RWBY: Grimm Encounters

Oh and we'll probably sort out teams here to :)

Current OC's:

Prospero @Arrietta

Kaitlyn Azzuro @Keysience [/color]

Tristan @Icefox11

Leon @Arrietta &
Maroon Trams @Icefox11

Tristian @Keysience & Ash Blackburn @Fexonocks
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Hey can i change his wepons?

they are gona be tw anyway is that i whant too make him a heavy tipe

can I?
Like cannon, We each pick a partner and then I'll decide who groups with who :)

Yonsisac said:
Hey can i change his wepons?
they are gona be tw anyway is that i whant too make him a heavy tipe

can I?
And sure thing :)
Ahah that is incredible! But I'm afraid you're only limited to one main weapon, and I can't think of a logical way how an RPC can turn into a gun scythe :/ a chainsaw based weapon is the obvious alternative :)
Oh they can Only have one wepon.....Dam....well gota say By too the RPC :_:

seeya be back in one hour
Yeah sorry :/ just for logics sake, carrying a scythe and an RPC sounds... unlikely ahaha

Anyway since we now have four characters feel free to partner up with someone, it will be done like cannon in the forest but it would probably be best if we decide before hand just to make things simpler
Alright will change too a wepon more sutable ^^

Partner.......Have not think of one xD


@Allcure change his wepon too the Murasama ^^ check it out and tell me if its cool
The blade itself is awesome! But you never specified, is it a gun as well? the picture does seem to include a magazine.
No there is were the mechanics are is that it uses a Wepons Body ^^

So wen are we gona get started?

Me Samurai is ready xD .....oh and Look at me Profiel pic xD ....yea...that Might happend
We'll start when we have eight OC's, at the moment I'm waiting on one from @Keysience there is one more free space open as well
Now that i think of it

(Just making sure ^^)

Was is the Tecnology base here? Futeristic Right?
Yonsisac said:
Now that i think of it
(Just making sure ^^)

Was is the Tecnology base here? Futeristic Right?
It's cannon, so pretty much modern with a few futuristic things (like mechs, robots, Airships and energy based weapons)
Ok well Gona change his that i cant deside >_<

similer too the one he has just Hevier and great sword like
Ok no i will keep Me wepon...dont whant too keep changin and geting you mad >_<
Yonsisac said:
Ok no i will keep Me wepon...dont whant too keep changin and geting you mad >_<
Your weapon at the moment is awesome! But if you do want to change it feel free, I won't get mad :)
Now heer are 2 resons why i dont change

1.if a do change im gona Loose lots of work and maybe the wepon i get would be OP and not accepted

2.for the reson if i do change i might whant too change it again

so i will stcik with me Murasama ^^
do you have OCD? (Sorry i ask)

If so Im very sorry ;-; will do better i swear
Yonsisac said:
Now heer are 2 resons why i dont change
1.if a do change im gona Loose lots of work and maybe the wepon i get would be OP and not accepted

2.for the reson if i do change i might whant too change it again

so i will stcik with me Murasama ^^
Do whatever you want, you weapon, your choice just know that once the RP starts you can't change it :)

OnyxReaper said:
Someone get be a knife! The grammar nazi in me is tearing me apart!
Ahahah yeah he does have a point @Yonsisac try to use correct spelling and grammar please

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