RWBY: Grimm Encounters

Oops Im very sorry...I better shut the Fuck up befor i get in some troubel

ok not gona text anything seeya
Yonsisac said:
Oops Im very sorry...I better shut the Fuck up befor i get in some troubel
ok not gona text anything seeya
ahah you won't get into any trouble, just try to make less mistakes, its better for you and the RP if it flows easier and mistakes can break the flow of things :)
I know But each time i Try too be better i make it worse ;-;

Yea i am Texting But me Autocorrect is not working and i dont fucking know why!!??

I better switch too PC
How do you guys want to decide partners? would you rather chose another RPer or should I just whack everyone's OC into a randomiser and link everyone up?
Yeah I was thinking along those kind of line to, though I'd ask though, in that case pick another RPer and as long as they agree you can partner up :)
How come I didn't get any notifs here? Well. I'm open for partnering if anyone would like.
noremac said:
@Arrietta, I'll pair with you. Our characters fighting styles work well together.
Sounds great! Our pairing actually helps my lovely Lily to be safe whilst her boomerang spinning away from her~
Do you guys think it would be ok if Maroon had a heightened sense of smell rather then a night vision? I read a little about gorillas just now and that seems more likely.

Oh drat. I was confused about glyphs. I thought that they were a way to make dust act in a specific way, this is true but glyphs are specifically Weiss's semblance. I am going to think of something different, but along the same lines as dust control for my weapon.
noremac said:
Do you guys think it would be ok if Maroon had a heightened sense of smell rather then a night vision? I read a little about gorillas just now and that seems more likely.
Oh drat. I was confused about glyphs. I thought that they were a way to make dust act in a specific way, this is true but glyphs are specifically Weiss's semblance. I am going to think of something different, but along the same lines as dust control for my weapon.
Hmm depends how heightened, I'm okay with it as long as he isn't smelling out Grimm from the other side of the forest. And sweet, can't wait to see what you come up with :)
The sense of smell wont be that strong. Mostly he will use it in close confrontations. Long distance smells are too muddled to tell much from. I changed my character sheet a little. I took out the weapon completely and made some of his other abilities stronger.

Can we start soooooonnnnn????? Maybe some introductory post before we even meet anyone at Beacon? Sorry to be pushy but I'm excited.
noremac said:
The sense of smell wont be that strong. Mostly he will use it in close confrontations. Long distance smells are too muddled to tell much from. I changed my character sheet a little. I took out the weapon completely and made some of his other abilities stronger.
Can we start soooooonnnnn????? Maybe some introductory post before we even meet anyone at Beacon? Sorry to be pushy but I'm excited.
Yeah me too actually, okay I'll open the RP in a bit, and sweet I'll check through your CS 1 sec
Yea! Cant wait wonder how stuff will go

and yes im gona use a corrector soon so no one starts insulting me -_- or get mad

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