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Fandom RWBY characters

Duke of Doge

Professional disappointment.
Country of origin:
Human/faunus. (If faunus what kind?)
Sexual Orientation:
Name: Rogue Pewter

Age: "Well... I am 16... I'm going to be 17 soon... Dont judge me..."

Gender: Female


Country of origin: "I'm from Mistral. Not ashamed."

Motivation: "Well... My father was mocked for adopting me when i had no one... So i want to show them that he was not crazy. Im going to make them all shut their traps..."

Human/faunus: Feline Faunus

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual "As long as I am happy, I dont really care..."

"Oh Viola.... My sweet instrument of hunting..."
Her voice summons her semblance. It can be anywhere from heals to various buffs.

"My father said I had a natural talent for the Violin when I was younger, guess I just had to keep at it. Ooh! Almost forgot that I can sing and dance a little... A bit embarrassing... I am also quite acrobatic..."

"Hmm... People would describe me as a Fun-loving spirit.... of course I would act my age.... why not? I am also very mature when it comes to weapons.... except Mr. Granite's pumpkins.... or Petunia's models..... or Teal's collections..... okay so I am not THAT mature....."

On the streets of the lower class of Mistral, a young faunus girl no more than the age of 7 is begging for money and food. Her parents long gone, she sat in the rain in tattered and soaked clothes. She was about to give up right before a Human came by. He was not like the others, he was kind and saw potential in the young faunus. He took her home and treated her as though she was his own. He taught her music, which she quickly found she had a natural talent for. She was taught fighting, archery, and various forms of self defense.

The Faunus was now nearing her teens, being this Humans daughter for only 6 years, she had heard of various mockery's and hate towards the man. She did not like that at all. This human saved her life and they treated him like a fool. One night their house was invaded, and these men clearly meant to shed blood. A blood curdling scream could be heard in the house as the young Faunus shot to her feet. She ran down the hall and turned the corner to find two men beating her adoptive father black and blue. The faunus stood there until some urge overtook her. She took hold of her bow she had laid against the wall during that day and screamed "Let him go!!" tears could be seen in her eyes as she screamed this.

Her father looked to her and said "Rogue... Run..." but as he said this, one of the men turned with a smirk towards the faunus named Rogue. Rogue screamed as the man rushed towards her. It was not of fear, but of hate... of discontent... Rogue released the arrow she had notched, and the arrow found its mark, straight in the mans forehead. The man that had been rushing her crumpled to his knees and fell with the momentum of his stride. Rogue managed to get out of the way of the mans body and the second man ran away. Rogue ran to her fathers side as she saw he was barely breathing. Rogue was crying, she did not want her only family she had ever truly known to leave her.

The man let out a weak chuckle as he moved his hand across Rogues tear stained cheek. A shimmer not noticed by Rogue wrapped around her and the man smiled his smile that Rogue had come to love after all these years. "You didn't listen.... Thank you..." He said still smiling. "I may not have long.... Can you grant an old man one last wish?" he asked Rogue but she shook her head no. "I will grant my father as many wish's as he wants.... I won't let you die dad... I won't..." she said through tears. The man just kept smiling. "Please... let me hear that song you have been making..." He said as his breathing started to slow more.

Rogue wiped her tears the best she could as she started to sing the song she had been working on. As she sang, the mans smile never faded. His breath did however. Around the time her song ended, the man stopped breathing and had gone limp. Rogue was balling her eyes out as she fell to the floor in a ball. The only family she ever had was gone and she was alone again. That was until a familiar hand and voice reached her. "I'ts okay kitten.... I'm here..."

Through tear stricken eyes, Rogue looked up and there was her father, less bruised than before and actually breathing. Rogue jumped into his arms, crying from joy and fear both at once. "Don't leave me again... please..." She balled as the man wrapped her in his arms. "I promise my kitten.... I will do my best.." as he says this, the door to the house is busted down and neighbors enter the house and see the scene.

2 years later, Rogue is at her graduation party and everyone is excited. Her father is having conversations with a few people but seemed to concentrate on a man in green. Her friends were all talking about what academies they were going to. "Hey Rogue!" Iris, who was one of Rogues closest friends, said. "Which one are you going to?" Rogue shrugged. she had not thought about it for a bit. She had made Viola after the incident a few years back with the intent to go to Vale, but she had second thoughts. "I... I don't know Amber..." She said. Just then the man in green came up to Rogue and smiled. "Hello Rogue." He said. "Do you know who I am?" he asked.

Rogue looked at him closer. "You're... You're Professor Ozpin.... the HeadMaster at Beacon academy..." She said a bit in awe. Ozpin nodded his head. "I had heard of what you did a few years back. I was wondering if you would like a spot in Beacon Academy?" he asked. Rogue accepted immediately, she would never get a chance like that again and she was not letting it slip through her fingers. She packed her belongings when the time came and hugged her dad, wishing him to be safe. He did the same as she began the travel to Beacon.

She has part of a photo that has her old family in it. Part of it is ripped off though.


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(Imagine she also has a chest holster + a belt & hip holster)
Name: Violet Cestria
Age: "17... I think."
Gender: Female
Team: NA
Country of origin: "Technically... Menagerie, but it was never really home."
Motivation: "Ensure people (She says people but she really means Faunus) never have to go through what I did... and hopefully gain equality and fair treatment for all Faunus."

Human/Faunus: Feline Faunus
Sexual Orientation: "I'll take what I can get."
Weapon: (will upgrade later)
Semblance: "I can turn invisible. I can control which parts of me disappear too. It feels weird to do it though, and breathing becomes difficult if I hold it for too long."
Skills/talents: "I know a fair deal about living off the land and economics. I'm not very book smart though."
Personality: Violet is cocky, very flirty, somewhat lazy and sarcastic. Above all, she loves to mess with people. She has more than a bit of an inflated ego and somewhat of an anger problem. Violet has a tendency to smile a lot... sometimes creepy, sometimes crazy, sometimes cute. She keeps her history well hidden.

Violet has more than a little bit of a crazy side. Depending on the situation, she develops a bloodlust, a dark, twisted and sadistic side. Behind all of this, however, Violet is just a girl scared of her emotions.

Bio: Violet was born into a band of traders. They lived on the road and in caravans. At the age of 9, her caravan was attacked by human bandits, then the Grimm. Violet only survived because her semblance kicked in. She feels a great deal of guilt about this and often thinks herself a coward. The attack left her with some kind of PTSD and a deep loathing distrust of humans. Violet was left without a family or home, forced to survive in the wilds of vale for months. She was eventually picked up by a huntsman, who raised her as his own until she was of age to enroll at Beacon. Violet wanted to be a wandering huntress. So the tragedy that befell her family won't be repeated, and hopefully get justice for all Faunus.

She has a noticeable scar on the right side of her lip, and several scars on her body.

Fairy Tale Inspiration: Cheshire cat.
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"Don't matter where ya came from, bruv...what matters is where ya goin"
Name: Crim "Butch" Smo
Age: 17
Species: Human
Country of Origin: Vale
Junker- "It ain't pretty, but it gets the job done"- Junker is a weapon that has been built out of solely out of either scrapped or spare weapon parts. Although the weapon is admitably shoddy, Junker's main strength is it's versatility in a fire fight, as it is a modeler weapon. Thus various weapon attachments and even weapon mods can be used to modify the weapon to the situation, although it takes a small bit of time.
There are three weapon mods that can be fitted onto Junker's weapon frame an various attachment for the weapon.
Shocker Mod- Converts the weapon into a sort of SMG, best for mid-range use and can be fitted with either replace the weapon stock with a pistol grip to be held with a single hand or a attaching a simple fore grip for better accuracy.
Assualter Mod- Converts the weapon into a form of shotgun, which can either be outfitted with a pump action feature to discharge more rounds at a slower speed or a drum barrel with an automatic feature at the cost of recoil and damage per shot.
Launcher Attachment- Junker can be converted into a makeshift rocket launcher, which fits on the end of the barrel regardless of which weapon mod is currently attached. Although it does prevent the weapon from firing, it does provides the user the capability to fire off a explosive rocket
Shush Attachment- Essentially A makeshift silencer that can dampened the noise of the weapon fire, but at the cost of weapon damage and a slight decrease in weapon accuracy. Can only be attached to either the Ranger or Shocker Mods.
Snake Fang- Essentially an old war bayonet, can be used either as a knife or as a bayonet attachment for Junker. Cannot be attached while Junker has on the Launcher or Shush Attachment.
Throwables- The two types of explosives that Butch utilizes: An improvised grenade for AT purposes and a Molotov cocktail for AP purposes.
Jack- Less of a weapon and more of an a worn mail man bag. Butch can carry his weapon modifications as well as additional ammunition for himself and his team within the pack.

Fighting Style: In a few simple words: Guerrilla, versatility, speed, opportunist, flanker, and dirty. Butch does not like to fight without having all the advantageous first. Butch likes to prob and exploit any weaknesses in the enemy, it's why he generally comes in from the flanks or the rear when engaging in a fight, and prefers not to engage the enemy head on if possible. Rather, Butch fighting method is to strike the enemy rapidly, before re-positioning himself quickly before his opponent even knew what hit him or her, quickly become naturally hidden in the background if he needs to. Given Butch's modular weapon option, it givens him a variety of options when engaging the enemy, and he knows where best to input his firepower for the best output damage.
That being said, there are a few problems with the way he fights. Butch will not last too long in a confrontational or prolonged fight without retreating. Butch will only do so if in the desperate of times, as he doesn’t lack the courage to do so, it’s just he will be more of a distraction. The young man can, however, last significantly longer in a gunfight as opposed to melee, but he can still be out shot by dedicated gunners or snipers.
Semblance: Smokey- Butch can unleash a stream of thick smoke from his upper face forward a short distance, obstructing the view of anybody viewing into the smoke or caught in the smoke. The smoke will linger for a bit before it breaks up. Given his time with this semblance, Butch has learned to navigating quite effectively through the cover of his semblance. Butch can also either shoot the smoke toward in a thick stream or straight downward, causing it to quickly surround Butch.
Improvisational Weapons- Considering Butch hadn't any resources growing up meant that the boy had always had to improvise, even with his weapons. As such, Butch has enough technical know how to make weapons out of basic everyday ingredients and use them in a variety of creative ways.
Slight of Hand- This isn't simply just card tricks he knows, though he does know a few. Butch has has been brought up with a few tricks up his sleeves, in-particularly, making things appear to be one thing while another thing is happening. This is usually useful when he want to steal somthing, but it can also be used to fool the opponent.
Parkour- Butch is very good at running away from things, no matter the terrain.
Hide-'n-Seek Champion- Butch's favorite game is hide n' seek. Butch is quite skilled at hiding himself every since he was a boy, so even without a semblance to cloak himself, Butch can be a very difficult person to find if he wants to hide.

"I've neva 'ad it easy, but I've never needed it to be."
Given the way Butch fights, some people may consider him a bit of a snake(not literally...). It is true, honor is honestly a concept that is irrelevant to a man such as Butch, but only because he has decided that there bigger priorities in life; One of them, is the safety of his fellow comrades.
Butch is a actually rather jolly fellow, to say the least, which quite odd given how his upbringing treated him. The man treats everyone he meets, friend or stranger, with a friendly and open attitude as well as a bit of camaraderie. Thus, it's not a rarity you would hear the Butch refer to a person as "Bruv" or "Sister", although for those closer to him he'll refer to them as "Brother" or "Sis". In fact, Butch is a man who's willing to listen and speak his mind on a lot of things, be it on the subject of fighting or just causally conversing about the weather. Butch does enjoy the company of people to being alone, but that doesn't mean he's incapable of operating solo, he's done so for most of his life.
In a fight, Butch is quite generally speaking gets quite serious and hunkered down at on the task at hand. Not that the young man can't make a clever quip or two, it's just he prefers to keep his focus. Observing is Butch's default state in a fight, as he's always watching for weakness for himself to exploit, as well as watching for his ally's back. If an ally's ever in trouble or downed, Butch is almost always the first to come to their aid, be it taking the attention of their opponent off of them or carrying them to safety on his own back.
In general life, Butch isn't as shaken (comparatively) by defeat or loss, in fact one may say he's quite used to it at this point in his life, but that doesn't stop him from fighting on. Butch's philosophy on the matter? We fight, we get defeat, we rise, then we fight again...until we win, or until we're dead...no shame from running from a battle, if it means we can come back and win the war. It's all about scale, and the long term, in Butch's opinion, it's why he's not quick to celebrate victory, or assume defeat.
"So ya want to know more about me, hm?...Not much to say, if I 'ad to be honest, it's quite the same as any other orphan or bastard of Rament...I started as an' accident...no use hidin' the fact, ain't like it's big deal...Never knew my da, never really care to...but me mum...she was somthin' entirely different to me...she was me superhero, could of done anythin' and everythin', all for me...you might have said otherwise, 'cause, well.... she was a thief, and a pretty damn good one too, from what I've 'eard...Never ever got caught, hehe...I remember, when I was a wee lad, we traveled a lot together...even across an ocean one time...never could stay in one place for too long, else we get too much heat...she taught me a lot about stealing and tricking people, though she always had a thing for not hurtin' them if they've done nuthin' wrong...guess you can say she was a bit of a pacifist..odd considerin' how I turned out...I wonder sometimes if she'd be proud of who I became...I still wonder...
Anyhow...me mum passed away when I was still a wee boy...could believe one of Remenet's greatest thieves died to a cold from rain? Hehe...yeah, I couldn't believe it too...least I was by her side when she finally joined Oum...had to bury her too, which isn't somthin' a wee boy should do...but what could you do?...the only thing I 'ad to remember her, is this red scarf...it's in good condition, ain't it? Had to mend a couple of times...but it's still intact...just like how me mum used to wear it...after me mum died, I was on my own...livin' out on the streets all by meself...stealin', trickin', beggin'...fightin' for any scraps I could get me hands on...wasn't much of a livin' for a wee lad, I tell ya...but I'm 'ere an' still kickin', ain't I?..."

Theme song:

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  • Name: Willow Faye

    Color Naming Rule: Willow as in the tree, which is very recognizably green. Willow’s theme colors are green and other earthy tones.

    Inspiration Character: Tinkerbell (From Peter Pan)

    Kingdom of Origin: Vale

    Gender: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Panromantic Asexual

    Age: 17 (people tend to assume she is 15-16)

    Team: TBD

    Year: 1st

    Aura Color: Yellow/Gold
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    Eis KaltName: Eis Kalt

    Age: "I've seen seventeen winters if that's what you mean? That's how my mom taught me to keep track of age. What? What do you mean it'd be easier to just say 17?"

    Year: "Well, this is my first time attending Beacon. Or any school for that matter..."

    Sexual Orientation: "Um, that's kind of a weird question isn't it? Heh, um, well I'm only attracted to people I've grown really close to, doesn't really matter their gender."

    Country of Origin: "I'm from Mistral. Not like the city Mistral though. More like the general continent."

    Aura Color: Icy Blue

    Species: "I'm an Arctic Fox! I thought the ears, tail and fangs would clue you in to that. You're really not the most observant person are you? Was that mean? That was mean wasn't it?"


Name: Emerald Greene
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Emerald is very fit and muscular, he is 6’ 3”, and weighs 173 lbs.
Team: Not Determined yet
Country of origin: Vale
Bio/Motivation: Emerald was born into a rich family, the way his family got the money is what made people not really respect him or them. He was forced to stay quiet throughout most of his life and his family was very well known in most places but Emerald tried his best to stay unnoticed, almost as if living a double life. One day he was going for a walk outside the kingdom walls and found himself straying too far away when a giant grimm attacked him, as he fell to the floor and closed his eyes hoping and praying for a way out of death. He noticed a shadow of a female that killed the beast and helped him up, she knew who he was but didn’t see him as a and person like everyone else did, she was very kind and after that day they began to hang out. He was stuck on whether or not he should be like his family or to try and be his own person. The girl gave him advice to just be who he wanted to be and to just follow his heart so he decided to go under some training by her to become a hunter and help people that are in trouble. They later became lovers but after finally enrolling into school to be an official hunter Emerald found out that his lover was killed by a group that controlled the grimms and ever since then he hasn’t been the same.
Human/Faunus: Human
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weapon: Fell Cyclone - This weapon is capable of becoming an elemental sniper that he can use to change bullet type to whatever element is needed for the moment, Emerald uses the snipers kick to gain more mobility around the battlefield. When he switches to the scythe variant of his weapon he can change the blades edge into whatever element he would like using the bullets of the sniper within the gain mobility but the bullets within it aren’t as strong. Lastly, when he gains his dual short swords from splitting the weapon into two he can change the blades edge to an electric attack and while this is activated it can increase his speed.
Semblance: Increased speed and agility, speed increases with more experience and at full potential is in terms of almost the flashes speed. He can also absorb a hit from an attack and force back 2 times the strength of the attack, if used too often his body will strain and weaken causing this Semblance to get weaker.
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Skills/talents: Emerald is a very good hacker since his family is known for getting money from maintaining the kingdoms power supply and other things (Bad things). He is also very good at massages, creating music, and drawing.
Personality: Emerald is very caring but usually stays silent unless he needs to speak in combat, you won’t find him speaking much unless he knows someone well enough. Emerald is very sneaky and will find other ways to express his emotions whether it be through drawing or his music. He very much likes women and can sometimes be seen finding ways to impress them but even though he does do this, people can tell he is somewhat broken inside and they can see he is looking for a girl to fix him.

Eisen Wren

Country of Origin


Tall, with a well-built runners body.


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To be the strongest, with or without a semblance.

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Eisen is, at his core, dedicated. All his life, he has struggled. And he always found ways to survive and grow from the experience.

While he is the friendly sort, Eisen is crude and tactless, due to his upbringing. He's also rather dumb, except in the areas of combat and hunting. Eisen doesn't know all the modern trends or what's cool.

He's fearless and headstrong. But it hasn't gotten him killed yet, so that's not going to change any time soon.

It's a cause for great stress for Eisen. He's starting with a cruel handicap at Beacon, for he still doesn't have an active semblance.

Weaponry and Armor
Without a semblance, Eisen had to get creative with armor and weapons. In a world where others go more complicated, with transforming weapons and crazy elemental powers, Eisen went simpler.

After years of training in the wilds with his master, he developed the armor and sword to play on his particular strengths and movements.

Without moving parts and hidden bits, his katana is far faster than most weapons in this world.

He has just enough armor to bolster his defenses based on careful planning based on past injury sites, but he remains agile and quick, to dodge and counter whatever the world throws at him.

His armor, all handmade, consists of the clothing in his FC, was well as metal greaves, vambraces, and a chain tunic under his shirt.

If his katana is unavailable for any reason, he is well trained in a few unarmed styles as well. Mastery of his body is paramount to the crippled huntsman to be.

Peak Performance - To make up for a lack of superpowers, Eisen trained his body to be damn close.

Survivalist - Eisen grew up in the wilds. He's the go-to guy for anything about not dying in the unforgiving world outside the populated areas.

Unshakeable - You cannot scare Eisen. He will not retreat.

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Name: Silva/Tick Clocksworth
Age: 17|2
Gender: Male || Female
Team: ????
Country of origin:
Vaccuo || Atlas
To carry on the Clocksworth legacy
Human/faunus. Human || N/A
Sexual Orientation:
Straight as a board
His entire body's his weapon. Why? Due to the fact that most of his upper body has been turned into machine due to an accident before he unlocked his aura, several new-generation machines smuggled from Atlas were used to heal him. His arms can scan and absorb any kind of Dust and use it to fire Dust-Oriented beams or make his physical attacks gain such attributes.
Copy Machine - Copy Machine allows Silva to copy any aura-based attack/projectile when hit by said attack. He can only use it at a certain way with a randomized set of usage. Think of it as Megaman's Weapons in the games--except only one attack and a very limited weapon slots
-Great Mechanic
-Weapons Expert
-Average CQC
A somewhat upbeat and cheerful individual who is still trying to get used to combat. He has big goals that he wanted to achieve and shows the determination necessary to do so. Silva tries to support everyone in their dreams while still leaving enough to support himself. He seems to be the kind of guy who'll befriend anyone he meets as long as they're not an enemy.

Tick, on the other hand, is more of a assistant software who often checks up on Silva during combat situations. She speaks in a calm, polite manner yet lacks knowledge on social interaction. She feels more like a little sister than a program...Or is she?

Silva is a man born under a family of mechanics that focuses on both weaponry and simple machinery such as clocks, cars, and televisions. When he was a young boy, Silva got into an accident while working on a weapon with a blacksmith. The accident caused most of his upper body to be burnt when the forge was suddenly tipped over, causing most of the heated magma to fall on his upper body. Luckily, he survived, but at the cost of his arms. This incident forced Silva to be bedridden for months until he went into an experimental proceedure involving smuggled Atlas technology. As evident, it was a success. Silva's body regained it's strength along with a fancy new set of prosthetic arms.

A few years later, Silva unlocked his aura and heard all about the tales of the Clocksworth family during the war and wishes to carry on that legacy. At first, his father didn't allow it, but he eventually did.

Tick was manifested when Silva took the entrance exam, appearing as a voice in his head telling him what would sound like basic analysis. At first, he thought that it was merely a new feature that his father put in before he left until he realized that there wasn't any proof of that and decided to ask the voice about it. It was revealed to him that the voice didn't exactly know who she was and came to with the only thought in her mind being 'assist him in any way you can'.

*Legend: Silva || Tick
Name: Mika Gold

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Team: ????

Country of origin: Vale

Doesn't have much of a hero's thinking. After finding out his semblance, he thought he could use this to the best of his ability in order to become rich and powerful.

Human/faunus: Human

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

His weapon of choice is a bo-staff with two extendable blades on each end. The middle of the bo-staff can split off turning into dual kamas. These dual kamas can be turned into pistols if he so chooses in order to fight from afar. He usually fights with his weapon in its bo-staff form, but will split it if the situation requires it.

Mika wasn't born with a offensive or defensive semblance. He figured out that his semblance was the ability to tell if someone is lying or telling the truth. After playing with his newfound power, he realized that if he held his hand on someone's forehead, he could force the truth out. Though doing so drains his aura a ton and forces him to rest. Knowing this, he never really uses it.

Mika took martial arts classes as a youngster. This is one of the main reasons why he chose to use a bo-staff. Not having a good semblance for fighting, he turns to martial arts to defeat his opponents.

He is a quiet person when around those he doesn't know. Quite mysterious. Mika's personality doesn't really help when making friends, but once you get to know him, he becomes an interesting person. He also likes to admire the beauty of nature and enjoy the fresh air.

Mika was born as the second child in Vale. His mother and father supported him throughout his journey to becoming a huntsmen. His sister died after a raid from the white fang. This has caused him to not be very fond of those of Faunus heritage. He had a very docile childhood not making that many friends as he was a quiet child. Though he still lived a happy life. He always had a dark opinion on the world, believing that the only way to survive is to become powerful. So that is exactly what he sought out to do , become powerful and survive.

Other: (:3)​
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((No ears, he's got an orange crest on top of his head, though))
Name: Alani Hoopoe
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Team: TBA
Country of origin: Atlas
Motivation: He's just looking for an income. He and his family would really appreciate the extra cash.
Human/faunus: Faunus, Hoopoe
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weapon: Alani charges into battle with a large, two handed sword, just eclipsing six feet long, named Sverd. Large caliber rounds are kept in a drum magazine (6 shots) that cannot be fired from a distance. Effective range, right next to the target. Warning, do not use for mobility, you will hurt yourself.
Semblance: A rather simple Semblance, Alani is simply strong, inhumanly (infaunusly?) so. His large sword requires two hands for most people to even lift, Alani can swing it with just the one easily. Not to mention his astonishingly strong aura, perhaps being affected by his Semblance as well.
Skills/talents: Alani surprisingly knows quite a bit about etiquette, due to his mother's and father's work. And being raised among several other siblings, he is no stranger to fighting more than one person at the same time.
Personality: Alani, due to his upbringing, has a very rough and tumble way about him. Friend's and siblings have been wrestled to the ground or their head locked under his arm and the rest of them being flung around as he turned this way and that. Quiet also doesn't gel with him easily, and his naturally loud voice can be easily heard.
Bio: Alani has grown up surrounded by noise. Him and his siblings squawking at anything with the smallest of excuses, his parents yelling at them and wondering why their children are making so much noise, the children yelling back their reason. That was simply the way of things. Surprisingly, though, his mother and father were servants of high regard. Both knew the proper etiquette of be quite, out of the way, and know what is needed without the employer/master having to say a word. It helped tremendously that the two's animal features were either fairly discreet or easily hidden, the tail feathers of his mother being hidden underneath her dress while his father's bird like eyes often going unnoticed.

The money, however, was not enough to live comfortably with so many children. They had a roof over their heads and food in their bellies, but little else. Alani, being the eldest, realized their situation first. And so, he took up odd jobs to help. But then he saw his chance to make some actual money and do something interesting. And that was to be a Huntsman. He doubted Atlas' school would accept him, so he looked else where. Luckily Beacon wasn't as picky.


  • Name: Maya Azure
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Team: ?
    Country of origin: Originally Atlas, but she moved to Vale at a reasonably young age.
    Human/faunus: Human
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Motivation: Besides just a sheer disliking of Grimm, she has always been eager to come into action instead of taking a side-line position as her family did.

    Personality: At first glance, Maya may seem to be a very reserved and timid girl. Her facial expressions tend to be quite neutral, even stoic perhaps, which, in combination with her bright blue eyes and hair, has even lead to people believing she was an android at a very young age. In actuality, Maya is indeed rather introverted and not the best at the usage of words. Physical gestures, like blasting things away with her cannon, is more like her style.

    Calm and dedicated yet extremely chaotic, misinterpreting Maya isn't all that difficult. To make things better, a lack of organization and a seemingly unstoppable spree of daydreaming followers her anywhere she goes. Maya's approach to situations tends to be rather reckless as well, adding up to her being a danger to the world when not regulated properly.

    As mentioned before, Maya is not some sort of emotionless machine. Her feelings tend to just be shown in a toned-down version compared to other individuals. The Atlesian girl's lack of social skills is not necessarily shown by her being quiet, though. She can talk and hold conversations just fine but faces occasional incongruence instead, making some of her statements coming off as awfully blunt or unfitting. In truth, Maya has little to no ill intent unless the person she is conversating with is somehow a Grimm.

    Bio: With pure Atlesian blood flowing through her veins, Maya was born and raised as a girl fascinated by the wonders of technology in which its weaponization was her main point of interest. After spending a couple of comfortable years back in Atlas, Maya’s family decided to boldly move to Vale. There they would set up a weapon crafting shop that wound up becoming surprisingly profitable thanks to the use of very modern technological advancements. Maya grew up looking at all kinds of unique components and creations, but it never really interested her all that much. She would leave the liking of tinkering and crafts to her older brothers. Maya just wanted to play with the finished results.

    It became quite apparent that the family trade was not one she aimed to join into. The young dreamer would always talk about her wish to become like one of the many customers that came into their workshop. One of the insanely cool huntsmen that fought of all those vicious little beasts. Maya always admired this line of work and quite clearly wished to do it herself as well. Her parents did not exactly appreciate her sight of the future, but they couldn’t really stop the stubborn soul nor push her into another direction. They were afraid she was too fragile for it. They didn’t want to lose their little girl.

    Luckily, Maya managed to prove them wrong after what could have been a catastrophic accident at the workshop. To put it simply, a large metal beam came crashing down without a warning, only to be stopped by merely the touch of her hand. Knowing all too well that her strength was far from capable of performing such a feat, it became clear something had kicked in. And that something was apparently a semblance.

    Following up on the abstract arrival of her ability, her parents were persuaded just enough for them to give her a chance at attending an academy. She’s been doing her utmost best ever since, and it has been awarding so far.
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Alias: Twilight Amaranthia
Real: Orion [REDACTED]

Country of Origin:
Sexual Orientation:
Artemis Diane - A giant two handed cleaver that can be switched from its cleaver mode into a two handed curved sword, doubling the length of the weapon.
Apollo Phoebus - A sawed off double-barrel, drum fed shotgun. The shotguns shoots specialized Dust rounds.


My Lovely Flower - A semblance passed down from user to user, My Lovely Flower was not the original name. The original name was [REDACTED], and he received it from [REDACTED]. The semblance allows the use of telekinetic powers, or the control of objects within range. He can lift things with his mind, throw them, crush them, or even cause them to do unnatural things such as combustion or explode, but this can not be used on living creatures (i.e. humans and faunus). The only reason that his semblance is so powerful is the huge drawback of using his life energy and Aura. Every time he uses his semblance, his time left on Remnant decreases. By knowing this, he has limited his use to only dire situations. He has [REDACTED] years left to live.
Close Quarters Combat
Liar - I lie so much, I think my lies are my truths
Average Marksmen
Expert Chef
Expert Swordsman

Born Orion [REDACTED], loving parents Eden and Fae adopted the young boy of the streets. He was their son, and he loved them very much. He had a normal childhood, no need to worry about the Grimm behind city walls, no need to worry about any threats. He was happy. He met a girl, and from the time he was 10, to their entering of a combat school, Orion fell in love. They did so, and promised to marry under the moon on a cool, summer night. That promise never came to fruition, because before his eyes, she was murdered by the people he thought he could protect. Huntsmen had struck her down, why you may ask, because she was a Faunus. In her dying breaths [REDACTED] gave Orion her semblance. He vowed to get revenge. He joined the criminal underbelly, and to destroy the Huntsmen and their order. There he met them, his new employer. He saw a new reason to fight, to go against Ozpin and the huntsmen. He would go under cover in a school as a student. He would do it, he would end the huntsmen, because they ended her.

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Myles V. Haverdale

Kotetsu 1.png




Country of origin:

“Is this really necessary? I know why I’m here. Why do you care?”

“I’m human. And here I was thinking my ears would’ve given that away already…”

Sexual Orientation:
“Isn’t this an entrance exam? Why do you need to know this--...?” *Sigh* “Boy or girl, I really couldn’t care less. They just have to be good company.”

“Give me a knife, and I can do just about anything you need me to do.”
Myles’ equipment is simple: Trinity, a set of three well-crafted knives of varying size strapped within a leather scabbard at his sides. The first of the three is a heavily built blade nearly the size of a short sword, specifically designed for close-quarter confrontations. Resting just above that in the scabbard is a shorter, finely-balanced dagger-like blade with a thick crossguard just above the hilt. This particular blade acts as a secondary, more defensive blade designed for close-quarters combat, and is balanced enough to act as a throwing knife should the need arise. Finally, resting on the right-hand side of his scabbard at thigh level is a small sheathe containing short knife with a finely-honed edge designed specifically for the purpose of ranged combat, and acts as his main weapon of choice in most combat scenarios.

“It’s simple. I can go anywhere, and be anywhere.”
Myles has the ability create small ‘portals’ that allow him and just about anything that can fit through it to traverse between two separate locations. The first signs of his semblance began to appear in his early teens when he began to notice strange abnormalities appearing in the air around him. He never gave it much thought at first, up until he created his first “rift” during a hunt, as he’d soon come to call it. Initially, these rifts were often small, barely large enough to fit a hand and the distance between them was minimal. As he began to practice with these newfound abilities, he began to develop more control over the size and distance of the rifts. The further apart the rifts are and/or the larger the rifts are, the harder they are to maintain.


“I know enough to survive. Plus, I can play the mandola fairly well...” *Sigh* “No, it’s not just a lute. A mandola has eight strings, tuned in pairs while a lute has ten--”
  • Expert marksman and close-quarter combatant with his blades
  • Experienced tracker
  • Sleight of hand
  • Surprisingly great at juggling, though don’t ever mention that in front of him…
  • Plays a mandola, which he learned from his mother

“Overall I’d say I’m a fairly well-rounded individual. Can we move on now?”
  • Stubborn
  • Ill-mannered, and often times comes off as very uncaring of others
  • Standoffish
  • Protective, though he sure doesn’t show it
  • Observant
  • Methodical

Born deep in the heart of Mistrals wilds as the only son of Hyal Valerious and Riona Haverdale, Myles spent much of his youth training under the wing of his father. Before Myles had been born, his father Hyal had established a small band of like-minded individuals to combat the growing tyranny of the local settlement lordships. This Robin Hood-esque band of outlaws and misfits stole from and sabotaged the local lordships, laying claim over the neighboring forests as a homefront for their more illicit activities. Under Hyal’s leadership, the group stayed true to a strict moral code, “Show no blade; take no life” and stole only from the local lordship and higher class traders. When Hyal met Myles’ mother Riona working as a tavern musician in a neighboring settlement, he became enthralled by her company and encouraged her take part in his ever growing band of outlaws. Enraptured with his thrilling tales of adventure and his troublemaking exploits, Riona agreed. Within a handful of months, their relationship flourished into matrimony and soon followed Myles birth.

Most of his earlier training was survival-based; understanding the art hunting, foraging, tracking, etc. His father, an experienced bladesman and deadly archer, often times encouraged Myles to take up the bow, but his more stubborn nature drove him to prefer the sharp and sturdy edge of a blade to the flimsy limbs and string of a bow. Most of these hunts involved basic wildlife, with the occasional lesser Grimm when a pack was sighted. Outside of this training, Myles consistently pleaded with his father to allow him on in the more exciting outlaw activity the group had become notorious for, who eventually relented and allowed him to attend the occasional highway robbery or raid.

However, life for Myles and the group of outlaws took a drastic turn on the eve of his 10th birthday. Early that day, his father had gifted him a special gift; a proper set of custom made combat and throwing knives designed for hunting. Excitedly, Myles spent the entire day carving away at the outer bark of a poor tree for target practice whilst his father and a small hunting party set off to investigate reports of a local pack of Grimm that had been causing trouble in the area. As the sun set and dusk began to settle upon the unusually quiet forest, a heavy sense of dread and unease spread around the camp, having heard no word from the hunting party that left earlier in the day. Dread turned to grief when word of the hunting party whereabouts finally reached the camp, as news that Myles father alongside many other did not survive the encounter. Amongst the few survivors was Markus W’rren, a close friend of Myles father and his right-hand man, who blamed the tragedy on a simple misinformation of the number of Grimm. The days that followed the incident were full of sorrow, as many members alongside Myles and his mother, grieved the losses of close friends and loved ones.

It wasn’t long after that a new leader was elected; Markus W’rren. As Hyal’s former right-hand man, Markus had served the group loyally at Hyal’s side ever since the group had initially formed, and had shown enough leadership potential over the years to mark him as the next best candidate behind Hyal. However, the transition in leadership was far from simple, and caused many problems throughout the ranks of members. Unlike Hyal, Markus held a more ironfisted approach and his ideals were far more skewed and misguided. His leadership brought about chaos and disorder and soured the groups reputation, as raids became far more violent and bloodier. The moral code Myles father had established quickly faded, and word of the groups shift in leadership brought waves of new recruits of a more rougher crowd. Those that chose to leave the group were marked as traitors, and often times killed or run out of Mistral entirely. Under Markus’s leadership, the group became known as the Iron Clasp, a clan of marauding and merciless bandits and outlaws.

Life in the Iron Clasp became a living hell for Myles. His mother Riona struggled to keep Myles far from the violence and bloodshed, and it wasn’t long before his own innocence was tainted. As much as he despised what the group had become, the life of an outlaw and a hunter had been all he had ever been taught since birth. Leaving came with the risk of uncertainty in finding a new life outside of being an outlaw, and his own personal safety as well as his mothers become a growing threat with the thought of abandoning the Iron Clasp, as to be branded a traitor was in a sense a death sentence should they remain in Mistral. Regret for his actions throughout his time in the Iron Clasp and the blood on his hands constantly gnawed at him (and continues to do so), yet he pushed on for years as a means of providing for himself and his mother. This changed however when his mother became increasingly sick, with little aid from medicinal herbs or treatments. Realizing that should his mother succumb to her illnesses, her last memories of her beloved son would be the heinous deeds he committed under the Iron Clasp. Moved to do good by his mother, he arranged passage for himself and his mother out of Mistral aboard a transport vessel, and in the dead of night, the two escaped the clutches of the Iron Clasp and left behind the only home either of them ever knew.

Soon after they arrived at Vale, a completely new land full of new discoveries for two. As the two struggled to make a living in this unknown land, they caught word of a unique academy that would provide Myles with the opportunity to hone his semblance, and would put his particular skill set to good use. With just enough convincing from his mother, Myles reluctantly agreed to apply and see where this supposedly prestiges Huntsman training might take him.
“I grew up in Mistral, didn’t like how things were handled there, and decided to move here. What else is there to know?”

Let me know if there's anything you guys think I should change or want me to adjust! It's been a while since I've written up a proper backstory and character sheet for a character, so I hope it's good!
Crimson Heelia

  • “M-my name? Wasn't it on the application… Crimson, Crimson Heelia!”

    “I'm 18 Alright…”

    If you can't tell what I am, I am: “I'm female…”

    “I'm a Faunus don't my ears give it away?! What kind? Well, my mom was a monkey, and my dad was a cat… I kind of have a bit of both in me…”

    My orientation is:

    “N-None of your Business!”

    I am about:

    “ 5’5” I'm not too tall am I?”

    I weigh about:

    “…mumble… I-I did say! W-what do you mean you couldn't hear me…. O-one ninety two… 192ibs alright! I'm not fat! These Prosthetics weigh nearly 70ibs all together!”

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Imagine the red as purple. (I will also have pics when they talk... so imagine purple and black.)
Name: Iris Ebony
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Team: VERM
Country of origin: Mistral
Motivation: Wants Faunus to live peacfully with Humans
Human/faunus: Human
Sexual Orientation: Completely Lesbian
Semblance: WIP
Skills/talents: WIP
Personality: WIP
Bio: Unkown at this point.

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