
What is sophomore anyway?
10th grade

Or second year in a 4-year college

But with the mention of AP, Im assuming its 10th grade
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]10th grade
Or second year in a 4-year college

But with the mention of AP, Im assuming its 10th grade

what a detective, see! You are special!
theManCalledSting said:
what a detective, see! You are special!
Detective? What do you mean cx i only know because...i was in 10th grade xD

Im not really special ^u^' heh...
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[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]Detective? What do you mean cx i only know because...i was in 10th grade xD
Im not really special ^u^' heh...

don't be so modest.
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]Wha- I-I-I oxo im not being modest though...just...explaining myself cx

that's our fluffy, always in denial of her own worth
JustJazzy said:
You called it - I am sophomore in high school cx

and probably the youngest person here
Yeah I know boss, I'm waiting on @Quiet to post first though because she has to react to how my character interacted with her. That's the only way to plan out my post you know?
[QUOTE="Ian Temero]Lilith pondered on what Ozpin had said. She had heard rumors that the headmaster's speeches tended to be short and less than optimistic, though this time it seemed to be positive. There was one thing that he had said that concerned Lilith. Those that will be responsible, huh? Why do I get the feeling that he might know more about that than he's letting on? Her thoughts were interrupted however as the usual familiar voice called her name.
"Hey! Lilith! Over here! It's your bestie, Mel!"

Lilith rolled her eyes. First of all, she hadn't taken her eyes off Mel so there was no reason to be trying to catch her attention. Second, for being such a shy girl, Mel really knew how to draw attention to herself. Walking up to Mel, she raised an eyebrow at her.

"'Bestie' may be a stretch." she commented, then had to think about that. If she was Lilith's only friend, did that by default make Mel her best friend? Shaking off the thought, she motioned for the smaller girl to follow. "Let's stay ahead of the crowd..."

(@theManCalledSting )

In the locker room, Lilith stopped in front of locker 689 and opened it. Into the locker she put the large weapon bag that she carried around, a dozen throwing knives that she had pulled out of her vest, and two pistols (also from her vest). Finally she took out Fang and Talon. She put the dagger on a shelf, but hesitated when it came time to put the hand canon in. This gun, the last memento she had of her father, hadn't left her side in four years. And now she was supposed to just leave it here? She shook her head and placed Talon in the locker. What was she worried about, she wondered as she closed the door and set the combination. She was in the safest place in the entire kingdom. She didn't need a weapon here.

The sound of the heavy metal piece colliding with the ground caught Lilith's attention. Turning she saw a fox faunus staring down at an ammo clip that lay on the floor. Bending down, Lilith plucked the ammo up. "Here." she said, offering it to her.

(@HoneyBear\-Kat As you may have guessed, the girl in Azure's Deja Vu is Lilith. However this Lilith does not have pink eyes, and has a regular sized, blue Aura.)

OMG I KNEW LILITH WAS THE GIRL IN HER DEJAVU i just wasnt too sure, precisely because of the eyes and such cx

Everyone is in the locker rooms after ozpins speech from what i can tell right, and initiation is "tomorrow" and we're going to the ballroom "tonight"?

+ @HoneyBear\-Kat I see someone likes persona ;3
Entarriance said:
Everyone is in the locker rooms after ozpins speech from what i can tell right, and initiation is "tomorrow" and we're going to the ballroom "tonight"?
+ @HoneyBear\-Kat I see someone likes persona ;3

i saw the picture and liked it xD idk what Persona is xDDD
I'll get to posting ASAP I'm superrrrrrrrrrrrrrr busy with stuff right now plus weekends are bad for me as my friends drag me out to do real life things. Oh and by drag I mean it I gave one of them a key to my house..biggest mistake ever they come in at will and drag me out ready or not.
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I had to go to sweet sixteen parties all weekend and -shudders- dance

i hate socializing sigh

But I'll post now sorry
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I dont like socializing either ouo and i manifest those feels into Azure, the super anti-social lil ol' fox
@theManCalledSting @HoneyBear-Kat @Hyydra @IG42

Alright, choice time! Do we want to rp the "big slumber party"? Or do we want to skip ahead to everyone getting launched off the cliff?

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