• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.


"I say you should stop talking so much.." He didn't know it was possible for someone to annoy him so quickly. He decided to heed her advice, however, and turned slightly to the left, towards the clearing. Lash sighed to himself. This was the person he'd be teaming with, working with, and even living with for at least a year. If they were going to cooperate, he'd have to learn to accept her chattiness. "..Sorry." He apologized. "You just scared me a bit back there. Didn't mean any harm.. Let's start over - I'm Lash."

Nevina Nevina
Aegis was surprised he accepted the path alteration so easily - then promptly chided herself for her assumptions. She had prematurely classified him as a lone wolf like her third eldest brother, but he was clearly more flexible than said brother. I need to stop comparing everyone I meet to my brothers.. Her whole world had previously revolved around her family, and she knew it was beyond time to broaden her perspective.

Resolved to get to know her new teammate better and heartened at this revelation, she continued on with her chatter, completely missing the fact that his request for her to cease was a legitimate one, in addition to being the source of his irritation. Her broadening perspectives were.. a work in progress.

"Aegis. And no worries at all, Lash! Everyone has a rough day at some point or other. There's actually a story I heard once that really illustrates that concept well, it starts with a man and his two children who are-- Oh, sorry, no, I should stay on task." She laughed again. Her laughs always came so easy. "Anyways. I look forward to seeing where our team takes us."

A rustle could be heard in the distance. She was grateful there was no surprise attack on them yet, but given this auditorial forewarning, whatever it was was going to be large. Animal? Grimm? Falling tree branches? "I suppose the next thing we'll get to learn about each other is our tactics." She beamed. "Avoid and proceed to our objective at a delayed but safer time, see what lies ahead and risk bodily harm, or something else?" Aegis had her own ideas brimming, but was curious to see what her partner would do, and was ready to support and encourage.

Slim Intoxicado Slim Intoxicado
At 6 AM Faraday's internal clock rang him awake and he was up in a jolt, confused, at first, at the light filtered toward him through the plastic sheen of his work tarp. Oh! That's right, he was at Beacon. Not a moment to waste, he tapped the tarp's wind-up mechanism, infusing it with his semblance, and it sprung upward, packing itself in a jiffy so that he could stash it back in his bag. While packing, he took hold of his notebook, where he created ideas for blueprints and mechanisms. Last night, he had felt rather inspired, and a few more pages had been filled. It was all very fanciful, and he might never have the chance to build it... but the injuries of fellow students were also opportunities for engineers to turn disability into ability, and he had to admit he was rather proud of his design.

Before breakfast began, he located the workshop and left most of his work tools there, took a quick shower to maintain the acceptable standard of hygiene, then dressed himself appropriately for initiation day, stashing a multitude of clockwork gadgets on himself that were stored in pockets or as apparent armor pieces; most notably his greaves, chestplate (attached with suspenders, mind you), and bracers. He took Swingjack with him as well, though the poleaxe was currently in its more portable rifle form.
His breakfast was accompanied with tea, of course, and he ate while exchanging a few niceties with those seated next to him. The day was going to be an eventful one.

---One Timeskip Later---

Ozpin was certainly a man with a strange sense of humor, teasing his students so. Having graduated from top fighting academies, none of those present should have any doubts about their practiced landing strategies, and if anyone at Beacon had ever died on initiation day, they would have heard of it. Little did he know that someone he'd met previously had made the cut without actually qualifying for this particular exercise- but like the rest of the students who sprang up before Angie did, he didn't have the chance to witness her panicked pleading.

And up he goes. Launched off the platform, Faraday could feel the cool rush of air go by, white fabric ponytail whipping about behind him. How invigorating! "Tally ho!" He called with his light voice as his trajectory dipped downward, his ornate rifle deploying into its poleaxe form; a single wide circular blade topped the pole, making it look like a giant pendulum, complete with a counterweight shaped like a pendulum's pivot at the other end. Faraday's body arched back and he tossed his weapon like a javelin; Swingjack flew blade-first and embedded itself in the ground, at the perfect angle to match his arrival. 6.6, 5.2 seconds... He cranked something up twice, accompanied by the pale blue flash of his aura. 0.6, 0.4, 0.2- All of a sudden, Faraday froze in space just as he was about to touch his weapon. Completely immobile, it was as if only a hyper-realistic statue was floating there; nobody would be able to say for sure if this was a living person, and he wouldn't be able to say anything at the moment either. His time had come to a halt, and a ticking noise was coming from seemingly nowhere. Tick... tick... DING!! Two seconds passed and a chime was heard, after which the statue was alive again, finally dropping under the influence of gravity to rest his feet on the rod of his weapon, all of the previous momentum gone.
"Oh- oops- hold on now- eep?" Or that was the intention, anyway. With his legs in the wrong pose to rest all of his weight on Swingjack when he landed, he flailed momentarily, ended up trying to balance on one foot somehow, and then finally clung to the long hilt of his poleaxe like a koala before sliding down to the ground.
"Ahh..." He sighed, a little disappointed at his clumsy performance, but relieved that it hadn't gone worse than that.

That's when a wheelchair came crashing into him from seemingly nowhere.
"OOF! Ouch! How come-!?" He whined in a high voice, then realized that nobody was there to whine to about becoming their landing pad. But these rims, that seat... he recognized this wheelchair. "Angie?" He called out to the forest around him, fearing the worst.
A flare soared skyward from somewhere to his east, prompting him to look upward. "Oh dear, better not dally!"
With that, he pulled his poleaxe out of the ground, which turned into its rifle form as he ran hopping over obstacles in the brush and on his way.

A canine grimm prowled out of the brush, stalking toward Angie, whose fear and regret had drawn it here... until a silver needle pierced clean through its eyes and stuck itself in a tree. The Grimm reared in pain, its voice an otherworldly growl, as Faraday popped out of the nearest bush.
"No time to waste, please hop on!" He said quickly, offering her his back just as the blinded Grimm was beginning to regain its bearings and a second Beowolf appeared nearby.

Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
When he heard the rustling, Lash immediately took hold of his chain whips, looking in the direction of the noise. He used his thermal vision to scan the area, but again, found nothing. He retracted the chains and continued walking down their original path, almost completely disregarding the noise a few seconds later. "Probably just someone in a fight." He noted, shrugging it off like it was nothing.

Nevina Nevina
Lillium Pendragon

"Maybe something like that..." Zure spoke, slipping into her sleeping bag.. "I'm not the type to try and end the party quickly, but I'd love to get some sleep, if you don't mind. I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight," Lilli murmured in response, feeling sleep take over her as she too slid into her own sleeping bag. In less than a minute, she had floated off into sleepland. Aircraft flights can be rather tiring...

--- rise and shine, kiddos. ---

Lilli didn't eat much at breakfast- her nerves got the better of her. Instead, she spent the hour getting ready- dressed in her battle armor, a dark blue and black combat skirt made from extremely durable material - her parents spared no expense on her equipment when she announced she wanted to be a huntress, buying the best materials available on the market (and off the legal markets) to craft her bow-and-mitsugake set with matching chest guard and combat skirt. Said chest guard and mitsugake didn't really fit the rest of her clothes, so she hid the chest guard under the frilly top layers of her dress. She took her time maintaining her bow, making sure nothing was out of place and perfectly oiled.

An hour later, at beacon cliff where she's supposed to rendezvous with the other students and faculty staff, she couldn't help but spare a few glances at the breathtaking view over the forest and the mountains beyond, nearly missing the first part of the headmaster's speech. He's a rather eccentric teacher, she noted, his speech patterns and way of doing things is rather... not typical for a teacher. That, and Lilli is understandably rather antsy about the whole situation- they're about to encounter Grimm, in a forest, with a chance of not surviving this. So much for a safe simulation. So, the first person they make eye contact with is their partner? Didn't he just say to choose wisely? Huh. And wait, did he say landing strategy-?!

"AAAAAAAAAARRRGH!!!" Lilli watched as a student was sent flying. She grimaced, feeling a surge of annoyance in her gut. This school has interesting methods. Readying herself in a crouching stance on the launchpad, she waited for the countdown- three, two - LAUNCH! -and there she goes, streaking through the air in a stream of blue and black.

"HECK!" She yelled, as soon as she was out of earshot of the cliff party. "God-awful assrag piece of shit hecking-heck dangit I'LL KILL THE HEADMASTER!!!" Getting launched from a launch pad after a cryptic speech and a morning of nervous energy did spectacular wonders for Lilli's speech manner and mood. As soon as she deemed herself low enough above the trees, she shot an explosive arrow out of her bow- the arrow struck a tree and exploded, the resulting blast force pushing Lilli backwards and away. With her landing speed slowed down, Lilli separated her bow into two curved daggers- then using the inward curve of her dagger to snag on a tree branch, swinging herself into a clearing with a less-than-graceful landing, almost stumbling into a tree.

"Gods- DAMN it ughhh I'll HECKING KILL HIM, I'LL STAB HIS SORRY ARSE, AND THE OTHER TEACHER. I swear to heck those asslicking pieces of-" She stopped suddenly, having caught the wide-eyed glance another student was giving her- Ryan, from the commotion last night. Struggling to compose herself, she managed an "AHEM!" while patting her dress. "Not a word," she snarled, marching over to him. He'll be a good partner as any. Much better than MacmeowMeow, at the very least. Upon reaching him, she noticed that his shirt, particularly around his torso, is soaked with blood. But there didn't seem to be a wound- a healing semblance, perhaps? Really, he ran out of Aura and got himself hurt so quickly? Lilli is sorely tempted to walk around and try to find another partner, but refrained from it. "You can stand, can you? Come on, we've got Grimm to beat up and relics to collect. And once again, not a word. I'll kill you."

Her speech pattern is charming eh?
Mood : Annoyed, and about to stab something.
Talking to: Orion Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Ryan smirked at his partners threat. As Lilli turned to walk away, Ryan's eyes flashed a deep red before returning to the usual blue. I'd very much like to see you TRY He thought to himself as he followed after her. "So what do think we're looking for? I know Ozpin said relics but that could mean anything. I'm also doubting that the risk of impalement, dismemberment or decapitation is any less than 85%. Those blades of yours looked pretty sharp, they a custom job? I do recall you having a bow though... Then again, transforming weapons are all the rage with Huntsmen nowadays. Is that a combat skirt? Not dissin, just haven't seen one in a while" Ryan walked beside his grumpy partner with a cheery expression on his face. If she was gonna threaten his life, he would retort with POSITIVITY.

They came to a decently large ravine, the way forward on the other side. Looking around, Ryan couldn't find a way across for miles. Turning his attention to a nearby tree, Ryan found a solution. It was a great big oak tree, tough and hardy. Placing his hand on its strong trunk, Ryan pushed. Snapping, the tree fell and bridged the gap to the other side. Stepping onto it, Ryan tested its strength. Confident that he WOULDN'T fall to his untimely demise, Ryan sauntered on across with his hands in his pockets. "Hey Lilli, I found a spring" Ryan said as he pushed through some foliage. Sure enough, there was a fresh water spring there. Staying hydrated was a must when on a death defying adventure. So Ryan took a moment to refresh himself. Hearing a rustling in the bushes across from himself, Ryan turned and shot it with Checkered Spade. A Beowolf tumbled out and fell dead before the two.

"Hey Lilli...Grimm incoming... I'm feeling maybe seven or eight?" Ryan's eyes had acquired their red coloring once again. One of the perks of his Semblance was that he was pretty good at detecting the negative energies emitted by Grimm. Pouncing on Ryan, another Beowolf clamped its jaws on his left arm. Freeing his limb from its grasp, Ryan found his sleeve had torn. His cybernetic appendage was on full display. "Damn it... I liked that sleeve!" Ryan whacked the Beowolf with the side of his metal fist, breaking its neck and sending it flying. The entire pack of Beowolves came rushing at the two.

"Hey Lilli...I found some stray dogs"

eggyulks eggyulks
Angie C. Netherstorm

Angie hugged the tree real tight. Hoping that someone will arrive soon. It's only been the second day for her and she is already in a roller coaster of emotions. She prayed that she won't die in the forest so quickly. "I don't wanna die, not like this!" Angie held tightly to the tree even more as she panics in her high pitched voice. Thank the heavens her prayers have been answered. Just right below her, Faraday was crushed underneath her motorized wheelchair! Impressive that Faraday was able to handle the crushing weight of the wheelchair, it could really lead to serious injuries if Faraday turned his Aura off. Angie looked down upon hearing her name as she sat on the tree branch. "Faraday!?" She called back. She knew she recognized that voice and accent anywhere. Angie looked down to the boy, straight in the eyes, confirming if it is really him.

There's no mistaking it. That's the huge spectacle lad, alright. Since she already gazed at him straight in the eyes. There's no choice left but to join forces with the well dressed boy. She waved to him with a soft yet worried smile. Her snow white hair and pure white dress really stood out among the tree leaves. "Faraday! Faraday!" Angie called out to him as he got closer. Her other arm is still wrapped around the tree for safety. Out of the bushes, a Grimm emerged. This viscous creature was drawn by her fear and emotions and little did she know she was responsible for it's presence. "Watch out!" She cried out to Faraday warning him about the Grimm. It was totally unnecessary since Faraday already noticed the creature and blinded it. Angie's skill set is far, far more different than the usual Huntsmen and huntresses standards. She wanted to show her skills that she can really dish out Grimm but this doesn't seem to be the time now. Faraday offered her a piggyback ride which made Angie grab her lips with her free hand, why? Angie is all the way up on the trees and he is down there. This is no time to waste as Grimm are slowly approaching if she still argues with herself whether to drop down or not. "Okay! But promise you'll catch me okay?" Angie told Faraday, before Faraday could answer.

Angie already dropped herself to Faraday, down from the tree branch. "Okay, here i ggoooooo!!!" She seemed to have squealed on her last word because she dropped off to early. This could probably attract more Grimm but things could get really feisty if she just sit around doing nothing while Faraday fights for his dear life. Good thing she landed perfectly on the boy's back. She doesn't seem to be too heavy for her age, in fact she quite lighter than she looks. "Okay! Let's getta here! Quick, get me back on my wheelchair and let's roll out!" Angie ordered to boy to put her back into her wheelchair, so both of them can leave. Faraday still has the choice whether he should obey Angie's demands or not. Angie wrapped her arms around Faraday's neck, although she wasn't strangling him or anything. Her Solar flare is still on her left hand. It was empty at the moment. As soon as Faraday decides. Either way, she will reload the gun later for self defense with a regular orange flare.

Mythee Mythee
Lillium Pendragon
Lilli was seething. She told Ryan to not say a word about her cuss-storm, but he won't shut up about other things now- she could hardly keep up, but mentions of a chance of dismemberment at 85% really isn't doing anything to calm her nerves. And by her weapons, no less. "I'm an archer, all right," she snapped at the happily chatting boy. "It just so happens that I like to be prepared in close range. And yes, Captain Obvious, this is a combat skirt." she felt like a complete 180 of what she was like last night- it's hard for her to pretend to be polite and not snappy when stressed. She's pretty sure that by the end of the day, alive or not, she''ll have cursed at him at least 5 more times.

They marched for a while without any interruptions- save Ryan's incessant chatter, but soon hit a rock- a great ravine, with a gap further than they jump across. Ryan's quick thinking solved the problem, a fact which Lilli appreciated, though she still wanted to stab him for talking too much. She followed him across the ravine, and let him drink his fill in the spring- when a tustling noise alerted both of them. Instantly, Lilli sprang into action, holding her bow up against the offending... Beowolf. Great. Her first Grimm fight, and it's with this joker.

"Hey Lilli...Grimm incoming... I'm feeling maybe seven or eight?" Well shit. That's a lot. Seeing her partner crumble under the first Beowolf's tackle and get attacked by a second, Lilli let an arrow fly loose- straight into the first Beowolf's head, splattering it into a messy, inky puddle. More rushed at them- Lilli separated her bow into daggers again, putting herself in a battle stance. Ryan didn't seem to be injured, the hand which was attacked looked to be a pretty cool cybernetic replacement. Wonder what happened to his flesh arm?

"Hey Lilli...I found some stray dogs," the boy had the gall to sound amused right now.

"Yes, thank you, why don't we adopt a stray?" she muttered, sarcastically, before charging at one, sidestepping its pounce and going for a slash straight at its underbelly. It didn't seem to be enough, though, and the Beowolf roared, angry and irritated at the blow. "FUC-" Lilli started, as the Beowolf turned to charge at her, activating her semblance. Her semblance halted the Beowolf's forward movement, but to everyone else, it looks as if she stopped time in a small area around her. The confused Beowolf reared backwards, then charged again- this time into Lilli's forward stab. It exploded into ribbons of black ink, prompting Lilli to freak out and tap-dance over the area. "Disgusting! Gosh dang it- ugh! Damn- UUUGH-"

Mood : Panicked
With : Orion Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
"You think so?" Aegis quirked a brow, staring in the direction the noise had come from. She didn't hear the ring of battle, no echoing clash of metal or adrenaline induced cries. In fact, she couldn't even hear the birds chirping. Odd. The shifting noise sounded a second time. Was it her imagination, or did it sound closer? "If it is someone fighting, perhaps we ought to offer our aid? I'm sure it would be conducive to future team work! Why, just at my last school we--"

Before she could fully launch into her tale, one of the trees in front of them angled and snapped with a resounding crack, leaves scattering at the force of motion. Amidst the top of the branches was the shadow of a hulking form -- It towered over them, standing on eight legs with jagged mandibles snapping.

Pale fingers were already touching a vambrace, a speedy reaction based on muscle memory, and Aegis activated the dust inside. "It was traveling on top of the trees!" No wonder they didn't see it. The arachnid Grimm had likely climbed after they landed, drawn by the screams of launched students before finding its way to them. It was larger than any Grimm she had seen, which might not be saying much considering she was still a student, but it's size certainly hinted at the threat it would pose.

The Grimm took a few steps; it wasn't terribly fast, but it's powerful legs moved easily in tandem. But then it jumped - a blur taking it from the fallen tree to the edge of the area, faster than a blink. It caught sight of Lash first, swinging the pointed front of its foreleg as if to step on the faunus. Aegis assumed Lash would dodge, but she swung her arm forward and cast a glyph just in case - the leg crashed onto the glowing, floating symbol, reflecting the impact and causing the leg to recoil from it's own force. This was but a minor annoyance, apparently, for it had plenty of other legs to contend with and easily shifted and swung once more at Lash.
Slim Intoxicado Slim Intoxicado
Doing nothing more than sighing when he saw the spider-beast, Lash adjusted his sunglasses and took hold of his chains. He did, however, flinch a bit when the Grimm jumped, landing seemingly instantaneously.

When he saw a leg flying towards him, he rolled to the left, and turned his head, expecting a loud crash when it hit the ground. When he heard a noise above him instead, he looked up, and saw the leg on top of a floating block. Deciding not to question it, Lash dodged another leg coming his way by just an inch. Seeing how the Grimm was fairly slow to walk, Lash came up with an idea. He threw his chain whip at one of the legs, sticking it deep inside. The Grimm roared in pain, and continued swinging at Lash.

Now that he had a plan, his reflexes were on point, helping him to dodge all of the swings. Lash ran, now away from, but straight towards the monster, through its legs and around it. He smiled to himself - he was sure his plan was going to work. The only thing that would stop it was if the Grimm was stronger than he anticipated, but he was sure that wouldn't be the case.

It was.

The Grimm took a step forward with its impaled leg, ripping the spike out of it. Lash heard the spike come out, as it took quite a bit of force, and retracted it. Welp, there goes my Star Wars plan.. He thought.

"ANY IDEAS?!" He shouted to his partner

Nevina Nevina
Azure Hurricane Maddox

That fine morning, several Beowolves sat asleep, grumbling peacefully. It was a nice morning, with the sun shining down, the trees providing just enough shade to keep the temperature lukewarm.


A blonde one-eyed girl leaped from the trees, holding a massive chainsword in hand. The Grimm backed away, unsure of what had just approached, but half their numbers had been halved- as in, they had been sliced apart by the young Huntress with a single swing. The remaining Grimm began to back away, but Zure was faster, and lunged with another powerful strike, slashing the heads of the remaining two Grimm. Zure turned off her blade and sheathed it. "Sorry guys, my b," she quipped, turning. The area seemed to be nearly Grimm-free at this point, no doubt thanks to her chainsaw's motor.

At that moment, she heard a gentle thump. Another Grimm? One hand on her handle, she approached the source of the noise, and saw Corvo, who looked like he just landed. "Yo! Corv!" Zure waved at the young Hutsman. "Need a partner?"

Redrobinwing Redrobinwing

Just a few seconds after beginning his journey north, Corvo heard the sound of a chainsaw rip through the air and alert a pack of grimm that he hadn't spotted on his way down. He whipped out both of his guns and aimed it at the grimm, but stopped when he saw a young huntress slice through half of their ranks in a single swing. An impressed smirk formed on his lips as he holstered his weapons and leaned against a tree. Zure was an impressive warrior, which had been his assumption since he'd met her. Seeing her in action though was still pretty cool, especially since her weapon was so unique and devestating. Once she was done, he hit his knocked his knuckle against the tree he was leaning against to get her attention, as if knocking on a door.

He chuckled at the nickname she gave him. "Corv, huh? Never heard that one." Pushing himself off of his tree, he approached her and held out his fist for a fist-bump. "I was looking for a partner, but I think I just found one." He smiled, glad that he got a partner that seemed overall pretty cool.

Literally Batman Literally Batman
Azure Hurricane Maddox

If Zure wanted to back out of this partnership, it was already too late. Eye contact had been made. Zure didn't see the need to think so, though. Corvo seemed like a pretty nice guy, unlike others that were there. Zure reciprocated his fist bump with her own. "Well, we're partners now. Let's go get a relic then." She set off towards the north of the forest where the relics were, assuming Corvo would follow her. [/SIZE]

After only a brief moment, though, Zure almost tripped. "Rocks. Always getting in the way," she grumbled, before releasing what she had stumbled over was most certainly not a rock. It was black, slithering, and rising up, with two piercing red eyes and an elaborate symbol atop its head. Grimm.

"Look what I found," Zure stated rather matter-of-factly, looking at her partner. "Ready for it?"

Redrobinwing Redrobinwing

Ryan began scanning the area with his gaze to come up with a plan. Perhaps he could throw the Grimm into the water and electrocute them? No, that would contaminate the water supply. Maybe he could lift that rock over there to crush them? Lilli didn't have that kind of time. Maybe lifting them into the air with Gravity Lifter? No that would be wasting it. Ryan saw a spring, a pack of Grimm, a large rock and some greenery. Then he looked at his mechanical arm and finally came up with an idea. That only took a few milliseconds longer than usual, must be nerves Ryan thought to himself. Devilishly smirking, Ryan leapt into the fray.

Jumping at a Beowolf, Ryan pulled out Checkered Spade and shot it in the face. His high powered hand-cannon blowing a large hole in its face. Using the corpse as a springboard, Ryan flew at the next two. He shot the first as he passed and then turned to shoot the second as he got further away. As he approached the fourth Beowolf, he used his Grapple Hand to pull himself at the Grimm. Ryan then tucked his body into a flip and vaulted off of its stomach. In the midst of his stylish somersault, Ryan shot it in the face. A Beowolf tried to get him, however Ryan ducked under its attack and roundhouse kicked it toward his partner.

"All yours, Lilli" Ryan said as he emptied his cylinder and reloaded it in a few swift movements.

eggyulks eggyulks
Lillium Pendragon

Lilli watched as Ryan took care of the majority of the Beowolves, taking care to step aside as to not get caught by the crossfire. Though, the fight is about to be coming to her. Suppressing the 'flight' part of her fight or flight instincts, she crossed her blades and prepared herself for the whimpering Beowolf kicked in her way, then slashed cleanly through the Beowolf. Instinctively, she turned to her partner, ready to give him a piece of her mind: "You idiot! That could have hit me! Not that it would kill me, but it's heavy, disgusting, and-" she stopped herself, huffing. Calm down. They both don't have time for this- and honestly, he did a good job. Somewhat reluctantly, she held her hand up for a high-five. "Good job. We should sally forth, before any others catch up on us. Also, how did you know this many Beowolves were coming?"

Mood : Fine
With : Orion Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Corvo nodded and followed Zure towards their destination. She seemed to be taking the lead on this mission, which he was more than fine with. She seemed like a natural leader; ready to take charge and very goal-oriented. He could respect that.

Before they took even a few steps though, the young huntress nearly tripped over what at first glance seemed to be a rock. Her partner raised an eyebrow and smiled a bit in amusement, which quickly turned into an excited smirk when the supposed 'rock' began to slither up from the ground, revealing two piercing red eyes and a pair of sharp, white fangs. It was big, far larger than any beowulf, but nothing they couldn't handle. Corvo stretched his arms out a bit in preperation of what was to come. "Trust me, I'm always ready-" The monster lunged for the blonde boy, chomping at him before he could finish his statement. It's jaws clenched on air though, as its target had lept a few feet away and was already aiming his guns as his attacker. The smirk was still present on his lips. "Y'know, that wasn't very polite. I'd appreciate it if you'd wait next time." With that, he unleashed a barrage of bullets at the grimm.

Literally Batman Literally Batman
Azure Hurricane Maddox

The Grimm snake that Zure recognized, from her training, as a King Taijutsu, lunged towards Corvo at an attempt at what appeared to swallow him whole. The young Huntsman jumped back, made a quip, and then proceeded to rain hell upon the face of the snake, which bucked back in both surprise and pain. Zure removed Unchained Glory with a single swift stroke, slicing the underbelly of the serpent. The beast fell backwards, like a slain animal.

Zure grinned. "That thing didn't even stand for a second. Wow. Disappointing."

Obviously she forgot the other half, which lunged at her like a lion on a gazelle. Zure swung Unchained Glory by instinct, blocking its two fangs just barely. The struggle between serpent and man was apparent.

"Corvo!" she grunted, pushing back against the two razor-sharp teeth with her swords. "A little help here?"

Redrobinwing Redrobinwing

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Ryan smiled at their progress and gave Lilli her high-five. Turning northward once more, Ryan began walking and talking with his partner. However he made sure to put a tie and fake moustache on first. "Well Lilli that would be because I ORDERED THE EMOTIONAL CONVERSION SEMBLANCE. THIS FINE PRODUCT COMES WITH GRIMM DETECTION, LIE DETECTION AND SUPERIOR PHYSICAL CONDITION. WAIT! THATS NOT ALL! THE EMOTIONAL CONVERSION SEMBLANCE ALSO COMES WITH A BONUS OF A HEALING FACTOR THAT HEALS FASTER THAN AURA! ORDER NOW WHILE STOCKS LAST" Ryan finished his commercial and threw away his costume. "Now that we have that out of the way, we need to find the relic" Ryan's tone became much more professional as he adjusted his damaged sleeve.

eggyulks eggyulks
Lash had a good execution of a good plan, but seeing the Grimm pull the spike out with sheer strength made Aegis wince; they certainly weren't going to win any arm wrestling contests anytime soon. Clearly outmatched on strength, Aegis opted for a more defensive move and called out, "We need to find an area where the trees are closer together to keep it from having room to jump! From there we might be able to weaken it if it stays slow."

She jumped onto one of her reflection glyphs, which propelled her upwards with her own force while she simultaneously took aim. A flash of light from one of her vambraces shot forward in a streak, hitting the Grimm in one of it's many eyes. The creature reacted violently, swiviling around with an angry screech as it launched itself after her. Even knowing it's speed was coming, she was still too slow to react; it's weight slammed into her, sending her careening into one of the trees. The wood groaned upon impact, dented with her form. As a defensive type, Aegis's healing aura was quick to react, even as she scrambled among the branches for a more even footing.

The dust in her vambrace reacted to her commanding fingers once more, firing another energy bolt as she kept aiming for its eyes. The Grimm kept thrashing about, so she wasn't sure if she met her target, but at least it was keeping the creature occupied.

"I see a spot with thicker trees northward!" Aegis called out to her partner from the tree top. As she had stopped firing, the Grimm took the opportunity to leap once more. Aegis swept her arm in a large arch, a glyph appearing at an angle in front of her -- the Grimm hit it full body, shattering the glyph, but not before the glyph managed to reflect the Grimm. It sent the arachnid careening over the trees in the northern direction.

She wasn't about to leave it be, however, knowing that it might harm the other students. Pale hand raised once more, she cast a grin over at Lash, "Ready to give chase?"

Slim Intoxicado Slim Intoxicado
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Watching as the fight continued without him, Lash flinched a bit when the Grimm when flying. He chuckled to himself when Aegis spoke and answered, "Whatever you say, Shakespeare."

He unraveled his chains and whipped them around a nearby tree branch in the direction of the beast. Stepping back a few feet, He ran forward and retracted them, making him swiftly swing forward. When he was at the apex of his swing, he released the chains and swung them onto another branch, swinging again, and so on. He looked like a modern Tarzan with chains instead of vines.

Nevina Nevina
Angie dropped onto his back for the offered piggy-back ride right before a beowolf slashed at them; Faraday ducked, tempted to roll before remembering that someone was on his back. "Oof! -Your wheelchair? How come-?" Suddenly recalled those barrel-like contraptions on her locomotive device, he realized that they must have been her weapons and adjusted his course, leaping between trees to get away from those grimm as fast as he could. He needed to get her back out of here; it was for the best that they fail the test if it meant saving her life. "-Well, it's a small detour, but- hup!" Here came the snapping jaws of the blinded Beowolf with its prized sense of smell, still in good enough shape to attack, apparently. He had to do a split mid-air to see those teeth closing where his crotch had just been, leaving his nerves admittedly, a little, frayed,,,,

He managed to load the weapon with a grasper despite the awkward position of his arms, in which Angie's legs were nestled- hoping that his newfound partner could hold on tight, Faraday charged his aura into his rifle-shaped Swingjack and shot a clinger at each Grimm. These latched onto their dark bodies, faintly glowing with residual aura as they ticked away; the two beast's movements visibly slowed to a snail's pace, floating as if under the influence of low gravity. It would only buy them a little time; the dark shadows were still in hot pursuit.

"There better not be a lot more of these showing, or my semblance won't hold up!" Faraday spoke, ending his dash with a slide into the clearing where he'd been assaulted by Angie's wheelchair. He was better at handling just a few opponents, not a large crowd. "Wheels are ill-suited for a forest- I'll be teleporting you short distances frequently until we are back on that cliff, if you don't mind. I apologize in advance as this can be rather nauseating!" Faraday stood with his back to the wheelchair so that he could let Angie down into her seat, at which point they could hear the growls of the Grimm who had been released from their slow-down. They were going to be here at any moment.
Aegis laughed, delighted at Lash's response as she followed after, trampolining off her glyphs with one smooth step at a time. The duo caught up to the angered Grimm easily; it certainly wasn't hard to miss, and it had already started making its way back towards them. They were at an advantage now though, with the trees thicker so as to limit the Grimm's mobility. That, however, didn't seem to phase the creature. It wedged itself between two trees with its legs, letting it climb higher before it struck out at them. Aegis swung her arm and generated one--two--three glyphs, right where Lash was about to land, with the intent of launching him in a way to position him at the Grimm's backside, while Aegis herself landed in the front and fired another energy bolt at it's eyes to keep it's attention occupied.

Slim Intoxicado Slim Intoxicado
Going straight for the Grimm, Lash didn't slow down one bit when he saw it. He continued swinging until he was a good 20 feet away from the Grimm, when he released and when flying on top of the spider. He stabbed his blades deep into Grimm's head, making it roar a shrieking roar. "IF I DIE DOING THIS, TAKE CARE OF PUNGI FOR ME!" Most likely unbeknownst to Aegis, Pungi was Lash's pet cobra.

He let down a bit of chain and used them to rappel down to the beast's neck. He then used his body weight to swing up and to the left, wrapping one of the chains around it. Lash tied the wrapped chain to the spike, and swung down again, wrapping the other chain. Lash now seemingly had somewhat of a harness on the Grimm, and he closed his eyes, and had a look on his face that shouted 'Please, I really hope this works.'

Lash began slowly retracting the chains, which caused them to start strangling the Grimm. It thrashed about, which normally would've caused Lash to fly off into the forest, if it wasn't for the chains holding him down as well. After a good thirty seconds, the chains were as tight as they could go around the Grimm's neck, and Lash stood up, pulling as hard as he could.

From the looks of it, the Grimm was struggling to continue fighting as it lost its breath. A devilish grin spread across Lash's face as he pulled even harder, making the chains dig into the monster's skin. His plan was definitely working, almost better than he'd expected. The beast couldn't jump to escape, and his legs were already damaged from the earlier impalement. It was seemingly foolproof. Seemingly. Lash always did believe in Murphy's Law...

Nevina Nevina
Corvo was about to point out that there was an entire other half that they needed to take down, but Zure seemed to realize that when she just barely managed to block its fangs from sinking into her. His heart nearly skipped a beat when it nearly killed her; it was a really close call. He was already on his way to help when she asked for it, any playful expression he had before now replaced with a calm determination. "On it." As she continued to hold the beast off, her partner channeled his focus for a few quick moments. A large, spectral hand formed beside the King Taijitu. It was a translusent white, very ghost-like in appearance. The hand grabbed the grimm just below its head and held tight. Corvo jerked his arm and hand to the side, the spectral hand doing the same thing, and wrestled it to the ground and away from the huntress. While it was still down, Corvo launched his attack, drawing his sword and slashing it across its long, slithering body. They weren't the deepest of cuts, but he was focusing on getting some damage in while he could rather than finishing it off now. The spectral hand disappeared and the King Taijitu found its bearings, once again lunging for him. Corvo dodged to the side, barely escaping its fangs, but threw his sword at one of the beast's eyes. Reverence pierced its hide, causing the snake to writhe in pain. "Almost done, Zure! You ready to finish it off?"

Literally Batman Literally Batman
Azure Hurricane Maddox

Corvo provided the necessary backup, picking up the Grimm serpent like a massive hand. He then proceeded to use his weapons to inflict a great amount of harm on the beast. Zure grabbed Unchained Glory, prepared to finish it.


She charged forwards, swinging the large sword at its already-open wound, dicing it in half like a samurai flick. The white half of the snake disintegrated into a powdery black dust. Zure sheathed her blade again.

"No Grimm's stopping us. Let's keep going."

Meanwhile, back on the cliff...
"Interesting," Ozpin noted with glee. "Not typical pairings, but interesting indeed."

Glynda looked at the headmaster's scroll. "Is it about time?"

"I'd say. They're all right about at the relics, at any rate.

Back in real life
Zure continued to walk forwards. "Is that the shrine up ahead?" She peered at it. "Ooh, sparklies!"

Indeed, the stone shrine was littered with gemstones of varying kinds. Rubies, amethysts, sapphires, pearls, amber, lapis lazuli. A couple of the gemstones were already seemingly missing.

"Somebody took some already. They must've skipped the whole fighting part." Zure grabbed a piece of lapis lazuli. "This cool with you? I don't think it really matters in the long run."

Redrobinwing Redrobinwing


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