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RWBY RP anyone?

I was walking though Vale out of boredom, Roman had no purpose for me at the moment, so I figured bothering people and window shopping was a fun way to spend my time. I was looking for someone to play a little prank on, some one who seems gullible. After walking a bit, I see the perfect target, a blonde haired boy who was looking in the windows of a shop.
Holy. Crap.

Nora and Ruby told me the new Xray and Vav comic looked awesome, but not THIS awesome! I stared, face smeared against the window, as the comic laid there, calling me. I just HAD to get it! Professor port's class are getting even longer and I'm just reading the other ones over and over at this point!

Backing away from the Window, I dug through my pockets...only to come out with a piece of lint and a penny...that turned out to be a chocolate coin Nora gave me. I slumped. This couldn't be happening! I just HAD to get it!
The boy seemed distressed, going though is pockets like crazy. Wonder what he wants from that shop? There were books and comics, going from how he looked I assumed the comic book. Didn't really seem the book type. No matter what her wanted, this was the perfect time to fool with some one. Taking money out of my pocket, I poke him, held out the money, and motioned him towards the store. It's fake money, so the it should cause some trouble in there.
(So, So, So, Sorry!)

Feeling someone poke my Arm, I looked down to see a girl with her hands out...was that...money?! "Yo-You mean it?" Gasping, I quickly took the money and crouched to hug her. "thankyouthankyouthankyou!" I yelled repeatedly before running into the store. Oh. boy, this was gonna-"

-Two Minutes Later-


After the old man with surprising strength threw me out, I got up and stared through the window, slumping. This...This can't be happening! Not my favorite comic book store!
As hilarious as it was, I almost felt bad for the guy, odd seeing as the last shed of humanity I had died a long time ago. Since I was bored and needed to past the time, I walked past him in to the store and bought a random comic, something about people hunting for achievements. Since he was looking in the window, I purposely didn't but the one in the window. I can't be too nice, I think I would kill me if I did. I walked out the door, handed the boy the comic, of course I put gum between the back page and back of the cover. After handing him the comic, I began to walk away.

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