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Fandom RWBY RP characters

I wasn't wanting to mess with weapons, my emphasis was on controlling vehicles and interacting mentally with computerized things, hence the car. Yang has a bike, but I personally don't care for them. and I was thinking it's mentally exhausting to control something. And yes, he was a rich kid. I can edit in a backstory.
I still don’t know about the semblence, let’s wait and see what the admin says.

I can tell you though the car will have to be a secondary feature to your character, not a primary aspect. Mainly cause how is he suppose to function without his car? Such as seay missions, class fights, field trips, or stuff like the tournament. Yang’s bike is part of her character, but she doesn’t use it as a primary weapon source. Just keep that in mind.
The car would be situational at best, I understand. I'm hoping to be a mechanical savant. I kind of wanted to have an artificial arm with some toys installed, but thought that was too much.
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The car would be situational at best, I understand. I'm hoping to be a mechanical savant. I kind of wanted to have an artificial arm with some toys installed, but thought that was too much.
Aight, long as you understand that part.

Now, to wait upon the admin.
Let's see if I'm accepted.

Name: Zai-Zai Binx

Nickname: Zai the Cat

Age: 19

Sexuallity: Homosexual

Race: Faunas- tiger

Aura Color: Orange-y red with black stripes rippling through

Former school association: Haven Academy/Team CHEZ(Cheese)

Skills: Computer know how is second nature to him, thanks in part to his semblence. His car is another matter entirely, and because of this pet project he has a general knowledge of cars and their mechanics. In his schooling and tinkerings, he's found himself to be a practicioner of Dust usage.

Semblance: Technopath - has the ability mentally interact with various aspects of technology and bend it to his will. The more mechanical and/or computerized an object is, the easier it is to control. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, planes, scrolls, robots, all of this is potentially susceptible to his semblance. As a rule in general, the more hostile or complex an object is, the longer it takes for him to bring it under his control. Distance is also crucial, as the farther away an object is, the weaker his influence on it will be.

Fighting style: He will generally resort to attempting to use his semblance first, and then on failing that, using all of his gadgets and a combination of the two, depending on his selection at hand. And on finally resorting to his weapons, all bets are off.

Weaponry: Zai usually travels in style, with a moderately high-end two door red sports car. This dust-fueled wonder is a special project of Zai's, with many, many, many modifications to handle a variety of situations. It is capable of partial tranformation into an off-roading vehicle, and is armed with many dust-enabled defenses, as well as a direct connection to his scroll and the wealth of information of the CCT.

Always on his person is a sword-gun, emblazoned with his emblem, a gear eclipsing another gear. Using his mental abilities, he can switch out whatever loaded dust types he wants to use.

Appearance: Zai's faunas heritage is quite obvious in his striped skin. The famous stripes of the animal adorn his skin, and his skin color very much so mimics the big cat, though far less furry. As a tiger faunas, he has also been blessed with intimidating inky black claws. Golden eyes that seem to shimmer with an unknown spark adorn his sharply angular face. Normally, his sleekly muscled torso is adorned in a loosely fitting leather vest with a white button-up shirt tucked into a pair of black slacks with a series of studded belts ladden with dust cartridges. He keeps his bright red hair long on the top with the sides and back shaved off, and often enough just keeps it all pulled back in a ponytail.

Personality: Always talkative, always cheerful, and always thinking of the next move. He's a hyper bundle of energy, and always looking for the next big score or the next worthy cause, whichever way he happens to drift. Honoring the dead and fighting for the still living are very important to him, hence his wanderer lifestyle since the disbanding of team CHEZ.

Backstory: Growing up as a priveledged Faunas, Zai was always taught to be thankful for what he had, as many others were not so fortunate. His parents were figureheads of a massive collection of merchants, and as such were able to eek out a moderate sum of money to live comfortably. At a young age, however, his mother passed in a devastating Grimm attack, leaving his father to raise a rebellious child. But, that generousity his mother lived by never left him, and he began to work as a mechanic ouside of taking classes at Haven Academy, his father funding much of Zai's education, both at the academy and his tutored passion for understanding the mechanics of vehicles, seeing how the family made their fortune using them. Zai did quite well with Team CHEZ, up until one fateful day when pursuing some particularly nasty Grimm did Zai's life forever. One member did not survive the onslaught of Grimm, and another died later due to her injuries. Zai has since displayed a sense of hyper-vigilance, unwilling to let that happen again to anyone.
As my last act before I leave for awhile I accept this character the semblance is pretty cool and not OP
Yeah that's right lol. It's just easier to use on discord and is more mobile friendly to the people on phones
The Scrapmetal Circus RP I put up is about the only style I've ever participated in the entire time I played on Otakuboards. I just switch over to my laptop when working on posts. This will be an experience XD
It's not much different lol discord can be used on both mobile and computer. We have one singular server that holds a few smaller channels where you can rp, talk OOC, discuss characters, and drop in some memes for fun. Basically just have fun with it and everyone there will help as much as they can
Enime114 Enime114

I don't have discord and don't really plan too so I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to join. I will say that it would be nice if this was included in the interest check
No, the rp is taking place here, most of the ooc will be on discord.

You’ll be missing out on a lot, but you can still rp with us.
The admins and mods will make periodic announcements. But again, if you want to interact with most of us quicker, discord is the way to go. Else your be missing out in a bit of fun fun.
Welp AmethystRoze AmethystRoze I have completely ditched the last character I made and came up with a new one so

Name: Paige Noir

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Personality: Paige is a take-no-crap kind of girl and has next to no tolerance for someone being petty. She is determined and motivated by her own goals. She has set up many walls around herself and likes it that way. Paige has a tendency to be hard on herself, having this set image of how she needs to be and the what she does.


Weapon and semblance:
Fear Haze: a projection of a fear of the opponent’s. Paige can create an image before an opponent of something they fear, whether it’s a loved one dying or a giant spider. She can’t keep her image going for very long though, max of seven minutes.
Aura color: Black
Welp AmethystRoze AmethystRoze I have completely ditched the last character I made and came up with a new one so

Name: Paige Noir

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Personality: Paige is a take-no-crap kind of girl and has next to no tolerance for someone being petty. She is determined and motivated by her own goals. She has set up many walls around herself and likes it that way. Paige has a tendency to be hard on herself, having this set image of how she needs to be and the what she does.

Approved XD

Weapon and semblance:
Fear Haze: a projection of a fear of the opponent’s. Paige can create an image before an opponent of something they fear, whether it’s a loved one dying or a giant spider. She can’t keep her image going for very long though, max of seven minutes.
Aura color: Black
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Enime114 Enime114

I don't have discord and don't really plan too so I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to join. I will say that it would be nice if this was included in the interest check
Let's see if I'm accepted.

Name: Zai-Zai Binx

Nickname: Zai the Cat

Age: 19

Sexuallity: Homosexual

Height: 6'2"

Race: Faunas- tiger

Aura Color: Orange-y red with black stripes rippling through

Former school association: Haven Academy/Team CHEZ(Cheese)

Skills: Computer know how is second nature to him, thanks in part to his semblence. His car is another matter entirely, and because of this pet project he has a general knowledge of cars and their mechanics. In his schooling and tinkerings, he's found himself to be a practicioner of Dust usage.

Semblance: Technopath - has the ability mentally interact with various aspects of technology and bend it to his will. The more mechanical and/or computerized an object is, the easier it is to control. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, planes, scrolls, robots, all of this is potentially susceptible to his semblance. As a rule in general, the more hostile or complex an object is, the longer it takes for him to bring it under his control. Distance is also crucial, as the farther away an object is, the weaker his influence on it will be.

Fighting style: He will generally resort to attempting to use his semblance first, and then on failing that, using all of his gadgets and a combination of his semblance with them depending on his selection of gadgets at hand. And on finally resorting to his weapons, all bets are off.

Weaponry: Zai usually travels in style, with a moderately high-end two door red sports car. This dust-fueled wonder is a special project of Zai's, with many, many, many modifications to handle a variety of situations. It is capable of partial tranformation into an off-roading vehicle, and is armed with many dust-enabled defenses, as well as a direct connection to his scroll and the wealth of information of the CCT.

Always on his person is a sword-gun, emblazoned with his emblem, a gear eclipsing another gear. Using his mental abilities, he can switch out whatever loaded dust types he wants to use.

Appearance: Zai's faunas heritage is quite obvious in his striped skin. The famous stripes of the animal adorn him, and his skin color very much so mimics the big cat, though far less furry. As a tiger faunas, he has also been blessed with intimidating inky black claws. Golden eyes that seem to shimmer with an unknown spark adorn his sharply angular face. Normally, his sleekly muscled torso is adorned in a loosely fitting leather vest with a white button-up shirt tucked into a pair of black slacks with a series of studded belts ladden with dust cartridges. He keeps his bright red hair long on the top with the sides and back shaved off, and often enough just keeps it all pulled back in a ponytail. on his right ear is a small hoop earring with a minuscule red dust crystal on it.

Personality: Always talkative, always cheerful, and always thinking of the next move. He's a hyper bundle of energy, and always looking for the next big score or the next worthy cause, whichever way he happens to drift. Honoring the dead and fighting for the still living are very important to him, hence his wanderer lifestyle since the disbanding of team CHEZ.

Backstory: Growing up as a priveledged Faunas, Zai was always taught to be thankful for what he had, as many others were not so fortunate. His parents were the figureheads of a massive collection of merchants, with his mother being a huntress of no small caliber. As such, they were able to eek out a moderate sum of money to live by comfortably and then more over time. At a young age, however, his mother passed in a devastating Grimm attack, leaving his father to raise a rebellious child. But, that generousity and willingness to help others that his mother lived by never left Zai, it being one of his most cherished memories of her wonderful heart and a desire to continue his mother's work. Shortly after enrolling at the academy, he began to work as a mechanic outside of taking classes with his father funding much of Zai's education, both at the academy and his tutored passion for understanding the mechanics of vehicles, seeing as how the family made their fortune using them. Zai did quite well with Team CHEZ, up until one fateful day when pursuing some particularly nasty Grimm did Zai's life truely change forever. One member did not survive the onslaught of Grimm that came at them with no warning, and another died later due to her injuries. Zai has since displayed a sense of hyper-vigilance, unwilling to let that happen again to anyone.
Oops sorry for the late response definitely approved
Name: Aster Lisianthus

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Personality: Aster loves fooling around and will not waste a chance to either lift someone's spirits or annoy them to no end. He doesn't really understand the concept of personal space and will often try to hug people. He means well most of the time, but unfortunately doesn't have an 'off' button for all that hyperactive energy and will never fail to joke about things... even as he dies.

Although he's all smiles and cheer, the worst anyone can assume about him is that he's good or dumb. He's neither of those two and is not above crime and murder, if it means a goal is accomplished.

Weapon and semblance:
Black Dahlia
His lance. It doubles as a rifle as well, but he's awful at aiming. He's better off stabbing people.

Semblance: Memory Wipe
Releases a small flash of light that temporarily erases one's memory of recent events (5s-5minutes)
The memories come back, but the flash can disorient others for a while.

Aura color: Red
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Name: Aster Lisianthus

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Personality: Aster loves fooling around and will not waste a chance to either lift someone's spirits or annoy them to no end. He doesn't really understand the concept of personal space and will often try to hug people. He means well most of the time, but unfortunately doesn't have an 'off' button for all that hyperactive energy and will never fail to joke about things... even as he dies.

Although he's all smiles and cheer, the worst anyone can assume about him is that he's good or dumb. He's neither of those two and is not above crime and murder, if it means a goal is accomplished.

Weapon and semblance:
Black Dahlia
His lance. It doubles as a rifle as well, but he's awful at aiming. He's better off stabbing people.

Semblance: Memory Wipe
Releases a small flash of light that temporarily erases one's memory of recent events (5s-5minutes)
The memories come back, but the flash can disorient others for a while.

Aura color: Red

Name: Oliv Blitz
Age: 17 ???
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: ???
Race: Human
History: Not much is really known about Oliv, in fact not many people even know where he is from. It is rather strange that he opts to wear a mask most of the time, as if he has a reason to hide his face(other then masks are cool, of course). Regardless, it seems that said young man does have a tendency of...disappearing, well, "having some business" from time to time elsewhere. Though of course, few to no people really knows what he's doing when he has said "business".
Personality: Oliv is a very soft spoken individual, who doesn't always need center stage; although he has no problem taking it. For the most part, a very relaxed kind of person who rather just sit back and watch. However, don't be fooled, as Oliv does have a sense of humor in the way he speaks. Even so, Oliv does is a very cynical and skeptical kind of person, not always the first person to look on the bright side of things. Though when shit hits the fan, you can rely on Oliv to watch your back. In fact, Oliv displays a weirdly level headed and serious attitude under pressure, occasionally his humor will fall through in what he says. All in all, even in the worst of times Oliv can be rock of a support for his peers. The young man doesn't mind listening to people's problems and giving them his two cents.
Shock- A dust pistol that can transform into the baton. What’s so special about shock is that it has an extra feature for each form; electric shock. This means that it turns the hand gun mode into a taser gun and turns the baton from an ordinary baton into a shock baton.
Awe- A police blast shield with built in flash-bang lights in the front, as well as a built in bullet proof window screen that protects the shielder from the flash-bang effect.. The shield has two different abilities. Upon activation, the shield emits forward a blinding light and deafening noise that both blinds and deafens those caught in the blast radius. Upon another activation switch, the shield. shoots forward a sonic wave of sorts that pushes back anyone caught in it's blast. Both abilities can be infused with dust, thus capable of adding an elemental property to the abilities.
Flak Armor- Provides Oliv quite a bit of protection from a lot of incoming damage. What is particular special about Oliv's armor is that it's particularly good at absorbing incoming projectile damage as well as being a bit more dust resistant then most standard combat armor.

Shock Treatment- OIiv has the capability of temporarily paralyzing a body part of another person. If Oliv strikes a certain "aura nerve", as he calls it, he may even be able to disable the opponent's aura for a few moments; though that is a bit more difficult, as it requires some precision striking.
The draw back is that Oliv needs to make physical contact with the person in order to paralyze them, which requires him to get very close to his target., though he can channel it through his baton.

Theme song (optional):

Emblem (optional):
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Academy Ekko 3.jpg

Name: Dominus Leamas

Nickname: Dom'

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Personality: Pugnacious, loud, and punkish. Dominus cares little for niceties and even less for authority. Suffice to say he's not one to act friendly and chit chat, usually communicating in an angry combination of expletives and insults. Dom' lives to fight and measures a person's worth by their usefulness in a battle, having little respect for people who can't back up their words with action. Extremely abrasive, he has a tendency to poke people's buttons to try to get a reaction (or even better yet, a fight) out of others. Although he's not all terrible. If you're able to get past his prickly personality and get him to warm up to you, you'll have a grumpy pal and an extremely loyal ally by your side.

Appearance: Standing at around 5'10", Dominus has a slim but muscular physique. His hands and upper arms are covered in small scars, as well as a distinct scar running through his right eyebrow.

A simple pair of metal gauntlets able to become infused with dust for various effects. Also has a spiked piston that is extra effective at penetrating a Grimm's armor.

Semblance: Wrath - Dom' can ignite his aura, putting him into an enraged state. Increasing his speed, strength, and durability for a short time, turning him into a wrecking ball on the battlefield. However it burns through his aura very quickly, potentially leaving him completely drained and vulnerable to attacks. His main way of getting around this is by using it in very short bursts. But with each activation it becomes increasingly more difficult to pull in his temper before losing control of his semblance and just burning himself out.

Aura color: Golden
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Name: Dominus Leamas

Nickname: Dom'

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Personality: Pugnacious, loud, and punkish. Dominus cares little for niceties and even less for authority. Suffice to say he's not one to act friendly and chit chat, usually communicating in an angry combination of expletives and insults. Dom' lives to fight and measures a person's worth by their usefulness in a battle, having little respect for people who can't back up their words with action. Extremely abrasive, he has a tendency to poke people's buttons to try to get a reaction (or even better yet, a fight) out of others. Although he's not all terrible. If you're able to get past his prickly personality and get him to warm up to you, you'll have a grumpy pal and an extremely loyal ally by your side.

Appearance: Standing at around 5'10", Dominus has a slim but muscular physique. His hands and upper arms are covered in small scars, as well as a distinct scar running through his right eyebrow.

A simple pair of metal gauntlets able to become infused with dust for various effects. Also has a spiked piston that is extra effective at penetrating a Grimm's armor.

Semblance: Wrath - Dom' can ignite his aura, putting him into an enraged state. Increasing his speed, strength, and durability for a short time, turning him into a wrecking ball on the battlefield. However it burns through his aura very quickly, potentially leaving him completely drained and vulnerable to attacks. His main way of getting around this is by using it in very short bursts. But with each activation it becomes increasingly more difficult to pull in his temper before losing control of his semblance and just burning himself out.

Aura color: Golden
Your good to go!
Name: Lynae Newfield (Lynae refers to a blue flower)

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: Lynae is quite hyper and doesn't know the definition of quiet. She will bounce off the walls if something excites her and always has an easy smile for anyone around her. Lyn can get a little pouty sometimes, especially if she's hungry. She doesn't take continuous insults or degrading remarks very well and may cry if it's too much.

Lynae is not that tall (about 5'1") and is a white and blackish fox faunas.

Weapon and semblance:
Lyn has a doubled bladed staff/spear (I don't know what they're called, but it's in the picture) that can shift into a sniper rifle.
Lynae's semblance is called Ray. With it, she can either create a small ball of light in her hand, ranging in brightness for visual purposes: Or she can crank up the brightness and create a beam to blind someone as a distraction. The blindness is not a lasting effect (the person may only be blind for about 30 seconds). Her light, whichever way she uses it, only lasts for about five minutes and takes just as long for her to "recharge."

Aura color: Blue
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Name: Yuuki Onna

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Personality: Calm and quiet, Yuuki tends to keep to herself most of the time. She loves to read and play games. She's very nice and caring to anyone she is friends with or gets close to.

Appearance: Long white hair with a side shave on the left side of her head. Purple eyes. Two white fox ears adorn her head and a long fluffy white fox tail. She dresses in a battle kimono and has snake bite piercings and both her earlobes gauged. She stands at 5 feet tall. She is a Faunas born from a wolf father and a cat mother.

Weapon and semblance: Twin Katanas named "Raijin" and "Fujin" that change into a bow named "Amaterasu" that forms and fires arrows made from dust built into the bow. The bow also has a sniper scope on it to fire at longer range. Her semblance is wings of energy sprout from her back, giving her the ability to fly for a max time of 5 minutes, it takes at least 24 hours to recharge and be able to use again.

Aura color: Light Blue

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