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Fandom RWBY: Fractured Times

He looked at Mocha, then straightened his glasses saying "I am only the most skilled staff user in Beacon, Erkhile Fortuna!", her response got the cogs in his brain working 'More bionics?, Her eyes seem to move...mechanically, it would be safe to assume that 'Mechanical' is her nature' from the on he watched Mocha more closely..."I will remember you, but other than that I would want to know if you have any questions for me."

"Erkhile Fortuna, you do not reside in my memories... Reiteration, I don't know of you." Mocha looked over to his weapon and analyzed it, hm. curious. Mocha then unstrapped her swords from her back, leaning them against her legs. She untied her hair, letting it fall down, some rested on her shoulder pauldron and some fell on her back. She shook her head systematically and retied her hair in the exact same position prior. She resumed analysis of Erkhile's weapon. "Your weapon, it has blades. That does not fit my definition of 'staff'."

@CrystalYoshi @Enkye @Xenoxx @GhazGhost @Holo

Tang acknowldeged with a nod and pushed the stick forward. Instead of the jet flying forward, the bow tipped dangerously downward. He quickly pulled back and righted the jet. "Nope that's not it." He pulled a handle and a light in the panel turned green. "Ok. This probably won't kill us." He pressed the throttle forward. The engines twisted from their vertical position and into the horizontal. The jet sped away from the fair grounds. "Haha! There we go-oh Shit!" He pulled up sharply to avoid the treeline. Now they were in the clear. He called back to the 5, or so, warriors in the back. "Don't get comfortable. This battle isn't over." Tang hit the rudder and aimed them towards Beacon.

Explosions could be seen as soldiers, hunters and huntresses fought to defend the campus. As they drew closer, Tang multitasked with the joystick in one hand and his scroll in the other. He was trying to get through to his team. No luck. Either they were fighting for their lives, or already dead. Neither was a good thing.

He again looked back at the students. "ETA to Beacon: 10 minutes. I don't how to land this thing. We're gonna have to make a belly landing in the courtyard." He turned to Crystal. "I'm gonna try something I've never done before without passing out. It should save us from the impact. But I'll need you take control. Grab the co-pilots joystick." He pointed to it. "I'm about to teach you to fly an aircraft that I don't know how to fly in under 9 minutes."
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@Enkye @OGTomahawk

Erkhile looked at Mocha, "I wouldn't expect you to know of me, but if that's the extent of your analysis..." He stood up, holding his weapon in collapsed form,grinning, "I'll show you a new definition then!". Erkhile realized that he was getting cocky, but he had to keep that feeling, he had to stay calm. He walked over to the jet gate, ready to go at any second, 'I'll have to stay close to someone, after all, I don't exactly have my team with me', Erkhile looked over at Tang " Once we 'land,' where are we going to escape to? I think this jet is going to be out of commission after you do whatever you're going to do!"
Crystal jerked forward when the jet jerked forward and she sat correctly when it was upright again. "That was interesting to say the very least." She pulled out her scroll and started calling her teammates with no success and she stuffed her scroll away. "Damn, no answer." Crystal looked out at all of the students stl fighting at Beacon and she turned when Tang addressed her. "Well, it's a good thing that I'm a fast learner."

So we have a robot in the ship with us... Well at least she didn't go mad like those crazy Atlas droids... Bruno thought listening into conversation. "I'd say we either find other students or get out of here. Beacon is lost at this point." Bruno said looking at the buildings burning and the Grimm running rampage. It wasn't the nices things to say but it was needed to be say. "So which shall we do?" Bruno asked.

@Xenoxx @OGTomahawk @CrystalYoshi @Enkye
Erkhile looked at Bruno, and considered his question, 'I don't like having to leave them, but we need to think of ourselves first' he was adamant in his position, they were going to get out of here! "Bruno, we need to leave with the people we have now, we don't want to lose more people do we?", Erkhile thought they at least had 5 minutes before this jet would hit the ground and all bets would be off, so he had to do something first, "Everyone! I think we can all say that Beacon...has fallen, so right now we need to leave, no matter what. Especially since once we step off this jet, we could be absolute goners from then on, so I say we leave all of this behind and escape!"

@Holo @Enkye @ChazGhost @OGTomahawk
Mocha looked out the side of the aircraft, examining the chaos, she stood upright "Negative", looking at Erkhile, "it is my directive to preserve the existence of Beacon. I'd rather we land there." Mocha picked up her swords by the scabbard. "We must do our part in this crisis." Mocha revved up her engines, exhausting a small blue jet out of her jets. And during events like these, protocols must be followed. There is far too much to lose if we leave now. And data indicates that there is no other meaningful option. "It is crucial that our group fights the grimm." she solemnly said.

@Xenoxx @CrystalYoshi @ChazGhost @OGTomahawk
@Xenoxx @CrystalYoshi @ChazGhost @Enkye

Tang heard discussion from the back. He assumed everyone was gung-ho for charging into battle. Apparently not. Tang felt he needed to say something. He turned to Crystal. "Right now just hold the stick steady." He got up and stood in the entry way to the cockpit. He looked on with a serious expression of disapproval.

"Fear is understandable, and if you want to escape now that's understandable. But I intend to do what I signed up to do. What YOU signed up to do. To defend humanity, to the last bullet, to the last blade, to the last man." He pointed out the window at Beacon. "That school still has alot of innocent people in it. Now I am going down there, and I am going to kill everything that is not human. And I'm also your only pilot."

He looked directly at Erkhile. "
So grow a pair. Because you're all going down there too."

He nodded at the robot girl and smiled

He turned back to the cockpit and took his seat. He pulled up slightly and put them into an orbit around the school. Despite what he said, the others had a point in that they shouldn't destroy their only means of escape.
Bruno sighed. "Before we land lets at least see if we can spot another ship. Two of us can protect it while the others find survivors. How does sound?" Bruno said coming up with a plan. It would be much easier and safer to just to just leave... But for now I geuss fighting it what we'll do... Bruno thought looking outside again to the hordes of Grimm. "But all you but be prepared for the fight of your lifes" Bruno added.

@OGTomahawk @Xenoxx @CrystalYoshi @Enkye
"Understood, but first, my semblance and strengths are best fit to looking for others. I don't believe I can guard something efficiently." Mocha said, she looked around at the rest of the group. "Semblance and weapons, describe them now. It is beneficial to all of us if we explain our strengths and weaknesses." Mocha lifted her katana and spoke, "I'll present first. I am a form of cyborg part of my brain, legs, and eyes were replaced. I am a baton and sword user. My semblance is Complete Silence, I negate all sounds from my person, but I cannot hear nor speak for the duration. It is more efficient if I evacuate survivors" Mocha looked to Bruno and stared, "It would be best to speak swiftly."

@Xenoxx @CrystalYoshi @ChazGhost @OGTomahawk
Crystal nodded and she did what she was told to do and she watched as they grew closer to Beacon. She listened in to their conversation and she turned around slightly to look behind her and she watched out of the corner of her eye only to turn around again once they were close enough to the school. She watched as Tang took over the controls again and she looked behind at the others behind her. "Hey,ya'll get ready to fight because are probably about to land soon and the second we walk out of this jet,we will be attacked by just about everything." She turned back around and she closed her eyes only to open them and they were glowing,an effect to show that her semblance was active. She looked down at Beacon and watched as other students her age and older fight off Grimm and Atlas droid attacks. "We better hurry if we want to defend cause the students down there are getting whipped." She blinked again and her eyes turned back to their original color before she turned to look at the others. "I'm defending Beacon and fighting for our fallen comrades until we decide that we have done enough."

@Enkye @ChazGhost @Xenoxx @OGTomahawk
Erkhile ignored Tang's remark and listened to the words of the others, he admitted that it would've been a cowardly thing to do, so instead he convinced himself that going with the group was the only way to stay alive. "I'll do my best to save as many as I can, hopefully no one has to die tonight.", he extended his weapon into its staff form and decided to give a warning about his semblance "Just one more thing, if you see any unnatural dark spaces, that's probably me, so don't be alarmed.". "Let's all just do our best then okay..." his willingness to talk was dying away, which meant he wasn't going to mess around, today, he would face a battle for Beacon!
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Tang kept his eyes on their flight path, but did as Mocha suggested. "First off, I haven't properly introduced myself, I'm Tang. Team FLNT. I'm good at melee attacks and mid-range shooting. I can project a shield onto myself and/or other objects. It'll make you nearly invincible for about 15 seconds. I'm a bit of a tank so I'll throw myself into some of the fiercer fighting. But then again I'm the only pilot so my primary objective will be defending our escape route." He banked the jet to the right. An opportunity had presented itself. "I'm going to put us down on the main walkway. It's long smooth. I think I can pull it off.
"I guess that would be a good idea." Bruno said nodding his headed. "I'm a second year student and leader of team MBER (Amber). My semblance makes my aura stronger and able to take more hit then any of yours combined. My sword can turning into a rifle and something top secret, company secret." Bruno said kinda bragging a little. "I would probably be best at help take down the Grimm in area. I can slice down a small pack of Beowulf in a minute." Bruno said still bragging. We better save a few people if we are about to risk our only escape option... I guess that what being a huntsman means... Bruno thought.
Pitch was walking towards main objective (cookies). the main problem now was Grimm witch was pretty easy. once you've been on enough solo missions there nothing i had just left the ship and in the distance i could see another and now tons of Grimm were rushing at him. now most people would have run or hide maybe cower. but this is a man who sense the beginning of second year has taken on a list missions alone. the monstrous wolf like creatures bounded after the body right in front of them. pitch jumped in the air sword in hand and fired a shot shooting downward. killed 3 of the beowolves " three down five hundred to go." he said continuing his onslaught.
After he stepped off, Erkhiel decided follow Bruno and Tang into the fray, and hanged out behind them... "Guys, I'll try not to use my semblance, but watch out for the dark...". He was a member of Team MBER too, so where was the rest of his team? "Bruno, do you see anyone who's cornered, or the rest our team?" he asked him that, but it was impossible to convince himself that any of this was worth it, nevertheless he had to save some lives; do what he signed up for.

@ChazGhost @OGTomahawk
(Thank you guys for not taking off. I was really sick the last few days and went to the ER for it so I had to focus on that.)

Lupin had made his way into the cafeteria seeing a severed arm and somebody he had once known. "Adam. It's rude to do that to a lady. Must I teach you manners again?" Lupin said with a smirk as he saw a ship leaving the school. He looked at Adam and cracked his neck. "You must be a really pathetic person Adam." Lupin noted as Adam scoffed at him and grinned. Adam got ready for a fight but Lupin got ready to win with minimal effort. "I came for some items. Including that mask of yours. It'll match my white hair better." Lupin said finishing right before a bang was heard. Time slowed to a crawl as some drunk kid stumbled in and Adam's sword starting to swing out at near supersonic speeds. Lupin stepped closer running a few fingers along the blade before snatching the mask off Adam's face. "You're lucky that kid stumbled in otherwise I'd have beat you." Lupin took out a piece of paper and a gluestick. "This should keep you busy just long enough to cause a draw. Wait isn't that the kid from earlier? Oh this'll be almost fun enough to watch. Too bad I'm busy." Lupin said sething his stolen cookies on the head of Adam above the kitten mask he'd just glued to the man's face. "I'll just kick these things off with a quick bang and be on my way." He said talking the kid's shotgun and firing it right in front of Adam but with time being slowed it wouldn't hit until Lupin left. "See ya later losers!" Lupin said walking away and snapping his fingers to return time to normal.
Pitch was losing blood just enough to where he seemed intoxicated "shit fucking Ursa shit bitch SHIT SHIT SHIT this hurts. he yelled/spoke in a slight slur jogging away from a giant pile of dead grimm. he reached the cafeteria door and kicked it off its hinges he aimed his gun straight at the man with red hair. he attempted to shoot but his gun was missing and the red haired man was on the floor. he didn't know what to do he hated not having that gun it was one of his most prise'd possession. the red haired man got up with a paper cat mask on his face he ripped it off with little success. with some of it still on his face seeing pitch he ran towards him with a sword. pitch jumped over him and landed on the other side he landed right on top of a fallen plate and a load of cookies. his specially made chocolate, cinnamon, sugar cookies. adam looked at the boy take a bite of a floor cookie. he pointed his gun at the boy the boys eyes were downcast he shot at the boy but a wall of shadow jumped up off the floor. and darkness seemed to envelop the boy. pitch laughed manically "you stole my cookies and i dont have my sword well this isnt good for you." pitch reached inside his vest pocket and pulled out one of penny's blades. "like it i picked it up in the arena" Adam pounced at the boy. but in the blink of a eye had fallen blood bleeding out of him right next to a arm. pitch walked over to adam striding and picked up a cookie. " i didnt take your cockies and how did you take me down so fast?" adam asked " 1. tell me who did then and 2. shadow step its kinda like super speed and 3. shit my bloods still coming out." adam tryed to get up " his name is lupin and hes stealing different items *cough cough* he also probably took your gun. i swear" pitch picked up the arm and took off what looked like a gautnlet and walked away out the door he came from.
Faun spots a black and yellow speck near a building and decides to jump down that way and see if they need assistance, she then notices an ursa climbing the building she would need to land on and starts to take it out bt shooting an arrow at it to get its attention and proceeds to jump. As she free falls her weapon goes into boomerang mode and she throws it stunning the ursa and finally on her landing she pierced its skull and it disappeared, now to scout the area.

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