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Fandom RWBY: Fractured Times


The local outcast.
"I tried... I gave myself one job and I even watched my future self die after giving me the mission. The time paradox was already in effect when it started. I couldn't have known and neither could future me. I was about to ruin my time line and part of the world. My mission. Save as many students of beacon as I could. My semblance that made me qualified. Time manipulation. But the time paradox had greatly weakened me and now I can barely rewind time by a few seconds. I can't stop anything only slow it. My semblance only effects a 10 foot radius. I'm the guy that broke the natural balance by saving Pyrrha. I was told that saving her would stop great tragedy but what actually happened turned everything upside down."


"My name is Lupin. I'm a bit of a their and yes I was here to steal something but I got my job done. I saved her but I did steal the crown right off her head. Let me tell you from the beginning how we got to this point."


It turns out that in this new time Ozpin let Cinder into beacon as some part of a bigger plan. He also helped Cinder gain access to the computers at the stadium and to the ships above the school. Cinder had no idea who her benefactor was.

Now we'll be starting our story from the beginning. From when Cinder attacked Beacon. I was in the stands when it all started because I knew what would happen. I had to steal some very important gear.

Lupin had used his time control and his weapon's chain form to swing and climb grimm in order to get to the generals ship. He froze time on the ship once he got on board just in time to see one of his potential allies slam a grim into the command center of the ship. Luckily he froze time just as the grimm broke the glass. He gave it a playful salute before jumping through the now broken window. "I'll just take what I need and use it to clean up the mess that rabbit made with her picture." Lupin started plucking the scroll out of the console then turned to leave. He stepped outside and saw that some grimm had landed on the ship. "Hmm. I could use some fun. Besides I was gonna ride this ship to my next target anyways." Lupin unfroze time and changed his weapon to its chained form swinging it slowly. "Let's see what you monsters got." Lupin popped a cookie into his mouth and felt both his wolf ears twitch. He could hear the grimm behind him and didn't bother turning. He pulled out his scroll.

The grimm struck with lightning fat speed but it wasn't enough as Lupin merely twisted out of the way. "Gotcha." Lupin said grinning as his blade ripped through the large snakelike creature as it flashed by Lupin. He turned to watch the creature writhe in pain split from the edge of its mouth all the way to its tail. The blade was too short to be lethal to the creature but could easily anger the snake. Lupin changed his weapon to sword mode and set it on his shoulder. "Strike fast but aim true. Otherwise you'll always remain split in your motives."
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Erkhile stood outside the arena, this wasn't supposed to be like this, not at all, fires and Grimm everywhere, people in danger. But, this also meant he was in danger, he had to get away, looking to the side he saw people with a certain mask and symbol, The White Fang! He ran as far away from them and the Grimm as they could, until he ran into a King Taijitu, all Erkhile could do is scream as he filled the space with darkness, then cut the Taijitu down with his heart threatening to kill him by itself. And yet, he still ran, he ran all the way to the tower where the Grimm were all gathering, but one thought entered his mind I am going to die, right here, at the Vytal Festival...
Faun fights off the griffin enough so she can run/jump up the side of a building a block away. Where can I find a partner or a tall place? Is that an air ship? How could I get u there? Maybe if I shoot my bow far enough? I'll give it a try, she ties rope to the end of a sturdy arrow and shoots. Here we go!
Bruno sliced a ursa in half as he moved through the war zone forming. This is going to get far worse before it gets better... I need to find other students if I plan to live... Rex thought to himself as he cut another two beowolf down. He then started looking around for others and he continued fighting the Grimm coming at him.
Pitch walks to the empty platform that had once held multiple ways off this flying junk heap. "OUM DAMN IT" he screamed "I swear" he grumbled. he know had no idea how to get off this floating piece of shit but not to far away he could smell his special homemade cookies. suddenly from below he could hear the screech of a nevermore. now hang on said a little voice inside his head would say its to dangerous. but he already kinda jumped off the side and now on the nevermor. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" he had a hold on the head and pulled around on it attempting to move it towards anything realy. he succeeded in running right into a blimp. and as he jumped off of the nevermore he cut off its head and landed squarely between a redhead on a cliff and a redhead in a realy wierd mobster, "wait arent you Roman Torchwick" the suprised man now named as roman attempted. to attack but was suddenly stabbed by Pitch through the heart as roman fell he flicked the blood off of his blade a pink and brown haired girl dived after me imeadeatly realizing that she wasn't the real one immediately he grabbed the red haired girl with his shadow hand and dove into the closest hole.
Smiting grimm was doing no good. There were too many. Many were so strong that Tang was forced to actively avoid them. It was infuriating to no end. Most of the surface was quickly evacuated of civilians, luckily. He still needed to see the bigger picture in order to make himself as useful as possible. He ran up to an Atlas droid that was setting up a triage. An actual soldier would have been better, but this was all available. "Hey! Where is help needed?" He spoke to the machines back, as it was turned away from him. It did not respond. "Oy! I'm talking to you!" He put his hand on the robots shoulder. He jumped back, startled, when it turned around suddenly. It's normally black faceplate was glowing red. It raised its weapon and fired. Multiple shots struck their mark, Tangs gut. His aura took the blow, but he was thrown over the counter of a gift shop by the impact.

He stayed behind the cover provided by the thick wooden conter. Broken mementos covered the floor. His weapon went into machinegun mode and he poked out of his cover. A quick burst to the head and the rogue robot went down. He ducked back before several more arrived and rained fire upon him. They kept peppering his cover, not allowing him a chance to move. The whole world felt like it was going mad. As projectiles rained around him, he couldn't contain it. He screamed, "What the fuck is going on!?" He cast a shield around him. He popped out once again and unloaded on all targets. One of the robots got within arms reach and attempted to hit him. He casted a shield onto it and then solidified the shield, Effectively, freezing it mid-punch. He took the 15 seconds the shield lasted to reload his weapons drum magazine. He cocked, locked and as soon as the shield expired, he blew its head off. He felt good, but there were still more enemies incoming. He needed help.
Crystal was firing arrow after arrow to defend herself from the Grimm that seemed like they wanted to attack her. What she didn't plan on was an Ursa coming up behind her and knocking her back a few feet away from where she was standing. She saw her weapon go flying and land away from her and she looked at the Ursa that was ready to kill her so natural instinct took over and she did the one thing she could do, run away. Crystal scrambled to her feet and ran over to her weapon, grabbed it and ran away only to find Atlas Droid soldiers attacking another student and she did something that could get her killed if she was careless and he turned around and shot her, she turned her weapon into its sword form and attacked the droid that was coming up behind the student. "Well, this is different than our regularly scheduled program huh."

as pitch and the red haired girl jumped into a side window on the ship. pitch started running through the corridor with the red haired girl in tow there was only one way to stop this thing from falling. witch it had recently started doing i'm gonna have to hack it. pitch stopped once the girl spoke up" Wait wait Stop". WHAT!!! pitch turned around quickly looking into her eyes witch were a light gray like the ending of the storm. MENTAL SLAP!!!! "we need to get off of this thing"she said " no this is our ticket out of here this thing can get the refugees to Vacuo or better". " the names pitch by the way" "Ruby and lets get a move on". pitch ran into the Main control console and took a plug out of his robotic arm and plugged it in. the console didn't light up and the arms holopad read error. "shit" he looked around for a possible plug or something but realized there was a skirmish not long before. "What is it?" ruby asked "it seems someone stole the entire mainframe". Pitch said " so plan B" pitch looked under the mainframe and pulled out every cord. a red light and alarm started howling and before ruby could ask what was was happening. pitch sliced off a piece of wall and grabbed ruby and jumped out
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"Great now the atlas tin cans are attacking. I new they had bad programming but seriously" Bruno said annoyed after finish another ursa a group of Atlas droids opened fire on him. Bruno tankeda few rounds of bullets before turning his weapon into its rifle form and shot the droids down. This is really turning bad... We have the white fang, Grimm, and rampaging droids... I need to find other now... Bruno thought before making a dash through the attacking and headed to were he thought he saw other students going.

"Great more robots..." Bruno said sighing before charging at a group of droids near two students and started cutting robots down.
Erkhile saw a few Atlas ships over the arena, Good, some help! he thought as he ran full circle back to the arena, throwing dust bombs as he went. Inside, he saw only robot parts flying, they were attacking students! Jumping onto the arena platform, he opened up a cloud of darkness and systematically hacked away at the droids with his scythe, as the cloud cleared up he looked at the other students there, "It's been a perfect day hasn't it!" he said wheezing out a laugh. "But, seriously, we need to escape now, and fast, so let's all stay together for now.", looking around at all the chaos, it wouldn't be long before they were overrun, there wasn't really a lot of places to go but they had to leave, fast!
CrystalYoshi said:
Crystal was firing arrow after arrow to defend herself from the Grimm that seemed like they wanted to attack her. What she didn't plan on was an Ursa coming up behind her and knocking her back a few feet away from where she was standing. She saw her weapon go flying and land away from her and she looked at the Ursa that was ready to kill her so natural instinct took over and she did the one thing she could do, run away. Crystal scrambled to her feet and ran over to her weapon, grabbed it and ran away only to find Atlas Droid soldiers attacking another student and she did something that could get her killed if she was careless and he turned around and shot her, she turned her weapon into its sword form and attacked the droid that was coming up behind the student. "Well, this is different than our regularly scheduled program huh."
Tang hadn't noticed the Atlas droid coming up behind him. And by the time he did, it had a sword protruding from its chest. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the huntress behind it. "Ya, thanks for that." He sounded out of breath, but was smiling. "Come to think of it, I wonder if they're still broadcasting." Most of the grimm and rogue Atlas forces seemed to be done with this area. It looked like they were moving in the direction of Beacon.

Tang spotted a grounded White Fang jet. It looked as if the pilots had been killed by a nevermore. Several arrow-like feathers peppered the cockpit windscreen, but other than that it was intact. An idea formed in Tangs mind. He turned to the white-haired huntress. "Hey, how do you feel about flying?"
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Crystal pulled her sword out of the Atlas droid and she let it transform back into her bow before smiling back at the boy around her age. "More than likely but there is a bigger issue at hand." She looked over at the grounded jet the boy was talking about and she shrugged her shoulders, she had never flown anything in her life. "As long as I'm not doing the flying."

Crystal then remembered that she didn't know this boy's name and so what better time and place to do introductions than now. "My name is Crystal, Crystal Bellmore, I'm a student here at Beacon and I am the leader of team CBLT (Cobalt), what about you mystery guy?"
Erkhile had been going in circles for a while now, before he saw several Atlas ships flying into the sky, which gave him an idea...some where around Beacon, there might be a free ship left! So, even though his mind was clouding his focus with visions of dread, he had to get to a free Atlas ship. The excitement and terror seemed to make time go slower than it was actually moving as Erkhile searched around campus, The Grimm seemed to ignore him, and the droids were concerned with other students, but, he couldn't escape a group of White Fang goons!

Their movements seemed to overwhelm him as his hands moved in sheer terror, blocking some, and letting a few hard-hitting ones in, his Aura was about done, and he couldn't throw anymore dust grenades, so instead, he ran. Instead, of an Atlas ship, luck had granted him a recently vacated White Fang jet, with two students inside, he shouted to get their attention "Hey! I can't find my team! Can I come with you guys, please!"
Grimm? In the arena? This was... uncalculated. Mocha watched the tournament from within the arena. Ch, not worth it to stay and sacrifice myself here. Mocha immediately used her semblance to cancel all noise from her person. Moving swiftly and stealthily, she climbed down the arena, hoping to find some form of evacuation. Leaping with the help of her jump jets, every jump had left a small scorch mark on the ground, Mocha was clearly worried. Soon she ran out onto a small balcony about 50 meters up from ground level. There! I can see people. Mocha looked up to see multiple airships leaving the tournament area. Realizing that the amount of ships were dwindling, Mocha quickly scanned around to find a pair of students a male and female leaving in a ship. And in front of them was another male running towards them. Damn, I need to start moving now. Strapping her swords to her back, she leaped off the balcony. Mocha deactivated her semblance hoping to get their attention, she ripped a large explosive propulsion out of her jets, propelling her closer to them, the sound boomed across the ground as a large smoke cloud erupted behind her. Landing about 20 meters from them, she yells "Yield! I am in need of assistance!". But the explosion alerted many of the grimm within the arena to her presence. Looking up to see beowolfs gathering behind her, she sprinted towards the airship.
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Pitch and ruby jumped through the hole and landed on a jet. " Thank Oum" he screamed to the heavens in thanks but quickly realized he was on a white fang he took off his hat and sighed showing his wolf like ears and sliced off a small chunk of roof and jumped guns pointed towards him. " ruby look away and count to 20" ruby did as she was told and when she looked back there was blood a open door and no bodies and pitch was getting ready to fly the jet she was a little scared at how little she new him but followed him anyway pitch was actually thinking the same thing but didnt act on it. she had to be skilled to wield a giant scythe. ruby sat in the copilot seat next to pitch. she was so exhausted everything that happened today was so... exhausting. she looked at beacon and its state in the air and all she could think of doing was cry. she wept and she had lost hope and she was sad and angry and hurt and she didn't know what to do. the jet landed not to far away from the school entrance and as ruby tried to leave Pitch told her to sit down. " look i know now isn't the time for a heart to heart but hear me out." ruby looked down a little saddened by the day. listen when life gets you down theirs only one thing thing you gotta say. WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM" that will help". ruby didn't seem spirited by the idea. " when i was little." Pitch began." i worked in the mines it was the only job i could get. my mother used to be a maid to a real'y high up business man. but lost it when she got pregnant with me so when i was old enough i worked with my mother in the mines. we hated it but we had each-other in a way it was bliss. until i was 10 then the mine went into had a accident and my mother was killed by mother. after that i ran and i never stopped running." ruby looked sad but before she could say anything pitch jumped out of the cockpit and opened the big door ruby guessed she wouldn't pry. " you should go find your friends i need to find something (cookies) that was stolen from me" he said and walked towards the cafeteria.
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The ship fell rather slowly over the fairgrounds and Lupin jumped off landing onto a robot crushing the construct like a tin can. He saw two students apparently helping each other out then looked up at the ship as it feel over them to crash inside Beacon. This crash disabled most of the robot's but a large group near the fairgrounds continued to function and were still hostile. A robotic dog came out of a small flash behind Lupin and barked at him once. "Good job Morse. Now hit it!" The dog jumped attaching itself to Lupin as a backpack before deploying speakers to draw in any foes he could. [media]

"Let's get this party started." Lupin smiled turning his large sword into a sniper as the music started drawing every grimm in the fairgrounds to him. He started firing his 50. Cal sniper at everything that showed up killing multiple Ursa and beowolves. He'd slow time for only the grimm every time he had to reload and was soon firing over a wall of grimm that were too injured to move. He changed his weapon into its sword form and grinned charging some very large grimm like a suicidal maniac. He seemed to be moving like a blur as he slashed through the crowds.

@CrystalYoshi @OGTomahawk

A girl appeared on the arena with a smile. "Hey there grim would you care to buy some string? No? How about a demonstration." The girl said standing between the grimm and a large group of fleeing people. The girl vanished and reappeared a few times before appearing in front of the nearest student. "Luna the merchant at your service!" The girl said extending her hand causing a few metallic lines to shimmer behind her as the razor Sharp wire sliced multiple grimm to mist behind her. She looked back and giggled a little. "Oops that was razor wire. And to think maybe those grimm had some coin to spend too. Oh well. What about you kid?"

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Erkhile couldn't even look at the girl annihilating several waves of Grimm behind him, not until he stepped on the jet and turned around, only seeing the aftermath of her skill. Beacon was still crumbling around them and it was a matter of time before it fell.

@Holo @Enkye

"I don't think we have much time for chit-chat unless you get on the jet! Come on!" he called over to them, but it didn't really matter, they were already home free! Sitting down in a passenger seat, Erkhile heaved a sigh of relief.

@OGTomahawk @CrystalYoshi

He looked over at the other two people in the jet, "I am Erkhile Fortuna, pleasure to be in the presence of my saviours!"
After slicing another ursa head off Bruno noticed a white fang ship about to take off. He started running slicing Grimm down who got in his way. "Hey your not leaving me in this mess" Bruno said running to the ship. Once he was close enough he jumped into the ship.

"Good you guys not white fang or this would of gotten messy." Bruno said calmly before sitting down. Hopefully these guys won't care if I hitch a ride... Bruno thought to himself. "I'm Bruno Brown" Bruno said figuring it would be a good idea to introduce himself.

@OGTomahawk @Xenoxx @CrystalYoshi

"Hi Bruno, have we met before?" he asked him that for posterity, of course he met him before, they've all met before, just not like this! But, where would they go, what happens to the other people that they left? I can't worry about that now, they'll be okay, but at least I'm safe, I won't die here , he was glad that thought had graced him, one way or another they were going to be okay.

@OGTomahawk @CrystalYoshi

"So, where are we going, or are we just going to hang out in the sky until we run out of fuel?"

... what does this person want? It seems she is looking for money. Mocha decided she had no time to waste purchasing something from the peculiar person, she had to get to the jet before the other students took off. "Interaction is unwelcome, at this rate evacuation is improbable." She said in a very monotonous voice. Using her semblance again, she silenced all noises coming from herself. Hoping the string user would be slightly confused with the lack of noise coming from her large steps.

@OGTomahawk @ChazGhost @Xenoxx @CrystalYoshi

Mocha ran towards the ship jumping over any grimm in her way. With a sharp stop she slowed down and proceeded to get inside. "Greetings," she deactivated her semblance, "I am Mocha. I thank you all for waiting." She then looked around, noticing a very panicky male hunter. Is he new to this? Or is he always like this? Irregardless, she spoke up in response to his question, "Protocols dictate we find a suitable landing zone for recuperation."
Crystal followed Tang onto the ship and she watched as he pressed buttons that she wouldn't have been able to pressed. She nodded when he asked her to hello the people in and she stood there as others got into the ship and she closed the door once a girl got inside and she closed the door once she evaluated that no one else was getting on. She vaguely heard introductions as she made her way back to where Tang was. "We're good to go Tang, everyone is on." She sat in the seat next to his and stared out at Beacon, strapping her bow back to its place on her back.

@OGTomahawk @ChazGhost @Xenoxx

Looking out the window, Erkhile saw everything they were going to leave behind; flames, fire, chaos, Grimm, but most of all, Beacon. He collapsed his weapon, putting it inside his jacket, that had a calming effect on him, as if it was all over. Erkhile decided that making small talk would be a nice compliment to the ride, so he was going to talk to everyone there.


He decided to talk to Mocha, who had answered his question-

"Hey, whats with the lack of tonality? Is there more machine of you than your legs?", That was a stupid question, 'I'll probably get shut down with everything I say to her from now on...' he thought stifling a chuckle 'Hmph, now who's the robot', Erkhile then mentally slapped himself in the face.
Mocha looked down Machine? I suppose that is valid, little loops and circuits fidgeted in her eyes as she focused on her legs. "Affirmative, there are more bionics within my body, however emotions levels are insufficient due to my nature." She then looked straight at him. "I don't believe I've acquired your name, if you please."


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